Hey YouTube fam: It's your girl, Lia back again with another video, and today's video, as you can see from the title, is a video that I'm gon na address. Why I don't just wear my real hair. Now. This is a comment that I get on many a video, but I've been getting it more frequently very recently, just because I have more content now, where I do wear my hair out more., I'm on this phase and path now, where it's a lot of protective styles, But sometimes I want to lean into my silk presses or my wash and goes and those things, and when people see my hair out more now than they did probably six years ago, I get comments like this.. I got both these comments in a four day period. This week - and I thought it was interesting., So I'd address it in today's video.. So the first comment came yesterday: literally. Your natural hair looks great. Why do you do crochet. And a comment? I got one day ago. Your natural hair is so beautiful.. If I had that kind of hair, I will never put fake one., I'm assuming they meant put fake hair in or put fake hair on top of it.. I a hundred percent understand that logic and I get a lot of pushback from people in the comments who, even in this video are gon na, be like you, don't need to worry about what other people think. It's your hair. You can do what you want to do. When I get comments like this, I 100 won't take it as a compliment. Thank you. I appreciate it. I too, like my hair, and I laugh when people say well. If I had that hair, I would never crochet it up. I would always wear it out. You'D be surprised. Every year I typically make a video titled why you should do crochet hair all insert gear. I did it for 2019 2020 2021, and I didn't do it in 2023. Just because I feel like it gets very repetitive, I'm trying to convince you guys why you should give it a chance why you should give it a chance this year and every year it does really good numbers, but I'm like if I haven't convinced them. Yet what more can I say., But today's video I'm going to tell you why I do it. Why it works for me, even as somebody who I love my hair., I again I take every time you guys comment something like that as a compliment.. I don't take it as a I need to get on the defensive.. I understand a lot of people wear their real hair.. A lot of people, try protective styles and up under that. Sometimes people got hair down to their booties and they still will put a wig on top of it.. So today's video I'm gon na, give you 10 reasons. Why me? This is just Talia why Lia puts and breaks down her real hair just to put fake hair, on top of said, real hair. And again do not look at this video. As I'm trying to justify myself or I'm trying to answer to people who question me wearing protective styles., It's not. It's to give you guys ideas that if you were thinking about or getting stressed out about wearing your hair all the time, the reasons why it makes More sense in my life. And I'm going to start out. These reasons are in no particular order at all. They all ten combine to make the rationale for me. Number one is I've been natural since 2013, and so this will make my decade. Last February made my decade since I had that creamy crack in my head.. That'S when I went cold turkey., I didn't transition the normal way where you do a big chop., I kind of transitioned, where I let it grow out and through natural progressions of trims and like small cuts, it eventually all came out. Now from 2013 to 2016. I was a heat trained natural, so my hair was always straight.. It was always straight and I never wore it curly. Even though I was natural., I got blowouts every two weeks on routine on a regimen.. I in there would throw in some partial sew-ins as well, but I was only straight hair., But then when I would try to do a wash and go my hair would just not it wouldn't love it, because it was used to being straight. I loved, being straight.. It was natural, but my curls were not popping, but I wanted the Best of Both Worlds.. I wanted to have straight hair, sometimes, and then I wanted to have curly hair, sometimes without the sacrificing of either. Like I wanted. My silk presses to be silk, pressed laid, and I want my curls to be curled and popping., And when you go one route, you kind of have to go all in really. Like it's hard to be super heat trained and have silk presses that last three weeks And can last through humidity and at the same time have curls that look like this. There's a duality between I'm gon na get a couple of weeks of wear out of this. But I'm okay, because I like this more.. I like this version of me more.. So one of the main reasons I transitioned into crochet hair was to once your hair is heat trained it's hard to go back. It's hard to revert back without taking some time away from the Heat and so the first few years of me getting crochet hair, which I started wearing crochet hair in 2016. It allowed my hair to take a break. And it allowed my hair to be my hair that I have now. That is really good when it's curly., It's not so great when it's straight and I'm okay with that, it's straight for as long as I need it to be straight, which is usually like 72 hours. I can get 72 hours of good wear and then it starts. Reverting and I'm fine with that, but to get it to a place where my curls