How We Grew Her Hair 12 Inches

  • Posted on 18 March, 2023
  • Hot Topic
  • By Anonymous


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Before I opened my salon, my co-founder Leslie had really short hair. She had been trying to grow it out for years, but every time she got a trim, it was right back to the same length. No, it did not go back to the same length. It was shorter today, I'm happy to tell you that her hair is obnoxiously long. It takes forever to do but she's totally fine with that, because guess who does her hair for her yeah um him? Actually he does it for me anyway. Growing, your hair out is actually really easy. I'M going to show you the exact same products and routines that we use to grow her hair out so that you can get the exact same results. How to get growth. When we first started, Leslie's Hair was about shoulder length and no matter what she did, no matter what she tried. It would never grow longer than that. Before I started doing her, hair Leslie went to her old stylist and said: hey, I'm really trying to grow. My hair out, how do I make it longer? What do I need to do her? Stylist said? Oh, that's easy! That'S! No problem at all! Here'S! What we're gon na do! You'Re gon na come in every six weeks for a trim. That way, we stimulate growth and keep your ends healthy. So Leslie, like a good client, she came in every six weeks for a trim. My hair did not grow longer, it actually got shorter and I don't know if you guys know this, but I'm naturally curly. So if you cut somebody's hair from shoulder length to here when it's curly, it's actually dear like right here - and I just want to pause here - because people love to repeat this advice over and over and over. You may have even heard it from your stylist. But it's absolute garbage. It'S not true at all. This is the advice that Regina from Mean Girls would give to her enemy to destroy her hair. It'S the opposite of what you want to do, not cool stay away from that advice, let's get you up to date. Number one trimming your hair does not make your hair healthy. All it does is hide the evidence that your hair is not healthy. It'S kind of like the same strategy you used as a kid when your parents told you to clean your room, but really you just shoved everything under your bed, so they couldn't see it yeah. She still do so sure on the outside. It may seem like you've fixed everything for a minute, but really you haven't addressed the problem at all, and your new ends are just gon na split again really soon anyway. So you get stuck in this trap of constantly trimming your hair, doing what they're telling you to do thinking you should be making progress but you're not making progress, so you give up so bringing this back around to Leslie. One of the first things that we did was adjust her trim schedule and this freaks a lot of people out so fair warning. We had her wait a whole six months between trams and six months sounds like a really long time, but really in hair years. It'S not that long at all like if I had to think of my last haircut, it was probably like eight months ago easily, I'm due for one. I know I am now you're probably used to seeing your stylist every 8 to 16 weeks and you get your hair cut every single time, because that's what you do when you go to see your stylist, they cut your hair. It doesn't occur to a lot of people that they're allowed to tell their stylist like hey, I'm trying to grow my hair out. I only want to get my color done today. Don'T worry about trimming it at all. Your stylist may try to convince you to cut it anyway, but just ignore that, because you have to remember, stylists are like the Cookie Monster except round hair. They want to cut their hair, they want to color. They want to do all these things with hair. That'S why they're a stylist? You can't expect your stylist to be able to control their urges any more than you can trust the Cookie Monster to control his urges around cookies. It'S totally fine! You just need to set healthy boundaries and say I don't want to cut today. That'S it anyway. Leslie stopped getting trims all the time and moved to every six months, and that was the first thing that made her hair grow out. But there's a lot more to it than that. She also needed to take steps to make her hair grow faster, and this is where a lot of people get tripped up, because there's so many products out there that make so many different promises. And how do you know which ones work and which don't I'll be honest? This is really really tricky and you can waste a ton of money and time on this. So you need to understand that there's actually two types of hair growth, the first type, is what we're talking about in this video and that type of hair growth is how to grow your hair longer, but there's another type of hair growth, which is like for aging Men and they have a bald spot and they want to grow hair there. Those are two very different things. If you're trying to grow longer hair, you already know that the last thing you would ever want to do is go by Rogaine for balding man. It'S not the type of hair growth we're talking about. It turns out that a lot of the hair growth products that are marketed towards women to get longer hair are actually the Rogaine kind and you're wasting a ton of money. There'S a thousand examples of this, but one of the biggest ones, especially on social media. It is rosemary oil, you'll, hear people say rosemary oil has a study proving that it grows hair and yes, there actually is a paper on Rosemary about this. But if you read the paper, it does not say that Rosemary grows hair. What it actually says is you can't tell a difference between Rogaine and rosemary. You can't tell the difference. That'S all it says, so, really all these hair growth products that claim to do all this stuff, don't actually claim to give you longer hair they're, claiming the other type of hair growth. Ignore them do not waste your money. Let'S focus on what actually works. I have some really good news for you and that news is, unless you have a serious medical condition, your hair is already growing really fast and Leslie's Hair was growing really quickly too, even when she was struggling to grow it out. She just didn't know how to harness the growth to turn it into length. I don't like how you're talking about me, sir laughs. Now I totally get it if you don't believe that you're probably like Chris. What do you know? I know my own hair like it's? Not growing, it's been here all this time, so let me prove it to you. You may not be able to tell in these pictures, but Leslie's Hair was dark brown and she got it dyed black, like super black, so every time she went into her stylist, she would have to get her Roots touched up now, by definition, if her roots are Growing out, it means that her hair is growing even if she's not getting any length if her Roots grow out, and you can see where she needs to get the color touched up. Her hair has grown yeah. I mean that makes sense like so yeah when you color your hair, you can see the grow out and when you see the grow out, you know it's it's grown. It'S it's literally called grow out. I point this out to clients all the time when they say that their hair isn't growing. I point to their Roots where they have like two inches of growth, where the colors grown out. I say to them. Look, it's grown out like this much that's a ton of growth, since you got your color done like that's awesome. They'Re like that is awesome, yeah but like. Why isn't my hair longer the length of your hair will always be limited by how healthy it is really healthy, hair will grow really long, really, unhealthy hair will stay really short and you won't be able to grow it out. The reason unhealthy hair won't get longer is because the ends split break apart and basically turn to dust and when they turn to dust, your hair gets shorter, you're losing length. You may not see it on your counter, but it's just gone. Your hair will not get longer because it's actually working its way up instead of working its way down. On the other hand, if you have healthy hair with nice, strong ends you're not losing any length, so it just the hair grows out and it keeps getting longer and longer and longer, knowing that the next thing