I Tried Every Overnight No Heat Curl Method

Hi Beautiful! Heatless curls are BIG and they are not getting anywhere anytime soon. It's a great way to have a break from heating tools and give your hair a bit of healthy rest, not to mention it's pretty effortless too. Let's see which of these methods can work for you!

Wavetech Wave Foam: https://xmondohair.com/collections/wav...

Hair Spiral Curlers: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B08B...

Curling Rod Headband: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B094...

Flexible Curling Rods: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B096...

Sponge Foam Rollers: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07Z...

Shop XMONDO Hair: https://www.xmondohair.com/

Shop XMONDO Color: https://xmondohair.com/pages/xmondo-co...

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Video Editing By: Kris Edrosa

Don't Forget To Live Your Extra Life.

I'M okay I'll be okay, hi, beautiful, heatless curls are just kind of the best. They keep your hair. Looking sexy, feeling sexy, feeling healthy, looking healthy, but losing a finger there's so many different techniques. It'S such a little effort and that's why I love heatless curls today. We'Re trying 11. peela's curl methods. I don't know why 11, but it's an even number. No, it's not what Brad I just like the number 11 so we're doing 11 today and we're gon na slay the hair away. I'M gon na show you all the different ways of curling the hair, with some different weird tools and some things with just your hands and you're gon na discover some new things, hopefully that you might want to try yourself because heatless curls are The Vibes baby. So I did plan this video. I know I never plan, but today I did this is the best I could come up with. Okay guys. So just don't laugh, don't laugh. Stop! Stop laughing! Stop! I'M determining that this looks fine. You know I can do this. I'M gon na put this up a little further. Okay. There we go see guys. I can do it. Oh there. I am so what's gon na happen here is we're gon na do hold on. So if you don't already get I'm gon na do this, I am going to be curling. My extensions with all different methods, probably like three on one of them and then we'll move on to the next one and I'll walk you through how to do them and then the hair will dry and then we'll take them out and we'll look at the curls And you can discover which ones you love the most, which ones you hate, which ones you want to. Try yourself, that's my hope. We got a couple things to start with those two okay, I got ta get some water uh, oh where's, my water. No all right - and we obviously need some some wave tag. So, let's prep these, we got our wave Tech here, we're gon na spray. This down, I'm gon na my wall is gon na, be all right after today, because you know we start with damp hair when we do heatless curls right. Excuse me, that's gon na be an issue. Should I tape it I'll tape it down I've duct tape, I'm not afraid. I have a little duct tape, yeah. So look at that all right, let's put a little wavetech in because it just makes all of our curly wavy hair dreams come true. Oh okay. Okay, chill: oh there we go. Okay, these ones looked the most fun and I actually have no idea how to use these. Oh, my God, how do you use these? Oh right, so, with these it's gon na give you a nice spiral. Curl right, we're gon na! Take our hairs, we're gon na right on there and then we're gon na feed it through this Loop. I'Ve actually always wanted to use these things. I just had no reason to um, but maybe after this maybe I'll curl, my own hair, with this oh oopsies oops a little technical difficulty but we're gon na get through this. Here we go so I'm gon na fish this bit through and then I'm going to. Hopefully, pull all the hair. If I'm not doing this right call me out: please: okay, then we fish the hair through and we just we pull it through. Oh and we oh there we go okay and we got the hair at the bottom boom. Let'S, let's, let's do that and then we just wait. Ah, yes, and we do that yeah baby work, our first one is complete. The swirly swirl things are fun. Next up, we got foam rollers. I knew the name of that. I don't know why I looked at it, don't come for me. Please people come for me enough online. I don't eat anymore. These just remind me of like a Barbie doll, which I love, Barbie dolls. As a kid I you know was gay. It comes as a shocker to people and um. What I was getting at was that I loved Barbies, but I was like too afraid to admit it, and I really regret that you know there's one regret I had in life: it's not playing with Barbies enough. All right with the foam rollers right, we're gon na wanna take a section as wide as the roller make sure. There'S no knots and we are just going to start at the bottom roll. Our way up make sure there's no hooks at the bottom. Okay, so make sure that hair is all the way wrapped around. If there's hooks in here, it's fine guys guys trying to do my best, but as you know, I don't do a lot of roller. What am I talking about? I don't know because sometimes it's really hard to talk and do hair at the same time and it's my job. So it's like slay but like also like you know, okay, here we go. This one can take a little bit of practice boom done. That is the oh. I missed one little strand whoopsies, okay up next, we have these things. I know what you're thinking you're like what is that? That'S so cool. I think that might have just been me actually, but they are cool. Basically, they look like this. You wrap the hair around and you flip it over, so the hair stays wrapped. I'Ve never used these things before, and I am very intrigued. I really like this. This is good for me. Great mental health exercise. Today, I'm gon na more like twist the hair around. So it gets more wavy rather than like Curly like this and then I'll make sure those ends are tucked in and then I'm gon na. I really like this one, this one's a 10 out of 10 for me already. I don't