Best Short Bob Haircut Tutorial Step By Step For Women | Long To Bob Hair Cutting Techniques

Trending Short Bob Haircuts and Hairstyles for 2023!

How to cut a Long to Bob Haircut Full Step By Step | Cutting Techniques & Tips

"I Love Haircut - I Love Hairstylist"

I don't know about you guys, but I'm always on it and um. The predictions this year is boss, um. Actually I'm not gon na say I'm not gon na say that it's just Bob's, but it is um. It is individuality. That'S a lot of stuff. That'S going on this year, that's going to be going on this year, I'm going to be doing a chin Bob, showing you guys how I'm gon na get there in my mannequin off and when it starts on the sides. You know we usually start in the back area, but I've learned that sometimes I start in the back and then I can't get that balance the way I want it. Okay, so I'm going to start my line off first, you want to always. Let me tell you guys: you want to always marry the part line, because the part line is going at a is going to be like an a-line Ball, but I'm not doing a severe a line. So I'm going right with the eyebrow and then I'm gon na go in here and I'm gon na go a little slanted just a little bit not like that. Just a little slant. Something - and this is not going to take too long. So I am going to make sure that I'm keeping one with the pipeline - and I want to make sure I have no no tension by the ear, because the ears will be kind of sometimes mess up on. So I'm going to make my initial cut right here and that's my guide. I'M not gon na cut anything more than that and check it and to curve under I always go back. I go forward and back and that makes it bevel under. I learned that from a matrix artists, okay, so I'm gon na take same pardon. I was having some issues earlier with my um, my iPhone. I was trying to do content and storages pool okay. So I'm going to make sure that I tap that ear. That'S where we have that problem. Just let me use my comment. I want to really not use too much tension in my hand. I just want to basically use that it's going to Bevel under I needed to Bevel under nice line here like check it hold on and how we check the line. Is we go the opposite direction from where, like I'm going this horizontal Direction, and how do I check it is I go the opposite direction to see if I am on key, which I should be see a little bit of imbalance, but I see more about it. So go to my next section and I'm taking inch or half inch pardon so that I can see my guide. These Bobs are going to be that that thing this year, whether you know it or not, this is this is the it Factor. I know that I did. I did something wrong. I want to so I'm gon na pick up that other section again back over here and I am going to marry that section with that with the first section. So one is going, the two is going into one and I'm gon na pull that out 45 degree angle, so that the Bob will have some type of movement all right forward and then the next section I'm going to pick up that the third section is going To be married into the second section, so I'm gon na leave that first section down I'm going here and grab the guy. I'M only going to be calming that area of the new area, but the last area, because I don't wanna push it too far, push it too up too far up and then I'll get a shorter situation, and you want to create tension. Almost everything that we do in the salon it it requires tension, see how that is see how that Bob is coming coming along. So I'm going to that was the third section right. So here's the fourth section and I'm going to take that fourth section and grab this the third section. I'M Gon na Leave the one and the two down there and I am going to married the section I'm going to pull it out. 45 degree angle with some tension, I'm gon na let that drop, because I can't keep all that in my hand, I don't I want this to be precise, so I am pulling it out at 45 degree angle check my um. My guide up under there number one. Two three hair cutting is a rhythm so hold that very straight more line and drag this section over here and I'm gon na do this. Until I run out of hair I'm gon na, let my I'm gon na cut that in half. Let me do the same thing throughout the whole hair cut but uh and I'm going to be holding it with tension as much as I can with my finger, my two fingers right here, squeezing as hard as I can, because I want the hair to me. I want precision, I'm not doing anything with texture, so this year I'm coming up uh, you guys I'm gon na step up my game and do a little bit more education. Like I said, the chin Bob. This is more. Your 90s 2023 is going to be a conjunction of the uh, the 90s and the the 70s. That'S, what's pretty that's, what's predicted from the runways, designers, fashion fashion and hair Mary's, if you guys don't know, I always say Paris, Fabric in stylist fashion, and that is so true. So now I can see that last section one three, I would say one two three. I do it's like I say: airplane was a rhythm, I don't know. If anyone out there knows I used to dance, we used to be a dancer so County, five, six, seven eight! I feel like that's good haircutting too, so that section is done right and see how it's gon na fall more longer towards the front, so I'm loving that y'all can check. My section see see it's supposed to be. That is the way it's supposed to fall. If you you supposed to check the opposite direction of the way you're cutting, so I'm cutting horizontal I'll check vertical, and that should be a nice. It'S a little bit off right there, just tap it okay, so we're gon na. Do the others we're going to do that on this? On the other side, I'm gon na blow dry this little number out too, for you guys, okay, so I'm going to try I'm going to make a parting a kind of diagonal forward section, and so I'm gon na marry I'm going to try to make sure that I I'm trying to make sure