Yo, what's good, i'm wheezy and today i'll be helping assist my client and install her own customized upgrade wig, so you can do it all by itself. Y'All you ready yeah yeah, all right. Let'S do it night cap! You need to cap. That'S how you start off this. What'S on d here, take it it's gon na give you the scalp effect yeah stuff braids in there you got it perfect, got like a little get it all in there. You have foundation or concealer or something just so that we can tone it with your actual skin. Okay, start kind of back here and just work your way up and you have a closure wig, so you don't need to do it all the way. Just do it. Just wherever your part, gon na be then go across right, going keep going and whatever you have left over we're going to put it on the actual lace. That'S what give it the you know just make it blend and give it that scalper thing. That'S good! That'S good put the rest on here and you don't really have to focus on nothing but like the part and like right in the front. Yes, perfect, wherever your part gon na, be that's what you have to focus on and then do a cross right in the front. That'S perfect! It'S better! Okay, you can use scissors or you can use a razor whatever you prefer. I prefer like the razor, but whatever you're comfortable with you're, going to do so when you're cutting it you're just going to cut like at the headline, meaning whenever you see hair, you cut right in front of it, so you can start. I typically start right here from right here: yeah right there and then just kind of go all the way across. So, if you want to, you can always go back with your makeup or whatever you go through to go on the top, and if you need more, you can put more, but that's it take it. So you can flip it. However, you, however, you want to put your wig on. That'S how you do it, so you can do it. You can be head over or you can like that there you go yeah. So when you see it like that, you can go across whenever you feel like you have too much lace at you, can kind of just nip it with the thing with the scissors and then you can also apply more makeup. I want you to apply more makeup. Just so, you can really tint it: okay powder, concealer foundation, cream, whatever whatever works for you there, you go yeah. So if you see your cap, if you see like, i feel like it's a line or whatever you can do one or two things, you can pull it up and kind of tint it with something darker underneath just so that it'll cancel out when they actually put The lace on it or, if you want to you, can melt it down right, so, whatever you feel comfortable, it'll work. Let'S take this off there, you go. Okay, put it around right. There so put some more yeah put some on yeah. I need a little more coverage because when you put the wig on it, typically it's going to slide back a little bit. So that's cool too cool and remember about your straps. You got your two straps, so you might wanna! Oh you attach it in the back. There you go whatever you feel like it'll, be comfortable at so go ahead and do it before you put it on, and then you also have these, so you can either tuck these away, like you, don't use them, because if you have this you're really good, but If you want to, you can also attach these, and sometimes you can take your comb and just slide it right. Underneath the lace like i'm sliding, underneath the cap and it'll get like all of the wild hairs under there, and your lace actually may be big. So that'll kind of smooth it out so try that all right and then your rear gesture, we pull it up, check you out, there you go and you can kind of adjust it wherever you want it. If you feel like it's too far up too far back, however, you want to do that. You, like it okay last thing you can do as far as makeup take like that brush, just don't be for your part and you put whatever you've been putting on now and that's how you define it more. It just makes it look more perfect. More straight see it's coming together, you see it okay, talk to me, talk to me, yes, cool! Thank you all right, listen! So now i want you to take some type of holding spray. I typically use this and what you're going to do is you're just going to spread it right across the front, don't put too too much because you don't want to make it too thick and too productive just spray a little bit like that. Okay, okay, you got it. Okay, take your strip setting cotton whatever and you're gon na place it right along the hairline and you're gon na tie it underneath. So if you want to pin your help before you do that, i have a clip right just so you can have more structure fold it like that perfect, pull it up a little bit. You want to cover the legs completely and what that's doing is it's going to melt the actual lace right into your skin? So when you take it off after it dry, you can put a blow dryer on it. You can go ahead and do your makeup get dressed or whatever you want to do you take it off and it'll be completely melted into your skin. So, for the time being, you can moisturize it, and the reason you're gon na put a little ceremony is because, typically when they customize wigs, they come already curl. So with curls you have to do some type of holding spray, so that'll make the hair just a little hard because it's holding the curves. You know you got to shift and stuff like that. So when you get it, you put a little serum on your hand about a dime amount, rub it all in now, all in there like lotion, you can see when you ruin through, i like to want to do it with my actual hands. So you want that serum to hit everywhere. Are you really focusing on the ends stuff like that about that? Much start on the ends and the reason you start on the ends, because you start up here you're going to make the top really hard right. You want to have to move yeah there, you go, they look good and then you take your brush and just brush the top just smooth everything out and another little trick. You can do just put a little holding spray on there and kind of cancel out all the flyaways. Yes, okay, then next, how do you prefer to comb your curls out? I don't really like the messy look like missy look, so you could use white to go so typically, i had a client to flip it here. All the way over i sprayed and i combed through it, but you don't have to do all that. You can just kind of bend over and just kind of comb. The curls through like that start from about. I always start from the bottom, see how they have bouncing yeah. That'S some good hair yeah, and then you you don't have to make sure it look good. So we're going to get that yeah, just loosening them up right, then you'll take a small cone and that's how you're gon na bring your head to the front. It kind of starts dialing it to the front like that. It'S giving real, like you know, like a nice little roller rap, you can kind of come back. Sometimes we can push it up like that and stuff like that, and look good, then spray, some wholeness around your hair and just run the top yeah yeah, because you may spray too much stuff like that good by this time. This should be dry for the most part, and so what you do just take it off. I always take it off. You can kind of loosen them up, just always make sure when you loosen them up, you're, holding your lace because remember it's glueless, and then you can kind of finesse it. How you want to again. Okay, you feel good feel comfortable, good curls, bouncing when that bad right come on man, real easy! You ain't even spend a lot of time on it either. So you can get in and get out. You got somewhere to be pop it on and when you get home you can take it off cool boom. That was easy right, yeah, good, okay, good, real quick. So we appreciate y'all for tuning in whenever you got your wig. It should be just as easy as it was to put whole wig on and everything will go good. You
Ursula Walkine: Hey Weezy, my mother told me about this video, as I am new to wigs. I like how this was step by step and you let your client do it herself to show anybody could install a wig. Thank you. I was your first like so far and you got a new subbie. Please do some bleaching of the knots and how to create a more natural hairline with plucking and baby hairs. Wooh, that's a lot right. I also did mash that bell too. Keep em coming.
Ursula Walkine: Oh also too can you teach how to even make your own wig. I don't like a lot of density in my wigs.
G T: I feel like the middle part does not look natural with all the make up. How can you make look less visible?