Hair Journal Page 18 Day 2

Comic book creator, movie maker, painter, Dad, and part-time Hobbit living in Franklin, TN

Check out my movie Animal Crackers on Netflix!

Hello is everybody doing tonight. I am still trying to get live. Hang on a second here, because you think it is time to retire the travel brushes. Are you kidding, i think, they've starting to get a little worn out? Wow, i'm not holding a point anymore. So i thought i'll try the etcher lab once nixie is here and says: howdy hello, that's my wig and bear and hillary and sushi roll and goosebumps and krishna and al wazar with jaclyn and ava and camber and abigail and emma's. Here, happy saturday, oh my god! So many of you bethany's here she running the ringers and all of a sudden everyone's here. This is my first time watching your live stream: hello, hey from virginia richard's! Here, hey richard, hey richard um and breathed on it. I'M trying to go fast um. How are you we're good? Thank you is that v i love it's v's hair. Yes, i i i told v i was gon na borrow their hair and they said they were delighted to be my hair, muse yeah, which was cute um, but yes, uh. When i think of non-binary, i do think of v, but i wanted to make sure that it wasn't just v, so their hair will be uh red with freckles and they have a cochlear implant. Uh scott is using a zebra brush. Pen v is from tick tock under the desk news and they are fantastic. All right, i'm going to try. I got this set from etra labs. They sent me some paint brushes, so i'm going to try them because i am retiring. The uh travel brushes. They are getting a bit old. You made me get back into art. Thank you. Okay, uh. I use a zebra brush pen um these pens for my um inky, okay, trinidad tobago is represented. Canada'S represented nice. Everybody you guys are all from everywhere here tonight. Is the background going to be the envy colors? I i think i was gon na. Do the bow tie with the nb colors, but we'll see i never know what colors i'm going to do until i do them currently 1am in the uk, and emma would know that because she's one of our mods in blesser she's here, where do you get your Stencils from today, people want to know oh um, i get them from the art store, but i did put a link to some in my in my art supplies list. Twinkies here from germany, um to healthy, is here a miniature pinter watching your shorts made me appreciate. It, oh fantastic. Yes, it is for pride. Yes, this is day three of pride um, though technically we also have a drag queen and we have a trans person, but they weren't done during pride, canada, you've inspired me. I'Ve drawn you know so happy. I found your channel. Oh thank you! Um! Let'S see hi friends how's it going! That'S moonpie! Oh! That guy says hello from hawaii. Oh nice um! I'M fine wants you to do a hair journal about the anxiety or mental illness. If i can come up with an idea of how to do that, i will oh erica's here. She says good evening, big hugs dawn and scott on a 15-minute break. Oh hi, erica america was so good. Seeing your face last night. She popped into the discord. Oh, that's great yeah. Would you consider the agender colors one of the colors is green and that would go great with the red hair um and does fall into the non-binary non-binary when used as an umbrella term? Okay, so that is uh. Is there a particular green? I don't know hi from winkler: manitoba. Oh hello, um, hello. For the second time i love your shorts and your streams, and i come to you from nova, scotia canada, where we are waiting for thunderstorms. Oh thank you and welcome to my friends in the north. Uh may there be bisexual pride at some point. Maybe i know it's hard to fit on sexuality, but i feel bisexual covers a lot as an umbrella yeah. I would definitely like to i'm just with two pages left. I don't know if i will, but we will see. Are you proud of your hair journal? I am it's. It'S i've learned a lot. You can see the things i've learned over the time from my first one to the last one here. Let me get a blow dryer, okay, so um barry. This one is non-binary very exhausting. This one is nb um, hello. Mr scott, i would like to know what advice you have on upcoming artists. What kind of advice are you looking for a mask on yeah um lazura is from it's either la or louisiana another person from trinidad hi scott from malaysia, wow, hello, everybody you guys are just. We are a worldwide melting pot tonight. Your shorts are so inspiring. Thank what color are you using please? This is currently windsor orange and all of the colors that i use are in my art supplies list. How do you handle live streams i get nervous, so i want to hear from a professional uh, i'm a professional nervous person. Uh kidding, he totally is yeah yeah, i personally um it just takes a little while and it does help to have a partner who is willing to handle the phone call or the the reading. The comments thank you hi, i'm the partner, um heather stickle, says i am in my 50s and finished my first sketchbook since college, thanks to following you, wow, trying to draw every day way to go heather. Thank you. It'S i'd just love to hear that, especially from a fellow gen xer um, only two pages left wow. Now the mercury is in the middle of thunderstorms odd, because here in colorado it's been really dry, hello from australia, hello, several people who were on their first live blow, dryer uh all right, so you can see with the second pass of yellow what i'm doing is. I'M deciding where the lighting is coming from. I decided lighting's going to come from the sides, but i didn't put enough. I didn't make it yellow enough. I think some of that is just because it's a new paint brush and i don't know how much water or paint it can hold. So i'm going to go a little bit darker guys. We love all of your suggestions. I just there's only two pages left in the hair journal, so scott's got all the suggestions, and really it just comes down to how he can match the photo reference to. What he's trying to draw that day, and also a lot of it is, is trying to how do you represent? It represent somebody in a respectful way. Yes, uh. Can you do a video on how to do emotions that would be really helpful. Emotions um. That'S a good one hi from france, hello. I absolutely love the idea of the hair journal. I hope one day i can do her hair as well as you can and make my own. Oh totally, i'm sure you can from nevada. We have love from namibia hi from atlanta blow dryer all right now. Let'S add some pink to it. Okay, hannah says hello from ontario, california, and michelle says hello from the oregon coast, which, by the way, is absolutely beautiful out there, hello, claire's from the grand cayman islands wow i love to draw, but i can't do heads. Can you give me some tips? That'S isaac and i think you have to yeah. There should be some in the art, hacks playlist, so check that out. Margarita from british columbia is here, hello, marguerite. It usually takes two days for scott it's three hours to finish. One of these hair journal pieces because there's a double page right and it's an hour and a half for the pens and inks and an hour and a half for the cactus mccoy says hi from turkey, hello, cactus mccoy. That sounds like a very western name, though, and steph nerd retracted a message uh-oh one of our mods retracted, a message: um scott does