Samantha Does A Classic Bob With Bangs

Samantha contacting me wanting to do a Classic Bob with Bangs to get her hair back to one length again

Thank you wow. Thank you. Don'T you love it yeah. I do that's so cool Matthew, Samantha, Samantha, Matthew. This is YouTube and we're going to do a haircut today and have we decided what we were gon na do yeah? What have we decided? The Bob, the Bob yeah, because we're looking between Bob and Princess Diana and I was like oh he's - totally - do the Princess Diana uh with elected, which is so subtle, but she's got her first setting the bomb um. I still think of Desire, because if you look at all that, like it's up to you, you change your mind, your hair's crying out for the other one, because also the texture and the messiness of it. It'S actually the better overall haircut for yourself, I'm trying to go to like one length all right, so I'm gon na do a bob with bangs cool, so we get to do about with bangs, and that means we're going to change into this one, because we'll do Like a very glamorous, so you can, you can stand up and show what you're wearing now and then we're going to change so yeah. We love the look it's very summer, but let's go into that one. Shall we cool so we can change in there cool yeah, throw that there and you can do your currency for the camera, curtsy yeah, whatever I do that a lot cool, that's a second cool so far with bangs yeah, because you got some protest. Some damage there from the previous colors, so we're gon na go from the airline in the back to the jawline, that's cool and then bangs sweet, very retro. Just don't put that over your ears. Sweet! It'S doing a black one, a penguin or a stripy one. We'Re feeling pink today and it's summer in Wellington now so the door is open here. It'S actually quiet today, for here it's very close to Christmas. People are starting to disappear from the city. Yeah yeah come on over this washer here come on over here after treatment, because I did a lot of touch, but also you live in a good Sun, yeah you're from South Africa, some so that air in joburg is so dry yeah. There'S no water in German yeah I've heard I've heard you guys have water challenges, but also like joburg's, like the biggest city, where there's no big body of water. There'S no ocean yeah, thank God! Yeah, we're surrounded by ocean we're an island you're on an island now and you're in New Zealand for our summer visiting your sister sweet, it's gon na be amazing summer. I'M so excited yeah, I'm going to the South! Well, yeah yeah, I'm going to the South Island. Where do you go tomorrow tomorrow? Oh cool yeah, so this is for a couple days now so a couple days in you're getting your hair cut and then you're gon na travel new pair. I'M sure you don't want the pizza for summer yeah just checking cool and we come back to Wellington up and see where we can. Definitely you know whatever. Whatever you need before you leave the country and we're gon na help you for modeling. If you love your friends, you come back and shrim it yeah, I'm not sure I'll, be back again after that yeah yeah, of course, protective mothers yeah, but she used to live in New Zealand, though yeah yeah, so yeah and she's, like you, can't leave me now. Yeah my partner's from Zimbabwe, she loves it here. She doesn't want to go back, even though sometimes we look like there was a video the other day saying you know housing in Zimbabwe and what the pricing and everything is like. Oh, my God, Pilots for a hundred thousand dollars, but then the security and everything. Well, that was a hundred thousand dollars, but then the security around all that's expenses! You have to protect your family James, a puppy yeah, it's so beautiful alcohol, yeah they've already gone through a lot. Yeah yeah, it's a messed up, I'm from Canada. So there's never anything to complain about there. People like to complain about Justin Trudeau, but I'm like. Oh, whatever I've been here first since 11 years and when I got there, who was my - I don't remember - who our prime minister was when I left wasn't too low? Maybe it was supposed to keep an American. I can't remember if it got a long time. I remember when I left Canada, Jack Leighton was my local MP and he was really cool and then he passed away and he got cancer passed away. Which was sad, but I remember that. But I don't remember where our prime minister was at the time. But it wasn't Justin. I think it was still really bad anyway, so we're gon na go just past the jawline just past the hairline cool short bob, but not too short, like it's gon na, be not into the hairline just past the heart just passed away, cool and that's going to Take a lot of that stuff off yeah, so yeah, it's a good chunk off of the back, but it's going to clean that right up! It'S perfect! For summer your sister wants a haircut she's, actually a hairdresser yeah. Then why is she doing this um? She doesn't want to. They need one, no, but she she lives in New Plymouth. Oh, she lives in New Plymouth, yeah. Okay! Is that what she's still doing or she's in school for something else um? No! She works like a cold, no she's, a registrar right. So she's not she's, not working in herself yeah. No, that's cool. Did she trained in South Africa or is she changed here? No she's was born she's, my half sister, oh she's, your sister, so she's from here yeah cool. So she can still cut hair but she's. Not looking as long as you want, yeah, that's cool; sometimes they just don't want to it's like. Oh you got your haircut sting we're all good. That means I don't know what to do. Something like that. You know if someone's a haircut I'm happy too, even if it's like Sunday, barbecue, oh yeah and someone's like. Oh, I would love