became curls popping I needed to lay off of it, because my washing goes would have kept looking like this. This was a bad wash and go. I couldn't have it was either. I had to be straight, or I had to be curly and my curly wasn't there, so I had to keep going back to straight, like I had to keep going back to straight, so to get my hair to the health, to the curl pattern, to the consistency That it is now I needed to stop touching it stop touching it. So that's number one. It was for me to stop touching my hair to let it get healthier number two. It'S the unpredictability of my natural hair too, like my curls, do look good one day and then sometimes they look. You know different. I do my week in my Wash and Go videos if you've seen my week in my Wash and Go videos. It'S where I wear my watch and go for a total week and you see almost every single day of the week. Your girl looks different and then sometimes my wash and goes are not one size fits all meaning, not all my wash and goes come out. The exact same, I don't know what it is. Sometimes I don't leave my conditioner in long enough. Sometimes I don't steam the way I do, but sometimes my washing girls be playing in my face. It'S like girl. You didn't deep condition for the hours you needed. We'Re gon na play with you, so it's unpredictable sometimes, and my wash days are usually Saturday and Sunday back in the day when I had to go in the office every day on Monday, I can't take them Chances with my hair to mess up over the weekend. Like I got ta go to work Monday through Friday. I knew that crochet hair was going to be consistent. This is what two weeks in I think we're two weeks post install I'm gon na look like this today tomorrow, the next day, the next day, the next day like this is consistency, whereas with my natural hair, there's some variability and then there's a I'm gon na Have to repeat the process because at day seven of a wash and go it looks a certain way. We'Re gon na have to get back into the process wash again then do the process over again flexi rod, perm rods, braid outs, twist outs. All of that is the same and again my hair. Isn'T heat train so wearing my hair straight is rarely an option, so it's really the unpredictability of my own hair, which I love that it could be uh, Crazy, Sexy Cool all in one day. Really, this allowed me to be on point with a consistent, hairstyle number: three low maintenance, I'm a person who I've made so many videos where I'm like no maintenance, low maintenance, I'm not a person who loves maintenance. If you follow my channel, this should not be the first video of mine that you watch, but if it is make sure you hit that subscribe button join the family, you will know. I like low maintenance and low maintenance doesn't mean I'm lazy. It means that I like to spend so much time doing other things that I have going on in my life, whether that be going to my nine to five doing my Lia Lavon Channel things, whether that be my Etsy Shop, whether that be spend time with family, Whether that means spend times with friends whether that means going out on dates, there are things in my life. I want to spend time on. My hair needs to be the last thing that I need to be worried about so crochet hair allows me again. I do nothing this morning, but put some edge control on and put some little little Spritz of Hawaiian silky in there bada boom bada bang, I'm out the door. I don't want to spend a lot of time on this. I want low maintenance now, not every hair. I try is low maintenance and that's why I have a review Channel where I review different hair to see if they're low maintenance. I want every hair that I try to be low maintenance if it's high maintenance. You know how I'm gon na come on this camera. I'M gon na be on this camera mad because I'm gon na try something where I had to spend minutes a day. Now the biggest thing is cost. This cost me only the cost of the hair. Whatever this was was it 24.25. I bought four packs of this hair what 4.99 5.99 a pack. Maybe this was what 24 25 it's different. If you pay somebody to do your crochet hair, but they they're still relatively inexpensive, maybe 125, depending on where you are I'm gon na, say something that I've. Never said on camera before because I didn't want to be judged, but I'm going to tell the truth right now. I'M gon na tell the truth: um Tony who's, my stylist, who I love to death. She has been my hair stylist since 2016.. She was the shampoo person at my former stylist, The Stylist I had been going to since 2013, who told me I'm not doing a relax on your hair. She was doing the shampoo bowls there in 2013 and then she went off and did her own thing in 2016 and I really lied with her me and Tony had a good vibe. So I said I hate to leave my current situation, but I'm gon na go with her I'm gon na battle. With her see you later now, I love Tony Tony's grown and she has grown in her salon and so have her prices. Today'S prices is not yesterday's prices and that's the model she lives by as a sister. I recognize that get paid your worth girl um her worth um, I'm gon na insert the prices right now. This is um existing client prices. These aren't even new client prices which go up a bit if you're a new client um about 250. about 250 for a silk press 250 