Do Wigs Or Hair Extensions Help You Stop Pulling? | Trichotillomania

hey guys! have wigs or weaves helped you?? they helped me a lot in the past! watch the video and i will let you guys know how wigs vs weaves have helped me in different ways! love you guys! see you all super duper soon :)

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Okay, what's up you guys, my name is a coprocessor, and today we're gon na be talking about trichotillomania and we're gon na be talking about if getting a wig or the. I honestly don't know what it's called. So I'm gon na call it a weave the thing where they actually like lace, the wig on to you. So it's like stuck on to you, we're gon na be talking about wigs and weaves and if they help to stop pulling so, let's get right into it. So in my experience I have gotten a weave and a wig and I will tell you how both of them have helped me. So when I was in the eighth grade, so I was like twelve thirteen years old. I got the lace weave like thing in my hair again, my call to weave not sure if it's a weave it was good and bad, so the actual process of them attaching the weave to my head was the worst. It was so horrible and I think it was just because I was 12 years old and I was young. It was like traumatic because nobody ever seen my bullet spots and now all these moment at the salon, they were all like talking about my bald spots and being like. Oh, why do you do that, like you have to stop? This is gon na help. You stop we're gon na. Do the we're gon na put it on. You won't pull out your hair anymore. It was just very traumatic in that way for like that 12 year old, but I'm sure that if you find the right place, they won't be that, like pushy and like on top of you, I think was just cuz. I was a kid they were trying to. Like talk down to me, which I wish they didn't but whatever so then the actual process of them like they like that's, like braid my hair and then like braid it in, like whatever it was like, they were lacing it to my hair, so yeah they were Lacing like intertwining and then like they had these little tiny like circle, things that they would like stick through the hair and then into the lace, and then they would like clamp it shut. So it would stay on it and if you guys know the process of getting what we've put in were like a hair, extensions or whatever, then you know what I'm talking about for whatever reason one it took like two or three hours. It was really long and it hurt me really bad, but again I was 12, so I was probably just like dramatic and I already sad because like they were talking to me to paint, but they were putting all these things in it hurt really bad and, like I felt really uncomfortable and really weird and then afterwards I felt like I didn't recognize myself because it was like the hair was really big and I don't know, I honestly don't even have pictures of what I looked like with the weave on without a band and On cuz I was so self-conscious I put pictures, but I would only ever put a bandana on top of the weave because it looked like a wig, and I didn't like that when I was 12 I was like. Oh, I don't want to look like a 12 year old wearing a wig like people are gon na be mean to me, but while the process sucked, I did not like the process, but the aftermath was actually very good, so I had to leave on for honestly. It was closed down for a long time. I don't know how long, but I would say I kept it in for like two three weeks. Maybe a month tops I kept it in before I literally ripped it off of my head. I hated it so much. It was like pulling on me and I had such a bad headache from it, and I just I hated it, so I literally ripped it off like it was attached to my hair and like there was like little tiny circles where I like, ripped off like each Little tiny, like lace, literally ripped it off of my head and after that I used it as a wig. So this is my experience with it being a wig with the lace part, though, back to the lace really quick, I will say I was not able to pull out my hair. I didn't pull out my hair for those two or three weeks, but I pulled it off because it was someone comfortable and I was giving me a really bad headache. So that's why I pulled it off afterwards. I kept it on as a wig because I had like barely any hair at all, so I kept on as a week anyway. Just so it looks like I had hair and then I wear a bandana over it, and I did that for like a year. I did that for a really long time, and literally even in my house like I did not, I was so self-conscious. I didn't. Let anybody see my hair like my real hair, nothing. So I was basically always wearing the wig constantly with the bandana even going to bed, because I never wanted my mom's like walk in and like see what my head looked like so even to bed. I would wear this wig, so I literally wore the wig for a long time for like a year. I would this thing it made me stop pulling on my hair genuinely because I had a wig on constantly and then over the wig. I had a bandana and my experience with wigs and weaves the process of getting we've sucked afterwards, when I actually had the weave on my head. Obviously I was a child, so I like stubborn and I pulled it off, but when it was on actually like laced into my hair, I did not pull out my hair at all. So that was all good, but I also didn't pull out my hair when I pulled it off and made it like just a wig, so you know when it was on me like just as a wig. I also didn't pull out my hair, so I think either way could work. If you guys would want to try it, you go away. If you want to try the wig or weave method to stop pulling both of them worked in my experience, both of them have really worked, but again, that's only if you pull out from prayer. If you pull out your eyelashes eyebrows, any other body hair, it's not going help for there, obviously, but it will help with the head hair as long as you stay committed to it and keep it on and you really you just try super hard. You try hard not to take it off, and I know it's hard it's hard not to do that, but you guys want to try the wig or weave method or the just hair extension method. Definitely go for that got ta be freaking awesome. It helped me a bunch and any of you guys have gone through this before it comment down below and let me know helped you guys if it helped you guys or if it like, was its home Abbas, because obviously everybody has different experiences. So, just let me name damper them and I'll see you guys in the next one like comment and subscribe, and I love you.

