Hair Care For Women Over 40!

I found hair care specifically made for WOMEN OVER THE AGE OF 40 & I'm going on a 60 day hair journey! Sharing my personal hair story, self esteem advice on handling the challenges of feeling older, and all you need to know about the brand Better Not Younger! I'm ecstatic to be partnering with them, and gaining the opportunity to share with you why I love what they are doing for women age 40 + and our unique hair concerns.

I hope you enjoy the humor and vulnerability in this video! I want to give you more than just a description of the brand and the products. I want to give you a real and raw video that you can relate to on an emotional level. Getting older can be really difficult for women! With so many pressures to stay beautiful, I want you to know you are not alone! I encourage you to leave me COMMENTS or questions below! I love talking with my dolls & dames!

This is my official BEFORE video. I'll be posting an official update at the end of May on Instagram, and I'll report the final results at the end of June, here on Youtube! So, stay in the loop if you want to see how well this hair care works!

Unless! Based on my current recommendation, you'd like to try Better Not Younger hair care right away. In which case, you are welcome to use:

Code ROXY15 for 15% off on the Better Not Younger website!

Please note this is a paid partnership (ad, sponsored, included affiliate link) but the opinions are my OWN!

Product Highlights:

Specifically created for women over 40

3 pronged approach - Scalp Care, Hair Structure Care, Internal Supplements

Paraben free, sulfate free, cruelty free, vegan

Safe for colored or chemically treated hair


Also! If you enjoy content for women about beauty, makeup, skin care, and Sephora…as well as self confidence, mental health, abusive relationships, glamour, and/or life over 40, find me here:

