What'S The Worst Part About Wearing Hair Systems??? Spoiler Alert: Nothing

Here I share a few “cons” I’ve heard from others about wear hair replacement systems AND I give a full reality check for each con!

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What is up my youtube friends? It'S your guy, michael joseph here and i got some hair first of all, take a quick peek, i'm about to go into the gym here and i just felt inspired. I had a couple of uh comments: wow my hands in the way amateur um. I had a couple of comments that sparked this idea for a video cons and reality. So the cons when people think about getting a hair system uh, you know they think of all the cool things, but they think about potential negatives as well. Leave a comment: if that's been you and i want to give you the reality check that goes with that con. Now that i've been wearing for a year and three months approximately a year and four or five months, i don't know year and a half, almost um, and so before i dive into that content. First of all check out the hair. This is uh the vivid mirage. If you saw my last video, you know, i'm checking this uh. This particular unit out the cut is by clips in salt lake city, good good barber, if you're out in salt lake and uh the this particular unit, the mirage is in the 2 uh 20 color. So dark brown with 20 gray and the thing that i've that i've wanted to kind of share with you for gosh for a while now uh, i could only answer after a year and a half almost of doing this um. You know something that i feel would be premature for me to tell you what the cons are and then tell you. The reality of those cons seemed a little preemptive when i was three or four months in, and so i got a couple of comments and i want to address them here. Some cons and the reality check for each of those cons. I want to blast you through anything that could withhold you or keep you from doing something like this. For yourself, we know that hair isn't just we don't just wake up and say. I think i want hair today we go through a lot of change right up here in here uh, where it's like we're doing a lot of different things for ourselves. Most of you are hitting the gym. Now you are reading, you are, you know, studying spirituality, you're, making a lot of changes now physically hair is just an extension. It'S an expression of those changes. Give me an amen. If that's you, i know that was true for me. I was going through a lot of cool things and i was like man, i i feel like upgrading. My look and hair happened to be a huge portion of that equation, as is going to the gym following this freaking crazy workout plan uh getting in shape. For my wedding in september and uh, and so we're making a lot of changes uh, my business has absolutely taken off this year, making more money more consistently than i ever have before. That'S a whole other story, you business owners, know what i'm talking about. That can be pretty strenuous stuff um, not not for everyone, but here are three cons. Okay, that i want to dive into, and i'm just going to tell you the reality check with that, so that i can break you past anything that would hold you back from doing this now, if you are looking for hair systems, if you want my recommendations, leave Your comments below i love when people shoot me emails, they send me pictures of their hair color. The affected area style photos that they're going for and they're like. What do you think? What should i get? I'M like? Oh, you should totally go with boom this system and this color uh that you could. You know you'd rock, so i'd love to do that, for you, i'm totally an open book uh. I am busy just like everyone else, but i respond. I think this is totally uh the coolest community uh to be a part of um for a lot of reasons and uh being able to support each other is a big piece of that. So now let me dive into these cons and the reality checks. Reality check to number the the con number one, i think is the best um, but con number one is that you hear a lot. You hear a lot of people talk about the hairline, it's got, ta look great, otherwise it gives it away and it's scary, what happens if it if the uh the the front hairline comes up uh, it's it's that could be messy. Who knows like people will know, i'm gon na tell you the con. Is that yes, the hair the front hairline, it will become looser in time it has the most wear and tear you touch that the most it will get loosest the fastest just going to happen. That way, but here's the reality check reality check is two days. Three days ago, i was here at this gym uh a week and a half into a full re-install and the hairline was loose like if i were to do this, which it won't do now. But if i would have done that this would have come up about half an inch on either side of the temple. Okay, what it just happened. If this were month, one or two of me wearing a hair system, i would not have walked in the gym. I would have been too self-conscious. I would have been freaking out uh. I would have been terrified why? Because somebody might know omg, they might know and the reality is. Unless you pull it up and you show people, nobody knows not a clue, you can work out. You can be active, you can do all those things that you're looking to do and you don't have to uh. You don't have to worry about it. I love going to the gym and i don't care that you know that that somebody might notice right um because they can't not even the closest people to you will know that you need to redo your hairline, not a chance. Okay, unless it looks awful right, unless it's just you mess something up: okay, 99 of you, nobody will notice. Okay, the con the hairline is loose. My life is over uh. The reality check is that nobody knows and nobody's paying attention to you not like that. Okay, you go to the grocery store everyone's thinking about themselves. Thinking about the next thing they need to put in their cart. They are looking at you and, if they're looking at you and they take more than two seconds because they like what they see - okay, like i don't know if you can like, i didn't even do my hair and i'm gon na tell you when i walk in That gym, i should not be a model, turns out, but people are gon na look and i'm like. Oh this guy, i like it. I like his hair wow. Nobody would know. Oh, my gosh is that is that a hair system is that hair. Is that hairline coming up? Not one person, bro gon na tell you that. So that's con number one absolutely busted through. So, if that's you now, you have full. You know ability and permission to go order. You, a hair system number two is kind of a spin-off uh in a way of the hairline, and this is about sweating and sanitizing and and cleanliness of wearing a hair system. Well, michael, if you wear this thing for two weeks i mean and you sweat once you have sweat under there for two weeks at a time. How do you get past that that seems really gross and yeah you're gon na sweat? I work out and i sweat. I do yard work or i go for a run or hang out with my daughter. We play too much. I'M gon na sweat, okay, it's gon na happen, and so that's number one. It'S going to happen. That'S the con is you're going to have sweat on your head um, but here's the reality check. I don't know too many people and this this could be you that i'm referring to. I don't know too many people who wear their hair system and sweat and have infections and gross stuff and mold and, like i've not heard of that personally, i've never experienced it. Personally, i don't know anybody that that's happened to okay. So what really happens is that two things happen. One is you've shaved, your head to apply this unit right and, as you sweat, that sweat is meant to secrete out of your pores, to keep you cool right to cool your body down. But what else comes out of your skin, namely your scalp oils? Now these oils are meant for a couple of things: one it's a it's a barrier to to protect itself, but also guess what doesn't grow in those oils and not very fast at all bacteria. Now it can and it would definitely you know, don't don't not clean your head or your body, okay, but it's there to protect you. I didn't think of it. This way i didn't even