dollars. When I had a car payment that was double my car payment. My car payment was what 118 double my car payment when I used to pay car payment about the price of a flight to Freer than JFK JFK to here is usually what 240 275 it's a pretty cheap flight to American Airlines. Round-Trip! That'S a round trip flight to New York, two card payments, that's the light bill and then some and water and gas and trash can Services. It'S a surprise. I never said it out loud because I was scared people gon na, be judging me, but I paid for Tony because when I left Tony, when I loved the way that she's been able to maintain my hair, I'm paying for one the love that she puts into My hair to the support somebody who I've been supporting for years again it was it was like it was like eighty dollars back when I started she didn't raised it a bit and imagine if I went every two weeks I go to Tony, maybe three times a Year, three or four times a year - and I go during maybe January February - maybe November December, when I know my hair can stay straight, my hair is not going to stay straight during the summer. My hair is not going to stay straight during the summer. I do not have heat trained hair. My hair can stay straight when the temperatures are 30. 40 degrees, 50 degrees. When we get to 70s, my hair will balloon out of control step outside of this house. My hair is ballooning, so I'm not paying 250 to have my hair last 250 minutes. No, so I will pay that because I need the trams I do need my trims bad, like you've seen my hair when my trim. When I go without my trims, I need my trims. I know somebody who's going to take care of my hair. I'M not going to lose my curl pattern through her silk presses. I know what I'm gon na get that's why we should have left the video with this. I'M not spending too fit it every two weeks. No ma'am! That'S a thousand! That'S that's a thousand every two months, not spending that and then some people could be like. Well, you could just find somebody else who does it cheaper? I'M not somebody who wants to play around with my hair. I take this seriously. I'M not shopping around on style seat for some styles to read all through her notes to read all through this make a deposit she's, not gon. Na text me the address to the day before she gon na be running 45 minutes late. She not gon na, like I'm, not playing this game that these new, a stylists got going on. I'M going to get myself presses four times a year. I'M gon na do my crochet a majority of the time and then I'm gon na wear my natural hair out and embrace the naturalness that one question where it's like. If I were you and I had your hair, I would never wear it down. When you see the prices of these hair salons, now you you might would think about, you might be like well, thirty dollars, don't seem half bad number. Five swim lessons! You guys know I'm a little Ariel now. If I see a pool I'm getting in that pool. If I see any kind of body of water I want to be in that body of water I wanna boom, I want some. I want to spread my wings. It Feels So liberating like something about being in the water feels. So I don't know it's just. I just feel like I was meant to be a fish. If I was not a human, I really think I'd be a fish. I mean I have a short shelf life and I would probably be on somebody's Sushi platter later on, but it's something about the water. Just it resonates with my soul, my real hair ain't surviving humidity and ain't gon na survive water. You think about me, dunking this beautiful Mane. Even with a swim cap. Swim cap isn't 100. I don't know why people always say you could wear a swim cap like if I swim three days out of the week, one of them days what I'm gon na sleep, water seeps water like no matter how good you try to be, and if you do swim At enough of a frequency, if you do it once or twice, maybe just maybe you'll be all right, but if you do it like me, that's past summer I was swimming every day after work like three or four days out of the week and then still going To swim, lessons on Saturday, like I'm swimming a lot: it's not a hundred percent, and so I'm not getting either one of these situations wet. I'M not doing that because the process we have. After that, it's not good. I need a style that if I get this wet like when I went snorkeling in this hair just a couple weeks ago when I was swimming in a pool in this hair doing labs, and now I'm able to be back on camera with you guys. One week later, you know: that's, that's not possible. It'S not possible with my real hair and number. Six is really the whole point of this video. It'S the length of retention and the growth. You guys compliment me on it. Oh I love your hair. Oh, I love your hair, I'm telling you right now. It wouldn't be that way. If I didn't do this, I've had a life before this. Where I didn't do protective styles and I wore my hair out all the time, I'm just hurting those pictures right now. This is me on a normal day: hair was never braided down. Here was never nothing. This was. I think these photos that I'm concerned right now. Future me is inserting the photos now me, don't know what photos I'm using, but I'm assuming these will be my college, because that's the key time where I say I wasn't doing a lot of braided styles, I was just