10 Hair Care Myths You Should Stop Believing

Almost all of us are ready to spend a bunch of money or follow any advice to make our hair healthy and shiny. Let’s bust the most popular hair care right now!

Some say, ‘Don’t wash it every day or it will get greasy faster.’ When you try it, you still have oily hair the very next day. The others say, ‘You need to use mayo for the hair volume.’ But no matter how many jars you have put on your head, the hair is still flat as it used to be.


The more you cut your hair, the faster it grows. 0:50

Natural hair drying is better than a blow dryer. 1:31

Hair "gets used" to shampoo. 2:03

A dry scalp is the main cause of dandruff. 2:34

Frequent combing heals hair. 3:00

Proper care will make your hair thicker. 3:45

The more often you wash your hair, the oilier it becomes. 4:05

If you tear out a gray hair, you’ll get 2 or 3 in its place. 4:41

Cool water closes the cuticle, and the hair becomes smooth. 5:18

Hair ends can be recovered. 5:41

Bonus 6:07

#hairtips #hairhacks #hairstyles


- Hair grows from the roots and not from the ends. The average speed of hair growth is a half an inch (1 cm) per month. So, if you cut your hair every month, it will just keep the same length or even become shorter.

- If you have short hair that dries in a few minutes, then probably you don’t need to use a blow dryer. However, if your hair is long, it is on the contrary to the belief preferable to blow dry.

- If you wash your hair with the same shampoo for a long time, your hair won’t get dirty faster or grow slower. Many factors can influence this but not “the addiction” of your hair to any particular brand.

- Dandruff occurs in people with an oily scalp. So, when this problem appears, stop using hair oil, which, contrary to your expectations, only worsens the situation.

- Overly frequent combing distributes the skin oil along the hair, and it gets dirty much faster. However, combing doesn’t affect the hair health and can even do much harm by causing split ends and breakage.

- The thickness of the hair, as well as the number of hair follicles, is a genetic trait so the quality of care cannot affect it in any way.

- Frequent or rare washing doesn’t affect how fast your hair will get dirty. However, properly selected care can adjust the work of the sebaceous glands, and your hair will get dirty more slowly.

- Since the quantity of hair for each person doesn’t depend either on care or proper nutrition, several hairs cannot grow instead of one. However, don’t tear out gray hairs because you can damage the follicle or cause an ingrown hair.

- Hair consists of dead tissue, neither cold nor hot water can affect the cuticle’s condition.

- The amount of shampoo may vary with hair length and density. A dollop the size of a quarter is usually enough — too much lather can dry the scalp. If you get a full, rich lather on the first wash, you don’t need to repeat the shampooing.

