Hairdresser Reacts To People Doing 'Wolf Cuts' (As Seen On Tiktok)

Hi Beautiful! Today we watch some wolf cuts because it never gets old.

Hairdressers Guide To Giving Yourself Face-framing Layers And Not Ruining Your Hair

Hairdressers Guide To Cutting A Wolf Cut/ Shag And Not Ruining Your Hair:

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Video Editing By: Kris Edrosa

Don't Forget To Live Your Extra Life.

Hi beautiful today we're watching people do, I feel like people are. People are starting to learn actually how to do them like it was very Rocky. In the beginning, it's gotten a little bit better, but I'm still seeing fails so uh. Let'S see what we got today up first leave a video by jonalyn Joy. My name is jonalyn Joy or you can call me JJ, okay, fine, JJ, oh and she she's following my tutorial. Hopefully JJ. I did do a solid on this one. I am going to cut my hair, not just any regular haircut, though I am going to do a wolf haircut. It'S gon na look so Gon na Hurt. Can we just talk about The Vibes she already has the cute little bang going on and with all that that layering and that texture, it's gon na look fire on her. I will be following a brad Mondo tutorial he's basically the hairdresser of YouTube. He does tutorials. He does reacts of other people's hair videos to the hairdresser of YouTube. You know what I needed an ego boost today and I got it whoa. You know what would have been better the hairdresser of social media, but we can work on that. I am very terrified if one day he comes across my channel and sees all of my hair videos and reacts to one of them. I am very scared to be judged by him. I think everybody's, so scared of me. Judging them, I'm not trying to be mean. I'M just simply providing my feedback in a aggressive manner, not all I'll say about that before we get into the Dirty Works of things. Let'S start with my bangs, I section off this middle part right here and then this part is just for framing, so I just tuck it into the back of my ear. This is the shape that I got as you can tell there's a little triangle on my head right here and you want to keep that shape. Let'S start off by doing a little piece, wow that did some damage: okay, we're doing a little bang mom at first. Okay, I love it. I think she rocks the bang and I like that, she's keeping it longer like a little bit under her eyes. Like, I think, that's hot, I think that's sexy. I think that's modern. I think that's everything that she she needs right now. This is what I like to do. I just cut upwards and just start snipping away until I get the shape that I'm really really satisfied with I'm going to cut off, starting from the top of my lip just working downward. I want to understand why she's cutting the kind of details of the cut before she actually does the major cut like usually we do like the cut cut. You know the majority of the hair first, then we dry it. We do the bangs. We do the face. Framing and we kind of refine everything but she's doing it the opposite way, which is very creative, I'm always open to new techniques. I'M sorry to Brad for not doing you justice. If you're watching this, it looks pretty good. Actually we're going to move on to the actual haircut I'm going to have to take my hair out of this ponytail section off my hair cut it off to a decent length, then put it back into a ponytail and then we're gon na proceed with the wolf Cut again, I would do that opposite. I went first to the wolf cop because what happens is it kind of looks a little bit straggly at the bottom? When you have very long hair and you cut a lot off and you do very short layers - it gets really struggly. So at the end you might have to do a little trim and poo on the excess hair. I would do it the opposite way. Let'S do the wolf cut first and then let's trim the length. This is how long my hair is been a while, since I've cut my hair, oh these yo, your hair is mad long and it's quite beautiful. That is a lot of hair. I am questioning now, if I did a mistake, so she did that she went for that so quickly and I loved it. Yes, yes, I needed a dramatic change today from somebody. God is a little hotter here. No, it's fine hair grows back another one down. Why do I always get so emotional every time I do this? Oh god? Oh so she's going for it so quickly the damage has been done. What do I kind of miss her long hair? Usually, I love a good chop, but, like I don't know, she really was rocking that, like excessively long hair, I think it's just because everything's one length right now it just doesn't it's not the vibe. We are moving on to the finale, which is to do the actual wolf cut. Yes, let's do it, can she pull it off? I mean she better be able to, because it's like literally the easiest thing to do in the world, like just put your hair in a ponytail and cut the sorry whoa. That was aggressive, put your hair in a really really high ponytail, okay, The Next Step. Actually, another easy step is to wet your hair. My hair is out of frame, so what I'm going to do, which he did not do in the video? So if I'm doing this wrong, I have no one else to blame, but myself because Brad did a whole different technique and I'm doing a whole 180 with it. So you're not following my tutorial, so you lied and Liars. They lie. I'M going to cut off this much we're just gon na. Do it all right there you go another chunk of my hair gone. I love this video because she's doing so much. If you do a wolf cut, you have to cut a lot of your hair off, or else you're, not gon na see the difference, and she is doing it by the way. If you pull your hair up to the middle you're, gon na get a lot more layering kind of like in the crown area. If you pull your hair more to the front, you're gon na get less layering back here and more layering around your face. I think we're going to cut off more hair, because why not? I can see the purpose of wetting your hair. Now it does cut through your hair very very easily. Yes, white, gray, hair. It really does cut easier. You just get also waist straighter sharper