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Want to be beautiful, I want to be a Hollywood wise cleany, if I just put some extensions like it, won't take that mini right. Just went here more extensions, just more extensions, more extensions, though they'll think it's mine and they'll think I live in Beverly Hills. Do I do I look like what's up Dalton Ames Mizrachi star here from Sephora squad back for you again today with another video and this time we're talking about hair, and I am so excited to tell you. I have found a company that does hair care specifically for women over the age of 40. Yes, somebody finally figured out that we needed a niche product to address the concerns we have about our hair. Once we passed the four oh and head on off into the best and most prime parts of our life, I don't know about you, but I'm feeling just as sexy and just as amazing and just as wonderful as I did 20 years ago, except I have to Work twice as hard at it actually some days, I don't feel as good as I did 20 years ago and some days I feel like I'm better and some days it's just it's all something to process and deal with. You know getting a little bit older every year is a thing for women right, there's a lot of pressure on us around beauty that affects how we feel, and so when I encountered a product specifically made for us and specifically made for hair concerns, which I struggle With big-time, I was thrilled when they wanted to partner, so today I'm going to tell you who they are. I'M gon na tell you just a bit of my story on what I've been through with my hair and what my concerns are and how they affect my self-esteem and my self-confidence. I'M a confident woman, but I'm not gon na lie like the issues with my hair, affect how I feel about myself and then I'm gon na tell you about a journey. I'M gon na go on with this company over 60 days, so we can really get into how well this stuff works and because it's me - and you know I am crazy - we'll probably have a few good laughs along the way. So if this sounds good, stick around, let get started and don't forget, while we're doing so to pick up your phone or pick up your laptop, whichever, when you're not watching me on and go to Instagram at Miz Roxie star M s, ro X Y s, t Ar and follow me there on Instagram and don't forget to subscribe here right below this video right now. So you don't forget, I know you're drinking wine while you're watching this girl, you're gon na forget you're gon na get to the third glass and you're gon na. Forget because you drink fast girl, so subscribe now: okay, now's, a good time. Click subscribe, alright without further ado. Let'S talk hair over 40. So there's a few things. You need to know fundamental about this brand. Here'S what some of their packaging looks like by the way, and can we just start by saying you know, let's just give them kudos for their name, first of all, because a lot of women do actually feel there's this there's this notion that women want to feel And look younger, it's not so much that you're wanting to feel and look younger right. It'S that you want to feel and look better, but that doesn't have to be younger, and so I love their brand name better, not younger. Now, what I love about their products is the approach. So it's a three pronged approach that works on the internal health, the condition of the scalp and then managing and taking care of the hair you have so the idea is most products are built for the hair. You have okay and young hair, and that means whatever is already here - we're gon na give you this product, that product and third product to make it thicker and make it more volume eyes and make it softer and make it smoother. And but it's all about the hair that you already have: okay, better, not youngers system is three-pronged. It'S a multi-faceted approach that goes from your internal and your supplemental. So there's supplements involved I'll show you that it goes into the hair you have in the product, but also into the scalp. The third part of it is the scalp. I want to start by letting you know where I'm at with my particular hair experience at the moment, so this is the that I have currently once it's been styled and a lot of product has been put into it. It'S not per se like the style. I would go out and pay someone to give me, but I'm at this point in my life, where I have enough frustrations around my hair and I've just had to learn that I just got to do what I can do sometimes so, where I'm at in my Journey is I had tape in her extensions since last August, which was stuff like a lot of months. It is now April - and I got very used to how beautiful I felt with those in well with quarantine and lockdown going and getting those redone wasn't an option. And I was like well no time like the present to give my hair a break and do something amazing with it. So I'm gon na take a moment. So I can show you more specifically what my hair condition is like and looking just not good. In my opinion, it's much it's the hardest part of my beauty, routine. To be honest with you, I struggle when I see my hair like this, it's very difficult, but let me show you that now, okay, so the hair as you're, seeing it is shampoo, conditioner, really basic products, nothing really extra special and detangling spray. That is it air, dried, no heat tools, so this is my hair at that stage of when those things happen, so it has been color treated as you can see over the last few months. You should note that in case you have the same done to your hair and the outgrowth. So here's my natural color, okay, so will first kind of look here now. One of the big concerns that I suddenly had over the last like year and a half that I never had before that really bugs me is this, like I feel like I'm balding right here, even though I know, I'm exaggerating that in my mind, and