not use procreate, so i don't know how helpful he would be in giving you tips on that. Okay, so libby's asked me a couple of times: how would you describe your art style? I love it. You know there's a video, that's called my art is a mosaic and really, i think, it's hard to describe your art style when you have incorporated so many different people throughout your years. There'S a little bit of art nouveau, there's a little bit of comic book. There'S a little bit of movie poster all the things that i kind of looked up to so it it's it's kind of just a combination of a bunch of different things, blow dryer um. Let'S see spark shorts wants you to try doodle graffiti art and a couple people have to go and make dinner. Oh okay, and i have no idea how to draw a paint i've always wanted to, but never knew how i greatly enjoy watching your lives and shorts. So, thank you. That'S what i say. Oh my pleasure. Let'S see anybody can do it. It just takes a little bit of practice. Uh jay thorne lawrence, i'm here for the painting and it's morning hello from australia, hello floof is drawing a duck from spirited away, but my art supplies are limited. Would you like to see it after the stream? I would love to um. Scott did digital art, but he did it years ago. Hi. I love your art, i'm actually drawing right now, after watching your colored pencil tutorial. Oh thank you very much. Ducky says hello from the uk smith says hello. Skatepark make a blow dryer highlight reel. That'S funny! Um, let's see your voice is very calming. It comes to me during an explosive anxiety attack. Thank you. That'S cute, my pleasure. Thank you. Chris says hello from sweden. I try to draw every day. I take pictures of things i want to draw, but i'm still working on my neurographic art, which is so fun to draw that sounds fun. It does um, okay, so jay-z pickles says: do they like live stream at the same time on all sorts of social media. That'S crazy amounts of comments, um. No. We are here on youtube. This is just youtube, yep, that's it! It gets worse if we did like tick tock. At the same time, we tried to do that. We did it for a while. It is i there's no way. I can answer comments: yeah tick, tock. We had the mods at one point: we're moving questions over here, all right blow. Dryer. Okay, you don't know in libby divvy. There are hair tips and suggestions for drawing eyes. There'S two videos there in the art, hacks playlist. You can check those out. Arnold says hi from france, thanks for the inspiration and sharing doubts and creating failing process as long as we have fun learning that from you thanks a lot. Oh thank you! Um! Oh stephanie made a typo. That'S why she retreated. I like how she had to clarify that, for you, northern ireland says hi hello, how's it going up there all right. I am not going to go pink because i already have the trans is pink amy, w wolfe says the windsor newton watercolor travel set was 44. Now it's back to 34.. Okay! Thanks for that, amy! That'S great! If anybody wants to pick that up, i still liked it better when it was uh. 34. 25 yeah yeah. What inspired you to do the hair journal that was honestly just an accident. It was just an accident and what had happened was um. I had started with this with this just half on this side over here and then i went oh, i could have drawn like on this side and had it continue so then i did this one and i really liked it uh, and then i did this one And liked it so then i went back and i cut out this page moved it over here and then continued that and then then it kind of became okay. I was like i've got uh. I should probably do an asian person, so i did that and then it was like okay, what about indigenous person and then hispanic and then it so it started to become: let's try to represent different people from around the world and then we got transgender. We have someone with a hijab and and then it just kind of grew, but it was really a joint effort. It wasn't me it was us talking during the live and what should we do next and what? What is this? And what about that - and i really love that - i love the the fact that it was kind of um, a group project - okay, um hello, from ohio, hello. I have it as my phone wallpaper thank you. Um artist, danny wheat's, been drawing for nine years. I got discouraged and you made me want to start up again: oh good good, i'm glad you're starting up again. Sorry am trying to do this from around two different cameras. Amazing sophie bell sent you a tip. So oh thank you sophie. How are you doing um? What would you say to an artist who always compares themselves to another artist and always feels insecure about themselves? Oh you're, an artist you're, an artist i'm i was i have that is on my to-do list for a video, is the insecurity that we have as artists and always comparing ourselves to other artists. It'S it's it's something that we all do: okay, um. I think this is fl4dd and then there's another long name, happy lunchtime from aotearoa new zealand wow discovered your channel about a month ago and really enjoy the hair journal. Work you share with us. Thank you. I meant to send this message with that's a sophie you're. So cute she's so funny uh libby, i'm trying thanks um. Are you good at digital art? No, i mean i'm i'm a wizz at photoshop. Oh he's totally awesome, but i i am. I don't even have a wacom tab, but i i used to have one but um. I'Ve been thinking of trying it out for fun um. He has never actually taken a drink out of his paint cup, but he's almost put his paintbrush in his teeth. Could you do a video of how to ink hair? I think you did do a video, i think so. Yeah you guys. Scott just loves, hair, long, hair, shorter hair, flowing hair, all kinds of hair. That'S why he's was drawn to the hair journal and the more flowing the better ah drawn to it nice you like that and um. Oh thank you box, tv, the art nouveau movement and the flowing of the hair in some of those paintings from like alphonse mooca. That'S where he gets his inspiration from idiot fish says what is this one inspired by because you have different cultures and stuff. So what is this one? Based on this? One is an envy, a non-binary person, so the thing about these paint brushes. I think these bristles are a little too soft for me. Jay-Z likes the um shading on the painting that you're doing. Oh. Thank you. Um, shannon there's a whole video called my art mosaic, and that will help you give you an idea on how scott found his art style our mark off um. I don't think i've ever taken a second journalist to say thank you, scott. I haven't really drawn it over a year but discovering you has finally pushed me to pick up a pencil. Oh thank you good for you. What'S the blow dryer count, i wasn't. Oh, i don't know um as a non-binary person. I'M loving this so far, oh thanks! When you do urban sketching, how do you do the people, because i struggle with giving them the right amount of detail, and sometimes they look like mobs uh? If you notice, i really very rarely will do people unless it's like you, know donna, sitting and uh having tea with me, and i just take a photograph. I take a photograph and then i even if i'm sitting right next to her, i will take a photograph and i will look down at my photograph because that way, people don't have to stand still because they're not going