Oh, yes, she is giving scalp honey. Can we talk about this melt like she's, melted, duh, hey everyone, it's rochelle and welcome back to my channel, i'm back with another video for you guys in today's video i'm going to be giving you a very, very detailed, wig application video. So if you want to learn more about how to customize your wigs apply your wigs melt down your wig cap to perfection, then please continue to watch this video. This hairline is going to need some tweezing she's, not giving me natural she's, not giving me scalp she's, giving me nothing right now, absolutely nothing, but i can tell that it's going to melt really good because it is hd lace and ashy lace or swiss lace. They do melt a lot better. This is what the wig looks like straight out of the box, and this is what a lot of wigs look like straight out of the box. You have to actually put in some work into them. To make them look good, i mean, unless you're buying like a customized, wigs and those are a bit more on the pricier side. The knots are very, very small on this wig, but i'm gon na go ahead and bleach the nuts, because this is not it like this, isn't it and we want this wig to look like it's coming straight out of our scalp. Okay, we want it to look like this. Is my natural hair like this is mine. The wig that i'm wearing is from wow african. I will list all their info in the description bar down below make sure you check out other reviews on this wig as well. So i'm just trying on the wig right now. I don't know why, because i already did that, but i'm gon na move on to bleaching, so i'm using the l'oreal um cream powder bleach and i'm also going to be using a cream developer number 30 and before i go ahead and start bleaching. The knots on this lace i'm going to go ahead and take these combs off, because i really hate these combs. I don't know if anyone like what's the purpose of the combs on the side, i feel like they just pull on your edges. They hurt your head. So i use my eyebrow razor to get rid of them. I don't need them whatsoever. Even if i was going to wear the wig glueless, i still never ever use the side ones, the back ones. I always use that's what i use to secure my wig in the back. So now i'm going to move on to bleaching the knots now, as you can see, with the knots on this bleed, the knots on this wig was actually pre-bleached. That'S what the hair company claimed that this is a pre bleach knot wig, however um when i tried it on, i can visibly see the knots like they were very noticeable, i'm a perfectionist. I want my wig to look as realistic as i can possibly get it like. No one needs to know it's awake. I mean it needs to look flawless, so i left it on for about 20 minutes. This is what it's looking like: brassy orange, not feeling that we're not here for that. So i'm gon na go in with oh girl. That'S orange! I'M gon na go in with some purple conditioner. You can use purple shampoo! I was out of purple shampoo, so i use a conditioner. I'Ve been told not to use conditioner because it loosens up the lace. I mean the knots, i'm not sure. If that's a thing, i've done this before i haven't, had any issues with my wigs with the hair falling out, so it worked anyways. This is what it's looking like. It'S looking a lot better. We got rid of the brass so now we're gon na move on to tweezing. So this is what the hairline looks like. I think the hairline looks pretty decent. It'S not bad. It doesn't require a lot of tweezing hi tanya, just doing the most per usual and i'm gon na go ahead and grab my rat tail comb part the sides so just follow exactly what i'm doing now. That'S a paper towel. I use a paper towel whenever i'm tweezing dark hair, so i can really see what i'm doing get yourself a good tweezer, not a crappy one, i'm using tweezer man, so i parted and i tweezed behind the hairline - do not tweeze directly on the line. I always tell you guys this: don't do it. I'Ve done it in the past and trust me. I'Ve had wigs that look ball headed. I should probably insert a clip yeah that wig was looking ball headed. So this is how she's looking she's looking pretty good and, like i said it, does not require a lot of tweezing, maybe like i probably did 10 minutes of tweezing and i'm gon na go in with my hot comb, yes, honey. Yes, i can see that i'm gon na be getting scalp with this wig and i also tweeze at the hairline as well. Don'T ever go over the same spots over and over just not do that. Don'T do that! You don't want to do that. You'Ll have bald spots so now i'm gon na go in with my blow dryer and i'm going to blow her out. I mean the hair is pretty dry right now, but i just want to blow it out because there was some wet spots from when i washed the hair i'm going to go in with my flat iron just to straighten this hair and i'm going to speed. This part up now i really really love how this hair look once it was straightened. It still had some texture to it and i was living for it. I love it. This next step is optional. I'M going to be doing the ball cap method today and i'm using a stocking. So this was once a pair of stocking and i cut it, and this is what i'm left with. So i just pop this onto my head and i tie the knot and i'm gon na cut that excess part a little later on. So i'm gon na go in with my bold hold liquid gold and i'm gon na apply a layer of this onto my wig cap, so i prefer to use this over using the got to be free spray. I love that it dries really really really fast. I'M here for it, yes, girl swing that ponytail, i'm just doing the most anyway. So even though i said i prefer to use the liquid gold, i still went in with my got to be free