Blunt Haircut Tutorial With Face Framing Layers Medium Length | Including Dry Cutting Technique

After receiving so many requests to show more haircuts on my channel, I thought this one would be PERFECT because it’s a trend that I project will be around for a few more years! If you’ve been seeing the blunt haircut trend with texture around the face but haven’t been sure where to start, this video is for you!

This video is perfect if you:

Struggle with cutting blunt haircuts because you feel like it ends up too heavy.

You spend more time trying to correct the straight lines in your cut and feel like you always have one side that you have to correct.

Cut most of your cuts wet and you want to learn how to finish a cut by dry cutting.

You struggle with face framing layers or texture around the face.

Would you like to see more haircut videos? Let me know in the comments below.

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What'S up welcome to my youtube channel in today's video we are gon na be doing a haircut, and this haircut is a really simple, easy haircut that you can use every day in the salon, so stay tuned, alright, guys today's video, I'm gon na, be showing you Guys how to do a one length, really blunt haircut with just a little bit of face framing layers around in the front now the reason why I'm sharing this haircut with you is because I think it's actually a haircut, that's gon na be a little bit more Trendy in the next couple years - and so I wanted to break it down and show you guys exactly how I do a one length haircut, because I think people are really liking. Those blunt ends, and so I'm gon na walk you through step by step. How we're doing that on this model? Alright, so this is our before and she actually hasn't gotten a haircut in quite a bit of time, she's actually been growing out her hair from a shoulder length haircut. So it is time for a haircut just to clean up these ends, make them a little bit blunter and then we're also gon na do some face framing layers, just to kind of shape up she's been growing out some straight across bangs, and so we want to Blend all of this in so let's get started okay. So when we talked through her haircut, she wanted to have a very kind of blunt one length. We don't want to take off too much length because she actually is really liking kind of this medium length. In here, but we are going to be doing a little space framing layers, but other than that. The rest of it is gon na, be just really blunt and keeping that that beauty solid kind of lines. The back so I'm gon na section off just front from the back and then we're gon na start in the back. When we start cutting, do you guys can see that it's been a while since she's had a really strong haircut, and you can just kind of tell that from kind of these like little ends right here and she definitely likes it a little bit more solid. So that's gon na be where we're gon na strengthen up this line right here, so I'm gon na section her off. We already did the front from the back and then I'm gon na go just straight down the middle now. One little tip that I am doing is I'm using my comb to section out that hair. But what I did was I placed my pointer finger down at the nape of her neck and I'm literally connecting the dots and so that way, when I get to my finger, I can section away at the hair. It just makes it really really easy. I'M also gon na do that on this side, as I'm sectioning the hair. So I'm going to do it kind of right where her head kind of starts to round down and I'm going to do a diagonal back section. I'M gon na make it just a little bit more so same thing connecting that dot, we're going to way and same thing on this side. So what I'm going to do is I'm going to find that same spot on her head, where I want to connect my finger to place my finger there and connect it up again. This just makes sectioning out hair so much easier and it creates just cleaner lines. So one of the most important things when we're cutting just a solid blunt line is we want to make sure that our body positioning is straight on to the client and same thing with our clients. So my client is currently crossing your leg, so I'm gon na have our uncross. Your legs right now sit up nice and tall, and I always like to double click, my page, so I always clip it right here kind of in the center and then I clip it off to the side so that there's no pieces hanging down getting in the Way and then I always are gon na, have my client look down and one last thing you want to check. Is you wan na make sure that the chair is absolutely straight, because I've done a lot of hair cuts where the chair is slightly crooked and they're? Looking down straight and now, you're gon na have a really crooked haircut, so making sure that the chair is straight, the clients sitting up their legs are uncross and that their chin is just tilted down now. What we're going to do is I want to make sure that my body positioning is straight on to the client, but I will kind of bend and widen my stance a little bit and bend my knees so that when I'm taking my sections, I'm actually holding my Body really straight and I'm not kind of tilting or doing something like this. I tended to do that a lot when I was cutting hair. I would start to lean one way or the other, and it's really important, with a really strong line haircut that we're not doing that. So what I'm going to do is weather change is kind of my middle section right here and we're gon na cut that guideline. You can kind of pull those away if you want and we're going to be cutting at zero degrees. So just straight down - and you guys can see I'm kind of bending, with my knees a little bit getting in that really straight line, making sure that this isn't one way or another straight down cut straight across I'll bring in this section over here down. And if you need to just take a step over, you can totally do that as well and always just like to double check. So, have you ever noticed when you go to cross check that maybe one side tilt it down or tilt it to another way? A lot of times it's because we started to do this or we just decided to move our body this way so taking a step and making sure to cut or taking a step and cutting down so that you're, really square on to the client will help a Ton, so I'm just going to double check. It actually seems like it did kind of come off this way a little bit, so I'm just going to check there and I'm not like crazy one of those people. That'S like a crazy technical hair cutter and like really insane about body positioning, but it is important, especially with the haircut like this or, if you're doing a boho or anything like that that you're just making sure that you're really aware of your body. So now we'll take our next section and I'll just use my clips to section this out same thing, and you guys will notice too, when I am coming this down that I'm using the thinner, not the wide tooth comb be fine. Part of the comb is trying to say, thinner or to become again make sure that your client is looking down. Shoulders are square once again and just follow that same guy, and I do like that. My clients look straight just to double-check my line to to make sure that their head wasn't tilted one way or another, something like that as well and I'll always just kind of go down and just always double-check that okay. So I'm going to do two more sections here which really following the same a guideline as before, and we're just going to finish up this back section. Okay. So as we continue over to the side, she doesn't have a ton of hair here on the side, and so sometimes people will take straight across sections here. You know on the sides for me: I'm not too concerned about it because down here she doesn't have a ton of hair, where I think it's really going to mess up what I'm doing so. Usually I make sure that the client is always looking straight in the