to stand still, and i think that's just Easier to do that, it's a tool that we have we might as well use it blow, dryer all right. That went all the way into the that to this page yeah that one just took a dive over there. Um mask on says mr saga. I have been drawing for 10 years now and i started drawing um the art of people and i would love for you and everyone to see one day saying hello from mississippi. Oh thank you. I would love to see it tag us if you post it online um zevis, as i love your videos so much because they've helped me learn how to use watercolor because i've never used um. I used to never use watercolor because i could never understand how to get them to work. For me, oh well, i hope you're, i hope you're enjoying it now palm trees says hi from the usa, hello, music says i love your hairdressing work. Thank oh will. You says: hey: i made it for once good morning, both of you good morning, good afternoon and good evening, um yeah, i don't think scott will ever get back into digital art, but never say never right. Now i think he's uh. I was actually i had a meeting uh last week with a company called infinite canvas and they wanted me to maybe do some some stuff. I don't know if you guys have ever heard of infinite canvas any tips on how to get good art supplies without spending. Much money, no yeah, coupons, discount stores, we've. I have heard a lot of people say: the dollar store, has some wonderful finds lately that um, i don't know if you're in the united states or outside of the united states, but there are some wonderful places. You can look just try, thrift stores and things like that. What is your favorite drawing in the hair journal? Well, it was the trans one, but i think the the lesbian one has been has kind of captured my heart uh. Have you ever had a bad or discouraging experience with an art teacher? If so, what happened then? Did you learn anything from it? Um you know yeah i was, i think. Every experience with every teacher i've had was bad because i'm a horrible student, he really is um so and it was all their fault, not mine, but uh, i think um, i don't i. I don't think i learned from having a bad experience other than that that maybe it's me um, do you have any tips for a still life painting that cozy in the clouds is going to be having to do for their art class um? Is this the one that had to be done in two hours, because i think we talked about that blow? Dryer um, no um gaelix was um drawing for a few years and was getting discouraged and annoyed by my art, not improving. I found your channel in the hair journal and gave me the inspiration to keep going. You were amazing. Oh that's! Wonderful! Thank you! Um scott uses winsor and newton watercolors. That'S what he's using to do draw someone from an arab background. Um. We have someone in a head job, yeah um, so i can do a flip through as soon as he's done. I went right to it. Actually, oh you did okay um, do you have any plans to do a buy drying or heavy deadline? I have not yet is art school worth it? This is not the same color um that depends on how well you learn. Scott is using an etcher sketchbook that he was gifted to try it and believe me. When i tell you he has tried to mutilate, this paper tried to make the paper be so full of water and basically bring it out like a sponge, and it's held up really well. Maroon is what i was looking for. Gosh. You know what i just put that one in my pocket the other day it was so pretty. I took it upstairs. It is a pretty color, it's like a wine color, which is why it's a pretty color, okay and then, of course, the cap doesn't want to go back on and maria says wow. I love your drawings. I hope you have a nice day guys. Thank you. You too hi scott and donna i was wondering. Is there any way to counteract shadowing that is too dark from san francisco uh shadowing in a watercolor painting, i believe so. If so um, you can always just add a little bit of water. If you just want to lift up, some of the color does not have a drawing tablet. I have a few of your paintings as my lock screen and it really cheers about my day after my exams. Oh thank you. I watched animal crackers today and i really liked it are you planning to do a sequel? Thank you. We are hoping to do a sequel, we're talking about funding presently, there's a big difference between planning and doing so we'll just say we're hoping correct that we can at least for now. Do you have one of the small wooden mannequins? No, i never really liked those they're kind of creepy. The tiny orange line made me cry. Uh finland says you pushed me out of my art block. Thank you. Oh my pleasure stephanie says scott. You should have used some of that washington hi from michigan, hello. Scott has a video on how to get out of an artist's slump, so you guys can check that out. Thank you, mods for putting that in um. Let'S see, no donna does not do art donna journals, um writing journals and i love pens. If you do get funding for a sequel, would you be interested in voicing a character this time around? I don't think so. Um i like being behind the scenes. It'S hard enough for me to do the videos. I don't think i would want to waste everybody's time with me getting all the lines that i wrote wrong. That'S the most frustrating thing is i write my own lines for the videos and i could still screw it up and not remember it and like it's one sentence, how can you know i don't know? Well, you wrote it. I know okay um, no scott, not that i'm wearing have you ever used a program such as pose my art for posing reference. No i've never heard of that. I'Ve done like jazz's, 3d pose or thing, but not for reference. That'S a good one says: according to the rules of animal crackers, that a blue haired guy only maintains blue eyebrows when turning into an animal. Is there no chance for a ginger turning into a fully red panda, uh, there's totally a chance for that uh. We should have petunia turn into a red, panda, huh pandora. I really want to watch animal crackers. It seems so chaotic, it's quite methodical if you think about it. Um, let's see i like korean maroon, says marguerite. We don't talk about the corner of forgotten paintings. You mean the corner of shakes they're answering all these questions. It'S so cute. You guys are so great they're asking you about the car on your desk and where you get the photo reference blow. Dryer bullet man definitely is my favorite any tips for studying realism. Where do you start, i especially struggle with where light and darks would be um. For me, realism was always just looking at a photo and just copying it so um. If it's a technique thing like then there's a video on that for pencil. If that's what you're? Looking for but other than that, the light in the dark is in the photo for your last page. You should do a self-portrait with a detailed background of art supplies like floating paint, blobs, brushes, etc. That'S a great idea, but he's never gon na. Do it yeah, though, the idea of giving myself a mullet on the last page was kind of funny? What was something you absolutely did not enjoy to draw, but had to finish? Oh gosh, there's i mean i get a lot of um commissions and uh and and lots of times you know the photos aren't the best, but you know you you make the best of it. Dylan says my god. I ran out of tea. It