Revealed: The Secret To Wearing Long Natural Hair... With Body! | It'S Silk Press Season!

  • Posted on 09 October, 2022
  • Long Hair
  • By Anonymous

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‍♀️Bringing real hair back, one video at a time!

Romans 12:9


Video Details: Brandi does a long layered haircut on her client with natural curly hair.

Eat that hey y'all and welcome back to brandybeauty TV, so today y'all we are going to be doing a silk press transformation. This is my client Nyla and she is actually a newer client of mine uh. There she goes hey. Mom is so um she actually booked for a silk press um only today, but let me tell y'all what happened so I the first time I did her hair. This session was actually the second time, but the first time I did her hair she booked for a designer cut right and of all the glorious days that I did not have my camera. It was that day, so I whipped out my trusty Dusty phone and I set that thing up and I recorded her entire haircut. So I will insert that video into this video, so you all can see that footage from um her initial service, but anyways today, is all about informing you guys on how to add body in your hair with the most minimal techniques. Okay, of course, we all know that it is now silk press season and well, depending on where you live here in good old Georgia um, particularly Atlanta, Georgia, y'all it's cold now a couple weeks ago, it was burned up hot, it was hot outside, but we just Got this massive cold front, and so people are whipping out the boots and The Furs and the you know The Thermals and the long sleeves and the salons are packed because everybody is wearing their silk presses. Now, because now the weather is on our side, so um Miss Nyla she booked for her cut last time and at first she thought that she was gon na have to get a whole lot taken off, but contrary to popular belief, she did not, and so I Mentioned to her that okay, well um, you do need a cut, obviously, because she hadn't really had her hair shaped, but I was um informing her that look. We'Re not just gon na just trim your hair, let's really be a little bit more intentional about it. So if you really plan on wearing your hair straight and being able to fluctuate and go back and forth between your curly natural and also your um, your straight Styles, your silk press, Styles and whatnot, because she does want to wear her hair straight a little bit More often, which is totally fine um, let's give it a nice Cut. Let'S make it wearable, so you love it when it's straight, so it's not just hanging there. So we gave her a designer haircut guys and when I tell you it made the best difference in her hair and a lot of people think you know. Oh I'm gon na get a haircut. They think a haircut is just removing a bunch of length, but that's not necessarily the case. A haircut is just that. It'S a haircut. Sometimes you need a haircut for shape. Sometimes you need a haircut to remove Weight. Sometimes you need a haircut to remove length. It all depends on what your overall goals are, and so the key with having long hair that moves, because a lot of times people with just really long hair their hair just Falls limp and, as your hair continues to grow out, it will also lose its shape. So I always encourage people to get their hair cut routinely because over while over time your hair will lose its shape and you have to be intentional about keeping that shape there, whatever shape that you want. So in this case we decided that we were going to go ahead. Look at that look at her hair, I'm sorry y'all! The hair is just gorgeous. I mean she could have walked out with a nice clean blow. Dryer I don't under. Don'T don't underestimate a good blow dry, y'all, okay, so anyways um? I was like okay with me, intentional, about adding shape into your hair because um, you need to know exactly how you want it to look how you want it to fall and um layers will do that. So that's what we did y'all. We gave her a beautiful, wispy layered long layered haircut, and I can't wait to get to that part. So you all can see what we did, but first we're going to start off and go ahead and press her hair out. I'M only going to do one side on camera, the other side, I'm gon na - do off camera just because Myla does have a lot of hair. But let me go ahead. Someone uh go in and also add how we prep for this service that we did today. So her first uh session that we did um, we did her designer cut and we did her silk press but um today's service. We did a moisture mask and a silk press, and let me tell you guys the benefits of treating your hair okay, because your silk presses are only as good to the degree that your hair is moisturized. Okay. So when you keep your hair locked up in those protective styles and braids and anything that's going to prohibit your natural sebum from lubricating your hair strands, you are essentially drying your hair totally out, and so, when good old Silk press season comes around, you don't have The Liberty to wear your suppresses, like you want to, because the hair is dry, it's been locked up, it doesn't have any moisture. Y'All excuse my children in the background, if y'all can hear them for some odd reason, they just sit right by the door. When I do my voiceovers and I've tried everything to get rid of them sometimes, and it just does, doesn't work so yeah. If you know, then you know, okay, if you got kids under the age of six, then I'm sure you know how that life can be. Sometimes or if you got grandkids, they are, they are resilient. Okay and persistent, so anyways um, we gave Nyla a moisture mask and I was so happy that she booked for that because for one and it's not that her hair would say it really really really needed it. But it's always good, sometimes to give your hair just that extra burst of hydration extra burst of moisture, and so I use my care care, intensive Repair