Aissa'S Next Haircut... The Bi-Level Cut

Aissa's Perm has been growing in for over a month now so time for the next one on the list on her journey to short hair, this time the Bi-Level Cut

00:00 Intro

04:10 Haircut

26:04 Finishing Touches

And we've done this one. That would be the next one, but i think do you want to go there there? I don't know i will go there. You want to go there, yeah! Well, we'll do this one first, you want to go over there, yeah! Okay! Let'S do that one then that one today yeah okay, cool and then just the haircut and then leave it for a bit yeah, i'm still undecided, honestly, okay, let's work through the decisions um this one first and see where we go yeah. Let'S do okay, we'll do this one yeah and then uh everyone do a color today, then sorry, we won't do a color today when we do the next one we'll do color with it. Oh cool nice, so we're working our way down the list nice. When we do the next one we're going to do a silicone cap, that's going to come, but for today no we're going to do that. Yeah! It'S called a bi-level cut, okay, yeah! So we're doing a bi-level cut cool and do you like your retro wear today? You want to change it to a retro. Wear, i'm not very rich, or should i upload? Let'S look at this just just a small selection right yeah. This is small today, just wan na come over see what inspires. I see big shoulders. Yes, oh god that makes it the best one so wondering like oh makes it the best one. No! No! No! It'S not! I'M i'm just there's too much choice. That is my favorite. Oh that's too much choice. Yeah! That'S cool! Yeah! That'S that's the most remember. I love shoulder pads, oh yeah um. I mean these. These are. These are big shoulder pads yeah. That one is the buttons are all falling apart and stuff. It doesn't matter, you know sure yeah it doesn't matter. That'S the one that grabs you yeah, that's and i don't even think you have to change it because it's just an upper one, yeah, that's true yeah. We just throw it over top. That makes it easy and it is missing a button. But who cares that? That'S fine yeah. We we work. Oh, you got a mostly underneath it. Ah maybe you have to change yeah, that's good enough! Yeah yeah one missing button, but it goes now. We can see also how your perm is dropped um, since we've done it and your hair type it's going to be prone to drop, but yep we can see what's going on with it, because you're you're, the kind of hair like if you had a ball or Formal or prom and your hair was long, and then we tried to do it like a nice like curls and stuff, like that they dropped by the time you got to the prom yeah. So a perm on you like the fact that a perm is held up. This well on you for so long. Is that it's it's good, it's a good thing, yeah cool! So let's do a bi-level cut today, yeah when we did it. I didn't really ex like i was just like. Oh, it will just last how long it will last because i know my hair yeah yeah. Let'S tell them to tell her. I'M really happy with that. Yeah me too, ending up to this haircut today, you're still going to see permanent yeah nice come on over come on over anyway. We'Ll do this off camera you're, going to be the no shampoo root anyway, when you shave your head, you won't need it. That'S true! Yeah i'll be i've all i'll do for that. Yeah, nice and i'm gon na set that picture up. I love how you can see the shoulders like through the cake yeah we got built up shoulder pads and, like the like truth says just you know yeah. You look like wow yeah. Well, you look like you're from the 80s. You know shoulder pads, getting your hair done. Wow. I like these by level cuts. It was recommended to us by one of our viewers, and i credited him and um - we've been having fun with him. So thank you. The second on the channel together right, yeah, that's cool yeah. I'M very excited for like how it's like how it's gon na look. I'M like very interested, because now that you're not really imagine yeah now that your sperm you've got that texture anyway, yeah the other girl who got her by level cut her name's diana loves it, but she's had it for over a month now, oh yeah, and after A month like she's got a second video with it. We um and i said - and i did a little questions with it. So you've been going around with this haircut for a month and it's a very dated haircut yeah if you're very she's like no. I don't just loves it: that's really cool yeah and then i said that's the point of this channel. Is we take something from then yeah and make it now and make it valid today, yeah yeah? She loves it. So that's really cool yeah yeah, like all of the haircuts that we chose, i'm like very you're, an excited stuff yeah. I do want to freehand this a little bit cool, so fun. So short, the start of my hair becoming very short yep, at least in some places, yeah, but you've been shocked before when i gave you your first haircut. It was yeah long, but i gave you a bunch of long haircuts and yeah. You came in to chop. It all up yeah, but that was way back when i wasn't doing well, it wasn't on social. It wasn't on anything yeah. That was true because you came as a customer yeah. I did you just had enough of your hair and that one that first haircut, we did use clipper sliding back yeah. We did super short and a little bit longer on top it was, it was gone, it was super long and it got really thick and lots of hair yeah. So you would have felt like you lost 20 pounds, because germans do not kill talk. We do do keyless, i don't know um, you lost seven kilos, i don't know yeah the old uk and uh some old school kiwi, they say stone. I felt like i lost two stone, i'm like what's a stone honestly, all of the different like measurements. I i know kg in centimeters and for the