Crochet Mardi Gras Socks * Surgery Update

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Crochet slipper socks

What happened to my fingers?

My latest finger amputation.

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Kayla Miller

429 Bud Smith Road

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Hey friends, welcome back to llama Mama Kayla's yarntube, I'm Kayla and today is surgery day. So I wanted to let you all know. I finished my Mardi Gras socks to wear to surgery, so I'm happy about that. They turned out great. I ended up doing three rows of each color and I did use a six millimeter hook, and so they turned out really good. I, like them, can't wait to wear them to surgery, I'm not excited about going to surgery, but at least I'll have something fun to wear to surgery right make the best of what you have to deal with. Okay, and that's what I'm doing so. I have my Mardi Gras socks, um Big Daddy's, getting ready and we're gon na head off up there um. I don't know about other people's hospitals, but my Hospital at night um before your surgery. They want you to shower, and then they give you these packets of big, thick wipies and they want you to after you shower. You wipe your whole body down in these wipies and they give you like six of them and they want you to wipe your whole body down the night before surgery and then after you shower, then the next morning, um before you get dressed to go or whatever They want you to wipe your whole body down again with a whole nother set of these wipies that they give you. So I'm fixing to go. Do my second set of wipeys and then head on up to the hospital. Um 6 a.m. It'S early to be there! So I've got about 30 minutes to get ready and we have to leave. So that's what's going on guys, but I'm excited that I did get my second wind and completed my socks. I found something to watch on um. Let'S see what did I watch that on? It'S it was called, it was a movie something from Tiffany's. I believe it was a really cute movie um I enjoyed it um. I can't remember what it was on if I watched it on Prime or Hulu. I can't remember, but you can Google something from Tiffany's and see where it's. If it's streaming on one of the streaming channels that you have there's so many streaming channels right and it seems like everything you want to watch, you have to get a new streaming channel to watch that it's crazy, crazy. But anyway I got my second wind finished. My socks now I just got to go finish getting ready, so we can get out of here. I'Ll see you all later on in more clips for this video foreign foreign, hey friends, I'm back um today is Saturday February the 4th and I'm recording this clip. My surgery was yesterday February, the 3rd, and so I just wanted to pop on here and let you guys know that I'm okay, my surgery went well and that I'm fine. There was a couple hiccups, but it was the reason why I was getting the port in the first place um. So we got to the hospital a few minutes before six yesterday morning and I was in the first three people that they called back, because I was case number one for the day. So I was glad that Miles getting my surgery done first and then I would be home, you know faster and able to just get in the bed and recover you know, and so it didn't go quite that way, because I'm there to get a port, because my Veins are horrible and they can't put IVs in me, draw blood and all that kind of stuff. Well, guess what every nurse back there in surgery came by and took a poker or two with me and they could not get my IV started. One of the anesthesiologists came and tried to get um The Abbey started and he couldn't get the vein and then he was like how many times have you been stuck because by this time I had little not that I was really bleeding, but they would fold up The gauze and put a piece of tape in case it would bleed, so I had it all back of my hands, My Wrist all up both arms. I had all these little pieces of tape with the gauze, and so I'm glad that usually I take those off like right away, but I'm glad I left them on there. So he could see how many times I have been stuck um and he said I'm not gon na keep sticking you. This is ridiculous. He said we need to just get a midline put in on you. So there's one guy at the hospital. That'S trained to do that. His um his name is Steve, I'm very familiar with him because he has put PICC lines and midlines in me for several years now so um. He knows me, you know he recognizes me and knows who I am so anyway. They called him to come do that, but she was already doing something else, so we had to wait on him to come and while waiting on him um, another anesthesiologist came and tried to get an obvi started, and I think he had full confidence that he was Going to get one started and I was praying that he did get it started, but um it. It didn't happen. So we waited for Steve to come and then he was able to get me going so once all that was squared away, then I was back on the lineup for surgery and um. They took me back and did my surgery. I woke up in recovery with a good bit of pain, and so they went ahead and gave me some Dilaudid and um zofrin and they had gave me some um Phenergan before surgery. So I had all that going for me, so I wouldn't be nauseated and thankfully I was not. I have not been and I have not thrown up so that's great, because my body just cannot handle pain. Medications like that. I get sick of throwing up and stuff. If I don't have enough Zofran or Phenergan, or something like that, but anyway um um, I am sore, but it's not