Mask and I love that stuff, because not only does it serve as um a mask for moisture, it also strengthens The hair at the same time - and I love products that kind of do both like you, can't have moisture without strength, and you can't have strength without moisture if it's too moisturized it'll go limp and your hair can break that way. It'S because it's too weak and if it's too strong and you have too much protein, it can pop off that way too. You know if it's just too too too hard, it's kind of like having like a really strong tree. If it doesn't have the right amount of moisture, if it's not lubricated from the inside, if the roots aren't doing their job to bring that moisture and that hydration up through that trunk, then if it it's too dry, it'll rot and it'll snap. It'S the same way with your hair it'll. Do the exact same thing? You know I kind of like to use that analogy, because a lot of people have seen a snapping um, a trunk or a piece of wood that has snapped in it's pretty much. The same thing with your hair, so that sense of Repair Mask set for about 20 minutes, and it just gave her hair this beautiful shine and I just live for it. I mean you see how silky and shiny it is like treat your hair guys make sure you treat your hair. So we about to go ahead and get into this haircut and I'm gon na start off by giving her zero elevation haircut and it's basically just gon na give her some blunt ends. I want to make sure I get all the dead ends off for at least as much as I can and um. I told her. I'M really not too big on you know, taking off everything some of the little little thin spots. Some of that can grow out. Okay, so I just want to get most of them off and then the rest of it hey. We can just kind of camouflage that on now - and I know over time of a gift - I give it about another four months, it'll start growing out, and so now I have decided that I want to give her wispy long layers right. So I twisted her hair. All the way on the crown of her head and then I went in with my shears and I just point cut it and instead of doing a straight line, I did that zigzag line. I don't know if y'all saw that, but I did that so we could have different variations of length and it really really does serve the purpose of making it look so much more seamless than just doing a straight line. You know, so you don't have that. That demarcation there, and so after going up and bringing all the hair to the top, it's important to make sure that you take everything up and out and go ahead and just point cut it and everything that falls out. I leave it out. I don't try to move it back up into the hair because you can disturb and disrupt the haircut and you can mess up the flow, so everything that falls out. I leave it out, but everything that stays in I just go in and I just try to connect it just a little bit and boom. That was pretty much it and that's essentially the haircut now. Of course, I went to the front. I did some face Framing and you'll. See um you'll see me do that as well, but y'all a haircut goes such a long way and when you have really really long hair, it's kind of inevitable that your hair is just gon na fall limp. It'S just going to drop your curl is going to look like Goldilocks curls, and you know, unless you want that, I'm gon na I'm gon na go on the limb and say most people don't want to look like Goldilocks, but hair that moves. Is sexy hear that move screens healthy like hair? That moves is attractive and it's no better way of uh to make your hair move than to add layers and layers? Don'T have to be short, you know they can be long layers and nyla's case. We gave her nice long layers. You know she didn't need short layers because, if they're too short that'll actually kind of start looking like a mullet, so you have to be intentional about how short you want your shortest layer to stop or to start. But it really does make a huge difference guys and I recommend everybody always get a haircut whatever. That looks like if your hair is to the length where you just need to keep it trimmed to keep its shape. Then do that, but every three to four months guys keep your hair cut. Y'All, keep your hair cut it'll make styling easier, it'll make it faster. It won't be so tedious it'll also make your shampoo and blow dryers. Go go by so much faster. So now I'm just going in around her face guys doing a little Point, cutting anything a little imperfections that I've seen now is the time that I'm going to use to go in and just detail it just a little bit. It'S these little. These little nuanced little things that really do make a haircut. You know just kind of just carving in that detail that you want to personalize it and that's it. That'S the haircut and I can't wait to curl this thing. So y'all can see this thing move and come to life like even straight like it's popping. It looks really really good. It looks really really good, so um we're gon na go ahead and get started. Gon na go ahead and curl it up. I'M using my little um kmb um Pure Shine, silker, and this Serum is topped here. I'M going to make sure I go ahead and lubricate those ends. Real real good and um y'all, don't be afraid of using a little serum. I know some people think greasing. The hair is moisturizing the hair, but don't go. I ain't even gon na do it today, I'm not even gon na. Do it uh if you got grease just throw in a trash. Okay, I'm not even gon na. Do that we're not gon na have that conversation today you go. Get you a nice lightweight serum okay, go to your local Sally's local Beauty, Supply Store, um, the cheese, silk infusion, the Proclaim glossing polish, a bio silk! Anything lightweight anything! That'S glossy! That'S what you want when you're trying to lubricate your hair, okay, your scalp, doesn't produce grease okay. I said I wasn't gon na do it today, but y'all I'm gon na. Do it for about about 30 seconds, okay and