Cutting And Braiding My 4 Month Undercut

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Foreign, it's 10. 45. I have all day to do my hair. You know what we're about to do. We bout to cut the undercut. Finally, it's been it's it's four months. It'S been four months. It was four months yesterday, the 19th. I think it's a little dirty right now, don't don't judge don't test, but I'm gon na do some cornrows with the under, like part of the undercut into the cornrows, and I'm gon na give myself a haircut. It'S been four months four months since I got a haircut, so this is about to be this. Is I'm not gon na lie without a haircut bro my confidence low floor floor level with the haircut? Ah, I don't know how I did it. I really don't know because it's like, especially because I, like I'm a barber at school, so I'm cutting hair consistently. If I'm doing it consistently on other people, why is it so dark if I'm doing it consistently on other people? Why would I not do it for myself? I honestly don't know, I honestly don't know why I started. I think I started because I wanted to do more. Hairstyles, like braid wise, like cornrows, the possible braids, and I feel like it would look a lot better. If I had part of the undercut grown out, I'm still gon na have like that little drop fade, I'm not getting no taper. No none of that, like it's still gon na, be a small drop feed. It'S just! I'M not gon na be doing Drop Fades on the drop fade. I'M just gon na be doing like mid and high tapers, just because just be a little easier. So I'm gon na I'm gon na take y'all on the behind the damn. I got ta wash my hair. I got ta condition it. It'S the normal wash routine feel me no more wash routine, nothing crazy, but first before I do my wash routine, I usually go in with this um. This olaplex, where is it laplex, number three Pairs and strengthens all hair types when my hair was dyed? I was using this a lot more frequent because it helps with like color damage and all that, but I just I didn't realize you could still use it regardless. If you had color or not that's what I've been on just do that as like a little like, I wouldn't say it's like a pre-shampoo, but it's just like something I do before. I shampoo my hair. If I walked outside the house like this, I don't, I think, I'd get bullied with this low-key fun. I'M low-key feeling this! No I'm not. What am I seeing bro? What am I saying? Oh tail [, __ ], that's the one bad thing about this is like I do this like At first dry, just not detangling but sectioning off the hair. I do dry and then, when I run in with the olaplex number three and the water, it's a little better, but this should just hurt what time we start at 10. 50.. I think I'm going to finish at like 8 30.. I go back to school soon. I go back February 3rd, that's a Friday, I feel like I feel, like I'm ready for it again. I needed that break. That break was much needed. I was stressing so much over the finals and all that I passed my classes, but I don't. I don't think I passed them to the extent I wanted to pass. I think I went over that in the hour-long video, but I was I just got a bunch of C's bro, just a bunch of C's and it's like I don't know my mom. I saw the pain in my mom's eye like I'm paying for you to get c's for you to get C's. So you know I'm gon na go. I'M gon na go a little harder at school. The least I could do is do good. My ends feel so dead. I don't know if you can really like see it, but it just feels so good. I feel like my hair doesn't grow like my hair. Is it feels like the same length? It was last year I'll, put up a picture of how my hair was last year today and how my hair is now. I feel like it's the same exact length. Bro damn, maybe maybe I do need a trim a little more. The back is definitely longer but the front and the sides are like they're, like the exact same - and this is just one section too, but this [ __ ] looks so dry. Let me put more water now. The focus is crazy. This feels so weird doing without music bro, it's just like you can just hear the creaky floors like how to cook a steak, because I'm not gon na lie. I think the way I cook the steak is it's not that good, but I like it. You feel me, and as long as as long as you like your own food, you should be good. No, I mean I'm not cooking for y'all y'all gon na probably violate me saying that I stick his ass. You forgot to do this that and that I'm, like. Oh, I liked it we good, I want to get rid of the Browns low-key, but I also just want to dye my hair completely. We'Re gon na find out don't be commenting like oh dye. Your hair blue, like no, don't be calling commenting. The [ __ ] ass colors, but now you're here magenta like shut up bro dye, your hair red again. No I'm gon na look like a clown. If I dye my whole head red, like a literal clown, can I hear it and some more hair? Some more! You should know how to wash your hair bro actually, no, maybe I should because I'm not gon na lie the secret. Is you keep your hair in twists when you wash it just so you can. You can reach the scalp so much easier and get all the gunk off your scalp, and then you just have the Twist and it's so much easier to go in. You know I put y'all on in big chunky, twists, wash your hair and big chunky. Not no little don't take your time doing tiny ass twists doing this [ __ ], you just wasting time big four big ass, twists, six big ass twists and just wash your hair in the twist. It is what time is it it's like? 12. 