Hair Tv Weekly Hair Talk Show - How To Hair Hacks Hair Trends 2022

  • Posted on 02 November, 2022
  • Trending
  • By Anonymous

This is my weekly LIVE hair talk show, I wanted to bring this to you to engage with you all more. I have some great edits for the show and look forward to seeing you all weekly to talk all things hair.

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Thank you, foreign, how we doing so. This is the first one, but you've got to excuse me because I am sick. I'Ve just got a bit of man flu, but I'll be all right. I was going to bring to bring it to you yesterday, but I was yeah. I was a man down so I'll put it to today, but I did a little poll over on YouTube and Instagram and it was just to see what time was best for you. Guys and it works out Monday, UK time, six o'clock, European Time, seven o'clock and if you're in the states watching this. Let me know in the comments where you're watching this from actually in the states. It will be like 10 a.m, 12 p.m and then 1 p.m. And then surrounding wherever you are in America, but let's get in the comments. Let me know where you're watching from uh. This is going to be basically a weekly sort of chat show where I'll be going through hair trends. I'Ve got a little comment, come in already hi sinsu power. What a name is that your real name um, so this is going to be a weekly Chat, Show basically bringing on guests sometimes. But it's just something that I wanted to bring to you guys to basically connect a little bit more with with you guys who are watching of all the videos and and being able to um bring you something a little bit different. I didn't want to do a podcast, podcaster, obviously going crazy right now. I wanted to do something a little bit different and uh. Why not do like a little bit of a hair talk show where we can discuss different things so get in the comments. If you've got anything, but we do have like a running order of what I want to do for you guys, so you can see I'm in the salon not really, but I'm I'm pretending to be in the salon um. I wanted to just bring something a little bit different to my channel and yeah again, just just chat with everybody, so it says: welcome to the brand new weekly hair TV Chat Show - and this is what's going to just be hair TV, uh I'll, be bringing you Hair trends techniques hacks how to's little segments in the show where you can ask me anything um what I've been up to to the latest product launches. If I've got any leaks about the brands that I work with, I know I can't say too much, but um I'll be able to bring you some little bits. So we've got another Julie Drew from San Antonio Texas, 102 p.m. Thank you for joining um Samia from Pakistan. Welcome. Thank you for joining I'll, keep on bringing up the comments throughout and then there is Saint Mark, hey Mark, so Mark messaged me last night on Instagram and said I thought you were doing yeah, I'm feeling all right. I think you can hear it in my voice. I'M still a little bit man flu, but uh yeah Mark messaged me last night and said I thought your live was tonight and I literally changed it last minute and also I was trick-or-treating with uh. My niece and my family took her out on her first trick or treat or second trick-or-treat, but first one she could walk so um yeah. We did that um, but I was feeling rough um. So what is hair TV hair TV is basically going to be a little chat, show where again bringing guests on. If any of you guys want to come on and have a chat about things all you got to do is. Let me know in the comments down below and we can have a bit of a chat with everything that's going on um and then we're going to be bringing you loads of different things. So if you can see here, today's content is going to be some new hair trends. Haircut Trends this week, uh weekly, so it's going to be next week, but I am in Hungary next week, I'm going to be doing a show over there for joyco Europe joyco Hungary. So if I can get uh live over there about seven o'clock, I should be able to if we finish the models I'll try and do one from there to bring it to you guys out and about but yeah. Some like hair hacks. I'Ve got a dry shampoo hack, which a lot of people might know, but since I've been talking to a lot of people um, they haven't really what I've been talking about, I.E, clients they've been oh. I didn't know that. I thought you just used it at this moment, but we'll go into that um and then we've got some hair news for November uh and a load of other bits. First of all, though I just want to clear up wherever, where have I been um? I'Ve just been really busy. I'Ve been Here There and Everywhere I shot a TV show pilot a number of weeks ago. But before that I was in Holland and then the week after I was at Salon International with Alpha Italia and I've got some Alpha Italia things to talk about today, Alfa Italia are a a brand which do scissors, electricals, um, brushes, Combs, and everything like that. So I've just started working with those guys. I had a meeting with them today. So for 2023 there was loads happening and some new things coming as well. And when, when I jump into a little of the new launches, um I'll, be telling you some bits as well. But if you could just go down at the bottom and if you're watching this on YouTube, you should be because this is the only place. I'M doing it just hit the like button for me um and if you can share it, it would be uh amazing. If you could share this, but what I'm also going to do with this, is I'm going to be cutting it up into bits so because I've got segments of things I want to talk about, I'm going to be bringing you pieces and for information that I can Chop up into mini segments shorts maybe and have these little pieces that I can just be pumping out videos all the time as well, but yeah, let's get into some new launches, so joycollumishine uh Lumi 10. Let me know in the comments actually who is using 10 minute colors. If you are hairdressers or if you're a client have you had a 10 minute color on your hair, because this is the new. The new thing clients haven't got enough time in the salon. Um Mark said, where's is the like button. The like button is just below the the video YouTube keeps changing. I know YouTube has had um some changes recently. All the buttons have gone like like this here, like rounded rather