a bomb. It'S kind of hot today cool got ta, go get a pair of scissors from the house, even though that hairdressers, but I'll make it work. S like I got selling scissors yep I'll, make it work. It just takes a bit longer as long as you have a vision in your head. You can, you can make it work. I think it was an interesting show years ago, where they they were giving people anything but scissors to cut hair, that Garden, Gardens scissors or garden shears or whatever. But the point was you can get to the same result. If you have the vision in your head, regardless of the tool you use, it's just going to take you longer to get there because tool is forming as well yeah, but just so get it there, and one time we were my friend owned, a bar and then, When the bar closed there's a patio in the back like late August, North America is hot, he weighed 35 degrees even through the night, so she she finished up and we're all hanging around the back of the patio after hours. Okay and she's, like it's so hot. She goes, I want a blob and I said: yeah go to the kitchen and get some scissors and a fork there's a fork for a cone, yeah and I'll catch. You a ball and she went oh yeah, sweet too Karen. So she ended up giving me these big kitchen scissors that they used to cut the straps off the steak when it comes in for the supplier. So it's big honking things at a fork from the you know, dining, so I'm just forking it. The cutting in the forking and cutting it took a while to get there, but we got it yeah and there's another hairdresser. You know the other night he's laughing he's like. Oh, my God he's not gon na. Do this all right! I'M like watch he's like oh you're, nailing it okay yeah! Well, that's it with the wrong tools. You'Ll still get there just gon na. Take you longer in the fact that we were drinking beers, we're doing it. That was the fun and her Bob was good. I come visit her next day and we don't she's hung over with a ball. I'M like how's, your pouch, I think every hairdresser out there has stories. Yeah yeah one of my staff did a haircut at a concert in the front row. I don't know how that came to be. It was not a big concert. It was like a local cue thing, but I heard that stuff so far and I think the band was interested. I was like how's that haircut going yes like this is cool like it's. So New Zealand enough and then um a few songs in here it's done and this girl is popping around in your hair. Yeah, that's pretty cool, so your first blow dryer can obviously blow dry it very. It is very volume. Okay, I never wash it out. Yeah that'll figure how you work you just put over here: keep it messy but yeah. This is Metro haircuts, so yeah you have to experience like when your mom was young, a grandma and you can watch the video like. Oh I love it. My grandkids are here so I tried every like three times a week. She doesn't do it herself, no there's still a few in that generation. Not many left, but that's very conservative, but a lot of that's disappearing because we're having the boomers are now becoming seniors. Yeah and they're not going to be doing that. Well, my grandma's, a senior she's yeah she's, a senior buddy. You know what I mean: yeah the Next Generation to become seniors or Baby Boomers; they're not going to be doing that yeah! No because they've never did it before, because when you look at Boomers before Boomers early 60s, mid 60s, it was very the hair was very and then late 60s. That was when they were burning, bras and growing their hair and going to Woodstock right. So now that that generation is becoming seniors, they're not going to be doing the conservative, um quaffs and then our generation and your generation yeah you're, going to be you're, going to be doing cool haircuts. All the way up to you know for all your life, and this is a wave of conservative life. Well, that's anything like. There is a wave of conservative wisdom in the USA, but they're So Glamorous they are yeah they're, not like 1950s 60s, like conserve it they're like modern conservatives, but like oh, my God, you look like you should be on the cover of a magazine. All the girls have bleach yeah, yeah, one air blue eye, The Outfits, everything the dress, they're wearing designer and everything and they're like yeah, no we're modern conservatives and like whoa, you don't look. Conservative! You look like you should be in a you know: walking a red carpet, yeah yeah, but that's what where we are today same with athletes like if you look at like. I always make the example. You look at athletes in the 80s, like Mary Lou. Reno is a good example. There was nothing glamorous about that girl, but she was an amazing athlete, but she was uh. You know like the girl next door with the real short haircuts now um. An athlete makes more money from in you know, endorsements, then from their actual skill of being an actor yeah. So they look like, like Sports Illustration, cover shots. Yeah, like oh, my God, a tennis player like that image is more important than the actual tennis playing, because that image is going to make them more money than winning a tennis tournament right. So it's very different now so your feet on the side, you see the stuff in the front. There there's actually nothing going to come out of this, so that means you're all one way, probably around I'd, like lots of my hair, was super thin yeah and then, like I've, been trying to so I've had lots of little baby hits coming yeah. So I do love bugs yeah, guys, that's why we went for it: yeah yeah foreign foreign foreign. It wasn't when it wasn't cool. Okay. I love it already yeah good length On The Fringe. I'Ll do that you want a shorter you like it like that. You want to do it alongside um yeah. I'M