Why Are You Doing That To Your Hair? | Healthy Relaxed Hair | I Have Questions

Hey, guys! In this video, I review and go over some of the things I’ve seen us do to our hair - both natural and relaxed. From improper washing techniques to questionable styling practices that involve fire (yikes!), I’ve got some questions… and concerns. So if you care to hear my thoughts, I’m so ready to spill the beans!

Enjoy and thanks for watching! ♥️


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Why are we doing it? Why are we doing that to our hair? I I don't understand that. First of all, that is very dangerous. Second of all, why am I going to a salon and y'all put my hair on fire? Somebody clued me in on that, because I don't get it how you setting stuff for that. Hey guys, welcome, back, welcome back, what's up beautiful subbies and what's up all my beautiful noobs! Oh, you don't know what a noob is well, a noob is short for newbie, say what now you don't know what a newbie is. Oh well, a new bie, the be anybody checking me out, maybe for the first time, maybe for the second, maybe for the third honey we do not keep tabs around here. We really don't - and I want all of my noobs or newbies whatever you prefer to come on in come on in come on in okay, so for today today's gon na be a little quickie um. I got some questions. I'Ve seen some things on. You know on the tube as well as some other places as far as some hair things, some hair things. Yes, because we are talking about hair and I I got some questions. Okay, I I got some some serious questions now, of course, there's lots out there as far as information and getting your hair, tight and right things to add to your regimen things to take away from your regimen and yada yada. But again, I've seen some things that were a little concerning to me, so I want to. I want to bring them up, and this is not to shame anybody who's doing this. I have questions as far as how this is even working out for you, because, because the method or the reasoning behind a lot of this stuff or some of this stuff - I just I just don't get so. This is just a thing of bringing some things to light and yeah. I just want to know why are you doing these things to your hair? You know why you and those who are doing it. That'S who I'm talking about. Why are we still doing these things? To our hair, when it's really counterproductive to our goal, which is to have healthy hair again, there's not one way to get to healthy, hair town, okay, there are a whole bunch of roots and different Avenues to get there, but there are some things that we do. Sometimes, to sabotage our route to our goal, our path to our goal and one of those things because we're going to jump right into it. One of those things I want to start off with is relaxing damaged hair. Now I know there seems to be at least on on the tube on the YT. There seems to be a lot of natural gals coming over to the relaxed side of things, for whatever reasons and that's fine. But what I don't understand is why you would relax damaged hair if your hair was damaged, while it was natural, it's going to be damaged as relaxed as well. If your hair was damaged as a natural and you never really took care of it, maybe it was hard for you to manage. Maybe you just felt like okay, my hair is Curly, so I don't need to trim it. Maybe you felt like okay natural means low maintenance. Therefore, I'm going to go about it that way, for whatever reason, if your natural hair came under ill repair, then to relax it in that state is not going to reverse the state it was in. Does that make any sense, so I don't understand that I've seen a lot of people do that and why are you doing that to your hair, don't be in a rush, at the sake of your hair, that your hair's Health to go from one state to the Other and this is relaxed to Natural or natural, to relaxed or tex-laxed or whatever it is, but anytime you're involving a chemical. It can exacerbate the condition of your hair that you're starting off with that's. Why it's best, if you are going from natural to relaxed it's best, to get your hair in the best state possible and then relax it and for a lot of people? It may just mean a trim. You may just need a good trim and then go to relaxed for other people. It may be getting more moisture in your hair or conditioning I will say, because not only do I see it being relaxed, but then they just go about their day like this. Is it okay? I went from natural to relax, I'm pulling back in a ponytail and that's that I don't have to trim it. I don't have to do this. I don't have to do that so you're, basically carrying the bad habits of taking care of your natural hair over to the relaxed side, and again it's not going to bold well for you as relaxed both sides. It'S All About Hair Care when emphasis on the word care, so you have to care for your hair in its natural state as well as relaxed. Relax relaxed is not going to save you from any type of damage that has occurred while you were natural. So why are you doing this? I would advise not doing this. It'S okay to take your time to get your hair in a a healthy state or healthier State, then relax and then incorporate Good Hair Care techniques and a good regimen that will be conducive to your goal, which should be everyone's goal, which is healthy, hair. Okay, so that that's that's just the first one, this next one we have gone over before, and I would just implore everyone, because I still see people doing this again. I think it's a little scary, but why are we washing out our relaxers in the shower? Where it's cascading over your face over your eyes over the sensitive parts of your body, why are you doing that to yourself not just to your hair, but to yourself it's a chemical. Therefore, it can be caustic if misused, so under that category of misuse, putting it anywhere near the sensitive parts of your bodies like your eyes and your mouth and having to run down your face. That is not a safe practice. That is not the way to rinse out your relaxer. You can seriously harm yourself and it's not worth it. It'S not worth the the chance of that happening. You want everything to be away from your face everything to be away from your body. What I do is and those who are initiated and familiar with my regimen when I relax my