doing my hair, manipulating it all the time And it was out the most my hair looked frazzled Dazzle makes snazzle puzzles are back then back then it was struggling, but I wore it out all the time I wore it out. I was also relaxed at that time too. My hair has never thrived when it was relaxed, and this is no not for people who are relaxer people. I I'm Pro whatever I'm not anti-relection, I'm not one of those people like go natural or bust. I understand the need for relaxers. I understand what it does for people. I was a relaxer girl up until 2013, but my hair never progressed the way it should have when it relaxer. I might have been user error again. I was relaxed from the age of maybe what eight not ten to 23. So a lot of my years now Me Maybe would know how to manage a relaxer, but I just don't want one, but my hair was not retaining no length. Wasn'T growing, wasn't looking healthy, it was looking bad. My hair was down real bad back. Then ponytails were not ponytailing the way that they could be so for the length retention and the growth everything you see on my channel can really be attributed to the crochet hair. If I had the hair like you, I would wear my hair out what came first. The chicken or the egg is my hair like this, and I wear crochet hair or is my hair like this, because I wear crochet hair and it's definitely only the latter. The other reason why it's crochet, hair and some not wigs or anything else, is because the ability to get to my scalp I can get to my this - is myself like this. Is me and then a part right here this? This is still me and then I can pop right here. This is me all of this is still my scalp like I have easy, peasy access to my hairline, who can hate that who can hate having easy direct access to my scalp. My scalp is scalping. My scalp is breathing, it's not suffocating, it's not suffocating, sometimes the way that wigs can wigs can be very hot. They can feel very hot on you, especially if your scalp can't breathe and you feel like when you get home, you're gon na rip it off, because that's how I let my hair, let my hair, Meet The Elements. My hair is always meeting the elements. It'S always outside always gets that vitamin D penetrating in from the sun, because it's out and about number eight the length of time that you're in a chair to get this done. You'Re in the chair for what seven eight hours getting some knotless medium braids, small braids micro braids - I don't know whatever purse people are getting. It seems like they'd, be in a chair for a long time with like multiple people in their heads. I ain't had that experience, and probably I don't know pre to maybe 2000 9 2010 was my last time sitting and going into a braid shop. However, the length of time that you have to spend doing this is way less than when I do a wash and go it's probably equivalent to how long it takes for my silk press. Tony takes a good time with the string of poos and the condition she does a lot of good work in that span of time. Like I walk out of there feeling, like I had an experience, but that same experience and length of time is the same time. It takes me to do this too, and this lasts me longer again. I walk out of Tony Salon, looking like looking great and then curls be done, drop it. It dropped, drop, dropped it on down the next day. This I'm gon na look the same tomorrow. The way I did yesterday the way I did two weeks ago, the same way, I will two weeks from now number nine. They look natural. Looking over time like look again, I went swimming, it looks so natural. I was on Instagram and I saw this video, so it was on the protective styles page that I follow and you'll see a woman who's like seemingly cutting her hair and then braiding her our hair down and then sewing in some hair, so she's doing a sew. It so she cut hair at the beginning. When I tell you them comments were hilarious to me. Somebody said she cut all her hair off just to get weave. That looks just like hers. That comment has 277 likes. Somebody else said this was so stupid. She cut her hair off to put the same back in just another color. This is crazy. I was looking and now I'm thinking that wasn't her hair after all, but if it was that's stupid and there were a much more, a lot of people deleted some of their comments after people were gathering them, because a lot of other comments were saying things like Y'All are real stupid if y'all think that's her real hair or can y'all not tell what a crochet hair is are y'all like this post had a lot of Engagement with people who were like are y'all really tell me better. We got to do better our people. How could you not tell as soon as I saw the video started, I was like okay she's cutting out a crochet hair. I didn't think there was no, if ands or buts about it. Until I read the comment section and I was floored like somebody commented and was like these comments are sending me right now they were sending me amount how many people were up in arms and then even one person commented and said, even if she was cutting her Own hair to break down and put in another hair. What'S the problem, it's her hair again the point of this video again, I don't want to be lost. We can do anything we want with our hair there's. No, we don't need to justify anything, but her