mirror and we're going to comb this down. We'Re just gon na cut it, and one thing you do want to double check around the ears is sometimes especially on like shorter hair clients. Hair will get tucked up around the ears or it'll get bunched up back here. So you want to make sure that you are combing that all the way through now I'll show you on the other side she does have piercing. So you have to be careful when you're combing through and I caught it a little bit earlier. You might have seen that on camera, but you do want to make sure that you are getting all of these little hairs that sometimes get kind of wrapped up in there. Okay, so here's gon na be that section where I said she has those little piercings. So what you can do is sometimes you can ask the client to take them off, but I just like to kind of comb it straight down I'll just make sure that we got all of them being really aware that those piercings farther so now, once I cut All of the sides and the back I always like to check and cross-check my hair in the front here, just to make sure that it was cut evenly and that everything looks good, because this is going to be the thing that the client notices. The first thing. That they look at when they're looking for asymmetry in their haircut, so it looks like it's even now we're going to move on to the face framing layers. So when it comes to face training, she has these little bit of bangs that were just straight across bangs. That she's growing out and so we're gon na blend these in there. We want to make sure that that little corner right there is gon na blend into the rest of it. So I like to look at my face framing just a little bit deeper than I would a money piece section, so I'm just gon na comb the rest of that away, but you guys can see this would almost be like just a little bit thicker than my Money piece, so I'm going to comb it all straight down, trying to wrap all the hair and again I'm going to use the fine toothed comb here and I'm going to gather this all here and you guys are going to see that's right where the starting point Of her bangs is, and just straight down, I'm going to slowly notch into this, and they didn't really take off that much you guys will see. I just took off cut it a little bit that little bit of corner, but you can see that those were just some dead ends there. So now what I'm going to do is I'm going to go just a little bit further back, and these are kind of diagonal back sections also. You know where, for piercings making sure that we have a really clean section again grabbing. All of that we already know that we've cut some of that, so that's good up there. I want to blend this in just a little bit more and just literally slight cutting it down and again not that much is coming off, so we're gon na do the same thing. On the other side, we're gon na take our section a little bit thicker than our money piece area, tuck the rest behind your ears here grab this section and again we're holding it just straight down at natural fall finding where her hair kind of starts - and you Will notice that now I'm slide cutting, but I have to kind of twist my arm here because obviously we're slight cutting on the opposite side. Now, if we were left-handed, we would be doing this on the other side again, not that much is coming off. I'M gon na take a little bit deeper here. I am really careful when I'm doing face framing layers, because I do not want to have her. Have this thing where she's got no hair up here and all the hair is behind her ears. So I am always very aware with where I'm taking this hair from and making sure that I'm not creating a big hole right here and that's the biggest problem that I typically see when it comes to face. Framing layers is there's just a big hole and a lot of times that can happen from breakage, but sometimes it can come from taking that face framing layer too deep. So you guys can see here. All it is, is just going to be that nice little face framing thing. This isn't too solid. I don't like it to be really crazy, solid either. So we can always just double check to that everything's like laying really nicely you grab just a little bit more right, much much right in there just because it needed just a tiny bit healthier right there, but overall, this is the start to our wet cut. We'Re gon na dry it and then we're going to go through and kind of texture eyes a little bit F after we drive okay. So I just finished blow-drying Turner. We don't really even use a brush, we just kinda air, you know rough tried it pretty quickly, and so now we're going to do is you guys can see. Her ends are still pretty blunt, so I'm going to go in and I'm going to do these kind of cross-check sections and I'm going to cut a notch into them with some deep point, cutting just to kind of break up those ends and have it just to Be a little bit more fluid looking so we're gon na. Do this just a little bit all the way through her perimeter, and you can literally see the difference from this piece to kind of over here. It'S just a little bit more softened. This section versus over here still pretty blunt and just kind of harsh, so it just kind of softens it a little bit now. One thing you want to be really careful of is when you're doing this to not overly shatter out the ends, because, again the whole point of the client is getting a blunt cut. We just don't want it to look like we just chopped it straight off. We still want it to look like a haircut, but we don't want it to be completely shattered out either and I'm gon na. Do this all the way into our size. But one thing with the sides is: I am going to over direct it back a little bit because I do want to still maintain some weight in the front there. I don't want it to be, like I said, overly shattered out in the front and create more of a hole or anything. So I do kind of over direct this back a little bit. Okay. So now you can see our kind of face training layers now that they've dried and everything, but she had straight across bangs and, like I said, I didn't really touch the length there, but they're still feeling a little blunt to me and just kind of heavy. So what I'm going to do is I'm just gon na take that section. That was her straight across thing and I'm going to hold it directly up and you're going to see that corner there and I'm just going to notch into this just a little bit to break it up a little bit. So that fits a softer, face-framing piece. We'Re still feeling like straight up, throwing out things you need to see how much softer that is right there, I'm gon na do the same thing on the other side, all right - and here is our official after oh my gosh. I love how this turned out. So beautiful so blended, like I showed you guys and just so much more dimension. This is gon na, be a lot more low-maintenance for her and it's just obviously so much more blended. So I hope that you guys learn something from this video and I hope that you try out at least one of these techniques or formulas, alright guys. I hope that this video is helpful for you. I know that this one is a little bit different and a little bit more simplified than what I normally do, but I hope that it was still helpful and that you still took maybe something away that you can implement in the salon today. As always, if you haven't already said hi on Instagram make sure to do so, I have my Instagram profile linked below. You can send me a DM. Let me know if you like this video or if you want to see something else and as always, if you haven't already hit that subscribe, button go ahead and do so now hit the subscribe button. I share videos like this all the time every single week. In fact, and you're gon na want to make sure that you're not missing any of them and finally thank you so much for taking the time to watch this hair cutting video. I cannot wait to show you what I have up my sleeve for next week's video. So I'll see you then