hair, I bend my head over the sink for right now, because I do my hair myself, so I can't you know it's not me, bending back and whatever. So, even with me, bending over the sink or over the tub, even I'm careful with that that nothing gets into my eyes. So I'm holding my hair, it sort of flipped over my head and I let the water run over my head that way and then after I have rinsed it out very well and then washed it very well that first wash and then rinse that part out very Well, then, I get into the shower for wash two and three, because I wash my hair three times first time to neutralize it then the second and the third you know to get it all together, there's nothing wrong with washing your hair in the shower. That'S what I do all the time, but I personally would never wash my relaxer out in the shower, because I don't need no mishaps. I need all of my stuff that I came into the shower with that's functioning and working and doing and being there. I need everything that that was when I got in the shower to be what it is. When I get out the shower, you see what I'm saying like. I don't need any mishaps, and I implore you please do not do that. Well, some of y'all may may be like well, I do that I've never had a problem, and my sister does that and my cousin, my mama and my papa, whatever I'm just saying it's a roll of the dice and why not play it safe? Why not play it safe and don't do it? I would not do that. I'Ve said it before and but I think it Bears saying again, because it really does concern me that that a lot of people do it. It really does now with regard to washing just just washing overall, I wash my hair about once a week. Okay, now, that's just me, you know, I know a lot of people, they do their own thing, my um sister. I think she washes her every two weeks and so do a lot of folks, my sister's natural, that's just a little tidbit and you know that doesn't change anything people have their own schedules. That'S my whole point, but what I don't understand is people now I'm talking about relaxed and Naturals. Why are we washing our hair after months? I don't understand that. Why are we waiting so long to wash our hair and there's no excuse even with braids? You know you can wash your hair with braids. You know, I know a lot of times, people get braids and they just hold off washing and this and that, but you know you can wash your hair with braids right people been doing that for years. So, even with braids, I don't understand that your hair is on a cycle. Your hair loves stimulation washing helps to stimulate your follicles not only for growth, but also to shed those hairs that need to be shed, as well as the cleanliness of your scalp and having a clean slate, also Fosters healthy hair as well healthy hair growth. I should say healthy: hair growth as well. You want to clean sleep, it all works together, you washing and conditioning and taking care of your hair. It'S just like a plant plants like a schedule. Some plants like to be watered once a week. Some plants, you don't have to water as often but the whole point is that you have to take care of the plant in order for it to grow the same thing about your hair. You really have to take care of it and again once it's growing, you want to be on a trimming schedule, but it all works together towards healthy hair. So I don't understand why we are doing this to our hair as far as not keeping up on a wash schedule, it really is beneficial to your hair's overall growth and health. So for me, after a week, even though you know even a couple of days after a week, if I get a little lazy and I'm like - I don't feel like doing this, like my scalp gets itchy, my scalp gets fidgety and I don't even like the smell Of dirty hair on me, I just don't it just uh anyway, you get my point, but I again would urge everyone to at least get on a schedule, and the schedule should not be months. You know a cycle of months, I would say it needs to be closer to weeks. That'S my suggestion, that's what I'm putting out there, but why are we doing that? I don't I don't now this next one I saw. I think it was a one-off or maybe a two off or maybe three, but it wasn't really prevalent. It wasn't really, probably I but I've heard of people doing this before and when I saw it I said ooh, that's not good again. I don't think a lot of people are doing this, but whoever is I just need to know. Why are you burning the ends of your hair? I'M not talking about braids now. I know people burn the ends of their braids, so it can. You know the the fake hair or the Kanekalon or whatever, and that way it can seal the braid. So it doesn't come unwrapped. I'M not talking about that. I'M talking about your actual hair, I'm talking about people burning their hair as far as the ends, I guess trying to get rid of split ends, and you know what now that I said that I have seen a professional. I believe this was overseas. I'M not sure. Don'T quote me on on where it was, but there are a few clips and y'all. Let me know if you've seen it where it seems to be in a salon, and this woman has very very long hair. I don't think she was of the black persuasion because I don't think we'd be sitting there for that, but she had very long, very pretty hair and the stylist or hair stylist or hairdresser came along and basically lit her hair on fire. He went along the edges and he her hair went up. You know in Flames, then it went out. You know he patted it out whatever and I'm looking at this. Like don't look safe. They don't look safe for anybody for the hairdresser for the person receiving the fire, the person giving the fire the people around the fire in the salon. It just did not make any sense to me and it wasn't: a hair show. Okay, she was in a salon because I know they do stuff at hair shows and this and that now I don't know what he was trying to, because I've seen this before, take the fire and basically get rid of the errant hairs. You know like flyaways and anything, that's sticking out, you know sort of go down and I guess get rid of it that way, which again I I don't understand I'll, say it like that to me. I just don't understand. I don't get it. If somebody does please enlighten me down below, because it just doesn't make sense to me, why are we doing that? Why are we doing that to our hair? I