justification was she was putting in a hair. I followed this young lady after the fact too, the person who protective styles repost it follow her. She is in Brazil. I was looking at all her posts and I realized they weren't in Spanish, because I understand I can read Spanish. It was in something different. I realized they were Portuguese, so all her posts are in Portuguese, but her hair is still beautiful. Nonetheless, like follow her, you can translate Instagram captions follow her for her Styles, because her crochet styles are impeccable. The Brazilian Market has a whole line of crochet hair that I would love to get my hands on. Brazil is one of the top. I think outside of the US countries outside of the US and the Caribbean, where I see people Embrace crochet hair in a way that is so good, so good. But nonetheless I say that to say how natural crochet hair looks. I say that to say this post, where this girl is literally cutting out crochet hair people are fighting the air about what this woman is doing with her hair and that really is like she's cutting out crochet hair. It looks so natural if you choose the right hair. I think I have a video on this channel titled, the most natural looking crochet hair, and the point of that is to show you hair. That looks like your own hair to show you hair that it could be fooling people pulling people, that's what we want to do. We want to fool people where people are up in arms and thinking. I want to start a video like that one day where i'm like cutting, and then I put in another hair on top of this, and then people be mad at me. That'S a good clickback thing to do like people could see me doing like this and like Jake, her hair, I loved that thread. But again, crochet hair looks so natural and I love the natural look of it. If you choose right here, some hair looks very unnatural, and sometimes we love the unnatural and the final reason number 10. Why I love crochet hair, so much is that it allows me to play around with color. Throughout my life I have been a either my hair is black black or it is in its current stage, which has been like for a few years and which is that 30 colors. So my my hair, I dye it my little box that you've seen me dye. My hair on this channel, I used to go to Tony, but the dye price. If you go, get your hair dyed. I think that starts at 350. price. If I wanted her to dye, my hair is a little bit more again going back to that cost Point. Uh, why why this might be the best method? For me, however, it allows me to play around with colors outside of my black, when I'm black and outside of when I'm this. Sometimes I want to be 27.. Sometimes I want to be a brighter 30.. Sometimes I want to have an ombre effect like without letting my own hair grow out. I want an ombre effect. I tend to really love the Ombre if it's done right, but it allows me to play with colors. It allows me to play with curl patterns. It allows me to go from straight to curly to super curly to long to short length variations. It allows me to play in a way I don't got ta play about my real hair again that woman wanted to go from hair that looked like her own hair. Look beautiful all her hair, look very beautiful, but uh she could play with this. She could look like this one day or this one day or this one day or this one. These are all posts from her page she's playing around with colors she's playing around with looks who doesn't want to play around a bit we as people as black women. We are so creative, it's a form of expression for us and, if anything, that's kind of what today's video is about. It'S because I get to be all these different people and I get to express myself outside of just wearing different clothes or wearing different shoes or paying my nails, a different color or whatever the case may be putting on different makeup different lipsticks. Different earrings hair is just a different. It'S a different. I could wear my hair out all the time, but for all the reasons I listed, I just don't wan na I just don't want to, and if any of these reasons resonated with you and you're like, I don't want to either and if none of these reasons Do resonate with you and you're like I still want to do it. That'S my answer Point Blank period. I wear my hair protected in a wig and crochet braids and box braids and locks and mini twists in all of these Styles, because I want to that's fine too, and if you enjoyed today's video, make sure you give it a big thumbs up. Even if you didn't still give it a big thumbs up, we want all the love Support over here on this channel. That'S what this channel is about, love and support, make sure you're also subscribed to the channel. So you don't miss anything. I do have that notification. Bell on so you extra yeah that extra security that you won't miss anything make sure you're following me on Instagram at leovina89. So you can keep up with me in real time: Tick Tock at lilon, which is sometimes a bit more real time and I'll see you in my next video. Thank you so much for watching private
Nikita K. Wilson: I’m currently relaxed and transitioning to natural which means I need a cute, cost-effective, non-time-consuming, heat and humidity proof hairstyle. I think I just found it! That 12 inch beach curl will be the first one I try!