even care if it looks good. I just love it. I love it so much. Okay, this one is, I don't know what's going on in here, you look like you're, suffocating, um, okay, this girl, I don't know how to open you. Ah I opened it these things. You do this! Okay, you just do a little at the ends. This is gon na, give you the tiniest little crawl. Ever. Maybe it's gon na be cute all right get those ends wrapped in there just like that and we're gon na curly curl curl curly curl, curl, wavy, wave wavy all the way up to the top of the head and then we're gon na just do a little. Just like that, and then a little twist and there we go wait that went better than planned these these. These I've played with these too many times in my life, flexible rods, all right, wave Tech, wave foam a little bit of water. If you're doing this to yourself, do it out of the shower, so you have to like dry your hair and then wet it again. I think that's obvious, but I don't know, and now we are going to start at the bottom of the hairs, we're gon na wrap the ends around. It really helps if your hair is wet that way, it just kind of sticks. The rod make sure there's no hooks in the ends and then we're gon na wrap a doodle wrap wrap. Oh God, the hair is falling out of the thing at the top. All right we're gon na do a little a little wrappy. Oh no! Oh! No! No! No, please don't fall out, please don't fall, don't fall once you're at the top come on baby stay up. There come on baby, all right. What'S at the top, you just got ta twist it and tie it and it stays. Can you see that our next utensil is a straw? It'S really up to your own discretion, but I'm gon na show you how I like to use it we're gon na start the top and we're just gon na wrap the hair around the straw like this that it twists as we wrap. I think that gives it the most prettiest curl wave Possible. Oh wait! I did it upside down just kidding. Let'S do it again with the Bendy side down all right once you get to the bottom, Let's Fold, the straw and let's take a pin and we're just gon na pin the hair like that. Oh nobody told me it would unravel we're. Gon na also pin the hair at the top okay guys this unravels, and we don't want that. A straw all right. I'Ve seen these things all over the tickety rickety chocolatey or dockety. You put this on both sides of your head and you like, wrap it around, and I've been wanting to try it and today's the day. So it comes with a clip. Just pretend that this is on the side of her head and we're gon na wrap the hair around just like we did with the last one, and then we take our clip this one's so freaking easy and we just clip her into place. Look at my experiments. Okay, please stay okay, it's okay! I can I can I can. I can do this. I can do this. Please extensions, just work for me. It'S sock time baby. Yes, you heard that right all right. Let'S take our section - and we are going to just put this on here and we're gon na wrap it around using a dirty sock is a plus by the way, if you want to use a dirty sock that makes the curls stay way better. Okay, at the top before this falls off, I'm just gon na make a knot with the sock egg. I was so close to just staying up here, all right. We got our sock in and that's how it should look beautiful. It'S like starting off like cute, and it's just like slowly getting disgusting. Looking like really messy did somebody say: velcro rollers, I heard one of you. Usually we use these on dry hair, but it's also okay to use on wet hair. These ones are super super easy because they basically just stick to your hair and it's super convenient we're gon na start at the bottom, we're gon na or you mother. Like honestly, it's beginning to look a lot like Christmas round. Two might take five rounds, we'll get there, we're wrapping it and we're going up and honestly these babies are a dream, because they're just so sticky, you know like a good velcro is just so sticky that it just stays on itself like that. Okay, so there we go, I did it. You know the sock is just a little too heavy for this. That'S gon na have to do. Okay. I have time for like one more two more I'll. Do two we're gon na do a simple pin curl, because this requires no tools just your hands. Actually, it's a lie. I did just lie because you do need something to pin the pin curl I like to use flat Clips. So all I did here was just take my two fingers do like that and I'll wrap it around your fingers. This is what they did in the 1920s right to get that flapper girl we're just gon na pin that right on the top. So it looks like that nice and flat, and why not have the finale be something major something groundbreaking like? Yes, you guessed it a braid. I know it's my most creative one. Today I had to give the braid some credit - God guys. The braid has served us and is gon na serve. Today. Probably too foreign we did 11 different heatless curls boom, so I'm gon na let this dry and we're gon na come back and I'm gon na. Do an unveiling of every single one of these and it's gon na be so satisfying and so fun and we're gon na see what we like, what we don't like our personal Vibes, and maybe you might try one of these on yourself I'll be back. It is time to take the curls out. They have dried. I think I hope that would suck if I started taking them out and they weren't dry. Let'S start off with the first one I put in, which is this thingy. I don't know what it's called this one is so much fun already to take out. I literally could play with these things all the time, so I just pull this thing down and then Boop and there it is wow that is really curly. I feel like it's not doing that that much right now on the head, it's on actually extensions, but on a on a real head. Doing a lot of these would look so stunning if you put more hair into this it'd, be way less tight and springy like it is right now, but I really like this one and it's super fun and super curly. This is definitely gon na be one of my favorites. I just like the way it went in the hair and the