don't understand that. First of all, that is very dangerous. Second of all, why am I going to a salon and y'all put my hair on fire? Somebody clue me in on that, because I don't get it. How are you sitting still for that? You don't feel the heat coming up the back of your neck. I would I don't know where this was, but I wouldn't do it don't burn your hair guys. I and again I don't think this is a rampant thing amongst most of us in the hair community, both natural and relaxed or whatever, you're, wearing or or styling and profiling. But the fact that I did see a couple of those videos, meaning lay persons, do it and then, on top of that, seeing the salon do this. I said I got ta say something about this, because this this this this ain't right, I would never go to a salon where they say you know what we gon na Press Your Hands, Clayton we're going to put some relax on your hair. We'Re gon na put some curls and, at the very end, honey we're gon na burn it. We'Re gon na burn it from the ends on up honey. That'S all you have to say you had me at burn, and I am out of here. You see what I'm saying: I'm not sitting there for y'all to put my hair on fire. Then something happens. Then I got a lawsuit and it takes a while the lawsuits to go through and then meanwhile, what am I doing while I have, because I ain't got no hair, no more and even if it were successful and you got rid of whatever and the flame did. Whatever it's supposed to do, but it's why you couldn't have cut it out, I'm just trimmed it. Why are we using fire? I don't understand, I don't understand it now. I got two more things. Okay, so I told you it's not gon na be too bad. One is scissors. I need y'all to stop using kitchen scissors on your hair. Now I know again with braids people sort of just use whatever Scissors, because they just want those braids out. I get it, you know and it's not cutting your actual hair, but I need you guys. It does not cost a lot of money. It really does not. I think I told you guys my first pair of Scissors Hair scissors. I got them from Sally Sally Beauty. I got it for a couple of bucks when I say couple: maybe six, there are a whole range as far as price points for hair scissors, but there's something low, there's something mid and there's plenty of high. But my whole point is that I don't there's no real excuse for butchering your hair or putting your hair through possible damage by using the wrong scissors. The blades on hair, shears or hair scissors are different than the blades on what you would use on paper and this and that they're more fine they are suited for cutting hair. If you use the wrong scissors, you can mess up your ends now. Those who are like oh I've, been using kitchen scissors for years, and nothing has ever happened to my hair. It'S all the way down to the back of my knees, so there Dolce okay, so you're one of the few, where this does not apply again. It'S just a thing of if you already know that they're not good for your hair, don't use them until something does happen. You know, don't roll the dice. Why not get the proper equipment on the front end, so you never even have to worry about that happening. So with the scissors, I need you guys to invest a couple of bucks and get hair scissors. Any other type of scissors are not made to cut your hair properly. Hair scissors are just that. They'Re meant for the hair up, okay and to round this all out or tie this all up or whatever did. Why are we not detangling? First of all, why are we not combing our hair before we wash it? You know that. That'S that's going to add. Not only time to the whole process, but it's added stress to your hair. We should be combing our hair out before we get into the shower calming again stimulates the scalp as well as it gets rid of all those shed hairs or hairs that are about to shed but haven't fallen. Yet so that's going to help keep your wash routine. More streamlined because now you're not dealing with a bunch of wild and straight hairs, tied up in your hair hair, which can cause Tangles. Not only do I not see us not detangling before we wash our hair, but also when we put conditioner on our head, you, you comb it through combing. The conditioner through helps to distribute the product, bring moisture back into the hair, as well as to slip that conditioner gives it helps to detangle the hair and I've seen where people just put conditioner on their hair. They do not comb it through. They put the cap on and that's pretty much that until they rinse it out, so not only not the 10 before not detangling during, but also after. Why are we not detangling our hair after or combing our hair after we rinse the conditioner out? This is going to help with the blow dry you're, basically giving your hair direction or putting it in order that way, you're not forcing order on it while you're blow drying, while you're combing it when it's dry when it's dry and you haven't combed it throughout the Whole process - that's going to put more stress on your hair. You should be combing it and detangling, or bringing order to your strands before they dry in place. Does that make any sense detangling it it's going to make it more manageable towards the end, so I have seen I've seen it. I'Ve seen it so I just figured I'd, bring it on in here and say: why are we doing this to our hair? Why are we doing this? Let'S be kind to ourselves, let's be kind to our hair, let's be diligent about our practices as well as mindful of the application of our practices. Okay, so that's it! It was wondering because I was just like I've seen some things and I heard some things so I had some questions about some things. You see what I'm saying. So I think we've done going over just just a few of the things that I had questions about. So with that being said, I think we can skedaddle up out of this piece. What do you say? I think we can and that's what we're about to do so with that being said that wasn't too bad right, we were in and out. Okay, I want to thank you so much for dialing in and showing up. I really do appreciate it. I really do I really do and yeah we'll be back talking about some more stuff. We got some more stuff to chit chat about, so you got ta. Come back for that, so you already know it's going to be the same Dolce, so you come on back