Suzette Gherbi: For me crochets just give me a break and give me diversity. My natural hair is below my shoulders...but I am a busy mom getting up at 5:30 and going to bed at 11 because I'm so busy. I love the diversity of styles too.
ablckdiamd1: For "Me"... Crochet hair makes my hair grow,and keeps me from putting tension by combing , brushing , heat etc everyday and I've been doing that since 1999. I was a natural for 9 years ( for the 3rd and "Final" time ) and just couldn't take the shrinkage, and me being "Tenderhearted" just made it worst. I will wear my hair out after "Relaxing" ( I went back to relaxing in 2022) my hair and then back to crochet braids. Crochet braids, relaxers and /or wearing it naturally is "Not" for everyone. You must choose what works best for your "Own" hair. It is what it is!♀️
Elle Markele: This is such a great video!! You've covered every idea I could think of. I will add - because it's fun. It's so cool to be able to change length, color, and texture - without damaging your hair. It's the best of both worlds. Enjoy.
P S: I sometimes allow my scalp to breathe and wear my natural hair. Crochet styles are convenient, and they help with hair growth for me. I say do whatever makes you happy with your hair.
Meya Richard: This was encouraging to keep up with my hair with crochet to 1- keep me looking nice and 2 to help my hair be as healthy as it could be.
Melenated Nellie: My goodness this was fantastic!❤️ We are convinced I wear crochet because of you! Low maintenance is the key because I am a preschool teacher and finishing grad school! Also stop touching your hair!! Crochet will help you do just that!!!!! Well done sis!
Badria Storey: I understand 100%. Your hair history is exactly like mine. This is my first time doing crochet hair and I like it. the only struggle I have is to get used to how I look with curly hair. And one of the reasons I decide to try it is to leave my hair alone, and grow healthy natural hair. This video is so motivating, thank you for that!!
LaVonda DeBrito: I have very thick, past my shoulder length hair that is thriving and growing and I love crochet because I want to protect it, I don’t always feel like doing my hair..(that’s my business in my Tabitha Brown voice), I love the versatility and being able to try different curl patterns and even color without damaging my own hair and I also live for low maintenance.. I have a full life and I love to look great with minimal effort sometimes.. and as you say.. I like to save my coin!
Chelsea Dillard: I get that comment from family members and friends a lot "if I had hair like yours I would never wear wigs or fake hair". I got a well needed hair cut and now its almost to my bra I work fulltime in healthcare live in Georgia a mom to a girl and Ive been fully natural for 10-plus years I am lazy with my hair and more comfortable wearing synthetic wigs crochet human hair wigs than wearing my natural hair because I don't have to think about it and I am protecting my hair from myself.
Lundi Soso: The 2 top reasons that I agree with most are the length retention and being able to play around with different hair from the colour to the length to the hair type. I don't take unnecessary risk to my natural hair that is what synthetic hair is for
Justin David: Okay okay yes ! I know I am on this under my husband ‘s but thank thank you. I stared wearing crochet’s again all Because of your channel and I love them !! I to started wearing them to strengthen my hair and let me grow again. And now I love the natural look I get with them so please keep bringing the amazing review videos and all the other videos. Thanks for loving crochet’s
JustWonderingMG: I'm happy you posted this because I think I needed to see your younger self with your hair not making progress. All your reasons were ON POINT!!
LGKX4: To each it’s own. You have to do what you are comfortable with. Crochet styles allow you to try so many styles and lengths at very affordable prices while allowing your hair to rest.
Tia Mariza: I love swimming, its relaxing. A swim cap isn't 100% with keeping my hair dry. Every reason that you give for not wearing your hair out all of the time is the reason I don't wear my hair out. My hair retains length when I don't manipulate it and keep it moisturized. The strinkage is real!!
Rogena K: Love now, loved before and will continue loving ALL your styles and content!! You go Talia!!
AYT Barnes: Lia, keep doing YOU! I follow your channel regularly. You're very inspiring... whatever way you decide to wear your hair, you're gorgeous & brilliant!
Tasha Frazier: OMG $250 for a silk press... WTH!!!! I've been living in the stone ages. My girls stylist charge $70 - $85 for a silk press. However, I do it now for FREEI'm getting ripped off & I'm about to tell my girls they owe me!!! My youngest wants to shampoo her hair weekly now & get a silk press. I said no ma'am, twice a month. But I'm all for crochet hair...low to no maintenance baby
PreciousOne777: I totally agree!!! It's the reliability and it's a great protective style.