Yente B: Really love the haircut! Your instructions are really clear, can't wait to try this haircut on my sister! I've got one question though: what's the difference between making a diagonal back section and just a horizontal straight one?

Pixie Sharpe: Thankyou so much hun! I love your tutorials! Lockdown 3.0 in UK gets lifted for me to go back to work on 12th April and I have a new found motivation and passion for my work thanks to you x literally spending my day learning from your videos

Toria Pier: I binged every single one of your videos (thank you, quarantine!) and I'm like... way too sad to not be in the salon to utilize the amazing education I've just been blessed with from your channel. I feel pretty confident in my foiling abilities but I felt like I was kind of in a rut with doing the same technique on everyone and not branching out so I'm super excited to go back to work whenever that happens <3

Chloe Higley: This was super helpful, thank you! I finished school in october and I'm still uncertain of myself with cutting, I love your style of teaching and would love to see more cutting videos in the future

Meg Hazell: Love this cut, so simple , but stunning Thanks Jamie

Hannah Hems: Love all your super practical behind the chair hair cut videos !! Keep em coming

whatthefuck: I love your haircut tutorials because they aren’t so rigid and technical and terrifying new stylist btw!

Steve Ciesielski: Excellent video! As a barber with 95% male short hair clients, I admit to being intimidated by longer hair. I look forward to using your techniques, especially the slice cutting and notching into the bluntness. Thank you!

Joy C: Love love love it! Very helpful. I see a lot of videos on this and they seem to be complicated. This was nice, I love the stance, and cutting into the ends. How gorgeous does she look afterwards! Is her hair naturally curly? Did you add product? I haven’t seen you in a while. Thanks for the video!❤️

Jana Johnson: Jamie, I watch all of your videos! They are great and you explain so well! Thanks.

Lori Leveto: I was also taught that when cutting blunt across the bottom of the back, to stand to the right when cutting the left side and vice verse and it makes it straight across. Works great! Thanks for your videos I love them❤️

Lizzeth Romero: I love your videos! I learn so much from these, especially your haircutting videos, thank you! ❤️

Cecilia Romero: Thank you for posting this! My school has been closed since Spring Break, so it's nice to see videos like this.

