[(Hair Care)] Japanese Gyaru Colorful Hair Dyeing History|Karahuruheasi Nofa Ran Menoli Shi Wojiao E

ギャルユニットBLACK DIAMONDのあおちゃんがカラフルヘアのかも染め歴史を語る!ブリーチ・ケア等

Japanese gyaru AOCHAN talks about her multicolor hair dyeing.


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風香 / Fuka : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCo4TA...

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ななこね / Nanakone : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCTxEz...

ギャル文化専用チャンネルAVANT GYARUDE:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCk9rz...

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Hello, this is Aochan Today I want to talk about my hair care and the history of my hair colors About Hair Dyeing. Until recently, I've been doing whitish colors for my hair, but recently I'm into having it streaked, Putting randomly the high light and low light colors and the inside will be with color or gradation. The reason why I liked white was it would look like a westerner, and all I had to do was dye here. So keeping it was easy. That is why I kept doing whitish colors, but when I did red after white it was horrible. The red color would not come off and it was terrible. So if anyone wants to do red either use it in hair extension or something It's not really good. If you do it on your own hair, since bleaching, it is so hard, but red was cute, though, About Hair Care About hair care.. I'Ve been using an oil called Loretta for two or three years now: 1800yen at Don Quijote. You add it on before hair dry. Doing it makes a total difference. My hair is so damaged that without it, my fingers won't go through. Nor can I blow dry it After using it. The blow dry works great and you get silky hair., It's good How to dye your hair When in junior high. I was dyeing my own hair or bleaching it, but it would show different colors, so I would recommend going to the salon. If you only want to color the tip of your hair. Doing by yourself shouldn't be a problem. The color butter and Manic Panic, which is included in manicures. These are the two types when adding in basic colors I heard color butter can be mixed with different colors, but it has a down side of the color not coming off. So I believe using the manicure type is better to use. Please try it out which hair color. Do you want to try? I want to make the color really white and short to look like K-pop star, I really like K-pop, so I want to try it, but since I already added in low light making it white will be so hard. Streaking itself is pretty hard to align the colors. If you are thinking of changing colors, it's better not to do two tone, colors or streaks, It will be hard to align the colors, Go conservative and try milk tea color. It'S cute About hair accessories. My trademark are these cat ears. There are so many types.. I don't have that many, but I want to buy more to increase it. The cat ears are cute with pony tails or curls. Please try it out. There are more videos, so please check them out as well. Hello, I'm Aochan. Today I'll show you what's inside my daily bag, Cosmetics, pouch, An item, a gyaru can't live without., So many stuff in there Only my emergency kits are inside here., Not everything. Powder and lipsticks For the lipsticks. This cute orange-ish pink, is my recent favorite. It'S like this

Meikuma: Please, please, more of her in the future! <3 <3 Love her!

Que Sela Vie: ギャルのイメージを良い意味で変えてくれる、ハキハキした声や話し方が好きになりました!(*^o^*)

kawaii girl: we would love to to see more videos of her

Michelle -: I would love to see more of her videos! ♡♡

LeylaUmmels: I used to dye my hair red for a long time, then did only dipdye red, when I bleached it for a bigger dip dye it became green lol! then I put purple over it and you did not notice, but it would fade to green again, pretty cool! now I have peacock dipdye. purple to blue to green, love it! did it today haha, will upload a tutorial soon ;)

SML: Whoa, lovely face, hair and makeup aside, what I noticed is she seems so calm and confident :D I'm getting leader-vibes from her. She's cool <3

Paola C: I have been wondering for a long long time why is Aochan's style (especially her makeup) so different from other Black Diamond members... I still love her, though! ❤️

YukinaXYupina: She's the prettiest gyaru I've ever seen.

blondiexo: She is so gorgeous!

いくね: この子ハキハキ喋るしすき

Dee Carter: I love her facial features!!! Very girlish and dainty.

Chae-young Park: 너무 이뻐요

讚華: She's super cute! Is there gonna be any makeup tutorial from her in the near future?

佐木み: 話し方すごく聞きやすくて素敵です(*^^*)

Gerðr: She's so pretty and bold, no wonder Aochan is so popular! But she also speaks incredibly fast, I had to check the settings to see if it wasn't sped up lol

KarYan Lam: I love her hair color

松野カラ子: 声が癒される…。かわいい!

kawaii girl: she is the most pretty and cute girl in kawaiipanteen

bobochauu: want more of her!!!!

Y Waterhouse: Today I bleached and dyed my hair but it turned out to be such a vibrant red I had to dye my hair black, red is a hard color indeed haha

管理人: すごい綺麗!!

めろあす: かわいいー! 喋り方が好き!

うっちーTWICE - 사랑해요 -: ギャルの中で初めて性格良さそうって思ったw

Cantarella 000: OMG she's so pretty!