unbearable soreness. You know like I think they did give me a prescription for Tramadol. I think, but we didn't even get it filled um. If, if I felt like I needed it, Jody could run to Target real, quick and get it, but I already know I'm Not Gon na Take It unless I was in like really really bad pain, so I'm not gon na even get it filled, because I don't Like taking pain medicine, I don't do that unless um, unless I'm in so much pain, that I can't stand it, but anyway um other than my neck and chest when you're in surgery. They tape your eyes shut. They put a piece of tape on your eyes and so my eyes, where the tape was this one right here of the eyelid. It feels like the skin has been ripped off and I know that's from where they took the tape off this one is sore, but this one is so raw the skin. It just feels like the skin is going on my eyelid um, and it is quite red, but anyway um I'll just show you like in my neck right here. That is where they put the port, and then I have another cut right here and I don't know what they did there, probably just feeding it through or something to connect it wherever it needed to go. I'M not sure, but that is like right in the base of my neck, where my neck meets my shoulder. So it's a little tender and it kind of hurts to um turn my head or to look up. I could look down a lot easier like just bending over and looking down but to look up, um kind of pulls on it a little bit, and so it's just best not to do it right so um. So I'm just hanging out since I came home from the hospital Big Daddy put my hair up in a lovely ponytail and I've slept on it. So it looks a mess but um. At this point I just really don't care. I really don't care, I'm just trying to rest and let this heal the soreness go away which it will in a day or so. You know it'll feel a lot better um, so no plans just other than recuperating and hanging out to see to let this heal, um everyone at the hospital was so very nice. All the nurses back in the surgery were just super super nice, so lovely um and then even in surgery. You know they're just so nice before I went to sleep and we never gave me that shot and said you, okay, you are to start feeling a little bit sleepy. I said I'm there and next thing. I know I woke up in recovery and I had a male nurse in recovery and I love male nurses. They are the greatest. I think male nurses are just very compassionate and I don't know they just they listen. I'M not. I mean I have great nurses all the way around yesterday, but I in particularly like male nurses, um, except when I woke up from surgery um, you know, wasn't a little pain and he got me a shot and some zofran and then that eased up - and I Was okay and then I told him I had to buy and he said: there's not a restroom back here, um there's not one until you get to post-op and then he said I can get you a bedpan and I say how much longer do I stay adhered? He said, you've got 30 more minutes back here and my bladder was hurting. I knew I needed to go so he got me a big fan and I just sucked it up. I just like: okay, whatever he got me a death pen and he did call over a female nurse to come and help him and she did and got me on the bed hand um and I overflowed to death end. That'S how bad I needed to go. I know this is way too much information, but I I just peed and it filled up the bed pan and spilled over and he was like. Well, I guess you did need to go. He said there's no way you could have waited another 30 minutes. I said no, my bladder was in pain, it was so full and so and I did go potty just before I went to surgery. I could I knew after they got everything done. I knew that's supposed to take me back and I told Big Daddy. I said I need to go potty before I go in surgery, but they had that Ivy going and fluids just flushing through there, so um yeah anyway. After um, they got me into post-op. Dick daddy came through it got me um. I went in there and he got me dressed and uh helped me clean up and I keep white bees and all kinds of stuff like that in my bag. So he cleaned me up real good and got me dressed and we came home and I was glad to be home um I pottied again, and then he put my hair up in a ponytail and I went straight to bed. So I've been in the bed um. All yesterday evening, most of the night I would get up a little bit to party to get something to drink. My throat is very sore and it kind of does hurt to even swallow much lava. Now. This is different from you know when I'm trying to eat. I hurt down here. This is different, I'm talking the back of my throat. It hurts to swallow and so um I don't know if I just if they put a tube in my throat. I don't know if that irritated RF I've got just a sore throat. Who knows - I don't know but um it does hurt to swallow saliva and to drink tea or anything. But I've tried to drink some hot teas. I poured out a hot caramel apple tea and made it and sipped on it. Some just trying to um through that. Back there and before surgery um, my friend Angela's dad had surgery on his neck. Well, he did not take it easy. He was outside feeding chickens and taking out garbage and all this kind of stuff, like the next day, okay like as soon as he comes home from the hospital, his wife had him doing all kinds of things. I told my friend Angela, I said not me, I'm going to be saying Jody. Can you hold my glass so I can get another sip of tea and I said I'm gon na be saying Jody. Can I get another bite of ice cream, and so I haven't been doing that, but Angela called to check on me this morning and um. She asked what I was doing. I