Reviving Over Processed Hair In 3 Steps | Professional Hair Stylist Secrets

Miss Mannequin Head 2022 Needs A Hardcore Kiss after her bout with a Direct Dye Remover!!!

In this Video, We're gonna follow three easy steps to repair this over processed hair (Stay Tuned to the End for 2 BONUS TIPS!) :

*Cleanse! I'll be using Alfaparf Semi DiLino Reconstruction for Damaged Hair Reparative Low Shampoo.

*Fill!!. Where would I be without ApHogee Protein Treatment?

*Condition!!! Deep Conditioning is not a "maybe" it's a MUST! And in Alfaparf Semi DiLino Reconstruction for Damaged Hair Reparative Mask we Trust!


Alfaparf Milano Semi Di Lino Reconstruction Reparative Anti-Breakage Daily Fluid

Alfaparf Milano Semi Di Lino Smooth Smoothing Cream for Frizzy and Rebel Hair

Give Your Hair A Kiss Face Mask:

Book a Hair Appointment with Kiss:

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Shake it shake it out. Girl, yeah, hey guys, welcome back to give your hair a kiss i'm kiss, and this is fixing over processed hair. If you're new, here, hey hi, hit subscribe, i'm here for you every tuesday to help give your look a kiss if you're liking. What you're seeing give me a kiss. Give me a like subscribe share comment down below we'll have a little conversation. So what are we getting into today with fixing this hair? Well, a couple weeks back, i did a video um, removing semi-permanent direct dyes from my mannequin, using guys hands hashtag striptease now check out that video and you'll see how we got to here. Like i said, the hair is feeling really over processed, really dried. So as much as i want to fix this residual blue color and a little bit of greenishness that's kind of through here. I need to get this mannequin feeling good so that it's ready to receive color okay, so we are going to do this in three steps. Today: okay, we're going to cleanse we're going to fill ie protein treatment and then we're going to deep condition. So, first things. First, we're gon na hit a cleanse, we're gon na shampoo twice with warm water, just to make sure we don't have any residual product left in the hair um after the video i did with removing direct dye. I did do a deep conditioning mask and rinse that out, but we are going to shampoo just to make sure every we're, starting from a nice clean slate, okay, cool to the shampoo area. Okay, it's shampoo time and i've got my alpha part semi-delino. Reconstruction shampoo. Do cool? Okay? We are double shampooed, we are cleansed. We are towel drying at the moment, while we're wrapped up in this towel, and i don't want her to get too dry mind you we're going to need that moisture to run product through i'm going to go ahead and set up to fill step number two. So i'm going to use my apogee treatment. This is a really intense protein treatment disclaimer. This doesn't feel great on your hands. This does not smell great and once it's in the hair, you're gon na see don't try to move it. Okay, let's do this. I'M gon na start by gloving up actually before i glow up, i'm gon na go ahead and section my hair out. I have my four sections great now, i'm gon na start in the back, because i feel like it's just easier to go like this and start with the back and then do the front. Whereas if you have all this product up front and then you try to go back here, it's just it's a mess. So i'm going to start right back. Okay got my applicator brush wide tooth comb and a bit of roll cotton. We'Re going to use this around the hairline just to prevent any product from coming down onto the face. This will also dissolve away when you go to rinse it later um. So it's fine if it just gets a little stuck to the product and it will yes, it will very sticky hardening protein treatment so um. This is just for safety measures. You know and keeping just keeping this product because it is so tense away from the face and the back of the neck. It would just it just gets uncomfortable. Okay, i'm gon na glove up. I'M gon na take like like one inch sections with this. You can go kind of big, but you got ta saturate, so boom we're going to grab our product, we're not going to start directly on the scalp. With this treatment we're going to go off the scalp and through the length of the hair. It'S very liquidy, this stuff does make a mess typically on a client. I do this over the shampoo bowl um, just so it it has somewhere to go because it does kind of just drop off. I'M going to go ahead and comb that, through i can comb up towards the root again, we don't need this directly on the scalp. It may cause discomfort directly on the scalp, we're just going to make sure that's saturated through cool and just work through the hair. So, basically, what this product is doing, if you think of um processed hair of being over processed hair, that is it's very