thinking. That'S fine like that, because I can round brushes to make it look shorter for the for the impact of it but see as you, because what you can do is messy you're just going to throw that over your ears. Yeah! You have that little French going forward. My friend showed you a puppet profession anytime anyway, um yeah, I like longer Fringe and another bed over, so we're gon na blow dry it with lots of volume to start with. Are we going to blow dry it like flipped over because you never do it yeah? Why not so if you're gon na flick it over you'd probably be that way right, yeah, maybe yeah, even with the volume cool foreign. Thank you did you go out on the weekend in Wellington? No, no! I was so Joker. I, like just lost the whole day like unless you're in court a long time yeah I struggle with that stuff, but you're a traveling West weren't, you yeah, that's, I think, that's the hard one. I find it's not hard. When I go from Canada to New Zealand, I find it's hard when they go back. That way know what it is. I think when you come here, you kind of just get on the because the things when they come here from there. You know you get to the airport like nine o'clock at night catch up on the plane. They usually leave around 11 o'clock at night yeah and you do over the international border. So you lose a day and then you arrive and welcome at six a.m. So for you, it's like the plane takes off. They give you a dinner like 11 at night midnight picked a good movie, I'll fall asleep. If you wake up 6 a.m. You'Re here so there's no jet lag right, but when you go back that way, it's the worst foreign foreign, foreign, foreign, foreign, foreign, foreign, foreign, foreign, foreign. Thank you. Thank you, foreign foreign foreign, your English, I have to speak. I had to do upper class in school. Yeah, I don't know it's more similar to German. I don't know. Actually I think it's more Dutch yeah, but I think that's more old school, modern South Africa is different. You know, I don't know, I don't speak, not a lot of people are honors. No! No out of my memory off to school yeah, the Next Generation loses interest but same, like I'm Celtic background. There'S a lot of business, no, no one's speaking like Gaelic and like not much because the next Generation loses interests, but I'm from east coast, Canada, like Nova Scotia. I used to live in that area, so people find that there's more people actually doing traditional Irish dancing or Gaelic in that part of the world, I'm actually in Ireland, because Ireland's like an EU modernized, moved on they're all on the two talks and whatnot. Now, if I have people from Ireland, because whatever that in uh Nova Scotia, they are actually like. You know what there's more like Irish dancing here than in Ireland like because the young people, when you're, when you're descendant of immigrants of Ireland, you're interested in your Irish Roots, where Ireland is kind of like modern and moving on from their. You know their history. Also the accents like people who visit Canada from Ireland and go to Newfoundland and they're like that's how my grand great grandfather's accent used to be because the Irish accents are kind of evolving as well. But the immigrants like, if I believe from that and they're all descended from the past they're kind of like their accent, hasn't changed much, but the modern movies modern people in Newfoundland, their accent they're, trying to neutralize it, because when they go on social media, they don't Want to sound like they're from people that so they're they're, I can find the same. Like someone from the side of me. You know y'all want some more coffee. A lot of the other generation is trying to neutralize that too. So, but that's like modern media is a thumbnail tick, tock, tick, tocks, young tick, tocks! Now you do a big chunk and you look like they have more hair. He cuts them up. So this is more hey! I'M liking this. I think I'm gon na take you with volume. Today I like this Improvement. I'Ve got the mirrors to the back, I'm cute adorable, yeah, perfect little haircut, yeah and then uh conditionally feels so much better too, like I'm able to pull fingers through. It'S not Browning yeah. So you're good, that's your haircut! Let'S do some after shots of it. Okay, let's do some shots outside now that it's summer and I rolled up my backdrop anyway, we'll come out here. You can say by the tubers yeah. I don't think I need to watch this out. I like the volume I like everything about the outcome. You can spin and you can do your curtsy. I love it cool, you love it. Yes, good hug, cool and people leave a comment below. Let us know what you think, which I think this was better than the Princess Diana, but the princess I would have been losing to, but you know we're looking at both we went for this cool perfect enjoy oh yeah. I think about this one. We want to um, it does a little bit, but she never had well. She had a short friend. She just had short hair, but I don't know I like this a lot. I can take a couple shots with it over here, so you can stay there. Don'T move just do it this way and um? Thank you see you. Thank you.

Shelley Ridler: I'm toying with a fringe and am going for that length in a few weeks. Don't know if I'd suit a fringe again, though. She looks great! Well done, Matthew!

Pagey 54: Lovely simple bob and she looks great when the cape is removed and she gets out of the chair. So chic. Good job

Francesc Castro: This woman looks simply wonderful in her new look. Congrats !!!!

American Angel 🇺🇸: That haircut looks great on her!! Awesome job

Kaia Kakós: Gorgeous!

cherry0098: Bobs are the best, well, maybe bowlcuts and perms are too!

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