spray. I don't know why i did that you can just skip that part. You don't need to do that. Why did i do that? I'M just going to cut off that extra piece of stocking that i don't need anymore. I will be using this a little later on, but yeah. This is how i do a perfect ball cap method i like using the stocking over the wig caps. Sometimes i use my wig caps. Sometimes i use stocking now. I'M cutting the little holes into the ear part, so i can just pull my ear out so that way, it's easier for me to cut the extra parts off of the wig cap, slash stocking! So i'm going to go in with my scissors and cut this as close to my hairline as possible, and as i mentioned before, this is definitely optional. You do not have to do the ball cap method. However, i prefer to do it because i feel, like i have a more flawless application when it comes to my wigs. I don't always do it because, sometimes honestly, i don't care if it looks super flawless, i'm kind of lazy sometimes and i don't care but most times i care. Now i'm going to cut off that extra lace in the back and i'm going to try the wig on just to see how my wig cap is looking underneath just to see if i need to cut off any more of that wig cap. So i'm just lining up my wig and right now i can see that yeah. It looks pretty good. However, i have to melt down this wig cap now, so i'm gon na go in with some foundation powder and i'm trying to match the wig cap. To my actual skin tone, so when i put my wig on, you can't see it because i have to cover up my hair. I don't want my hair peeping through my wig either. So now i'm going to go in with the got to be gel. This is what i'm going to use to melt down those lines that you can see on my forehead, because you could see it through the wig when you have the wig on and you don't want it to be seamless. This is to get your wigs flawless, so apply a small amount of that gel onto the wig cap and i go in with my blow dryer on a cool setting, so i'm just melting down this cap. Yes, this is very time consuming, but if you want a flawless application hey, this is what you got to do, so i just went in with some q-tip with water just to take away all that excess gel off my forehead and i went in with my foundation Powder applied onto the lace, so i'm just tinting the lace, so it matches my skin perfectly. It is hd lace, but it doesn't match my skin perfectly until i tint it. I love hd lace because you can tint it and it matches you perfectly. So this is how the wig cap is looking, yes, honey. She is giving ball the realness and i'm here for it. Okay! So now i'm gon na pop this wig on my head, my daughter's in the background just doing the mouse per usual. Are you guys seeing this and this wig is not even glued down as yet, and she is giving me scalp she's, giving me what it needs to be giving me now, i'm going to go in with my scissors and i'm going to cut the sides, get rid Of those little pieces line it up with my air, and we did that it looks great i'm here for it. Like always, i like to cut small sections of the lace before i go ahead and apply the glue and i'm going to go in with my eyebrow razor and cut away all the excess lace. So i'm just going to start off by cutting away the extra lace in the front first and i'm going in with the scissors, so i can get a closer cut. I want to bring it up to my hairline close as possible. You can bring it down lower if you want to. I don't like my wigs too low, because then it cuts off too much of my face. I don't really have that much forehead space i mean i have foreign space, but not too much so yeah. Now i'm going to go in with the glue, so i'm using the bold hole, extreme lace, glue and i'm applying this along the forehead area, where i want to put the lace down. So i'm going to go in with the rat tail comb and i'm going to use this on a cool setting. You guys have seen me doing this before. If you are new here, probably not but yeah once the glue is dry, i actually did two layers of glue wait until the glue is dried, clear and then i'm gon na pop that lace down and i'm gon na go in and cut away any excess hi Baby, oh my little margie poo, going back in with the eyebrow razor. I'M gon na use this to cut away the extra lace, and i also go in with the scissors just to get the little areas that i can't reach. So i'm gon na add another layer of glue and i'm gon na do two layers of glue. Like i said now, you can add more layers. Some people do seven. Some people do five. It depends on how long you plan on wearing your wigs. I get asked this question a lot. Yes, you can wear your wigs for weeks for weeks, guys um the longest that i've ever worn. My wig for was probably three days. I mean i get like itchy scalp and i'm just i can't do it, but i usually just use two layers of glue because i was planning on taking off this wig the following night and washing my hair and all that underneath so yeah. I just did two layers of glue, that's mainly what i do, but if you want to wear for a longer period of time, you most definitely can do that. Think of wigs, like the new leaves okay. As for the lace glue, it's best to use a skin protector, i always use a bold hole skin protector. When i apply my wigs, i didn't use it in this video because i really couldn't find it honestly, but now i'm going to go in with the got to be free spray, just to add it to the ends of the lace really just to melt it down And i'm going in on the blow dryer with on a cool setting, so i'm just applying it right at the ends. Just that way, the wig does not lift up and i'm melting her down seamlessly. Now i'm gon na go in with my tweezer once again, because i feel like it's