lines. It'S all good, oh gosh. This is looking really good so far. This is how you short hair people feel like there's no weight on your head. The fact that she thinks her hair is short girl. This is short. I don't even want your hairline. I want like here this is long. Some of us, like it's been years growing without it's like I decided to go shorter, oh yeah, so he did well. You did I feel like. I was somewhat a part of that. I don't know why, but I mean us. Is this an us thing or is it a huge thing? I don't know. Oh my gosh one more time. I promise this will be the last time wow. Oh I'm in love with her hair, I'm in love with her hair already, oh my God. Oh my God. Oh my God. I can't always see this blown out. This actually gave me a wolf cut. What else would it have done now? The final thing I'm going to do part my hair right behind my ear, and this wasn't Brad Mondo's video too. So what he did is take this section brush it away of your face where the shortest length is, which is right here, cut straight frames. Your face she's refining, her face, framing, which I love. When people do this, this is in my tutorial, but like people never do it, so I'm having a whole dilemma right now, because I don't know if I like it, I don't hate it. I think I just put up the bar really really high for myself: it's not bad. It looks really good. It would look better if I styled it. This is potentially what my hair would look like with styled wolf cut hair. I think it's the fact that I'm not used to having such short hair like this, I'm so used to having long hair. Oh my God, I'm obsessed, I don't know how you're not obsessed it looks incredible. This is the vibe for you. This is everything I wanted for your hair. The highlights are so cute. Everything came together. It looks phenomenal great job. Oh my God. I love it up. Next, we have a video by Hadley Grooms. You can see here. This is all my hair, oh whoa, that hair is so long, so luscious so thick, so beautiful. However, I cannot wait until she does a wolf color mess, because I would love to see layers in her hair. I would love to see this more rounded more like Shaggy and get rid of some that length, like, I think, that's gon na totally spice up her style, I'm going to be trying to follow mostly follow Brad Mondo's, Wolf, Cutting video. I love how long it is, but it is just so heavy. So I'm hoping by adding layers, I will be able to keep the length and lose some weight. Yes, that is a good idea. Let'S see you do it, I'm going to go, wet my hair and put in a ponytail and we'll get started. She wet her hair win for me, don't mind me: I have my hair perfectly brushed out for this video, the second I even get it slightly wet. It is extremely hard to brush again use when you're doing haircuts like this it'll help you so much brush through your hair. As you cut it, it's a good secret. Okay that took me 30 minutes. The high pony is ponying babe, yeah, okay, so my hair is like as long as my arm. I want that. I want that feeling of just like luscious locks of hair, just like so I'm gon na hold it up, and I know it's not as brushed as it should be, but my hair literally just isn't meant to do that. Leave-In conditioner, please! That noise was like so okay, there's like that much at the top. I'M gon na take a piece out from the back, so I can see where this is a bad idea. Okay, oh no! This is getting bad she's pulling that piece out from the back, and it's just like destroying this ponytail and her hair gets so tangled so easily. You can tell well, she said literally said that so we know, but um, that's a good idea. So if you don't want to lose any length when you're cutting a wolf cut, make sure you take a piece out from the back of your hair and see how long it is and then chop there and you won't lose any length. This is the longest piece. So I can cut like this much off okay, but let me fix the ponytail and I'll be back okay, fresh ponytail! I know it looks slightly bumpy, but in reality this part of my hair is more brushed and straight. So this must be a workout for her. Like my arms are sore watching, I'm just gon na hold it going to cut, they all hold it over this way. Okay, I have to look in the camera. Okay, wait guys when you pull the hair up, you get it right like that, and you know where you want to cut. You can squeeze that hair tight to not lose tension on it and bring it down. Just don't readjust your hand when you bring it down. Just keep it in the same place, but you can cut in front of you if your hair is this long, you don't have to keep it up the whole time. Oh my God, okay, at least I can see it now. Those scissors are getting through there. They are the real chance of this video. I know it's like gon na not be even okay. Having hair cutting scissors like really helps okay, this is a lot of hair. I just cut off, I guess I'll, do spinning, shears and then I'll. Take it out and see how it looks the amount you can just cut off your hair. It seems like so much it really does, but for your length, that's literally gon na mean nothing it's kind of hard to tell, but I definitely don't have short pieces in the front. I have long pieces randomly. Oh no. What did I do? I'M gon na have to dry it and see, but it is definitely not even how did that become that what the hell, but this is not looking good. I do not blame me on this one, okay, okay, so now that I have blow dried it out, there's honestly, not that much going on, I expected for how much hair I cut off um for it to be a little bit more now. It does look kind of like here and then here the layers are a little bit blunt, so I'm wondering if I should do more, because back here I mean I don't even think there are layers. Okay, let's see what this would look like be over direct now I can't see I don't know dude. This is getting spooky all of a sudden. This should be easier than it is being so I don't understand - and I yeah maybe I should just cut like here. Let'S start small, that is a whole lot of hair. You should work in sections. I have a video on how to do