rest, i'm thankful for google yeah. That'S true. Like i never heard, i never heard the term. I'Ve lost two stones until i moved to new zealand. We don't say that no north, who cares they're just a couple stones right like what from your garden like there's a garden center over there like do you want to? Did you want to go, buy some more stones or just go down the harbor front? There'S a whole bunch of stones over like why are you worried about losing a stone or two stones or three? I didn't. I don't know what they were talking about. They'Re talking about weight. I'Ve never heard that terminology before i i hadn't told him. I came to new zealand either, but i really thought it was like an american thing: nope, that's really nope, that's wild! Now, canada we're like a hybrid metric and uh. You know the us system, people yeah, because we are officially metric, but they are our neighbors right and that influence us that doesn't work on things like in school. I was, we were entirely metric in school. However, many jobs that worked were feeding inches because our customers were american. Oh, when seventy percent of your customer base that you went united states, yeah you're, going to do to their compliance right. That makes sense, yeah and even things like um. I worked on you know years ago on the landing gear for the boeing 737, which you think would be metric, but no boeing is still not a metric company huh. You can look it up. Boeing is still there interesting yeah, but a lot of american companies are metric now yeah um, but boeing is not yeah. Some of the suppliers may be metric, but their final assembly is not metric yeah, but the us military fights they call them freedom units right. Okay, they defeat ninja's freedom units, the u.s military fights to defend freedom units in the metric system. Best example enemy, three clicks away. Anyone who plays those blue skates, three quick, three kilometers away enemy. Three clicks away: the us army uses the metric system, so they fight for their freedom units with the metric system. Yep, that's right, yep, so interesting, eh yeah. So the u.s, although officially, is not metric. They operate in metric in in many ways in many many ways: yeah yeah, yeah yeah. I think the first one like when i heard you that was the first time that i was like exposed to like lots of different like measurements and stuff, because i've really been exposed to like american things either. But i think a lot of people here use like both feet and um and centimeters. Yes, because the old schools, um yeah, i remember their feet and stuff like that. Yeah exactly yeah and same with cooking like i'm like preheat, oven, 420 degrees, fahrenheit, then they'll say well, preheat the oven to 300. You know celsius, so i'm like i'm more comfortable with the fahrenheit terminology than the celsius terminology. Oh that's the opposite! You watch us cooking shows and that's where you're gon na yeah that's true yeah yeah. I still can't really wrap my head around like fahrenheit and then also like centimeters and inches. I always have to like look everything up yeah now, there's a few people that have been watching your videos and following you and they're keen on this, this, the progress that we're doing yeah and one of them were like there was a few of them that were Really looking forward to when you go to this one now i did order the cap for that one. Oh, so we're going to cut your hair shorter and we're going to do this. Okay and we're going to make it like, like blonde, highlights: oh cool, so people watching yes and they said silicone cap silicone cap. So after this look, your next look shorter and you're. Getting this, this is going to go on your head. All right! That'S going to be your next one, so if you've been watching and they've been giving their input and that's uh the outcome of that cool, so that's the direction you're going next and then the one after that one is going to be uh flat tongue, yeah and Then, after that, one is just going to be no more hair, no more hair yeah, because this is the the direction, will be fine, enjoying every phase yeah and taking the time to go home and enjoy i've never had like color, or anything like that. In my hair, so that would be really interesting: they're rather firm, yeah, perm, then colored with a cap and throwing bleach on there yeah look my hair's already like a little bit like damaged what what's some what yeah, but your hair's gon na take a lot of Damage, though yeah and it's all coming off anyway, yeah, that's i mean, i think your flat top is gon na, be real cool when you're right there all right yeah what i might do for your flat top, i might buy a drone, a drone, a drone like You know those little like toy drones: oh yeah, let's see if they can land a helicopter, we'll call that video the hand that you can then helicopter on me, but i'm trying to land a helicopter on it. So that's coming! That'S when we get to this phase right there, the flat top we're going to try to land a helicopter on it, not a life-sized one. Oh no! No! It'S going to be like a little yeah we're going to go to the toy store, we'll try to land on top of your head. Oh my god. I'Ve got that video, the haircut you can make a helicopter on yeah yeah. That'S so important, never thought that that would be something that i would do, but no no, but that's what the whole thing is like. I'Ve never seen that before. I'M like yup, welcome to retro haircuts, nothing more interesting um, but i think it was like. Oh give him a haircut. You can run a helicopter one more like give the old flat top there. So did you gon na drive in germany or in new zealand yeah um? I i technically learned um how to drive in germany, so i was