"You Look Great With Longer Hair" (Haircut When Growing Hair Out)

  • Posted on 02 January, 2023
  • Long Hair
  • By Anonymous

Ed came to the Regal Gentleman Studio to get a haircut while growing his hair out. This haircut was inspired by Jax Teller (played by Charlie Hunnam) in Sons of Anarchy.












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Hi guys welcome to the new Regal gentleman Studio. We'Ve got Ed in the chair today. How are you mate yeah? Thank you good good. So what are we doing? What'S the plan growing, my hair out for the skin fade from January wow? Okay, I think I'm only about an inch away from sort of the length I want. Okay, yeah cool see quite a few videos about sort of medium length haircuts whilst growing it out yeah nice, yeah, okay, just getting to the stages yeah. It'S going out nicely, though man, I'm not gon na lie. It'S got really nicely. Have you had any trims at all in this space? No, no first week of January yeah, so really yeah, wow, you're, very lucky mate. I'Ll, tell you! What is the end goal? Best thing? Um? I don't have a photo. I think in terms of it's just started going behind the ears as an example: okay yeah, I feel like it flipping down and nice yeah, perhaps just a bit longer. I think just at the back I saw a photo of myself the other day and it looks like a mullet's going on the back and have it all over the place. Okay, yeah. What you need to sort of do today, then, is a bit of a maintenance Circle. It'S it's! It'S! It'S! A haircut that's become quite common with guys growing their hair out because you still want it to look decent while you're growing it out so you've grown up since January. So when I'm we're filming this in September, so it's nine months in now. So you still need to have something in there to just to give your hair a bit of a new lease of life and to be able to continue growing it, and even though you're only in an inch away, you might, you might want to go longer. You never know by the time you get there, you might think. Oh, I got a minute. I might go maybe another three months or the four months so, but I mean first of all, what you could do is just take the neckline up a touch by doing that, it would actually show off the style a lot better, because you see all these little Flicks down the bottom it does it does give. I wouldn't say I don't think you, I don't think it looks molarity just yet. I think because you've got the overall length there as well, but I think maybe, if you did keep growing it, it could do that. If he was talking it behind the ear a bit more again, it's a lot of the bulk, because the back is generally the widest point. The thickest point. So you end up with loads of like just hair accumulating in the back, and then you end up with loads of hair there and it it's just enough. You feel a lot of, isn't it. You tend to do this a lot. Don'T you, I think, that's all. We need to do is just make it look as though you've not grown it out and as though you've had this haircut today, you know I was in this style today so and I think just adding a little bit of movement in there. For you, a little bit of texture in there thin outer touch for you. It'S anything that you, you you're not enjoying about the hair growing else at the moment like or have you kind of enjoyed the process until, like the last couple of months, I've quite enjoyed it. That'S cool yeah. My hair naturally goes into curtains and parts on every day: okay, ah, okay, you're in the calf stage area, we've now gone a sort of year with with guys having long, hair and obviously a lot of the times when we wake up medium length, haircuts or longer Haircuts, especially on the on the channel, was that it was all people growing the hair out from Lockdown, whereas a lot of guys have had long, hair and I've since lockdown, which was over a year ago. So it's interesting to see what people are finding out, how they're enjoying that having that kind of medium length or longer length, because it is your hair, normally this flat on top yeah, it's really fun! Is it okay, okay, yeah, okay, cool? Well, why don't we give you a little bit more sort of or give you some some help, getting a little bit more volume and when I say volume I don't mean a kind of like big kind of pompadoury kind of thing. I just mean something: that's going to give you a little bit more lift off the off the uh, the head itself. I think it'll look really nice, like maybe like a Messier, a slightly more like a less wet look version of you know: um, Charlie Hunnam and uh Sons of Anarchy. You know that kind of like no he's got coming back, but it may be a bit more of a texture version that would look quite nice for your hair. I think we maybe just texturize the top a little bit as well. Maybe take a little bit off the top if it needs to just because obviously, if that was the longest point until forming the other skin feed, that's going to be a lot a lot longer than everywhere else. So maybe we need to balance that a bit more but other than that cool man all right. Well, let's get you started on this, so I'm going to start off with a horseshoe um shaped person, because the thing is what we need to do with this is the hot when we're doing any sort of horseshoe section or anything. That'S all we're doing it to to break the haircut down into stages, so we need to work on the back and sides first. Now this Pawn works really really well, because Ed has been growing, the hair up with a longer top and it's getting from a skin fade as well. So this will allow me to see if there's any disconnection through the haircuts and also see the difference between the length on the top to what the back and size are, because it can almost get lost a little bit. Really. I suppose now you're, looking at your hair, you probably don't see the