Beginner Friendly | Glue Plucking New Invisible Band Super Fine 360 Hd Lace Wig Install

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Length: 20 inch

Density: 150%

Color: Natural

Size: Medium

▬▬▬★ OMGHerHair Quality Glueless HD Wigs ★▬▬▬

√ Super Fitted Glueless Wig Cap

√ Real Invisible HD Lace

√ Clean Bleached Hairline

√ High Ponytail & Buns Available

√ Hidden Adjustable Elastic Band


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▶ Fitted Glueless HD Wigs:

▶ Beginner Friendly 360 Wigs:

▶ Luxury 13x6 HD Wigs:

#360hdwigs #360hdlace #gluelesswigs

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Foreign, hey, you guys welcome to my Channel or welcome back to my channel good morning good afternoon, so I have a new wig for you guys. It was sent to me from OMG her hair and it's been a hot minute since I've worked with them and I actually really love their units. You guys, I always forget about them, because I don't work with them very often, but they're, always so freaking good they're. Just very consistent in such a great way, with their quality just staying up to date with hair trends, and one thing that always sticks out with me when it comes to OMG her hair is their hairline. You guys there are just a few companies, and I made like a very few that give you really great hairlines, no plucking no need to bleach all that kind of stuff. They have been like at the top of my list for a very long time whenever it comes to not having to do anything with a wigs all right, you guys so just a few things really quickly. First of all, these kind of wigs aren't the cheapest okay. If you have the money, if you're able to um - and you don't have the time - you don't want to fool around with plucking bleaching, all that kind of stuff, because it can be really tedious, go for something like this invest in it. Another really key indication that you really don't have to do anything, and you know your unit, your wig, your hair is going to come out. Absolutely amazing really starts with a hairline you guys it starts with the lace. It starts with the hairline. Okay and I've. Never wear my hair in a ponytail because you know it just never looks right unless you really know what you're doing the back has to be plugged all that kind of stuff. So they already gave that to you in the back and - and this little like deal we got going on back here is very unique. You guys it's very unique. I haven't seen it. I love the fact that you can adjust just the back of it, so that gives you a little bit of something to play around with to get a perfect lay back there. I'M gon na attempt to do it. I don't know if it's gon na come out right because, like I said I never I never do that. You know what I mean, but I'm gon na attempt today. The lace on here is super fine, HD lace as well. So you know it's going to melt seamlessly perfectly and very easily so yeah, so I'm gon na go ahead and wash her really quickly. Hang her to air dry a bit and basically just truly showing you guys how simple and easy a unit like this really really is. So, let's go ahead and get started all right. You guys so for the first couple steps with this unit, I'm just gon na start by flicking my hair back my little baby hairs. I did do a middle part because I am doing a middle part for this wig. So I like for my natural hair to kind of have, like the part that I'm gon na do with my wig, I'm. If that makes sense, you guys next, I'm just putting a little bit of my wax stick on my hairline and then just using my hot comb to get all those flyaways nicely pulled back before I start cutting the lace off um for cutting this lace. You guys I kind of messed up. I should have cut the back of it first, but I was just going with the flow going with what I normally do and ended up just like starting in the middle um using my hairspray. I only use hairspray by the way to lay my units. I'Ve never used glue, blow dried it down and yeah. I ended up like cutting the back pretty. Well, it wasn't too hard you just kind of follow. Um, the hairline and yeah. Just make sure you just don't cut off all the lace and it was fine, but just make sure you cut the back of the lace first, especially if you're by yourself. Thank you foreign, you guys so next, I really had the urge to like do a side. Part um once I like got this wig all laid, but I was like no no we're gon na stick to the middle because you can kind of see my wig cap on the sides and that's the thing with this super fine, like this HD laces. It'S absolutely amazing: it's gon na go with any skin tone, but you've got to be careful um, especially if you don't use the ball cap method, which I do not um, because I do take my wigs off um every day and I like to just wear my Natural hair - I go back and forth with it. Just be careful, make sure your wig cap underneath underneath is pushed back enough. So because I used like I went a little bit lighter with my hair spray to melt this lace. I went lighter with the foam that I'm using to do my hairline. To do my little edges, I didn't want to use a whole bunch of foam um and wrist my lace coming up. So that's what I'm doing here. You guys - and I really want to start getting into like less baby hair. I'Ve decided, I don't really care for all that much. It really depends on the person and how it's done and the lace and all that kind of stuff. I don't really care for not having any kind of hairline like any swoops. That'S just me. It'S a personal preference, but I do want to start experimenting with um just doing a little less baby hair a little bit edges whatever you want to call it all right. So after I threw on some makeup, let everything sit. This is how we're looking you guys from here super easy and very quick. Just if you don't have to do the most to hair, that's already beautiful. Just don't do it! It'S already pretty it's already curled. All! I'M doing is just spraying a little bit of water on it and then gon na take a little bit of mousse to each section. Apply it scrunch it oh right here. Of course, I'm using my wax stick to um just kind of flatten the top a bit. This is not super necessary um. I just thought it was mainly for one side, but I really just end up doing the other but yeah after I did this. I just added a little bit of foam and then added a little bit of powder, especially to the front section of my part and then just use the back of my Edge brush to lift up my baby hairs because y'all know. I think it gives a more natural look more natural effect when the like, when your little baby hairs kind of have that wispy look and they're not stuck and glued onto your forehead. But again it's personal preference. You guys foreign, I love it, love it love it. I knew I would y'all. Life is just so much easier when units wigs come all ready to go. This is super fine, HD lace in this clean, bleached, pre-plugged hairline, is absolutely everything you guys. This is probably going to be my go-to wig for the summer. It'S just so easy for me just pop on and look freaking decent okay. I don't have to put that much work into it now I did try and do the back, not even gon na go there with you guys, because I would need somebody else to do the back. I'M just being honest. It'S just a lot of hairspray back here on the lace on the everything, and I was like we're just not gon na show that today, but just know this is a 360 wig, so you are able to pull it up in a high ponytail. So if you have an occasion coming up where you need to pull your hair up, this would be really great option for that. You could totally do so. Many styles with this unit, the curl slash wave on here, is really pretty as well. The hair is still not 100 dry, but I like the density on this unit. I think it looks pretty natural. It fits my head perfectly. I got a slightly larger head. I said all the time, so, if you're looking for something that's big head friendly, this is going to work for you, but also my hair is pretty flat underneath so keep that in mind, and also, if you're, looking for a really good protective style for the summer. Going into the you know, fall or whatever this is going to be a really great option for you. I don't feel any. The lace feels really good it. Everything just feels really good on my hair, you guys so I'ma stop loving you guys. You can tell how much I like it when I just keep rambling, but I got ta stop that because y'all got stuff to do and I got things to do as well. Thank you guys so much for watching. I will put all the information on this unit Down Below in the description box. You guys and anything else. Let me know if you have any questions and I'll talk to you when thank you. Bye,

Zlike: It looks very beautiful! Thank you for bringing us such a beautiful video!

T F: How is the wig size? Does the wig fit loose or snug? My circumference is 22.5 which says a medium on there site, but some of my other measurements are large. Which size should I choose in this style wig? Please help

T F: Can you bleach the knots on this wig? Or do you need to? Will it ruin the wig?

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