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Submission Guidelines


  1. Content that is not related to the theme of this website
  2. Content without typesetting and formatting
  3. Single seller product display
  4. Long text without pictures or videos
  5. Too short content (less than 500 words)
  6. Content exceeds 15 external links (by default)


  1. Offers and event information for hair product wholesalers
  2. Hair, wig, conditioner, hair decoration, etc.
  3. Business information guide: official website, social account, store
  4. Buyer show, seller product details introduction


  1. Content submission and modification will be displayed after review
  2. Unqualified content will be deleted, back up your content before submitting
  3. Contributors are strongly encouraged to provide one or more illustrations for their posts
  4. HAIRURL reserves the right to allow the editor to make any necessary minor adjustments to the final article at the time of publication