know this stuff until i'm like gosh. This feels really gross like i'm gon na sweat and i'm gon na have this thing on there for two: you know weeks, not all the sweat's gon na come out of that you know, even if you wear a lace unit uh the sweat still is, is in Your lace, it's in the hair and even if you wash it every couple of days, something like that, you can't clean it all right. So the con is that you have sweat on your head. I like to be clean. You'Ve probably seen me wipe my shirt because i see little white specks on here from hanging out with my daughter and playing with her and the cat and all that stuff. I i like being clean like most of us, but i'm gon na tell you the reality. Check is that i've never had infection. I'Ve never had uh. You know like a dirty odor smell. I'Ve never had like mold, certainly not, and it's been super easy to clean every time i re you know attach. I use a little bit of alcohol. It'S completely sanitary and i reinstall, and so i've never had any issues. So the reality check is, there's really nothing to worry about unless you, unless there is right, unless you see there's an infection or you know when you, you shave your head and you cut your head or something and like you just reapplied right over a cut like Guys stuff, like that's going to happen, uh, it shouldn't happen, one to cut your head and two to cover it up with a hair system, but but that could happen. So if that's you, your ph balance, your body chemistry, is different and create some of these things. You'Ll find out right and there's still ways of overcoming that. Okay, so there's never there's not it's not a real con. It'S going to happen and guys i've gotten over the fact that sometimes i have sweat in there that dries or my body, even reabsorbs it or just gets soaked into the adhesive i've gotten over the fact that that's going to happen. It hasn't had any adverse reaction or unsavory result for me, okay and for most people that i know now, number three is well what, if my friends know what, if my f my family finds out, what, if the girl that i'm dating you know, ask questions what Are they gon na? Think of me, i'm gon na tell you. The con is up here the con and we should call it a con. Is that you think that people are thinking about you? Judging you making assumptions about you that are either untrue or unsavory. I'M gon na tell you some of those people probably exist out there. It'S a it's a probable thing, but at the end of the day, who are you doing this for you doing this? For everybody else? Are you doing this? For yourself? Are we growing and improving as people right? I had to think of it that way. I know that people are like you know: that's fake hair on michael's head right yeah. He must feel really insecure to do that. Meanwhile, that same person is putting on makeup. Putting on a full face of, i was gon na say full face of lipstick, putting on lipstick a full face of makeup going tanning. They have hair extensions, they had their boobs done and liposuction. You see what i'm saying like they buy name brand clothes because that impresses other people not because they want it. You know what i'm saying you f, like everybody has a thing that they do now this for me. Isn'T it isn't because of an insecurity? I actually really enjoy my bald head, but i do this because it's for me now, if you do that your family will support you, your loved ones will support you. Your friends will absolutely back you up on that, because you're coming at it from the right the right direction, the right angle, the wrong people they're gon na, come up with with judgments for you, but just like the great dr seuss once said, the people that matter, Don'T mind the people that mind don't matter? Okay and that's just dr seuss, redfish, blue fish, one fish, two fish: okay, uh! That'S that con is busted. Now that's what i. Those are the three that i've heard pretty consistently, but i'm gon na tell you the hairline. Nobody knows: okay, if this were completely loose. You wouldn't know just watching this video number two. Yes you're gon na sweat. Yes, it doesn't feel the most comfortable, the first couple times it happens, but you get used to it and then you realize there's nothing to worry about number three. Some people will find out it's in it. It'S inevitable um, but be upfront, in my opinion, be upfront and open with the people closest to you, whether that's friends, family, significant other. You know whatever be open with them, because you're going to get those little pings of feedback that says. Oh, they actually don't mind and they don't care, and they love me for this wow that i wonder what other people would think. Now it's pretty cool when people talk to you, i mean somebody. Some of my friends have reached out and said michael. This is magic because you were bald and now you're not bald. What'S the magic and i'm like yo seth. This is what i did. You know and seth i want you know. Hopefully that's not giving too much away. Seth goes out, gets himself a hair system. He looks freaking fantastic, he actually went and did a photo shoot with his wife, which he's he's not a photo guy. He actually did that because he felt so good about it. He could finally show up for his wife and all these cool things actually unraveled from this guys. It'S not just about the hair, it's that that's that's an external representation of something else. That'S going on. You know what i'm talking about. Otherwise, you wouldn't be watching this video um, so those cons are busted and here's the trend, all of the cons, are busted any negative. Any con that you can come up with. It'S bustable, i'm going to urge you if you feel like getting a hair system. Do it if you need help finding the right system? Let me know i've got a ton of recommendations for you. I have a pretty keen eye when it comes to color. I don't know if you can tell but uh it matches pretty good, this one's 20 gray. So i could take a couple years off the face, as you can see. I definitely have you know, probably more, like thirty percent gray, forty percent even um, but i'd love to help guys would love to help uh in oftentimes. I have some discount codes for you. I can save you some dollars, but more importantly, got to make the decision for yourself for the right reasons to do something like this or anything else for yourself for that matter. Okay, so that's what i got. I wanted to keep this relatively short, but impactful and kind of go more in depth on some stuff for you. So that's what i've got for you guys if you like this video, if you want more make sure to subscribe, stay tuned, uh drop a little thumbs up on this. If you liked this particular video youtube kind of uses it as a gauge to you know, should they or shouldn't they not send this to more people, i feel like everybody, should have access to information like this uh and drop a comment you have questions. Let me know if you don't feel comfortable, dropping a comment for whatever reason shoot me: an email, okay, i'll put the email, i believe in the description, but just in case it's michael joseph g, h d stands for good hair day ghd michael joseph ghd, gmail.com shoot Me an email and ask your questions. Okay, there's no reason i understand. I don't use this account to comment on certain videos, i'm calling myself out, because i don't want people to see my my videos. I don't want people to know. I wear a hair system on on certain channels, so i get it. I totally understand you know, i'm not quite there, yet i'm working on it. But so are you all right, we're all working towards something? Ah, okay time to kick my own ass in the gym? Let'S either do the hard thing in the gym or do the hard thing and sit on my behind at home, so i'm gon na i'm gon na. Do this hard? Okay, love! You guys seriously mean that i appreciate the support just one regular dude trying to do my thing uh and if you have any questions any other content, you want to see, leave it below and we'll go from there. I'M happy to help happy to put out some good con content for you. Okay, again, there's one last look at the the hair before i go in there and mess it up. Freaking love! You guys i'll talk to you soon!

