How To Apply A Lace Frontal Part 2 (Using Safe Grip Adhesive)

Buy Valencia Rose Here:

Peruvian Big Wave

22" x2 24" x2 16" frontal

Low to medium luster

Safe Grip Lace Adhesive

Lipstick: RiRi Woo +Talk That Talk Lip Liner

I do not own the rights to the music. All music is entertainment purposes.


instagram: Buttaripple

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All right, so I'm just checking to see how this fits it's nice and snug. It looks like it's good to go, so I'm just gon na pin back baby hairs are really not in the way but okay, so I just helped out of the shower. All of this is clean. I'M going to use a Scout protector. This is pretty much just like alcohol, it kind of like it's like a primer and just put that all over my hairline here. Let that dry, you want to make sure your hands are clean before you do this. Okay, what I'm going to be using is safe grip. Now I like this, because this is a water-based adhesive. It does not have like that really gooey yucky type of residue, that most of them have and believe. This was like 15 bucks at my local in a beauty salon in Arizona. So, but you didn't get this off line wherever really, but I'm going to take a orange wood stick and I'm just going to apply this when the orange wood stick and onto my hairline here, okay, I have this really bright light here, because I can't see so I have to have the light on anyway. Best way to do this is to squirt this on something that is clean. First of all, on a bigger surface here like that and then apply it to your orange wood. Stick that way you can kind of get it together all right, so I'm just gon na let this clear up just a little bit not too much, because I want it to stick all right, so I'm gon na put it on there cuz. I don't want it to dry too much that happened last time so start with the front, and now I'm gon na start off with the front and go off when the stuck it's okay, you just kinda massage it in so that it sticks just a little bit Of the know, baby hair is in it just a little at this point. You can kind of shimmy the back down and this one actually is really kind of snug or mean so I don't have to sew anything in the back, which is really great and don't worry. All of this will actually, as you can see it's starting to dry clear. So that's good! You want it to dry clear. You want to make sure the lace is up and over your ears there right now, I'm just kind of laying the baby hair is down. Just kind of pushing it forward all right now I will suggest putting a scarf or something on and that way it'll kind of stay down. So when you're getting ready, you can do all that um. Let me just kind of back up, so you guys can see the rest of the hair in its natural state. Okay, a lot of hair, goodness gracious, I'm gon na get some water and kind of beat this down. But as you can see, I can pull it to the side. If I want to do that, I can do it like that. So um, it's really party anywhere. I want you in on this side. That is how you complete that so I'm gon na go ahead and get myself nice and pretty cuz it's girls night and I might have to take my son to gross. But anyway, that's how you apply your lace. Wig again, I would suggest not ripping this off when you're done like when it's starting to come up. Let it come up, let your dissolve mint or dissolve it, soak it up. Okay, so that way, you won't rip your hairline all right. So I hope you guys like this and - and I will see you guys in another video

the real daedoll: the frontal looks really nice on you ❤

Samone bouie Bouie samone: This was so helpful!

poisonousqt: love the video what do you use to remove the glue?

Cianni Marie: the hair is very beautiful it look so easy to install but for a beginner like me I have some major work to catch up on hopefully one day I can say hands down yes I slayed that hair lol

India Black: never knew how to do this until i watch it 3x to figure it out yea it takes me a while hey i usually watch thing 6x to understand sometimes but amazing work and nice hair

Venezuelan Papi & Queen B: Beautiful!!!

TheLinderword: thanks for showing how you adhere!

MissUniversal1000: Great video thank you for sharing

immagothrockstar: I LUV the way you made this wig....I also think you look VERY BEAUTIFUL w/o makeup too

Lexii Bee: How do you get the adhesive off your lace?

KeKe Norwood: As I commented on the first video...I'm super duper glad you made this with a frontal piece. But...did you cut the front of the cap off in the front?? So the lace can look better when you do PART on it??

Allyson Raymond: would this rip out hair? I have trichotillomania (where i pull my hair out when I'm anxious or upset) and I ave many bald spots that do not grow anymore. Want to shave my head and where my full lace wig (no clips or combs). Bobby pins are not an option as it makes my head feel weird and want to pull more.

TheJazzie6: Can you just sew it down back on the hair line?

Kporser Lorpper: bravissima... exelent job going to try it

Latoya’s Creations: You looked so pretty on your night out!!

MzBlackButtafli: Great tutorial

Renee Savage: great video I never stick them on - I need sleep wild at

TheXxjackchopxX: did you thin out the wig?

crookdfeet: I don't know if you mentioned it but do you cut the cap off underneath the frontal or did you leave it?

THEKILL500: Thank you so much that video awesome

Dezzie Chiane: where did u order this hair from?

Aline Tavares Tavares: Linda!!!!!!! <3

Crystal Gholston: I love your wig. Did you cut the cap?

zest4life7777: Very pretty hair.

Myhighclasslife: is it possible to do this without the glue ?

Jocelyn Smith: Part 3 should show how you remove the wig without ripping out your hairline. 

sexigemini73: Nice video. Thanks for sharing

donnie da don: how do prevent the glue from getting white around the hair line? its so annoying

Shania Johnson: So you didn't cut the cap underneath the lace?

MzQBeautiful: So, about how long does the adhesive last after it adheres to the wig and how do you remove it if you want to take the wig off?

Shay Yara: I LOVE IT

XTina Jackson: How long does it last?

NV norbby: does the glue breaks hair? 

Albany Mansker: Once the lace front glue can you reglue or you have to get a new lace front and where did u get the wig head

Venezuelan Papi & Queen B: Now I want to make my own,  just don;t know If I should use this cap, because I tried before and I must of sewn through the elastic and it was hard not to and it made the wig smaller and couldn't fit on my head.

Jouets en jeu: That hairline needs to be heavily thinned out.

Nayashia Weston:

Shannon Renee’: Looks nice but next time u should customize your frontal by plucking the hairline for a more natural look.

Jai Schmitty: Lol that mom stare though

MzQBeautiful: Ok. Thanks.

Michelle coleman: I like

KeKe Norwood: Please, Please comment on my comment lol

Sandra N.: Its 2014!! We shouldn't be using glue on lace wigs at all. It rips out your edges, and most alarming, a lot of the adhesiveness causes skin cancer due to the harsh chemicals. Companies are now making lace wigs that can be worn without glue, I suggest you all look into them before putting the glue chemical on your skin. :::Dangerous:::  #NoShade .

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