Fall & Winter Relaxed Hair Tips | Healthy Relaxed Hair

Hey Y'all! Here are somethings I will be doing during the Fall and Winter months to care for my relaxed hair. What does your Fall & Winter Routine look like? Please leave any suggestions and questions below❣️


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✨Check out some of my other relaxed hair videos:

Relaxed Hair Wash Day: https://youtu.be/-8DIuWRykpw

How to Get Thicker Relaxed Hair: https://youtu.be/_i46Szc0YgU

Is Your Relaxed Hair Under Processed?: https://youtu.be/EpiaAD6HlWI

Things I No Longer Do to My Relaxed Hair: https://youtu.be/9iBWQfXew7E

Relaxed Hair Wash Day: https://youtu.be/bzYOlQGTVJQ

Stretching Your Relaxer Pros and Cons: https://youtu.be/rPdN3pfEZrg

Fixing Protein Overload in Relaxed Hair: https://youtu.be/JAdICuuMR2M

Hey y'all and welcome back to the channel in today's video I wanted to share some relaxed hair tips for the upcoming fall and winter season. The first tip that I have for you, ladies, is to make sure your hair is properly moisturized in most places. If you have a moderate climate like where I live, you, the air, starts to change. The air starts to get a little bit drier. It starts to get a little bit colder and because of that, we need to make sure that our hair is properly moisturized. I keep my hair moisturized all year long, but if you're, not someone that um, you know moisturizes your hair a lot or I don't. Let me rephrase, I don't moisturize my hair a lot, but my hair is moisturized all the time. If that makes any sense I'll explain in a minute but um, if you don't really um, you know make sure that your hair has adequate moisture. Then I would start um. I would start now, especially just because having moisturized hair is something that can help you to retain your length. You don't have to moisturize your hair every day you don't have to moisturize every other day. You don't have to do any of that. Um. You don't even really have to moisturize and seal, but you want to implement a few things and I'll share with you guys what I do so. The first thing that I do that helps to help with the moisture levels and my hair is I pre-poo my hair. Now I do not pre-poo my hair with conditioner, I pre-poo my hair with oil, and I do like a hot oil treatment. My preferred oil of choice is coconut oil and I love to use coconut oil as my pre-poo for my hair or as a hot oil treatment before I wash my hair just because coconut oil is very rich in fatty acids, so it is great in being able To actually penetrate deep into your hair shots and condition it, and what coconut oil also does is um, which is why it's great to use it before you wash your hair? Is it prevents your hair from absorbing too much water? Because if your hair absorbs too much of the water once you continue throughout your styling process, your hair cuticle can swell and in turn become dry brittle and break. So the pre-poo kind of is supposed to prevent your hair from doing that, and it's been working for me. Another thing that I do to make sure that my hair is moisturized is I usually use a moisturizing deep conditioner every single time I wash my hair um in the past, I say usually because in the past sometimes I have used a protein one or I'll use Protein and one moisture or just protein, whatever I really feel like doing, but here lately now that it's been colder, I have been using um a moisturizing one. My moisturizing one does have a little bit of protein in it and I'll share with you guys. I I'll probably run it through or pop show you guys what I'm using now but um. I really like that. One very moisturizing leaves my hair feeling very silky soft moisturized. My hair just loves that um and that's what I that's another thing I do to keep my hair moisturized and I also use a leave-in conditioner before I do any sort of blow drying or anything like that to my hair and with me doing all those things My hair is moisturized and good throughout the week and I don't have to moisturize my hair anymore. My hair tends to um like break off like right here and the crown and in the very back, if it's not moisturized properly, I guess maybe my hair texture is different right there, so it gets drier. I don't really know but um. If you have that problem, then maybe try some of the methods that I mentioned below and I think it'll help you, especially for the upcoming fall and winter season. The second tip that I have for my relaxed hair girlies for the fall and winter season is it's kind of have a two-part thing. Okay, so just roll with me. So the first thing is make sure your ends are trimmed make sure either your ends are trimmed going into fall and winter or make sure you are on some sort of a trimming schedule or you're just keeping mindful of your ends and knowing when they need to Be clipped dusted? What have you so for me? I clip my ends. I go to a professional and get my ends cut every eight weeks and then at home. If I need to dust, I have invested in a pair of hair, hair shears and I will dust in between, but I really try not to do that because I feel like I might cut off more than I actually have to. If I do it myself at home, so I really try not to dust my ends