face framing that'll, be linked below. I would recommend taking way less hair at a time that way you can actually cut through all this. It'S just too much hair once cute, I might have to fix that a little bit. We need to pull it farther the last piece down here. On your hand, you don't really want to be cutting the length of that okay, you kind of want to go in a in a diagonal. So then you have that effect where it's short - and it goes all into your length. What you did kind of just gave you like a blunt cut. It was a little bit not right. Ah, she is chopping away and it's getting worse. I'M sorry. This is becoming this fast, no kind of doing something I feel like I'm gon na have to clean it up a little bit. It'S a little blunt, no, no, no! No! No! No! No! Over directed farther next time, the more you over direct, the hair from where it grows, the more of a soft blend, you're gon na get with the layers ponytail round two round two shorter. Just though, like it's the same length when my hair is down pretty much for the ponytail is so much shorter, it honestly feels so much better. I'M just gon na do a little bit more a little bit still like at the top of my head. Okay, I'm just gon na fold it and I can see yeah see that's you're doing it right now. Is that even right? Why is why are some of this? So much longer. Is that because I messed up the first time? Yes, that is why now I'm going to use the thinning shears, okay, we got a lot more off. I'M excited, though, because she needed that extra length cut off, and you know why, because if you don't cut enough off with a wolf because you're not gon na see it, I just cut a bunch of hair off that. I did not mean to do that. Okay with the thinning shears, I would recommend styling your hair, how it's going to be styled, then going in on the pieces that are chunkier thicker and go in and thin out pieces at a time where you see the chunk happening and do it evenly on both Sides I mean you can do it this way, it's just too much hair to go through thinning, shears they're, like it's a lot of hair on there, there's something going on. Let'S see where the layers in the back it's coming together, I could have brushed this again. Please not this again, please I can't, I literally cannot see. Can you see? Can I see, of course I didn't prepare you for this. I don't even know what you're doing. Is that the same? That'S pretty close hello. This is the final look I mean, I think there are some areas that are still a little blunt, I'm so happy with how it turned out literally way off my head, but I still have the length I want and I get to do fun stuff with the Front of my hair: this is everything I wanted. I'M so excited. I don't know what the just happened, but she somehow pulled it off the face framing actually kind of pulled through. It was looking super sketchy, but it all came together, and this is so much better for her. It opens up her face. It gives her this cool fun vibe and I am obsessed with it, so I'm not gon na say great job but decent job up. Next, we have a video by sash balls where are going to be cutting our hair. All right hear that noise, oh we're going for it. This is that's all I happened so quick. I haven't even had time to like process what's going on. Okay, this is good. Oh just cut it while it was way, but now she's her hair is wet and yes, it is so much easier to clean up it's much easier to cut. I'M gon na have to make a whole video about like why you should cut your hair when it's wet rather than dry might be kind of boring, never mind, I'm making it shorter, and you all can't stop me. I'M not gon na stop you. I think. That'S a great idea, I think you should just go for it all right. Why is it still the same length? I'M on no explain! Thank you for asking so because your hair is on the shorter side. You could literally cut your hair probably to this length when it's in the ponytail and you'll still have your length. We'Re not touching the length right, we're touching the hair up here. But what you can do is pull the hair and we already talked about this earlier, but we can pull the hair from the back measure it at the top. But if your hair is this long, it's only going to measure up to here, so you can literally cut your flares to a questionably short length without cutting any of your actual links. So you're gon na have to go in at the end and cut and refine the length if you want the length shorter yeah. I hope this works. Okay, don't use thinning shears on wet hair, don't do that use it on dry hair? Oh my God. I literally cannot see she's chopping everything, oh and it's an Eva, although honestly wait and it's still the sidewalk, this haircut isn't to cut your length it's to give you a lot of layers cut the length after. Oh, my God, I veered off the brown on the tutorial, as does everybody for some reason, everybody loves to do that. People just like to watch the video and then just like try to remember parts of it and then they never never turns out like what I did and then they wonder why? Oh, my God, um we're just gon na go with it, I'm literally just going Buck Wild. Is it even I don't know, bruh bam, brown one. No, if you see this, I'm so sorry, oh revealing three, two one I actually really like it and Brad Mondo and other people. If you don't like it, that's on you because I like it, I do not like don't ask me like how it turned out as good as it did. I just love it. This Fair coat is very foolproof, as you can see and um she slayed. I love this cut on her and, and everything came together perfectly. I don't know man I'll, never know, but great job good, no decent job. That'S what we're trying to say today! Well, the wolf cut. Does it again it slays everybody's hair, even when they think it's not going to it always comes through somehow anyways? If you want to check out any of my hair care products or my hair color products, you can do so at the link right down below and that's all for today guys thank you for watching and don't forget to live your extra life and I'll see you Next time, bye