Eduardo Sangphilio: she's so pretty! kawaii

TK D0LL: she's the prettiest iv seen on this channel

roofoochoo: Congrats on almost 300k!!!

lolo76mj: I'd like to know how she curl her hair :3 Thanks for this video :D

こたつむり: 本当に丁寧に色々話してくれるの好きだな。

SuzieBoo54: omg she's so pretty!

Mimikyuuu: halloween is coming, some tuts on creepy and/or cute makeup looks please >w< the chinese midautumn festival is coming soon too! maybe a moon rabbit look???

お豆腐。: あおちゃん可愛すぎる

れんのん: あおちゃん可愛いー!

Maddie: I love gyaru!

s s: 派手髪可愛いです(ノ´▽`)ノ

ヘドバンギャー: あたしも白から赤にして色抜くのすごい大変だった!気持ちめっちゃわかるww

すん: 可愛すぎる

Kimberly Pérez Arana: She is so beautiful

久保夏海: あおちゃんかわいいから好きー

yukio: あおちゃん、可愛い

SaurusRahwr: Shes my new idol <3

田中優: 地毛に赤いれるとブリーチするの大変って初めて知った! てかあおちゃんさん美容師さん良さそう笑

theflowergod: Shes def my fav and mumu too!

theflowergod: Shes def my fav and mumu too!

R: あおちゃんの声がすごい好き あかりんの声も好き(*¨*)

angel Michaelis: Is she wearing contacts? She's beautiful I wish I knew what contact lens she's wearing

babushka: She's so pretty... Oh god...

yuyuxx r: あおちゃんを知ってギャルを好きになった

Luna Monbebe: She's so pretty! >.< I have 7 pairs of cat ears And everyone hates them

joia: Ughh she is so pretty!

みるくろーる: あおちゃんかわいい

ねむいちゃん: やっぱ可愛い

ささくれ: あおちゃんかわいいーハマった

sewata: あおちゃんめちゃくそかわいいすき

DRAGONROOT QIU: Aochan is so cute does she have an instagram account?

Paulina Gnecco: She is like the female version of Nam Woohyun.

奏汰ふじしゃき: KAWAII PATEENで唯一可愛い、めっちゃ可愛い

成瀬: 話し方すきー

Lolatana: Is there a make up tutorial from her on this channel ?

milkmancatcher: I’m sorry but Aochan is my favorite (I’m in love)

vvgghブラック: あおちゃん可愛い

jjari030: she is so pretty

夏目るな: あおちゃん好き!!!!!!!!!

黒猫ジジ🐈‍⬛: かわい♡

りいち: 爪同士が当たる音好き

Sha・Ne・Ru: あおちゃんのメイクを使い方を知りたいです!すぎの動画お願いします!

어녕이: きれい~♡♡♡

りほあいさき: かっこいい!

Jacqueline: I would leave every man in the world for her

Bente Moonhunter: I'm sorry, but hearing about that oil only makes me think it's packed with silicones and thus bad for her hair. I would advise her to cut away the damage, because there's nothing that will repair it.

ぽめ: 黒染めしちゃったんですけど、やっぱりブリーチは難しいですかね?(´;ω;`)

やの: かわいい

美香相田: 今度あおちゃんのメイクみてみたいです!

quixotic sonnet: I like her hair as it is, though.

PI DA: kpop好きなんですね!! 可愛いですもんね!

璃夢「: え、かわいい

洩矢あき: 喋り方すこ。 ハキハキ喋ってて聞きやすい。

アバンティーズ大好き: 可愛

plasticmoonlight1999: ケロって聞こえるのがかわいい。全てかわいい

Natasha CES: I would love to know what kpop she likes!

Annie Leonhart: Did she get a nose job? It looks slightly less rounded... but she's still cute!

オレンジさんクソニート: あおちゃんが着てるスポンジボブの服ってどこのブランドの服ですか?? 誰でもいいので教えてください(>_<)

_りな: ケーポ好きなんだ ♡

peemoo ping: I like her.

RIN_2012: あおちゃん大好き❤️

m m: 意外とまだコメ少なかった!(((ちょっと嬉しいw

ebi彩ちゃん推しの女: ギャル=髪いたんでる

ayakaあやか: K-POP好きなんですか!! どのグループが好きなんですか??

ぬーんらぶ ももた: あおちゃんぺの中学の時の先生いま担任だよー 先生がいってたっ

ChingLish: Japanese Janette McCurdy?

僕ドラえもん: 可愛いしいい子そうだけど 目が笑ってなくてなんか。

のちこ: 滑舌よしこ

🐶えぬ、: はるかちゃんだけでいーいー

むうま。: 揚げ足取るようですみません。 メッシュじゃなくてアッシュじゃないんですか?

!ゆ: 目が笑ってない

Roze: LJCなんですけど、受験終わったらちょっと茶髪にしたいんです! けど高校は染めちゃダメで…黒染めつかったらホントに真っ黒になって不自然ですか? 黒染めすると髪がキシキシになるってほんとですか? 黒染めにしないで暗い茶色とかにすればあんま目立たないですか??

ddd aiguro: スポンジボブ

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