Jeffrey Lollar: I've been wearing hair for 30 years , was a bodybuilder for 20 years and competing , no one had ever known about my hair , we are always our worst critic ,

He Searches: If someone use my hair system as a tool to offend me, Ill just say this is a disability I have and at least I am doing something about it to make myself feel better. Because at the end of the day this is a disability that effects your self esteem and self perception in a negative way. In fact, making fun of a man balding is worst than making fun of a fat women since she can at least lose weight with time, but hair loss is forever and little remedy to ease the journey.

Art Vandelay: I’m really glad I ran into your channel. I had a transplant years ago and was the happiest I ever was ..I started some medication this year and my hair started falling out again ..it’s depressing me and recently ordered a topper ..Been terrified of people noticing the change and laughing behind my back ..but u realized the only people who notice these things are usually other guys suffering hair loss and thinking of solutions

adkpinecone: I got a hair system and I love it. It makes me feel and look like I am 15 again. I had a really hard time when I was younger when I lost my hair. It definitely affected me in a bad way. I started to recede and lose hair at around 20 and I wore hats everywhere until now. I'm 35 now, but look like 20. I am like ralph maccio lol I age really slow. Anyways, it's amazing how much better having hair makes me look and when I went outside without a hat on it was so refreshing and liberating. It was your video and some others on YouTube that helped me come to my decision. I don't feel bad about it and I feel fine if anyone asks me. I feel like guys shouldn't feel bad about this at all. It is no different than getting braces, contacts, etc.. It takes a little bit to get use to wearing it, but it is doable and having hair is worth it. I like how I can feel thick hair on top now instead of thin wispy hair and playing around with the styles is fun. I kept my system longer because I had longer hair on the sides so it blends perfectly. I honestly thought I would never have hair again. It is really cool to see myself with a full head of hair again. Hair is really an important part of who we are as humans it is how God made us.