than square and you'll, see that the Subscribe button has changed from red to White and then, when you click it, it goes to Black. So um loads is changing, but just talk about the new launches. So 10 minute color, is the thing which is is sort of speeding up service time in salon and droika have just launched two new two new Lumi 10 Shades, which are the nvs and the NGS. We did originally have the ends, the nwbs and the Nas, and we just needed something a little bit more tonal um in regards to a little bit of violet, so to sort of add a little bit of sort of spice to the color or the NG's. To add that that gold and the what I did a little little um Swatch with, was the NV and the NG together, the the high levels um and the colors are absolutely stunning. Thank you. Samir. I loved your wolf Cuts. Joy. You just gave um. You just gave New Life to my hair amazing, to hear thank you so much. I'Ve just broken that down into um into shorts actually, and so that's going to be over the today and tomorrow, it's going to just be drip, feeding out all these little little segments of it as well, um but yeah getting back to the launches. I just said about the nvs and NGS: Alpha Italia have released a a Bella blow dry brush and in the states. Unfortunately, at the minute you well, nobody can get it to be honest. It'S out of stock, it literally blew up and then two weeks was sold out, but I do think Alpha Italia have work, are working on or have worked on, um international shipping, because when I was using their scissors in a video I had a number of people. Ask me, and then overnight they uh Alpha Italia like got this um. Well, they got their shipping together and uh. They they sort of turned it around and was able to to ship internationally. So that's something which was huge, uh Julie. Yes, I've been using Rusk amazing. So have they got a 10 minute color I've heard like red can have um they've got a 10 minute glare like a a gloss 10 minute gloss, but I don't know any of any other brands that I have at the minute. To be honest, I've just had my head in with joyco and then I've seen the odd, odd um Redken thing pop up on on socials um, but not at salon. I'M doing Salon. Are you correct clients, don't want to be spending all day in the salon? Yeah - and this is the thing with the 10 minute - colors five minute - toners um - that's I mean I I've got a video on it actually and I'm doing it in Hungary as well. I think it's my first model and I'm going to be doing a 10 minute. Balayage with a tone uh, our toners are like five minutes, so you can do this Balayage technique on the route um and and like the sectioning and everything to be able to make it look as if it's Balayage and then tone it in in 10. Minutes on the roots, five minutes, mid, laps and ends and you've got a stunning color, so um yeah, that is, that is what's happening but get in the comments guys as well, just with with where you are in the in the world as if you're newly joined, Because you can see up above, we've got uh America, Pakistan, I know Mark is from America he's from Chicago actually um. I think sorry, if I gave your uh location that Mark you didn't want me to but um yeah, I'm gon na get into just some of these bits talking hair trends. So I'm just going to jump off of here and I was looking at hair trends that weren't necessarily like popping at the minute, but something that that may be happening like soon. So some of the biggest hair trends that I think for 2022 when it comes to like end of the year leading into next year, I'm going to pop them up around me in a second um. But I didn't want to go for the traditional. Like obviously, we've seen the shags they're, still big wolf cuts are still big. Butterfly cut is massive um, obviously like similar to the Rachel cup, the 90s stuff. So I just picked out four haircut trends that I thought would be a little bit different. Maybe Inspire somebody a little bit more creatively and just these things that you can use in Salon which could be um added or Twisted a little bit to give something uh to a client who isn't isn't they wanted something new wanted something different, but they don't really Know what to have so, let's pop them up - and you can see here my fave - that I've seen and the name is the Mia Wallace Bob. Let me know in the comments who knows who Mia Wallace is and what movie she was in, because when I seen the Mia Wallace Bob I was just like. Oh, my God, look it's it's a one-length bob, fundamentally a little bit of like styling a little bit of a Bend. You'Ve got that that really blunt Fringe in there. But let me know in the comments who is Mia Wallace. What movie was she in what hair color did she have because uh it was one of my favorite movies. To be honest, it was one of those movies that when I was growing up young, I wasn't allowed to watch because it was an 18 and I remember my cousin. He had like the soundtrack to it on CD and he would play it and the the theme tune to it was just something that was uh ah well. It just defines it and when I, whenever I heard him play in it or when I um well, when I wanted to watch it when I finally got to watch it, it was just a defining moment. I think it's one of uh Quentin Tarantino's best best movies, to be honest but yeah. Let me know in the comments, if you know the Mia Wallace Bob and where that is from and what she featured in the film name. Oh, if nobody tells me I'll I'll, throw it at you, but um when I seen the Mia Wallace Bob. That was just something that took me right back. What is that, like, 90 yeah 90s, so 90s is still a big big thing when it comes to hair trends, the Rachel haircut, the 90s highlights the chunkiness and everything um there we go misbehaving. It'S got it Pulp Fiction, Uma Thurman with Raven hair yeah. What a movie absolutely loved it um and when I finally got to watch it because I was I was young and then when I got that that age of 18, I could watch Pulp Fiction. My mum would let me um, I just absolutely loved it. So when I seen the Mia Wallace Bob, I had to put it in here as a trend um, you can see down there, you've got a curly pixie cut, so pixie cuts are still huge. People are obviously wanting to go from long to short and there's things in between Mia Wallace Bob being in between. But then, if people want to go really short uh and you can play with their