at home, really at all, unless I just really need to, because I don't want to cut too much off, because y'all know we trying to grow this bag, but yeah um keep Up with your ads make sure you get on the trim, schedule and um make sure you either make sure you get on the trim schedule if you're not and make sure you um go, get your ends, trimmed. If it's been, I would say over 10 weeks since you got it done, this is going to help you one of two ways. One way is going to help you, because once you cut your ends, that's going to encourage your hair to grow more because your hair is not going to tend to want to split up The Hair Shop. It'S going to be blunt, so it's just gon na encourage your hair to actually grow out and the second reason why you want to make sure you get your ends. Trimmed is because I don't know about y'all, but in the fall I love to wear sweaters. I love to wear sweaters. I love to wear wools. I love to wear scarves. I love to wear all those dry scratchy tight Fabrics. I just and I like cozy stuff, so I like to always be warm like sidetracked, but when I'm at home, I'm always wrapped up in a blanket or my robe, because I just love to be cuddly and soft. So when fall comes, oh I'm in a sweater. I'M in some Sherpa I'm in something that feels like a blanket and while those Fabrics feel really nice on the skin, sometimes they can be really drying to our hair, and sometimes our hair can also get like tangled up like in the little balls of our scar. Let me see if I got a scarf hold on, let me show y'all what I'm talking about y'all, don't laugh at my scarf, because I've had this scarf for about a year and a half, but they now, if your ends, wasn't trimmed what could happen? What could still happen honestly, but it could happen worse if your ends were like really scraggly. You see all these little balls and maybe maybe maybe you should invest. Maybe I ain't gon na say y'all because y'all may have already invested in nice new scarves. Maybe I should just invest in a new scarf and I went had this problem, but ain't nobody got time to be buying all brand new scars. Okay, I still like this one. So anyways y'all see how these, how scarves sometimes like get these little balls and stuff. You have to be mindful of that, even if your hair is trimmed, but if your hair isn't trimmed um and you have like little scraggly ends or scraggly pieces that can kind of like wrap up and um. You know, break your hair off and while it may seem very minor, you know we want to keep our hair as healthy as possible, and now I got stuff floating around. We want to keep our hair as healthy as possible, and we don't really want to be causing any unnecessary damage, because we're um wearing drier fabrics and also just be mindful of those Fabrics around the nape of your neck um. If that area is really dry or if it's broken off really bad or if you're noticing breakage right there, it may be because of your scarves, so um just keep an eye on that, make sure you're getting your ends, trimmed and make sure you're just being mindful Of the fabric that you're wearing so that you don't cause any extra or unnecessary damage or setbacks. The third tip that I have for my relaxed hair girlies for the fall and winter season when it comes to our hair, is to simply just begin to enjoy your wash day and make your wash day a self-care experience. Now. Some of you, ladies may, have already been doing this. I know I have kind of already been doing this, but I think this is more so for the ladies that really don't like washing their hair. They really don't like dealing with the whole wash day process. I think fall is the perfect time to get more into self-care, especially with your hair, because when you're doing your hair or when it's fall, you could really just kind of have fun with it and do all sorts of things like I'll kind of go through with Y'All, like what I like to do for my wash days in the fall, so what I might do is, I might um set my wash day up for a Saturday or Sunday and I'm gon na wash my hair that day. So I just make a day out of it and what I'll do is. I will get me some wine I'll get me my favorite snacks and I will you know, go through my whole wash day process, while I'm sitting under my dryer, I might be cuddled up under my blanket. I might have me a nice glass of wine. I might have my favorite snack while I've got my deep conditioner on my hair, I might be in the kitchen baking me not well, I'm not really much of a baker, so I didn't mean to say bacon, but I might be in the kitchen cooking me up A nice fall meal. While I got my deep conditioner on my hair and um there's just really so many different things you can do and this fall. So it's a little bit more chilly, so um. I don't really go that many places when it gets on fall and winter. I like to kind of stay indoors and be cozy and um just cuddled up and cozy. So if you are like me, then really take advantage of the time that we are about to be spending indoors and make the most of it. If you don't like washing your hair or you dry, it wash days like I said, get your favorite drink. It doesn't have to be wine, maybe it can be tea or your favorite, coffee or whatever you like, or even