10. I'M not gon na lie. It took a long last time washing my hair, but it's whatever bro it's whatever. Now we're gon na cook we're gon na cook a lot of y'all, don't know I'm actually like. I was actually a Master Chef Juniors. When I was 12 years old, I didn't win. I got eliminated first round and [ __ ] so, but we still continued on with the cooking, like I said earlier, I'm making a mistake. I'Ll make some vegetables with it. Probably some cauliflower and some broccoli um, no rice, I'm not really feeling rice. First things. First, you know you got ta, wash your hands, no sanitation. You got to be nice and clean. Am I going to be in it? I'M pretty short, I'm gon na be yeah. I'M pretty sure yeah. This is what it pays off being a little shorter for me. You get you can fit in um in tight spaces. Oh okay! Well, there's no shoes on chicken right! I can't cook, so don't even be coming at me. If I'm doing the wrong reason bro, but there's probably someone looking at this [ __ ] right now being like yo, this [ __ ] cannot cook not too much, but it's whatever I'm still gon na leave it I'ma eat it. My two favorite vegetables. I don't understand how like young kids, I don't know how they don't like broccoli, this [ __ ] fire bro y'all like cauliflower. I love cauliflower bro, talk to when they're. Together, too, it's like even better. I'M gon na try out the state coming up the veggies. Oh, you know what it is. I like I, like my steak, uh uh. I don't like a medium rare that [ __ ] too bloody bro. I don't like it well done either, because that's that [ __ ] too Char, like that [ __, ] too chewy bro like in between medium and well done it's like medium well, I knew this [ __ ] was gon na happen, though. Why me every time? Every time I cook bro, I buy it, it's a little burnt. I like it burnt. I should cook more on this. I should try a bunch of things. Let me know what y'all want I'm good at baking. That'S what I'm really good at like. I got these brownies that I make. I feel bad. I feel bad because not everyone can eat my brownies. My brownies are top top three. I'M gon na wash out this deep, conditioner after and then blow dry and trim the ends and then braid and then cut. I'M low-key, behind already it's like 2 p.m. Damn near 2, 1. 32 p.m. I thought I was going to be on this part at like one like. I should have been done with a blow drying and all that, but it's whatever it's, whatever I'm gon na show y'all how I record my my shits too, because it's like it's not complicated at all. It'S not! I I record on The Tick Tock I just cut like timer. That'S all I do bro it's like mad basic, but I do want to get into like editing myself. I got a new blow dryer because the other one didn't well. It had the extension. Like the pick extension, but you already, if y'all seen The Tick Tock, that [ __ ], would fall off every turn, I'd be saving like the drafts, but like I'd, be keeping them as like the names of what I want to do with it so like I Have Self-Cut vid this one transition with haircut cornrows a vid blow drying care of it me after I cut this [ __ ] ass undercut. You know what I mean yeah. What I'm saying is like tick, tock tick. Tock is a short attention span ass out. So you have to like cut every two to three seconds. Obviously, if you want to reach a certain audience, you can make the longer scale videos, but if you want [ __ ] to touch you want [, __ ] to blow. You need something every two seconds, whether it's like a cut words on the screen or just doing something you like it's so hard to just sit there and just speak on it and not do anything. But what I usually try to do is I like to like sync the lyrics to to the cuts. That'S been okay, but I feel like the quicker it is the better it is so see here. That'S like the oh after that ooh. I could so it'll be like before that. Little like the like that that's a 1.1 seconds bro, you know so like you got to show them what you're doing like they got. Ta know what you're doing within the first couple of seconds you put a blow dryer, you sure, keep protect it. You show your hair you're blow drying your hair. This is gon na, be looking so stupid. When I look back on this [ __ ], you don't show the products, because that's how you get more engagement in the comments. They always ask for the products in the comments, and I like to like zoom in a bit because it's like it, it just focuses. It focuses mainly on just you. That'S the whole point of like well. At least the videos are what I make that I make. I don't want them like, oh, like. Why is the door like five centimeters off like who cares? Who cares? That'S not the