we did with Leslie was eliminate the damaging mistakes that We'Re keeping her hair unhealthy and short most of Leslie's damage came from heat styling, but I don't want you to think that heat styling is bad for your hair, because if you do it correctly, you can have healthier hair with heat styling than by air drying. You probably know that the longer you go between washes the healthier your hair is going to be, but what most people don't know is the heat styled hair actually stays clean longer than air dried hair? Washing your hair really frequently is one of the most traumatizing things you can possibly do to your hair. Imagine your favorite pair of jeans and washing them three times a week for a year, they'd be absolutely falling apart and guess what it's the exact same thing with your hair. On the other hand, you can safely use heat with heat protection like blow drying your hair. When you get out of the shower, so it's soft, shiny and Sleek stays clean. Much longer. Personally, I would vote heat styling every single time because it looks better. Your hair actually gets healthier and you don't have to spend as much time on your hair because you're not stuck washing all the time. Leslie, on the other hand, chose neither of these strategies. She chose to heat style all the time I did. I thought I looked great back then, especially when we used to do like the front section kink in my hair flat iron. It slept wrong flat iron. It went outside the humidity flat ironed, it had an event and it was still pin straight, but wanted it to look even pin straighter. I would flat iron it. You may be laughing, but I see you out there and I know that you're touching your hair up with heat all the time way too often so quickly, two rules for safely heat, styling number one. You must give your hair at least three days rest before you use heat on it again, and the second rule is that you have to use heat protection every time you put heat on your hair, please, for the love of everything good in this world. World use heat protection. If you want, I have an entire video on it right up here, but those are the basics, if you have those you're ready for the next step, alright. So this was the part where we made Leslie's Hair super super healthy and by the way, this isn't just for hair growth, healthier hair just looks better the color pops, it's shinier, it's easier to style. Everything about your hair life gets better and easier. I don't want to get all corny here, but honestly you only have one life. You shouldn't be leaving your house in the morning like, oh, I hope nobody looks in my hair, like you should leave the house happy about the way you look and what you're going to do that day. The strategy goes like this. We know that, no matter what we cannot have unhealthy ads, unhealthy and split break apart turn to dust which costs you length. We cannot have that the key to having healthy ends is actually to have healthy meds, because if you think about it, when you trim your hair, your mids become your ends and this kind of repeats, because guess what the best way to have healthy mids is the Best way to have healthy mids is to have healthy Roots, so basically we need to get everything healthy. That way, your roots grow out to Be Healthy, Moods, your Healthy Moods grow out to be healthy ends, and your Healthy ends do not split, which gives you length. It'S awesome so the way we do this is super easy. It takes absolutely no hair skill at all. All you need is three products and I'm pretty sure that you already have one of them. This is what I call my Trinity routine. It is my pride and joy, I absolutely love it. The results are amazing. Let me walk you through it, real quick, so we have three major parts of your hair. We have your roots, we have your mids and we have your abs we're going to use one product to keep each of those healthy. So three parts of your hair, three products super easy. The first product is for your roots. Your roots are super easy because it's new hair they haven't been damaged, haven't been around that long. All we have to do is keep them healthy and that's really easy. All we're going to use is shampoo and conditioner. Keep your scalp healthy, easy! That'S all. There is to it so having taken care of that we're now moving on to your mids. How are we going to keep your meds healthy? You'Ve probably realized that in the shop hour, when you put your conditioner on your hair, it feels really really hydrated like it feels amazing. But when you get out of the shower like 12 to 24 hours later, your hair feels really dry again. There'S a really really good reason for this, and that reason is that your hair wants to dry out. It doesn't want to hold all that moisture from your conditioner. Naturally, you may not have thought about it like this, but modern conditioner is absolutely amazing and how much moisture it puts into your hair. The problem is your hair. Genetics are like 190, 000 years old according to Google, so we're using this amazing, modern conditioner, but our hair, we're still rocking the old model and the old model is not able to handle all that moisture. It'S really leaky, meaning all the amazing hydration from your conditioner is leaking right out of your hair drying it out, making it brittle and prone to damage. I have really good news though, and that's the modern technology has also given us a way to completely lock all that moisture in there. So our hair is super healthy, so after you've shampooed and condition your hair, you get out of the shower. You towel dry, your hair, the very first thing you're going to do before all the moisture leaks out is use leave-in conditioner, while your hair is still damp. This is a super light product. It'S going to put a barrier around your hair to keep all the moisture in there, so none of it leaks out. You just want to make sure that you only use this on damp hair and then make sure to brush it through your hair. It actually acts as a detangler, so it makes everything easier in your normal hair, routine. All right! So that's two out of three: we took care of the roots we took care of the mids. This next third step is going to make a huge difference in the health of your ends. Alright, so even if your ends are really really bad right now, this will still make a big difference right away. So what you're gon na do after the leave-in conditioner is style, your hair. So if you're going to blow dry it blow dry if you're gon na do Iron Work, do all that or if you're gon na air dry you're just gon na go straight into this! Next step right now, you're going to take some hair oil and you're going to put it in the Palm. If you're your hand, if you're new you're only going to take a tiny amount, because it's really easy to use too much, you do not want your hair to feel greasy and oily. Really. This should just add some Polish and shine. That'S all you're! Looking for you're going to take a few drops in your palm rub it together like this and then you're going to go over your ends ends and do not go up top here. Do not go on your mids. Put it only on your ends, when you do that, you should see your ends getting shiny, you should see them getting polished and looking better literally like right in front of your eyes, if you're not seeing that add a little bit more oil, it's always safer to Go slowly a little bit of a time until you get that look and then once you get that look, you should have only a tiny bit left on your hands and then and only then, when you have a small amount left, then you can go over your Mids run it over your mids run it over a little bit on top, but there should only be a tiny amount left just to kind of bring your look together. You may need to apply a little bit more oil on day, two three or however long you go. That'S totally normal. If your ends look dry, put a little bit more oil on there until they get nice and shiny, you may be wondering which products you need to use. If you want to figure that out, you can check out my recommended product list. It has a hair type quiz and walks you through everything. I really recommend you check it out and figure out your hair type before you buy anything alright guys. Thank you so much for hanging out. I really appreciate it have a good one.