helps me draw that's, not good, you need to get up and go get t right now, that's terrible! You can't run up to um sophia says, even though i mean the digital arts. I like to watch your videos because they inspire me greetings from mexico. Oh, thank you. Um. Do you get much hate and how do you handle it um? I really don't get much hate anymore um, but the way that i usually handle it is. I just um i mean if, if it's, if it looks like someone wants to start a conversation, then i'll have the conversation with them. But if it is just someone just being either racist or something like that or just being a jerk i'll, just block them and move on and never think of them again blow dryer scott are photos necessary to commission you or would you view a drawn stylized reference As a fun challenge um, i always work from photos, so i i don't know if i, if someone said look, i don't care what it looks like. I want you to draw something out of your head, then, okay, but i'm always worried that someone's not gon na. Like it, and so, if i don't like it, i'm gon na be even more worried, but if someone just wants to commission something out of my head i'll i'll do it, i guess i just um, i don't think you're getting my best work. Scott prefers photo reference. I do like i said i can draw out of my head. I just don't because i think the work that i do from photo reference is better. Okay, um. The orange smear is exactly that. It'S an orange smear yeah. It was just when the blow dryer the blow dryer blew the paint and misses. I am also out of tea in my mug, not the house. Thank god, not the house, you're you're british. You can't be out in the house. Isn'T that like punishable by, like i don't know putting you in the tower of london or something every household in england, must have three boxes of tea. You may not go below that. When did you know you wanted to be an artist, i think in high school? In my surrounding my senior year, you know the the they start telling you you know. Well what are you going to do? Where are you going to go to college and i think that's when things started to uh, be like oh well, i guess i'll. Do this um? Thank you for answering my question as an 11 year old artist. Who is new to all of this? You have helped me and thanks to you, i found my love for watercolor and my art has improved so much how fantastic 11 years old you have so much to do. You'Re gon na have so much fun. Richard says watching minnie esmeralda, the loader sending it like. 300 miles per hour, have you tried castle arts, watercolor they're, my go-to and vibrant from washington state? No there's a whole bunch of people are telling me. I need to try uh it's is it jelly gouache or something like that? Um? How many more pages do you have in the hair journal? There'S only two more left: you can be the viking in your own hair journal. Do you ever feel pressure to create your own style of drawing? I think you have yeah yeah. I think we always feel pressure to have a style. What'S your favorite part about working with watercolor that maybe you don't get with other media uh the unpredictability things like that? What was something you absolutely did not enjoy to draw, but had to finish. You asked me that already you did yeah okay, good. That means i'm sort of caught up what has been your most ambitious project. Uh. I think the um, the movie poster for animal crackers. Have you replaced your stolen hairdryer? Oh yeah, the minute i realized it was gone. I had to go get another one, because i knew it wasn't coming back ever what are some ways of practicing art that you've used like a way of finding your style? Oh, i i think um doing smaller paintings quicker, definitely helps because i think you learn with every finished piece and so for people who spend like two weeks on a painting you're only getting that experience once where. If i do two paintings a day for two weeks, i've now got 28 paintings that i've learned something from, and so i think that is for me. The best thing is to do that. I think the other thing is is to be able to walk away from a painting, even if it's, even if you don't like it or it's not done or whatever, and just go all right well time to move on to the next one. I think that's been really helpful blow dryer all right. Let'S give them some questions. If you look at scott's, um art supply list, those are his favorite colors that he uses all the time, and i don't even know if you have your first watercolor painting. Do you um dylan's asking i i mean i took watercolor in uh college and i do have it if you guys want to see it. Can you draw a viking with a beard and a ponytail i've been trying to get him to draw a bikini for a week yeah. I think that's next. Your work feels so much more genuine than the other artists. I'Ve seen. Well, that's very kind of you. Thank you. The pledger nt is part of our religion that everyone just discovered we now have. It is true indeed so, should i go dig out my first watercolor it's from college, so that's nineteen. Eighty nine, i think, um david, says you've inspired me to draw with watercolor for the first time. Thank you i'm having so much fun, oh good, how do you see shadows light on dark or dark on light? It'S a concept! My art teacher started talking about. That'S colette um. I i see shadows as dark on light. Were you ever bullied? Oh yeah yeah. That'S that's especially growing up in the 70s yeah yeah bullying was just that's the way it was um. Dylan. Also says you look watercolor. No thanks. You consider putting a bald person into it or someone it literally just kept going wow and sorry everybody for that. That was just sorry, uh, there's a bald person, someone dealing with alopecia or cancer um, i'm a team artist and your work really inspires me to get better. I hope i can be as good as you one day. Okay, my very first watercolor painting. Do you need to dry every layer, or is that something that you choose to do it's something i choose to do. That'S my style short attention span theater all right here we go. Let'S see if i have to have no that's it. Anybody know who that is. This is from 1988, look at them all. No, no! No! No! No! It'S a person cute gives me a mega vibe, i'm waiting joey, who did heather heather gets it yeah. We love you heather yeah. What brand of watercolor did you use in the 70s? Oh god? I don't know it was the 80s here's a here's, another hair band. This is rather oh, my god, you guys. This was in high school, though see look at that i hadn't perfected, my signature yet sir, that predates me. I think it predates about eighty percent of you here, i'm only sixteen, i already feel old. Oh god, do you like to give each of your paintings unique personalities? No, no! I don't even like to name them. Okay. What happened here hi here we go. It reminded me of the twisted group yeah: is that cheers for fears? No tears for fears is in this book. It says holy rap saw them in concert. Oh yeah, tears for fears is the doors. Oh, my gosh guys there we go ask tears for fears. When did you start committing your time to doing art um? Well, this kind of art was august 2020. I started going online and doing this. Oh online yeah, yeah august of 2020 and then i joined in january of 2021 um respect. Tiana says i feel like an idiot for asking this, but are you married but you, but