difference in the lengths. Do you know but I'd imagine when you're growing it out. It was probably really noticeable for a few months. Wasn'T it yeah, honestly mate? This is not a mess. I can assure you, I I'm sure if you need to just look at the channel right, we've had people who've grown the hair off about at the same time as you, and it's definitely not grown out as nice. As yours and we've just we've just been saying. I don't know if you caught on camera lean but like Ed was just saying, like you know, there's been times when he's walked past the barbershop and you've had to keep walking past right because you've you've been wanting to go in and how close is The Barbers That you live by Too Close about 200 meters, so sort of every day on the way to work. I do give it a glance, and it's always what we're looking for. Can you see yourself? Okay, there yeah, so you've got slight widow's peak comes in and then around into a point. Okay, so if you could draw it out, it'd be very heart-shaped right. So if you look the comb on the side, this is the angle. You need to be cutting your hair up, so essentially you need to build up the weight and the length through this corner here. Okay, that's with around the head, as you can see, it can caves in quite a bit there, okay, so any any salt we're going to do you need to keep length in there. So that's what's always good is that if he ever goes for maybe if you ever went back to the skin fade, I'd always suggest never going too high with it, because in that way you'd lose the the corner. Here it goes very rounded if you're working it back, you're always going to be building up the weight through the corner. You see it's always going to be building up on itself like that, so because you're pulling the hair into it into itself. It'S got like a bit of a cushion like a foundation, so it's perfect style. I think you know he's done a good job, probably accidentally really but um, it's good. It works. It saves me a job and it's it's also. It'S really good for you to see when you get a Sentimental, how it looks as well so is I'm going to take. My first section is going to start all the way back here, so I'm going to over direct all the length back, because I want to take the neckline until shorter. I'M going to use this as our that's, where our first section is for guide. Okay, we won't bring all this back. That'S what I do, hopefully about two fingers in width like so I'm going to bring all of this into it, and this the guide that we've got is the length from here. Okay and that's the guy we use so we're kind of basically graduating everything from that length here to here and at that point that's where it falls. So, let's cut the back down to that. I don't know half an inch, maybe in length, so you have a little look now. It still sits behind nice and smooth. That'S the main thing now, if I show you here, there's no movement whatsoever. Okay! Now let me do the same thing in a second once we've cut it. Okay come in from the previous section to create my guide. There we go. There'S my guide, pull it out. Yeah, it was good. I'Ve never really grown it out. To be honest, I've always got to a stage where I mean I actually tried it a few times during lockdown for like three or four months, and then every time's at the bar was open, they're kind of failed um but yeah. It'S awesome, good, medium length haircuts and I thought I just need to give it a go. Yeah make them work, set myself a challenge at the beginning of the year to grow our hair out. As long as I can oh nice, nice. So so did your meat grow his hair too, or he did yeah you've got to cut um the sound of past tense. Then yeah yeah yeah yeah. Okay, then he starts if he didn't have a if they have sort of a bit longer hair. So, oh, should we cheated yeah yeah? I just got to come so far. I should have a proper sort of medium to long haircut. For me, yeah I like it slash just treat going down yeah. I agree. I suppose, if it wasn't today, would you think you'd have one a bit longer or um? I think I probably would have kept going, but then I think mentally, like I said, get your haircut and getting it sort of maintained. It'S quite nice as well and it'll. Give me a few more months, I think yeah definitely definitely sort of any old Barber and get it cut. So yeah, it's just worse. It'S worth the wait, really yeah. It'S always funny we're just having this conversation with our last clients. He was in saying, like you know, that's kind of become like a thing that we're sort of quite well known for now is like the medium length here, because I think it just happened, though I think lostbound helped us in that. In that sense, but like I had a lot of clients in in in my chair, who have this kind of like what you're doing now, they're growing a house or they've grown it out quite long, which is really cool. I didn't know I'd ever be. I never thought I'd ever have a thing like a knee sure or a sort of style that people know me, for I thought I always thought I'd just cut it and that'd be it. You know I didn't think it'd be anything that I'd get more of yeah, but definitely longer hair is, is something I never thought in a million years. It would be, but it's great that it is. I love it now, if I can just uh show the camera as well. As you know before, when I just move the hair around look, how much more that moves around now. It'S got a texture to it already and we've already cut it. This is literally just a sectional pattern. We haven't put the razor in it, yet we haven't done nothing else to it. How much that moves around? Not that he's going to wear it that messy, but just just as an idea when it's you know, if he's got texture and say it will grow out really nicely because he can play around with it even when it gets a bit longer, because there are other