J & Paul Johnson: My hair has improved by 300% since following your advice AND my hair has grown!! Yay!! Also, I used to take out a handful of hair fro my hairbrush every time. Now, I just get a few hairs come away. A night vs day difference! Love, love, love this channel! ❤

SmartAleck: When I told my mom I was taking hair advice from a bald guy she was pretty skeptical, but everything you say makes sense and I’ve been seeing major changes in my hairs’ health since following your advice tysm!! <3

Holistic Art & Sounds: ‘Trimming hair…’ I knew it! I felt like that advice that was bogus for years! Thank you for being the first honest hair professional I’ve heard! :)

Mariella S: I stopped my sister from trimming my hair thanks to Chris advice! She’s like you need a trim, your hair is finally growing‍♀️ I have been doing my healthy hair routine and applying no heat since December! Total game changer. ❤️

Cynthia Geiger: FINALLY another stylist who advocates less trimming if you're growing your hair out! I sometimes feel so alone in my advice.

Bria Cappelli: This is amazing because it's so hard to find actual good hair advice. I have always been self conscious of how frizzy and dry my hair has looked, but because of your videos, my hair is so much healthier! I am actually convinced that my hair looks good now!!! Thank you!

Susan Ekisian: This is what happened to me just like Leslie described. My hairdresser told me to trim my hair every 6 weeks, which I did. And my hair got shorter as one of my friends commented that my hair was shorter than last time we saw each other. I had seen her 6+ weeks prior. I trim my hair once a year now.

Camille Angelique: Your channel has been a game changer for me, i started watching you in Dec/Jan and the way I have already seen so much improvement is crazy!! you are so amazing, i love how you explain everything and are so respectful to other hair care methods

kiwichick567: I've been following your Trinity routine for 6 months now and my hair looks its best ever and it's actually fun to do! My hair bounces around between chin- and shoulder-length because that suits me best - I'd love for you to do a styling (blowout and curling) tutorial for shorter hair.

Christina Kristelova: Leslie has beautiful hair and it's inspiring to see her progress. Chris says growing your hair out is really easy... sounds too good to be true! Although, I've seen some good results since starting his trinity routine in January and I believe it's the best advice I have found for taking care of my hair, I still haven't seen very much length retention and my hair still feels thin. I've been stuck at the same above shoulder length for years and I am doing everything to follow this new healthy hair journey and hoping for growth. I'm also curious how long it took for Leslie to grow her hair out. I'm also confused as to why I can't keep a style. I have natural unrelaxed hair and on wash day I usually blow dry and flat iron but my hair tends to stiffen up and has no flow to it after I sleep on it. I've tried many different methods for preserving the style at night but nothing works. So those are my hair battles!

Lucinda Samira: You gave me back hope when it comes to my hair (journey). And I enjoy taking care of my hair again. I bought all the products you recommend for fine hair and a curling iron I can adjust the heat of. Olaplex 3 weekly. You honestly deserve a Nobel price with the amount of women you’ve helped

Becky Garrett: Love my hairdresser but this is exactly what she recommends LOL. I told her I want to grow it out and she wanted me coming in every 4 to 6 weeks, plus I have natural curl. I was going to stretch it out to 8 weeks but now I'll take your advice and wait longer!