Crystal Kerstal: The first girl is unsure how it looks, but it came out so good. She did that. With the two side parts being bleached blonde peaking ever so slightly with the layering and bangs, it gave her so much personality. I loved her final look.

Ah_Belinda: I love how the last girl has the MOST pristine, precise, flawless, incredible makeup and then goes into the hair with pure chaos.

Logan Rezendes: I absolutely love that the last girl said “Brad mondo explain” and he said thank you for asking and jumped right into a lesson. I just thought it was perfect ❤️

Ilhaam Foster: Did anyone notice that she actually used THREE of brads tutorial instructions! First with the triangles and the fringe, then the elastic bands at equal lengths for a hair cut and Then the wolf cut (in her own way) ..... She clearly studies his tutorials..... And the best place to study brads tutorials...... YOUTUBE.... So yes, to her, you may be the hairdresser of YouTube.... But to us, you are OUR HAIRDRESSER....... PERIOD ❤️ point blank period I've learnt so much about bleaching hair, it's insane. I could actually confidently bleach someone's hair if they asked...... I still wouldn't do my own unless I had short hair..... That's just Asking for trouble LOVE YOU BRAD MONDO ❤️

Becca: Who knew me hacking at my hair in high school could have been called something cool sounding? Like wolf cut ✂️

Cassie S: Love how in the first video her new hair cut really shows off her highlights; perfectly suits her face shape

A1sinceday1: That first lady killed it ! Her peekaboo pieces were on point.

Corinne Nicole: I LIVE for these react videos. So many props to all the wonderful creators featured in these because they have BALLS to go and do their own hair and to RECORD IT. I freaked out one time cutting the hair on my Barbie, so cutting my own hair, yeeeeah not in the cards. My stylist both loves and hates you, Brad, because I'm constantly going in like can we try this and that? Thank you for always starting my Sunday on a good foot!

Mia Brown: The second girl, her hair... OMG I was distracted from the cut because she has the most stunning natural hair I've ever seen. The thickness, the weight, and that honey-ginger-biscuity colour - insanely beautiful. She's so lucky! She did an OK job but imagine if a pro hairdresser cut proper layers into that hair, would look divine.

Ugly Coyote: So fun fact about the second person--who based on their shirt I'm assuming has Ehlers Danlos Syndrome (EDS), EDS--even though it's a collective of diseases that affect collagen and not keratin, both thins the hair and increases the size of the hair follicles, which makes it kind of a nightmare to work with because it tangles and breaks super easily. I have the classical type of EDS, and it takes a decent amount of effort to make my hair look presentable. Layered cuts like this go a long way in giving the illusion of fullness and texture, so I'm glad that's what this person chose to do!

Ang Mo: Thank you, Brad Mondo! I am 47 and I have a bit of resistance in being adventurous with my hair that is so thick and coarse that always wanted a wolf cut but the hairstylist never gave me the deep layers I wanted a few weeks ago I started watching your tutorials, gave myself the wolf cut and then used thinning sheers finally my hair looks so well shaped and for some strange reason my youth wavy texture is back and look so good Thanks so much!!!!!!