way it came out, it's kind of like a sleigh: okay, okay, now onto the foam rollers, which is more of a traditional thing to do so. Let'S take this baby out. Oh this one is definitely a ringlet curl. This will definitely drop, but right now it is quite bouncy and it's like really curly. If you did your whole head in these rollers and you brush your hair at the end. Oh, my God, you would get that Marilyn, Monroe, wavy, look and it'd be so sexy. Okay, now it's kind of like our new age, pin curl type thing this mechanism that is like rubber that folds over. So let's unravel this, and this one is giving something. I'M not obsessed with it. You know these things are so tiny. It uses your whole head like this. It would take you three million years. I don't know if I would like a full head of these curls like it's just not my vibe, this. It'S giving ugly that one's an end for me now this twisty thing that has a piece of metal inside that twists. I had a feeling this one was gon na give ugly too, because this is so raveled in there. It'S so tight. These things are so small. It just is kind of giving us like a weird shape. You know what I mean like when I pull on it. It'S getting irregular, it's giving strange it's giving like not what I wanted it at all. I don't know that one's kind of for me too, like not my baby, not my vibe, and it would just also take forever to do to your hair, and I don't want to take three hours to do that to every single strand of my hair. It would just be so annoying I'm not feeling this one okay. Next, we have the flex rod. I think I got that one correct. Oh this one was a bay. It'S coming out so easily. It'S so easy to use. I like using this. I like the way. The curl came out. It'S definitely more of like a wave s pattern, it's definitely tight, but that comes with the territory when you're wrapping the hair up on a tiny little Rod. They come in bigger sizes, but this one so far is like my favorite. I just love the way that looks. That is what I want the straw. Oh, oh, the straw. Obviously the straw is tiny, so you're gon na get like crimped waves like look at when I take this out. Look at how crimped that hair is it. Is you want to take your time into your entire Hab with it? I think it would look sick and then, if you brush this out - oh my God, I do like this one a lot now we have this as seen on Tick, Tock thing that you put across your head and you wrap around so we're taking it out. I am automatically obsessed. I think this is a great size for doing beautiful waves and curls in your hair. I love the way this came out. It gave me that perfect, like soft curl to the hair, and if you wrapped your entire side of your head around this, it would be beautiful and it's so easy. It'S like all you have to do is wrap. Two sides go to bed, wake up, unravel it. It'S one of my favorites for sure I love the way. This came out. Ten ten ten ten tens across the board baby, The Dirty Sock um. I did like this one I liked applying it because it was just like easy to do and it's like you can just find it around your house and anybody can do it. I love not having to spend money on things. You know. I also love spending money. I unravel this one and actually it was pretty beautiful. I mean it wasn't like exactly what I was looking for, but again we're working with such little hair you're gon na get like the most intense wave and curl pasta Bowl. So this one actually was giving me energy and life if I did like six sections around the head and did this with a lot more hair and went to bed and slept on it and woke up and unraveled it. It would give you really really nice waves. It'D be a little bit tighter than say the um Tick Tock thing, but it would still be really beautiful and I like this one, the velcro roller, I love a velcro roller, so I'm undoing it and I love it the way it looks this one's gon na Give you like a volume curl and if you brush it out, it's going to give you like that more finger, wave style wave. This one has a lot of volume and most the other ones. Don'T so I like this one I like the way this came out. I'Ve used them obviously before and I enjoy them and they're really easy to use because they're velcro. Now we have our two boring ones. Sorry, I did the boring ones last. I know pinko's. Actually, looking slay pink curls are Classics. It'S just a beautiful like easy way to do your hair without using really any tools besides the little clip at the end, but those are pretty cheap and um pretty easy to find so a pretty reliable curl. That is very old-fashioned style, but beautiful, and it gives you that bouncy curl, but it's all also more flatter. More of that finger, wave style. I'D say, and I really like it. You know how to a braid looks. If you don't, then here it is again. I love a braid. A braid is a great way to just get beautiful waves overnight, so I feel like people, you know, don't even think about that. Sometimes so I want to include it. You don't even need tools like just braid, your hair and even tease the bottom, with a comb or a brush and it'll stay all night and in the morning you'll have beautiful sexy waves. I love braids for waving, hair or doing heatless, wave and curl methods. It'S perfect it's great, so this is all 11 methods next to each other. This is what we got. My personal favorite is that Tick Tock thing, and also that that shrinky sleeve thing those two are a Vibe. I would definitely use those on my own hair. It'S really fun. Well, that is all the techniques I have time for today. I hope I helped you. I hope you've ended up trying some of these out yourself, they're, honestly so easy to do, and literally anybody who, with no hair experience, can do it and um. Honestly, heatless styling is the vibe. If you like to check out my hair care line or my hair color line, you can do so with the links right down below or go to hair.com. That is all for today guys. Thank you so much for watching. Don'T forget to leave your extra life and I'll see you next time. Bye!

