" /> How To: Creative Short Haircut Tutorial For Women | Short Layered Cuts

How To: Creative Short Haircut Tutorial For Women | Short Layered Cuts

  • Posted on 13 September, 2022
  • Short Hair
  • By Anonymous

How to: Creative Short Haircut for women Tutorial Step by step

Short Layered Hair Cutting Techniques & Tips

"I Love Haircut - I Love Hairstylist"

Um uh my has a um wolf cut and we're gon na modify it today to a mullet, and so i've kind of got everything sectioned out where i'm gon na be working, and i i like to work dry in times like this, especially into some on a Normal day for me, i normally do my cutting dry and um. This is just kind of a free-form part back here, i'm not really taking much off of this length because we want it to be a little exaggerated back here. We'Ve already talked about that. Isn'T that right, yeah, okay and um, so i'm just gon na go ahead and get started. My instagram is shrunkenheads. Today we are doing a takeover for bullets here on on airbrain, live and um. So, thank you if you're tuning in thank you very much for tuning in. If you have any questions please by by all means, uh shoot me some questions and we will do our best to answer them right now, um. I am elevating and i'm moving the hair around just to give it a little bit more movement back here. Um this person is is coming from another country, so i want this haircut to last and they are pretty out there if you, if you look at the way, they're dressed today, it's pretty out there, so i really need to to get this make it wild and Playful, this is all interior and it's really really heavy, so i'm not afraid to get in here and just take some of this interior out and and kind of give this place a home a place to rest. So so i just want this to be pc really shattered down here. Any questions so far, how's everybody's morning going. Do you have your coffee that i only had one and i'm already shaking, but that's probably the camera, so back here is just really just for play. Um this stuff, on top, is going to be what i really like here on the side here. This is we're going to try to maintain some of this, and this is going to be a little bit disconnected. But since this part is kind of going to kind of be connected to this, i want to shape this up here. I'M going to take some of this weight off of here and bring it in a little bit closer. Something that was pointed out to me was the photo down here on my shelf, and so they wanted something more like this here. So um, that's what we're going to be going for here, i'm going to take a little piece here, just a vertical cut. This is all very freeform in here all this. It'S there's no right or wrong way to do this. I just want to kind of showcase the ear a little, so you might have to carve this area out and that's why i did what i did here with the sectioning, so you can see normally i wouldn't section this way. I would just kind of go for it um, but so that you can see what i'm doing i've sectioned it out here and so this area, all this is going to connect the front to the back here. Obviously right, so, let's see okay here. This entire piece is going to be directly straight up here. This is very straight hair and, as you can see once it gets once it gets to a certain length. It will give me some play so straight. Hair definitely lays down very flat, but if you give it enough uh, you know give it enough length. It will play for you so underneath here, i'm gon na give it a little bit of take some of this density up underneath lift this hair. On top up a little bit more now, i'm going to take this piece here and connect the front to the back how's everybody doing today. Thank you for tuning in. I am doing a takeover live rolaplex right here on her brain today. Thank you all for tuning. In this is my model madre and i found her in the airport, her her clothes were left on the tarmac in dublin and um, so i lent her about a week's worth of clothes. She was my angel and she decided to be my model. So thank you for participating. Now you have a good story when you go back home and where are you from germany, germany? So she came to los angeles to visit her friend and take photographs, and she wound up with a really really really interesting story to the card. So she's here on, live with all of you guys and she's super cute. So if you want to say hi to her, my name is that's how you spell her name said you want to say hi, that's her name yeah. Some of this. It is um existing color and um. So we kind of put some color on top of what she already had and um, and i gave her a little piece that i'll show you up here a little money piece in the front just for some fun, some flavor. So i'm taking a slice right behind the ear and i'm kind of i'm coming coming out from the head in a 45 and off of off of my guide that i left. So what i want is to create a little bit of weight from the ear back, and that's where that's where you, where the mullet comes in so right here could be how whatever length you want. So this could be shaved down. You can do whatever you want in this area, but from from the middle of the ear back is where you decide where what your, how your mullet is going to be in the back, how heavy? How, how wide, now being that this hair lays down! I want and it kind of pulls towards the center. I want to build this up and make it widen out on its own. So i'm going to shorten this the hair in this area right here and it's going to build a little bit more shape back here. So bringing out a little bit of a 45, and i am taking quite a lot of hair here. Yes and like i said this is for a reason: it's just a playful haircut um. You can see the piece that i left to connect here. This is where i make the connection. Some of this is definitely just by feel i can see where the hair is dangling very heavy and that's what i'm looking for like very heavy pieces like this, and you don't have to cut the entire length if you want to just cut some of that, you Can just thin it out, make it a little more wispy and they will hang out somewhere else. You'Ll see, that's what gives