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Ten haircare myths that must be busted almost all of us are ready to spend a bunch of money or follow any advice to make our hair healthy and shiny some say: don't wash it every day or it will get greasy faster. When you try it, you still have oily hair the very next day the others say you need to use mayo for the hair volume, but no matter how many jars of mayo you have to put on your head. The hair is still flat as it used to be, but now you look great lying on a sandwich. We are going to bust the most popular hair care right now. Watch the video till the very end. We'Ve included a small bonus for you, counting down myth number 10, the more you cut your hair, the faster it grows. Well, you've probably heard this advice a lot of times and it's not true. Cutting your hair will refresh your hairdo, but it won't make it grow faster. Why hair grows from the roots and not from the ends. The average speed of hair growth is a half an inch or a centimeter per month. So if you cut your hair every month, it'll just keep the same length or even become shorter, also, contrary to popular belief, shaving, your head doesn't affect hair density, since the number of hair follicles is a genetic trait myth. Number 9 natural hair drying is better than a blow-dryer. When you hear the word better in any advice, always question it better for what or for whom, if you have short hair that dries in a few minutes, then probably you don't need to use a blow dryer. However, if your hair is long, it is, on the contrary, to the belief preferable to blow-dry why water molecules penetrate the hair structure and literally wash out keratin, making them brittle and dry myth number. Eight hair gets used to shampoo, that's one of the most popular beliefs, which doesn't have any scientific proof. Hair like nails, consists of dead tissue which simply cannot get addicted. In other words, if you wash your hair with the same shampoo for a long time, your hair won't get dirty or faster or grow slower. Most factors can influence this, but not the addiction of your hair to any particular brand myth number seven. A dry scalp is the main cause of dandruff. Well, this myth is the most ridiculous. The truth is actually the opposite: dandruff occurs in people with an oily scalp, so when this problem appears stop using hair oil, which, contrary to your expectations, only worsens the situation, myth number six frequent, combing, heals hair. This myth originates from old times when women simply didn't have hygienic habits. Combing was considered a peculiar substitute for washing also they never had their hair lips. So why is this belief not true? Overly frequent combing distributes the skin oil along the hair and it gets dirty much faster. However, combing doesn't affect the hair health and can even do much harm by causing split ends and breakage. Therefore, it's better to comb your hair only when it's necessary. In this case a small amount of oil will be distributed along the hair, which will help it look shiny but not dirty. Myth number five proper care will make your hair thicker. No don't be fooled by false TV. Commercial promises, the thickness of hair, as well as the number of hair follicles is a genetic trait, so the quality of care cannot affect it in any way. Myth number four, the more often you wash your hair, the oil air. It becomes if something works for others. It isn't guaranteed that it works for you. Why is that? Because, just like color, thickness and curls, the amount of oil released by fat cells is laid genetically. Therefore frequent or rare, washing doesn't affect how fast your hair will get dirty. However, properly selected care can adjust the work of the sebaceous glands and your hair will get dirty more slowly. Myth number three: if you tear out a gray hair you'll, get two or three in its place. Really, let's apply logic here. This belief means that gray hairs possess evil powers, because the same thing never happens to healthy hairs. Otherwise there would be only one recommendation: how to get thick hair tear them out, but it doesn't work this way. Does it since the quantity of hair for each person doesn't depend either on care or proper nutrition? Several hairs cannot grow instead of one. However, don't tear out grey hairs because you can damage the follicle or cause an ingrown hair myth number two cool water closes, the cuticle and hair becomes smooth if you think it helps you, why not keep on doing it? Cold showers will make your body tough and healthy as or your hair. This belief is also a myth. Hair consists of dead tissue, neither cold nor hot water can affect the cuticles condition and myth number one hair ends can be recovered, also having its origin from TV commercials. This belief is just not true. Yes, you can close split ends for a while, with the help of special masks or oils. However, to get rid of them, you need to cut your hair from time to time. You have now watched the video till the end, so you deserve a little bonus from us when washing your hair use the right amount of shampoo, the amount of shampoo may vary with hair length and density. A dull up the size of a quarter is usually enough. Too much lather can dry the scalp. If you get a full rich lather on the first wash, you don't need to repeat the shampooing and it's not a myth. Yes, you should see my long lustrous hair right now. It'S quite something have you enjoyed the video, if so, hit the like button and click subscribe to join us on the bright side of life?

BRIGHT SIDE: Do you guys wear your hair long or short? Why?

Keerthana Tt: In India sunlight is 10000 times faster than a hair dryer.....

Anjali Shah: One of the myths you should definitely stop believing is that Bright Side's videos are 100% correct :)

Ahmad Nadeem: Bright side:the thickness of your hair cannot be cahanged Also Bright side:ways to thicken your hair

Sofi Rose: These are actually true, thanks. I have just wasted 6 minutes of my life that I can never get back. Thanks Bright Side. Maybe next time you should do research with dependable resources, and stop telling us lies.

Jacqueline Brady: This video in a nutshell:have parents with good hair

Minahil Khalid: Some of these myths seem true to me. The most ridiculous thing he told was to not put oil in your hair. Essential oils and natural oils can do WONDERS to your hair.

Vivace Bourne: #1 it's not about cutting your hair or from the roots. If the tips of your hair is damaged, you cut if /trim your damaged hair and your hair will flow faster and healthier. Because the damaged hair is gone.