point bro foreign. I think the thing I'm struggling with right now is like expressing myself in my videos. I look at my old videos and it's like damn. I'M like smiling, I'm like mad happy and then I just stopped life life hits you life hits you hard. Sometimes so it's like. I don't know you got ta kind of just not show that even if you're going through [ __ ] - oh my God, wait. Let me check again. Maybe my hair does grow, it's just. It takes a while, but I'm gon na cut into when my hair is completely like poofed up like like it's literally like I'm literally just gon na be standing in the same exact spot, and it's going I'd rock my hair, like this Noble this [ __ ]. Fine, I can't see [ __ ], though thank you, y'all, don't know how to train your ends. We made a video already, I'm just gon na go through it really quick. The way I like it. I should have cut this much. No, but no I'm fine, but you just feel you do like a field test. I feel like very brittle right here really at the end, I'd say: I'm gon na cut like this much go over it a few times make sure that that's the precise cut you want it to be yeah feel it again. This feels so much better. Oh, my God, like no [ __, ] you're trimming your ends. Of course it's gon na feel better bro, don't Focus too much on making the twist of font you're just trimming the ends you're not doing you're, not doing nothing crazy with it. People always ask me, like Damn how you do your hair for so long like it takes forever bro I'm like bro, I love it. I love the process. Let It Grow. I cut a lot. I'M not going nope that [ __ ] going a little. This look. Lookie looks cool when you untake the twist up just becomes Mad Fat. I'Ve been more into that UK. If I'm listening to rap it's either lucky or UK, [, __, ], lucky, maybe sometimes I'll figure. I usually don't listen about the gym now um. I don't even know who else I listen to it. It'S just a hell of r b. Now it's like snow Allegra, Maria Isabel mariba, Ari Lennox summer scissors. Oh no, that should just be putting me in a good mood for real. It'S like a good way to start my morning and all that you know I'm trying to be like I'm trying to be as positive as possible in the morning, because it just sets my day, for it sets the rest of my day to be nice and, like Positive and good first things: first, I have to section out the undercut I want to keep and what I don't want to keep like that. Oh God, I definitely wan na. The main thing is the the freaking taper bro, this [ __ ] is massive. This shit's massive, I need to at least take half of it gone. My natural, like all the baby hairs. Is this much right. That'S that's too little. It'S Gon na Keep tugging and tugging, so I need to grab just slightly more because once I make this there ain't no going back it's either. I keep this like this or I just take off the undercut, and I just wasted like four months that much is good. My hairline's gon na be like right here right, so the taper hairline is that's not that's, not huge. That is reasonable, like what I was talking about was like there's like a Bend or like a dent. You have in the back of your head. I don't want to go above that dent, so I got ta like find it. This is tiring bro. This is the shape. This is the shape I wanted it to be. This is nice. This is not no high top. Now it's not no high top. It'S like a drop. You know what I mean. That'S what I want front straight, that [ __ ] straight. Oh God that looks stupid. Now it's like a field test. You just got ta like feel it out. Wait. I think I got it first. Try Noble! It is 5 P.M. Last time I picked this up, it was three and look at the progress we made. We made no progress. I was trying to braid it. The braiding wasn't working. I was trying to Barrel twist it Braille twisting damn it wasn't working. What the [ __ ] the [ __ ], I'm just gon na cut it just because I'm like stressing out over the breeds the [ __ ] pissing me off. Let me do something. I know that I'm good I'm good at it. Let me do something. I know I'm good at we're just gon na cut this down. You feel me, this is wait. Damn I parted everything so that it's not going to get into the actual hair. I want to braid I'm gon na go down with a one and a half. First, one and a half open just damn, I'm really about to do this all right! Oh, I can see my ear again God this is brushable again. Oh man, wow man, amazing bro, stay on my head. I'M doing I'm doing like a mid taper kind of thing. So, foreign, oh damn, but this look at this bro look at this bro. Look at this bro who's doing this bro who's doing this! Oh [, __, ] who's! Doing this! Nobody! Nobody! Nobody feel like a new man. I feel like I just like it's. What time is it? It'S 7 P.M. Bro, I'm taking too long. I'Ve been taking way too long with all of this, so I'm gon na have to be doing my actual, like braids on stream. Hopefully I get it done. It is the next day and um. You know, as you see I still haven't, you know I still haven't done the braids and stuff, I'm not doing the braids. You know the cut because they're