that's. What gives these haircuts? That kind of cartoony, uh and anime feel is that you can make create inconsistencies in the hair, and it looks more like, like a cartoon, so uh right here. You can see how i've created that unevenness like like if she did it with a bottle, a broken bottle and um, but there is. There is a method to my madness, so i am looking for pieces that are obnoxiously long and obnoxiously heavy. So what you want to do is when i shake the hair around, i can find where there are heavy pieces, because the heavier pieces will dangle a little bit heavier just like in here, just like that, and if you're not good with slide cutting making sure that You have a new blade um on your. I have one of these little feather razors and i can do this move move it around and just kind of lighten some of the some of the hair up in there and just like this piece here, i'm going to go from about the mid shaft down and Just kind of up and down, if i move it around, it's going to give the hair a little bit more play more texture, and that is how i get some of these wispy looks. I actually the the wig that i did for um for doji cat was done with a razor like this, because um i didn't want to. I didn't want to dull my scissors out on a wig, and you know you don't know if it's real hair or not so um. I just went in with a bunch of razors like this and did the wig that way. You can see that wispiness. Now, that's what i'm looking for, i'm looking for it to piece out like this and kind of caress, the ear! That'S what i want it to kind of caress with the back of the ear. This might be a little too long in the front here. So i'm going to add a little more wispiness great i'm gon na do this, and while i match this side, let's talk. What do you guys want to talk about? Let'S see, write something i know it started. Hi, charlie, hey, happy monday. Everyone so glad to see, sent us a join request. I don't wish. I can't do that. This is going to be rant. What means r18 rad means like very cool, oh okay, so in the 1980s there was um like people. I think in the 50s came up with cool right and then in the 80s they had rad radical yeah. Yes, so even bands fans - it was a. It was a. It was a term made up by the bmx community, the bicycle over there. It was um, that's bmx, bicycle and um, so uh the bmx community made it instead of saying radical, they would say rad and uh. So there was a movie made called rad in the 80s and even vans made some vans. They were, it said red on pretty funny. So there's a little bit of information for all of you. Happy monday, charlie and mary, this cut looks, rocks dana, oh my god, just using a sharp machine. What kind of scissors do you guys use? I use these? These are right now these are the ones that i've been using. I don't know that one of my friends gave me these, and these have been what i've been using lately for, like some of my detail work, but i change it up often, i use longer shaded shorter shears, but i like these to you know lately they've been Fun for little places just like this, yes mark it works works great, so you can see how i free form this area, you know, and this this hair actually has nothing in it right now. We just have water in it. If you're in case you're wondering um, there is no product in here you can see. We are moving my shoes right there, i'm just barely barely moving my shears when i do that. So i'm taking the hair and i'm just kind of all, i'm doing is barely moving my shear and i'm sliding the hair through that. So i'm grabbing a little bunch of hair and i'm just just dusting it sliding that down here. So not everybody has a perfect perfect face, and sometimes you know somebody's head or head shape, but sometimes you have to kind of play around with those good catch. Sometimes you have to play around and i get creative, i get bored when i'm doing haircuts, and so that's how i kind of i just kind of get in here and play around and i have fun with the haircut but staying within the parameters of the haircut And making sure that i'm not over doing something, but sometimes they just make it more fun. For me um, it's just like you know like if you take the same way home every day, it's gon na get boring. So you know, like i think, if you change up the way you know you go home, maybe you drive by the zoo one day and you get to see new people. New traffic stop get some fruit, i'm the fruit in this story. Okay, so there we go now with the connection, i'm doing it that way, so that i can keep an eye on my and i'm trying to stay out of the camera's view as well. You can see how i started up closer to the head here than i did back here, so you can see how that how i did that. So the angle that i that i took this in was in an angle all on its own. I want to build the weight right behind the here now. That'S basically my guide and i can play off this guy now matter. What kind of coffee do you drink? Do you drink coffee? I do with oatmeal or soy milk, okay and like any kind of coffee, any kind of yes and i always put honey in it if well, you're, very sweet. So just take a look in the mirror, and now, let's i'm going to take you to a coffee shop after this. Oh thank you for some coffee and dashing too. You have dasha on camera over here, so we want to thank dasha for doing this. Thank you. Thank you black. No, i don't i should i should i don't drink it black though i've been trying i've been trying. I also was trying for a short time, but then i was like a doesn't in germany. We start way earlier than here to drink alcohol yeah. So i messed it up for myself at the age of 15. - oh really yeah, so you're over it now yeah, oh good, well, that you got it out of your system, yeah um, once in a while for me i'll wait for seldom you know. Sometimes i try, but i just like um drink a little that i'm okay. If it's enough, i don't like the taste about them same so i am just bouncing back and forth getting uh some balance in here and i'm gon na take some of this density out. So another way i took some density out with another razor, but i'm going to show you how i