"The Best Haircut I'Ve Had" (Long Top Shorter Sides Haircut)

  • Posted on 04 December, 2022
  • Hot Topic
  • By Anonymous

Lewis came to the Regal Gentleman Studio for a haircut. He wanted a longer top with short back & sides haircut. He had previously had a side parting but Dan wanted to get rid of it and give a more natural balanced haircut. The "best haircut" he had "hands down".












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Hi guys welcome to the new Regal gentleman Studios. Today, we've got Lewis in the chair. How are you mate, I'm good? How are you I'm all right man? I can't complain. So what are we doing? What'S the plan? Oh I've got a picture. Okay. What I'm thinking um? So there is a bit of a wave, so I like the length on top yeah. Well, you can take a bit off the top okay um, but it's really just the size in the back at the moment. Okay, okay! So it's a tough one. I wouldn't actually to be honest with you. I wouldn't recommend the partner for you. No, no only because your Fringe goes to the right and you Crown from the left, so you basically it almost crosses over like this okay, so it won't. It won't pass here so if I, if I, if I come from your crown, if I do a partner, is how it's meant to sit right, if I pass it this way, this way it starts to push itself back and, like you said it starts to drop When I was trying for it this way it's difficult to style this way, yeah yeah, so I have to go this way. You have to go that way. The only problem is, is that your Crown's here? So it's it's quite far over so to this side here. So if your crown was on this side, not a problem, because it's here you're always going to have a problem of it being big in certain parts um, that's probably why you've struggled a little bit, but it's also quite big, is because you've you've got a lot Of disconnection in there as well, that's why, as you can see, if you look just just straight on, you can sort of see, there's lots of like this side's a lot longer than that side, yeah um! So if you're going for a natural part, you don't cause a partnering problem. Is that haircut you're, showing me is a part of haircut, so it has to be cut in to get the same. Otherwise, you unlock at the same effect, I mean the only thing. The only thing thing on like dead 7 - I just I quite like the length on top okay, that's fine yeah! I like, like the you, can see it's it's a bit wavy and there is some wave at the top yeah um. So I'll keep that and then okay, okay yeah sure. Well, I want to take into account what you said about the the bulkiness and the kind of like yeah kind of yeah. I think the best thing to do is if we were to cut the backing sides down I'll, probably just do palm to Palm, because I do my fingers because in that way we can create a really nice shape and then our freehand taper it because I think You'Ll get a better finish than trying to just guess a guard. You know yeah um, so I think if we just take it down, so you see a noticeable difference on The Sideburns in the neck. But so it's not you know it's. I don't want to make it look like a like a skin fade or like that. Obviously, and that way what it allows me to do is leave the top and then just connect in the top that we need to into the size in the back. So then, that way, you're left with the majority of them you've got the top, I'm quite happy with the top. As it is it's just something else, everything else I Falls in yeah, yeah, okay, cool. I think that's the best thing to do. It'S been working through our working through my fingers. Get a nice shoulder length, get the shape on there that we need and then just taper everything else in through the backing size and then just connect it in yeah all right, all right, cool man. Well, let's get you started, then what I'm gon na do I'm gon na start with a horseshoe um section again explain why, but for anyone who skips through I'll uh I'll, do it I'm just separating the sides in the back basically - and I just want to kind Of cut the shape in for Lewis, because Lewis's idea is his end goal he's always wants to grow it. It'S what he said to me off camera, as we were, as we were just setting up um was he's always wanted to grow. It like my last client left and he had quite long hair because we could actually cut that quite like that was a lot yours and what he came in with, and you I think you said something like along the lines of I'd love to get there. But I can never I give up at a certain point right or something like that: yeah um. So again, maybe maybe you're given up because the style you know, maybe maybe it hasn't, maybe the way you you've been, I kind of wanting to wear it. Maybe you haven't been advised, otherwise, you know. Maybe you've been advised to to like what I said to you about the park and keep wearing it the same way. Would you have to wear it differently? Yeah, definitely yeah. So I've seen videos where you don't take much hair off at all, but the Styles it still looks a lot different, yeah yeah. It still looks different, but you've hardly taking any hair off. Definitely definitely again, it's it's about shape. It'S about putting that kind of air. We'Ve we've just kind of I think we just named it as like maintenance, trims or something like that or shape like reshaping or um just restructuring the hairstyle stuff. A lot of it is that it's just trying to like balance a haircut out, basically yeah um. I thought we need to do a lot of is just to kind of make it make it work for that person. It'S just to balance it out um now on the sides here, I'm trying to smoke around a bit. So what I need to do, I want to try and blend this into what we've kind of already got underneath bring the sounds a little bit and take away that length, as you can see, I'm angling it further out at the top I'm bringing it closer in On the sides now I'm I'm not I'm taking a fair amount off, because I think you need