Kelly Linard: Beautifully done thankyou ♥️

Dana Scales: I stumbled upon your tutorial vids and have been mesmerized by your natural talent. Truly wish I could be one of your clients so that I could have you work your magic on my hair. You are worth every penny and more!

jose martin chilet: beautifuuul thanks for posting this, love it

Kelsey: Beautiful! Thank you for sharing!

Bella Ela: You are such a good Teacher thank you so much ♥️ can you please make every lenght and show us what is important ect also haircolours ♥️

Madonna Messana: You are literally my favorite YouTube teacher!

Ruby Rodriguez: Hi! I really enjoy your videos because you share your formulas; very nice of you. Have you ever done a mushroom blonde look? I was looking into which formula that would entail. Keep it up!

Kim: Very pretty!!! How did you curl her hair? I'm not used to you cutting but your also good at it too!!! I always learn something from you. I always think about having my butt behind the cut. Thank you Jamie for this.

Dianey Mendez: Love it, could u do a curly layered haircut tutorial?

Kimberly Leah: With my beauty school closed your channel and videos are the only ones I like. Thank you!!

google user: Amazing- I struggle with layering the most

Maria Moctezuma: Your work is so beautiful! I have long hair like 26inch or 30inch and I want to get it cut like a 24inch what would you recommend get a blunt cut like you did on this video?

Kay Dub Ya: Exactly the haircut I want!

M H: Thank you!! This is amazing!!!

Zahrah Khan: Is it me or is everyone just having wavy hair after a hair cut these days. It's not about the hair cut but the fact that it just looks better with waves?

Jazmin Lee: Why did you take diagonal sections for your one length? Is it different then taking straight across sections?

Alexander Alicea: Love this video

maggie caputo: would it be possible to show some men’s cuts, beard trims? love your content !

Jaime Brooke30: I love the cut! Any products you recommend for loose wavy thick hair? I have wavy hair after pregnancy and not sure of great products for my new hair pattern.

Cait A: love this!! i have long and VERY thick hair. will my hair dresser hate me if i ask for a blunt cut?

C. A.: I love it!

S H: Awesome, how do you do the waves?

Mack Fam: thanks for posting this love this and you :)

stephanie syckle: I habe been a hair stylist for 4 years an dont mind see hair cutting videos blunt cuts can be tough and blending a face frame this video helped me thanks ❤

Bianca Whicker: So why are you taking diagonal partings?

Lynn Adore: Great cut!

Kaya B: I seriously need a haircut. How do i ask my hairdresser to cut it like this??

Boosea Terrebonne: Brand new second hand Beautiful

Milton: Could you do a video on how to blend a halo extensions with a blunt cut ?

Lynn Adore: What scissors do you use?

Nathan Duaban: Love it

S: I love your shirt. Where did you get it?"

Emily Cox: What brand of combs do you use?

Andrew Gebe: She legit looks like Julia Michaels

Vern Hairdressing Style College 韋恩美髮學院: Good Haircut Tutorial

Bella Ela: Can you please show also how to Make beachwaves

Cecilia Clark: I want that cut & style

ajit bhosale: nice Maam

vandna bhindi: Hii Jamie nice to see the video about hair cut plz post other hair cut video soon

Joy C: Jamie, curious, what does the money piece mean?

Didi Reicharz: Thank you

Narin Abdo: Amazing

Kristy Persaud: My hair cut off since December 15 right now I'm regret it

Leticia Fagundes: Good afternoon. Everything ok with you I'm sorry to disturb you, amid the virus, but I was wondering if you could make a video suggestion. I was wondering if you could make some videos with children's cuts. Could you also finish with the dryer? because I love hearing the sound of the dryer. well if it is a bit absurd idea, I apologize a thousand. Have a great weekend.

Lady Greer: Hello. it..

Patricia Passio: So it wasn’t a blunt cut if you point cut it??

Florida_grl_43 Beach: Did you do a video doing her color too?

fatme dimachk: social distance 6" ? can't believe it

Khel G: Cool

The Zen Room & Studio: Ty

indy1932: where are you located? grat how to videos :)

Dawid Nowakowski: If your client is in a video do you take less money for the service

BeckoningBeauty: and when you pulled al the hair forward it's clear the left is longer than the right

BeckoningBeauty: Also, the way your using your fingers is changing the degree... an actual 0• is the wide tooth part and not using your fingers. That's why it was uneven your first section you cut

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