said I'm waiting on Jody to wake up, so he can hold my glass. So I can get a sip of tea. I'Ve hold my own glass Angela. She said: how long are you gon na milk that I said about a month so anyway she watches all my videos. So, but if you don't mind, please say a prayer for Angela's dad. He had that surgery um on the 23rd and um anyway. He ended up in the hospital day before yesterday. I guess, on Thursday, with a partial, collapsed lung and they said it's irreversible due to years of smoking. So heads up people smoking's not good for you um and he quit smoking several years ago, probably like in 2000 15 or something like that. He quit smoking somewhere around. There might have been 14 15. um. He quit smoking because of a diagnosis. His wife got with her eyes from smoking, she's losing vision in her eyes and they said it was from smoking, and so he quit smoking way back then, but the damage is still there. You know it's still working in his body and so he's at home. Now on oxygen, he can't walk without his oxygen dropping down in like 70s and like to 80., so um yeah smoking's, not good for you, but anyway um I'm doing good. I really am I just uh sore, you know but, like I said, it's not unbearable. Soreness it'll work itself out in a day, or so hopefully um last night. I was sitting here and I hadn't even looked in the mirror yet and so big daddy was over there. Opening mail is so. I said I hadn't even looked at this. Where is it at and so uh got the mirror my mirror here - and I looked at that - and I looked at this and I said I'm not gon na be able to wear a bikini this summer and he was like when's the last time you wore a Bikini I said well last summer: I don't think I've ever wore a bikini in my life, okay, I was just being silly like right after I started losing fingers in my hand. Um I don't know. Maybe I had lost one or two fingers. I can't really remember. I just started crying because - and I said I wasn't gon na - be able to do sign language. I didn't ask that I wasn't gon na be able to do sign language um, so I just like to be sound silly, sometimes, but yeah. This is just gon na. Take some healing like I can move my neck and head and stuff it just kind of pulls on it a little bit. So I'm just trying to keep it still, but you know I move it at times and then I'm like, oh and I just take a little getting used to, but anyway guys um yeah, I'm just hanging out. I have a couple crochet projects I could work on. I have that iguana that I was working on. I could get back on it, but I got ta count my rows and figure out where I was in the pattern, and I don't really feel like doing that. Um I don't know. Maybe I just don't feel like crocheting, because I have that Easter Circle vest over there. I could work on it because I'm not on a certain row, I'm just crocheting on it. Um yeah. I have things I could work on, but I just hadn't gotten anything to work on it. Maybe I felt more like that later today, or maybe I just don't feel like crocheting right now. I don't know, and you know I was glad that I got my socks - done - everybody loved them in surgery like I said before, um, maybe in yesterday's video that the last two times before when I've had surgeries, I've crocheted me, some socks to wear and so um You know everybody was commenting on my Mardi Gras socks. Um there was a hit of the pre-op room, the curtain room where you go before you have surgery um everybody was commenting on my Mardi Gras socks and then they were even telling the other patients about them. I could hear them all talking and so I feel like I had to keep that up into socks for surgeries now, but anyway, just being silly um yeah. So, like I said I have projects I could work on. I just need to feel like doing. I might just sit here and I might go lay back down. I don't know, I don't know what I'm gon na do. Uh could find a good movie to watch, and so why? Don'T you tell me your movies or what tell me what streaming streaming station it's on and a movie that you enjoyed and maybe I'll be able to find that we do have several streaming Stations between um between us and my kids. We do have several streaming stations going, so just tell me what streaming station you've watched a good movie on and the name of it I'll see if I can't find it that'll help me, because I have my eye my iPad tablet. I have my tablet back there by my bed. It'S propped up just at the right angle, where I can lay in bed and see it so um. I can lay in the bed and watch movies until I doze off. I might set up for a little bit here, um, because if I lay in the bed too long, I start hurting from laying in the bed. So I have to sit up for a little bit and then go lay down for a little bit. And I just kind of take turns, but yeah mainly I just wanted to. Let you guys know that I'm okay and I appreciate you all so much. I appreciate your prayers. Prayers is what gets me through every day. I promise you that I believe in the power of Prayer. I am a Christian and I know some people may not be, but I appreciate you watching my YouTube videos anyway and I try not to like be pushing. You know my beliefs on anyone else, but I am a Christian and I do appreciate prayer but um yeah, I'm just very thankful for you guys thank you for watching my videos so very much and um. I love hearing from you guys and love. You know chatting with you and getting to know all of you better anyway, I'm rambling, because I really don't even know what I'm saying. I think you get the idea. I appreciate you so yeah I'll. Let you all go see you later bye. Friends,