natural texture or you can add a little bit of texture in there a little bit of curl, then a curly pixie cut is something which is obviously going to be well bang. On Trend these Trends I picked up today from a website that I use to get a lot of my Trend LED stuff from my inspiration, not Pinterest um. Do you call it Pinterest or do you call it pin interest? I don't know what it is. I don't know, is it pin interest or is it Pinterest, because I thought Pinterest makes more sense because you put a pin in something you're interested in? I didn't think you pinned your interest. I thought it was Pinterest, not a pin interest. Let me know in the comments um, so Sleek yeah such a sleep, Bob um love yeah, I loved it. My mum is here: hi mum um. She just messaged me to see if how my man flew was, and it's it's not bad um, but yeah, embracing in natural texture and diffusing. I think that's that's going to be a huge thing when it comes to end of the year next year, winter months. I think, with that frizzy air, that we're going to get that that really sort of damp wet air that we're going to be getting. I think the curly pixie cut is going to be something which people can Embrace. They can put some mousse in put some gel um. They could put some like a Styler in and just really start to embrace their natural texture, but I think that Curly pixie cup there with I know it's very, very styled, and I know that hairline is to Precision, but it just looks super cool. So that's another Trend that I was sort of looking at. I think we'll just go in with like a textured pixie or a normal pixie cut, or anything like that. I wanted something a little bit different to bring to you and the curly pixie cut was that now the one at the top? I thought it's top left for me, probably top right, for you is the shoulder sharp Bob, and this is something again like one length but like a Laser's, cutting and uh. It'S just it's at that length that where I mean if she wore a scarf, would be different, different things, but you can see from from the length it is sitting here and then just right down. It just looks like a Laser's cut. It hey Gregory from Switzerland. Welcome thank you for joining misbehaving, just Pinterest in this house. What blonde Trends do you see coming? I'Ve got a blonde thing to talk about a bit later, but I can't talk too much so I will be talking about blondes very, very soon um, but yeah Pinterest. That'S what I thought Pinterest, but that that laser cut Bob one length. I don't, I think, a big thing to talk about clients with with this is the the natural texture, natural thickness density of the hair, because, if someone's got huge, thick hair styling that every day to make it look like it's been cut by a laser, is going To be something which is really um really difficult, it's going to be something which is medium to fine density. So you don't get too much of a heavy sort of sitting here, easy to style, easy to blow dry, get some straighteners on it and make it look like that. Um! I'M just jumping about here just trying to get some bits ready, um but yeah that that shoulder sharp shoulder cut Bob again a different Trend. It'S not graduated Bob, it's an A-line bob, but very, very sharp, and it's something again. I just wanted to talk about, because I wanted to bring something that that people not necessarily asking for a salon at the minute they're asking for Bobs they're asking for different things, but having a bit of inspiration a little bit different. When clients come in to be able to really and have something, this is why I wanted to bring you this. This sort of TV chat show is to inspire you weekly, with new trends and new hacks and new techniques um to take to your clients behind the chair or if you are a client watching this to go to your hairdresser screenshot this and say: look I've seen This Mia Wallace Bob or seeing this curly pixie my hair, is Curly. Could we do something similar to that um? So that's why I wanted to bring these Trends and then with colors I'll, be well. I mean I'm coloring in hungry next week, so I'll. If I can do it next week on the on the Monday, because that's the I think show day is show that is Monday, so I might even do it from the airport. I think I think that's right yeah. I think it is so. Oh no I'll be on stage what I'll do is. I will live stream, the the show, so the show is from six until seven, so I will do I'll try and do that if I can live stream, it I'll bring it to you guys as as part of this for next week. So you can see what I do on stage color wise and I'm going to be working with Josie, who is uh one of the joycar uh joyco uh, hungry Education team and he's gon na be doing the haircuts with me and um we're going to be on Stage together and obviously I'm gon na have a translator, because I can't speak Hungarian. I can only speak English but yeah getting back to the hair trends. You can see there. There is the Barely There. Bangs and people get quite frustrated when we talk fangs in England, because it's a fringe and it is a fridge. It is a fringe, but bangs goes better with with things like. Barely their Fringe doesn't sound, doesn't have that ring as like, barely their bangs it just it flows a bit better. So that's why a lot of people in in the UK use bangs now and why clients and clients think bangs are the terminology for that. So when clients are coming in the salon at the minute asking for highlights or they're asking for Balayage or ombre, they think that is a look, whereas us as hairdressers. We know that that's a technique that is a technique that we use to create. That look and then the barely their bangs bangs is just The Fringe, but we yeah we cut in a technique to create that that sort of, like Fringe, look that people class as bangs. So when it comes to terminology, I think talking with stylists about when they talk about bangs um and my sisters in the house, hey Katie, how is Libby um when they're talking about bangs? What I tend to do is like oh yeah, bangs, Fringe sort of thing. Like it's the same sort of thing, but offering some advice in in respect to saying look the reason people call these bangs is it's an American thing. It got really really popular because of the the sort of face framing bangs-esque look and being the UK Fringe fringes. Are just always seen as those things that sort of just sit