to. I really think Lewis needs it, but again, based on what we've just checked on his face shape with the cone. He also needs to keep the length at the top, but we've got the top length as well so instantly that's going to start setting better. We don't want to take that too high up, because that's when it'll start to grow out like that, we want to do more of a taper towards the very bottom, all right, so I'm working into shorter hair there. The width of the section is roughly about my my finger width is what I'm working towards now, because obviously we're working on a lot shorter here. Sections need to be closer together if we're to remove length seamlessly, as you can see, we're taking the length off and creating the shape. So you've got a mixture of styles over the years. Then there was, if you have the other, a go-to yeah. I'Ve had a go-to, really, okay, short back inside yeah and then kind of probably half an inch on top. Oh wow, okay, yeah yeah, quite sure then yeah yeah. And at what point did you notice? The wave was coming in um, probably three three months: three three months: oh okay, yeah, yes, okay! You know you could just put a bit of sea salt spray in it and that's but the but the the wax I'm using is really just for the side. Really. It'S kind of right: okay, just to keep the sides back, was it yeah, yeah right? Okay? Well, how about, if I said to you, I've got a product that I could put in your hair once we've dried it that would give you or bring out your texture. Would help you style, the waves really easily would keep everything sitting. Looking like really nice and tidy, and it's a matte finish. Would you would you be up for trying that all right cool well, I think I'm going to use that only at the end, because it is a powder yeah yeah well done. How did you know that I have seen um a few times in that yeah? I use them a lot. If I'm honest mate, I use them off. I think I've used them. I think that's probably the most used. I think this these these these uh last few days, I think, that's probably the most one of the most used products have you. I think I have used, I think it's hard when you're it's hard, changing your viewpoint on the product that you need to use. Yeah I mean it's, it's uh. The problem is a lot of the styles are quite similar as well. You know so I know it works. The problem with the powder is when you know it works for every Style. Oh, you know it works really. Well, it's it's like. I know this is going to look good. There'S no point in me trying to trying to use a different one. I know this is going to work. You know what I mean it's more like I want. I want it to be a realistic um finish for the clients as well. So I want you to be able to style your hair effortlessly yeah without having to use like three or four different products to create the looking thing about. What do you think of using a sea soft, very first and then using a wax kind of like blow drying blow drying the hair with the sea salt spray inside and then just using? I don't use a lot of work, just probably like a pea-sized amount. Yeah um just to kind of get that style. What do I think of it? I think it's um yeah. I think it's great. To be honest. We I've always used beige products. So a base product is is like a salt spray. It'S like a pre-styler. You know it's um, I call it base because it sets the shape and it sets everything in there then um. It can also be obviously used just as a styling product as well. You know um, but what I've always used. A salt spray is a base and then apply the product on afterwards. So um a bit like when I do the haircut now, I'm putting in the primary shape, which is what we've got now and I'm going to add. Maybe a bit of texture in this. In a little bit as well and that'll, be like the second Debbie shake, so that's that's the shape that way you kind of show off with the product as well. So the shape is the thing you see straight away and then the secondary shape is what comes out with product or what comes out when you move it about. When you apply heat right, I always find that sort of it's a very similar thing to when you use salt spray in the standard product. So if you use a base product like a salt spray, that's to help you dry, the primary shape the styling product is to bring out the secondary shape. That'S the way, I kind of see it a lot in a lot of styles, obviously not in like patterns and slicked, haircuts and stuff, like that, obviously that that tends to be the primary shape as well with the styling brother. But what I mean is is that it gives you a chance to um kind of showcase, the hair in a little slightly different way when you use a powder or something a bit like a styling product as well. So you've got your base, which is obviously good to have, but then you've got your styling product, which is the thing that creates the full finish so yeah. I think I think what you're doing is good. I think you know if I can, if I can try and get you onto using a powder, I think you'd find it. I think you'd find your hair would would sit really nicely um foreign. Now I'm going to use my clippers and I'm additional freehand finishing off. Now so, let's take the nape down first and we're gon na work. A lot tighter through here keep a bit a lengthy tape of the side. Bends. Okay, so I'm using my size, five cone, I'm using clippers foreign is because this goes down to number two. So as long as we don't have any or any shorter than number two we're not going to make it up and make it look too aggressive, but also to allow me to kind of you know. If I need to go a bit shorter, I can just open it onto a 0.5, so leave it down and just taper the bottom up, because all right - and they should be just not taper it, but not as tight towards the ear so not as not answered Two, because we want to show off the tapered neck and the tapered side, there make sure you get that just a little