Sections that are quite a bit shorter, so you will find that you'll still be able to stick it behind the ear, but you'll also be able to do maybe a couple of things with it as well. I'M just going to raise the neckline off slightly okay, just to give you a bit of a again a fresher finish to the haircut and just to try and balance them sides as well. So just a little bit off the neckline. As you can see, look you can see where the length's growing up, where I've just cut that there, how short it is on that bit. We haven't cut that yet correlation Street. For now I will texturize it later, or we can obviously take the middle bit a bit shorter like so, and then we can tidy up these little bits here as well. I'M gon na move on to the razor. The razor is only going to be used from where the last section was taken to the sides. So I'm going to use it through the back here. I don't want to touch the side, yet there come on back nicely. I want to keep them coming back nicely. I don't want to risk thin them out or or to create any shorter layers in there. I want them to sit nice and and back because that was a sort of the the scope. At the start, the scope of work was that was one of the things he's really enjoying. So let's try and keep going with it. So, let's try and leave the sides, but by doing that pattern, where you bring everything back, we've we've done that, but we're still giving them a shape as well. It'S a really nice easy technique, easy method to make work, especially if you've got a client like like Ed in the chair, you know going for maybe or anyone going for that chat, Charlie Hunnam, look, you know, which is quite popular nowadays as well. To me is another haircut to become popular so many years after it started that in a show, isn't it really it's because I think songs of Anarchy started like 10 years ago? Maybe longer, maybe wasn't it. I was gon na say it's quite trans. Definitely definitely yeah. I'D say it's a trending, slightly older guys as well. I think it's, the kind of haircut you can have into your sort of late 40s. 50S. It still looks alright, you know, because you can still Rock a you know you can rock a t-shirt with it. You can rock a suit with it. You know, there's a lot of things. You can sort of wear with that haircut that still look age appropriate and it still looks alright, I'm just using the razor now just to feather of the ends here. Just to give a nice natural finish, as you can see, we cut it blunt but, as you see by finishing off with the razor we're creating a very nice serrated finish, which is good with that, because obviously you put the you put the Symmetry in with the Scissors and then you finish off with the razor just to give that more natural finish so you'd never know, we'd use the scissors down the bottom, just pull down the bits that are sort of short already that on they're, probably never going to get to that point Of where we're at now, I just want to kind of Tidy it up. I think also, you need to take a little look at like um its facial hair as well. You can see here's a clean, shaven kind of guy, so have you struggled with the sidebands since you've been growing your hair out um, I just like trim them every now and then yeah yeah, yeah shaving, but yeah I'm a hairline just to strengthen it up, give It a neater finish when you are wearing it back just these little cows here. So what we're going to do is you want to work into that transition so from the sides and the back to the top? I'M guessing there's gon na, be obviously a lot more length on the top based on the consultation, because again we haven't removed too much of the actual length on the sides. We haven't removed too much length, basically around the perimeter, so the top is going to kind of blend in nicely too. What we've just done, we're gon na go. So let's take a section: we're going to work horizontally, bring this all the way down to the back. Like so you're, okay to lose a bit off the tops for it or yeah all right Sam, like so that's what I'm looking for and connected to that there, because then we're still keeping a lot of length in the top, but we just find them. We'Ve got that connection point so, as this grows out, it's not gon na add such a disconnection that it's going to look obvious this morning. On top it's not going to become an issue where, when you know say, for example, Ed goes another six months. I think the top would be so obviously longer so I still Falls by nicely and now you've got a nice transition into there as well. So you'll comb underneath get a section and there's our guide yeah. You know it's not going to look an awful lot different, but you'll see the difference. If you know what I mean it's going to be on them, where you see the before, and after you'll see it was quite flat, it was like very almost like you could see. There was kind of two haircuts going on and when it's being cut, even though it's taking a lot off you're going to see the difference in it, and I think that's what that's all you need to see, everyone is just a minimal difference that will help you Go out all right suppose that you do for a living at um. I work in sales. Oh, do you nice? It'S the one um about sort of seeing people every couple of weeks. So, okay, it's um! It'S got to the point where I could be bothered doing anything with the hair and it'll. Look quite messy. So you you so you is it like client-facing, then, is it yeah you're able to kind of build a new business or work on the existing business? Yeah? Yes, okay, yeah it'd be nice to have a haircut where I can actually wear smart casual yeah yeah. Definitely definitely there is the texture that I've put in with the razors that will hopefully help when it comes to the weekend standing, for example, you know and that'll really help, and then you know, you've got