that I make sense with the balance. So where did that hit that hit out I'm about two inches up under her chin? So I'm going to attempt to do that on the other side, two inches up under the the ear and the CH and the chain where it was like two inches up under the ear. Once I say, that's what happens? Okay. So again, I'm going to take my um comb and it's going to be I'm going to use that. But again you want to marry the party if The Parting is at a slant. Your hair should be asleep and that's. This is more of an a-line ball. So we kind of going to come down here, I'm going to make sure that I don't have any tension by the ear, because we that's the the ear is the problematic area we always kind of. Sometimes I know back in the day I used to cut it and then it'll be a little bit shorter, because I had too much tension in that area, and then I created that that thing that just popped out. So what I'm gon na do is I'm going here and I'm gon na I'm gon na bring it down a little bit. If it's true shorts, it's been too long. I can I can adjust, but I think I got it just had a good angle. I probably went a little probably went a little bit. Probably I think that's pretty good, because it was two inches of Thunder there. The ear okay so I'll make sure that I create some weight and that's how you create weight with your water, with your H2O, I'm going to take an inch parting and I'm. This is my second section that I'm going to marry into my first section. I'M gon na pick up my settings. I'M gon na grab the first section in the in the um, the second section together and so forth. All right! So I'm going to bring this out at a 45 degree angle, I'm going to check and see where my guide is bring my hand down a little bit and I'm going to cut it one two three one two three check because she's popping and then again like I say I'm gon na always see if I'm On Cue and I'm gon na check and see my balance so that I don't have to be doing all that afterwards, so I'm gon na it's. My third section pick up my second section with my third section: I'm gon na leave my one down. There come out at 45 degrees and I'm and I'm gon na cut one two three and pull back out and I'll make sure that is pull it very tight. One two three check: it: she's bothered okay, another in section each section, I'm gon na grab the last section leave the other. That was one two um, it's the fourth section, I'm grabbing the um, the fourth, the fourth and the third together, pull that out to a 45 degree angle and I'm going to cut one two three adjust pull it out again and one two three wrap my next One two three thing that I kind of got that one off so sing that so yeah Bob see how she's beveling up under there I'm going to do the fifth. I think it's going to be five sections. I mean six sections, so I'm married take the five married into the poor come out at 45. One two three adjust into three check, see how it's laying in your sixth section, that's my last section and then go to the back and then we'll blow dry, see what this number looks like and a haircut is not done. A haircut is only 85 percent done while wet, and I say that to say is that you know in the salon. The client thinks you keep cutting their hair. You think you you're cutting their hair off at the end, meaning when it's dry but you're going back in there to personalize it and uh, make it customize it to that person's lifestyle to their their head, shape and so forth. Okay, so I'm gon na come out. So my last section is the sixth section - and I'm thinking this section right here because I cut some - let me make sure, cut some layers in here, another haircut, so it's probably so yeah I'm gon na come out at 45 degrees. It'S not too much because it's a layer in here in my last haircut bobbin, so the front part is just about done and that side's a little bit um shorter on this side, and I could go back in and adjust that. But I don't think I am because I can you can't have asymmetrical Bobs. I wasn't trying to do asymmetrical ball, so I guess I am going to go back in on the other side and adjust because I do. I am kind of a little anal about things. That'S what I need to stop doing. It'S always been a little, and so it's about a it's about a happening in half an inch, a little bit shorter on this side. So I'm gon na go back over here because I again I want to be a little. So I'm gon na do that quick. So you guys what are y'all um plans on as far as your looks for this year, coming up, are you cutting it off? Are you are you um stand the same. Talk to me, I'm gon na take I'm gon na. Do some tours - and this year was supposed to be my tour here - I'm gon na do some tours because I have clients in different states uh this year. I am really gon na commit to getting to replace some of the places where my old clients were are and uh Bill clientele Here There and Everywhere. So if you are in an area - and you are not liking your your flow of your hair - maybe let me know because I will be there - I am going to commit this year to elevating on a whole nother level, I'm not a one-dimensional, hairstylist um, Okay. So this is where I have to she's going to marry again. Do this really fast Bobby Bobby he's gon na call her Bobby because she gon na be bobbing okay, so I'm gon na go perfect, yo trying to go a little bit fast now, because I it make that let's make an adjustment. I have to be mindful of attention because I know that sometimes I'll get in my old ways and not really being mindful of that elevation, which I'm thinking out there. If you got like a dick in the ball, you know the Bob's never gon na go anywhere. Actually, Bob is going to always come in different variations, rather it's textured or asymmetrical. The Bob is going to always come back. It'S like a it's like it's like what is it like? The returning of the Dead? This is never going anywhere, always be