Nina Williams: Smh I used to get that quite a lot too when I wore crochet, braids, any kind of weave…I definitely think people don’t quite understand how arduous doing this hair really is. It is a LOT and often takes time and patience I really don’t have. (Which is why I have locs now…♀️) Interestingly, my standard response for the people I knew well of “thanks, you should come wash/blow it out/flat iron/maintain it for me sometime” never got any offers. Imagine that.
La Neisha Miller: Girl!!! Lia!!! I love your channel ❤️ So honesty you're so REAL!! THANK YOU FOR SHARING and I love the hair vlogs!! Keep up the great work!!!
Opulent Tingles ASMR: Also - as a fellow natural that works out 5 days a week: I am talking lifting weights at the gym, doing 3 mile jogs, doing HIIT/Tabata styel workouts - aint NO way I am wearing my hair all the time. I don't even want to touch my hair on a good day. I don't have the patience to deal with it with all the sweating and what not. So crochet me, braid me, loc me etc. I feel you on the swim lessons. People just don't get it when you are active.
Just Rashanda: I don’t rock crochet hair often but I just installed crochet hair and love it I have a head full of hair it’s freeing for me less maintenance & beautiful as a mother of 2 this style is just convenient
Opulent Tingles ASMR: Lia, I have to say I LOOOOOVE you and your channel. I am a BIG crochet fan. You can usually find me with goddess faux locs/box braids. But after watching a few of your videos, I had to take it back. I actually installed the Freetress Bohemian Braid hair about a week ago because of your video. It's my Vegas/Birthday hair and it looks BOMB. Plan to wear it for a full 5 weeks. People do sleep on crochet hair of all types. I noticed that you just don't see as much variety in the bulk hair these days as you did say maybe 10 years ago - which is a bummer. I suppose the individual locs/braids are dominating the game right now. Your channel is refreshing. LOVE the travel vlogs also! Keep it up, girl. :)
Trice: Years ago I wore braids a lot not many saw my hair so when my co workers finally saw my hair they were I had hair I was yea I'm not bald I wear protective styles out of convenience not that I don't like my natural hair and I like different styles
T Henderson: I do not have enough hair to do Crochet but I still watch. I love being a woman because we have so many options when it comes to hair and I have tried many and will continue too. If you like wearing your hair all the time do you if someone else likes options and changes up let them do them. I love change and variety.
Vanessa Ball: I love your content and way of thinking. This video says it all!!!
Yaszi T: Just started crochet in 2023 and I’m loving it!
Christina Smith: Now I need to go look at your videos where you say which crochet hair is best for swimming for my trip to PVR later this year. I hadn’t thought about that! I usually get braids.
prettygurlChrissyD: I am so grateful you mentioned swimming with crochet hair! I love swimming and would always wonder what works because braids are not my thing. I will be trying crochet!
Courtnee Rae Writes: This is my year to get in shape. I'll be swimming and hitting the gym hard so I decided to do a crochet style. I'm installing faux locs because I love the look but don't want to commit to locing my hair.
christieluvchamp: I love all your crochet styles! Thank you for your videos. I’m low maintenance too. How do u maintain your crochet hair after swimming?
Donna Davidson: I feel the same, thanks for your comments. I love crochet hair!!!
thswsup: LOVE this video!! Great commentary
KW: I am she my hair just as long as the wigs I wear but I don't keep them on for days...I can wear color w/o compromising my natural hair. I can wear it long or short. And its fun... My hair is super healthy because I deep condition and get trims
Janice Beverly: I get that comment from my family also, I am like you sis I don't have time to style my hair every day I like it simple I love crochet styles and the styles that you share with us are beautiful I appreciate all of your blogs:). Thank you so much cause I can't wait to try the gogo curls. I am all about protective styles
Lee Barnett: Love it❤
DebDeb P: Interesting…is crochet hair only for the purpose of hiding hair we don’t like?? I do it because there are times when I’m lazy and/or don’t want my exposed to the elements (sun or freezing cold). Great, practical points made!
Simple Me: All I do is crochet because it works.But I have to remember to keep condition,water and etc...