Jonalyne Joy: WHAT OMG!!!! I never thought you would ever watch my videos I hope I did you justice! it’s been almost five years since I’ve been to a salon or hairdresser, and it’s all bc of your videos! I actually got used to my cut and love my hair now, thanks to you — the hairdresser of social media ✨ oh! and I’m reading everyones comments here and on my video, thank you for the kind words

Metz: I've been watching every single one of these videos in anticipation of doing my own wolf cut after not getting my hair cut for 11 and a half years. I am TERRIFIED but I'm so glad I'm watching ALL of them first because the ponytail placement comment is crucial to what I want

Tara Radcliff: I literally have watched every single video of yours for three months straight & literally learned how todo hair. Your Such an inspiration, you seem so sweet hearted, you’re hilarious and thoughtful with all your giveaways. Definitely my mentor❤

JRsmile: When you said “she thinks she has short hair.” I was dying! Could not stop laughing!

irishfairy98: I adore when it cuts to Brad's reaction and I'm sat there with the same horrified expression. Especially that final cut.

Susanne Thys: Even when I don’t feel beautiful Brad always makes me feel beautiful. His videos aren’t just about hair they are about how we feel about ourselves. The world needs more Brad’s. ❤️

Karen Ward: JJ did a wonderful job. She looks so much better with her wolf cut, and yes, styling gives the the look she wanted. Well done JJ.

Kaeya: I’ve been feeling a little down these past few things because the guy I’ve been in love with, my good friend, passed away recently. This video really helped me because your energy and positivity makes me very happy ☺️☺️ Thank you for being you, Brad! <3 :)

mcrchickenluvr: I followed your tutorial for a wolf cut a few months ago. Partly because I needed a trim something fierce. Mostly because I was a broke as hell since mom was in the hospital and I couldn’t afford a trip to the salon. I was able to go to my salon on Friday. My hairdresser was really impressed with the layers and how they actually stayed.

Annika Kamath: I cut my own hair using Brad's tutorial and it turned out amazing....I've had it for almost a year and I'm still in love with it So thank you Brad the hairdresser of social media

Cocobutt: I've always wanted to do this haircut, I'm too scared. So I just live vicariously through the people he reacts to :)

Kaci K: These videos always remind me of when I’d hack my hair into the “emo/scene” crazy layers I did in high school (2006) we used razor blades tho!

SUSSY- 🔥𝐆𝐨 𝐓𝐨 𝐌𝐲 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐧𝐞𝐥 [𝐋!𝐯𝐞]🔞: Even when I don’t feel beautiful Brad always makes me feel beautiful. His videos aren’t just about hair they are about how we feel about ourselves. The world needs more Brad’s. ❤️

Maria Segalla: I'm planning on doing this at home as well. It's cheaper and easy. Honestly I am starting to feel confident about it. I'll do it after I get my body in shape lol. This is probably going to be my go to hairstyle forever.

Don't read profile photo: I believe he is the only one who never disappoints us with his content

Jupiter: Brads hair is looking great! I know growing it out is really really difficult and patient work for sure. (I've gone from a buzz cut to past my shoulder blades just recently definitely a long long process). ❤️

SUSSY- 🔥𝐆𝐨 𝐓𝐨 𝐌𝐲 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐧𝐞𝐥 [𝐋!𝐯𝐞]🔞: I literally have watched every single video of yours for three months straight & literally learned how todo hair. Your Such an inspiration, you seem so sweet hearted, you’re hilarious and thoughtful with all your giveaways. Definitely my mentor❤

SaylorC: I did a wolf cut about a month ago or so and I was SOOO self conscious at first. I had hair almost to my butt and I cut it shorter and then did the wolf cut layers. I was worried I did too much, but it turned out great! I followed Brad's tutorials to cut and layer my hair. The only hard part was smoothing out my hair for a pony tail lol. Took me FOREVER

Bitches Love Cannons: I am so thankful for your tutorial videos and reaction videos. Because of you, I was able to pull off cutting the length of my hair, a wolf cut, a butterfly cut, and perfect bangs (slightly longer and side swept). I’m really happy with my hair for the first time in a long time. I will never pay anyone to cut my hair again. Thank you!

Ashley: My hair dresser cousin taught me to make a ponytail on the top of my head and cut. Back in the 80s when she was learning to cut hair. She used me and most of my family members as test dummies. My sister and I got perms, dye, haircuts etc. I've been cutting my hair this way since I was 9. I still fuck it up occasionally though. My hair is mostly shoulder length now.