here with us. I'Ve been here since um the what 30s 40s, let me get bombs and make sure I have like uh, oh okay, so that's my last section we'll go in here and I'm gon na look at this. I was on um. Facebook live today and I was doing a pixie and I was talking about how you know we this era here today they sign up for doing one thing I have never, you know been The Stylist to do one thing: it's like that's boring. I don't think I could do that all day. It would make me go crazy, okay, so we're going to the back here. What I'm gon na do here is I'm gon na make sure I saturate this section, oh okay, so how I'm going to do this? Is I'm going to park it to the first section right here? I am going to start that off right for me to get my back section. Actually, apart a little bit more just the tad bit more and I'm a diagonal diagonal down and make sure your hair is saturated when you cut and stylish don't cut into so this is where it's gon na it's gon na go around. So I'm gon na go back in with my comb. Make sure that I'm tapping make sure I got my hair in my comb and I'm gon na make them cut. Okay, bring that out provided other sections and I'm going to keep that tension in there should. I come right out from that section: I'm just going to write off that section, I'm just going to grab that other section from there and see that over there and because I want you guys to see I'm standing out the way, but in the salon I would Have been like more in front of each section to make sure I am doing the right at the right angle, hmm and I'm gon na go back in here after I get through because, like I said before, your haircut is only 85 done uh when it's wet The rest of the rest of it, you have to go back in there when it's dry, I'm gon na move that out the way and I'm gon na do the same thing. I did. On the other side, I'm going to grab my first section, I'm gon na Park that out the way I'm gon na go diagonal back sections and I think I'm gon na go ahead and do diagonal back over here. So I can have some type of balance. So I'm going here and I'm gon na attack make sure in there I'm going to create my line. Okay, this is where go forward check that area. So I'm gon na come down here. I'M going to use my comb. Let me use my I'm not going to use my hands, I'm going to use my phone and I'm going to cut through here and sometimes I'll cut a little bit longer so that I can adjust that's what I kind of did on this side. But it's a big friend comments. We'Re married same thing from the the silence. I did the other side you bring that section down and I'm just going to ride like that. That'S the other section grab a little bit of that section. Next to the last section, pull it straight out initial section as section should be a a ball walk in the park and down right here. Okay, so now I'm going to blow dry it to see what I have foreign foreign foreign. So what I'm doing is I'm wrapping her hair, like you, would wrap your hair at home before when you trying to keep your style. What I'm doing is wrapping her hair, so we have cuff under so you can just double under it, and I learned this from Vidal Sassoon foreign who started what they started. You know um hold on. I don't want to pop over the blow dryer. So I'm going to wrap the section, wrap the knees, wrapping the negative come wrapping, her hair. What that does is it allows the hair to dabble wander foreign like this, you can style your own hair. You don't need to like haircuts to be where you can go home and recreate things yourself. You shouldn't have to go and go to the salon every week. That was the purpose of el Tycoon, creating the cutting system to where you don't have to go to the salon every week and going for um cutting um coming to the salon. You didn't have to come to the Cabana Court, but um, I would say a haircut like this about eight weeks. You could create this on your own unless you want some special Style, so for the most you can create this thing on your own, like you can blow dry your hair and flat iron, it and massage it yourself. Instead, I have to even go to the salon. I want to bring back, you know, haircuts and colors and stuff. That'S going to make you um you're, not gon na have to go, and do it to you know always go to the salon, and I see that rose gold hair. I'M gon na show you guys what I did too, I'm just showing you guys what the prediction of next year is see that nice, I'm not finished foreign okay, I'm gon na get all this out because that's too much weight foreign foreign foreign foreign. This is the part I was telling you guys about um it not being finished like. If I wanted to go in there, I needed to go in there and do like uh taking out some weight so that she can um definitely have her hairstyle in any type of way. But if you notice like she basically can wear her hair and you can wear it this way a little far apart, you know um. She could go up behind her ear, but at the end of the day she can wear a part in the middle. But what I'm gon na do is I'm going to adjust it, but I'm just showing you how she can let the fact that rocking she can really like I mean you can rock this Bob. This is what is going to be going on you guys for them. The 23 uh - it's rose, gold I, and actually I'm gon na. Tell you guys what I use. I did not even put any hair color in her hair. I used a conditioner. This conditioner right here is called um Cara, color, a color conditioner is rose gold and actually I've used it. On a few of my my girls like her, this is my. This is my um, my cut that I'm gon na be doing this year. I'M gon na. Definitely bring it forward instead of doing that regular Sideburn that everybody does is the Sideburn, that's right there. I want it to be a little bit over the ear. If you see anybody out here doing that it's gon na be me but uh. The back is gon na be very, very short in this area. I don't want