bit some length in there. I'M gon na line this side out. First, I'm going to work from this side over to the side. I think it's nice to kind of just see what the tape is doing and if I can get away with going a bit tighter as well, so do the one side first, this is kind of like my guide for The Other Side, so I'm just siding up And strengthening up the Sideburn, like so clean up around the ears and then I'm going to go over that side. Then a little bit more. Maybe I'm going to use my size, one comb just to go a bit tighter, just because of the type of texture The Sideburns are quite clearly. I think we just go a tiny, tiny touch shorter, the very bottom which is a little cleaner and we just fine tune the taper down the bottom and we'll do the same either side. Now foreign. Once we've done the other side, I'm going to fine-tune everything else, but I really like the way I'd sit and I think, let's create a nice shape on the side. It'S really working into the face shape as well. So you can start at the back flip overcome. I'M just getting closer and closer and closer down to the neck, half lever and then just up and off as we get to the nape. So our end goal of us, where we're looking to go with the hair, then um, probably kind of for the next end. Probably um about to kind of go to there, so I think when it's when it does get that long, they kind of I like putting the um that kind of curls upwards. Okay, yeah yeah yeah yeah Bob's, getting there is quite tough, but if I can get a cup that um means into it yeah yeah. So what like a sort of collar length is that what you're thinking yeah by the collar like a medium medium length, Yeah medium length, yeah, nice yeah, that's good! So same again, now on the sideband, I'm gon na shape it off, strengthen up the temple and then just taper in that side there. So it goes nice and tidy and you really start to see that shape coming through as well all right. So back inside the gun for now primary shapes cut in and all we need to do now is try and maintain as much of that length on top, while still giving you a sort of shape and a style. If I pick that up you'll see how short that left hand side, is there right there's a lot there's, probably about maybe an inch that's longer on the top of there? So I think let's connect the sides in first and let's see what we're left with. On top yeah all right and then that way I'll show you how to kind of create the look that you're trying to achieve all right. Combing it all back. I'M gon na start on the right hand, side and work this horizontally into the length we just cut. It to underneath I found a little bit there's my back underneath, that's all working too, so it looks like a lot of lens coming off on the top, but this isn't actually really the top. Yet this is just the corner and the round of the head. So we don't really need all of that length. That'S like that undercut from Familia, that's a kind of like this connection that was that was kind of in the hair from earlier. We don't hear it's not doing any favors, so I think when we're trying to grow something out, we don't need anything like this. We just need a nice bit of uniform to see through the whole haircut, especially for the top I found out now, pull it down to the previously cut section upon it straight out, we're going down and down and down all that. Allow us to do is maintain the length, hopefully through the middle foreign off as we get into the center, take one more section just before the center of the head last section now at the top just off center to the left. So we wait just off since the right before and I'll pass the center now. Nothing should really come off now, if I'm honest I'll, be a tiniest little bit like an awful lot of length coming through this side here. Clearly, this is a little bit uh disconnected as well, but not so fear because we're getting it back to where we need to go, and I just think on the other side as well you've when we get to the top the actual top of the head. Nothing comes off, so we're not touching here, which is the main thing, because that's where we need to get the length then bits just kind of stick out and he has to yeah he's using. I think you said you were using your product just for the sides. Right, you know so yeah pretty much yeah exactly so. If we can try and eradicate that - or at least at least give it some sort of shape, then that's going to work really well for them. So same thing as you can see as well. I'M cutting The Fringe into to also graduate into the sides in the back as well, I'm not leaving The Fringe longer or disconnected because it doesn't need it again. This is a haircut that is it's basically like a balance and haircut. We took the sides in the back down: we've created a nice shape, we'll cut the top in so now. Lewis can grow this out as well or just allowing The Fringe to fall into the size as well. If we were to disconnect that again, any form of disconnection like that that is completely there's, not a single connection, there's not a single bit of connection at all, because there is a slight if you lift the string, if you lift the hair up here, it's disconnected To that section, at the top, where it's connected to the one lower down so even though it might look disconnected at times, it still is connected at some point. If we were to leave The Fringe completely disconnected so, there's no connection. Point whatsoever you'd have the same problem as if the back and sides weren't connected either, because you'd have strands of hair that don't fit in anywhere and if he's grown it out, they grow out they'd be longer than everywhere else. They wouldn't know where to live with. For them to sit, you get one one or two things that starts to annoy you about your hair. I think if you know you said loads of you've been trying to grow it a lot and you haven't managed it yet anything that if I can try and that's