Austin Thomas: I’ve been struggling with hair loss for 5 years now. I tried a hair transplant but failed. I knew about hair systems but I watched your video and I appreciated the honesty. I think I’m going to do it

shane morris: Great video bro. I’ve got my first consultation for a hair system next Saturday. I’ve been wanting and wishing for awhile now, but held back because of some of the cons that you talked about. I’m finally in a place where I feel comfortable doing this for me. I’m using a salon since I’m going to be a newbie at this, but eventually I would like to be able to order my own systems and just go for cut ins to save money. In your opinion, what are the best systems you’ve experienced?

jonnyronnyguy: I think the biggest thing to me if I ever lose my hair is the whole stigma behind it. We see it in movies where there might be a comedic scene of a man losing his 'toupee' in the wind or in a fight scene. Also part of the stigma is if women judge the man wearing a hair system. We need to get over the stigma because at the end of the day to me it's just enchancing your already existing beauty just like when most women use make-up. If someone is going to judge you for it, then they are not worth your time and are insecure themselves.

Nelluh: thanks for this video man, i’m 20 years old and i’m suffering from some pretty severe hair loss. I’ve had a consultation with a stylist for a hair system but i was too hesitant to get one due to some of the “cons” you mentioned here. just wanted to say that i really appreciate you posting this video. you’ve really made it less stressful than i was making it for myself lol. keep up the great videos! you’re a great speaker and quite engaging

VoyagerOne: Thankfully, I still have my hair, but I've been thinking about getting a hair system because of the volume and styling. My hair is rather lifeless. This video encouraged me. Totally going to do it!

Dae Stone: I’d love recommendations. I saw a few young ones the age of my oldest son who had receding hair at 18-22 years old. I want to learn to do this as a business and focus on helping young people get this option. I’d find a subsidized way to do it.

Leopold Paradocsical: I've had mine for 2 weeks. Loving it like I used to my own hair, but for one reason that is more challenging than the obvious hairline, but then styling your own hair will always be an eye opener, not about looseness but just what it is if you see your lace. I'm only using tape so far and it sticks much better than I thought it would. As the piece is real hair except for the small % of grey, it is wearing someone else's dead hair (at least they volunteered the hair, unlike the cruelty of wool and fur), but no longing living hair though. I wonder if I smell my sweat or some of the dead hair? The old sweat if that is what it is, or the dead hair, is a bit carcass like in smell. I have to find a way to deal with it. In my lace unit. I think so far rinsing my hair often to get the scalp smelling better is the test of time.

Oakley Zales: Just finished watching this. You are so awesome to share this with the world. Way too many great guys who feel insecure or simply want more hair will so benefit from this video. (:

Pranav Kumar: Hey thank you for being so honest and straight forward ! I am balding since 18 (I am 29 now and on Norwood 5) and I just dont want to use Minoxidil+Biotin anymore. I am sick and tired of them. Also I will not touch finasteride (I am sure its safe but something which plays with my hormones for such a long time makes me very uncomfortable). I am seriously considering a proper hair system. This video has definitely pushed me more towards making a decision. And luckily for me, I am perfectly fine with people knowing my hair aint natural, I TOTALLY agree with what you said about people doing makeup and liposuction etc. It is perfectly fine to look a certain way ! Take care man !

Materva 1974: I've talked to some women in my age group (47) and more women say I should do it than not. I think it depends on your body type and image too. A tall, broad shouldered super masculine man might pull off a shaved head better than a hair system, because of social expectations. I've always been more more beta with a fairly petite frame so baldness doesn't suit me. Anyways I've written too much, but just wanted to share my surprise that many women are more open minded to it than we sometimes think...and I suspect much more open minded toward it than other men

Pet92 Petar Krstic: Very good description. I've put on the hair system recently, and yes I exercise and the front line becomes lose so quick, and it's a bit annoying. Also, I am trying to keep my hair moisturised but after it gets dry it becomes sharp and very hard to style. Gel and spray make it even worse, but I noticed the conditioner makes it very soft, at least for a while . To mention, it's a human hair system. Keep going like your video

Icyrunner20: Hey Michael, great video! I’ve just started to research hair systems and been getting more involved within the community on YouTube. I have a question/topic idea for a video: what does the system feel like to other people if they were to run their hands through your head? Is there a harsh edge that can be felt? Or is it more subtle feeling, etc?