the wispies on the neckline. I do want it to be like a lot tapered in this area and just have the more um uh puppy bang. I call it more of a puffy paint, but it's rose gold and I'm telling you guys this hair was blonde. Before I put the conditioner on there. This is a conditioner and I'm gon na be selling this in the salon. When my clients come because this this is a way that they can keep their hair color refreshed why they um, while they're um in between coming to the salon. Okay, Ginger Ginger is gon na be Ginger is the the that's the Ginger's the color this year. Um it's been, it's been a popping color for a long time. I mean you know we get into the train Trends, but um Ginger is gon na always copper. I always call it copper, but now they got a ginger um, the baby, Bang, the baby bag. The baby bag is back y'all I mean, I know some people, it's not for everybody, but some girls can rock it. If you wearing the right, you know got the right, wardrobe um, I'm digging the look um. I was going a little different. I wanted to be different and she's going to be that girl, that's high fashion and can wear you know those High fashion Off the Wall. Haircuts me not haircuts, but off the wall um like shoes, and that thing they got going on right now with the clunky chunky, shoes and stuff of that nature. I can see someone wearing that with this and, of course you know that knife fade, but let me get back to her because I see a little bit of weight. I want to take it out and show you guys how I do that want to know and have to know our whys and why we do what we do. Okay, it's kind of a little imbalanced, it's not as balanced as I needed to be on here. Actually, I'm going here and I'm gon na bring everything back, because that can give me a visual of it. What it's supposed to look like, because I do not like when the Bob Falls long in the back. That is not well, it could be a look, but that wasn't the look I was going for. Okay here, just adjust some things that right here I can see where kind of got off course. As you guys know, I love what I do, I'm not in the game just to be for them for the money. Of course, we all want to be for you. You know we always want to get that's the world, that's the award, the reward of it all, but I really like to make people feel good. I'M really love for women to leave the salon and they're just geeked. So sometimes I have to step back and product, and I see some of this to stay here, because I want to be able to this right foreign. Sometimes I do a little um cheating. I was called the Clipper a cheater. That'S what everybody's doing today doing the Clipper, and I know I'm not a big fan of the Clipper, because I feel like that's not a true cutter, Frank, honest, because a a anybody can grab a Clipper and make a line a real artist grab. Some clip of me grab the sheer I'm, not discrediting anyone, but just talk about how, where I come from as far as an artist oh trying to see it come together. Oh y'all, still out there I'm learning. Now today, I used to the reason why I didn't. I haven't been um on social media because you know it kind of have that thing. Where I mean I'll speak for self. If I don't have enough audience, I I'll give up and I'll be like yeah ain't. Nobody out there even watching me, and I have a really good friend that has a podcast and she was like you got ta, keep going and be consistent regardless of anybody regardless. If anyone is watching or not. If this is what you want to do, you got ta basically stay on and you got ta be consistent. So today I've been like I'm not gon na, be answering my phone, I'm going to be paying attention and doing my trying to create my content, no distractions here, I'm gon na totally be focused. I'M not gon na go off course come off Shady I'm sorry. I got to get this, they call it. I got ta get this bag I'll, say it's bad! Okay! You guys think I'm not gon na obsess too much. I think she's in here. More again, like I said you know, your haircut is only um 85 percent done while wax. Why do you go back in you? Go back into personalizing to customize the haircut to make it um to make it um suitable for the client. It'S going to take a little bit of the tip off here and I'm just gon na point cut just a little bit. So it's going to be so weighty, not and I'm not going to take off a lot of weight. I'M just gon na do an inch if I want to be so uh just a little texture, a little way out soften just a little bit of that ain't. Hair stylist do y'all ever have do you ever watch you guys like in video and be like and notice that you're your mouth was doing this jumpy thing or doing this weird thing. I was watching myself in a video, and I was like. Oh my God. I got ta start having some type of moisturizer on my lips. Hopefully that is the worst is to have tap tap tap lips. Okay, I'm just about done! You guys. I know you guys are in bed and doing your guys thing. I want to keep you guys. Okay, so take, for instance, she just had it behind her ear and have a heavy side. The far apart as again this year to the far aparted back the middle part, they never went nowhere and they had the nerve to say that the middle part is back. I said: where did it go these girls name along the middle part? They saw you that's all inside, like as soon as they sit down. Y'All want a little part. You didn't broke off your hair from a middle part, honey and there she will be y'all. Give me uh give me some input on what you think um. Of course I could have took out a little more a lot of weight, but I'm thinking she's in there because she's on train, I could have, did some um some ways. You know I'm always loving. The beach ways, but anyway um you guys, give me some um feedback. Tell me what you guys think and I will be back with more Trends and more predictions, see you guys later.

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