♍️ 👑 Queen: Love these routines Chris! ❤ I was wondering if we could do a wavy/ curly hair routine with diffuser blowout? I’m new to this routine myself. I was using your blowout brush routine for the longest time (still do when I have plans/ go on vacation) but have been trying to “embrace” my waves more. I’ve noticed since following you, I’ve seen a nice increase in moisture & also realized my hair needs WAY more than I originally thought! Im fighting frizz & trying to “retrain” my wave pattern atm. I have a bunch of your videos saved & my closet is full of products you recommended much love & thank you again!

Eileen Kennard: As a licensed beautician for 45+ yrs, I just fell in ❤️w/you! My hair has always been long. It will always be long. I only cut it 1X yearly. I rarely use heat on it. I only use good product, properly! It’s so awesome to finally hear the voice of reason & common sense! Love you‍♀️

Sarah M.: I love your videos. Because of your advice I've seen an improvement in my hair over the past couple months. I've gotten an inch of growth.. in my ends! And I haven't seen that much growth in my ends since I was pregnant.. 17 years ago. Thank you so much

Anna Henry: I used to “grow” my hair with trims every 6-8 wks and yep it didn’t “grow”. Until I skipped the trims and miraculously lol my hair was getting longer. Love your advice I am learning so much!!

Tasting Party: I have super fine and thin hair. I use all your recommended products and it’s getting really healthy. I’ve asked my niece (she’s a stylist) to not put in layers because as I grow out my hair, the ends look really stringy. As it grown out and we keep 6mo trims, I’m excited for my future hair!

Tara P: I started trying to grow my hair out this fall. Mom insisted I still needed to get trims, but when we went to our stylist, she asked me if she could check it, ran a comb through the ends, and said she was fine with the plan since they were healthy. She’s also been great, picking up the products you recommend at the shop she goes to where she can get her discount and only charging me what she pays. HUGE help, as she can get a large bottle of the Redkin shampoo and conditioner (which she said good call on that) for less than I paid on the smaller bottles from Ulta.

KTS711: I see my stylist 3 times a year. I get full highlights and a trim every time. My hair has grown from above my shoulders to halfway down my back (I’m tall with a very long torso, so that’s a lot of growth) in 2 1/2 years.

Shapeeps: I really appreciate you not trying to sell us anything. Just a straight to the point routine with basic products. I have friends with thick healthy hair who do just this, thanks for your honesty!

Laura McDaniel: Just starting my "healthy hair routine" after stumbling across your channel and watching a few dozen of your vids in the past week. Can't wait to see if I get some length in the next few months. Thanks for the great info, that actually makes a lot of sense!

RosanaBB: Your channel is the best thing that ever happened to my hair. Can’t thank you enough ❤

Oana Drg: Your advice is just the best possible! It simplified my rutine and helped my hair look great and grow nicely! I have short hair so I would love to have a video from you in this subject. I apply almost everything you sau, aside from oiling hair because I find it hard not to touch the roots. Thank you again❤

Lauren H: Lesley’s short hair was what most people nowadays would call long As someone who’s been growing out a pixie cut mine is only now just at her “short” length… still such a long LONG way to go

Red Mama: Chris you are awesome. Real advice that we needed to hear. I too got off the bandwagon of regular trims every few months. Progress is so slow that way if you want to grow your hair. Like you said, good products and healthy routine is all you need in order for hair to grow naturally beautiful and faster.

tinyspongebob: I've been following your tips to let my hair grow and it has been amazing! I have never seen my hair grow so fast, it has been an amazing experience

Amanda Webster: I had so much damage before your advice. It’s been about two weeks, and I see a massive difference. Leslie, you are gorge. ❤❤❤❤

Aleshia Dickson: I've been following a similar routine for over a year now, and it does make a big difference! Have stopped colouring it and only using a little heat for the last 6 months. My hair is very fine & I find I can't use much heat on it as it gets damaged easily. Just a warm blow dry/style when it's 80% dry, if i feel it needs it. My hair is down to my ribs and the healthiest & longest its ever been. I'm in my mid 30's

BS: I have straight long hair and I used to wash it every alternate day but now after following your advice I am able to go 3 days between washes. My hair is becoming healthy and I aim to grow my hair longer with your advice. I am learning a lot from your videos and I'm sharing it since your advice works.

Vcaser: I have noticed less hair shedding since starting this routine, as well! I am not sure how, but since others are commenting the same thing it must be a thing. I’ll take it! ❤

Teresa: Love your videos! I'm 53 with my hair grown out to the middle of my shoulder blades. And, with this advice it will be down to my butt and healthy as ever in no time! It really is about the shine, bounce & strength.... AND I'M NOT TALKING ABOUT MY HAIR!!!

Welten Bummlerin: FINALLY a hair dresser is saying it! All the others told me to cut my hair every 6 - 8 weeks. Every time I was begging them to only cut the ends a bit less than it growed. So my idea was that it growed out like 2 cm in 2 months so that they could cut 1 cm and slowly my hair should grow- but it never worked out. Hair dressers are NOT ABLE to cut 1 cm. I can understand that they want to cut all the damaged hair to leave it all healthy. However, my hair was growing at the roots (easy to see with meanwhile gray hair ) but it stayed at the same length. I bought the Kerastase Volume injection shampoo and conditioner, the leave in conditioner and the Olaplex oil. I had my last hair cut in October and will cut it again next week. We’ll see if this new routine will change something. I even use Olaplex no. 3 sometimes as you suggested ( 10-20 minutes) before washing but I don’t see any difference if I do so. A big thank you for your videos from Rome!