JADA: You’re looking incredibly beautiful! I suffered (actually still suffering) from Trichotillomania but I’ve been pull free for about three weeks today! You’re inspiring me so much to keep going! Greetings from Germany

Amber Elizabeth: i have trich too and you talking ab it is so inspiring! thank you for sharing your story!

caligirl lovesmusic: Ive had trich since i was about 9 years old, im now 41 years started out with pulling my eye lashes and at that age i didn't know why it just felt good as crazy as it sounds my parents would always tell me quit it its not guna grow back ect ect i always felt like i was a big disappointment to them but i couldn't stop!! then at about 19 years old the triggers moved to my hair on my head soo bad but felt sooo good i would never leave the house i was afraid what others would think of me its very depressing im soo ashamed of myself but i can't stop it, now at the age of 41 im starting to take charge over the urges too pull im constantly talking to myself and fighting the urges of the flare ups i get and its constantly a battle i fight every single day & i pray to god im finally taking control of the urges with every fiber of my beings to want to break this life long trich battle ive delt with for soooo many years & missing out on soo much because of trich im determined too overcome and get my life back and be happy with myself for once! I never ever after all these years knew this was actually a disorder & more common than i ever thought it would be..thank you for helping me understand this disorder because im finally taking control of the sensation urges to pull my hair out i went for the folical that was my prize y'all doo know what im going through you inspire and helped me understand whats been going on i shall defeat this disorder one day at a time Amen! Im determined and feel more confident of myself thank you thank you god bless all of us battling trichs disorder!!!!

Frank Drebin: This is so interesting.Thank you for sharing this.You're awesome.

Pippi Draws: I have trhic and ive had it ever since i was a VERY young child. Ive been pulling and obessed with my hair since primary school and i never got any help what so ever. A few weeks ago i told my mom i want to get a wig and she goes "thats not a solution" i was just dumfounded... Id figure shed be happy for me for wanting to try somthing to stop or just to look "normal" but she just denied and made me feel like even more of a freak than i already did. Now i know bot to tell anybody (im 19, im still going to buy one but i just wanted some moral support.and got 0... Like usual I still pull my eyelashes and eyebroed but makeup can cover that... A wig is makeup for your head imo

Freaky Deaky: I had Trichotillomania. I havent had it since the 2nd and 3rd grade (2003-2004) but it came back in March and I still can't identify the factor. My hair had finally gotten thick and it's 1/2 gone out of years of growing and supplements. Idk what the trigger is. I've been using root cover-up all over my head. I've also purchased like 10 more hair supplements but don't even know when I'm pulling out my hair anymore. I need more coverup

Junior17: Hiding bald spots? Tell me about it, I know the pain. By the way have you tried other ways to grow your hair back before the castor/coconut oil?

mon amour janae: it’s called a lace front wig, but it’s technically weave so you’re not wrong edit: farther into the video i think you’re talking about a sew in, which can just be tracks / extensions. or with a leave out, frontal or closure which is also weave.

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