not really giving as much scalp as i wanted to give so sometimes when the wig is on my head, even after i'm done tweezing it i go back in just to perfect It a bit more so i'm gon na attempt to do a middle part. I say a time because every time i do a middle part on camera it'd be looking kind of like what is this and then, when i do it in person, i'm like okay. She looks good, i don't know if it's because i don't know i'm looking in the monitor, but i'm gon na go in with my hot comb just to flatten this hair down by the way guys the key to a flawless wig application is apply your wig before Your makeup application do your makeup. After trust me, your wig will look flawless. If you are wearing makeup, however, make sure you wipe off the extra makeup on your forehead clean that off before you apply the wig that way the wig will glue down perfectly, and it just looks amazing. I just did my makeup and i still have to melt down my lace because she is not melted as yet, but considering that this wig is not melted, honey, she looks good random. I know this has absolutely nothing to do with this video, but i'm getting my life from my makeup today and i haven't gotten my life for my makeup in a very very long time. You guys i'm filming makeup strolling forever, but i was kind of bored today and i was like you know what i want to change my makeup routine, i'm still using my same favorite products that i love to use, but i was like. Let me change my makeup. Routine and really liking this routine right now, like it's giving me what it's supposed to be giving me, let me know if you guys want to see a tutorial on this. I will gladly sit down and film this and i just go up with some lipstick on, because these lips are just dry and crusty anyways. Let me stop rambling and get on with the hair, because yeah anyway, so i pulled out some hairs at the side like some baby hairs. I think i'm gon na do some baby hairs today, i'm not sure we'll see how i feel, but yeah i'm going to melt down this lace nappy. So i'm going to go in with some hair moves and i'm not really putting a lot of hair moves on to the lace. Because i find that when you do that, and especially if you're going to do baby hairs in the moose, it tends to lift up the lace. So i'm just putting it like right on the hair, not too much on the lace. Hopefully that makes sense. So, what's going on here really come on, this is what i get for talking. How great my makeup looks. You know i'm just going to put a little on my brush because i'm not going to put this back on my face, i'm not going to do what i was just doing and then get it all over. My makeup, this beat is too good to waste honey. She is giving skill guys. I would like to do more talk through videos, for you guys, but it's kind of hard by the way guys my microphone was not plugged in. While i was filming these scenes, so the audio sounds kind of messed up. So i apologize for that. You might even hear the camera making that annoying clicky sound okay. So now that i applied the mousse, i'm gon na go ahead and just tie this down and i'm gon na leave it tie down. For i don't know, maybe like 10 minutes 15 10 minutes and to tie my hair down i'm just using a pantyhose. You can even use um the elastic if you have an extra wig elastic band to tie down your wigs. A lot of people do that. I usually have extras, but i don't know when i use that to tie it down my head be hurting, so i just use this. Instead, you can also use a hair scarf, but i really like using the pantyhose. I just feel like it really melts down my lace, but either way guys like it, doesn't really matter, i'm going to go ahead and take this off, and hopefully we are melted. Oh yes, honey! Can we talk about this melt like she's, melted, okay, i'm gon na try and attempt to do the soft baby hairs. This is an attempt. Okay, so i'm just letting you know right now i am complete when it comes to the baby hairs. I don't know, i don't really think they suit my face that well especially like right here. I don't. I don't like that. For me, i see baby hairs on a lot of people and i think they look freaking amazing about that nose. Contour just a little bit. It'S looking a little weird, a lot of girls wear their natural hairs with baby hairs as well, and i think it looks really really good um when it comes to my natural hair. I also don't wear a lot of baby hairs with my natural hair. Unless i'm doing like a ponytail and again, i still just keep them at the side. I never keep them at the front because i don't really like anything covering my forehead like i don't want hearing on my forehead. I don't like that for me, i'm just going to go in with the eyebrow razor just to cut off that extra piece of hair that i don't need to create the baby hairs, and then i'm going to go ahead and use my raggedy toothbrush and just create A little swoop swoop yeah and that's pretty much it super soft. I'M going to go in with my cara care, styling wax and just apply that right here, just to flatten that down a bit and just get rid of any little flyaways. Do you see the fear on my face when i'm using a hot phone? Let me just not even talk because the amount of time i burnt myself with this yeah. This is pretty much the completed look of the wig she looks flawless. This is how she looks when she is straightened, i'm going to show you guys how it looks curled as well. I went in with my flat iron to curl it and yeah. This is the end result. I really really hope this video taught you something. I hope it was helpful to you and i will see you guys in another video very very soon. I love you guys so much. Thank you for watching bye.