Self Sessions: "No matter how many jars of mayo you put on your head, the hair is still as flat as it used to be. But now you look good on a sandwich"

loobricant: Mom: Money doesn’t grow in trees Alex! Me: your right! It grows in hair! 0:19

Ice Gem: This was great. I already discovered most just from observation as I got older . Love that you add the information in the description too! One of the big reasons I love Bright Side videos

Nikky Swiftie: I am SO obsessed with my hair, so trust me, I have some experience. My hair has been everywhere from long to short, thin to thick. Yes, hair does thicken. I had dandruff a few months ago, and that was because my scalp was dry,which is why it was so itchy also. Hair oils did work. Using a hair dryer DOES damage hair! And dries scalp! Not saying you shouldn't ever use it if your in a hurry and your hair needs to be dryed within a few minutes. Do us all a favor and stop speaking falsehoods. Next thing you know your gonna say that drinking water lights your eyebrows on fire.

eleanor7: The whole cutting your hair to help is grow advice. I always figured it was because when you trim your hair, your cutting the split ends and damage. Instead of it moving up the hair shaft and damaging the hair more. Like pruning a bush, trimming back the weaker aspects, so that more healthy growth can come forth. So in a way, your hair will grow, because it's not weighed down by damage. Just don't overdo the hair cuts because then you will stay the same or shorter.

MissT: I actually rinse my hair under cold water when I'm done washing and conditioning it and yes it DOES make your hair feel smoother!

RG1 WhiteyWins: I have been washing my hair with natural bar soap for about 5 years now, and I don't need to do it as often, use only apple cider vinegar as a rinse, and am happy with the texture and moisture of my hair. It use to be dry.

Gab xox: For #10, cutting your hair from time to time doesn't necessarily make it grow faster, but if you don't trim it, you may be more likely to get split ends which make your hair a lot weaker and unhealthy.

Angie: I'm a cosmetologist and I can tell you your hair does adjust to shampoo and it's important to switch it up now and than to give your hair the nutrients it needs

Hashi Bami: Many people says that my hair is smooth and beautiful ever since I was a child. So that motivated me to take more care of my hair, I don't use shampoo everyday (only 3 times per week), I don't frequently use hair blower, and doesn't take any other hair treatment other than a consistent haircut. Hope this tip helps

caleb murray: As a dermatologist, I can assure you that WATER DOES NOT WASH OUT KERATIN! Stop making up stuff Bright Side!!

Jake Green: You actually can make your hair thicker through some shampoos and masks I’ve seen my hair get body after being flat. I used nioxin shampoo and a few other home remedies.

Paiten Gastreich-Hurst: Myth number 10 is actually true, because when you cut your hair you cut off the split ends and if you don’t cut them off The split ends could split up words more until the whole hair strand is split in half which affects the root and how fast it grows

Rina 123: The fact that they said “ the more you cut your hair the faster it grows” is because when you don’t cut the ends which is the damaged it will fall so that makes sense ;)

Create With me: My hair is long and I don’t use hair dryer and my hair is 100% fine, yes oily scalps are dandruff causing

Kat S: As someone who has spent the last two years professionally studying hair care I can tell you that almost everything said in this video is wrong

Amirah: This video is a 'MYTH'

Jenny clark: He's wrong about one thing...washing your hair too often can make it more oily. I started washing my hair every night, and the more I washed it, the more oily it became. Went back to twice a week and it went back to normal.

Katarthere: Let's get real here. 1. Use good quality products meant for your hair type. eg. If you are blond with straight hair you don't want something for curl dark hair. 2. If you use heat on your hair frequently condition it more. Duh. 3. Work with a good pro who knows your hair, don't bounce from one salon to another. There's a reason your Grandma went to the same salon for 40 years. Last of all it's hair, it's pretty forgiving. Have some fun with it while you're young. In the end it's going to keep coming back for more.

•Ella_Omens•: I love long hair and when I had trouble with it I wanted to cut it and also the second reason I wanted to cut my hair was that because I can fit my crew in elementary! But as I saw myself with short hair I freaking flipped out and started to blame my friend for forcing me to cut it! But my other friends didn't care if my hair was long or short only one girl told me I should cut it. Just because she's poor and was also forced to cut her beautiful long hair doesn't give her the rights to force me but it's still my fault that I cut it.. :<

Ashley: As a hairstylist 90% of these myths ARE true

bulma philif: You just destroyed my whole life experiences

Yugyeom's Earring: Yeah I know my sis bought a really expensive shampoo to have great hair for the wedding. It was fine until after a few weeks she had major hair fall. I just used my baby shampoo cuz it smells good.

Workofholy: The only one you’re right about is #1 regarding split ends. Oils help but it’s not permanent you got to cut them out. Aside from that all of the so called “myths” aren’t myths they’re true. You can strengthen your hair it’s not just genetic. If you care for it so that the roots are stronger your hair grows stronger. You need to research properly about it. This video is a whole lie.