like driving school there and got my license and everything yeah after a couple times um and then i came here and it didn't really drive for like like seven years right um. Do you have to restart it all yeah? Basically, my flight, my flatmate taught me how to drive and especially how to drive on new zealand birds. I know how to host that now, like um. The way that i learned how to heal star in germany was just like this hill. That was like this yeah, because that was like the highest hill that we could find. Yeah, yeah and, and here the hells are like actual hills. So yeah, oh, you know. New zealand. Poles are a lot bigger, so it was a situation of like driving in germany. Then moving here and driving here in the adjustments, yeah yeah and i just didn't drive for so long and i was like very nervous and kind of was just the start of driving yeah anyway, so it like took a little bit. We did some um like test driving and now now i actually actually can't drive by myself. No, i wouldn't say good job you're, a good driver. It'S in your genetics, you're german - well, i hope so now imagine taking a driver's test in germany would be harder than most countries the standards. I would imagine yeah people leave comments. We didn't do it there. You go youtube yeah, yeah um. I i mean i got my full license over there. What did you i did? I just didn't drive here, yeah um yeah, so i like was able to convert my license and stuff. I think most countries at this point are all pretty much standards. Yeah one embrace. The bar and then they all just raise their bar, i mean like in germany. You don't really have that much experience before you get your full license, whereas here you like the graduation yeah yeah, i think australia came up with that first and that's how canada does it not too like it's, that's typical. I think i'll show you the first and then like canada, new zealand does it and the usa varies state to state. Every state has their own dmv department motor vehicles and they all have the different set of rules, because it's a country with 50 different states, different states, so some of is driving uh massachusetts would be someone learning to drive in alabama, okay, yeah, some common commonality with Some differences, yeah yeah on one hand i kind of do like the like the system of like going slowly through everything, and then you know having the different stages, but on the other hand, i'm glad i didn't have to take more than once, because i hate them. I did my um blind one in canada. When i was a teenager back, then it wasn't as strict right as a teenager. But what happened was when toronto and moved to nova scotia back to toronto, and then i let my license go because i wasn't driving in nova scotia, but then i did renew it yeah and then what happened was when i was about to move new zealand. It was up for renewal, yeah and the fee was 100, maybe whatever it was yeah and my way my brain worked was oh, i don't need to do that. I'M moving to new zealand i'll, just get it there right. So this has been known, as so many things when you're moving a new country you're like oh, i just get in new zealand, so you moved to new zealand yeah and there was a little bit of time gap, and so i take my license into new zealand And it's like: oh, i want to get just transferred to new zealand. They said. Oh yeah, no problem, but your license is expired. Where you can only trans transfer a valid license anyway, oh really um, but we can transfer one. That'S still valid from the past six months. Your mind was just past the sixth month. Oh no, can you do it? They said no problem, you just go get a renewed in canada, but you have to be in canada to renew it and they say well. What do i have to do here? He says? Oh, you have to start from the beginning, oh wow. So, even though, like do i like what do i do, i thought you know what i'm in a new country. Let'S do a live adventure. Do it from the beginning, that's how you go in there. You do your multiple choice, test, yeah! I got one question wrong. That was the question was: how long is the rope when you have to tow another and, like i car know, i hit that one? I thought maybe longer like a bit of safety yeah. No, no! It was too long. It was. There was like a short this one, this one this one i went for this one. It was actually this one right. I thought. Oh i'd want a little bit longer. Just so that you know you have time to hit your brakes, so i picked that one. I didn't pick the really wrong one, but after one two three four legs, it was the second longest one just in case anyone was watching and doing the new zealand. So i got one wrong and then you got ta get your. Then you get your learners yeah, but i was driving. You have rules or something i wouldn't make this a long time ago, ten years anyway, um i was driving without the owl on my car, and i was driving everywhere. I didn't know when you were supposed to. I was pulled over by police, i'd, write, checks and went down. Let'S see your license and like oh, oh, i got to learn it. You don't have your outlets. Oh i'm just heading home anyway, he's dragged over he's like oh yeah. Let'S go home because kitty cops are different here yeah, you know, the cops would uh do that stuff um also older, like they give teenagers a hard time, but i'm an older guy. They need an accent they they. Let me go then i go for. Then you have to do your driver's test for your restrictions, yeah, yeah, and that guy was awesome because he gets in the car and we drive around and stuff like that, and he says: oh, your hairdresser. Is it oh yeah, this? Oh back, when i was in university, i used to cut everyone's hair in the dorm and then he says at the end, but you only made one mistake when you