porous. It'S like a sponge, okay, so it sucks product up it sucks water up and then it just spits it back out. Nothing will stay in the hair, okay, um, so think of this as like a road full of potholes. Okay, that's your porous hair! It'S a roll road full of potholes and this apogee treatment is acting to fill in those concrete. So we're like laying out a layer of concrete this protein treatment is filling in those overly porous areas throughout the hair strand, so that the hair, then you know, has somewhere for the color to then go or in terms of like semi-permanent something to cling to, without Just being spit back out, so we're filling in our potholes and then when we go to color. That'S like your nice clean layer of asphalt. You know pro tip: try not to get this product in your eyes, some of it just like splash, and i was like whoa if it does get in your eyes, if it does get um on your skin and begins irritating flush with water, flush, flush, flush, flush With water, i do recommend, if you're going to do an intense protein treatment, definitely do it before you do color. I know, sometimes it's not until after you've done color that you notice wow, my hair is pretty porous. It'S spinning it back out. If you do a high protein treatment um, it makes it it's gon na strip some color coming off along with it just because of the intensity um, so just color after prep the space color after. I actually wonder if this will maybe lighten up some of this blue. A little more, i don't know stay tuned to the end of the video to see what this product does to this blue section, not pinning it up. This is a product you do not want to use clips when you're working with it um, because when it dries and you go to take that clip out um the product will have hardened on near around the clip. It may cause additional breakage trying to take that clip out um once this product has begun to dry, no brush, no comb, it will break. This is a intense fortifying treatment. I can't stress that enough um to just be careful when you're using something like this. It does say for professional use only it is available in most neighborhood beauty supplies, but, yes, exercise. Caution. Do not try to comb through this once it's begun to set okay, while it's still wet, yes, manipulate the hair, get it where you need it set it in a way that is comfortable for the product to dry and harden in the hair. So since i'm not using a clip, i'm just going to gather this hair and we don't want to use clips with this. Just gather my hair away from the face set her on top set her on top i'm going to temporarily flip them. My product is still wet, so i can still utilize my tools. I'M going to clip this for a moment. Go ahead, grab our length of cotton. You want enough to wrap around the head, keep that product off the ears and your cotton is just gon na. Stick right to that product now: okay, the reason i say put it on top is i'm going to use a hood dryer to process and harden our protein treatment? If you do not have a hood dryer, though i would say, keep it back, sit on, you know, have a seat for a while and hit it with the blow dryer, but you want it to get stiff, stiff, stiff, stiff, don't move the hair, don't shift the Hair, just let it be get it hard and dry okay, so i'm gon na take this out i'll leave. You guys piled up here. Okay, i'm gon na grab my hood dryer. This is gon na, take approximately 20 30 minutes in the hood dryer um, with a standard blow dryer. Depending on how much hair you have anywhere from 30 minutes up to an hour depending on just how much hair we're working with here. So i'm gon na get going on that all right, so this is what i was talking about with it: kids literally crunchy in the hair - and this is good. This is what you want. This means everything is filling in all those little potholes, so we are going to rinse this with warm, not hot, not hot, not hot, hot hot, warm like lukewarm water, okay, not too cold. We'Re not gon na go too hot on this. Why? We don't want things to break so we're gon na go back to the shampoo bowl and let this guy go. Let'S go here. We go we're just gon na run the water over the hair, we're just gon na. Let it fall back into place. Okay, we're gon na make sure that we've cleansed all of the all of the extra product out of the hair before we apply our deep conditioning mask and towel dry we've rinsed the effigy the protein treatment and shampooed to make sure we removed any residual protein treatment From the hair, if you feel like you still have a little bit lingering shampoo again get that product off the hair. It'S done what it came to do so just towel dry, the hair, remove any extra moisture. We don't want. The hair dripping just a little bit damp because now we're going to move on to our deep conditioning mask okay - and