looking good because still looking good, you know it's carrying the looks right now, but but but but I'm about to go get my hair done because I couldn't damn not like. I couldn't do it myself. So if you can't do it yourself, just go find someone to do it for you now we're taking the easy way out, even though I do want to learn how to like. You know cornrow better, it's just right now with how short this is it's just. It'S just too hard for me: it's 6 20. about to head over there in like 20 minutes they're, not that far about to get my hair done, Vlog that little process. Should it take that long, because you know she's nice with it she nice with it. You know and Jay dice with this [ __ ] Jay nice, with this [ __ ], I'm Gon na Leave a link down in the description to her her hair page. You know go follow that go follow that if you're in the Mass area, you be camera shy, it depends honestly, it's like people, you don't know, yeah like what you have like those people that come up to you sometimes like at those tailgates and then you're, like. Oh, can we do an interview? No, that's! That'S petrified. I didn't even care if I embarrass myself one day be fully wrecked, like what's the last this thing and describe her [, __ ], and what color like bro. Why do you need to know all of this? I'M so glad you do know how to like um a moving head. You know people that have that yeah. That'S how it used to be when I first really hard to um cut hair for people to have that moving heads, yeah yeah because they be like they don't even notice they're moving their head too. So they'll do like abrupt movements and all that and it's like especially on the lineup part, that's the one part I don't want to like. If I mess up on the fade, I can easily just push the fade higher. If I have to the lineup, I pushed his lineup back, I'm getting I'm getting the blame for it, because No One's Gon na realize, like they're, not moving there like they're moving their head and all that yeah. That'S the worst, but I feel like I don't move my head much because it's like I've been doing my hair for so long and getting my hair done for so long yeah and having people just like Palm my head and just like stay. There don't move and my forehead is already big. He said fish really because I feel your pain with that too, because when I do braids, sometimes especially when I do cornrows, my forehead just goes back a couple of inches yeah and it's like. Oh, I was coming. I'M like okay, let's hope she doesn't do it like super tight, like tight to a point where it's like I'm gon na, be like 12 hit like this. This is a good four or five right. Four. This is eight. You know it sounds like. Would you rather have a wide forehead or like a like a elongated forehead, a wide forehead? Well, my mom you're gon na see my mom she's gon na come remember something um. Her forehead is like tall, but it's tall like peanut heads. It has a peanut head too, but my forehead is like wider, but I don't. I don't want a hairline. That'S like too far back yeah bro, my dad shits, like the m-shaped hairlines. Those are the words he said. Those are the ones like it just goes like that [ __ ] is so crazy, like just go bald at this point, I'm trying to make sure your [ __ ] straight [, __ ]. Thank you. No, it's not. It just adds like character development. You know it adds like a little like you'll know: it's a Jaylene braid s. Excuse me a Jaylene braid yeah is crazy. Wow! Don'T do me like that. I have a reputation to upkeep. If it's a crooked hairline, it's a Nathan, wow, oh, like jacked, men, can get away with a bald head because it's like okay, you don't have hair, but you have muscles. But if their head is small, that's when it's like they'd, be looking like Tony Stark in the in the Iron Man suit it Rhymes and everything like he put again. That'S literally every time I get a phone call Bro I'll contemplate it like I'll. Take a quick like 10 seconds to think: do I really want to pick it up. Yeah yeah, because you kind of have an idea of what they're gon na say. I just throw a bunch of [ __ ], together, throwing some honey, throwing some class Amigos and give it to people bro nobody's drinking that [ __ ]. I wouldn't tell them it's Caso, though I'd be like no it's a time. I'M Sprite, I think, that's illegal yeah. Actually, that's undone, no, what you the one's talking about! I'M gon na put [ __, ] Casa and honey and not tell them what do you, but that's only if they are okay, it's for a beer and you spike this [ __ ]. I just be like you, want the Nathan special right and he's like. What'S the Nathan special I'm like, I can't tell you, you got ta drink it and, if he's not allergic to honey, that's not him! Why'D! You order. The Nathan special, the Nathan special should be on the menu yeah. It is just without the name. It'S a special description: it's a special drink, that's but swimming actually wouldn't swimming, take more energy than floating. So I would survive the longer at Sea by being able to float than swim or you can just swing into the