Orthoschnapp: Thank you so very much for this video. I found it quite inspiring and happily subscribed. Will you eventually make a series or something along those lines on how to order the first unit? I’ve decided to try one long ago, but I’ve been putting it off for some time. My main dilemma is between ordering one by myself or going to someone who covers the whole process, at the least the first time (size, color etc)

R D: Michael thanks.. I've been thinking since very recently about getting a piece, and I was thinking about everything you talked about, and you put me at ease..you encouraged me. So thanks man!

Brock Hampton: So glad that your hair system is working out so well for you! Really like your positive attitude and energy. With that said, as somebody who's worn a system for nine years now, I agree and disagree with your points. I've been detected and "called out" five times, all when I wasn't making effort with my hairline, so in my experience, your hairline does play a significant role in how realistic a system looks. That and choosing an appropriate density. ALSO. No matter how well maintained a system is, it WILL be detectable in certain lighting and at certain angles, there's no way around it. But the biggest takeaway here IMO is "people who mind don't matter and people who matter don't mind." Whether people can tell it's a hair piece or not, as long as you're happy with your look and feel confident about your choice, that's what matters at the end of the day. But to be completely transparent to anyone considering doing this, yes, people are gonna know, even if they don't say anything, and I do wish someone would've given me a heads up about that because I was totally caught off guard when I realized some people were noticing. But ultimately, if people judge, that's their problem and not ours. Wicked video, Michael!

Nicklas Hansson : Thank you for this video. I have had a system for three days now and it looks good but I have still felt insecure about it, what people will think etc. You make some very good points in this video so once again thank you.

Kai Gaming: Just got mine a few days ago and I did not like how I looked in the mirror...it looked way overdone but people say it looked natural and great and it just takes a while to get used to it and you realize it's not too much, you just had so little hair before. I'm so happy with my new hair. Thanks for giving some encouragement as I had doubts. You're the dude.

Mort13: Still having "some" hair top side but quit thinned out (camouflaging with root concealer) , the mental brick wall for me is taking the leap of shaving off what is there to wear a hair system. It's a scary leap. I tell myself that if I'm not happy with the result I can just regrow the wispy canopy that I'm sporting right now. Still mulling it over. :-/

OhMyTash: I want to learn the ins and outs of this world. My husband is having issues with receding hair and he's growing more and more self conscious over the years. I absolutely love working with hair, but I'm at the very beginning of this journey. Are there any creators or brands that you suggest I check out?

GHMR: Cleaning, reaction to adhesives, desperately trying to keep the hair soft. It can be an absolute nightmare tbh and I have always said I wouldn't recommend it to everyone. If you have sensitive skin or an oily scalp it can be a recipe for disaster.

Geoff Joffy: I wear a full cap which is total hair replacement. There is no need to be bald, guys. Do yourself a favor and get hair!! Good video. Cheers.

Eli Lis: Con: a girl runs her hand through your hair and feels plastic. Then realizes you’re insecure and leaves Conclusive con: no sex

RJR OFFICIAL: I am traveling right now and while looking for more info I came across this video. This was a really good video. Thank you! Quick question did you go to a professional the first time before ordering and doing it yourself? Trouble with shedding the first couple of weeks?

S Z: Love this! How long do these systems last? Are they easy to wash/ style after washing? I’ve just started hair loss treatment; even if successful it would never look as good as a hair system!

Ezekiel Joshua: Really appreciate your candor! This video really put things into perspective for me:)

Hassan Abdo: Thanks for the vid. Here is my intake from my own experience. For me I stopped for three primarily reasons: 1. Scalp skin was not appropriate and eventually I had some sort of an Infections spots. 2. Traveling and this makes its Mantinance difficult ( self Mantinance is not alawys ideal ) 3 being hesitant and self conscious about what if it's not probably fitted or starting to break. However, I can not dismiss how good it felt and how much of a positive impact it can have. My best advice is that people give it a go and see if it's for them.

Lucky Nickel: Great video! I recently decided to make the jump and I started wearing. Hair unit. My problem is I haven't found any real good professionals that know really what their doing when it comes to applying and blending in the unit. Do you mind sharing where you go to get your units applied or do you apply and cut your own hair? Thanks again

Janet b: thanks for this.. my partner does and he wears it well undetected. I never even knew !