the thing, but if it's one thing you can deal with that yeah that's another thing and then Another thing exactly exactly that's exactly what I was going to say, so you know I'm glad that we're on the same page, I understand where Lewis is trying to trying to go and somehow what Lucky's trying to achieve you know, and so I want to make sure. That'S just easy for him to do. That'S the that's. The main thing really you see not much is coming off. As you see, The Fringe was quite long, so we'll bring in there away cutting that starts to fall really nicely now. Foreign section is just past the center. I'Ve got to feel nothing's going to come off here, just a fringe, perfect. Now, it's way through the back and at the back end follow this round chopping it down. You can put something at the top of the head: should come off, hoping nothing comes off if it does it'll be the tiniest amount there. You go fill this off. Let'S just see what we've got to remove for this office. Do we need to take anything off that tiniest little bit and that one's everything else, so let me put it nice and straight not especially for the ends. I use a little bit of point cut in a second just to break up the thickness. I could quite a lot of the crown there as well come on again going with that crown. No, what I'm gon na do is I'm gon na dry this off and then I'm gon na just point cut into just the corners here. I just wan na say that thickness, because the difference between the texture of your hair on the sides of the back is quite different to the top. You don't want to finish up the sides. Do you seem everything get very heavy, very heavy yeah, definitely yeah. Definitely so I'm going to point go into that really thin it out. I'M not going to touch this off. I want the way I used to do its own thing. Sometimes you don't need to thin it out or texturize the top. It will just do it. It will literally just therefore how it wants to so what I'll do is I'm gon na put a little bit of soft spray on there? We go, I'm just going to just fingers like this okay Speed, high heat, I'm gon na work with us. This sort of natural fall I'll show you exactly what your hair wants to fall. Okay, this is just where your hair wants to part. Naturally, okay foreign, how achievable a luck is because I think when you use a brush that instantly puts people off because not everyone wears it. Not everyone can use a brush um and they don't want to use a brush. It could take a while. I know I know some Stars you've got to. I get that, but this um, I think when you can finger dry, your hairstyles they'll look absolutely spot on. Then it's it's actually realistically achievable for you to do as well. You know what I mean, so that's why I always tend to do like that's why I always tend to haircuts like or try and cut it into this, the primary shape. So that's it's the shapes in there. All you got ta do is emphasize it a bit with a bit of heat, for example, Now work on this side, first, one second, so I'm gon na do I'm gon na cut into this corner here and just break it up. So, on the point of where we care today, I'm going to point got into that. This is the soften, the line I'm going to pull it out and just Point close to the fingers to thin up the corner, because we haven't closed it into your part, and I still want to work across the top. It'S in these bits out as well just fallen in that way because we're a natural Partners forum. So you were, you were close mate. You were close there's a little bit. I think you might have had to cut a little bit too low, but your natural part is a little bit higher than where you thought it was only a little bit, though here we go now. The other side come on here, just at the line create that up a little bit foreign primary shape secondary shape is all in there. Now. What I'm going to do is I'd like you to put your glasses on for me, and I want to show you what it looks like without anything in it apart from salt spray. Okay, so that's the top length left. Okay, if I throw it down a little bit off just to make it work, there's where the pattern wants to sit. Okay, just there very loose, it's not part of the toys that I've been cut into, one, that's just where it wants to part and there's the wave on the count, and there is the shape also added nicely for you. So that's got that's just a salt spray. Let'S exercise and salt spray a bit of heat, that's it now I'll, put some powder and show you how to do it all right. What you do is as you've dried your hair, you just sprinkle it through there like that, okay and then just okay, and then you can just start. However, you like that's, why I think it looks really nice, nice and smart nice and tidy, which is still with a little bit of texture going on there. That'S all for you mate, but it's perfect, yeah, happy it just it. Just kind of it looks right. Yeah yeah, I don't have to explain it just yeah the waves there yeah, that's exactly it made it's all. It'S all cut into what I think works for your face, shape and whatnot and obviously the texture of it now there's where it's tapered down as well. Let'S save it into probably about, I don't know, maybe it is probably a two or a one-half, but that's Blended down there as well. So again, it's just a nice tidy finish around the sides of the bar, but then you still see you've got that shape and texture sitting through the sides as well yeah. The shapes made all the difference hasn't it. It really is, but by the way, even though the the wave connections to the sides as well, it isn't just like a harsh finish. You know I mean it's got like you know, we haven't like cut it right out or anything like that, because it's a balance. That'S why I think doing a free hand was better than putting a guard on yeah personally, okay yeah, but thanks now. Oh thank you. So much, that's very kind! You haven't been paid to say that right thanks Mom! Thank you, foreign

