Hi guys welcome back to my channel I'm Tiana. If this is your first time here and if it is not your first time welcome back in this video, I'm going to be installing this V part unit on my hair. Just so, you can see the process see how quick and easy it is, and this video is sponsored by Eunice and if you are not familiar with Eunice, this is their logo. They have a lot of hair, a lot of units that you can choose from I'll post their website. So you can just get a quick glance, a quick view at everything that they have to offer if you're interested in learning about the wig. In my opinion, and everything just make sure you guys stay tuned, so I have the box here. This is Eunice hair. This is the box that the hair came in and I don't know if you've heard me talk about this wig in the past, but I have pointed out that I wanted a wig with blonde highlights like if I were going to try any other wig. That would be the next wig that I would want, and Eunice did send me this unit from their website. This is a V part wig standard V, part wig, if you're not familiar with them. Basically, it's a wig that you have minimal leave out. So this is the leave out. I have right here, I'm going to style it in a minute, but this is all you have to do. You just have these clips and you just clip it in on the sides of the part, and you just tuck it in on the sides. They have some um Combs right here on the side and then, of course, you can adjust the wig to your liking. At the bottom, I wanted to give you a close-up of what the mesh looks like on the V part wig, as you can see, there's no wefts or anything, so they really made this so that it can be undetectable. Yes, I love the color of this. Also, this is their 24 inch unit, pretty similar to my own hair um. That'S kind of the only ways I like to wear like if it looks like it's natural for me, I think those are the best looking wigs. So that's what I tend to stick with um but yeah. So this is the unit it's very defined at the moment, so I'm going to have to like finger comb it and get it to fluff up and volumize it a bit just to make it similar. To my own hair texture, but other than that so far it looks good and after I style it and everything I'll show you guys all the shedding that I've encountered so far and just my general opinion about it so right now what I've done is I've just Put my hair into ponytails, so usually I will like corn roll it back, but I'm feeling a little lazy today. So I'm just taking my two ponytails and I'll, probably bobby, pin them and stick them like right here or something and then I'm gon na wet. This part just to get my natural curl pattern back and then blend it into the wig all right, I'm back all I did was bobby, pin my braids on each side, not sure if you can see that and then I just ran some water in the center Part, this is going to be my leave out and now I'll go ahead and put on this wig. So I'm going to start by putting the cap on the back of my head and then pulling it forward and then Measuring Up The V part to make sure that my leave out is good and clip it right against the part and take this clip and clip It against the part as well I'm going to flip all of this to this side and do this same thing on this side and yeah. So all of the sides are in tucked in. I need to clip this back piece and then now I'll. Just split this down the middle and part it along each side blend it in and then finger comb the rest of it. I'M just going to work it in and try to make it look natural as possible. So yeah I'm gon na step off for a minute finger comb it make it thicker and make it look a little bit more natural and then I'll be right back all right, I'm back! So this is the final look, so pretty quick, pretty easy! All I did was finger comb it because, as you saw, the curls were very defined as soon as I took it out of the bag and then parted my hair and just kind of made my curl pattern similar. This is my real hair and then this is the wig. Even if I were to pull my hair back a little, you can't really detect anything right here or on this side. So I think that's good. I think it's something I could wear often and whenever I want some color, so this will be nice in like the spring summer time. I think this is really pretty. It is very long, so I've got some length on it and I could cut it if I wanted to so I may or may not do that yet I got ta see how it looks but yeah overall I love the way. This color looks against my skin color, so just a fun way to kind of lighten it up a little bit. As for the shedding I'll show you guys the shedding right here. This is all the shedding. I got once I took it out of the bag, and then this is the shedding. I got after some manipulation yeah. So let me know what you guys think down below I like it. I'M satisfied. It was really quick, as you saw really easy and that's something. I'M looking for whenever I'm trying to get ready, so I definitely recommend that you check out their website because they do have a lot of options to choose from not even just V part wigs, but they have the part. U part wigs headband, wigs lace, front, wigs, just anything that you're looking for I'm pretty sure you can find it on their website. So again that is Eunice hair. Thank you, Eunice for sponsoring this video, I'm definitely very happy with it. I love the way it looks so yeah that is pretty much it for this video. You guys, thank you so much for watching and give this video a thumbs up. If you liked it, if you have any opinions or comments, leave them down below, I would love to see them and other than that, you guys. I will see you guys in the next video bye, guys.
According To Queen: Ok so sis … I love this wig ! It looks super cute on you! And to be honest I want it in black lol and tell me why for some reason I didn’t get the notification for this video thank you so much for sharing
NaturallyCorporate: This is really pretty!