J Draper: I like giving my natural hair a break.
Susan Yorke: I use to get the same comments of people, my hair is thick and when worn natural I tend to straighten it. But the wether drys it out and I couldn't keep straightening all the time due to breakage. So I crochet or weave it for a break or manageability
Lisa: People don't understand why people wear protective styles so much I get that with wearing box braids often people are funny. I wear braids because I don't like styling and fooling with hair daily or weekly I want to protect my natural hair not comb and style daily put heat in it every month everyone doesn't have to like or agree with everything people do what they want with their hair it's no one's business.
Fueled By Intentions: Hello Loved One! Thank you for this video. I’m a curly girl and love the curls. Can you recommend a video of yours that’s good for swimming? I’m going on vacation. Do you show how to crochet? Any recommendations for thin edges when crocheting? Be blessed and live with intentions.
TruthandSmiles: I want to get up and go. Natural hair takes a lot of time. I love it, but mostly I want convenience. I don't enjoy doing hair and as you said it cost to go to a stylist.
BeautiifulliMade: Maintaining a lot of healthy hair is a job in itself, these same people asking this particular question should reach the same amount of natural hair and wear it out for 3 months straight….then they will understand.
slim jim: 4/22/23 I have found more comfort in crochet due to the pricing the already choices of colors really no need to pay for human hair, also we put work in to maintain human hair so how is that different from work you have to do with the best brands free tress & the others tht YOU promote. Thank you for your consistent content
American cutie: Girl you look cute!!! Do what you love sis!!
Socal Realtor Liz: I’ll be trying to go all 2023 too Can you share the shade of your lipstick hun?
UnWrapped Beauty: Awesome video sis
Terri Sargent: I guess being a influencer you have to explain something as simple as "your hair" which I still stick and stay with "hair is 100% over-rated. If you have short hair, you've not going to please, if you have long hair, someone still going want to tell you what you should do with your hair. People go nuts over hair especially when it's not their hair. I am so glad I came across your channel because you saved me a lot of money. It would cost $90-$110 every two weeks, girl I have to charge you extra because blowing your length takes time, girl I charged you because it takes longer this and that, done, done, done. I'm crochet and am the happiness ever. My former hairdresser would text me "hey we're having a special on crochet styles", what, no, I do my own because of Lia, haha haha
Shay Nísh: Love this video. Where the collection plate? This was a good sermon.
Shel Whitfield: Great video!
Rose H: Hi, I'm looking for wet & wavy crochet hair, that's not so fluffy and big. When on vacation in Caribbean, I may want to wear a hat for protection from the sun. I did try the beach curl but it was too fluffy for me. Any suggestions what kind of crochet hair to get? Thank you ( Rosette)❤
maureen kellman: Great video.
a j: The USA CONSTITUTION protects your Freedom Of Expression do you Lia Love! ❤
Jasmine Jazzie J: The Queen!!
CaraNaturally: To protect and keep it! Period! Lol
Moni- Lindley: OMG!This video was soooo funny!
Gill Perry: FT BEACH CURL gang gang ♀️❤️❤️
Pooh: I completely forgot about crochet braids. Besides vacation hair I didn’t think it was relevant hairstyle anymore
Moni- Lindley: "...crazy, sexy, cool...alllll in one day"
pigalotta fattenton: Looking like Aaliyah in the throw back pictures!!! ❤❤
Robin Perryman: Your natural hair is beautiful but who got time for all that? I feel like the crochet gives you more time for other things.
Ruth Dorsey: $250, No thanks
Angelica Leeks: Can you review toyotress j wand curl
Amber The original: My crochet hair never looks as good as yours
Sonya J: $250 for a silk press in NC????...Are you sure you're not living in Portland, OR?
American cutie: Did you do a video on this hair this time?
RealTrice: I pay 50 for a blowout and I’m bra strap length. Oh, this includes a trim.
underestimated404: She said what she said! The folks who made those comments, could not have been women of color. The FACTS were spoken today. My hair stays in protective styles in the summer and in the south. My natural hair is long and have flourished in protective styles AND I save money. Nah, Sis. @lvnghrbstlfe
Annlizabeth B: Lia? Does all crotchet hair tangle and knot up?