Beginner Friendly Glueless Wig?!! Outre Sleeklay Part Deep C Hd Lace Ara | Wigs Under $30

Scripture of the Week: 2 Thessalonians 3:3 But the Lord is faithful, who shall stablish you, and keep you from evil.

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Foreign therapy, if this is your first time stopping by my name, is Kayla hey. If not thank you for the support in today's video, I will be reviewing this unit that I have on. I hope you guys have been enjoying these wig reviews that I've been doing. If you have, please give this video a thumbs up, comment down below, what's your favorite wig thus far and make sure you subscribe to the channel, if you haven't subscribed already turn on your post notification Bell, while you are edit, make sure you look in the description Box, so you can follow me on all my socials and you can keep up with the wigs that I post or I drop before they actually drop on YouTube, because normally I post them on another social first, so make sure you follow me on all my socials As well, I will have the description for this unit down in the description box. Now, let's get into this review, okay y'all, so I am back with another wig review this time um. This is another wig from the outro. Sleek lay part collection, and this is an aura a-r-a and I got it in the color too. This is already like giving me blowout Vibes out when I purchased this wig. I was like okay. This is gon na, be a everyday wig for me. So I'm hoping this is an everyday wig for me, because I would love for it to be that for me, so y'all already know um about the Sleek. Like part, you know it's more hand-tied lace near the park, okay to sleep flat. Look you get a homeless. Lay finished with no heat styling required, so this is uh. This should be a throw and go type of wig. Sleekly part is not new to this channel, so um she does come in different colors chocolate, swirls sandy blonde golden Amber Honey brown, cinnamon spice, ginger, copper. All those different colors, I'm just gon na, say this sandy blonde is like giving that is giving I like it. It also comes with a five inch deep parting um, and this is a c shape part. So that is it's interesting to me because I'm starting to like see shape Parts I used to not like them, because I feel like my head is too small, and so they look kind of funny on me. So I kind of just like you know. I really don't even like deep Parts, but I'm getting to where I do like them, I'm trying no more so uh, let's jump into the clips of what she looks like straight out of the box and then I'll be back to install her foreign okay. So I have her in the color too. This is what it's looking like. She is on the thicker side, definitely giving blow out vibes, uh, silk press Vibes if you're a natural girl. You know we love a good silk purse, even though it didn't last that long mine, don't anyways, because as soon as some humidity hit it it's poofing back out, but definitely giving silk press Vibe. So I'm hoping she gives me what I need her to give me. Okay, so it comes with Combs on the side and one in the nape area, as well as adjustable straps, and this is breathable material and this hair is thick guys like she's on the thicker side um, and I like how it's already pre-layered I mean you can See some of the curls already in it, so it definitely gives like I said that natural hair Vibe, so I'm hoping that she gives me what I need like I said, so I am going to just um, add some Foundation here to the pardon space. Now that I have added some Foundation to The Parting space, I'm going to go ahead and lay her own style her, and then I will be back with my final thoughts. Thank you. The only reason I keep sneaking out at night, okay guys. So this is what she's looking like installed. She definitely reminds me of shadora. She is thick just like that, except she is straighter um, it's definitely giving blowout Vibes. Now I showed you guys some shading that I received. That could be for me cutting the lace off because it does come with lace, and I do typically cut the lace off beforehand, but I don't comb it out, because I want you guys to see what it looks like you know once I comb it out on Camera I don't like to comb it out off camera, so so the shedding could be for me cutting the lace off, because I also cut the baby hairs off as well um, but I wan na know I like this wig. So, let's get into the space, so she's definitely big, hair friendly. It is a lot of space in the back. I didn't have to use the adjustable straps, but it is still like tight enough around my edges, to where I don't feel like um, it's gon na. Come off if I don't use adhesive, because I don't like to use adhesive unless it is a unit that I plan on wearing for a while like a week or two, then I'll use adhesive. But most of the time I like to take my wigs off at night, especially if they're synthetic wigs, I don't like to sleep in synthetic wigs, so um, I definitely would say she's big, head friendly, but that she gives you the security that you feel like. You need, if not, of course, you can always go in with adhesive or you can tighten the adjustable straps in the back um. Excuse me. I will also say that, like I said she's