Kara K: Anyone else feel like they’re best friends with Brad even though we’ve never met? Asking for a friend

Margarita Charalambidou: Study for my chemistry exam for tommorow? NO Watch Brad? YES Also:Brad is slaying today

Rebecca: Brads videos always make my day a little brighter. They are always so funny but also educational. His hair knowledge is insane.

Maeve Brennan: As one of your older viewers (I’m 66) this video brought back memories of my mum using rags to make ringlets in my hair as a child. After washing, she’d use the rags, then in the morning I’d have ringlets which I ran my hands though to soften. It was really comfy to sleep in too and no bed head!

Bonkers_d: As someone who loves trying different vintage/historic hairstyles, I LOVE HEATLESS CURLING METHODS!!! my favourites are pin curls, sponge rollers and those tubey-like ones that you twist around your hair.

Amanda Germany: Braids were my go to as a kid. My mom would do my whole head and I would have nearly waist length waves. Loved it. Still do it occasionally.

Leigh Anna Harken: Love your videos. I learn so much from them. Just a note, the polka dotted tiny roller that you didn't like comes vacuum sealed for shipping. You are supposed to leave them out for a few hours to puff back out before using them. The curl ends up much like a foam roller and they are MUCH more comfortable to sleep in than foam rollers.

Addie: This is perfect timing for me as I'm shopping for heatless styling products tonight! Thank you Brad!! ♡

Melissa Swirlz: This is the second video that has been posted less then an hour before I have done what is about, to my own hair..... I literally put it on and it's exactly the info I needed in that moment. So crazy. Stop reading my mind Brad it's creepy!! ❤️❤️

Sydney Stowe: I have never laughed so hard during one of Brad’s videos, but this is gold I adore him! He’s truly a blessing to us all

Julia V: I’ve been wanting to try a heartless curler lately!! After this think I’m gonna try the second style. I love the curly curly . I use to have spiral curly hair/waves but after having 2 kids my hair has fallen really wavy!! definitely wanna try this out!