Emoretta Robinson: I think it's a combination of how well you pluck the wig and that you don't have exaggerated baby hairs that makes your wigs look so realistic. I never had baby hairs even as a child. I had friends with beautiful baby hairs and wished I had it like that. But I never did. Your hair just looks beautiful every single time. It reminds me of that quote: :Don't practice until you get it right. Practice until you can't get it wrong." You make every single wig look good. It's like you're the wig whisperer. Lol. And I'm glad that you liked your makeup. It's beautiful. Definitely do a tutorial on it and share with us.
U BETTA EAT: How come she doesn't have 1M subscribers yet? I love her natural wigs, she made them so natural and realistic, she also so beautiful absolutel sweet and I never met her before lol,
K-Love77: Flawless! Yes, we need the makeup tutorial ASAP
Rivki: I don’t even own any wigs but I love watching your videos! Keep up the amazing work <3
lucas Van Canneyt: Hey Raschelle, I like it when you talk in your videos and I appreciate the effort you've been putting in doing it more (just want to put it out there ya know)
Wu87: I love your make up tutorials!! Would love to see a tutorial for this look !!
Fitness my way: Flawless as usual. You are so talented !!
Not You: this makeup!! ❤️ yaaaaassssss pls do a tutorial on this, it’s a great summer look…the lashes are EVERYTHING!
Eva Gaye: Your makeup is everything! Please give us a tutorial
Haus of R.Lateish: Flawless and detailed as always. One day I'll master my wig application
Thirteen Hales: Looks phenomenal, Sis!
Shae Dent: This looks amazing
Tianna DeLaurentiis: Thank you for your detailed tutorial!!❤️❤️❤️
Deondra Scott: Wow you are unbelievably gorgeous in the best way! Wig is laid, slayed, and looking great!
Aisha Fowlis: This wig looks great on you
Violet Rose Quast: You make my day when you upload a video!❤️❤️
Reesey Buchanan: Love the curls
Markus Lanner: Wow love this so much You’re so talented !!!
Beverly M: A slay each and EVERY time!
LeahReena: Beautiful. I gotta try it this way asap thanks so much for sharing
Joy Oduh: Absolutely stunning
Rae Francis: Everytine!!!!! U slay everytime! U never miss
Ms Belinda: Just stunning. I swear black hair makes you look so different like completely a different person ❤️❤️❤️❤️
elev8: Finally a install without the baby hairs TY
zest4life7777: Wow, that looks so good!
FutureCardio1: We absolutely want a makeup tutorial lol
Marissa May: I love it I’m a big fan of natural looking baby hair ✨
Erica Martinez: Hey if u wanna remove the combs without hassle and faster u can use a seam ripper
Natural NiNi: I love the curls❤️! And ur children r beautiful ❤️❤️ & so r u! Great detail video thank you!
Thalia Khi: yes please more makeup videos!!
fashun008: I got some very good additional tips to my wig application that i had not been doing before
Vee Harry: So flawless
Iycesis Ayanna: Sis we need the makeup look
Guyllene Wilson: Beautiful... I wouldn't dare try this. DISASTER
KinKeys x: Flawless!
Dean Billy: she never misses
Melody Poole: By watching ur videos its gonna make me wanna get a wig
Shanet Graham: Beauty.. Talent.. Intelligence
copper colored battle-axe: Can’t wait to try!!
Sheena Amee’: Wow beautiful !!!
Miracle Vaughn: It would be so dope if you sell wigs that are custom
Corey J: Always a flawless install!
Aisha Fowlis: Yes do a makeup tutorial please❤
Hair Beauty: Hi girl!!! I love your videos and need your help!!! So you always use new wigs but could you do a tutorial on washing your wig and keeping it nice? So I bought this ginger brazillian lace front waterwave wig and it was too cute but I washed it and the hair where the lace is looks like a rats nest!!! The hair where the wefts are looks perfect but the lace part looks crazy. This is not my first wig and Ive never had this happen. What can I do to fix it? Did I just get a bad wig??