a mocktail, whatever you like, and just make the most out of your time and really spend that time, taking care of yourself and taking care of your Hair, the fourth tip that I have for my relaxed hair girlies for the upcoming fall and winter season, is to try to stay as healthy as possible, and this is a hard one, because I know I don't know about y'all, but I have um. I have allergies and sinus problems so really I have allergy issues every time the season changes, okay, especially fall and spring fall and spring. I always get some type of cold or some type of severe allergy issue going on. That puts me out for the count for anywhere from two days to a week. Okay, but what I have started doing is just try to take better care of myself and my body so that I do not get sick or so that you know if I do have some sort of little minor allergy issue or virus that I can kind of Bounce back as soon as possible, because when I'm sick, I don't like doing my hair and I tend to neglect my hair, my self-care I just want to lay in the bed I just want to lay on the couch. I don't want to do anything. I don't want to wash my hair. I don't want to do anything. So that's what I'm saying try to stay your healthiest and what I have been doing is just making sure that I'm increasing my water intake. I was slacking off for a few months, so I'm not gon na lie and I am nowhere near the amount of water that I use to consume. But I'm slowly increasing my water intake to just make sure that I'm fully hydrated make sure that I'm flushing everything out make sure my blood is moving throughout my body, and it just makes me feel better and makes me have a lot more energy. Another thing that I have been doing is making sure I just drink me. A good old glass of orange juice in the morning. Okay, might seem small, but y'all know orange juice. Has vitamin C - and I know some people gon na - be like sugar, sugar, ground care about the sugar? Let me not say that it's gon na make the body bad too. I just like my orange juice. Okay, I, like my orange juice and orange juice, is good for you, because orange juice has a lot of water in it as well. So um I've been drinking me, my orange juice. I make sure that I take my vitamins and supplements and another thing that I've also been doing that I think, has been helping keeping me a little bit more healthy and um. I did. I did have a little um fall cold, but I bounced back quickly but another thing that I noticed that I do in the fall that I don't do as much of in the summer and spring, and I think, like I said this helps keep me healthy. This keeps my hair and skin. Looking nice as well is I eat a lot more Whole Foods and whole meals in the fall, because I cook a lot more in the Vodka year-round, but in the fall, like I told y'all, I don't go nowhere. I I'm a homebody anyway, I be at home all the time. Okay, no matter what season, but in the fall. I turn into Hermit the crab and I don't go anywhere so because I don't go anywhere. I cook a lot like you know. I make all the nice Spa, meals and all the fresh stuff that I like to eat, and I think that helps um. Just keep me regular um it just you know, gives me all the energy that I need for my body, and so I would encourage you guys to do the same, make sure you're drinking your water um take this time to start cooking more. If, if you like to cook, I know some people don't like to cook, but you really don't have to cook to eat, um whole foods, you can eat salads or you can just um eat vegetables and fruit. Make sure you just get your servings of that. Every day you don't have to cook, if you don't like to I just like to cook um but yeah. Those are my tips that I have for the relaxed hair curlies for the fall and winter season. If you have any more tips that you can, think of that, I may have left out or missed then definitely drop. Those down below. I hope y'all are having a wonderful start to your fall season. I know I'm kind of late getting this video out, but nonetheless I hope it was still helpful, like I said I hope, you're having a wonderful and healthy and happy fall and winter season. I love you guys so much and thank y'all for watching I'll, see y'all in the next video bye-bye

0tismadaline: Staying healthy is definitely a must,great sharing sweetheart

Arlita: I love your educational tips! Thank you

Kyong Korean: Your hair is looking good! Question have you started back wrapping your hair. I go back and forth whether to wrap or roll on those satin covers rollers, but I find my hair be frizzy on the ends, but wrapped it doesn't. I also roller set weekly after shampoo and deep conditiong.

Kyong Korean: I may need to start my trims every 8 weeks, vs every 3 months when I get my relaxer touch up.

Angela Ringer: Good advice I love your hair

Tamia Jae: Hello EVERYONE..I have A SIMPLE HAIR problem. I need some NICE advice, I'm texlaxed(which I'm thinking bout not doing anymore), so when my hair get old..I find myself having to flat ironing(which I use setting between 5-10 for heat) my hair EVERY MORNING, for WORK...Why..what am I doing wrong with my hair

🎀Ms. Cherry🍒: But first , isn't she lovely‼️

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