Laura: Oh god, those Velcro rollers bring back traumatic memories I have gotten many of those stuck in my hair sooo badly, taking practically an hour to get out.

nataliaprzz: I love watching these kind of videos while having natural curly hair. I used to hate my hair and I would try to straighten it as much as I could to look like everyone else and it's nice seeing now that some people want to have the hair that I have now :)

Manenna1: You should do an end of the year award show! Do a few categories for like “best at home hair cut” “best at home dye job” “worst hair fail” it would be so funny!

Maegan: I use the spiral thingies that Brad says are fun on my 6 year old. Full head long hair takes about an hour to do but gives amazing results! Especially for picture day

Jessica Nuxoll: Don't forget the headband method! My fave for ringlets that soften. Easy to brush out for a classic look too!

Anneke Steenkamp: I use the braid often when I don’t want to dry my hair, especially in the summer time. And I use the foam curling rod thingy’s too!

Marie Schneider: Started watching for the curler reviews, stayed for the struggle with keeping the hair in the hangers!

lilMissSunshine: I'm so glad that he did this!!! Heatless curls are all the new craze. I have natural hair, however, whenever I get it blown out, I LOVE to use pin curls. They give my straightened hair body and a bit of curl in different, wispy directions. Kinda like a 90s volimunious model vibe on my entire head.

Carine Cardoso: Brad, this review reminded me of my mother. She had afro hair and always used these methods. I had a lot of fun with you today, thank you! I love your channel. Hugs!

Sammy T: I use cut up kitchen towels to rag my hair. It's a similiar technique to the wraps and can get a bit crinkly at the ends but overall looks natural and stays all day and night! I didn't realise if you teased the end of a braid it would stay either so thanks for the tip!

Jenny Clark: Can we talk about how Brad's hair looks more slay in every video? I love it in this video sm.

Marge Heaton: Would love to see a tutorial on cocoon curls. Something I haven’t been able to master

Risa: As someone with mixed hair, I always do heartless curls on my dry straightened hair, because I don’t wanna use more heat and it works good too if you leave it overnight.

Hera Isaway: I found the sock method recently and omg I wish I could show you my hair after I tried it once. So soft and healthy curls

Eileen Shaw: Hi Brad, my daughter introduced me to you a few weeks ago, ever since i've binge watched you, you're amazing, i think you're so amazing, thanks for all your content

Sarah Gray: I love heatless curls options, so thanks for this informative video Brad!

Raven Reagana: Is it just me or when brad says "Hi beautiful" It just makes your whole day?

kate27000: I use the spiral curlers (the first one tried) all the time. They are the only thing that makes my fine hair hold curl all day. I love them. They are super easy to use once you practice a couple times. Brad- you were only using half of the blue stick thingy. It’s so much easier when it’s longer. Love love love these! ❤❤❤

PinkLady: Lol! The dirty sock reminds me when i was a kid, we would do rag/pillowcase curls. Take a old rag or pillowcase, cut strips and go to town! Loved it!

Mary Sala: So nice to see Siya again. She's so adorable. OMG, when you brought out that sock - THAT brought back memories. My Mom use to curl my sister and my hair in socks when we were little. (1960s). 4 socks each (CLEAN btw) and they were easy to sleep on. Here's one more for you - someone I follow has such long hair that cloth T/T one iwasn't long enough. So, she used the belt/tie from a robe.

Sharon Bowden: Hi Brad hope your well, love this video as a girl who always has my hair straight you have definitely given me inspiration for curls ❤️I think you should do a part 2 to this video of the 2 curling methods you love the most on each side of miss mannequin. Like this comment so Brad can see! ❤️❤️

Cheza: Thank you Brad Mondo. Me and my daugther totally needed this review, since we both have curly Hair but Not curly curly. So I have been searching for a non Heat Routine to Support the Natural Structure. Shes been crying over her messy Hair, now we got smething to try out to make her Shine ❣️

80sGamerLady: I did a lot of heatless curl methods when I was younger. Rags to curlers.

M. de Nonsens: This is the hair styling video I didn’t know I needed… cuts and colour are major but man, I’ve tried so many of these DIY overnight gizmos over the years, it was so satisfying to see them ranked!!! (and judged. Especially judged. Thank you Brad you are righteous vengeance to bad methods).