Kaylee: Don’t worry Brad, I followed your tutorial step-by-step and it turned out great!

Estelle A: I've wanted to try the wolf cut for the past 6 months. Finally ordered a new pair of scissors, I can't wait to CHOP! Also, I love this hair on you Brad! <3

Prior2Popular: I just realized apparently I’ve been getting a “wolf cut” since middle school from my stylist lol I didn’t know there was a name, I just always came in wanting side bangs, layers, and what she called “whispy” but I called “spikey” cutting— not blunt cut. But it looks just like that first girl.

SUSSY- 🔥𝐆𝐨 𝐓𝐨 𝐌𝐲 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐧𝐞𝐥 [𝐋!𝐯𝐞]🔞: Brad’s reactions are always so funny. Love these videos ❤

nina black: Love these vids...I am not brave enough to do one of these cuts ...but love watching others do it. With Brads commentary its like watching them with your bestie

Just Josie: Oh! Thanks for splaining why the hair is still the same length! I've done this like 5X and passed my ideal face framing making it shorter than I wanted, but still had the length in the back that I was trying to shorten! lol

SUSSY- 🔥𝐆𝐨 𝐓𝐨 𝐌𝐲 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐧𝐞𝐥 [𝐋!𝐯𝐞]🔞: Even when I don’t feel beautiful Brad always makes me feel beautiful. His videos aren’t just about hair they are about how we feel about ourselves. The world needs more Brad’s. ❤️

Elicia A: The first woman did an amazing job. It looks great. I love how she calls her hair short. For how long it was before though, I get it.

Boston Reese: I followed your butterfly cut tutorial and my hair came out absolutely gorgeous. I wish that I filmed it so I could show you. But I don’t post videos on YouTube so it would be weird to have that be my only video. As long as you follow step-by-step what Brad is doing, your hair will come out amazing.

Tina Hall: There's, you, Dr. Mike and Legal Eagle. You 3 dudes have gave me so much info and touched my heart some way or another. You are OUR hairdresser of yt!

Zispy: I rarely see people with the same hair texture as me! (second girl) It's so hard to style without being frizzy because it's so fine. As soon as you wet it slightly, it tangles. And no, unfortunately the leave in conditioner doesn't work because if you put enough in for that, it'll be super stringy when it dries.

jwonder7: I love the anxiety the second girl gave me slamming through her hair. I was physically hurting. I have thick hair and it was my life mission not to rip through it. To always have patience. It upset me so much

Tay Original: The first one!! Omg. That is everything she needed. The long hair is pretty but the wolf cut just frames her face perfectly

Grace Michelli.2 AM: I learn so much from you Brad. Thank you for sharing techniques to help us create our own hair styles. I love your humor ♥️

Yvonne Low: The first girl…. Omg it looks amazing! The second one is uneven at first because she cut the ponytail at an angle. You can see it when she was done cutting the first time. She’s lucky it came out as nice as it did!

featherdrake: I'm sure that a "why you should wet your hair before cutting it" video with a couple of other tips thrown in wouldn't be boring. I don't think any of your videos are boring.

Brooklyn: 8:30 is the funniest reaction ive ever seen i literally laughed for 5 minutes

SUSSY- 🔥𝐆𝐨 𝐓𝐨 𝐌𝐲 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐧𝐞𝐥 [𝐋!𝐯𝐞]🔞: I literally have watched every single video of yours for three months straight & literally learned how todo hair. Your Such an inspiration, you seem so sweet hearted, you’re hilarious and thoughtful with all your giveaways. Definitely my mentor❤

SUSSY- 🔥𝐆𝐨 𝐓𝐨 𝐌𝐲 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐧𝐞𝐥 [𝐋!𝐯𝐞]🔞: I literally have watched every single video of yours for three months straight & literally learned how todo hair. Your Such an inspiration, you seem so sweet hearted, you’re hilarious and thoughtful with all your giveaways. Definitely my mentor❤

ghjgme: I cannot shame these people, I watched a how to do an at home fade tutorial and dude said, set aside 1-2 hours. I noped out of that, and it actually went decent in the 10-15 minutes I spent. I may not count as a newb with all the undercut, eventually buzzcuts, and various hair trims I've done on myself though.

Elizabeth Van Orden: You ARE the hair guru of YouTube! Even when people fail, you're super empathetic and helpful and kind.

Alexis Oelberg: I went and got a wolf cut a few weeks ago, I love it! I can't wait until my hair is linger so I can make more dramatic layers!