Jeanne G: It really means a great deal when you take the take the time to think of us and make a video about your surgery experience. While you're being stuck with needles, we are "on pins and needles" wondering how you're doing. We love and care about you so much. You are one of those special people in the world who is easy to love and we look forward to seeing you here on YouTube!

Barbara Burdick: So glad you're back at home! I will pray for both you and Angela's dad. A part of your strength is your sense of humor. I'm glad you were able to finish your Mardi Gras socks,and wear them for your surgery. It gave you a blessing, the nurses a blessing, and the patients a blessing hearing about your socks. I know that you want to crochet, but sleep is a blessing too. Don't be like Angela's mother with yourself. Give yourself a break.

Bob and Angela Matia: Kayla you are beautiful, as always, even a day after surgery. You are amazing! You never lose your sense of humor and your very positive attitude. That’s what makes you so special. May God bless you with a continued recovery. Blessings on Jody, Dakota, Elijah and Angela for all their good care. Prayers being said for y’all as well as Angela’s dad. Thank you for letting us know how you are doing. It is appreciated. Hugs!

Diana Ross: Love your socks! Thanks for coming on and letting us know you are ok. Don't worry about TMI LOL, we are all friends here

Lisa Cloud: Yayayayay!! Way to go Kayla!!! I’m so glad you were able to finish your socks, they look beautiful!!!! How fun!! I bet everyone was impressed and excited to see your creativity. You are a beautiful, brilliant, strong lady!! Thank you for sharing and keeping us updated ❤️❤️❤️❤️Mom and I are keeping y’all in our prayers ❤️❤️❤️❤️ See you in your next video

Kim Messer: Don't push it, you have plenty of time to crochet. Just rest till you feel better. Don't rush for us hon. Thank you for updating us regularly. God bless you girl.

Kathy Lake: Despite the hiccups I am glad the surgery went well. Rest up , we want you back crocheting up a storm!

Karen H: And we appreciate you too! Your strength through difficult situations is an inspiration as life does throw a lot of curve balls. I love your sense of humor. The socks are so darn cute! I'm amazed you finished them! I wish I could recommend movies, but keeping up with YouTube seems to take all of my free time! ❤️

Sharon Miller: wow! on the socks! I'm amazed you managed to get those done so soon! So sorry to hear how much you went thru. I pray for your quick healing and recovery. My son is a nurse also. And working with women doesn't both him or them, in fact they request him often. I'm glad you are home it's been so much and you are a precious and strong woman. Thank you for sharing this tender report with us. Miracles happen every day, will pray for Angela's dad too.

becky Barnes: Thank you for the update. You were in a lot of peoples thoughts today! I'm sure you will feel much less pulling from the surgery as the days go by xx

sassafras and scraps: Thank you Kayla for letting us know how you’re doing. My son had a port when he was small and I was thinking it was going to be like a tube on the outside of your body. I’m glad it’s on the inside ♥️ Get some rest and milk it for all it’s worth

Liz M: Sweet Kayla so happy your surgery went well and you are back home resting. Your sense of humor is a beautiful thing. Your socks came out nicely.

Donna Castle: So happy everything went good in surjery. When someone asks me how I am after something like you have gone through, I say I am "maintaining." Please, please take care and know you're loved.

king69777: I am so happy to see you doin so well!! It's inspiring ✨️ I was sharin w my mother how strong you are & how since I binged watched your channel to catch-up I thought... WOW! How AMAZING this BLESSED WOMAN REALLY IS!! My mother told me she had just read a Quote it said, "You'd be watch those people that bounce back from everything that was meant to destroy them. Those are God's people and they are not to be played with.". You come across to me as the sweetest woman everr. That's what has kept me comin back for more of yr humor! Your different tea's (sip of the day) your. Your mardigraw colored socks and beautiful colored beanies you wear. You are so brave & e So, in tUrrn, that tells me, "Don't take her sweetness for granted." I mean that in all the kindest ways possible. I am so happy to see you doin so well!! It's inspiring ✨️ I was sharin w my mother how strong you are & how since I binged watched your channel to catch-up I thought... WOW! How AMAZING this BLESSED WOMAN REALLY IS!! My mother told me she had just read a Quote it said, "You'd be watch those people that bounce back from everything that was meant to destroy them. Those are God's people and they are not to be played with.". You come across to me as the sweetest woman everr. That's what has kept me comin back for more of yr humor! Your different tea's (sip of the day) your. Your mardigraw colored socks and beautiful colored beanies you wear. You are so brave &, in tUrrn, that tells me, "Don't take her sweetness for granted." I mean that in all the kindest ways possible. Kayla, I look forward to many more of your inspiration & follow along projects once you're feeling better better! All my prayers and blessings go out to you!! A "true friend" Ms. Heart ❤️