Elizabeth H: Man, you are so passionate about hair! Yes, it is something we wear every day! I am passionate about hair too. Using your technique transformed my hair, and my 12 year old daughter’s hair. Thank you.

Annika : Love this no nonsense approach to getting healthy long hair, I’ve been doing everything he suggests for awhile now and my hair looks healthier and longer than most 20 something’s and I’m 51! I also do 2 scoops everyday of vital proteins collagen powder in my coffee, this has helped my hair grow faster. So wash your hair no more than 2x a week, use heat for styling only on wash days (if needed) apply hair oil exactly as he states and then leave your hair alone. This will work, just give it a little time.

Joanna: I think your advice is really good - it's very logical, practical and bullshit-free for which I thank you so much. I can see that my hair routine was essentially good apart from the frequency of washes. As I am suffering from PCOS, my scalp (and not not only) gets oily really quickly. I guess it's because I have testosterone sensitivity. I switched from the drugstore shampoos and daily washing to the Redken shampoo you recommend and washing it every second day. It's been a 100% improvement to me (for which I am super grateful) but as you can see, I still don't make it to your standard (wash once every third day the shortest)... It makes me feel sad and very frustrated... I know it's a vicious circle - because I wash my hair so often, they are more fragile. They are super fine by nature which means that they get broken extremely fast. And it's since I remember so I have to trim them every 6-12 weeks to mask the breakage as you said in the video. I so wish I didn't have to because hair is my weak point and the source of complexes since I was little. But it seems that nothing is going to help me :( now I feel I've tried it all your advice included (I follow your advice religiously). Probably because of PCOS, I will always have to wash then every second day the latest and will always have to trim every 6-12 weeks and end up with short hair... I'm sorry for this rant, I just really feel heartbroken now and needed to vent about my situation. Anyway, I truthfully thank you for the good work you're doing, you managed to help millions of people I appreciate your honesty and great experience

Loretta D'Angelo: Thank you for this video! I really appreciate your advice, it’s always to the point. I have also been stuck for the past 5 years trying to grow out my hair. Every 12 weeks I would go get it cleaned up. I’d say please don’t cut too much because I’m trying to grow it. Every time I left it would be back to the length or shorter than the cut 12 weeks before! Always too short layers that won’t sit right. So frustrating! So last year I waited 7 months the longest I ever went. It was so long! So I go in for a trim and ask her to please just want to clean it up as I want to grow it out more. Would you believe it is now chin length, back to where I was 5 years ago. She not only took it upon herself to “take off dead hair from past 7 months” she made holes on each corner so it looked like a mullet and I had to bring the length up for it to look even. I have very thick wavy hair and too short layers don’t sit right, but everyone gives me too short blocky layers.

Haydee M. Padin: Love your advices Chris!! My hair is looking so much better since I've followed your advice. Especially that the way I was washing my hair was wrong. Since I used your advice my hair is great. Thanks!!

ada Haydee Liriano: As a hairstylist myself, when I client asked me they wanted to grow their hair I never asked them to came back in 6 weeks that’s crazy! I always tell them to come back 4 to 6 months and as long as they have a good regimen at home, they will be fine. ( my co workers think I am crazy but I don’t care) I am trying ti grow my hair myself and my friend aka stylist cut what’s has grown twice, I’ll see see her over the summer if it happens again, I will have to move on to someone else ‍♀️ thank you for educating us ❤️

Миля Нуралина: hi, i love your videos and already watched so many of them <З i would love to see you react to kayli boyle's "HOW TO DO THE PERFECT 90'S BLOWOUT LIKE A PRO" video cuz she is a really popular hair (&beauty) influencer that seems quite educated on the topic. thanks for your videos again :)

Gritty Lil Fremont: Hey Chris, I love your videos and product advice, but I’m kinda new to washing my hair less frequently, and my hair is very healthy, but it’s so flat by day 3, that I can’t wait to wash it again just to perk it up again. Also, I went through a can of pulp riot dry shampoo so quickly, and that stuff is more expensive than shampoo! Help!

♍️ 👑 Queen: I can say, I grew my hair for over 6 months & when I went in for a root touch up, my (now old) stylist cut off an inch + claiming it needed to come off. I am now growing my hair back out. Next time, I refuse the scissors! I’m also only going to a curly specialist from now on for the same reason. They really thinned out my ends trying to “layer” it which damaged my curls

Alieninthewindow: Thank you for the hair advise especially as I have thyroid problem so my hair takes much longer to grow and I loose lots of hair when combing or washing it, so I'm going to take your advise and follow it through I'm excited to grow out my hair longer especially as I read the comments from others here how incredible ✨️

MChelle Huff: Not sure where to leave questions, but here it is. . I’ve just recently started watching your videos (their great, btw!), AND just started going back to the gym. How do you “refresh” your style after sweating at the gym without rewashing it every time? Thank you in advance! ❤

Ash Laraque: This video is very informative. Especially the part about grow out. I never understood why my hair wasn’t getting long especially since I was able to grow out my hair dye six months later. Really bothered me.

flyingdiscofrog: Thank you soooo much for your videos. I am 46 with straight, fine hair. Never had a stylist give me appropriate information to keep my hair healthy. My hair is slowly but surely getting length and looking fabulous. It is now at my shoulders. I’m no longer “afraid” to use heat and I can now easily go 4 days without washing. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!