Michelle Simmons: Beautiful!! I don’t like to do baby hairs either just because I have a small forehead, lol
Tisha Duncan: Thank You So much...I need to be more patient with the bald cap process...You make it look So easy...God Bless
Ruxy Bratz: Please do a video trying the wispies edges. ✨
Ali Pearl Hair: Goddess You looks beautiful both in black hairstyle and 613 hairstyle.
Aliyah The Great: How to do you choose your volumer? Do you base it on skin tone or time??
THE AYODI FAMILY: Sis I just received my 2 brand new laces I have no clue on how to install this This is why I’m stuck on your channel atm
Ruxy Bratz: I love it I was learned soo much don't know why you give me some stefflon Don and Beyoncé vibes. ✨
Mal: The makeup and hair ugh stunnnnning
Sophia Salinas: You have the best video wig tutorial I love how make the wig look so natural on you I enjoyed all wigs video
Nazirah purple: ❤❤Love it
Dee Luther: Great Video as always Lovely thumbnail tho Natural beauty love it Beyond Beautifully you are Ur Makeup Always Bomb Hope you have a Fabulous Weekend Stay Bless N Be Safe always
melindaslovee: Always continue never stop
Herrera JLD: Hello Rosh thank you for taking time to upload a new video .. kisses for you, and blessings to your family ...
Alvonya Ellison: You slay that hair! Smooches
Latoya Andrews:
Fati🫶🏾: Melted to THA GOADSSSS
Alkisha Addison: The makeup is beautiful ...
The Life Of Marie: Can you do a video of customizing a closure? Feel you never wear them
Oneandonlyach: Yessssss please do a video on your makeup
Amela H.: Your face is that of a supermodel.
Tia Hunte: Wig QUEEN fuh real ❤️❤️❤️
georgiagrace: How long does the wig stay on? (disclaimer: I´m completely ignorant to anything wig related please educate me)
Simoiya Hector-Morales: You ROCK Everytime
NiaSanghai: i forgot your daughters name is Tania lol mine is Tenia (pronounced the same) and when you said “Hi Tania” it scared the shit out of me lmaoo
A GEMINI HEART: Gorgeous girls
Jay Pinkerton: I loved totally hair Barbie in the back ground as well! Lol
it's clarice: Girl your so beautiful
scratchedbyj: Why do I always get ‘bumps/lumps’ on my hairline?? I used to never get this now every time I apply my wigs they turn out bumpy pls help
Dontae Mott: Can you kitana from mk11 hairstyles I would love to see it ❤️❤️❤️#slay
Mara Mara: Do somebody know the brand of the hair wax she’s wearing please ?
Nia: Hey. Do you have a date on when you're launching your wig line?
Product_Junky89: A bit confused she used the foundation powder or liquid? On the lace?
Robyn Swan: Can you do an update wig removal please?
Jose Vargas: How much was this unit ?
Crystal Smith: I use 2 layers also n one layer of the got 2 be freeze spray n wear my wig for a week.♀️
Bayanda. Sithelo: Your daughter is pretty like u
Danilo Brito: ❤❤❤❤❤❤
Diana: Tutorial on new makeup routine?
Adriana Ohh: Girl! Please come out with a wig line !!
Bayanda. Sithelo: Plz film the makeup tutorial
aquiviene: Wwwwwwooooowwwwww beautiful
LaVenia DeBerry: where did you get your hot comb?
Shathara Banath: That's the Boom ..........!!!!!
Natnice: Oh my look at God, you make it look wayyyyyy to easy...lol..geeeze
Qatt The Jamaican Girl.: The end result was beautiful (you have to make an effort to apply HD lace wrong). But the journey to get there... downright infuriating. What was the point of using the boldhold liquid (which is for protecting hair under wig) then use Schwarzkopf (which does not protect hair under wig) products that are alcohol based.
Reinvent Yourself: YOUR DAUGHTER???: Geez! you look 25 years old - Did u have her at 10?
Mutale Mulenga: Great video The makeup please
brown_ skin_lover_queen: I love u sis but can you do a video where you buy a good synthetic wig that u can dye cuzz I never see u do it on ur channel like I have never in a day in my life can u really really plz do when u have time
Ella Freit: LOL at ‘panty ho’.
KatrinaJTnea: Snatched!!!
Beny Marín: Kim K vibes!!!
Kim Carter: Kaoir sista fi tru... idky but u always remind me of keyahia kaoir u should replicate a look from her
Dawid Jurkiewicz: FIRST❤
sheepy leepy: you sort of look like kim kardatian west