do it with my scissors is um. I will go in here and i'll just kind of from the root actually on some of these, and and again you can see me, i'm just barely barely moving like this. I see something and i just jump on it right away. You know and that's how it is. When i do my haircuts um, i actually had my first uh. I would say my first one-on-one, my first official you know class was with ira pope and that was amazing and um. I was trying to get my first class to be by gerard, but it didn't work out. Our schedules didn't line up and i'm still gon na get a cutting class from gerard. If you haven't seen gerard's haircutting with this razor, it's amazing sorry, you guys go to hair brain academy. For that i believe, hey. I actually have a video on hair brain academy. You can catch and um it's with judith and margo and we are doing all doing like very similar haircuts even to what we're doing right now, um. You can go on there and catch that video. So if you are already a hair brain academy member, you can watch that in case you're wondering this is not from the hustler store. This is why it's park right, but also um, you didn't have the interior taken out and i was uh. That was one of the things you probably liked it at first or like the first week. Maybe two weeks: yeah yeah, you know it's because you have very it's fine hair, but there's a lot of hair, so you have to have a haircut has to be done right for you, you're, very low maintenance. Like you, you worry more about your outfits. It seems like yeah, but also that's in here, which is fine, but the hair says like some ideas from pinterest. Look at me like that's about right, and i think i want to do just a little bit more round right up here. Basically, right now, what i'm doing is just connecting my bottom piece to this top piece and yes, this is an interesting way to do a haircut to approach a haircut, but i have been doing these for quite a while now, and i think i just do things Sometimes, to keep myself busy, and so also i'm trying to stay out of the way of the camera as much as possible. It'S really hard, so i'm sorry you're doing a great they're job cnn or what are they called the sports espn? I do not know anything about sports yeah, you do. What do you watch basketball? Do you like? Basketball? Okay, i have clients to watch basketball. I play basketball. I watch dance videos, sometimes questions. I watch dance videos mostly. I watch skateboarding and hair, but i like watching djs, there's uh. What'S your favorite djs because, like you guys, like some art technology, what are your favorite djs hello? I just listen. I don't know the names really mostly i let my friends play and i just enjoy. I'M really hooked on house and um. I like hudson sadie too he's been he's like one of my favorites um. I use that technique on just about the entire head and you can see how how that movement is coming in here and that's what i'm looking for. I'M giving it texture what i'm doing is i'm creating the exterior shape and giving it texture on the interior as well as cutting the length. So all at one time - and that is a it - is definitely a time taking technique. But it's not intentional. I think it's just been something that i do um just naturally, so everybody has their way of their approach. This is definitely a approach. I realized the guy that i that taught me my class i was like in here. I would have been so embarrassed because i'm here, but he was my first formal instructor - i i could say that because he taught me how to like basically approach the hair in in sections, and that is something that i don't do. I don't do that. So it was really interesting to section hair out and take one step at a time. So this is very much that kind of approach where it's sectioned out like any classic color. But i don't i don't know exactly. I just sectioned it out from the camera. What are my instructions so normally when somebody comes in, i will ask why we're cutting it or you know if somebody's trying to cut their hair off. I know from very long and they're doing something like this. I want to make sure that that person is um really ready for that haircut and um. This individual is like i said they they're very much on their instagram list for instagram um. It is put it on there for me, but on your instagram, you can see that i can write it here in the comments. Yes, do it put it on there um it's very much like uh, like they um they're like a raver, and you can see that they're edgy and really you want something, that's going to be easier to to easy to easy and edgy for their style. So that's today's approach is easy. I want usability, i put things in the comments. Uh instagram. If you want to reach out - and my instagram, if you don't know, is shrunken heads um, you know eat in the middle, just in case um. I think it's on the title. I think i put it on this button, so you can see where this shape was before right and it was very heavy. I'Ve already taken off some of the hair from here, so it was. It was pretty heavy and deep in this area, so today's haircut is definitely going to change the the entire look that they're used to. So i'm going to start at this back corner, i'm going to work forward because i'm going to try to retain some of the length in the front um they they are kind of. They have an affinity for their length right now in the front. So i'm going to try to work that in, and that is something that um i i kind of try to do with every every client is i ask them: what are some of the things that they want to keep or what they're willing to let go, and She, for example, wanted to wanted to keep some of the length in the front, so i want to give her as much as possible today there boom. You can see. That'S what i want. I don't want it to drop down a little bit. I want to see the ear, but i want texture more movement up in here right. I want movement up here, but i still want to keep some of this and um. So i want to make sure that i have a new razor on here when i'm going to approach this and cute donna put your instagram link. Oh yes, thank you. So