there and that's why the word bangs just sounds cooler. They have a little chat so yeah. These are four haircut Trends. I wanted to bring to you just to inspire you to be able to take to the salon to um, have something a little bit different, a little bit of ammunition. If a client comes in and says uh, I want something different. I don't know what to have. I want to keep the length, but what do you think if, if they're of a certain age - and you were like - oh, do you know who Mia Wallace is, and they know who Mia Wallace is Mia, Wallace, Mia Wallace Bob would look great um, just those sorts Of things and Amir Wallace Bob is the full thing, The Fringe the length the little tuck under that is the mere Wallace Bob um. So that's why I wanted to bring you these these four Trends, to give you that little bit of inspo. So, let's get off of that and I've got a little segment about hacks. So let me know in the comments who wants to hear I'll have I'll normally do one hack, but I've got two hacks this week just to bring to you so um yeah we're about to get hacked. Let me, let me just bring it up. I'Ve been working. Quite hard on this, so I want you to um to to check it out foreign hacked. Do you like it? So here we go Paul. There is a real background behind you, or is that a hologram? Well now you know now you know that was my salon. Um, but I I recently just purchased a green screen to bring you this. An interactive sort of Chat Show to be able to bring you different things that are happening behind, but to um yeah, just a bit different. Like I said at the beginning, a bit different but yeah you can tell it's not a hologram, it's a green screen, but this is now we're in the Hacked area and we're going to be bringing you two hacks in a second and two bits of information. So this hacked segment of the show is going to be, where I'm just sort of telling you different ways to use products or tools or things. I'Ve learned over the over what recent or over the years, just to again talk with clients. If you're a client watching this, you can go to your hairdresser and say: oh, did you know sort of thing um? What'S this, sir, you are the institution. Thank you. Samia appreciate it packs are always good. Hacks are always good and I've got two for you. So do you also teach finger waves with hairstyles so funny? You say that I've been watching so much on finger waves at the minute and it's so I mean to do it. It'S so um intricate! That'S the word! I was trying to get out my head intricate because to get that sort of wave and then kick it back around it's amazing, so I've done finger waves, but it's not something I've ever taught. If it's a video that you guys would like to see then um. It'S probably something I could do, but let's get on to the hacks ready there. We go a dry, shampoo hack and I did this on YouTube as a short, and I did it on Tick Tock as well um, and it's something that when I talk to clients, they're sort of like really that's when you use it. So it's not really a hack, it's just like um, it's just a way of using a product that you should use it, but a lot of people have fought not to use it that way they use it a different way so with a dry, shampoo, fun. Traditionally, people would let their hair get really dirty, really greasy spray it in and then brush it through blow dry and make it look and feel fresh, but my dry shampoo hack for you, if you're a client or, if you're, a stylist, to tell your clients. This is this is the best way to use a dry shampoo is to as soon as you've washed your hair blow dried your hair and there's a zero product in there, or there could be a little bit of styling in there, but it's just clean hair. Get your dry shampoo and just spray it into your roots, and you don't need a lot. You don't need a lot of dry shampoo at that moment, because your hair is super clean, it's not as if you're trying to remove loads of buildup of Grease or product. You just like lift it up: Spritz Spritz Spritz, all the way through those little sections, massage it into your head or the client's head or the client massage it into their head and because it's already in your hair, when oils start to develop or product starts to Build the dry shampoo is already in there, so that's going to take away that buildup and that oily sort of look so you'll get much much longer out your blow dry. It also makes hair look and feel a little bit thicker. If that's what you want, because you can just judge it up a little bit, but because it's already in your hair, you don't need to spray it in it's already there doing its magic and your hair will be cleaner for longer. So that's one! I'Ve Just Seen he's a beast, not an institution. Thank you Mark. Oh that's. What I'm gon na call my uh my Academy, the Beast Academy: um! Yes, it is that would be awesome um. How often do we you can use purple shampoo on safe side. That'S a great question and that was going to be another hack for another week, but I'll probably bring it back, but it depends on the porosity of your hair, with using silver. Shampoo. You'Ve got to be really careful, um not to obviously build up, because if you build up on the hair, you can get that real sort of purple. Look to your hair, which nobody wants unless you are going for a purple rinse. But I would just say once a week and I would say as soon as you've had your hair, colored and then toned. I would say: you've got a good sort of four four or five weeks before you've got to use a purple shampoo, because all you're going to be doing is counteracting what's on the hair. So if you've gone for a silver blonde - and you think right, I'm going to use uh silver shampoo on this as soon as soon as I wash it tomorrow, it's probably not silver enough for you. If that's what you're sort of thinking, because you want more in there, I would say - switch out your hair colored leave the the tone that leave the purple shampoos or the purple conditioners four weeks five weeks until you really want to use it, because I know things Will what's that, where is Prince Harry the cat he's outside scratching the door um, but yeah there shouldn't be really any yellow build up within that first, first, four weeks, really thinking about it three weeks, possibly depending this is this is one thing depending how much heat Styling you're doing so, if you wash your hair a lot, if