Michelle Post: I always had thick hair, even at birth. My dad had thick hair, and so did both his parents. Simply genetic.

Saadia Fatima: Almost all the myths I follow and everyone around me says the same thing so I can't also believe that you are correct ,now I am having confusion

Nofretari: I have tried so called myth 2 and it works wonders.

Evelyn Brylow: I’d like to semi disagree with myth #5, as if you take care of your hair after a period of not taking care of it your hair will increase in amount, but only to the maximum for you based on genes

Sandra Vermeulen: While cutting your hair doesn't make it grow faster it helps keeping it long. Because split ends can split further and further so if you don't get a haircut in time you will need to cut it really short to get rid of all the split parts.

Eva Gosselin: All these myths were so funny to listen to, thankyou Bestie for the humor!

Mangledfoxy XD: A famous professional hairdresser told me washing your hair too much does make it greasier faster. And she told me that it has happened with one of her customers before and really damaged her hair. So I think it’s true

Jessica O.: Your hair can thicken... It is not only genetic. I've seen my hair truly thicken and enhance when my diet is healthy.

Mia laylani: yess I’m studying hair and everything is correct however with the combing of the hair, yes it drags the oil down your hair but brushing your hair more stimulates the hair helping blood flow and promotes growth . Good video !

سلك الغسالة: 6:47 You must replace your shampoo from time to time Not because hair get use to shampoo But because of the shampoo ingredients build up in your hair and scalp by time

Razi Jafer: But all these myths actually work in my hair.. specially hair care actually make my hair thicker and volumised.

Jessica Thompson: I've had my hair down past my rear end AND short hair before. It depends on the Individual, hair type, genetics, nutrition, AND care. From age 18-24 my hair grew over 4 ft. This video is bs.

Jessica Sweny: Thank God they didn't call consuming healthy food makes your hair healthy as a myth , cuz that the only remedy we have to keep our health healthy

thesweetz131: Myth #2 is true actually. You should always rinse your hair with cool water to clove the cuticles and make it shiny, never with warm or hot water. Hair is made out of Keratin which is a protein and we all know, proteins will get destroyed at temperatures over 40°C. Keratin even faster. (Thats also why high fever over 39° is so dangerous btw.). Oh and to Myth #10 at the beginning, cutting your hair won't make your hair grow faster yea but it will definitely make your hair longer. It prevents split ends and split ends cause your hair to break off (and so making it shorter). Your haie grows from the roots but the ends keep breaking off so...cutting your hair will make it grow longer (and it seems to grow faster)

Polart35: I know hair doesnt grow from the down but cutting split ends makes hair accually grow faster+ Healthier When I use a hair dryer my hair gets frizzy for a week later and annoyimh You CAN get your hair thicker. I used olive oil and it helped me sooo much But I When I whash my hair with cold Water it gets less frizzy once its dry then If washed it with warm water This is not meant as a hate

Jillian: I put shampoo on my hair and comb it out, then I wash it. It works for me and my hair feels smoother and healthier lol

Aaron J.: Well i dont "cut" my hair because its too pretty and big to be lost so i occasionally trim it straight across because i have no problem with the volume of it!

Lil Betty: 4:06 Well it's not a myth. I know from experience that if you wash hair less it stays clean for longer

Mermaid S: They’re lying. I took exactly these steps for several years before my hair stopped growing in my teen and right after applying this routine my hair is healthier and thicker and longer. It’s only when my eating habits go off i lose a chunk of hair only seasonal that is with stress and sleeping disorders. Please follow the Myths.

crafts and creations: In india every student have to apply hair oil , its compulsory for every student with tight and simple braids , we cannot keep our hair as we want , some times we have to pay fine for not applying oil or not cutting nails and if we are late to school

BRIGHT SIDE: TIMESTAMPS The more you cut your hair, the faster it grows. 0:50 Natural hair drying is better than a blow dryer. 1:31 Hair "gets used" to shampoo. 2:03 A dry scalp is the main cause of dandruff. 2:34 Frequent combing heals hair. 3:00 Proper care will make your hair thicker. 3:45 The more often you wash your hair, the oilier it becomes. 4:05 If you tear out a gray hair, you’ll get 2 or 3 in its place. 4:41 Cool water closes the cuticle, and the hair becomes smooth. 5:18 Hair ends can be recovered. 5:41 Bonus 6:07

Ivy Mora: Everyone... OILS ARENT MEANT TO HYDRATE YOUR HAIR there meant to add shine , make detangling a little easier, and SEAL in moisture .(NOT add moisture)

brybryproductions: Couldn't stop laughing toward the fact that it was an old man busting these myths...