went through the roundabout, even though you're going straight, you saw the signal to leave the roundabout when You went this way about your signal when you went this way you signaled when you got through you didn't signal to accident, and i get that because i went pieces i went to germany and driving. There was the difficulty from canada you're a confident driver. Just that's the one mistake yeah. He wrote on the back side of the paper. It doesn't mean he marked it down on the test. He flipped it over and explained it to me. He said, but no you're good off. You go nice and then you go. Do your full one after that yeah and then the full one um uh yeah like it, was fine with that one too, but one of them. No, i think it was the full one one of the guys it was the full one. One of my kids was born and i put the car seat in the back and i didn't take it out. It means that the person, the passenger, couldn't sit all the way back. So i never crammed in like this hey did that fetch, because i'm like, i just want him to get back, get this over with quickly there's a different guy that time he's like. Can this go back any further like nope, he was like, oh make a left. Take the right: let's try that you're good! That was fun. You know i'm like in my 40s and i'm doing a driver's test like a teenager like going to the garden like i'm a teenager. Oh, it's the best that that's really funny, but what i didn't mind about. It was um you're, learning thoroughly driving in new zealand, yeah fresh yeah, and it gives you a different element. Now, there's all your things like uh people say well, people have countries should actually do it from the beginning. I'M like i did yeah. I did not like yeah yeah. I i think that's really good, because you like really learn like the conditions and stuff yeah. I mean um like when i did it with my flatmate. She like helped me a lot and like made sure that i knew all the things and like gave me the road code and was like read this and like explained all the things whenever we were driving like even when i wasn't driving, she would like tell me All like the rules, because it's very similar to germany but there's some things that are like slightly different yeah um and then i went and before i start driving by myself. I like went to a driving instructor to just make sure that i didn't have like any bad habits or that i wasn't like missing anything major, no yeah and like i, i think that was really good, that i did that yeah. I think this is your haircut. Yeah, i i really like it. Do you like it? That was good, i'm from the from the germans. No i'm liking it. Now. Here'S what i'm thinking, i'm not going to style it like that we're just we um. When we do these videos, we don't match the pictures entirely. We take it for inspiration, so you turn your head a little bit. That way, you can see fringe is the length and this one we cut it to there, but the top's a little bit longer because the curls we want that um. So what we're going to do is yeah we're not matching entirely because you're a perm here's, this perm version of that yeah um. Oh yeah, you look like 1984 yeah, i mean, but after it's dry i might um do a little more fishing expedition in that area. But i want to stay on this side right here, nice with the curls yeah. How fun is this? It'S really fun. I love how like big these shoulders are. Oh, i know it's so good. It'S amazing so good, now anyone's doing a lot of clothing, because there's a lot of retro stuff coming out these days yeah, they should just redo these things. You know like not like cheap, like h, m or whatever, like a big eye and stuff. They should just redo these awful outfits from back then, and then would you break another button? Yeah you're welcome exactly and let's check on it. That'S fine. It already feels like my head. Is a lot lighter yeah i like this. You can see the length in the back yeah um. I might do a little bit off the bulk in that area, but that's good. I want to leave that to see how much it shrinks and adjust the coating away. It'S very fun. Yeah yeah! You know it looks like 1983, germany and you have david hasselhoff, oh cool, but i think it was. It goes back to it's, not his bay watcher or his knight rider yeah. It'S his musical career was a failure in the united states yeah, but took off in germany. For some reason. I have no idea yeah, so it's linked to his music career because he does have a music career too yeah and um. So he did end up doing well over there and when you're there, you take what you can get, but also, i think it's part of his background anyway, like hasselhoff is a european name. Anyway. That'S true yeah, so i'm not knocking it. There'S uh there's plenty of youtube videos on it, but i will say, like i'm, not a fan of his music yeah, but he did one song recently where he sings um uh. What'S his name, what's our names to my mind now yeah now recently he did it song the passenger, uh, yeah and he's older. Now wait. He did a song with messenger. No, the icky pop has the song the passenger yeah, the passenger right yeah. I am the pastor and i ride in i write and um, so he does a cover of that like he just did it recently yeah. I actually think it's cool okay, like the original leaky pop song, is like it's iconic right, yeah, not nothing with venom of uh david hasselhoff, but i did watch it. I'M, like you know what not bad half, because it's getting older, it's more chiseled and the the you know the video and everything i'm like. You know i'm not going to say i hate it, i'm not going to say i like it, i'm just going to say cool yeah like let's do covers these days anyway, but that one i thought was um. You know not bad off yeah. I think it was the comment in the video, not