Can A Man Have Long Hair?

  • Posted on 29 April, 2018
  • Long Hair
  • By Anonymous


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Walaikum A'Salam not alive the kettle. A man is allowed to wear his hair in any fashion or manner which he pleases unless there's something in the authentic hadith of the prophesy, Selim prohibiting him from doing so, Adisa the Prophet that says, you can have you here at this length. You cannot one thing, you know opinion no view, no culture, you have to stop there. If the hadith does not tell us exactly how long a man's here can be, then it goes back to the default rule in the hustle, which is that it's permissible holy men have Rama, Zeenat, Allah, say Muhammad, who was made a laws zina the zina? A lot of beauty of Allah, Haram mm-hmm that he's made for his slaves and a good fine, lawful things, a risk say o Muhammad to the end of the ayah in chapter 7. The rough hmm, so what's important is, is that you can wear your hair as you want to, unless just something from the authentic Sunnah of the process element. How did mention that the prophets I sell them? Sometimes his hair went to the tips of the ears other narrations say to his shoulders or between his shoulders in his ears. Okay, so that's what it says that the Prophet did that hadith does not specify or restrict whatsoever. I'M not look like nothing could even what I meant by eat, wouldn't invite it to my feet. The only thing that proves after Prophet did and that's permissible, it's Haram to have it longer than the shoulder you have to bring a proof in the evidence. For that summer they say, or some people they may say it's imitating a woman. Maybe in some cultures it is imitating woman, but in other cultures, for man to have long hair. It'S not imitating a woman and it's well known and clearly established. That is a man and that's a woman and this person with long hair may be a man's man, a tough man and you wouldn't dare say you look like a woman. So that's not absolute. That'S a long issue of discussion with regards to the idea of the hood for the Arab, and that which is an explicitly mentioned, doesn't go back to there either. That'S very long discussion and it's extremely problematic first name to be every time and for every place for them to be in every time in every place and then say that it's restricted to the culture of the Arabs is extremely problematic. So therefore, my advice in my opinion is that if you wish to grow along here, the safest thing to do is to keep it at that lift no longer than your shoulders, but if a man's here was longer than in shoulders, I don't say that it's Haram. I would not say that it's what Haram and those who do say that is Haram have to bring clear proof from the authentic sunnah of the prophet alayhi salatu salam well, aa.

Lilly Rose: I love how he brings of culture. Culturally long hair such as native american or polynesian, long hair is a sign of strength and power

Naheeda Karim: This is more informative then any other videos

abdul rashid: Very informative Mashallah May allah guide us all .

Big Hach: Gratitude for this. I have locs and I am certain as long as they are clean and/or even wrapped, it should be fine.

Dr Abdul Aziz Taj: Responsible answer by pretty young scholar. Unlike some narrow tunnel vision yet gray haired men

Dr Abdul Aziz Taj: Intelligent scholar .MashAllah

Anas Suhaimi: Well put. Respect.

Syed Osman: Very good explanation.

Mohammed Abdul Khader: Very good answer اللهم صلى على محمد وآل محمد

Falcon: So what if in a culture every single man has short hair and only women have long hair. Isn't that clearly imitating women and haram?

Vishnu Prajna: youf explantion was great,good example for others,you respond gently

Ahmad waqas mubashir: ❤️

zarif abrar: Mashallah

benadryl cabbagepatch: Finally a man who is rational about this matter

Cinquenta Khamseen: I’ve watched this twice and I’m still lost ‍♀️ My sons hair is curly fro like - can he grow a fro, we’re “Black” American our hair is naturally curly… Nobody’s straightening their hair to do a length check

Mr. Gfe: I used to have long hair

EliteFrost: What if my hair is between my ears

Abdallah: Did the prophet pbuh have braids? I’m kind of confused on that.

Liberty OrDeath: Why am i here I’m catholic

Bored Alchemist: short hair was a sign you were enslaved in the past and also when people had to work in factories they started having short hair again

Luan Lopes: It's SUNNAH have long hair, the prophet Muhamed have long hair is in Hadith An Nasai/Sahih Muslim....

strAt spat: What about tying the hair? Is it permissible for men to do that ?


Md Masud: Salam, bro

Moe: Believe in Christ Jesus and Jesus only my friends, he is The Messiah for to come

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