Vamsi Gonipati: Perfect haircut.. done with high precision and mastery... Haircut is highly symmetrical.. Respect to you Sir.. from INDIA

Amanda S: As a new barber, Dan makes cutting hair seem so simple and doable. Thank you!!!

katherine6218: I just wanted to say I tried the horseshoe sectioning,and keeping a square shape in mind and also tapering the natural hairline in close today after watching some of these videos and it was really great, thank you

WaveyCuts🤙🏾: Absolutely a work of art right here!!!im definitely trying a full shear cut tomorrow in the shopyour super motivating with your processes throughout your cuts and through your consultations…great great work fam!!!

Slikhaar TV - Mens hair: This video shows what a great haircut can do! Such a great job, smooth video, thanks for the experience!

сны маски: It's very nice to watch you create great haircuts! Thank you for your creativity , it charges me !

Emerson Caronan: One of the best haircuts ive seen on youtube. The shape at the end was perfect for his face shape

Solomon Raad: Im booking my first ever haircut with Dan in 3 months time once I get some length in it

Alan Block: Great haircut as usual, however this guy has beautiful thick brown blond wavy hair. Now that its cut so nicely he can grow it long again and after washing no blow dryer, naturally dry

Gill Nethell: Lovely cut

Mikey: I’ve seen hundreds maybe thousands of cut videos on YouTube…this is one of the best I’ve seen. This was a guy clearly new or unfamiliar To long hair going to an EXPERT with a great list of ideas/requirements, but not married to anything and…imagine this…TRUSTED the expert he went to …and this man CRUSHED it/exceeded expectations. This whole video was flawless. Couldn’t have given that man a better cut for his hair or request. Absolute master of your craft, sir.

Cami Smith: What size 5 comb are you using? I’m a barber in nc and I want to start clipper over comb cutting and tapering like you. I just don’t know what comb to trust

bret renaud: what are your thoughts on the gamma x-ergo??? been looking into them recently

James: Hey Dan can you link what type of shears you use?

crazymusicman13: Have you posted haircuts that were disconnected between the top and the sides and yet blended in the back?

RYN: 16:54 Thats kinda why I stopped going to barbers. They'd buzz my head but leave my bangs and use like half a can of pomade to hold it back

Shane Keena: Reads very Pete Campbell from Mad Men, but in a good way. Just took the bulk out of the corners and ultimately reinforced it.

azwar fuad: your clipper over comb is great..., please show the way clearly

Stefano Bailey: Hello, I have clicked on the link to see what bookings are available for Dan, and all it says is "There are no professionals for selected shop". Are you able to help?

Rilex: Excellent work.

Devil: Always ❤️ Love from indiaa

lukaskoenigsfeld: Nice Video! A Little video idea : „These are the Tools I use and why“

100%: Re-connecting the undercut is sooo satisfying

Patrick Chalmers: Looks great Dan. What would be the simplest way of asking for this at my own barber? One side of my hair is longer than the other due to the way I style it right now but I’d want to make it more uniform

jason arday: Dan… honestly you are so gifted, such a great great job!

Pablo Picasso: Nice work! Could you do a video about gents haircare/shampooing?

Gonzalo Collao: I have his same hair texture, the same waves, but my hair is black. I’d love to try that haircut for myself. Great job as usual!

Akshat: This is the kind of haircut i currently have now, but seeing it done through the hands of Dan, man it's just amazing!!!!

Steve-in-Cornwall: The model has amazing hair. I envy him. Lovely new hair style. Well done Dan

Neil Vaughan: Thank you. Now I know how to connect the sides and to do that FIRST before cutting the top

Blayne: another client with great natural hair! excellent cute. Suited him perfectly and gives me 'preppy' vibes.

Horace Ray: Another great haircut by Dan. So glad there was no fading.

sanam roxx: Good barber

Harshad Rokade: How much for a haircut

Patricia Powell: Good morning Dan. Really enjoy your videos. Happy Weekend.

Patricia Powell: Really like this hair cut.

MikeD Media: Great video!!!

Faster: What brand of shirt does Dan wear?

terratec1001: 12:20 - Hmmm... it looks like there's a tooth missing on those trimmers.

Amira m: Hello...can you give the name of the powder please?

BT2020: dan posting this during the world cup.....what a savage!

Zvezdelin Dimitrov: Golden scissor work!

Robert Mayer: Díky!


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