My First Cut Since My New Hair Color... Way Overdue | Hair Blowout And Trim With Revair

Hey guys! Today I am showing y'all how I cut/ trim my hair to keep it healthy for my wash n' go's. I hope y'all enjoy!

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Hey guys welcome back to another video today, it's time for a trim, I really got ta practice what I preach, because y'all um listen, the ends is looking like. They need to get cut and I don't know how much I'm gon na be cutting today. So I guess we could just find out together, but I'm gon na cut whatever I feel needs to be cut. This is one way that you know it's time to cut if you do wash and goes a lot and you're getting a lot of single strand knots. It'S time to cut it um, what's another one, just if it's harder to detangle and stuff like that, it might be time for a little trim. However, I think I'm way overdue, like I haven't, got my hair trimmed. Since I got my hair dyed this color and you see how much New Growth I have right, this is months of new growth and I have not trimmed my ends at the end, so that definitely needs to happen. So I am starting off with my hair like this, so this is freshly washed hair with leave-in in and detangled, because I'm going to be using the Rev air and let me tell y'all this is not sponsored, but I have been using the Revere ever since I Got it two three, I don't even know how, many years ago I've been using it and I have not used any other dryer to actually blow dry. My hair I've used it to diffuse, like other blow dryers, whatever to diffuse my hair and stuff like that. But for the blow drying purposes, this is the fastest. The red beer is just the fastest and they did give me a coupon code for you guys, that'll be in my description box. Like I said, it's not sponsored it's just it's the truth and it doesn't use as much heat on your hair as a traditional blow dryer and I've never gotten heat damage from it or anything like that. It'S tried and true, that's all I got ta say so. I have the OG dryer or whatever, but I believe they came out with a smaller like more compact version, Pretty recently, actually so yeah I'll have that linked down below if y'all want the coupon code, so my hair is like not completely dry. I actually slept with it overnight: it's not completely dry, but it's not completely wet either and we're just gon na take small sections and blow dry it out and that's how I like to turn my hair from a blow dry State just take my hair. Take the other sections move them out the way I find that, like, if you're using the red bear. This is the easiest method, because if your hair is soaking wet, it takes longer to dry. But if your hair is like damp and detangled you'll get to your blow dry, even faster, then you're going to take a brush, something that like can detangle you don't want to rip through your hair, so again make sure it's kind of damp. Oh, I just know these ends of something freaking vicious. It'S okay! I just noticed that, like my curls like when I'm doing my wash and go it's frizzy at the end, it's not making that like cute curl - and I don't like that. So I A girl's got ta, do what she got. Ta do y'all see me looking over here I mean y'all should know the drill, but it's a mirror that I'm looking at okay. So now it's time to put on a heat protectant, I'm gon na be using the Eva NYC 10 in one primer, one of the things that it does is it's a Heat Protector and it also reduces first and strengthens. So that's good rub that through brush that through, I can't believe my hair is like really growing. You know when I had red, I feel, like my hair, grew out very gracefully throughout the whole process, but having this orange I feel like it'd be giving you need to get your your roots done, and I don't know if I told y'all, but I'm writing this Out, like I'm, not gon na recolor, my hair over and over again this color, I think I'm just gon na grow it out or Dye another color, or something like that. I don't know y'all be asking about my settings. I usually have it on like five or six on this part here and then um. I just put it on foreign, taking smaller sections. When I first got the river, I think I made a video about it. It was me testing out the river for the first time. I didn't know what I was doing now. I do start on damp hair, not completely wet it'll, take less time and then also start on smaller sections, because also it'll take less time and get that really. Nice blow dry, y'all. Look at these ends. That'S atrocious! That'S freaking, atrocious! I see myself cutting off about at least one two inches something like