I'm not Balding, like I never had this weird thinness right here until you know, maybe the last year to something like that. I'D have to go back in my head, but I don't know if you're noticing this, but this is one of my bigger concerns, see how, like that see, how much of that there is. That'S not that wasn't usual when I was younger. Also, I've always had fine hair, but it was fine, thick hair, which meant it was fine hair, but there was a lot of it if I find thin hairs that it's fine and there's also not very much so this is really all the hair. I have I mean it's, it's just nowhere near the amount of hair I used to have and a lot of what's here is barely like. You know this is it so let me turn sideways. Look at this. What the hell, what the hell, then, if you go back here, this is where things are a little bit better, because you can see they're still like a lot more hair concentrated here like if you just look in this area here, just the density there's a lot More hair here but then again look I mean look at the it's just like dry, looking and scraggly. Looking also the condition of the scalp. My scalp look visibly different. It looked dry, it looked kind of icky and I think it comes from the fact that when you have thin fine hair, you can't wash it very often or you end up using a lot of dry, shampoo and so something else I noticed is like my scalp Kind of changed and I think the the opening of the hair follicle kind of changed a little bit as well, and then also texture. That'S the other thing I would I would point out is the texture is a little different. This is all new since being over the age of 40, and if you're trying to grow out color, then you know you also have the Battle of whether or not you like your natural color. If you do more power to you, please don't judge me that I'm so judgmental of mine, but I just got to be me and like have my opinion, and I don't like my natural color. Let me tell you really quick too a little bit about my like story of trauma around my hair, so I used to diet bleach blonde for years and on and off for years and years and years when I was younger and then also when I was a Burlesque performer and all of these things I dyed it blonde at least four times over the course of my life. Somebody has been extremely negligent and literally burned, suddenly out of nowhere all that blonde hair off of me and left me with, like scraggly czar, almost no hair, one time I had to get wigs and every single time. It was to be honest with you emotionally devastating, because no matter what I did to look good elsewhere, I barely had any of this, like just scraggly like broken off disaster. Looking hair that was super upsetting and and then I was upset because it upset me so much it made me feel vain. It made me feel shallow. It made me feel, like people have it worse, and so then it was really hard on myself, because I was like you shouldn't, be this upset like how vain are you? How into beauty are you that you, you know you are struggling this much emotionally, that I was making it hard on myself so part of why this is all so hard for me as I'm getting older is those four traumatic events, so I'm really self-conscious about how Little hair I have here in the front anyway, I didn't want to show you, but there it is thinking about my hair over the years. Had me thinking about hair trends over the years, which I thought would just be fun to include in the video, because once you're over 40 you've had enough time to have experienced quite a few. You know how, in each decade like there was a look or a thing that in theory made you look great and then you would try to go and like look like it, but it didn't necessarily work the same for you and the first one that came to Mind for me was in the 80s. I was a kid in the 80s, so this was like an impressionable time for me, but Tawny, Kitaen, dancing on the car in the Whitesnake video with her luscious long red hair, and you know the hair flip, and I thought this would be really good hair to Demonstrate how trying to do those same hair flips over the age of 40 now in 2020, is not necessarily gon na work out very well for me, and I should qualify that by saying I spent years as a pole, dance and fitness instructor, and so I was The queen of hair flips on when I taught those fitness classes, so it is really crushing to me that I can't do them properly anymore, but let's just take a look: what happens when you air flip tiny, contains style now um yeah? I think we're on our way to a mullet I dressed sexy for you today, because I want to remind you that over the age of 40 you're just getting started, baby you're just getting started your sexier than ever, just the bras a little bit more robust, okay. Okay, now, let's go late 90s and talk about the hair trend known as the Rachel, oh, my god, as annoying as the person it was named for, first of all, never has the history of hair ever had a hairstyle that was more prone to be in your Mouth, all of these little essential tendrils, are so integral to the Rachel had to be here, and they were constantly in your mouth and like fingers on your face. Second, you could have the least blocked shaped head in the world and you had a block shaped head. If you had the Rachel period, like you, just did not good for our self-esteem to be trying to follow a hair trend that has us looking like blackheads. Third, let's say you had any extra weight in your face and you were like mmm. I already have major cheeks going on, maybe you're pregnant, maybe you're bloated. I mean it was that was the 90s. Probably you had an eating disorder. We all fed eating disorders in the 90s because of the supermodels. So let's say you were having all that extra weight on because of that, and then these this hair covers every angle, who's gon na look good like that. Like I need my angles, I