then we're gon na. Let this go um! Your scalp doesn't produce grease and it doesn't produce grease for a reason because it clogs the pores okay, it's no way your hair can flourish the way that it needs to by piling on thick grease on your scalp. Okay, it can uh lock in irritants. You know irritate your scalp, sometimes your scalp be itchy, you know if you want a lubric, if you want to lubricate it and if you have like little dry spots, it doesn't like serum to do that. Something lightweight. So your follicles are not clogged and so that hair can push through the way that it needs to okay, um so yeah I mentioned a couple of them before I mentioned them again. The cheese still confusion, bio silk Proclaim glossing polish. I think you can actually get that from Sally's um anything along that line. You know it's the consistency that you're looking for you're, looking for something that you can build up, something lightweight, no grease, though y'all; okay, no, no grease all right. Let'S, let's leave grease in the 1980s okay: let's leave it where it belongs. We don't want no wet. Looking super slick shiny, you know. Let'S just we won't hear that moves okay, we want that hair to move okay, so serums will do that. Grease will not all right y'all, so I'm using my one say one. I always get Tongue Tied when it's time to mention these Barrel, irons, 1.25 inch or an inch and a quarter. That'S the size. I decided to use um. I could have used the one inch, but what for she has a lot of hair and I needed that heat to be able to cut through every piece of every single strand of hair that she has so um. The two inch would have been too big, but this one and a quarter perfect. This is the perfect size for that, and so the only thing I'm doing is using this iron to set her hair. Now let me tell y'all a secret if I wanted to. I could have curled her hair first and then cut it. Actually. I think I need to make that a video because cutting the hair on a curl y'all. You want to talk about body, okay, that that is a look right there, but I did hers in reverse and that's fine, because I needed to see all her damage that was there and her hair wasn't gon na it wasn't gon na do what it needed to Do anyway, because it didn't really have a cut on it so, but yeah we're gon na make that a video one of these days um I'm gon na curl the hair first and then cut it. So you can see how that looks and how the hair just Falls right into place. So after these curls cooled, I went ahead and I um just took them out: let them cool for about five minutes or so just enough to make sure that they're not piping hot anymore, because if your curls are still hot, they will drop. So if you want your curls to last, if you want that body to last and pin them up for a little while, let them cool you know getting dressed in the morning time, when you put your makeup on making your breakfast or whatever, just let your curls Cool and then take them down so um, you keep the body and you keep um. You keep the shape there. So it's just not falling straight so fast. But again, a haircut helps that if you don't have no hair cut, then it will fall almost instantly. Like that's just that's just what it is, and so after we've taken all her curls out, I'm gon na wrap them up because um, I don't really want her to have no curls really. You know I just curled it for the shape for the volume, but I didn't really want her hair curled. I really just wanted her to have just flowy silky voluminous um hair with with body. You know we just wanted just nice soft bevels in the hair and not really curls, so I'm gon na make sure I tie that up real good with the plastic cap and I didn't use Saran Wrap because we're not trying to straighten it um the cap um. It preserves the body, so it's not just hugging on to it, and I sat her under a dryer for about five to ten minutes on cool so like everything can get locked in and a Sheen and everything - and oh here we are y'all healthy hair is where It'S at okay, like look at that, I don't care what nobody say. It is nothing like seeing a head full of healthy, shiny hair, and you know honestly guys, that's actually why I stopped uh offering hair extensions, because I feel like people were getting away from the beauty of just real hair and how beautiful it looks, especially when it's Just cultivated like you're, not gon na, tell me that this hair is just not everything her hair is. Everything is gliding through this comb, I'm not working hard at all. It'S styling itself like this is why I do what I do came. This is why I just love hair. I just love healthy hair, just look at it. Just it's doing its thing, it's doing it by itself. It gave her a cut, gave her a nice treatment, put them a few little curls in there wrapped it up, and this is what we got you know it's both he'll, be here, just absolutely love it. So, as always, thank y'all for watching um, if you haven't, subscribed, go ahead and do that. If you haven't hit that Bell so you're, not so you can get notified, go ahead and do that oh and also make sure y'all stay tuned to the end, because I posted some nice pictures of my let's finish products all right, y'all see y'all next week. Thank you, foreign

HrhSophia TheFirst: Thanks so much for saying the balance is needed regarding moisture and protein. I wash every two weeks at the salon, and I always do a deep conditioner with both, and my hair is thriving. I am relaxed and I do not play in my hair, no protective styles other than a bun around the house and no food items. I eat my spices, avocados etc. whatever is the food du jour for putting in your hair. I do miss the curls I had at just past my shoulders and I had to get comfortable with it. I would love to try layers, but I am not sure. I have body but not as much as I would like.

Renee Mosley: GORGEOUS!!!

andrea: Love the shine

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