that, because when it gets see-through hideous, we don't like that um. So this video is not about me blow drying. My whole hair, but I did want to show you guys my process just in case you're, curious in case you want to do at home, trim the way that I do it or whatever. So I'm going to continue to blow dry, my hair and I will be back when it's blow dried, so we can get to the part where I'm actually trimming it. I just finished the whole process of blow drying. My hair. It took me about 30 minutes which, for my length of hair, really good, really good, so I actually take small sections twist it up um when I'm done blow drying each individual section. That'S why I got all these twists in my hair, so I'm going to take them down and then we're going to get to the the trimming process. Oh chair, I'm gon na cut, but I'm gon na do what needs to be done. This is my hair. All blown out, I will say, I think my hair ended up being a little flatter than it normally is, which is kind of good like if I was going to straighten my hair from here, something like that, and I think that's because of the heat protectant like It really did like Smooth it down. It'S like a combination of the heat protectant, plus the Revere that like got me a smoother blow dry than I usually get. So that's good, but, as you all can see these ends, they got ta go. This has to go. It just it just has to okay. The ends are not giving okay y'all, so my hair has four main or two layers main layers. I guess I would say that's how my hair is cut like this is one of the layers right. So I want to follow what my shape is already doing, so that I don't end up looking insane when I put my hair back to curly. Now I'm not going to take these bigger sections because I mean look at it, but I will be cutting and then using the rest of my hair. That'S in the section to tell me if I'm cutting about the right amount. I don't know if that made any sense y'all, but I'm doing my best. It'S also about like knowing your hair and it's like pieces layers. All of that. One thing to note is like this section right here is just a tiny bit shorter than this section here. Right, so you would think this might be my longest layer. This is actually just a tiny bit longer. Y'All see that just a little bit. Okay, keep that in mind. Now you're gon na need some shears shears get some shears, not the um, not the scissors. You use to cut paper whatever like get some shears that are actually meant for cutting hair and then you're gon na look at your hair and look where it starts getting thin. Look at that that don't even make no sense. Let me see if I can like put something behind it: that's how thin that is. I got ta cut it, so I'm just gon na cut there, and this is what I'm left with it's better to not cut enough, because you could always go back and cut more, I'm going to continue on this side so yeah. This looks good. I'M gon na twist it up just doing a little fast twist, but I'm gon na go back when I feel like my hair is trimmed and cut it in its natural layers. So I can see where I missed, and everything like that climber actually y'all. I am not a professional I've just been trimming, my own hair for a while, and I'm just showing y'all. How I do it now see the hair is just see-through. We got ta cut it all right, y'all, I'm just going to continue this process all over. My hair, but now you're getting the idea you're taking small sections looking at where your hair starts to look see-through or sparse and then you're cutting the see-through part. That'S essentially it okay! So after going through and cutting in small sections, I take all the twists out and then I kind of look at where I am like how straggly are the ends? Do I need to cut here? I think I do foreign and see where I need to cut to make it even I want y'all to know this cut is in no way perfect, but it gets the job done, especially if you wear your hair in curly Styles. If you wear your hair straight, a lot, straighten it and then get it trimmed, but if not blow dry it you just want them curls to look good. You want your hair not to be breaking off. You don't want to take as long to do your hair. This is for you yo, I'm really just kind of chopping away, because I really do want to get them ends looking good and feeling better, because, what's the point of doing it, if we're not really gon na, do it we're not really going to take care of The problem you feel me, I wonder how much shorter my hair is going to look when I have it in the curly State again like for my wash and goes but yeah there you see them ends are looking so so so much better and