Mariah Haynie: Brad, I love your long hair! I've been growing mine out from basically the same haircut you used to have, it's past my shoulders now! You only have like a year left to go! P.S. why did we both try to go ginger from blonde, end up hating it, then going back to blonde? RIP hair integrity lol

suzie in the making: Your visceral pain hearing the first girl call her hair "short" after she cut it... I feel that Brad. My hair has only ever been past my shoulders ONCE in my life. Senior year of high school, and it was only JUST past my shoulders. Otherwise I've ALWAYS had bangs, and almost always hair above my shoulders. I've always wondered what I'd look like with a full long head of hair...

Katrina Ott: i’ve done your tutorial 2 times! looks great both times

SUSSY- 🔥𝐆𝐨 𝐓𝐨 𝐌𝐲 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐧𝐞𝐥 [𝐋!𝐯𝐞]🔞: Brad’s reactions are always so funny. Love these videos ❤

Sonia’s Way: Brad’s reactions are always so funny. Love these videos ❤

Shanee Wanee: I've been doing wolf cuts following your tutorial. Love it...thank you.

Arianaagain: I hope you know, when you great me at the beginning of the video. It really makes my day better, especially if I am having a bad day. Your content is so comforting and I love it so much. Thank you for being you and creating your content. <3

Jae R: Soooo glad I watched this one before attempting my own on my super long hair (very tangle prone) cut this weekend, leave in condish tip is genius

Chelsea: Hey brad, I’d love to see a video on how to braid/style hair that is thin and tangles easily

I'm Jarrifried: I always cut my hair at home because I'm broke as hell and my hair grows wayyyy too fast to afford keeping my hair short via professional haircuts, plus I love doing new stuff every once in a while... but these videos always give me the same feeling I get when I'm chopping off my hair lmaooo like everything is going so wrong the whole time and then somehow at the end it magically works out and makes absolutely NO sense at all I must be doing something right bc I always get compliments on my hair and ppl seem genuinely surprised I cut my own hair! :^D

Nicole Tousignant: Okay holy cow my hair is exactly like the second girl’s, and felt a lot like her process was in terms of difficulty and annoyance when trying the wolf cut. You are correct about it being a total workout. So painful to relive

Sandyandi: Brad, if you want really long hair, put in some extensions and teach us how to do that to ourselves!

JJGennaro: @bradmondo, I just did the wolf cut on myself following your tutorial! I love it so much! Thanks for the tutorial!

SUSSY- 🔥𝐆𝐨 𝐓𝐨 𝐌𝐲 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐧𝐞𝐥 [𝐋!𝐯𝐞]🔞: Brads hair is looking great! I know growing it out is really really difficult and patient work for sure. (I've gone from a buzz cut to past my shoulder blades just recently definitely a long long process). ❤️

SUSSY- 🔥𝐆𝐨 𝐓𝐨 𝐌𝐲 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐧𝐞𝐥 [𝐋!𝐯𝐞]🔞: Brads hair is looking great! I know growing it out is really really difficult and patient work for sure. (I've gone from a buzz cut to past my shoulder blades just recently definitely a long long process). ❤️

Chrysa: Brad thank you for always making my day with your videos ! ❤

Vicat: I love the ones where people do EVERYTHING wrong, but it goes against every known law of physics and chemistry to look

Mary Távora: Love Brad gushing over long hair... little does he know that my hair used to go down to my tailbone and traded it for a pixie cut

Jak h: The wet vs dry is interesting as a black woman. I would not dare cut my hair while it's wet. BRAAAAAD! Please be specific when you tell people to cut their hair while wet.

LeahBandB: I feel like the second girl knew the "what", had some variant of the "how", but totally didn't get the "why" of the wolf cutting technique. And still, it looked good which means this cut is very forgiving haha

Madilyn Yahn: I cut my hair using one of your tutorials, and I think you’d be happy to know I watched the whole thing, then followed along watching it again step by step

gato jazzito: Love You Brad we are here with you on your path to extra super mega long hair ✨

Kiara Sanders: I literally told my hairstylist about you I was like yes he's the reason I dyed my hair u should definitely check him out. But my hair was a fail she had to fix it for me lol bleach definitely doesn't lather

Gymnastics World: I feel like we learn more from these react videos than actual tutorials lol

Image Creates: I just got a wolf cut last week and I LOVE IT. But I would never do it myself I went to a stylist ☠️

SkittlezBomb: The second girl triggered my anxiety so bad. The last girl had me dying cause my beastie is the same way and they all did good!!!!