ENGENE🫶🏼: I did two braids and left them for 3 days and then opened them and my hair was SO CURLY LIKE HOLY

Stephanie R.: I loved the foam rollers ♥️✨ Thanks for this video!

Campmob !!: What amazing timing. I'd been pin rolling but I decided this week to switch to velcro rollers, but after watching this video I think instead I'll switch to the spiral curly things lol They look a lot more fun to use & look nice.

Crystal Frager: Thanks so much Brad Mondo for sharing and showing the difference between how all of heartless curls patterns fall. I’ve got 3 bonus heat-free curl honorable mentions all done on damp hair: 12. 2 strand Twists 13. 3 strand Twists - which give more volume. 14. Bantu Knots - [3 variations] - which can be done with each hair section twisted and then wrapped into around itself into a neat Bantu knot - or with braided then twisted into Banting knot, - or with twists into a Bantu Knot Let dry then take them down and then gently finger comb to style. I’ve been doing these since I was a kid and I love all the curls! ❤❤❤your Chanel Brad Mondo!!! Crystal from NYC

Stefanina da Lucca: I've been using the curling rod headband for a while, found one on sale. Works well, and easy to sleep with. I've been wanting to try the spiral ones but never saw them in use. I think I'll pick up a set now, as soon as I can find some extra long ones.

Valentina Vazquez: This video had me crying laughing Educational and Hilarious. Love you Brad ❤

ArtisanJanelle: 'Tis the season for hope! Thanks for being a bright light Brad. You're just out here, living your authentic extra life.

Midtown Brown Style: Perfect timing! I just twisted and clipped my wet hair up for the night, wondering if there is a better way.

R W: Omg, I needed to watch Brad struggle today. I'm struggling and I feel normal

MoonlightCharizard: I LOVE the braid. Been doing it for years. Love the alternatives tho!

Nitzan: I'm definitely sticking to the foam roller. I've got naturally wavy hair but it frizzes to hell and back unless it's dried in a curling structure, and the ringlets most closely resemble my perfect hair days.

Mandy Trout: I got a silver metal at my high school in cosmetology VICA for doing pin curls and finger waves! We all use to complain and say why no one ever uses them

Shelly F: Hi Brad. When I was young (I am 70 now), we had Spoolies, which worked similarly to that plastic foldover one you used, but Spoolies were far superior. They were more like pincurls that required no pins. When I first saw the gadgets you used I was so hopeful that Spoolies were back, but not even close. :-( I also used to use perm rods on wet hair, and sleep on those. Always woke up with gorgeous curls. Would love to get some real perm rods like we had back then. Ah, nostalgia.

rob lindy garcia: WOW Brad Mondo - you really have a way of including all of us in your videos. There is something for everyone in your playlists. So many different kinds of people coming together on Brads channel, it's so funny to think this channel bringing more unity to our country then anything I can think of.

Christine: I have those same flexible rods.. They're my fav method so far. I just section my hair in 2 and use one on each side, roll them up to the top of my head and sleep with them in and I have perfect curls. Only thing I always hated is the dents.. but only takes a couple min to smooth them out. I love how the curls look from just wrapping the hair around your fingers but it takes a lot longer so I don't do it often..

Alicia Laird: Omg I just tried the spiral curlers!!! I am actually shocked how amazing they worked. In love!

Posh Canada: I’m excited to try all 12 curl methods! Thanks Brad! ❤

Terica McGinnis: I've done the Ti c Toc wrap -with a twist. (Nice pun) I used a cloth head band, sectioned hair in two groups, like pony tails, then wrapped each group, one tail at a time, around the headband traveling down toward the base of the neck. It was, is so comfortable and held well that after sleeping on it I wore it all the next day as is. Day two when I enrolled the hair from the headband nice soft curles! Even got compliments!

Brenna Merritt: "I've played with these things too many times in my life- flexible rods!" LOL I see what you did there, Brad!

Mary S: I couldn't stop staring at that beautiful blue sweater. I once did my hair with Pick-up Sticks my hair is naturally wavy and was huge when I took the sticks out and combed it out. I have been scared to try stuff like this since

dietotaku: i used to LOOOOVE putting the foam curlers in my hair when i was a kid, but you're right, they always fell out by lunchtime so it was sad. my daughter's hair is naturally curly/wavy but it's been losing its curl over the years so i might have to start putting curlers in her hair overnight just to keep that bouncy-curly look going awhile longer...