Joy H: Thank you for the updates. I hope your pain eases soon and your new port solves the venous access problems. Also, I love your sense of humor and your socks!

Robert W. Hites: Sure am glad that all went well with your surgery and you’re not having extreme pain. Plenty of rest and sleep will help your healing ability! You and Jodi are so good for each other. You’re a very special couple! I love your colorful surgery socks! I’ll bet they kept your tootsies toasty warm. Take good care!❤

Hannah N M: Love the socks Kayla, they turned out so good! Wishing you a speedy recovery and sending lots of love your way ❤

Lori Armstrong: I was just thinking how cute your ‘messy hair, don’t care’ look is this morning! I’m also loving that beautiful blue top (or maybe gown?) too!

Beth Thoreson: Good to see you after surgery! Love the socks. So cute.

Carmen Caruana Nee. Portelli: Thank you Kayla for keeping us updated, You look so tired but you taught of us,thank you again,take care Kayla. ❤❤❤❤

TuckerSP2011: I'm so glad to see you looking so good Kayla! Just rest today. The socks turned out great!

Beverly Fowler: Very colorful! Will brighten the surgical teams day

Joanie Johnson: Awe! You’re just a joy! Even going to surgery! Thanks for the update on your socks! They are so cute!

Virginia Jackson: So good to see you back, Llama Mama! Thankful God has kept His hand on you through all your surgeries. Praying for a speedy recovery from this surgery.

GaRedbird: Prayers for a speedy recovery Kayla! Sometimes I go back and watch shows I have loved in the past, especially if I’m tired or know I’ll have trouble concentrating. That way it’s not so important if you miss some of it. Some of my favorites are Downton Abbey, Midsommer Murders, Sleepless in Seattle, You’ve Got Mail, Pretty Woman etc. I listen to books on tape too but if I’m in bed they always put me to sleep within 15 min. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve listened to the same chapter! Take care and get the rest you need.

Sharon Griffith: So thankful to hear from you today and that your surgery went well. I look for you every day. I definitely keep you and Big Daddy in my prayers daily.

Sharon Densmore: You are going to be the bell of the ball in your Mardi Graw socks in the hospital. Love them very cheerful!!!

Deb Beach: Thank you Kayla for taking the time to let us know that you are alright after your surgery! LOVED it when you were wiggling your feet and showing us your pretty Mardi Gras socks!! Did they keep your feet warm! It was 20 below zero here last night!! SO COLD!!! Thank God it is suppose to be 40 here tomorrow! I also like male nurses Kayla, they are so caring and gentle! I had a male nurse after my thyroid surgery! Get lots of rest so you can heal!

The Crayawn: Wishing you a speedy recovery. Your videos have kept me interested in crochet. Thank you , so much for what you do. ❤

Kelly Weber: So very happy to hear that everything went well!! Now at least you won’t have to go through anymore painful pricks Take care and rest up! Love the socks ❤

Amoreena's crochet and tell: Love that you were able to finish and wear your socks I love male nurses also ‍⚕️‍⚕️ Whenever I was in the hospital due to a spider ️ bite, my nurse, Obed, was amazing. We're praying for you daily my sister

Rosy posy: i'm really glad you didn't get too sick from the pain meds. your amazing sense of humour is a beautiful gift that will continue to help protect and heal you. much love xo

Bee'scraftyCorner: I'm so glad you finished them I know you wanted to. Hope you are doing well after the surgery. Praying for you always yay no nausea. What a big win. Will pray for Angela's dad.

Maria Boschelli: Hi Kayla, so happy to see you. The socks are beautiful . Thank GOD for Steve that he was able to help you.