need my angles to be showing not Rachel tendrils covering up, so I just have one just one size of face yet another one. Ladies, it wasn't fair, it wasn't fair. Nobody was gon na really end up. Looking all that good in it, I don't care, it wasn't gon na happen. Okay and of course, who can forget how attractive it was in the 2000s when we all got chunky highlights because we all wanted to look like we were dirty like Christina, but you know cute and classy version of it. Like Kelly Clarkson, I mean everybody looks good with huge strip, so their hair in two completely contrasting colors right. Don'T we all want to be correlative ill, a lot mm? No! No! We don't. This was a horrible trend like, let's be honest, the blondes were so much blonder. I mean it was so stark you guys. Nobody was gon na look good with this two-tone hair. It doesn't exist. Okay, so let's talk about another trend that is really hard to pull off for almost anybody who doesn't have like fixed, strong hair - and this is in the 2010s pretty much so this is gon na, be your Kim Kardashian, slash Housewives of Beverly Hills split in the Middle seventeen pounds of hair look right so like who can do that you're like I want to be beautiful. I want to be a Hollywood wife. I want to be a Kardashian, okay, middle part middle part, and then all of us are like. Maybe if I just put some extensions like it, won't take that mini right. No, you won't just put one here, yeah, that's good! Do I look like a basketball? Why do I look Beverly? No, I don't yet I don't. I need more, this one's small. Maybe it goes in the front, really lay down that middle part. That must be what they do. They lay down that perfect middle part with two small pieces, and then they it's not the same though it does it. Mine, looked okay, more extensions, more extensions, just more extensions, more extensions, but the problem is it's not working for you right because you have thin fine hair that is sparse and wiry, and these claws on it. Things are just like just tearing their hair out of your head, but you're determined, you're determined to have this this housewive hair. So then you're like I know what I'll do now I'll just go all and I'll go all and nobody will know nobody will know that. I stole I killed my neighbor down the road with the natural hair and they stole it from her and I made it into a wig, but no one will know they'll. Think it's mine and they'll think I live in Beverly Hills and they'll. Think I'm a housewife there and they'll think I'm sisters with be Kardashian's. Do I look do I do I look like and of course you don't look like a Kardashian yet because no human on the planet has that much hair. Nor can anybody normal afford to have that much hair put on their head. The housewives have that hair because they have the money to have all that hair and when you have just a little tiny bit of hair like I do, it can be a lot more difficult. Although I have rocked a head full of extensions, not gon na lie. I'Ve done it and it was beautiful, but needless to say, I just want to point out. They'Re trying to keep up with these trends can be very, very, very hard on our self-esteem very hard. Thankfully, though, now we have a company like better, not younger, to help us with all of the things around these problems, so what I'm gon na do dolls and dames well Dame's. This is forma dames. I'M gon na try this system for sixty days straight. I'M gon na do the whole better, not younger thang, for sixty days straight. This is my before video and I'm gon na do nine of their products. The shampoo and conditioner called a wake up call and it is for volumizing, so it is wake up. Call volumizing, shampoo and conditioner super power, fortifying hair and scalp serum applied directly to the scalp, the better, not younger, hair Redemption. So this is your restorative butter mask okay, I'm gon na do an update in May so I'll be posting. If you follow me, you know that I'm on the Instagram a lot, and so you know I probably will be doing like random updates on the gram anyway and stories or whatever. But for sure I will be doing a specific progress update on Instagram in May and then at the end of June will come the YouTube video that has the outcome on the whole process. Now the other things I'm gon na be using. So you know the whole shebang of what I'm doing is gon na, be the supplements, so you've got your power within, and this is your skin and scalp collagen gummy significant other hair fortifying vitamins as well as the better, not younger new dawn activated charcoal scalp cleanser. They lift me up: hair, thick, hair, thickener, sorry, lots of talking, lift me up, hair thickener and then the no remorse, hair protection and taming spray. This is a big deal for me, because my hair is extremely sensitive to heat tools. Having any heat protectant is to me fundamental, like I, wouldn't even try the system if it didn't include a heat protectant, because that would be insane. But that said typically just so, you know, I only probably style my hair two to three days a week max. I probably only wash it two maybe three days of the week and so that's kind of my regimen and we'll see if I need to adjust. You know with these products. Oh and also I forgot paraben free sulfate, free cruelty, free vegan and safe for colored and chemically treated hair. So if you go and get your styles on with your salon, you can use better, not younger, on your hair, also, which is awesome now before I let you go in case you're interested, because this is actually one part of the brand that I was extremely interested In I'm, a women's empowerment, type of person, if you've been following me for any period of time, you know that I'm all about like women lifting up other women, so I want to tell you really quick about some so lace who created the brand. So she, first of all her pedigree