the hair is Looking thicker throughout yes, so I'm just gon na twist this up and go on to the other section and repeat the same process, and then I'm gon na compare it to the other side to try to make sure that it's even on both sides cut more. If I need to type a deal, but one thing is when your ends start to look good again, it can't hold a Twist that well like it just doesn't hold a Twist that well anymore. So if you want to know, if you're doing a good enough job, how well does your hair hold the twist okay, so I did both sides, and now we just compare them like. Is it feeling uneven, keep your head straight? Is it looking uneven? It'S about the same, to be honest, but we're just gon na clean this up a little bit so now that I'm seeing that this is kind of even look how much healthier it looks because it's just chopped at the end, I'm gon na. Take these two pieces. Put it to the back with the ponytail holder or a scrunchie, and then take care of this front again we're going to take small sections and get to cutting once you do this a couple times like trim your hair, you get better and better at it. You know a little faster. The first time I trim my hair myself. I thought I was gon na. Take all my hair off and be bald. Now I just be like: oh, you know cut it. It'Ll grow back. You know, okay. Now this part the front of my hair, it's making it kind of um like when I stretch my bangs. They end up being too long, sometimes in my opinion, so I'm gon na cut a little more. Also, it's just looking like sparse and I really don't care about the bang part, because it's already presenting too long anyway, so I'm gon na cut like that much off at least to start cut off about that much and then cut off a little bit more too. Okay y'all: this is my struggle spot and it has been since as long as I can remember like years and years and years, but I do think me dying, it blonde made it more apparent okay. So when you have sections like this, that are just shorter than the rest, you're, not gon na group it with the longer hair and then cut it and say you're done. No, you have to go to the shorter parts and cut it where it needs to be cut. You know what now that I think about it. There was a phase where I started cutting my hair like in these places, so that I could get baby hair and I just think it has grown out. It'S not giving baby hair anymore. It'S just giving like breakage. That'S what it looks like if you didn't know what I did, but it was years ago that I did that it just looks sparse compared to the rest of the hair, so we're gon na cut it now. All you have to do is compare to try to make sure that your hair is even so. You take a section here. Take a section here, hide them bangs. Looking that's pretty even I think I'm gon na cut a little here just because it seems sparse. Take all the hair down, I feel, like my hair, looks a lot better as in like thicker all the way Through To The Ends: okay, y'all, so that's all it took to really get my hair trimmed up. I love a fresh trim because look at this can't just be gliding through instead of getting snagged. I did go a little heavy on the bangs. Just because, like I said in my wash and go, they were getting a little long and it seemed like that part needed to be cut a little more and then this is how my hair is looking. Your process might be easier if you don't have layers like. I do but I had to go through and cut following my layers, but look how much better these ends. Look. They look so much better. So here you have it y'all. I don't even think I'm gon na do anything with my blood right here. That'S the crazy thing: that's that's the wild part, just probably gon na go back to a wash and go because I got a wedding to go too, but I need to start prepping for that and you know anyway, you don't care about my spills. So I hope you guys enjoyed this video. I hope that um it will help you to trim at home. If that's what you're looking to do, I did wanted to save the hair, so you guys can get an idea of how much hair that it took. For me to get my hair trimmed nicely, this is how much hair I lost not a lot some pieces, I cut a whole lot. This was probably about three inches and that came from my bangs because I thought it was looking a little sparse, but in general I didn't cut that much I'd say at the bottom. I probably cut about an inch and a half, maybe two inches, but probably an inch and a half and then at the top. In some places I cut off about three three and a half inches, so that's the most. So I hope you guys enjoyed this video and I will see you guys in my next video bye, y'all foreign

