What Causes Dandruff, And How Do You Get Rid Of It? - Thomas L. Dawson

Explore the head-scratching problem of dandruff, and find out why it happens, and how it can be treated.


On top of our heads, there is a type of yeast that lives and dines on all of our scalps. Feasting constantly, it’s in paradise. And in about half of the human population, its activity causes dandruff. So, why do some people have more dandruff than others? And how can it be treated? Thomas L. Dawson explores this head-scratching problem.

Lesson by Thomas L. Dawson, directed by Artrake Studio.

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Here in this abundant forest, Malassezia is equipped with everything it could ever need. Feasting constantly it’s in paradise., But wait— what’s. This, In fact, Malassezia, is a type of yeast that lives and dines on all of our scalps. And in about half of the human population. Its activity causes dandruff., So why do some people have more dandruff than others And how can it be treated? We might consider ourselves individuals, but we’re really colonies.. Our skin hosts billions of microbes. Malassezia yeasts make themselves at home on our skin. Shortly after we’re, born. Follicles, the tiny cavities that grow hairs all over our body make for especially popular living. Quarters. Malassezia are fond of these hideouts because they contain glands that secrete, an oil called sebum. That’S thought to lubricate and strengthen our hair. Malassezia evolved to consume. Our skin’s proteins and oils., And because of its many sebum-secreting follicles, our scalp, is one of the oiliest places on our body— and consequently, one of the yeastiest. As these fungi feast on our scalp’s oils, dandruff may form.. This is because sebum is composed of both saturated and unsaturated fatty, acids., Saturated fats, neatly pack, together. Unsaturated fats, on the other hand, contain double bonds that create an irregular kink in their structure. Malassezia eat sebum by secreting, an enzyme that releases all of the oil’s fatty Acids., But they only consume the saturated fats, leaving the unsaturated ones. Behind.. These irregularly shaped leftovers, soak into the skin and pry its barrier open, allowing water to escape. The body detects these breaches and responds defensively, causing the inflammation that gives dandruff it’s itch.. It also makes the skin cells proliferate to repair the damaged barrier.. Usually our skin’s outer surface or epidermis completely renews itself. Every two to three weeks, Epidermal cells, divide, move, outwards, die and form the skin’s tough outer layer which gradually sheds off in single cells. Far too small to see., But with dandruff cells, churn out quickly to correct the broken barrier, meaning they don’t mature and differentiate properly.. Instead, they form large greasy clumps around the hair follicle that are shed as visible flakes.. This is how Malassezia’s voracious appetite and our bodies reaction to its by-products lead to dandruff.. Currently, the most effective way to get rid of dandruff is by using antifungals in things like shampoos, applied directly to the scalp, to kill Malassezia. For those who experience dandruff. It usually comes and goes as sebum secretions vary throughout one's lifetime due to hormonal changes.. But despite the fact that Malassezia colonize everyone to a similar extent, not everyone gets dandruff.. Some people are more susceptible. Exactly. Why is unclear.? Do people with dandruff have a certain genetic predisposition Is their skin barrier more permeable Scientists are currently investigating if people with dandruff do in fact lose more water through their scalps and whether this is what’s leading their skin cells to proliferate.. Researchers are learning that Malassezia communicate with our immune system, using small oily molecules called oxylipins that regulate inflammation.. If they can find a way to inhibit inflammatory oxylipins and boost anti-inflammatory ones, they could develop new treatments.. Scientists are also investigating, if there’s any benefit to our relationship with Malassezia.. They hypothesize that dandruff, which can be uncomfortable and embarrassing for us, creates a reliable oily food source for the yeast.. But dandruff, isn’t contagious or a great threat to our health. And Malassezia seem to excel at defending their territory, our skin from other, more harmful microbes like Staphylococcus aureus.. So while scientists have gotten to the bottom of many mysteries surrounding this condition, it must be said. Dandruff remains a head-scratcher

Daniel Fernandez: I came here for answers and left more confused than before.

Strannnge: It’s so interesting reading everyone’s experiences. For about 3-4 years of my teenage life I had really bad dandruff and then it completely went away! Now I’m well into my 20s and if I feel my scalp starting to get itchy I just use a scalp exfoliant. It’s so weird that I have hardly any dandruff now when it used to be so bad (if I shook my head it was fricking snowing, what the heck !) now I get the occasional dead skin, which is not even noticeable

Michael keaton: "Our scalp is one of the oiliest places on our body" The US army: *oil?*

The Rogue Pirate Smithers: Always had dandruff issues, worse with longer hair and far easier to clear when kept extra short. I sweat a lot through my scalp and my face when it's hot or I'm being physically active, again it is far worse when my hair is longer.

littleApricot_Princess: From my personal experience, dandruff can also be caused by environment. I never had problem with it until couple of years ago when I started working in a company that works directly with copper. I wasn't aware of the cause & I've tried many different products to heal my scalp, until I finally found shampoo that fits me. Firstly I was using a medical anti dandruff shampoo that's not allowed to be used all the time, but I'm problem kept coming back. Then I finally found regular anti dandruff shampoo and now my scalp is fine. I noticed the cause of dandruff in my case was from copper is because when I was free of work for a whole month, my problem would disappear.