you are married right. I remember hearing the answer and immediately forgetting yes, yeah. That'S my wife, you're hearing reading the comments all right, um i have paintbrush to use. I don't see it on the website. I'Ve been using um, they are on the website, it's these travel brushes, which apparently are now dead yeah, but they lasted almost a year. That'S amazing! Uh! Before you get excited, i don't think scott's gon na do art critiques on the discord. I think he'll. He will definitely see your art, but i i don't like critiques i like to encourage people uh, but i i don't like to tell anybody that they're doing anything wrong, because there is no doing anything wrong in art all right, um colors, so struggling with bad creative Block, i'm hoping you can help um. I can try, there's a video on block in my channel in the playlist, the art, hacks playlist, okay, it's leviosa says maybe a weird question, but my baby brother loves drawing but often gets frustrated with himself. If his drawing isn't perfect any tips for him, yeah, there's no such thing as perfect and he's only six, i mean he's he's six, so scott's like got 50 years of practice. So please tell your brother not to compare himself to anybody. That is over six years old. That is not fair because he doesn't have the experience. Okay, so the colors okay, they want a person holding a blow dryer a person holding a blow dryer for the last one or you blow drying your hair. For the last one. You people, oh michael's, online, shows the windsor newton, cotton and travel sets for thirty dollars and there's a 20 off. That'S jessica. Thank you, jessica, nice, one, sweet, oh, and if you join the discord, you have to be nice. Sorry, not sorry um. What should i do when i'm tired of an art style? How do you find a new one, oh um, what i tend to do is uh i'll, find somebody that whose art i like and then i will do some studies on them and that that usually really helps um kiritika art tour. Can you please have the next live session a bit late as it's 6 a.m? In india? Love you a lot, but i miss many sessions. I can't afford paid drawing classes, so i learned on youtube please and sorry for the inconvenience. Oh no problem, we do lives. We are, i don't know how many hours ahead you are i'm so sorry, probably i think it was 11 and a half they're, usually on the half. Okay, so we're here tonight um, we do monday wednesday friday at 9, 00 a.m, central time and saturday night at 7 pm central time. So maybe you can make it to one of those and if you can't all of the sessions are recorded and they go up as soon as we're done with the live they go up. So you can watch the floor yeah, you can watch them. There'S a live! Playlist, so you can, you won't miss a single one, yeah they're all there, so you can see it all. Do you mix on the page or on the palette on the page, um, okay, the next person who says that they're dumb in the comments i'm gon na block you? I don't want to hear anybody talking negative about themselves. That'S not cool! Do you guys ever feel old saying that mostly everyone in this chat is a teen? Okay, you i'm gon na block, you not teenagers, you don't scare me yeah, we've got. We'Ve got twin 19 year olds, so yeah you guys can't make us feel any older than we already feel exactly thanks to them. Trust me what things would you recommend a beginner to learn or keep in mind excellent question? Grace um draw everything every day. Don'T don't just draw stuff out of your head, so many so many people me i did this too will draw everything out of your head, trying to perfect that one original character or trying to get this just one way of doing something right, and i just don't Think that that's the most helpful thing joni hunt says this is looking fantastic. I just got here and we'll watch what i missed later. Also i'm 56. So not everyone hears me yay. Thank you show me love. You joni heather's, here too blow dryer. It'S out there completely stopped it's frozen, it's frozen, it's frozen, everybody says it's frozen. Okay and now i have to go back and do my settings again because it decided i was going to change my settings over there. I'M 57 and a newbie to watercolor says jacqueline. Oh good, welcome good for you. Never too late, i'm starting to try some watercolors too uh you're back you're back you're back my little sister turned 10 and she loves watching your videos and improved her art. So thanks! Oh that's, fantastic! Um! I enjoy watching you work! I'Ve been sleeping on my watercolors, and this makes me want to use them thanks for sharing that cc my pleasure um. Let'S see, how long did it take you to curate your perfect urban sketchbag. I can't seem to whittle my hair is real jessica. I feel you oops. This is not dry blow dryer. Okay, i think you're still curating your art bag. As you go, aren't you it's pretty, i'm pretty locked down to it. I am going to start. Do you think it took you to get it together? Oh i mean i had all of the things that i wanted before i got the bag, so it was just a matter of oh, i could fit this. I could fit that and then it was the little stuff like the pencil sharpener and the spanish coin, and things like that and the kneaded eraser. Let'S see but honestly, you know the bag is the most important thing you got to find the right one and then you go oh, i could fit this too or i can't fit these um happy sloths been trying to do art outside in nature. Recently, it's been very relaxing. Oh that's great lee says dude. I'Ve been drawing every day since your videos popped up. In my recommendations, your perspective has reinvigorated. Oh thank you, um, let's currently laughing at my cat trying to attack your hand and paint brush through the screen. That'S funny um. I am going backwards. Sorry about that, because i missed a bunch. The music that's playing in the background is just a it's like generic jazz, free, yeah, lo-fi, music, okay blow dryer. I tend to use acrylic paint but you're making me want to use my watercolor yuck. I hear acrylic paint, i got to say yuck, so that is a whole vibe honestly. So cozy jesse wants tips on colored pencil art. Please um. There is a video on that, there's actually a video on it. I did a lot of colored pencils over the years. Misty named the blow dryer already the blow, dryer's name is roger roger. How often do you replace your paint, brushes uh? These travel brushes have lasted me almost a full year without having to change. So today is the first day of me trying different brushes. This is the first time i've heard you say i need to change these brushes out yeah, so it's been a while. Is that blow dryer yours, or do you steal it from a bathroom drawer uh? I stole it from my wife yeah he did. I went to use the blow dryer one day and realized it wasn't there. So i just bought a new blow dryer um just here to say those vests. You always wear, look so snappy. Thank you very much. The i got one of them from a haberdashery in london. I love to say the word haberdashery uh orange grape soda is more of a writer, but i'm very interested in making a graphic novel one day and your art has really inspired me to practice. Creating. Oh, thank you. I love graphic novels. I'Ve made quite a few. Did you have graduation quotes at the end of high school? If, yes, what what were they? Okay, we graduated about 100 years