you straighten it a lot, if you blow dry it a lot, if you tongue it a lot all those heated tools and and shampooing of a non-violet shampoo is going to really take its toll. So all those things are going to be making your hair color fade quicker. So if you find your hair Fades quicker and yellow Creeps in as soon as that, that sort of yellow pigment starts to creep in then use it. But one thing to really pay attention to is in the salon when you want to get those icy blondes trying to be like really politically. Not just you know what I mean just trying to be really if the hair isn't lifted to The Brighter to the palest of yellows you're going to get yellows creeping in quicker. It'S basically what I'm trying to say. So if you're wanting to go bright blonde and stay brighter, your highlights or your roots need to be lifted more than what they already are. So that's just a top tip but yeah. How often can use purple shampoo? You can use it as much as you want, but porosity on the ends as well is something you've got to be really careful of. So if you've got really porous ends like a sponge that will soak up that purple tone quicker than sort of like the healthier hair. So then you're going to get that really um dry, looking silver ends that that we don't really want as a hairdresser. I would hate to see one of my clients with like a two-tone look just because they're using too much purple shampoo but yeah. That'S the hair hack for dry shampoo. I'Ve got another one, so I was on stage at Sal International for Alfa Italia, and this was a a question that I threw out for a competition and, let me know in the chat guys this is. I want to know if you guys know, there's two temperatures but the low, but the lowest temperature for me is the most important one, because that's the closest to what people are using. So let me bring it up, so we can see what we're going to be talking about there. They are alpha Italian, my go-to ions straighteners, so you can see they're, saying 230 degrees and I'm going to talk about temperature as well, but what temperature does hair start to become damaged and burn and then melt. So let me know in the comments I'll give you a couple of minutes to we're not minutes seconds. Give you a couple of seconds, because I know this is a little bit behind just let me know in the chat what is the lowest temperature that hair starts to burn damage and then lead on to melting. I look forward to seeing your answers, but there's two temperatures in particular that I want to talk about and um three temperatures actually because the ones on these irons that way the ones on these eyes 230 degrees. So we've got some Mark who's saying over 250. It'S a good good guess anybody else in the house that is going to put a a number in the chat because you'll be you'll, be surprised at the the difference, but also where damage starts to be created, and I did a tick, tock and Instagram. I think and YouTube's short on it just to show you two straighteners on and then the hair was just like beginning to to go. So Mark has said: 250 Samir has said over 150. Another good guess anybody else before I start to talk about the temperatures I'll, give you a couple of seconds. Um I'll, give you five seconds here we go. What'S the other people are just here to stare at your handsome face. Thank you Mark. Thank you. I feel really like yeah, I feel ill man. Flu is taking his toll, but uh right, obviously they're just staring at me. So we've got two temperatures: 250 150 over the the lowest temperature in which hair starts to become damaged, and then oh there's one Julia's just said 380.. I love. I love all these, these various degrees, so the lowest and you think about straighteners, and what what do you use? The lowest temperature that hair starts to become damaged, break and melt is 200 degrees, so 200 degrees uh on the on the variable uh temperature straighteners are something that people use quite a lot and, in particular, clients, clients think the hotter, the straighter the hair and that's Not necessarily true, it's not true at all to be honest, take the necessary out of there, so the the temperature is 200 degrees. That'S where hair starts to really break down and a fact write this down a fact. So I'll talk to a client in the salon, and we were talking about uh when what temperature hair starts to melt at 451 degrees is where hair is just gone completely gone. So I know we've got straighteners that go to that, but what you've got to think about with straighteners? Is you pass it over once and that's 200 degrees pass over again? That could be what 220. again you're creating friction on that hair. The more you pass it over the hotter and hotter and hotter the hair is getting to get to 451 degrees. It wouldn't really take that much effort in my eyes, if you were working on hair and you were really working - those straightens through one section and I've seen some people go through a section about seven times. I would love I'm going to do this, so this is a video if somebody wants to steal it before I do it tag me in it, so I would love to work out how I could monitor uh temperature on on a Surface. There might be there's a oh, my God, one of those guns from covert times. So what we can do is we get a strand of hair and pass the straighteners over and and scan it and see what that temperature is and then we could do it three times a day and scan it and see what the temperature is. I would love to see how many passes it takes to get to 451 degrees. That temperature is where hair is just gone completely: melted, um, so yeah, I'm gon na do that as a test. But when we talk about temperatures, so we've got 200 degrees with our hair starts to break down, become damaged, break and melt 451 degrees is where hair is gone completely. That'S it just dripping on the floor and then, when it comes to these straighteners here the variable ones, we can go from really really low temperatures, but maximum is 230, and someone asked me the other day why? Why are we got straighteners that go to 230 degrees, and the reason is is because, when we're using keratin keratin blow dries, we we've got a real thick barrier there of of product and with these straighteners we need to pass this through multiple times to burn that Product off Seal it into the hair, and that's why there is a specific