ACE.CAL: I love my hair unit BUT I have experienced "mold" before. That's when I went more than 2 days without removing it and I had dirty bandaid smell and red bumps. Now I apply/remove daily with no issues. How in the world someone can go 2 weeks with one on baffles me.

k n: One of the worst cons about wearing a hairpiece is that there's always the chance of a strong wind literally blowing it off your head. Therefore, it's necessary to put a generous amount of tape and/or glue to attach it. That's probably why Jack Lord (aka Jack Ryan) was known to use a huge amount of hair spray on his fine French lace pieces when shooting "Hawaii 5-0". No criticism of your piece, the hair itself looks amazing, but IMHO the density is slightly too thick. Only a very, very young guy in his early-20's should go with that density.

Jamie Kieran: Hey man, LOVE the positive video! Your hair system looks incredible too! I wanted to ask, how are you finding walkers ultra hold? And how does it compare to say a ghost bond? I’m a 6 days a week gym goer and I only get 2 days out of either ghost bond platinum or ghost bond XL! It literally lifts at the hairline as soon as I sweat! How has your experience been with walkers ultra hold? Any side effects from the chemicals? And is it better than ghost bond?

DS Grant: I think this is valuable advice for me to hear because I am trying different methods of coping with my hair loss. I tried maintaining a shaved head but didn't like that. Now I use Toppik, and I also use drugs to prevent my hair loss from getting worse. I'm paranoid because I either think I use too much Toppik, or not enough. People are probably looking at me and wondering why my hair used to be long, and then shaven, and then short but with Toppik. It looks good in dim lighting, but in bright lighting, it's easier to tell that I have thinning hair. I obsess over it every second of every day. Maybe other people don't think about my hair loss as much as I do, but it's a fact that your hair is one of the main features that define you. When people talk about you behind your back, they are definitely talking about your hair loss at least once in a while.

J Cardi : Now that more and more men are wearing it I’m finding it easier to detect who’s wearing a hair system. You can usually see from the sharpness and fullness of the hairline, if the texture , colour and fullness of your facial hair and the hair growing on your scalp is too great then it most likeley is. And let’s face it as we get older every cell in our bodies like our skin age as well and this includes our hair which would be more likeley to look less vibrant in colour and less thicker as we get older. It’s very rare to have youthful looking hair on someone that looks 45

Morten Lassen: Hi Michael. Thanks for the video and thanks for sharing your experiences. My question is : When the hair system has just been done, is the hairline then (honestly) totally natural and invisible ?? Even to someone who comes up real close, and who knows that you have a hairsystem? Would that person not to be able to distinct it from a “natural hair” hairline ?? Other question : Do you any experiences which shorter haircuts and hair systems ?? Thanks

Moses A: Thanks for the video Michael, appreciate it. What type of hair system/adhesive would you suggest in my case? I work from home, the only time I will need to wear a hair system is if I have a video meeting or if I go to visit someone, so probably around 2 or 3 days a month for a coupe of hours. Rest of the time I can be bald and happy at home:)

Ry: My biggest thing holding me back is the upkeep. People are saying you have to detach the whole hair system every week, or every other week or so. Doesn’t it feel confronting taking that thing off every time?

Dion Caruso: You're right brother! The sweat portion is not an issue for my .03 poly system. I am a baseball player and am a catcher. Let me tell you, I'm a catcher so my catchers helmet with massive sweating has never been an issue ever! After my games I shower up, toss some leave in conditioner in and my hair and hairline is perfect like I never had had a helmet on for 3 hours. Not sure if there are any ball players here but if there are and they're worried about having a hair system cuz they play ball, don't worry cuz it'll be all good!

Turrican Jim: Hi Michael. Great video… I’m actually getting my first hair system in 2 months! I’m really excited about it. Are there any other important things I should know, I ride a motorcycle so I’m assuming you will have to take extra care when taking crash hat on and off…

M2Kay: That looks amazing. I wear wigs but my real hair is actually long. I love this though if I ever lost my hair I want one of these.

Light on a Hill: Every circumstance is different... The hair systems can look very good.. I used to wear one before transplant.... This was the biggest con (in my experience). I was single when when I wore one. . and some of the girls i dated did not want to be in a relationship with someone wearing a hair piece. Just thought it's worth mentioning... But what matters most is what you think or feel

Monty taxara: Thank you Michael, you just made my decision easier...I’m going for it!! Now where do I start‍♂️

Richard Rossi: Video is spot on with regard to what your saying. Don't have the hair loss thing going on yet but you never know. Your reasoning and advice can be applied to so many things in life. We are all our own worst enemy and harshest critic. Life is too short to live it based on what everyone else thinks or might think of the decision you made to look better for yourself if that's what you want. Besides, it's 2022. What was considered an oddity 20 or 30 tears ago is part of the norm today. And you're right. Those who count, accept. Those who don't are irrelevant.

xKaymon: I paid little short of £800 for a piece a few years ago and well and truly got shafted. The system was supposed to be custom made but I think the company lost it and gave me one off the shelf. The colour didn’t match and the system was short

Esteban Rico: Obsessed with your current hair system. It looks ah-mazing!