thick, she is full like all the way through. There is no tracks showing there's no space, so um wearing her during the summer will probably be a little risky. She will. Probably you know. You probably run into the same issues that I said again about shadora that um might be a little hot. She might be a little warm um, but she's definitely giving out track. Nisha like she is very, very big like this is one for the natural girls like. If you are natural and you wear your hair blown out or you get silk presses like you would love this hair. I mean the texture of. It is coarse, like um type for hair and then the luster on it is not really shiny. I didn't have to add any dry shampoo to it. Definitely a everyday wig like this is a throw and go she's an everyday wig once you get it to your liking. Now I understand that this is supposed to be Sleek way, but I don't feel like it is Sleek I feel like I would go in and hot comb it to where it would lay down just a little bit more um. But as far as like it's not humpy like they said it's supposed to be humpless, it is humpless. You don't have to worry about the humps. My hair is in two braids. If you guys are wondering nine times out of ten, whenever I do wig installs, my hair is always in two braids, so my hair is in two braids but um. I definitely think this could be flatter. Shadora was flatter to me, so I feel like this could definitely be flatter, but because she's giving that natural, blowout style um. I can understand why it's not flat flat. You know because if you're a natural girl and you get a blowout, you know that your hair, your part or Not, Your Part, your roots, are not always going to be flat or as flat as you would like for them to be, or as straight as you Would like for them to be so. Your part is not always going to be as flat as you would like for it to be. So I get that as well as far as recommendations, I would definitely recommend her. I would give this wig a nine out of ten, I would say: go ahead and buy like it's easy to stall. You don't have to do too much to it. Definitely a great work wig like if you just need something to get up. If you just need to get up and throw something on and get out the door, this is it. This is like a great everyday wig, and because it's already straight - and it has that thickness to it, all you have to do is just make sure you keep it combed out. You know make sure like at the end of the day you come around and put it back on the wig stand and then the next morning grab it and go that's the type of unit. This is so what I recommend it. Yes, I would say: go out and get her. I think ARA is the again. I will give her a 9 out of 10. uh, definitely going to be one of my go-to wigs uh. What was the inch on her? So she was 14 inches. So I would say uh if you pull this down like hereish um, she is 14 inches because again, 14 inches is a little bit beneath my collarbone area. 12 inches usually come above my collarbone. This is my collarbone here, so 14 inches usually come and if you straighten her out she's, probably longer than that, you know it's probably giving about 16. but with the little bump on the end. Definitely given 14. So I would say it is true length, like the stock card, says um, but I would recommend this wig, I would say, go out and get her uh be careful with the season that you wear her with again. This is um Springtime, and so you know it's just not warming up. So it's fine, but when it's summertime hit and if you stay in the South like I do and you hit the those 100 degree days, you know I don't know if she gon na, be it I'm just saying I mean I understand that the construction correction words. I understand that the construction cap is breathable material, but I don't know how breathable it's gon na be in 100 degree weather. I'M just saying so you know keep her is very lightweight. It'S not heavy on my head at all definitely give her a 9 out of 10.. I would say: go get her comment down below if y'all have seen any reviews on Miss Ira. What do y'all think about this wig? Is this something that y'all would wear? Is this something that you would be interested in? Do you feel like this would be a good everyday wig? You know just comment down below and let me know what you guys think about this: have you seen other YouTubers doing reviews on her as well? If you have, let me know what they've said or what their recommendations are now then we have reached the end of this video If you haven't subscribed to the channel. What are you waiting for go ahead and hit that subscribe? Button turn on your post notification Bell, while you edit, I post videos all the time and you don't want to miss them. Okay, I was giving you a little bit more time in case you was thinking about it and you hadn't done it yet now, then that is the end of this video. I appreciate you for watching it. If you did, please give it a thumb and thumbs up and share it with somebody. Why? Because sharing is caring and we're trying to grow our little family over here? As always, thank you guys for the support and I will catch you in my next one peace. All right,

anushka anderson: Cute

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