that kind of Middle Ground as well, which can look slightly. You know small casual in a way, so just it all, I think it all comes down to how long do you spend on it and whatever product you're going to use in your hair? That'S that's and that's what it comes down to. So I think, if you're going for something smart, maybe use like a paste or something if you're going something, maybe a bit more casual a bit more messy use a powder. I think they've probably got their two good products to go for sure. If I was you and just above the round of the head, all the way down the back, so we get any connection point we're still maintaining quite a lot of length by over directing it down one maintain 12 people. I am taken to the new look them. It'S obviously going from a skin fader. This is quite a it's quite extreme. It'S almost as Extreme as going from like long hair to skin fader some ways you know yeah, I think the people. Obviously I see every day so they've gradually got used to it. Yeah then the mates viewmates caught up recently they've been like. Oh got it go. That'S long. Was it an intentional sort of question yeah yeah um, but yeah? I think I think. Generally speaking, I think it's um it's gone down quite well, that's good! I enjoy it. I, like it, I'm just um, I'm excited about the fact that I haven't had a haircut and it looks half decent. So definitely I thought if anything else, it would look better. It couldn't be worse. Yeah 100 yeah there we go right just now, just down the middle now put this off. We should have a little point: I'm just going to take a better length off there as well. Just about that much I'll. Do pull this right back out and do a vertical connection to the back? It shouldn't be too much to come off just a tiny, little peek and you see very very wide sections now, because I've maintained as much length as we can through that topic and that's one of the hardest bits to grow as well and you've. Obviously, you know you've got there, you've got there too, so we don't want to take too much off that all we're looking to do now is just again connect transition into the sides of the back and I'm just point cutting into the back from the house. A little bit so it feels quite thick. There'S a little bit off here main bit. Is this bit here coming behind the ears we want to look for these little bits are just the nape there. We go right. Let'S try this off now and show you the finished. Look all right. I um oh yeah yeah, I mean yeah use some powder, just something like the A5 okay, my hair felt quite dry. I think the longer it got it needs something a bit more. So I've got some awesome online after your recommendation quite good. In the last few weeks, I'm gon na wave this all the way I'm using the vent brush. I just want to dry this off nice and easy nice and quick. I want the hair to fall and use the brush and the hair dryer, because as well foreign, so what product would you like me to put it in a foil? What what type of product? Whatever look you want to go for? Um yeah? I guess what you recommend really just like it's a bit of texture, yeah, nothing too crazy, okay, um! I would probably go for a powder personally enough hold that it will kind of allow you to kind of feel like there's something in here, but like a very light clay feeling almost what would be quite nice, I think it would show off the kind of Separation Within the hair and the individual bits of texture you put in, I think it looked quite nicer more than it being really switched back. You kind of have a little bit of something else going on and it's very easy to use as well. That'S all I'd, give it a go anyway. Do you want to join? Do you want to try some yeah push the head over to one side? Okay switch your fingers just put it in and then rub it in okay, like that through the sides as well through the back yeah, just rub it in okay, like that sprinkle it in and let's bring it to the sides as well through the back. Okay, now same again rub it in now. This has got just enough grip like it's number three, so that's the sort of a level of hold with your haircut that you don't need hold with the shape to cut in okay. You just need to add separation. So, let's go for something a bit more textured right, just nothing major, nothing crazy, so that just kind of shows off what we've done and it gives you a little bit of a freedom with the hair as well. So that's maybe bring it across to one side. A little bit just only a tiny bit, something like that. So I said Remember at the start, which is about a little bit more volume in the hair. So it's not as flat. It'S basically what I did to give you a little bit of volume by always moving it over to one side more than going all the way back, it's giving you a very natural finish, so it just looks like it's meant to be like this, which is what The whole the whole idea was and then just put the floor. That'S all so. You can see it better when you've got just t-shirt on get a better understanding of how the hair looks. Gowns can kind of fool you a little bit can't because you kind of covered up it's just black, isn't it so here we go brilliant lots of finish again, so you get a very natural finish with the back there's no like mullet going on there now or Anything like that at all, but that's the kind of like the texture that we've created that's just being brought up by the powder. I think it looks really nice brilliant, yeah, happy yeah, so we haven't touched the sides. The length is exactly the same. So you see how much has come on top, maybe about that much raise the back up a little bit, so I think the back was probably like here, maybe and then we just kind of cut into it, let it fall and how it wants to fall. Brilliant yeah thanks so much. Thank you mate. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