Diana Lindsay: So glad your able to give an update on your surgery. Praying for you and for you to feel more like yourself so you can enjoy crocheting and making videos for others. Rest up and look forward to seeing you soon. You are an inspiration to many. Peace love and Light❤.

Frozen Stone: Thank you for taking us on the journey. You look great. Rest and heal. Prayers for you ,big daddy and Angela's dad. The Mardi Gras sox are fabulous glad you finished them in time. God bless❣

Gramma Susie: I’m so glad to see you and that your sense of humor is still hangin’ out!! I pray for each day to be better than the day before! ❤❤❤

Cr4ftym00 Sarah: Lovely socks ❤ hope all goes well and you have a quick recovery ❤

Pat Dancer: I'm so proud of you Kayla. MANY prayers your way

amy king: Hello Kayla! Your socks are fabulous. I’m so glad you’re home and doing well. ❤❤❤ Thank you for sharing. ❤️

Crafty critter (Christena): Prayers coming your way. This will be a good thing and all will go wonderfully. We love you Kayla ❤️

Tia Hill: I am glad you are ok. Continued prayers for you and for Angela's dad. Lots of love and hugs! ❤

Trina Swanson: I’m so proud of you and I’m supporting you my wonderful you tube lady !! You both got this !

Sue Lupfer: Love the socks! Glad you were able to finish them! Prayers for quick healing. So glad you have Big Daddy (Jody)! You are such a trooper and I am amazed at all you have to endure. Glad your home and prayers for Angela’s dad

Lotte Ravn: It’s not long time ago I started to see your pot cast, what an amazing lady you are, lovely things you are making and the colors love it all the best to you and your family ❤❤

Cindy Kammerzell: It’s always great to keep your feet warm, when you’re in surgery especially. Glad you’re doing OK hon. I liked your socks.

Pamela Freeman: So glad all went well. Praying for quick recovery. Sending prayers, hugs, and love dear sweet Lady Kayla!!!

Leanne Crawford: You inspire me! Beautiful socks. Praying for you for your surgery to be successful and a speedy recovery. I admire you and your spirit.

Pauline Boll: Praying for a speedy recovery Kayla. Also keeping Angela’s Dad in my prayers.

Sabrina Haaff: I’m so glad that you’re home! Have been praying for you Kayla! Please rest and take it easy ♥️♥️♥️

Mary Fonseca: I'm so glad that your surgery is now behind you and went well surrounded by a team of compassionate doctors, nurses and other medical staff helping you through this journey ❤️ Praying for Angela's father and family to be comforted by God's love and grace. Kayla, please take it easy and rest your body for now so that you can get back to feeling the urge to crochet God bless you and your family. Take care ❤️✨️

Connie Schweitzer: I am very glad things have gone well for you. I must say you looked so much better earlier that you did the day before that it warmed my heart. You are such a trooper, I keep you in my prayers daily!

Gigi's Warmth Crochet: So happy you are back home, feel better soon! Your socks came out great! Will definitely be praying for you, Jody and Angela's Dad. Jody did a fine job with your pony tail!

Deloris Kornya: Thank you, for taking the time to update us, and share your experiences. Glad things went well, in spite of the hiccups. Several of my family members have similar issues with IVs and blood work. There is always that one person, that doesn’t want to listen, when you try to tell them you need the “Expert”. Never fails, they end up having to get the “Expert”. I am sure they have a title, but my brain isn’t helping me find the title. Sending love to you. You and Angela’s Dad are in my prayers. All my Grandparents used tobacco. I saw first hand the damage it does to the human body. Kayla, rest and take care of yourself. Looking forward to hearing from you soon. Your socks are so cute! Careful, you will be getting orders for them, from hospital staff! God Bless

Living With Sjogren's Syndrome: Kayla, you are so sweet! Thank you for chatting with us. I'm praying for you & concerns. You are an inspiration.

Kelly Gay: So very happy to see you, sending more prayers and happy all went well. Thank you for updating all of us . Make sure you don't push yourself to much an take it easy.

conniep451: Kayla! You got your socks done!!! They’re beautiful! You look amazing post op!! Bless you. Prayers for healing and recovery. Big hugs friend!

Juanita Sharp: Thank-you for giving us an up date, Kayla, I love you and am praying for a speedy recovery.