sort of amount that you work through and when that Vapor starts to sort of disappear. That'S when you you've sort of taken all that that product off of that hair surface and you've sealed it into the hair. So that's why we have variable straighteners when it comes to 230 degrees, that's for Technical Services, but taking it right down. So we don't damage hair, so there we go. That is that I'm going to get back into the salon um. So, let's get back into the salon bump there we go and uh, let's take off those straighteners, so another section that I'm going to do - and this is a section for people if they want to and as this this sort of show gets bigger and bigger. Hopefully, this section of the show will get more and more, but there's going to be an ask me anything second. So in this segment is ask me anything and in the chat you can just ask me whatever you want it can be. Where am I going to be teaching next? When am I coming to that town? Could we do an education session there? It doesn't have to be all education, it could be literally anything but yeah in the in the chat, and here we go so 200 degrees, and over is too much 200 degrees. Oh, and over is too much for hair. That'S the that's the temperature that it starts to to melt, and I was going to tell you a story and I've just remembered so the client who is in the salon I'll talk this while you can get in the chat and ask me whatever you want. If you want to, if not we'll, do it next week and we'll see you again, but my clients and my client came in and I was I did this little experiment with two pairs of straighteners one at 180 and one at 220. left them on. For I don't know about 15 seconds, I think took them off. The 220 had completely discolored, basically about to melt, and it was breaking. You can see it all frayed, the 180, absolutely fine. So that was the temperature, and when I was talking to him about it, it was really enlightening because he said well when we're sort of cooking chicken or steak 50 degrees is the temperature in which it starts to break down, so that that protein layer within that Meat starts to break down at 50 degrees and if you think that hair is a protein so and we're we're working with straighteners much much higher than that, it's a much it's a much um stronger sort of material, I suppose, but again it's protein. So, if we're using heated tools on it, that's that's like numerous times over, it's just like cooking and if we're going to break that protein down without using the heat, protectors and stuff like that. So that's why, when we are working with heat protectors and styling tools, while we always recommend to stylists and to clients to use a really good um Heat Protector and also over the years so straighteners going up to 230 degrees in in heat, since the birth of Uh keratin blow dries products had to change, so I think products were going up to probably like 190 200 degrees protection and then, when straighteners were going like higher and higher you can now I mean joyco again, I worked with joyco. Joyco'S Heat Protector is like 232 degrees, so we've got that protection 232 degrees. So we know if we pass those lines through at 2, 30 we're going to have protection, but then again what you got ta think about. Is you pass it through a game? Again again? That'S where you're going to be taking off that protection and then potentially melting that hair, but I just thought that was a really cool fact. Here'S a question from Mark how many hours do you work in the salon per day and when and when I per day when you're in there doing clients? So I um I've just gone down to four days a week in the salon, but sometimes I'll be there. Five days a week but uh normal day, like eight eight nine hours, depending um, anything from what eight to so eight clients, if it's colors and cuts female, I could sometimes have a day. My my most in a day was like 18 uh. I think I think there was like women and men mixed in with that, and there was like 18 clients in that day, um, but yeah a busy day but yeah. I I what about you guys? How, if your hairdressers, how many hours do you do you work in salon and, if you're a client? What would be your Optimum appointment time? That'S what I'd like to know. So if somebody could um in the in the comments, let me know I was just read in a comment then, and on the Unicorn haircut, so I've broken down the wolf cup video into loads of little shorts and a notification come up just said not impressed thanks. Um here we go misbehaving which cut. Do you personally enjoy doing the most? I love Bob's really really enjoy doing Bob's variants of Bob's. I just really like how they sit um a little bit graduation, a little bit of bevel loads of texture, smooth curly, uh, wavy yeah, just really like varying variants of Bob's. What about you are you? Are you a hairdresser misbehaving um? If not what's the favorite? What'S your favorite haircut, you've had um yeah, I'm just going to jump on to there. We go there's a little bit. Ask me anything: oh let's do that. Hair hacked one as well. Here'S my mum love my blonde, but I have a great hairdresser she's, very, very biased, but my mum has got a blonde bob, so uh yeah, I do love doing Bobs um other haircuts, like yeah shags. I really like doing things that come in Trends uh and working with them. I mean you've seen my if you've seen my videos on YouTube, I do a lot of ponytail haircuts to just to explore. People think that I do these in salon and I don't with my ponytail haircuts. I basically go into my studio and I start researching haircuts and I I think about a really really simple way of how to break that down. So it's easy to understand. So I'm not putting loads and loads of sections. If somebody wanted me to do a Precision haircutting course with loads of sections, it's something I could do, but for for hairdressers like we want again 10 minute color. We want things that are quick. We want things that are really efficient time: efficient uh in Salon. We can give people bang on Trend, looks cuts and colors styling and if there's ways to do it quicker, why aren't we doing it? So when I, when I work on these ponytail haircuts, I put it into a ponytail and then I start to break it down. I start to cut hair off to see where it falls and then, if that's falling there, if I lift it a bit higher a little bit lower. I