Katharina: My hair, too, has been so much better behaved these last fees months ever since I started following your channel. The shampoo and conditioner, the leave-in and the heat protection, it’s all going great… UNTIL we come to hair oil. Unpopular opinion I guess but I really HATE hair oil. I have this very fine hair, and not exactly a lot of it (deep sigh) and the minute I use one drop of hair oil the sleek blowout becomes a mess, the tresses separate and look stupid AF. And believe me, I do follow Chris‘s advice on how to use it. Baseline: I use hair oil (Olaplex) on my Friday wash day so it only messes with my style over the weekend. On Mondays I’ll skip it so I have a sleek style for the days in the office. Other than the hair oil drama I’m beyond happy to have found this channel! Happy weekend and lots of love from me and my gross non-style ❤

Deva Dasi: Absolutely brilliant! Since I started to use leave in conditioner my hair has vertically improved, I love this channel! Greetings from Italy!

Valerija Lazić: I started watching your videos about a month ago and followed your routine with just 3 products and my hair feel so much lighter and nicer! I also just love listening to you explain things!!! :D I have one request tho. Can you do a video about the curly girl method or just curly hair in general and how and when to use gel in your hair? I have curly hair and to maintain it and keep it frizz-free I have to use gel. That's why I would love if you could make a guide to how to use it. Thank you so much!! Love your videos. <3

Caroline Rabjohn: Thank you Chris. I follow your advice to the letter! As someone who would wash my hair everyday I now go three days between washing. I invested in the Redken range as you recommended and guess what… it works. I also use the trinity method. It works. Thank you.!!! X

Natural Woman: I’m a 4b and I’ve learned so much from you. Thank you ☺️

MoonLightOnWater: Chris, thank you so much for your advice. I am seeing my hair transform over the past for five months I’ve been listening to your videos.

murasaki9: I started putting end oil on my hair in 1986 and had also gotten a leave in conditioner by mistake when I lived in Japan. I loved both so I continued with them. When I got back to the US, I've used end oil ever since. I washed my hair every single day but it was always very shiny and not very dry. The length at that time was just below my chin as I whacked off my permed ends and went with a straight style. My hair grew down to my butt at one point. However, my hair is extremely fine and now at 60, much thinner than the thin it already was. It's really fine now. I am not washing it daily like I used to. About once a week or even two if I am not going out but once a week. My issue now is that the ends always did get wispy and look bad if I let my hair down so every other year, I'd take off a few inches. The last time I had my hair cut or colored was over 2.5 years ago. I cut around 8 inches off then. I'm still using end oil so I've never had splits. Super rare. But I do get some breakage obviously. I started using a leave in cream conditioner just from my mids down last year. I only blow dry my hair, no flat irons. I only use a curling iron on the top roots to create some semblance of lift, then spray it. However, in the last two years I haven't really been using my iron. I just blow dry, braid it and that's it. I want to try to stop the breakage. My hair is in a braid 24/7 but it's not tight on the roots. I pull it out to loosen that. But I need to keep it up, and a braid is the only thing I know how to do. I'm thinking that I should start using a night time head cover for my hair. I'm also looking into end protective hair buns. If I can learn one, that might be all I need. I'd like to have more body/thickness at the ends if possible. I'm not going to cut it to my shoulders and start over though. Once this cream leave in conditioner by Schwarzkopf is finished, I'm buying the spray on you suggested. Hopefully I can stop the breakage and get more strands to stay long so my ends are fuller. I'm hoping to go to the salon in April for a color and then cut those ends a bit but I want to get it to be lying on the end of my back but have nice ends.

Diane Thiesen: My hair and my sister’s hair have both improved so much since we’ve followed your advice. My hair is dark blonde with highlights but I’d like to stop colouring and would love to know which toner or ? to use in the gray that will start coming in. Thanks.

Barb Matias: Great advice as always. I can see the grow out! Chris and Leslie are hysterical!

Lucy Lanegrita: Chris, Great video as always! Could you do a video on graying hair and how to care for it and blend it to shorten the dying sessions? Assuming one is not ready to go gray all the way Thank you!

g0TdAmNiT: What would be your tips for guys and girls that workout like 5 or 6 times a week to keep the hair from getting too dry from washing it so often? Love the content

Horsefaire: This is the only advice that has ever worked!!!! I am using heat and my ❤bleach and with Chris’s advice I am growing out my hair!!!!

Serena Garces: I get complements on my hair for the first time in 30 years. I actually have beautiful hair now because of your advice. THANK YOU

it'sMidTrib: I've used rosemary oil in my scalp 2x a week for a year and it has given me very thick hair (like THICC) it's down to mid back now and in my 28 years of life it has never been this long no matter how badly I tried. It always plateoud at shoulder length. Rosemary made a big difference but diet also played a big role. And also following this guy's advice. You MUST keep your hair hydrated if you want to RETAIN length.

Queen Bee: I'm surprised you don't mention sleeping with your hair in a bun or bonnet so that you're not trashing it by rolling all over it all night and breaking it off. I started sleeping with my hair in a loose high bun a number of months ago and now my hair that would never get any longer than shoulder blade is now elbow length. I've now started your Trinity program in the past month and my hair is feeling softer and healthier than ever so I'm having high hopes that I can get it waist length now. Also an added bonus is sleeping with my hair in a high bun gives my hair amazing body the next day

Judy Niles: My hair has grown lots using the trinity method. I'm three inches from bra strap (top of band) length. I'm very happy. BTW, how long did it take for Lesley to grow her hair 12 inches?