bad huh. I gave him one of those yeah yeah yeah. I don't i don't. I don't really have strong feelings towards them. No, i had no idea that music, though that's interesting yeah, i think that's. What'S his link to uh, germany was with the music um, i think at the time um. What was that? No, i can't think of things names today they were a german band. They were popular at that time and they did wasp lover of the russians. Now bonnie m was big at that time because it's your agent funny m was big at the time, but bonnie emmer, like from the caribbean, moved to germany and signed a record contract in germany and um, became global success around the disco era. Okay, like they're iconic. Today, like yeah i'll watch, an australian tv series, that's based in 1979 and bonnie m - is all over it. Uh yeah right and then it is a german uh act yeah. So i guess back, then they were funny m and david hasselhoff, but bonnie, and i get that one that became pretty global. Now i got ta ask my mom: she had a david hasselhoff pastor. Oh the next video come back and give the answer. Did your mom have a david hasselhoff poster you say no, but she went to the concert or something like this. There'S got to be a pistol there. All right! Sorry, mom says: oh, no! I didn't like him, i'm not saying all germans like them. I'M just saying that there was a there was a spike in popularity in germany, but not saying he was like popular in germany. I'M not saying that at all, but there was a selecting popularity, so we go over there like i got ta go. Do another german uh small town tour, so we're gon na use curl craft? Okay, do you use a curl stuff in your hair um? I i use. My apartment has um curly hair yeah, so i just use whatever she is. No, that's exactly what you do, because your your your time with curly hair is short term anyway, so yeah long-term investment with it yeah yeah. As long as you got something you no, i do yeah. This is fun. It almost looks like david hasselhoff's haircut now that i thought about it like we needed the longer hair, then i write a thing: let's look up a picture david asked it off and let's compare you to it. Wow was that the real thing that you just wanted? No, but to be honest, if you had this haircut, if david house will have about the second one, what time it's because everybody had it guys and girls like this - was a guy in a girl thing. Um i've done hockey. I'Ve been here for hockey players that had this haircut like canadian novice toy co, i did hair once for sydney crosby. He had this hair one time so this was but also girls had this hair like it's a universal like both gender um. It'S worked its way through different cultures and subcultures and stuff. Like that, that's a cool haircut! I love it. Let'S take some pictures. I really like it yeah go. So how long do you want to keep this look for so the tubers know when you're coming back because they're keen on the next one - i don't know yeah a few weeks at least yeah a few weeks, at least that's cool yeah. So here we are now and we're gon na go through where we've been honestly, i'm just really excited now about, like particularly the next one, about the next one so, but that was the whole point of it get out of the system. The very first video with you was pixie. We grew it to the bob for your thing, then, when your bob got longer, we permed it we're now at this one yeah we're going to do this one next and when we do this one next, we are going to be using this one. So we're going to be putting color near first on and then we're going to go to the flat top and then, when they do the flat top we're going to be buying a little helicopter remote control helicopter. It should try to land a helicopter on top. So we're going to call that one, the haircut chicken man helicopter and then after that, one which we don't have a picture on the fingers, we're just going to go and then you're gon na rock that and then we're gon na. Do it all back again and the cycle continues so yeah, i'm loving this we're gon na show it one more time with the mirrors um a few weeks i'll book you in a few weeks, because i do get messages from people that say when is she coming Back because they're, anticipating your next one, because we've been doing about a month yeah, it is cool. So what let's say three or four weeks yeah four weeks, three four we'll decide over here: yeah cool, bye, troopers, bye,

J Mac: The cut brought those curls back to life! I hope she’ll continue to perm it- it really does suit her.

Geri Cann: It looks gorgeous! I hope there will be enough curl left in a month's time for the Jill Trenary cut and color - might it be a good idea to re-perm it for this as well?

Grafton Morgan Jessica: love the Bi-Level always has I think it just is a wonderful womens style, I also like that it is not tolong or to short in the back.I loved those cuts back in the day she is so perfect for these looks, and matt you know you are the best. Heres to one day the wedge, and Bi levels becoming the norm again.

Pagey 54: She is great fun and must be a stylists dream to be so adventurous. More chopped off and she looks great again now. She has a cute face and the next cut will probably look even better on her with some nice streaks to come from the cap method. I’m not so sure about a mohawk though?

Kaia Kakós: She´s a trooper! She accepts all chalenges.

Pat Ryan: Looking forward to the flat top

Ann Oldham: I do remember this style. It was very popular.

luckyDancer100: How would you maintain this style overnight/refresh the next day?

Mike Quinn : Hoping for a Mohawk video or at least give them one Before they shave there head

M K: Exited for the crew cut

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