Wooplot: Really cleaned and tightened it up well. Show's off his strong face.

barry maple: 9 months growth from skin ?? Really . I'm on it , he's a lucky man

Christian Allen: I haven’t been watching for a long time but of the videos I’ve seen from the past, I wanted to say congrats on your weight loss journey. Looking good brotha.

Florent: Love this look !! Got a question : my hair always falls in front of my forehead. They are thin but healthy. Do you have an idea for a product to hold them back (like on the video) without greasing them? Thank you !!

S Visser: I don’t know why but I’m addicted to watching your videos! Keep them coming Just a suggestion to help with the echo in the room, put some stuff on the walls

Sal Mak: I want this hairstyle! Brilliant job Dan!

Shane Keena: Here mainly for the reduction in bulk, I'm always a sucker for taking those bad tendencies out in favor of better overall placement.

Jacob T: Great haircut but can he get a reservation at Dorsia?

Blayne: From Heath Ledger to Charlie Hunnam. Really nice!

Adrian Gomez: The way I clicked so fast!! Thanks for this video today! HAPPY NEW YEAR Dan! Many many blessings for 2023!✨

Nigel Andrews: Another great haircut, wish I had his hair

Jack Lonergan: You don’t snap those scissors back after each cut…definitely miss that move :((

Kalvin Patel: why can't I have hair like this man !!!!!

David Wong: Hi Dan, where can I purchase a mannequin like the one you use in your barber course videos?

Linda Anderson: You're a good teacher

Anirudh Suresh: Mudryk looking sharp before signing for Arsenal

drew resig: Great haircut, very Christian bale American psycho

The End: i see virtually no change

Vicky Gb: Could you make a video with you giving a haircut to ur son

Vicky Gb: Could you make a video with you giving a haircut to ur son

Radu: He had no volume and shape and after it looks better. The finer hair needs treatment with oils like almond or avocado oil that strengthens and makes it healthier. I think a beard that will suit this hairstyle

Jake Millman: great cut!

HIPSI: Killed it

Samet Berk Arslan: First of all, I apologize for my bad english. I have a serious problem. Within an hour of taking a shower, my hair starts to get rough and tangled. My hair breaks a lot even though I shave regularly. I take a shower regularly. Any hairspray, jole etc. I am not using anything. I think there is something wrong with the conditioner and conditioner I use. What can you suggest?

Dudeli: He really looks like Christian Bale

Ruleaus: I slicked my hair back like this lad and noticed I might be balding at the crown of my head. I can see my scalp. Help!

Flower Shaibi: Nice ❤

Cvsey Jones: guys how far ago u noticed that Dan lost weight?

SULIEAMAN KHAN: Beard com and sizzer cutting

Robert Mayer: Díky!

DudeAbides: What language are they speaking?

Hughie Jacob: Despite the economic downturn, I'm so happy. I have been earning $ 60,200 returns from my $7,000 investment every 13days•❤️

Patricia Powell: Good morning.

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