Keenan Serna: Really concerned about it coming off at work thanks for the info this definitely helps

MrBlueyz76: Hi Michael. Which products do you use to keep an all-day hold? Thank you!

james tolson: Your my hero brother , makes me feel so much better making my decision on getting a Hair System and I work out a lot ...Thanks so much !

Geordie Ryle: Morning Michael, thanks for the video found it to be really insightful. Just a question about the sweating part of the video. In my line of work I’m pretty much sweating it out all day, will this effect the bond of hair to my skin?

starcrew jj: Thank you! just made me feel more comfortable with my hair system.

Vinyl Vampire Wraps: You are so right about everyone overreacting about the cons!! Tons of info but I can’t get a definitive direction on picking a brand of hair system ! Any help would be greatly appreciated sir!

Mad Fer It: I'm getting my hair system fitted on the 4th November, this is the first time I'm getting one and I'm so nervous because I do sweat a lot I just don't want it falling off lol

Coder.JT: It's amazing how after a solid 6 months of wearing a hair system a loose front hairline doesn't faze me a bit when hitting the gym anymore. I think for me the biggest con is the colour fade on the system. It's a decent amount of work to keep my bio and hair system hair really well matched throughout the life of the system. In normal every day lighting you can't really tell but if you go full sun or really bright light even the slightest difference in colour between bio and system is a little bit noticeable. It's less of a problem if you keep bio hair short. Like you said though, no one cares or is analysing your hair.

Powell DiGangi: thanks for the video. i was wondering about if its uncomfortable to wear? im also worried about the chemicals with glue and pores on scalp. any long term impacts of that? I am loosing my hair a bit and excited about this option, but heard women talk about maintaining a wig etc. any insight on that. thanks!

Jesus Mata: Really good video and kept all you're point concise and gave alot of good information on hair system. And the biggest thing is to not psych yourself out and worry about what other people are going think and just doing it for yourself and you're happiness.

mary ellis: I would love to hear any recommendations you have! My hair loss is hitting my self esteem hard.

Steven Branstetter: I dig that you are present and willing to share and help; a rarity in today’s world- I live in the Bay Area and I can’t find any salons that will do this magic. I also need some recommendations. Thanks

tom koala: 35 year hair wearer. wore every type of system started with every type of attachment. so for 30 years i have been using tape everyday.. I remove it everyday and I get 1.2 years out of my pieces. I use poly and french lace I switch off year to year.I do not use exposed hairlines at all they are not undetectable.(maybe on the very thin skin but they tear easy) Im very critical when it comes to my hair and it has to be cut perfect and to this day my pieces are undetectable. Even when i went to a place for a position to sell pieces the guy thought i had started thinning.I just had an older pies=ce on and was waiting for anew one to come in.So just make sure you get a good cut on the pieces. And for me I would take it off everyday to wash my scalp. Thats just me.. The content here is very good I watch all the videos. Keep up the good work very informative...

Jay Z: My worry is I’m thin on top and when I shave it , it grows back with days , I worry if that’ll lift the system up

brian rodney: I would guess that the two worst enemies of a ' hair system ' are wind and sun, plus that it will need replacing every two years or so.

James Ridgeway: Great video!! I was thinking about all three of these things.

Jeff Bacon: I absolutely love mine. Yours looks great

Ann Mc Keon Collins LCGI: Wear a hair system or don't, it's up to you, people are to busy looking at themselves to notice, very vein I'm afraid, women wear make up, false eye lashes, false eyebrows, hair extensions, dye their hair, wear spanks to hide bulges the list is longgggg. If it makes you happy go for it. My husband is bald since he was early 20s to be honest, he better without, but remember its the person who is nice or not, nothing to do with extras. People too busy checking themselves out

luis moreno: I am a gym rat and getting my first hair system. What do you recommend to use for a gym rat that sweats a lot. Adhesive or tape? What do you use?

BC: Hair pieces are maintenance monsters. That's what puts me off about it. Also there's the itchiness and the heat. Hair is extremely hard to imitate, and since hair piece hair isn't living (as in growing from your scalp) it looks dead. Hair is affected by food and what you drink etc. It's an organisme. A hair piece doesn't have any living hair and that makes it easier to reveal. I've had family members and close friends wearing expensive hair pieces and even with a tight maintenance schedule and alot of TLC I'm not convinced by how it looks. I can understand the mental thing and that having something attached to the scalp makes people feel better but at the end your just replacing hair loss with anxiety. Many people go back to just being bald or shaved.

Luis Enrique Perez: Been wearing a system for 20 years and never had a problem with my sweat.