Priyanka Begum: Omg love this video, I found it extremely helpful ❤️

Winter Bear: I used to have shoulder length hair till 10th grade becasue my mother and aunts always believed that it makes one's hair beautifup and healthy. On the contrary, what i have experienced is that having a shoulder length short hair actually made my hair rougher Because i couldn't tie it and all the dry air and dirt would easily get it. Even if i wanted to tie it, it would only become a headache because the roots of the hair start feeling a pull and that hurts man. Now I've started keeping long hair and I'm way more happy than earlier

Amy Mikaelson: Video: Don't tear out gray hair. Me: Still continues to stand in front of the mirror for the longest time plucking gray hairs.

Nellie: I have just a simple advice : be careful with what you put in your hair. Use an application to know if it's good for your hair. However, hair is dead cells. So if you're hesitating to dye it because of its health, stop it and do it. Because it will regrow anyway so what's the problem ? Do you hesitate on putting nail polish, or on filing your nails ? No, because they look fresh afterwards, and so do hair

Karla Saliba: Speaking of grey hair... I was despret for having white hair, used to pluck one out to get more in its place Since it never worked, I sherish every white hair I have and keep it in tact. Got one so long, its longer than my hair length haha

River: guess what,i wash my hair once a month or sometimes a week when im not lazy and my hair ain't no greasy,oh and thanks for reminding me to comb my hair i havent combed it in a month everybody has different hair therefore they need to have different schedules i will continue taking cold showers cause its just a preference im not a heat lover :D

الحمد لله رب العالمين: Actually if you cut your hair than your natural oils will focus more on growing the hair instead of treating the damaged ends so in some cases trimming the hair really helps growing it faster

Brittany Adams: Interesting. On another one of your hair videos it says to rinse in cold water to make it shiny. So, which is it BrightSide?

Jacquelyn Calderon: Trimming makes your hair grow longer, because having split ends will continuously break off inches every-time you brush.

cokelover372: Getting a trim every 6 months is really good if you get split end or 3 months if you get them really bad but getting a trim does help cause then the hair isn’t trying to grow damaged hair and not the healthy hair witch will slow down growth

bella 1: I started using the shampoo and conditioner called 'Bed head' and it saved my life. I started using it in the end of 2017 and now my hair ia really long and healthy. I really recommend using it (I used the red one for straight hair). I also use argan oil on the end of my hair

Melissa Davis: As a cosmetolegist i can tell you cool water does close the cuticle and help add shine

Simona Sokolova: Myth #7, you need to remove it or edit that. Ive got a diploma as a haistylist, I can tell you that dandruff can be dry and oily. Only your hairstylist or dermatologist can check that and tell you and then you need to use specialised shampoos depending which dandruff you've got.

Buttercup: Not everything it's about genetics, there are hormonal imbalances, the food, which affects hair's health. I definitely feel difference when I finish my shampoo session with hot or cold water. So yea, everybody is different, just try different myths and find out which one works for you

Aieyan: One question. My hair is thick(thankfully/I am blessed) but my mom and all of my otjer relatives have thin hair. The only people that have thick hair are my mom's sister and me. But we don't have exactly the same blood type and DNA. So I'm confused. Was my thick hair genetic or not?

Saved by Grace: This was extremely helpful!

Ash Empire: Honestly i used to have thinner hair than now bc i actually took care of my hair and stopped using heat and once it got long enough i cut it and it was significantly thicker

Cuidado Bruja: I disagree with number 8. I have a friend who suffers from psoriasis on her scalp and if she uses a specific shampoo for too long then she starts to get itchy within hours after washing no matter how she dries it.

5 minute happiness: Dry hair really causes dandruff. But oil helps to remove it as it makes the dandruffs soft and makes it easier to wash off. like if you too agree. You should come to India to Know the scientific reasons behind each myth.