i am going with my alpha part milano semi deleno reconstructor with bamboo extracts. Okay, for this grab a wide tooth comb grab a butterfly clip or two or three or four for, however much hair, you have and we're going to do the same thing. We are going to apply the conditioning mask to the length of the hair. Now i have a few options here. I could put her back under the hood dryer um. I could let her set just in a processing cap. If this was a human, we'd have body heat to work with, and that would be great to create just the kind of a humid atmosphere around the hair. Keep those cuticles, nice and puffed up so that the product can penetrate the hair, shaft um or you can pin her up, go to your laundry go work out, go read a book. Have a snack we're gon na let this process for 20 minutes, okay and then uh yeah we're gon na rinse this with cool water, so 20 minutes on the clock and we will be right back. Okay, time's up, i went ahead and rinsed her out cool cool water. The hair is like butter. We'Re gon na stick with this wide tooth comb. We'Re not gon na do brushes yet because the hair is still when the hair is wet. It is more fragile. So now that we've done all that reconstructing we don't want to backtrack. So we did our three steps. Yes, we did our cleanse. We did our fill our protein treatment and we did our deep conditioning mask so. We'Ve cleansed filled moisturized right, okay, so we're nice, we're detangled, so now you're asking yourself kiss now that i've done these three steps. What do i do? I'M just standing here with wet deeply conditioned hair, we're going to add two more steps, the first of which is leave-in product. So i'm going to reach for my alpha parf semi-delino, reconstructor, anti-breakage spray, okay and i'm going to liberally liberally apply this just spritz it all over root and everywhere get it in the hair. Okay, i'm gon na finger comb that through make sure we're saturating all of the hair and then i'm gon na reach for a secondary product. I'M gon na go with my smoothing cream again alpha part semi, deleno, smoothing cream. This is from their smooth rebel, hairline um and i'm pretty excited. I just started working with this product and i'm having a great time with it. This is a great pre blow dry product. It'S also great when i'm styling short hair and i'm not necessarily doing like a a brush blowout when i'm just rough drying. This is a great product to use in a very small amount, drier hair, just to get some some form and some smoothness some anti-frizz. So i'm just gon na take that through the hair, so we've got our anti-breakage and we have a smoothing cream in the hair. We'Re just going to keep her nice and detangled wide tooth comb make sure we're getting all that product through and i'm going to comb. This to a place um, if i were doing this in the salon - okay, sometimes people got places to be they got things to do. They'Ve got show some face. We may need to do a blow dry. However, if we're doing this at home and we're really working on that reconstructing then step four is leave it alone. Just leave it alone. Just leave it alone, we're just gon na pop her into a nice loose, or this would be a great time to do some soft curls. If you wanted to do a roller, some wet set styling. If you guys would like to see more of that. Please comment down below i'll, come up with something for you, but today we're just gon na pop her into a loose. It doesn't need to be pretty but into a loose three strand, braid we're not going with a ton of tension, we're just gon na. Let the hair rest for like at least a day two days, if you can just keep the heat off of it, that is our fixing our reviving over processed hair at home. I know you guys can do this simple, easy steps. I'M gon na tag all the products i use down below really glad we got together today guys and gave my mannequins hair a kiss. You can follow me on social media, facebook and instagram. Give your hair a kiss check me out at, while you're there and happen to find yourself in the new york city area book. An appointment with me kiss here in the kissing booth. We'Ll have a great time, but until next tuesday guys give your hair a kiss. You

JJ TheJetPlane: Your format of explaining is very helpful. I find your random input like “not hot not hot” helpful because it’s those comments that stick in your head when you’re doing it yourself! I think when some people explain how to use a product, sometimes they forget that the person watching may not know anything so basically I’m just saying you do a great job at that!!

JJ TheJetPlane: You have a fantastic personality! Glad I found your channel!

Void member Oof:

𝕄𝕪𝕒 𝕒𝕟𝕕 ℕ𝕖𝕝𝕝𝕚𝕖: I hope you go viral and get ur own studio and hair salon..

𝕄𝕪𝕒 𝕒𝕟𝕕 ℕ𝕖𝕝𝕝𝕚𝕖: Lol

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