can then understand that if hair is all pulled to there - and I was to teach this as an education thing - I know if I adjust it slightly, I can create a different look right. Iuka hairdressers required to pursue continue no education to keep their license. Just like here in the us know - and I think that's a huge thing for the UK - I think that we should I there's just so many. I think that's that's a massive difference between the UK and the US. I think the US have got that down like, I think you guys with the licensing, but the continued education is massive like this head. When I go and teach courses uh or when I just go into salons and and ask - and I say oh when was your last course or uh speaking to people on Instagram or whatever uh and they'll - be on YouTube in the comments and they'll be saying bits. It'S like, oh thank you for this. I haven't I haven't seen this before and it's like when we, when were you last on a on an education course college, so many hairdressers in the UK. I would put a statistic on it that 40 of the UK hairdressing uh industry haven't been on a course. The only education they've had is from college. I would say nearly half of our industry in the UK have only learned nvq and no more, and I I wouldn't want people to to say that oh YouTube is a course or Instagram's a course or that sort of continued education. I I think that you have to go somewhere to learn something from somebody. All on education is massive, but unless you know the the development of these courses online education is, is just these bits to to um. What am I trying to say just to upskill? You a bit more to help. You understand some other bits like I was just saying, with the ponytail haircuts breaking them down to to help people online, because the amount of people that don't go to on courses here in the UK and the US I've seen loads of people and all over the World really the amount of messages I get had one yesterday somebody did one of my ponytail haircuts on one of their friends in a salon and uh like yes, that's education, but I think really investing your money into a course or into a salon. That'S going to support your education is massive, so Mark. I think that is something the UK really need to level up on. I think to keep us as a really good professional industry. I think the UK needs to become licensed, but with that license you don't just buy the license. You have to pursue education continuously to keep getting better and keep you at that level to be able to stay in our industry, but yeah. Thank you for bringing that up because that's massive mate. I I forget about that and I think it's such a huge thing for our for our industry here in the UK Julie. I work up to eight to 12 hours and if I was a client I'd like to come after lunch, I know I'm going to be in there all day if I'm go, if I'm doing color and highlights long days long days and it's good to see it's Good to see people investing like your your talent and everything in salon and do in those long days, um but yeah I mean when it comes to it I mean on clients like I was saying I would do like a normal day, but then after I'd be Filming or I'd be editing, so it's just long days really long days and today, like I'm doing this, I've been in meetings all day yesterday I was Ill, but yesterday I would have been I'd have been filming all day in the salon, um but yeah, and I Think clients are going to be in there all day, which is why I've started doing like not, and I hate the word express. I don't want to say I do Express foiling techniques. I do do really quick ways to full hair to make it look like a full head. I don't use them much on clients, because clients normally want a full head, half head partial, but I do it for for Trend LED stuff and ways. If somebody is really busy and they're like look, I just want something touched up. I did it for a lady, she was only booked in for a toner and I didn't think a toner was going to do enough. So I put a few foils in and then toned it and she loved it, but yeah. I think I think, there's just no way of speeding up highlights as a full head application or Balayage really there's ways in which to to do it, but to be able to get that really expensive. Looking hair, I think it is. I think people are sitting in there a long time, which is why, with the 10 minute colors, and that we can really speed up those processes that gives us a bit more time with people on the blonding services. Uh. I'M a client, but my mum was a hairdresser. I had everything I like a blonde. Bob lovely was a hairdresser, so she started retired now I'll take it um. But you had everything on your hair. I had blondes, I had Reds. I had really really dark brown. Um, nothing that I'm very proud of um yeah. The answer made my jaw drop. I know it's just crazy for the UK to be seen as this real sort of high level of of hairdressing and fashion and stuff like that um and to not even have a license. It'S it's Madness. I mean this is the problem with our industry at the minute in the UK. There'S just not enough. We get so many. I mean you, don't you don't even have to study hairdressing to become a hairdresser, that's mad, absolutely mad. I thought the UK was a bit strict so when it comes to education, updating skills, no with with colleges, there's CPD continual practical development, but that's College Tutors. So they need to keep uh learning to obviously train the the youngsters coming through youngsters anybody their students. But first hairdressers nothing and it's mad. I can't believe it when I'm talking about it now. I can't believe that we don't actually have to do anything. If I, if, if I just fancied, opening up a hair salon and having a go, I could do it. It'S crazy right, if that is all the questions, thank you for the questions um. But let's just get back to this. Oh, let me just take that off as well. There we go so what is hair TV hair TV is going to be a talk, show uh weekly all about hair trends. So if you missed it and you're new we're going to do a lot of hair trends, hair hacks on all these different things, we're going to do an ask me anything section, uh and then other bits, so there'll be so much a practical as well. I won't just be sitting here um by myself. Sometimes I'll have a guest, sometimes I'll, have a mannequin and I'll do a mannequin for you or a client