ago, so i don't remember and yeah that my school didn't do quotes anyway. Should i start with gouache or watercolor asks meredith um, a dramatic tone? I think watercolor was a good starter and then you can move on to gouache, but it honestly just depends on your experience all right. I need a white jenna. I have a question at one point: did you ever stomp on your arc because it wasn't working out? Well, you obviously missed the video called the corner of shame. I'Ve ripped them. I don't think i've ever stomped them rip pieces up. Oh my god! People do not like that they don't like it. What is the hardest yet funnest thing to draw? Oh um, i don't know if i have an answer to that one, because usually, if it's hard, it's not fun, you know um, i think uh. I i i like very repetitive things like curls, like just like um like this one, where it's just tiny little curls curls curls, curls curls. I think that is hard and fun all right. What do you guys think? I think that came out pretty good um. Let'S see using the the nb colors marguerite's favorite brush is an escoda prado from spain. Oh that sounds cool all right now. I'Ve got to come up with complementary colors for the rest of it. Rat casserole says: watercolor used to be one of my least favorite mediums, but after watching your videos, i've started using it again, haha it's much more fun than i remember. Oh fun. How long have you done watercolor art for about 12 years now, before that i was digital and before that it was called it's colored pencils all right, i'm gon na just use the colors throughout and see. If that works, i saw a watercolor painter recommending a fanny pack. I think that would be too small for me. I don't know how they would get everything in a fanny pack. Have you seen how much crap scott puts in that yeah? I guess they obviously don't put their their actual either their canvas or their sketchbook or other into the paper yeah. I don't know what you could fit either. You'Ve got a really big fanny pack and a really big fanny to go with it or sorry. You can't say fanny pack without saying fanny: i am 11.. I love your artwork and i painted sketch myself you're an inspiration. Oh thank you. What'S your favorite music genre, probably 70s and 80s music kieran says hey scott first time, viewer here, you're so fun. Thank you. So much um, i love your content man. What do you think makes the pro winsor ending paint so expensive? Do you think they're worth the price you did the comparison. I did the comparison. I really couldn't tell the difference. Um from what i hear the the the light fastness is the difference, meaning that you might they might look the same, but the the pro ones will last longer. So you don't really want to have um, professional or uh to do a really nice painting and then ten years from now, it's faded. That'S why you do the professional ones. So you you have the the the student versions like the cotmans to learn. You'Re, not gon na keep your you know. I mean i kept my old stuff, but what i'm saying is you know it's it's not sitting out in the light sitting in a drawer, um. Okay, so the pens that scott uses, the black pens, our zebra brush pens, the white pens, are uniball signo pens that he uses um. My name is donna and you should not feel weird saying: hey or your wife or whatever. So it's all good um scott you're, one of my favorite artists. My dad must have seen one of your videos because he said i should go out and sketch lol. Oh that's funny! Right! Yeah! Do you model these hair models after people you know, or do you use reference images or something else, i'm using reference images. I happen to know the hair model for this one um, but uh. These are the references um. I got this pho this cartoon. That'S my friend v, i love their hair, they have gray hair and then that's my other friend chrissy and she has a cochlear implant and then this one i just found online and all of those put together, became this and a lot of imagination too. Let'S see, can you do a celebrity art journal so, like one page for each celebrity kind of like your hair trouble, i can and i i do celebrities all the time. The thing is is that you know you don't own the likenesses to those so um. You have to be careful. I can't do stuff like yeah, like the kickstarter, where you know, if you, you know, you can't do captain jack sparrow or something like that um. What'S your favorite music genre, you just asked me that i did sorry uh you've inspired kathleen out of her art slump. Oh, that's great things up karen even got your recommended art supplies, i'm still curious. How much stuff somebody could possibly put in a fanny pack. The fanny pack has befuddled my wife yeah. It really has ah wesley says: um wait. Can i say it no shut up wesley sorry, star trek? How are you doing reference couldn't help you needing good quality paper, manila folders hold ink, colored, pencils and watercolors very well, uh eva. He has never burned a piece of art using the blood blow dryer. So um harrison's mom works at disney and was able to get him a stitch bag that they don't sell. Anymore holds their pencils, their pencil case pen, watercolor, set and watercolor notebook and sketchbook. How cool is that you have the coolest mom yeah, i think so too. That'S really cool! That'S really cool mom's, awesome! Um! How do you know when it's time to change your brushes? Well? For me, it's when they don't hold the point, so i like i like the to have a nice point on my brushes. So that way i can get a nice fine tip um bbc production says i, like your hats. Thank you very much uh, but i have to which hat did you like that he was wearing i'm just kidding um. So i'm doing the gray for the suspenders and i was gon na - do a purple um border, but i'm wondering if i should have flipped that small waving versus whoa eight o'clock already yeah it is indeed are you going to paint the background i am. I am. I haven't decided what colors yet, though blow dryer, so, okay guys, everybody just loves to type the word blow dryer in when you do, when you can try um a lot of people are getting ready to have dinner. Oh did you have any kids growing up? Yes, i had an old english sheepdog named samantha. I never got to meet samantha. She was so pretty. I saw all her pictures um. I always wanted to learn how to draw, but only now started practicing, and you were an inspiration to me. That'S uh, gabriel. Oh, thank you gabriel um. Sometimes when you use watercolors, even when it dries it smudges on the page, is this normal? That'S the baby! It depends on the paper um. If you're, using like really good paper, it won't smudge um. So it really just depends on the paper blow dryer. Oh suspenders. I thought it was a sweater, oh shh, happy early father's day. Oh, thank you very much. We are dog people, but probably mostly just because i'm allergic to cats. Otherwise we might have a menagerie of animals. I'M shaquille says you really: okay, shaquille oatmeal! That'S a good idea! That'S a great name! I like that one um says you really inspire me. I love acrylic paint so much, but i like how you can mess up with watercolor and still make it look good, yeah thanks any tips if you're asking him for tips with acrylic. No, don't ask me about acrylics blow dryer that you guys have asked today that um haven't been asked before and