and business. You guys is up, maybe singing like this woman has a decade's long beauty, industry career that is going to show in these products. So let me also tell you that, even though this brand is indie and small right now, she is bringing her a-game to this stuff. It was not no flash-in-the-pan product. I fully believe i'm going to see results from this. She did this project because she was in the industry and she noticed kind of before she in her 40s, that, like no companies were paying attention to people after 40. There was no discussion in the board meetings of beauty for women after 40, and it was just kind of this thing of like where, where do they go like? They just fall off the edge of the earth or something? And then she turned 40 and it was suddenly like. Oh, this is actually super disturbing and i don't like feeling like i'm being written off like i don't matter anymore and that my beauty concerns aren't marketable or were creating products for, and it started to really bother her and that's why she created it. She just saw this huge right space for a product that wasn't there not only in X, you know existing an actual product but psychologically something that we know is there for us in our age group, because I think this is great for 40s, 50. 67. Anything over 40, I think, will benefit greatly from this line. That is a really good way for me to end. The video is with my thoughts on that sense of feeling, invisible and overcoming that and knowing that you are in a really wonderful amazing point in your life and send you on your way, hopefully with some things that will boost your self-confidence and remind you of how Beautiful and special, you are, let me take care of some housekeeping really quick one. If you want to try this journey with me and you're like I don't need to wait 60 days. I want to do it with you. I want to do it at the same time. I have a code for Roxy 15 ro X, Y 1/5 and that'll be 15 % off anything site-wide at better, not younger. So if you want to get one product all the products, you don't want to do. The journey you just want to try to thicken or whatever you may want to do. If you want to get on that now and not in June, when I wrap up my thing, Roxy 15 will get you 15 % off site-wide and I'll put all the information below as well. I want to make sure and remind you to subscribe to my channel if you didn't earlier, I told you earlier subscribe to the channel the buttons right below click Subscribe, so that you always see my videos. If you really like my content and you're like this crazy, I enjoy her well, how will I know when her stuff comes out? Click, the Bell notification there's a little bell down there and you can click that and that will tell you when a new video has come out and don't forget to follow me on instagram @ ms roxy, star r, ms r, o XY STAAR. Also, if you are in LinkedIn and many of us over 40 are find me there - I am active on Linkedin, I'm not just there. I'M active and I post and it's also miss Roxy star and then I'm on Facebook, too. Also popular with the over 40 set. Is the book of faces, let's wrap up, then with my thoughts on making sure that you don't lose the sense of a worthy and beauty that you should always have, because you're special and you know you deserve it over the age of 40. We are all as women experiencing this. This sense that we are different than maybe we are diminishing that maybe we are disappearing, that maybe we aren't as relevant all these different things around our concept of our beauty starts to get affected by the fact that we feel like we are quote aging and it Can be really challenging, but I want to tell you there is a beauty and a strength and a glamour and a sexiness and and a like a sturdiness. But in a good way and an experienced kind of judge that are all part of a woman who is 40 or older and can never be part of a woman who's any younger than that at that same potency, it is earned. It is something you fought to get to. It is all of your stories and all of your war wounds and all of your triumphs and all of your the love in your life and all of the pain in your life and all of the everything that you did, the kids you had the career. You chased the the the mistakes we did times. You fell flat on your face. These things are what make it different when a 40 year old woman walks by and a 20 year old young woman walks by it feels different right. They feel different. That'S because there is something to that 40 year old woman that took 40 plus years to build that nobody can take away from her, and that is so uniquely her own. So please, please, please embrace that and know that you can't buy that you there's no serum. There'S no pill, there's no option, there's no doctor that can give it to you. Anybody who wants that blatant sex appeal and confidence and wisdom that can be found in a 40 plus year old woman can't get it without earning it. There'S one way to get it and it's to live it right, so just make sure and know and celebrate the fact that everything that is you right now you earned - and you should be very, very, very happy with yourself to get yourself here and very, very kind To yourself, when you look at what that looks like in the mirror: okay, that's it for now: dolls and dames, miss Roxy stars, signing out love and glitter and I'll see you soon. Bye,

Christine Moore: I love watching all the history of hair. You are fun to watch. So many of my friends have hair issues..I have hair issues! Thanks Roxy!

savajess: This is great information. Thanks for taking the time to share! It's so relevant and needed for us women over 40!

Anne Rohrbacker: You are AWESOME! Just out here on YT...making women 40+ feel like rock stars. You have just earned yourself a new subscriber. Thanks, Roxy! <3

Llama Drama: ❤❤❤

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