um a model depends where I am and what I'm doing, but the reason I wanted to bring you this like a talk show is just so I could Um also the background, shall I keep it as my salon or shall I try and get like a desk like a newsroom, I'm just a real nerd - and I was just thinking - that'd - be pretty cool, making like a background as if it was like a actual TV Set um but yeah just an idea, but yeah hair TV is going to be a weekly talk. Show chat, show All About Hair hairdressing industry about what is what is up and coming what is happening, and I did tease didn't I hear about these leaks and you'll. See at the end of this so again, Alfred Italia Bella blow dry brush coming in into November. I had a little chat today with them. Joyco Christmas packs are coming out and then leaks, blondes and blow dryers. So if you don't know, I work for with joyco. I'M one of their European uh color, design, team, artists and uh. I was there last week and we were doing something with some blondes. That'S all I can say, I'm contracted to say give you a little bit of a leak, but it's all about blondes. So that'll be coming very very soon. Some really cool things happened as well that I can't talk about, but when I can, I will also the TV show that I did um three weeks ago now that I spoke to the producer yesterday and that final edit is this week. So, by the end of this week, the TV show so I'm gon na put that on my YouTube channel and I think I'm gon na react to it uh. I think it's a concept to send to TV companies to see if they, like the concept, take the concept on which would be really cool, but as a concept, I think it would be different Industries. So it's called the seven day expert. I did a hairdressing one and I think they could do like a mechanic, a plumber electrician DJ all of that sort of thing. So I think that was the only one that I would be doing, but for TV work it was amazing experience. So, as soon as that is I'll put it in segments on this on the channel um and then react, oh, I think it's only 25 minute pilot, so I might do it all or I might do it in two sections and then react like like in the Corner like this react to it and then the last leak, if you were at Sal International or you've seen it, I don't think I've got any pictures actually or video the blow dryer. So the blow dryer for Alpha Italia. I used it on stage with my new blow dryer coming out in January and brushes, and I was using it on stage and there was like a rush to the to the desk the sails the till and they were like. Can I buy that and it's not out and I had to stop using it uh they said: can we have it back put it in the drawer because I couldn't uh? Well, we haven't got it, but people were asking for it. So, oh, that was a quick yawn um. Here we go. When is joyco flyer to America to teach don't know mate. I'Ve I've got uh. So I did my live last Monday with joyco America, which was my last one of this year, but they jumped straight into my DMs and said uh that we want to start planning for 2023 dates. So that will be online, but hopefully one date maybe might be in the states I would love to. I would love to come over there and do um a session in a salon if, even if it's just like a little uh little, not a show just a little sort of in Salon. Teaching demo sort of thing in the states would be amazing. If it's a show, I'd love to do that um, but hopefully soon, hopefully soon I'll be in the states to be teaching and misbehaving nice. That was my catchphrase for last week. Actually Wendy uh! If, when Wendy sees this, she read nice um but yeah, that is it we've needed an hour. So thank you so much if you are um new watching this, please hit the like button. Please share this. If you can, this is going to be a weekly talk. Show chat show all about hair trends. Um Lee uh hacks, I said, leaks leaks as well. Yeah leaks, um, hair news. All of that sort of thing shows that are coming up shows that I've done little Snippets, so um yeah. If you could like this share it. If you're new hit the Subscribe button and uh, I just want to say thank you so much for the first um hair TV. So again, next week, I'm in Hungary I will try and live stream the show, so you can see it um but get down in the comments. Let me know what you'd like to see on next week's show the show after that as well, and I just want to do a shout out so what I, the software that I use to create this live, is called stream yard here, powered by stream yard and I'Ll pop that one up as well there - and I was chatting to them just about that - I'm wanting to do something a little bit different uh with regards to my channel coming up with a TV show, TV show, live stream and they gifted me two months free. I mean I pay for it anyway, but they gifted me like two months: free um, not months. I don't know what I was going to say then basically got two months for free for stream yards. So I saved some money um. So I can bring you some. Some new bits and with that saving, what I'm going to do is a giveaway so with the giveaway I'm gon na be picking um from the comments underneath the video. So once once this is and who shares it, and all that sort of thing but I'll be picking some winners, uh monthly each month and I'll be giving away like a joyco product or a tool, or something like that that I, with the money that I save From from like spending it on stream yard or another thing, if I can speak to the companies, I work with and say: look: can I have a product a gift to one of you guys watching? I would love to that's what I want to bring to you once a month, so competition as well as well so with the sort of uh. Here we go with the trends, all the hacks and the this there'll be a competition section as well. So I don't know if it'll be a question I don't know if it'd be something like that, but that's what I want to bring to you so yeah. Thank you so much for watching, I hope you've enjoyed it. Let me know in the comments: if you have and uh I'll see you next week for the show, timing will be a little bit weird because I'm going to be in Hungary I'm going to be. I don't know what time I'm going to be on stage but uh. I think it's six till seven I'll be on stage or seven till eight. I did have it on here. Actually I'll be able to tell you.

S: Love from Pensacola Florida ‍♀️‍♀️❣️

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