speaking of koski says: do you only use pure colors, meaning you never mix yes, and i just used 12 colors um viani says i really wish. I could draw i love to paint, though, even though i suck oh anybody can do this. Anybody could do what i'm doing it's just a little bit of practice. That'S all it is they're thinking, maybe purple or different colors of blue for the background. Also, maybe pink um the car there they like to watch um a little esmeralda move. While you do the blow dryer. Let'S see, i love how your art room is the hobbit hole. I love the aesthetic and it is totally a vibe. Oh thank you very much. It is a magical place to make art yep jessica says once you step outside your comfort zone: try chalk pastels, for instance. Oh i actually did, and i love chalk, pastels um. I just i don't like the the temporariness feel of them. You know, but um can you do a video on how to set up art conditions? I could try blow dryer um, okay, mari art says my dad's, the same age as you and he's into the same things you're into as well. That'S cool sounds like you. Have a pretty cool dad yeah, i, like your dad della says when you go on to amazon and look up any of the art supplies usually in the bought together. Section are others of your recommended supplies. That is correct and bella carter says what watercolor brand do you recommend? I can't afford winsor and youtube um. Well, there is a winsor and newton cotman brand, which is a student brand, there's a link in my bio and it's 25, or maybe it might be 35 right now um, but that's the one. If you, i would recommend, at least for now, if you can afford the 25 or 30 bucks okay x, pro guard says i really love all your content. I'Ve never seen any type of creator that has ever made something as close as good and as inspiring as your content, just pure admiration to you, and they sent you a tip. That'S very kind of you. Thank you all right, african-american, hair journal page for june teeth. It could be representing an ally, yeah. I'Ve done black history month and i have and there's definitely a lot in here but yeah. Maybe we can for next week all right, i'm trying to think of a color. So here's the thing i use the non-binary - i use teal a lot, so i'm gon na try to stay away from teal because i love teal, so gopro raptor says hung on my bird started singing to the blow dryer noise. Yes, scott, edits his own videos, um. What do you use adobe premiere, adobe premiere? Yes, has the paper ever started fluttering when you were using the blow dryer, not really? No, it's got so much water and paint on it. What are you grabbing is that ink yeah? Please make sure the caps on what do you guys think of this? It is a muted, pink, just be careful, please or those of you who have not been around every time. Scott gets a bottle of ink in his hand. It scares me to death, muted violet margaritas. I am not even tempted to get a fanny pack, never wore one, not my style. I will tell you this. I have a fanny pack, the only time i use it is when i walk around outside, because it holds the poopy bags and the all the things that i need for walking the dog and has water bottle. Pouches, that's the only time i use it. This is a um at your labs, perfect sketchbook, all right. Let'S give this a shot, he's never used the oh markers and he has drawn dragons and fantasy creatures. Yes, and i'm sorry about your hearing loss with the blow dryer, that's why he screams blow dryer. So you can take your air pods out: yeah apologies, um scott has tea stained some things for me. Some mats to put things in frames he's never actually painted with tea, at least that i'm aware of, and i've been around for a whole long time, not intentionally. I'M sure does the blood drive move the watercolors a bit uh it does if the watercolors are too wet. So i usually try to make sure i've got the consistency just right. It'S tough nerd says scott and ink. I squint my eyes you and me both you and me. Both um scott actually has a package from etcher. They sent some more sketchbooks. So when we finished this one he'll be taking a look at the new sketchbooks. What is your favorite podcast um? I i'm not listening to any. Currently, i just don't have the time to um. I know that you're not gon na, be some that this is gon na apply to some of you. But um news. Not noise with jessica yellen is fabulous um. The next question, with katie couric, also fabulous um for my um other friends who, like books, i have what should i read next with ann bogle? It is a wonderful podcast. They talk all about books and recommending books for all sorts of readers and um before breakfast is a great working woman podcast, i love it. Let'S see you guys are funny. Do you ever feel lost when painting something you haven't worked on for a long time? Um! No, i don't go back to paintings that i haven't worked on for a long time. That was why we have the corner of shame yeah. If i'm, if i walk away it's forever, eliana says that's good to know glad you haven't watched away from me. Eliana said better: no, you just eliana said i i just you just eliana said i was like wow eleanor um scott. When i grow up, i want to be like you because you're super inspiring. Oh thank you. Have you arie ever experienced thee? Did you draw that yeah uh yeah, especially when i was younger your content is so encouraging. Thank you all right. That'S the easy part. Let'S blow dry, this blow, dryer, so, okay, the next part, is very boring. So i will not blame you if you guys all want to go somewhere. Oh good, see ya, not you you're, stuck here. What brush brand? Are you using right now? Currently, i'm using one by etcher labs, they sent me i'm trying new ones, yeah um. Why do you all type in blow dryer as one word? Isn'T it blow dryer or blow dry? I i think that's a preference yeah. I see it as two words. Can you do a review on budget art supply i've been trying to. I mean that's, that's what uh a lot of these have been for. No thank you. Ileana. My voice is asmr. That'S cute! Um scott has made a comic book. He did the dreamlike chronicles, yeah yeah. It'S just pages up. Online yeah did spider-man 2 uh animal crackers, which we made into a movie was a graphic novel as well yep. It takes uh about three hours for scott to make one of these paintings in the hair journal. Yeah we're we're just in the last half hour of it. It'S just this part is a little tedious. Oh boy, here's the question of the evening. Are you a huge reader? If so, what books would you recommend? Oh, i am not a huge reader um, but my favorite book is the hobbit and, and donna is a huge reader, so she will take it from here. I have a ton of books. If you want to tell them, i just read the most fantastic books called the cartographers and i highly recommend it. It is a wonderful read there you go. Can you tell, i was a little excited to go there yep just a little um eliana says: what's your favorite type of music mine is kpop uh mine is like 80s and 90s and 70s music um free says i don't like podcasts. I hate having to listen to something and i hate listening to something while doing another thing, i really don't understand how people can multitask like that. I love just sitting and reading a book. However, if i'm folding laundry, i can just pop my my uh airpods in and i can listen to a podcast and a lot of the times.