NaturalReign: This video has gotten the most negative and hateful comments I have ever had. I thought this went without saying, but be respectful or I will block you. I don't have a problem with y'all leaving opinions, but don't be rude.

Renee Mosley: You always do a great job!!! Always precise and thorough!!!

EVERYBODYHTESTRISH: Ur hair looks like it’s been through ALOT interested in seeing how u maintain it without cutting

Kami Koils: Oooh Jae I feel you! I literally JUST trimmed my hair last night. And I NEVER trim my own hair because it’s too long for me to get even on my own. But, my ends were RAG-GE-DY Chile and had to GO!!! My oldest daughter helped me even it out in the back and I was able to get a good 4 inches off for a nice fresh start!

Ken Leung: The quick tip you can flat iron the end low heat making even cut ,but your root growing out pretty fast , When was the last time you dyed your hair?

Evette Walker: You're the Goat of trimming your own hair! Hair "Always " turns out looking great. And it grows so fast!! That's how you can tell you have a healthy head of hair. ReignGang

Versatility Dynasty: Sis I literally just did a BIG CHOP ! I’ve learned that I have high porosity hair & I colored my hair in the past I just wanted to start over and take care of my hair the right way. just saw this video right after my big chop it was destined for me to watch ✨

Nye_NaturallyDope👑: I started trimming my own hair about 2 years ago. It took forever because I thought I was messing my hair up. But now I’m a pro at trimming my hair and it’s healthy! I find that my hair grows fast once it gets a good trim. I pretty much trim when needed and depending on how my ends feel/look

Liyah B: Love it sis .. My problem is don’t let me see split ends on my head cause ima tell my mom to cut my hair . I always do a big chop every other year it makes me feel so relieved . I’m trying to let my hair grow as long as it can but I’m tempted to cut it again.

Jennifer Brook: I trim my hair the same way for 2 years now, and my hair grew so much. i find it so much better to do it my self when its in a blown out state since my hair is always in protective styles or washngos.

Denise S: Hey beautiful, I trimmed my ends last week. I promised myself I wasn't going to trim for a little while but then looked at my ends when I combed it out and decided the see through bits had to go my hair looks ok when my hair is curly but when combed out everything is there to see I was also starting to feel knots which was a no no but now my hair looks and feels good I'm not touching it again for a long time....well that's what I'm telling myself hope you have a lovely day wherever you are ❤ (UK)

GetReal 4Real: Thanks for the vid because honeyyyyyy I need to trim my hair and this motivated me to stop procrastinating. BTW, I love the two tones against your skin. Looks marvelous dahling ❤

Tiffany T: Hair is giving per usual Thick, colorful, and pretty. Love to see it!

Ameerah B: I love watching trimming videos it’s so satisfying, you did a great job

Lydia Payne: This video called me out! Since I've been deployed overseas my hair was looking at me like" when was the last time we got a trim". We're snowed in on base so no excuses why I can't do a little TLC on my hair.

Sharee Minor: Just finished about 30 minutes ago.go figure! i hate trimming but I know I need it to keep growing thick thick thick.

Tiffanetic: Gorgeous Hair as always!!! This video told me it's definitely time for me to trim my hair.

Kētta’s Coils After50: Loooooove your hair, as always, and I’m soooo glad that you’re back and still doing hair videos with your others. Love you, dear heart.

Shanika Corb: Love the video. I plan on giving my hair a good trim before the new year. Your video is perfect timing. I always love the colors u pick for your hair.

M. Morena: Oooh! This is why I will NEVER bleach my hair again. The hair is just never the same again.

Ayee_Ja: At the end of the day. It will grow back! It’s okay to experiment and keep it moving. It’s HAIR!! Let have fun with it and not focus so much on length all the time.

Nichole Mack: Great job cutting your hair sis! Very pretty results

Sweetmamarms: You did an amazing job, l trim my hair the same when l feel like it

Reap and Soe Budgets: I shaved my whole head this year cuz I was a bleach fiend. Starting fresh and new

Danny Stanley: It would be cool to see a review with Olaplaex (probably butchered the spelling). I’m thinking about using it to strengthen my hair and get the density back together after reversing my locs

Rainy: I've been procrastinating on trimming my hair for a while now . I'm not proud, but sometimes life gets hectic and my hair is the last thing on my mind.

Rejesus: I did my first trim in almost a year and thank god. I took of about a inch in total

Amanda Cowham: Hey babes have you tried the chroma absolu by kerastase? I believe the Amino acid line will love your hair. I use it on my bleached hair and it’s phenomenal

existing..: wow love the color and the way it fits you !