Pat moynihan: Great vid. I’m a fellow 220 guy. Year and a half in also. Agree with your points. Keep ‘em coming.

BeGreatDev: Dude you styled it amazingly.. only thing is, what do you do when hairline gets loose? a new full install or just use some walker tape to hold the front edge down until next full reinstall ? also.. do you apply the unit yourself or stylist does everything?

Sean: I just got mine, it feels heavy, I feel like I have a road kill on my head. It is day 1 and I feel horrible. Told them I want it off. Shedding already, the itching, headache, maintenance, cost, too many cons. F.. it

Mike R: Density is the biggest issue with hair systems. The majority of people don’t need more than 80%

uptfire2004: Thankyou, I have been wearing my man unit for 5 months in all. I have been having those concerns that you voice. However, thankyou for clearing those insecurities and look good with my man man unit. More people are needed like you. Your awesome guy!!! Thankyou

Christopher Lyons: Thank you! Great video I will be following till I get to the point of doing it.

LennyZ1: The best way is use a company like Top Lace, order couple pieces; cheaper and good quality. The front you should have less density and widow’s peak. Use tape around back perimeter and middle; white glue that clears up all over the shaved area. Take off once a week; shave, reapply. Daily you can use tooth picks to add white glue to frontal area. During workouts; use a headband and during sleeping.

Alex Trujillo: Michael I just ordered the s22 from lordhair my only concern is I live in Las Vegas weather is extremely hot and I go to the gym about 5 days a week, any glue you recommend for hot weather and sweat proof to make it really stay on there? and thank you for your videos you encouraged me to at least give a hairpiece a try.

UniWigs.menhairsystem: I have to say this really helps a lot of people!

Fred: Looking great! How often do you do a full reinstall? Do you do minor touch ups before then if you are working out consistently?

Hach: For me it's the whole dating part that keep me for getting my first system ... I just don't know how to tackle that

Wilbert Somido: I'm going for it. Thank you!

Billy Dayton to the 6th power: How long do I need to grow my hair out from a completely shaved head before I go in for a consultation?

pita winchester: My father is 50 but he looks much older, sometimes people treat him like he’s 70 or sth and I wanted to punch their faces but then I decided to look into hair system, he’s very active, play football, lots of running, the only thing that makes him look older is the lack of hair and I can feel that it makes him sad and it breaks my heart everytime, I searched on youtube and saw your video, you really look handsome and your hair is so real, I just want to buy hair sytem for him rnbut I have one question,can you pls give me your opinion. My dad is dentist so all his patients gonna stare at his hair when they are on dental chair, do you think they will find out or can we try a hairstyle that cover his hairline? I m afraid this hairstyle looks fake. Thank you for your time and sorry for my english.

ijansk: The worst part: the price. Too expensive, inflated prices.

Marcel Marino: I like your video your hair system looks great and I just got a hair system yesterday and I'm very happy with mine

E46Lewis: Best way in my opinion to wear a hair system is with a messy crop on the front. Completely conseals hairline & knocks 10 years off you instantly with the hairline I have a crop

Rez Parviz: I have a couple questions . How often do you have to go in and get refitted ? How much does a good system cost ? And can someone use one of these if you have little hair on the sides of your head . I know that the top is shaved but what if the sides of your head is also thin

Respawn: The problem I always come back to and it still applies here... It just doesn't look real.

Crypto Fan: Hi i like what you have done it looks natural and perfect. I want to get it done too, how much might it cost? Thank you.

Jason's hair system journey: Thank you for your videos they are very informative and helpful!! Can I still ride my motorcycle with a hair system?

KierBear: Does this ruin any hair you already have underneath? Example I have a ok head off hair but want it thicker. Will getting one damage my already hair?

Dave S.: It looks great man!! I look great aswell bald. I'm a confident dude but I just love having hair! Hate when people say when I wear hair systems and wigs it makes me insecure .

MaikuBeefu: How do blend the poly hairline? I have a 0.6mm new piece and first time using one. I always wore my hair up like you. When I had it put on I can see the poly line across my forehead. Any tips please?

Powell DiGangi: and definitely would love to get recs on where to buy the system. thanks!

Joseph B: How often do you wash it? Can you shower with it? How often do you need to re-apply the adhesive? THanks

XxPeruvianGamersxX: I honestly would not have known that you had fake hair if it wasn't for this video... it looks so real!

Donnie Lein: Your hair looks awesome bro... 40% Gray might look a little bit better to go with your beard.. But you're totally rocking it looking good

TheBengaal: nice video man! What's your density and how long does it last for you?

patrick stephen: I hope i can afford to have this kind of hair system

Aragonshow: skin hair systems are so much better for me better than french lace for sure it looks so natural and feels great and looks natural aswell on touch

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