Sreeja Roy: You are literally an inspiration to everyone, One day I was Just scrolling with YouTube shorts and I saw one of your videos I was Iike the inking hair style is so beautiful, so I tried it and now I use the same inking style hair in all of my watercolor or sketching pieces .

Dido Sauce: As someone who is enby im very happy you draw this, it was so nice to see you represent all these different people

Akshara Amirneni: I love the red hair on them! I think it made them really come to life. It's so amazing to watch an inked sketch come to life with colors. It never ceases to amaze me

Kalpana Thiraiyan: Every time i stunned by seeing your dedication, passion, hard work, sincerity, eager ness, efforts you were putting to bring the colorful and unique arts,,,,, Love you lotzzzzzzzz

Emily Cruz: So sorry I missed it live! I was freaking out yesterday because, in part 1, he mentioned my name, and omg I would love to meet him in person!

Flavia Koch: I missed the live section yesterday Still, I enjoing watching it now at 8:20 morning . Thank you for sharing and inspiring all people! Bon Jovi draw is also nice!

Jacqueline Turbitt: I fell asleep during last night's live stream...but came back to finish it today...I love the way it the finished piece looks...another beautiful painting...Thank you Scott and Donna for allowing me to come on this journey with you...Love and Hugs from Cloudy cool Nova Scotia

Dheadbydfault: Found your channel after realising I have no idea how to draw with gouache and now I just can't stop Your shorts are also possibly the most helpful on YouTube

G3nd3rx1nc0gn1t0: I really love the acceptance that he puts into this book with all the different genders, races, styles, and religions I really hope he does a transgender male soon it would be awesome

Rosie Lee: I really wish he'd do Buddha or a Nepali girl with 2 long braids in her cultural attire That'd be beautiful addition to his journal❤️

♡ Bee ♡: You inspired me to start drawing with watercolor!

Ralunix: This is so pretty! You always inspire me. Cant wait to see what more you make :D like Asexual.

Abby Aubichon: today i bought a zebra pen and my art knowledge actually got me a job at the art supplies store! thanks for the lessons!

XxCrazyTinkxX: I'd love to see u draw someone with hair like Hp's Bellatrix Lastrange, I think it would look awesome. Btw I also wanted to thank u. I haven't drawn or painted in years, I've been depressed recently since I got really ill & bed bound but after watching a few of yr vids, I want to get into it again. Unfortunately my art supplies r trashed. So I have to start from scratch. I have no money, so I wanted to ask if u or anyone else reading this can recommend the best supplies that r extremely affordable? I really can't afford to pay much, so I'm gonna get stuff bit by bit. But if anyone could let me know a good Art Brand but still cheap, I would very much appreciate it. Thanks for inspiring me to start again, I've really missed it. Thanks again

Hexagon: That looks amazing like always! i love ur work, it looks awesome

RainbowRose55♪: I really love your videos and you inspired me to do art now when every time I have free time I always draw whatever comes to mind I really love your videos and I really appreciate it showing to the world different kinds of Art I'm sorry I didn't watch your video right when you started because I had this study but thank you for everything and goodbye

Indian artistic Billi: I'd love to see your art! You're literally an inspiration to all of us

Michal SlivovicJn: Your art is the next level

-SaNa-: it turned out so amazing I'm just sad hat I missed the stream at least you recorded it and that's amazing have a good day

Jelly Wolf Warrior: Cool I love the drawing

sr22: I know this might sound odd, but I've been watching Stranger Things for the first time over the past week (watching episode 6 of season 1 tonight) and this really reminded me of barb for some reason.

Ruth Dzingomvera: Wow this is stunning

jason: I love your drawing

Kartik Sharma: How do you make those freckles so properly?

Followme Pöhlmann: I missed the livestream, it started at 2 am in my country lol. Looks great though!

Macran: Is that a hearing aid on his right ear? That's so cool

Sam Lee - drawing cartoons: great job~

Hishma Hakeem: It's amazing.wwoooooooooooow

Leeland: I would love a ace design but I have no idea how you would do that

JoAnne Hickey: If it's a combination of a bunch of different things... couldn't you say it's an eclectic mix of illustrative styles from the 19th and 20th centuries?

Sarah Van de Ster: Omg this looks like Kurt from Glee lol

Ma. Francesca: Wow thats awesome

i_spy*: I MISSED IT

Mason Peterson: Cool

Sreeja Roy: I couldn't watch it as it was 5 am in India when the live started .

HSarchives: Eyes looked like doctor Mike ngl

Fr0gerZ: Can you do a behind the scene

Ethan Dally: I was like is that James charels

Karol Rézmüves: Is ballpoint pen art

𝒏𝒐𝒕 𝒌𝒂𝒆𝒅𝒆: That kinda looks like me..

SomeRandomGinger: Hello!

jason: Hi

quilu: W

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