Tomboy29: I've needed this video for so long, I have hair down to my butt and since it's so heavy heat curls always fall out right away, or i can never get a full length of hair around the curling iron, or they tangle, it's such a hassle. I braid my hair and take it out every night but have been looking for heatless overnight options that lead to more blowout style curls, and this is a lifesaver. Maybe I can't do pincurls because they become pintowers with my hair, but I can do socks, and it's so nice to know that's a decent option for me now. Thanks Brad!

tinyleafdr: Brad you’re glowing hun also thank you this vid is already helpful

Allisyn Stewart: In high school when my hair was long I used to make 2 buns on the sides of my head like pig tails, but buns, hair being wet when doing this. It would give my hair such a beautiful wave and make it shiney.

Grace Michelli.2 AM: I tried the Xmondo clear hair gloss..I'm in love with it.❤️

Zory G: Ooohhh .. Brad your hair is getting long. I’m loving it. Can’t wait to see you with long lucious heatless curls. ❤❤

Karyn Peterson: also, using straws is amazing because you can build curlers to your own perfect diameter by bundling different amounts! if one straw produces too tight a curl for your liking, bundle four, five, six etc and get a more voluminous curl! they're also totally reusable and don't absorb any moisture, so your hair will dry a little more quickly and you won't risk unrolling a soggy curler in the morning.

SpookyDollLady: I have those 'shrinky sleeve things' (lol at that name, I'm going to call them shrinky sleeves from now on) and I can confirm they are amazing! It takes a few minutes to figure out how to get them to work just right but once you get it down it goes so quickly and you can just slip them on while you're getting ready for the day, let your hair dry naturally, take them out, and have beautiful curls! I used mine to retrain a more even curl pattern after growing out bleach damage and they worked really well for me. If your hair is really short and fine, you'll need to work in really small sections just fyi, otherwise the curls will fall out really quickly.

snoko2: Love it! Wish there was some scoring points on if you can easily sleep with them. Many times I´ve tried to use heatless curling methods and had to spend 2 hours trying to find a comfortable sleeping position and next morning half of my hair had unraveled itself already.

Nula00: You living a nightmare with falling extentions is somehow the funniest thing ever - love ya Mondo✨

K l: when i was little i did the sock method so often because i used to have ringlet curls but i cut my hair too short and my curls went HA byeeeee and never returned lol so i am definitely biased towards the sock method but ive wanted to try the straw method too for amusement lol

Chelsea Reed: I’ve been really curious about the ticktock one. So glad you did a video on all these methods! Would love to see a whole head with your favorite and gauge how comfortable they are to sleep in.

Hannah Golden: I have one of the "TikTok" heatless curlers and I LOVE it! It's so easy to put in right before bed and I get great curls by just sleeping

Shawna Riggs: Also, would love to see these tried on someone’s head while they sleep and if it’s painful, that’s what gets me on these heatless curls

Alison Blanco: This whole ass video is the visual of my life , I love you Brad! Thank you for another awesome video ♥️

Ling Yan Luk: Love this video thank you for making it.

The Spotted Leaf: I own the first one and love covering my daughters hair in it. She looks like a lala loopsy doll with them in

Shirleyrecreates: I Tried Every Overnight No Heat Curl Method Part 2: Try the Cocoon curls (no rubberband, scrunchie, or clips and bobby pins necessary). It works best on small sections of hair. Try the no-heat curl with the sock again, but this time instead of tying the two ends of the socks, find the tube opening section of the sock and flip it over to the curls to secure the hair in place. This method works better on bigger sections. Try the brown paper bag/tissue/paper towel curls. It works best on small sections of hair. Lastly, try the rope braid method.

Rae: Very informative! I was wondering, would you please do a video about the curl you get from different types of braids and twists? Like, regular braid vs french braid vs fishtail braid vs rope twist, etc That would be amazing!

Artist_Beauty: Hey brad I’m going from blonde to brunette tonight wish me luck!