Verna Bradshaw: I’m glad you’re surgery went well. Take it easy while you heal. My son is a nurse and loves his job.

becky weisbecker: Glad your surgery went well. The socks look great. Get some rest & you’ll start feeling better. Sending prayers! ❤️

LindaJean House: I'm happy you're doing well after the surgery, that was scary about the IV. I'll continue to pray for you and all your family. Angela and her family as well. In fact prayers for everyone associated with Kayla and her channel.

Jody Fink: The socks came out great! I'm so glad you got that burst of energy. It always makes me feel great to finish a project instead of admitting defeat. Early calls to the hospital can be a real pain in the tush for sure. They do put a tube down for an airway. I'll pray for Angela's dad. My dad smoked for 60 years plus. At 88, he's paying the price, even stopping over 10 years ago. You'll get used to the port after a few days. As for a male nurse, he asked if I minded him being my nurse because it was during my breast cancer and he had to check it. I told him I'm fine with it. Modesty went out the window long ago. We watched the Elvis movie a couple of weeks ago at my friend's house. It was great and made us cry at some points. Hugs and love to you and Jody and the boys. Sassy may be upset since there is no neck cuddle time for now. Prayers for you and Angela's dad.

Linda S. Patton: So good to see you. I pray the soreness goes away quickly. Your socks looked great! Take it easy, and take care.

Zulia Allen: Kayla, I.m so thankful that your surgery went well . Don’t be in a rush to get back on your feet, just take it easy and rest up and let God do the rest.❤❤❤

Mara Cowan: Thank you for your honest and real story Kayla! You are such an inspiration! I couldn’t go through 1/10 of what you have gone through with as much strength and grace as you. Blessings to you and your family. I wish you a speedy recovery.

Sandra Moody: It’s good to be silly once in a while. We all need to laugh and put life’s worries aside sometimes. Glad the surgery went well.

Ronna Althoff: I just watched “Still Mine” on Prime Video, and I really enjoyed it. It’s based on a true story. The main character reminded me so much of my hubby! Check it out Take care Kayla and I’ll say a prayer for a speedy recovery! God Bless! ❤️

shirley Mc Guinness: so happy you got through your surgery. You look great after all that. Your one strong woman. What a trooper and still smiling.Get lots of rest and we will all see you soon. God Bless!

Paulines Crochet corner: So nice to see you. Glad you got the port done. Prayers!

Kerryn Wright: I'm relieved to hear you're doing ok, Kayla! I'm so very sorry that you have to go through soooo much though! I'd guessed you're well known in the hospital! Great that you bring joy to the staff & patients with your socks! You're an amazing inspiration to me every time I watch you! May God speed up the recovery process & keep you comfortable as you heal. Blessings from South Australia

Wendy Bell: So happy to hear how well you are doing. Thank you for always thinking of us in the middle of your busy life

Christine Soria: I'm glad your surgery went well. I pray for you everyday. You are such a inspiration. Always smiling I love your positivity . I hope you feel better soon ❤️

Avril Doggy lover: So good to see you on the other side of your surgery Kayla. I hope your throat eases soon and that once you've had some rest over the next few days or so I hope you can move your head and neck more comfortably and get back to enjoying crocheting again. Sending best wishes and much love from Scotland xx

Sophia Bronte: I'm so glad you came out of surgery well. Your videos are therapy for me. Rest, we will wait for you as long as you need.

Sierra Storm 1: So nice to see you, Kayla! Your throat is probably sore due to the tubes they stick down your throat while you are asleep. It should go away in a day or two. Take it easy, Friend! Lots of love to you and Big Daddy

8SmileyLady: Dear Kayla, I keep praying for you throughout the last couple days and today. I'm glad to know how you are. Your socks were awesome. I will be praying for Angela's dad! Hugs! Just keep resting.

Wiggle-butt Crochet: They look great and will keep everyone entertained. Good luck praying everything goes smoothly today.

JoAnna Webb: I have been binge watching Bondi Vet on YouTube. It has helped me a lot with getting my total attention and not thinking about my health issues

Lisa the Grammy Scattered: Glad you got your port done, now they can stop sticking you so much. Love the socks. Get your rest. Prayers & hugs & love.

Christine Walsh: Hi kayla glad to hear everything went well for you, take care get lots of rest and have a wonderful day

Lynn King: I’m so glad your surgery went well. I love your socks. So colorful. You are my inspiration.

Madelyn Mandina: Prayers for you and yours, also for Angela's Family. You are my motivation to continue forward.