H Schwartz: Your amazing and entertaining! Thanks for sharing. This made more sense to me than any of the other advice I have heard on hair health in some time. My hair thanks you friend. I am on my road to hair recovery. ❤

Oana Drg: Also, i turned from wahing my hair every other day maximum to 4-5 days, which was something absolutely impossible before! Thank you!

Celia: I personally use the mielle Rosemary oil and I have seen a huge difference in the thickness of my roots and I had a bald spot on my hairline and I am literally 17 and a women so I am not an old man lol and the bald spot is gone after about 3 or 4 months of use it really works for that but for fast hair growth my hair has always grown pretty fast so idk about that

Julia Pearson: I couldn't grow my hair past my shoulders until Covid lockdowns! I spent pretty much a year in lockdown (I lived in the most lockdown city in the world!) and surprise, surprise my hair grew!

Loretta D'Angelo: I honestly am afraid to get a haircut or color now. The reason it was cut so short into a bob 5 years ago is because I had perfect cut, butterfly cut, I asked for lowlights with subtle honey highlights (my hair is medium brown) and instead got bleached ice ash blonde, full head, opposite of what I asked for. All my hair broke off after that. It has been a long few years and I will take your advice and go much longer. Just have to be careful when I do go for a trim.

Jacqueline Patrick: The trinity plan works. I am so glad I found Chris's channel. The advice that I have gotten from many stylists has ruined my hair. First bleaching highlights destroying my hair, then suggested extensions for more volume. My hair was not getting longer but shorter. You can only imagine the damage to my hair and how much I was paying to destroy it. The lockdowns from the virus - made me realize that I did not need to ruin my hair anymore. I started just leaving it alone only adding toner to take away the harsh color line I had. Since I started photographing my progress my hair is just slightly past my shoulders. When I started my hair was just below my ears. I started in 2020 so it has taken awhile for it to heal.

armalame: Thank you❤ you’ve changed my dry bleached hair for the better

Stefania: Do you have any tips for managing bangs? Thanks to your advice I finally manage to wash my hair every three days, but for my bangs I still end up washing and styling them everyday. A video on that would be helpful. Thank you!

Mabel: I found your channel a few weeks ago, binged it, and started taking your advice & my hair is FINALLY starting to recover from the years of bleaching I did in HS. I cant wait to see what difference the professional products make when they arrive !!❤

Theresa Shay: I love Saturday mornings because I know that you're gonna have a new video out, sorta like my adult equivalent to Saturday morning cartoons

Nessa Marina: I went from having a boycut to butt length in a couple of years just by doing nothing at all, I may go to trim the ends of my hair once a year but that’s it, anyways I destroyed it recently by damaging it with heat but thanks to the Blowout professor tips I have just repaired almost every piece of a full year of damage in a couple of weeks

Tammey Slone: Love this guy . Great advice. Easy to understand and everything is step by step

Rebecca Egan: I followed his advice, started using his recommended products, and now my hair is so long to the point that friends thought I had gotten hair extensions!

Kruemel Tante: Heeeey :) The lazy German girl here! :D First of all i wanna say thank you for all the good advice you give with every new Video. And I'm glad that you keep saying not to cut your hair that often. Gives me the feeling that I'm not JUST lazy because I just don't go to a hairdresser as long as I don't think I really have to, to get some shape back. 34 Years and still afraid of going there because of "PLEASE just the tips of the ends" and ending up with loosing almost 4 inches. I started with your advices approximately 1 Month ago and I AM STOKED! Who would have thought that it takes me 34 Years to learn how to wash Hair, eh? Also, I'm not the luckiest one and guess what: Washing Day (up to 6 days now and even 7 if i reeeeeally stretch it due to time) and it takes me HOURS to get it done with my two left Hands in blow-drying. I go outside, glowing inside and out, and then: Rain! Now we are back to square 1, and I see my hair going back to nothing.... frizzy, curled up and just yeah... you know where this leads to. What am I supposed to do? Just take it as it is and stick to swearing all over the place, or can I somehow fix it to make it look good again? My old me would go and just straighten it again, but we all learned, that this is a big nono. And btw: I'm not starting to build a whole "if the rain beginns to fall" routine with having umbrellas in every bag or wearing shower caps on the street. So if a routine like such is the only way: I pass and stick to swearing, but IF there is a Way: Please Help xD

Milena Kareski: Since I’ve listened to you my hair has been repaired and looking good! Thank You❤❤❤

M Lane: How much should you have trimmed every six months? Great videos! I am so glad I found this channel.

Marni Dillon: I started following your trinity and product recs several months ago and have seen such a difference. My hair looks awesome.

Amanda Stewart: I get my hair cut 2 / 3 times a year! The last time I had it cut was Aug 2022. And now my appointment is this Month in March. - 7 months ago ❤love your advice

Sam Murray: I am thanking the algorithm gods for recommending your videos. It’s saved me money because I’m not buy a bunch of unnecessary products and my hair just keeps looking better and better. ❤

just me I am: Yay for Leslie ❤ Oh yeah a hairstylist once told me i need a trim every 8 weeks so that my hair would get some oxygen to this day i still don't know what it means

Victoria: Hi Chris! Love your channel and I follow the trinity routine. Unfortunately I have experienced tons of hair loss due to Hashimotos. Any advice for those of us dealing with autoimmune hair loss?