263Adder: The pink pop one is a Spoolie, I bought mine after watching Mrs Maisel and I love it! I can actually sleep on them and your hair doesn't need to be wet which is nice in winter

Mar_s19: I swear every time I start to think I need to do something different Brad comes in HOT with the videos

Brenda Serrano: This brought so many HS memories. I have crazy straight semi waivy hair and I wish I’ve curly hair I literally will sacrifice a night of sleep with a bunch of little twists all over my head but the results were worth it. But I also did the pencil technique with a flat iron. So painful but beautiful

Haven Hill: I love no heat curls, when I try to curl my hair with a curling wand they never stick.

Sphere: I love the satin tube thing, the cons are it can make a weird dent in the hair on the top and it's maddening if you're a side sleeper. Also, the first one makes beautiful curls, but I feel like it causes breakage at the crown and you might just be better off using a good heat protectant spray with a curling iron.

Amarianee: Foam rollers: "They'll fall eventually" ...not if you coat the strand in hairspray before _and_ after rolling....and the whole head again once the set is curled. Anyone who's been to cheer competition knows what I'm talking about

R e e s e B r y a n t: I have been binging all of your videos A LOT lately, I just can't get enough!

Jessica Trinidad: That long rod thing is the same as a bathrobe tie. It works really well.

Melissa Kappler: I wish I coukd do this stuff! My hair is really long and super thick. If it was just washed wet, it wouldn't be dry. I tried braids and my hair was still wet. I am also a hairdresser, so I have tried many of these with drying under the dryer, but most people don't have hood dryers at home in 2022. Velcro rollers are my fav for a quick wave or updo without breaking out my irons.

〖Nuℝรe〗®™ ᏑᏌᏂ: My mom rolled my hair in those sponge rollers every night before I went to bed when I was little and I had golden blonde hair just like those extensions. It always came out really nice and so when my daughter was young, I would do that for her hair. how we slept on those I have no idea because of the little plastic clip thing, but they worked.

Madeleine Howard: When I was a kid I had loooooong hair and it would get really tangled over night so my mom would braid it every night. I’ve been doing it for so long now I can’t sleep with my hair down braids for the win

Ashley Tillman: Brad Mondo’s videos are literally the epitome of “great idea, terrible execution”

May Marzipan: Brad was like “people come for me all the time, I don’t need any more” Brad, we love you ( 3:25 )

Davillia GGTM: Ok, so I know this sounds so weird but my mom used to curl my hair with pencils not like number 2, but like Crayola art pencils cause they were round, she’s also done it with Expo markers anyway I got really good curls I say try itif anyone wants to know I’ll ill you what she would do to make them last all day and not feel super gross

AMMcGillen: Brad, you're the absolute cutest, but you did like... 7 things harder than they needed to be done I love you, you make my day!

Erica S.: My 2000's high school go-to was definitely the braids (french) with mousse on top before bed for that crinkle look.

RandomVibes: I’ve done the straws so many times, possibly my favourite method

Nicole Lavigne: I've seen video reviews from a couple people of the curl formers (first one) and apparently they can really tug and hurt getting your hair in and out of them, especially larger sections.

Hot tub Time Machine: First thing that came to mind wait Brad let me get pants clip hangers. Started laughing when you got some, thanks Beautiful you did great love watching you. You look stunning in that blue shirt. Love you, like the foam curls #2 Shirley Temple look. Thanks for another great video.

Nielsen Bolton: Wow I'm definitely going to try the sponge foam curls

Kitsune Ayano: Foam curler, Velcro and braid top tier for me . I absolutely love ringlet curls

Min D: I’d love to see you take your favorite 3 and do a full Mani head with them! Or even on an actual person because a big factor in lots of these is how realistic and comfortable they are to have on for several hours/overnight. AND if they don’t get all frizzy or kinked around the roots from the curlers being lived in/slept in. I know one thing that I have a hard time with when it comes to heatless curls is the weight of the curler pulling my roots super flat against my scalp and then not being able to get that volume back.

Madi Pat: I love your videos! Can you do heat and heartless curls on different kinds of hair? I have straight hair and when I curl it it start falling almost immediately

Audrey Taylor: The video we all need right now!! Thank you, bestie!

Tamara Cadé Walton-Gray: Foam Roller is my favourite! But I really love the straws too... I'm sure Graveyard girl did this back in the day too

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