Shawna Riggs: I literally live for these videos! Love you so much Brad! Bring back Erick sometime though cause I really love watching you guys together❤

Fallstar: Brad, may I recommend watching at Chinese historical dramas, just to look at the ladies' hair? The challenge would be to try to style a wig that would pass muster for the empress.

luv_tia11: I love your videos Brad. you help me smile even on my worst days. I noticed you seemed confused about the 2nd girl in this one. If you look at her hands as she is trying to hold the hair to cut, her hand placement is why she struggled a bit. I have had hair that long before and that thick. Yes you are correct when anyone has that long of hair it really is a workout to do everything or anything with/to it. thank you again. I am so happy that all 3 ladies loved the end result. That is awesome.

Jennifer James: I’m constantly freaking YELLING at people to: STOP STOP STOP! No, WAIT! Wet your hair!! DON’T DO IT! -what a rollercoaster your videos are to me…and I LOVE IT. **If you do a video on the downside of dry-cutting- talk about how “hair-splinters” are a real thing… when little pieces of dry hair scatter about. And they suck. Much loves to ya!-Jenny Sue

SUSSY- 🔥𝐆𝐨 𝐓𝐨 𝐌𝐲 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐧𝐞𝐥 [𝐋!𝐯𝐞]🔞: Love these vids...I am not brave enough to do one of these cuts ...but love watching others do it. With Brads commentary its like watching them with your bestie

Red Aureolin: love watching your vids before i sleep again cause for some reason it’s the perfect mix of calm and chaos that just soothes me lmao- also do you have short haircut tutorials?! i will literally eat them all up

beatrix jackson: How do people find the wolf cut so difficult? I learn by seeing and watched Brad doing it over 20 times before I did it the 1st time to just put layers in. I did it a 2nd time last month and cut so much more off. Can get the back into a low ponytail, leaving a very shaggy short front. It's like 2 cuts in one lol. Wolf cuts forever xxx

Kaylee Hawkins: I really wish I had the balls to cut my own hair since I get major anxiety having other people do it. I've watched so many of his videos, but I know for sure, if he ever saw it, it'd be in one of his major fail videos. Plus I love my long hair, and he loves the major chops people do. Maybe one day....

Christina*Godblessyou: This exact video convinced me! I'm doing it!! My hair is one length, almost to my waist!! I want layers but IN THE FRONT! You finally told me how! Thank you!! 2 ponytails, first one lower for length, second high in front for layers in front.. ❤️

JJGennaro: Brad! I just did your tutorial for the wolf cut! I love the results I got! It is fire!

SUSSY- 🔥𝐆𝐨 𝐓𝐨 𝐌𝐲 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐧𝐞𝐥 [𝐋!𝐯𝐞]🔞: Love how in the first video her new hair cut really shows off her highlights; perfectly suits her face shape

KitsuneNeko: I just recently did a short a-bob with an asymmetrical part on myself. Made my brother cut the pieces I missed then used a mirror to refine the look.I like it but I'm tempted to let my crazy curly hair grow out to see if I would even like a wolf cut. Part of me is telling me I wont since it would involve hair on my neck and I've gotten tired of hair resting on my neck lately.

Amanda Shaw: Love the girl supporting the zebra community!! Made my day!

T de Lioncourt: First girl nailed it! And it looks so good on her too! I'm jealous of her hair

queen zazaa: i fell asleep watching brad and been contemplating cutting my bangs all morning. and then he uploads ‍♀️. i’m gunna do it.

SUSSY- 🔥𝐆𝐨 𝐓𝐨 𝐌𝐲 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐧𝐞𝐥 [𝐋!𝐯𝐞]🔞: Brad thank you for always making my day with your videos ! ❤

hayleynzlive: Brad, darling, I wish I have filmed my haircut, I literally had your tutorial open as I cut... I've done this cut for about 2 years now, when to an actually haircut and she actually praised my work! Only a small variance for her to trim off. The "face framing layers"? well, that's another story...

Kate Derepas Music: The second girl made me so sad. She has such beautiful hair, she really should find a stylist she trusts to care for her hair :(

divlnnityx: omg i was just thinking about cutting my hair, and this style is similar to what i am going for !! hope you’re doing well, brad

Nita C: Amazing content, the last girl, pure gold, when she went bam bam on her hair, yeah I'm stealing that one for when I trim my tips

Kari Lawson: Brad never disappoints ❤

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