courtney jones-laweka: So true. When I went from natural to relaxed I had to cut so much of my hair off to start it off healthy. I'd much rather have healthy hair than long, brittle, dry, unhealthy hair. Now, two years later, I have length and it's healthy. I, personally, decide trim every 8-12 weeks, and get my roots done every 12 weeks at my salon. Really glad that I relaxed, especially because I run daily. Anyways, great info, Dolce!!!

Budget with Lorraine: Another misconception; people assume that relaxed hair does not need TLC like natural hair hence people end up with jagged edges, dont reatain length ,have dry brittle hair and then blame the relax hair commmunity for not fully understanding the system. All types of hair whether natural, relaxed, colored etc needs tremdenous TLC . Very informative video as always.

itsTawanza: I’m right there with you Ms. Dolce on the going MONTHS without washing hair, I will NEVER understand it. I wash my hair weekly too, because my scalp gets greasy in some spots and dry in others by then (I have combination skin). My stepsister didn’t wash her hair for 6 months and when she took out her sew in she had to cut it all because of the matting and mildew. Some people have also been complaining about some flight attendants not washing their hair because it was in braids and how the odor was offending them. Sorry for the rant, but I find it unhygienic and the opposite of healthy hair care.

HrhSophia TheFirst: Yup consistency and a regimen is key for anything you want to effect change. Attention and intention gives results!

0tismadaline: Getting the hair to the best state before relaxing it is definitely a must,great sharing sweetheart

Sandra E: Hey Dolce! Good call on that hair hygiene!! Not washing hair for weeks, or months The black hair community must do better

Allana Rocque: Well growing up I was told that I had to allow my scalp to get dirty or I would get burns when relaxing. And let me tell you it was actually a thing. I remember relaxing my cousins hair and their was actually a thick layer of yellow dandruff all over her scalp, so much that it changed the colour of the relaxer. I remember thinking that, that couldn't be right. When I began going to the hair dresser at about 18 or so, she set me straight, she explained that we're suppose to keep our scalp clean, that I should wash my hair a week before relaxer and to leave my scalp undisturbed. I was so scared the first time I tried it, I thought my scalp would've been on fire but actually I got less burns, and once I began incorporating oiling my scalp a few days before the relaxer, I NEVER have any burns, clean scalp n all. Another reason is in the hopes of preserving a style (not worth it by the way). Also was told growing up that dirty hair grows. And dread locs was used as the example, in those days dreads were more seen in the Rastafarian community, and their locs were so long, plus the old idea that locs were "dirty". And their were " naturals" who would keep their hair in braids without washing it to grow it. I now know it worked, not because their hair was dirty, but because of the low manipulation for weeks and weeks. There was actually this thing about keeping your hair tied, they use to say it was heat from keeping your hair tied that made your hair grow‍♀️ That was back in the 90's in the Caribbean, now there is a lot more information out there, thanks to people like you.

Josiane Cobb: Hi Dolce! You always touch on interesting topics and I really enjoyed the ones in this video! I did see a couple videos taken at beauty salons that burn the ends of hair to remove split ends. These salons were not in the U.S. I agree it looked very dangerous. If high heat is not good for our hair, I can't see how this technique can improve the health of hair.

Carbonet: Scalp is hair's foundation. Clean scalp is a healthy scalp so that leads to a healthy foundation for our hair. It's true that there was that myth that dirty scalp equaled to more growth but I don't think it's true anymore When it comes to relaxer application, should it be applied to dirty hair and by dirty I mean a week or so without washing it? There are still many myths or misunderstandings when it comes to hair.

Cooking with Renee Saunders: Hey there Dolce. I get what you're saying but I've been guilty of not combing conditioner through my hair while conditioning it. I've got to do better. As always good advice. The Me Maw and Paw Paw was funny .

Grcbass: Thanks…..Loved the video! Your tips you discussed have helped my hair grow and be healthy !

Djobet_InRealLife: Hey Sister Dolce, really good topic. I can't stand to watch someone trim their hair with kitchen scissors. It erks me really bad.

Sherell Grace: Hi dolce! Does the infusium 23 leave-in have heat protectant properties or do I need to follow up with a heat protectant for mechanical usage?

Lenore Nunes: Hey hey Great info, once again. How do you feel about relaxers causing cancer?? talk about it!! Lol.

Judy Niles: Good evening Dolce. Looking as lovely as ever! Thanks for the video. Hmm...makes one wonder.....

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