short and not both, because if I drown in the middle of the ocean like if I'm left in the middle of the ocean, I'm gon na Be able to swim to shore yeah no bro like what, if you go skydiving and you accidentally, you'll dehydrate, you'll dehydrate in your your body won't have enough nutrients in it to even get you there, because you can't drink the salt water and if you do you'll Dehydrate faster just boil it really. Are you serious right now, you're, weird bro? Well at least I would be able to grow. It'S like. I can't go. Yes, I could go on my neck. I just can't grow it on yeah that don't count bro the neck is better than nothing crazy like it goes like here and then it'll like stop right here and then I'll just go down. You know it's crazy when you would never confidently rock that [ __ ]. You would never actually confidently leave your house with a neck beard like yeah. This is my neck beard and I love it and I don't shave it because I love it. It'S not that I love it, but it's like. What'S really gon na happen, I go outside with it. I go outside with the haircut. Nothing happens. I go outside with the neck beard, nothing happens, but that's also. I think it's because I dress like a bum yeah you're, not wearing your pajama pants. I'Ve grown up. I'M not going like this. This break kind of taught me like you stop wearing them. I mean I still wear them, but I only wear them like the gym, though I don't know you wear your pajama pants. I don't work out in them like when I get up in the morning I'll, throw in pajama pants and then go to the gym yeah. I thought you'd be like no, no, no! No, because when I hit legs I want to show my legs. I wear the onesie and then I'll put those pajama pants over the onesie. You'Re welcome double comfort. Actually, in the winter you're going to these Massachusetts, Winters they'd be crazy, I'll be putting my brush in the randomness places. When I'm doing people's hair, like you got a tank top on I'm a possession between titties like and shorties, do not care, because, if you, if their hair comes out, nice they're, not even gon na, say nothing bro. But what? If it's like? Your first time, like ever meeting them. Oh no, of course, I'm not gon na. Do no weird [ __ ] like that to the stranger. Can I put this to your kitty? Just not even say nothing just and it's like those people like you've been trying to talk to them. They'Ll give like some short ass answers and all that like, oh, how have you been good super good great? Can you not tell so what are you into to getting my hair done like okay, nice, although I feel like um doing, hair and [ __ ] has helped me like get really good at small talk. Yeah, I don't know if that's a good skill, it is. I mean it helps you with like just you knowing what what to like talk about or like how to make conversations conversation starters yeah. I feel like a lot of. It also has to do with like selling the experience, and I feel like when you can really show that you care about someone, that's when they really want to keep coming back exactly so, that's why I always ask like a mental health type of question. So then they actually feel like, oh, like he genuinely cares and like in a way yeah. I do care, but the main reason I'm asking that so you to come back, so you think I care I mean eventually like once we go no yeah and I know you're you're struggled yeah I'ma care about you. Google wants to know your location yeah, you still press no and they still and they still gon na, take that [ __ ]. They just making it clear that you have an option. We'Re still gon na take it, but we want to make you feel like. We have an option. We want to tell you that um we could have this information yeah, but if you don't want us to, you know we'll make you believe you don't, but we're gon na. Take it I'm a delicate gardenia when it comes to Facebook. Come on help heal, but I feel mad. Listen with this [ __ ]. Now I'm not gon na lie. I'M not going why this is a little fire bro, it's a little fire. It'S exactly how I wanted it bro the braids, the undercut all of it. You feel me I didn't want you know too much. You know a lot of people, probably gon na, be like. Oh, why didn't you keep more here? I know I don't want to. I don't want to I like it like yeah. I said the main reason I mean the main things was: take the hit tip your hairline down a bit because my [ __ ] was like back here. This [ __ ] is good length. You feel me and then bring the back a lot down, because I did have a high top and I was like it's gone. It'S gone. You know we got the clip, got the braids. No, but not. I don't even know how to feel right now. Bro, like I hate that I'm not in school right now, because you know people need to see this [ __ ], I'm gon na see this [ __ ] people need to see that big forehead or not. I'M still him, but I feel, like I don't even know bro I feel like. I need to play some like party next door and just like seductively look at the camera. Is it right, but I was gon na. Do it for this video I'ma see y'all in the next one down,