Naziya Begum: Many myths here are actually true.... Shaving actually increase density of hair, we have experienced that

Yugyeom's Earring: I use aloe Vera gel for my hair so they're not oily and sometimes eggs to give them protein and power.

martha kate: Cool showers and combing do actually really help my hair lol, it tHiCkEnS it

crustpunk: Let me say one thing though, I have long and thick hair and I air dry because heat is bad for your hair- *_depending_* on your hair type. My hair stays shining because I never use heat and I have a different method of caring for my hair. Also here is a tip for your (hair) tips, start combing/brushing from the bottom

Vaghari Bradley: Washing hair is a myth. I haven’t washed my hair in two months. I just rinse it. I’ve seen no change other than I avoid that awkward day where it’s super puffy. My hair is not greasy. It’s completely fine. And I don’t have to put a tone of product in it to style it. Just wet it and style it.

Miss Nolver: I'm glad myth #8 has now been debunked.

A. Burgia: Actually, proper nutrition DOES affect the amount of hair or thickness of hair. That’s medically proven.

Sandhya ghising: Me : mom can I check your hair Mom: why? Me: mom you don't know money grows on hair

Frida Bergholtz: If you wan't to claim something is a myth you should back it up by something, anything. "Just because we say it is" doesn't quite cut it.

Gaming with z: It is true that trimming your hair regularly keeps your hair the same length

ishara g: My hair felt rlly gross in warm water and felt so nice when I rinsed in cold water

Lindy mitman: Combing does help hair growth and Heath! If you start from the bottom and work your way up you will distribute your oil and stimulate your scalp which will increase hair growth

Tremane Baxter: When I saw myth number 10. The day before that I cut my hair short and I believed that lol

Sydney Nelson: So... Bright Side says that dandruff is caused by too much oil on the scalp, which can be true, but it can also be caused by a dry scalp, which they inform us, is not the real cause of dandruff. The problems that cause dandruff vary between people. You can't assume that the absolute cause of dandruff is excess oil! In fact, many dandruff products on the market aim to moisturize the scalp in order to prevent its occurance, so in some sense, most dandruff is caused by a dry scalp, not excess oils, as that is the apparent target market when it comes to advertising dandruff products.

ella: Washing your hair a lot will natural oils from your scalp and all over your body. Also, cold water IS better when washing your hair because its actually does make it smoother, I tired! Btw why do they never show curly hair it’s always straight. Like, sis? What about curly hair people?!

Matsuri: Everyone has different hair types. And that means what some call myth others call fact. There is no one trick to perfect hair for everyone.

Qī Yuè七月: Very informative! Thanks for this.

Robin Arryn: I don’t think many of these statements are 100% correct...

Gorge Fabian: The more you wash your hair or take a bath hair is easy to grow! It's like a nail if you always wash your hand your nails easily grow too! Don't use shampoo to your hair everyday because it can damage your hair it's better conditioner while washing it! ❤️

Priya Oberoi: What if you experience or realize that all these myths are actually true and not just myths

Sudari Katukithule: You know what the funniest thing happened to me after this video An advertisement of a shampoo which promises to give a thick and puffy hair appeared on the screen

Sierra ❤️🕊: I heard years ago that a supplement would be on the market that restores the melanin in our hair follicle , maybe Clairol paid them off lol it would be great it’s just melanin turning off in the follicle . I was really hoping for this I know chemicals aren’t good

CasTheFallenAngel: Some of those aren't myths and I know it from my own experience... #8 Hair doesn't get used to shampoo? Maybe, but the skin, for sure, does. After a long time of using the same shampoo it stops working. #4 It's actually scientifically proven then the frequency of washing hair does affect how much oil is produced. If you wash it more frequently you take away the important oils so it needs to be restored. And again, from my own experience. When I was washing my hair once/twice a week they got oily the day I was supposed to wash them. Now I wash them everyday (just because I like to do that) and they get super oily already in the evening before washing, so... EDIT: I just saw another video on your channel and there it said what I just wrote - so #4 is not a myth...

ecstaticblues: For some, the hair gets really oily because your hair is trying to replace all the natural oils you keep washing away. It may take time but decreasing the amount of times you wash your hair will make it healthier.

Bhavya Singh: I believed in all the myths in this video. And I still don't believe the reasons

Keizi Ryan de la Gente: I combed my hair always when I was in grade 3.. it got long really really fast Its in our tradition to wash our hair every day.. so I dont think I have super oily hair

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