Christina Crochets: I am so glad you were able to finish your socks Kayla. wtg! I hope for a speedy recovery :)

Cathy Ann: Happy you got the socks finished to wear! In your spare time () you can be the sock fairy at the hospital. Leaving socks for surgery patients (like the hats left in the NICU for the preemies!!) Glad you got the port. I’m always stuck a zillion times and I know what it’s like when even the anesthesiologist can’t get the iv in, so depressing! Last time I was told it gets worse “with age.” Thanks guys! Only telling you that now since you’ve got the port! Anyway now I’m rambling Have a relaxing weekend!!

Alecia Flaherty: Your Mardi Gras socks are fabulous! I miss going to the Mardi Gras parades in Shreveport. I’ve also been to them in New Orleans, but the throws were so much better in Shreveport. We used to live 20 mins from the Louisiana line in Arkansas and shopped in Shreveport a lot. I’m glad your surgery went well. You know you probably need to start a new granny square project as a reward. Prayers for a speedy recovery and for Angela’s dad as well.

Julie Ann: Kayla, thank you for coming on here to let us know that you are o.k. Love your socks, so colorful. Glad your surgery went well, except for all the needle pokes. Will be praying for you to feel better fast. Also praying for Angela's dad. It's good to be silly once in awhile. OMG what a great idea I had, make colorful socks for people who have to have surgery. I will have to check into that.

Rose Renik: So glad you are doing so well after surgery, glad you were able to get your colorful socks completed. I also had a similar experience with having to go pee, but I couldn't use the bed pan, sat on it for an hour and no go. I told them I had to get up to sit. They could not find a portable potty so got myself up and grabbed my Iv and went to the visitors restroom back in the recovery area I got to the door and had a nurse yelling at me, I told her it was this or a ruptured bladder. She grabbed two measuring hats and put them in the toilet and helped me on the toilet. I filled both the hats she dumped them and filled 2 more. She was amazed I had so much. I told her that when I say I have to go I realy do. I also told her I am a Nurse and I have a Nurse bladder but when it gets full I realy have to go. I can't use a bed pan. Praying for you and Angela's father for a speedy recovery. Take it easy and rest and recover you have had a rough week and then some.

Sharon Bassett: You are such a joy to all of us. Your light shines so brightly it lifts my spirits all the time. My prayers are for pain to to ease and you be able to enjoy I laughed when you spoke of losing your fingers. You a jewel. ♥️♥️♥️♥️

Vickie G: Thank goodness you had a fairly smooth surgery. Once you get healed you shouldn't have to deal with all those pokes again. Rest well lady, let Big Daddy know we expect him to treat you like a queen!! Love you all.

Critter's Crochet: Glad the surgery went well. Praying you eel better soon. You look great!

Barbara McMahon: Hi Kayla, loving your socks. I'm so glad everything went well, except for the couple of hiccups. Thank-you for sharing. Prayers and hugs for a speedy recovery. Kayla, get to bed and take care of yourself. You need your rest. Your friend Barbara.

Carla Tuomala: Glad it all went well, except for all the pokes! Take it easy and "Jody!!!". Saying a prayer for Angela's dad and you and Jody. I quit smoking in 1996, so happy I did. Never to late to quit. Love the socks.

Kelly Jarrett: Love your socks! Bet they did too! God bless you Kayla!

Toni Chrysostomou: Take care, Kayla. Sending love and good vibes. Take it easy. Love your socks.

Brenda Scuccimarri: So glad you were able to finish your socks. Something new for going to the hospital. Prayers for you that your surgery went well and glad to here your home resting

Lorna Phillips: I really enjoy this video! Thanks so much for the update. I love how your socks turned out and how cheerful you are just before your surgery. You are truly amazing. So glad to hear that your surgery went well. I wish you a speedy recovery. God bless

Ti Va: Good to see you doing OK after surgery! Socks are so cool!

Living Creatively: Kayla you are so sweet to come on here to let us know how you are. You are so funny and have such a positive attitude, I would watch you even if you didn't crochet. I will send positive healing energy to you and to Angela's dad. All the best and take it easy. See you soon

Rachel brown: I am so pleased it went well and now you won’t have to Keep being poked every time you need procedures done. Thank you for letting us know you are ok. Take all the rest you need for a speedy recovery xxx

Harley Quinzel: glad your surgery went well ♥ its never a fun time, get well soon!

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