right here is this is where the hair lives here, and so i'm going to keep this as my length there and i'm going to kind of come down from the ear here. Just and i'm going to use the middle of the blade, because i will use the ends for other stuff, laying that hair right against that, laying the blade right up against the side of that hair. Just so now, i've got a guide. So now i'm gon na! I'M gon na give some of this some more texture up here. Um! Compliments for the color um. We were just taking a walk on the santa monica boulevard. Yeah and five people came to me and asked what color nice yeah. It'S really interesting when a colorist uh, when a cutter does color, because i our approach is a little bit different and um. So i would like to see like the colors check, my work and be like. Why did you put that there i'm, like? I don't know but um actually i do know i had. I had a vision of where to put the front piece and i saw where her hair was kind of split. So i used that and i'm gon na go for this part right here and we are gon na just style it. I'M gon na try to keep this at an hour, but i don't know you guys. We might go over five minutes over here. So i make a lot of weird faces when i cut so in case, you guys see my face and i'm making like some weird half smile. It'S weird i just get like psychotic. So like some dead, the color is that is it paul bryant asks donna um. Actually, this is kind of a mix of a bunch of stuff that i had lying around here. I had to make it happen, so i did have some pulp right and i think i mixed a little bit of some pravana back here, but this is an older tube of. I can't remember the name of it now, but it used to be called nirvana and that's what that is there. So we're nearing the end of this haircut and it's looking really really really really cute. You can see this is where the norm, where the hair normally parts up top and um all right. I want that lift right here. That'S what i'm cutting underneath here and then, as i get over up here, then i can start cutting the top part here. See i'm trying to keep some of that blue up there, and so i'm going to do a little slide, cutting down here so too much hair on there cute what what hmm you're getting a lot of heart, emoji smiling! Oh really, probably the weird faces that i'm making. Oh my gosh yeah i make weird faces, and then i got like this invisalign and i'm not wearing it right now, because i don't want to whistle when i talk dude, i took them out right now. So you're lucky this is so freaking cute. Did you see that stand up on its own right now, yeah? That was good. Yes again, this is why i put so many cones there you see. Did you see how my hands were shaking at first, not shaking anymore, but maybe a little? Oh, look? How blue i got violet you're turning violet. I think mistakes ended myself. Okay, i think that don't request myself by mistake. Oh frank, okay, as you can see, this is where it starts to get extreme and then here liftoff is right here on the end here, hello, all right. So so i'm going to be using some uh number nine. The hair is damp. I'M going to re-dampen the parts that aren't damp damp, i'm going to use one pump, one entire pump and emulsifying my fingers like lotion slightly and i'm just going to rake under the under underneath here. Just to make sure that i want that. I can get that part. This is the the long part of our haircut and now up here. I don't want to just squeegee it off. So i'm just gon na walk my fingers through the hair and real just kind of move it around and i'm gon na need more for the front, and you can already see what what it's doing the haircut and the product giving me a little bit of and That was straight hair right, so i'm gon na give another half pump almost about three two thirds of a pump here. Good night. Let'S see, i'm gon na use uh number seven here, number seven and i'm just gon na use. This is how you nothing drips out of the bottle until you tap it. So one two three taps, that's a lot! That'S a lot should probably put two but down here i fear, needs it. This is where they had previous bleach previously lightened hair. Look at that really what what that's cool right, that's happening. So you can see what a haircut and a little bit of product will do and i don't want to dry it because who wants to hear a bunch of hissing on alive. So i'm just going to go through here and if anybody has any questions, this is pretty much going to be my finish, i want you to see this look at how cute that looks. You can see all of the movement in here. This is what i want all this movement, but i wanted enough on the ear and to show the ear, and i still wanted to give her what she wanted, which is to keep the front long, which is very difficult to do on a connection like this. So in here, if you pick this up sideways you're gon na have hair it's long, long, hair and long hair and the hair, the shorter hair here so you're you're bowing the hair length. This way, as well as you know, to give it that look right. So um this was not easy to do. I think for a live, but it was actually i'm glad that it turned out. I wish i would have had a little more time to style. I don't want to go too far into this, but but you can see you can see and this product that's in here the number nine is actually giving straight hair a little bit of a wave right. So you can see the wave that i'm getting now watch what you can do i was doing it earlier is i can just you know if you, if you know some of these techniques to kind of make some of these curls come out a little more right? I'M gon na try to coax them into coming out, so you can see how just a little bit of movement. You don't want to overdo it. You know when you're styling hair, you don't want to over, do it on the movement. You'Ll freeze it out. You know you can see how that's gon na dry beautifully. Look at that look at how that's gon na. Let'S take off this. Let'S take this off and see what it looks like. Okay, you

G.D. Anonymous: Absolutely the worst haircut I've ever seen!

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