Debra Causey: Thank you for such a great hair growth video. I will start this routine with my next hair wash ❤

Danielle Cline: A friend of mine had her hair colored at a salon and for over a year now, she hasn’t been able to grow her hair longer than shoulder length due to the ends breaking off. The stylist fried her hair. Would this routine help her too or does she need to add something or do something different? She’s blond with fine hair and in her mid-40’s. Thanks!!

Summaiya Robi: I followed your instructions I have fine hair I binge watched your vids last night AND OMG just washing it the way you said I got amazing results!!! You should name your channel hair magician♥️

Danette Mannion: Yup. I worked at a salon and the owners told this lie, I actually disputed it and I’m not a licensed beautician. Because I don’t get me hair cut but twice a year cause I can’t afford it, I can get length quick. I also only wash my hair once a week so I save on hair products. I oil my hair daily, also and don’t use bleach but maybe once a year. Your videos have taught me so much.

Super Tink: Hi! Can we please do a Q&A video on a personal level? I’m so curious about who you are, your story with hair, how you built the salon, what you like besides hair, etc!

Lainey Kearns: I have been following your advice for about 3 months now and I'm getting comments from friends about how great my hair looks. However, I'm struggling with the 3 day between washes rule as I'm a woman of a certain age () and suffering with night sweats so my hair is just sweaty and horrible. Anything to help with this??

Kari L: Please do a video about the actual ingredients we should/shouldn't be using on our hair! ❤❤❤

Karen Smith: Love your channel! My hair has improved since following your recommendations and I’m saving money on products.

yosmery jimenez: I love your videos, they are so helpful..looking forward to following your instructions so my hair can grow nice and healthy. Thanks so much, you are the best. God bless you❤️

Chantelle Wilson: I keep sending my friends to your channel. You give the most simple and effective advice.

Maria Vigliotti: Another amazing video! Thank you! Please make videos about coloring gray hair. Nothing seems to cover stubborn grays for more than a week or two.

Katrina Kee: Every time I get my hair cut I tell the stylist to only cut about one inch of hair. It always seems like they cut about four or five inches though! They cut my hair when it is wet and it draws up and my hair is always sooo much shorter than what I want! So frustrating LOL! And my hair never seemed to look any better afterward, even though I thought I had all of the split ends cut off. This makes so much sense to me. Thank you so much!!! I am using Opalex products and, while I have the hair oil, was a bit afraid on how to use it without making my hair into one greasy mess. Now I know how to apply it!!! Thank you so much for the wonderful advice! I wish my hairdresser would give me good advice like this instead of trying to just "upsell" me on expensive salon products that are useless at home!

Lacey Moore: My hair has gone from super thick to very fine around my face. What are a few lightweight curl definition products that I could try that will add serious volume frizz control? I was so unhappy with my hair and your recommendations have given me a lot of joy. Thank you!

gill williams: Hi Chris - Im currently having difficulty with grey hair - My hair is currently highlighted but I have greys coming through -, which I think looks awful. I bought the Redken color extend shampoo and have only used it once but I find this make they grey hairs worse. I last had my hair highlighted January, but I now feel my hair is blonder for 3/4 of my hair and grey at the top --- any advice appreciated, if I lived in the US I would come and see you but Im in the uk:( thanks Chris

Minerva G: I‘m always so excited to watch your videos!! you‘re my favorite hair expert and the only one I trust

Melody Hilburn: You have really changed my hair for the better. It's growing

gccbytmfrd: I hope so much someone will see my comment. Since a few years, I noticed that many of the hair on the top of my head (where men get hair loss, mostly the crown) started to look different than the rest, like a total other type. I originally have dark brown curly hair, naturally quite dry but soft and shiny if I take care of it. But the weird ones are pure black, irregular and rough (like different thicknesses you easily feel between your fingers) and they pull out and break easily. They basically almost look like long beard hair. After I wash them, they don't dry in beautiful curls like the rest of my hair but in coarse waves. It's really like the hair of someone else, a total different texture. I think I started to notice them when I was around 15-17 year old maybe, and now I'm 25 and I feel like there are more and more of them. I try to moisturise my scalp the most I can to make them grow "full of life" because I thought that maybe the problem was just due to the fact they grow through dry irregular tubes but I don't know if it works. I never straighten or bleach my hair, I sleep on silk pillow and I stoped hair ties. I specify that I'm mixed race (half black half white). I read lots of similar testimonies on internet forums, but NO ONE has found an explanation. People asked to hairdressers and dermatologists : no real explanation. Some people say that it can be due to natural hormonal changes after puberty and that your hair type changes when you get older, but why not everybody is affected then ? None of my friends have that, even if they are older than me, straighten their hair every day at very high temperatures, tie their hair, don't moisturise it, don't have silk pillowcases etc... If someone knows what's behind that mystery, please help, thank you!! And sorry for imperfect english

Kathryn Midkiff: I got rid of my beloved dyson and switched to the revlon. I haven’t had to use a straightener on my curly hair since. I am growing out and trimming super bleached hair, but I can’t wait to start growing out my natural curly hair with these tips.

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