Curly_blends: Only people that cut our own hair know how cold this cut is

Nathan Shibru: the reason i take care of my hair

Mark: I fw these 20+ minute videos keep them coming

justin: I knew the cut was gonna look ,more length 2023

alphaesthetic: The new cut is crazy

_YanChan_: All his videos are extremely entertaining. I get to see a fine man, he takes care of his hair, hes cooking, and he's funny. Like what more are you missing!?

Rebeka Pereira: O corte ficou SENSACIONAL

Bouncin Beats: Crazy shit bro!! Continue postin. Love ya stuff!!! <3

ibingeyt: What does he use to groom his beard so clean?

Lil_Davo: I juss grew out my undercut too, it’s took me bout 2 and a half months and now it stops like at da middle of my for head

Kai Love: Braid the hair first and then do the cut still turned out dope!

Shywtfff: finally you got rid of the undercut. The new cut is fire

MRKAYFLOCKAAA: Question bro if I grew my hair for a year with curls I’m at a month with braids it’s down to my eyebrows you think by July it would be longer

darktruly: Your hair is so tuff bro

Dillydal: Nathan videos always hit

Corani: The hair look so good dog ️

KayVroom: Hella inspirational, also Nathan where do u buy king curls

Jan Valls: 27:06 is what I tell myself after the cut

Ed1tzzzzz: Wait longer to due your trims and you’ll se more growth I usually trip 1 or twice a year

Romane Consingh: I felt that when she said "M shaped" hair line bc I kinda got that shii idk what to do to get it straight yall

Andrew Ellis: He need to do more videos with her nc

Dami: How the hell did ur hair grow that much in 4 months?? Tutorial

ahmad 🪐: We need a workout/training video

Mattan oz Teklehimenot: I’m on your side with the cauliflower and broccoli i mean seriously who doesn’t like cauliflower and broccoli it’s the vegetable their is

PradaYouJosh: You thinking about cutting the hair in the middle to make it even as the hair grown out for 4 months?

Jeramie Marshall: Nathan’s inspirational

ZACK.: the face u made when u dropped dat shit is me every time i drop sum

Jiren: nah the hair came out wild fire

FreedaSouth: This guy said Persian rugs and seductively look at the camera you funny af bro

Nathan Shibru: 16:31 sheeeeee W cut

Daylight888 シ: bro it’s grown so much

TTG_JayJay: Whoever said to dye your whole head red is tryna set you up

iamdetroit: How long you been growing ur hair for?

IIP Pesante: Love it..❤

chad stapleton: You look so good bro nohomo

Devauriyon: I ain’t trimmed my hair in about 2-3 years

Purplx: MOM, Nathan just dropped


yhvrdz: firee ahh hair cut bruhhh

King’s - NXB: How u go from a drop faded to a taperrrrr

prodbythekid: you rizzing up while getting braided

GNO-Cashout: bro i feel u i love broccoli ;)

Flint Thekid: Always a w✅

oreoluwa ajose adeogun: nah your hair grew fr you just dont notice it cus its your own hair

simon t.: his laugh at 27.13 has me dead

Blue Smurf: What do you call the hair cut that you gave yourself

Kallen The Barber: we need a cornrow tutorial

inthedrought: Slide that hair wash routine vid ngl


Dallene: My hair is to short to make 4-6 big twist

fran_life: “Him Him” yuhh

Zamasu: nooo i thought u said trust the process

(kaique): updated bro

TssXD: Where do you get your mister at

Ciilon: could i do the twist shi w 3a hair?

JustBeingHonest: Ur hair grows fast stop it lol it’s curly

SheluvsTyler: w vidd

Kxnbluee: Datz ah drop fade or mid taper?

Owen Hartwig: Me havin an m hairline watchin this

lil s: 6:08 bro sounding like a villain lmao

Andrew: W vid Nathan

ACTIVIST: Golden brown honey brown

Tru J1234: W vid

Lundun Moon: ❤️‍❤️‍

Talktomenice: OMG IM HARD ASF

Itz_Ttv: Bro every time I cook 8:01

Jonathan Romero: CAN U DO SUMMM FOR MEHH?? 27:11

Logan Williams: nah bro said who 9 times im dead lol

Yomari Goodloe: Streets was waiting gangy

Exzhy: What kind of cut did you give yourself?

Cardo: what type of haircut you have??

chad stapleton: That is a 10

vauze.: u cut it off why bro

icyyomari: Barber tools vid?

kusunagi: Should’ve done a mid taper guide as well

Undeadnycc: How tall are you

skjeric: 27:12 LMAOAOA ohn

TheLifeOfAnt: Looking like Jay cinco

Daniel Mckoy: W vid mine is 2 months in gang

R7: W growth

Clam Solo: Why he look like Kay flock

BigmanShimSham: Just dye your hair brown man

killa jay jay: February 3 is my birthday on a Friday

kingsiplays: Noooooo coooch

ArkhamJedi: bro u cut too much off the sides

Logan Williams: im like 500 lol

Gurvansh Behl: W 30 minutes

Darren Guendy Cols: W vid

KSHI: first

Bouncin Beats: 1st

Devonnn: Ww

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