SimplyJalaya: I’ve been doing this since I’ve been natural. I havent found a hairstylist yet that I trust to cut my hair so I be cutting away

Steve Robinson: Can you keep that half blonde and do a bright red on the auburn side? That’d be

Amirah B: I love your hair!!! Your skin also looks amazing

CookieDoughmonsterTravels: I love and respect all yall who trim yall hair in a blow out… i cant do it! I prefer to cut my hair when im doing a silk press. That way i know the ends of my hair are all as aligned as possible. The waves and kinks and puffs in the blow out mean the ends are not all together at the ends. I can also trim from wet curls on wash day. After applying product to each section, i detangle the Section, twist it down and just clip off the tip of the twist where it looks thin.

crvn.: Just got my revair today, this video came on time

Ashkenia Sims: Great tips! Thank you!

Tiffany: Your hair last year compared to now. It’s changed a lot.

Sara 07: I color my hair sinds 19 and in my ,,I am old now Sometimes the hair needs break of years , to recover, some people need 2 years and the other 5 years. but your hair is still nice and smooth


Nicholas Brooks: Word of the day is “sparse” ❤️ Merry Christmas to my favorite YouTube natural hair guru. A blessing to my life from the first view

Bri'Aunna Okwor: How well does it hold a twist is a good marker for sure!

brookeheartspie1234: Girl I cut my baby hair too and I regret that little spot

Dream Weaver Khronikles: I would've went to a professional esp with dyed hair but everyone's budget and comfort zones are different.

Jordana B.: Omg i need a trim and I've been postponing it all month. So much work and i just started my wash n go journey too

Alpha Ice Queen: It was really helpful to see your process of blow drying your hair, I just blow dryer my hair. :) Also, your discount code isn't working for some reason.

Naturally new to the game 😉: Excellent job ❤

Indhira Manzueta: I really want a revair.. but at the moment cant affort it.. but you... get it girl....

taasshhlove: I love a good trim!

AsiaPersuasia: This is off-topic, but; I love your smile! Specifically I love your gap, it's so beautiful.

Shelly R.: I took care of my hair and it's something about the blonde it just sigh* I ended up with a big chop in the end lol

April Bush: I watched your trimming video from last year. The thickness of your hair has changed. Is it due to over dying?

Versatility Dynasty: You pulled out the dryer I asked my dad for Christmas for my clients cause I don’t have hair anymore rn lol

Jazmiyn: Right in time for me to cut my hair

Denysha Dials: I’m curious to see the bangs in a wash n go.

Tiffany: That is alot of split ends for 4 months post last trim. And I would think the edges would be longer by now if you cut baby hairs years ago. It’s likely just breakage now. Hair should be longer than that if it’s been years.

Chizz102: Love the intro 0:01

Hassana: Okay length

Lakeema Earth: It looks really good

Azia Walker: i love it!!

Danni Bishop: Hey Jae. Its been a while since i commented. The bangs of your hair i wish you grow them out. I dont mind you cutting/trimming when you need to. But i want to see you grow them out to meet up with the rest of your hair. Then cut them back to bangs

Melanin Queen: What’s the scissors brand you use?

TesjamebraJ: I know mine needs to be trimmed.

Myrna J: ❤️❤️❤️

Naadira Abdullah: Your hair looks good! Idk why ppl are saying it looks thin

Sharon Brantley: Have you considered getting a professional trim ?

India Jones: Hi, your hair looks good. It grows really fast. Can you do a hair growth challenge. Showing what you do to grow your hair out.


SpaceJunk Lad: I had bought professional shears costs almost $50 I trimmed my ends with them and I still have split ends somebody told me I need to cut higher I'm like umm no lol

Jude McCooey: Ugh cutting with dull scissors will make the end still split I think

SpaceJunk Lad: You're thumbnail fooled me for a minute lol

Nika Palmer: Hey Jaelen, where you get that brush?

Semi Kaylen: Hey girl!!

Kimberly Jackson: 14:57

Lashiray Bey: Omg your home from Ibiza I plan on going March 2023

Djeneba Jules: I like your video can i get a shoutou

Destinygirl With Purpose: Ty

Exclusive Barbie: Heyy

Djeneba Jules: Am first

Ellie: Hair looks over processed

SidneeSpeaks: Heyyyy

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