Breeze Posts Cringe: This actually makes so much sense for me now. My hair is constantly hyper oily as well as being super dandruffy.

Kenya Pope: Thanks for the animated video.I've suffered many years with dandruff & other scalp issues.I still deal with dandruff,but much less.I read somewhere,that junk foods contribute to dandruff.I read that a lack of water,can make dandruff worst! I believe that a poor diet,can also make dandruff worst.I push myself to drink more water.I have yet to drink as much water,as I need.I'll have to think of sneeky ways,to get myself,to consume more water.Washing hair with hot water,may cause more dandruff.I say,that a balanced diet/life is the answer.If you see a bit of dandruff,nip it in the bud.

Rob Kholar: I had a terrible time with dandruff. It would shed off my scalp like sand, it even went on my eyebrows. I sometimes could pull off a flake from my scalp the size of a corn flake. I could see the red bloody dot in the middle of the dandruff flakes from where it developed at the hair's root. I would sometimes comb it off on to a piece of blank paper to see how much I could collect. The best solution for my scalp was shampoo with coal tar in it, I still use it every blue moon when it acts up. As I have gotten older though it has become much less of a problem. Don't let dandruff take over your scalp, ever. There is a solution to this health problem and combing it off your scalp will only aggravate it.

Queen: i’ve dealt with it for 18 years now and it’s only gotten worse, my family literally calls me snow flake it has become one of my biggest insecurities and yet i’m just now doing research on it. i think it’s partly bc i’ve been told i can never get rid of it but i still have hope

Big B: I've always heard that consuming too much protein makes it worse. I have hereditary seborrheic dermatitis and if I don't stay on top of it will drive me crazy. When I was a little boy I had it pretty bad and we didn't know what it was, once I went into the army and had my head shaved I got it under control.

Tylah Ali: I love that so many of the comments are like “wow I was scratching my head as this video popped up” because me too y’all, me too

Féerie's Little World: Wow thanks for making my dandruff situation more clear cause this has been confusing me so much lately but with this video I know more about it and yeah thank

becky herbert: Went to a top dermatologist. He told me he had heaps of people with this issue and that the problem was being caused by Sodium Laurel Sulfate. His suggestion was, 1. Wet hair with warm (not hot) water in the shower and then use Cera Ve moisturising lotion or Conditioner on my scalp and then to rinse it off. 2. To shampoo with non Sulfate Shampoo just the ends once and wash off. 3. Condition all over, then rinse off Been almost five weeks now and I'm pretty much itch/dandruff free. Apparently the anti dandruff shampoos are full of SLS which can over time wear away at our skin and cause us to itch and the skin to flake off. It's worked for me I am not a Dr or medical professional, so please speak to yours about whether it's worth a try for you.

fR0gg!3: I had really bad dandruff in elementary school around 3-5th grade. It was so bad I would mess with my hair and it’s look like it snowed in my lap. I was so embarrassed especially when someone would point it out and ask if I had lice. The dandruff has gone down but I still see a few flakes here and there and sometimes from my eyebrows‍♀️

dotty7789: I use a lavender based shampoo for my scalp. It really balances things out and prevents buildup or drying out my scalp. Without that shampoo my scalp would get so oily that I'd have to wash it every other day. Now I can go about 2 days before feeling any buildup. I wash my hair every 3-4 days now

Moody Me: "We may consider ourselves individuals. But we're really colonies." - that hit on a different level...

Karla Edith: I’ve always had dandruff, but this time it’s lasting longer and my hair is falling like crazy. I don’t know if it’s because of dandruff or my hyperthyroidism :(

Paul In Montreal: I grew up with chronic scalp issues and bad dandruff. I went to all the doctors and tried all the treatments and special dandruff shampoos etc. I solved it by accident 35 years ago. I tried a 2 dollar bottle of shampoo. I think it was Suave. The key words on the bottle were, “for dry and damaged hair”. At first, I found my scalp and hair oily but I gave it a try and after about 2 weeks my dandruff problem was gone forever. I tried using other shampoos once and a while for different reasons but my itching and dandruff would come back after a week or two. I have been dandruff free for 35 years. I noticed the other day that the herbal essence one I used for many years doesn’t say for dry and damaged hair any more. So I am not sure if the one that says moisturizing or hydrating is the same thing. Right now, I use Desert essence, coconut shampoo for dry hair. It works, not sure it is the best one. Basically any shampoo that says for dry and damaged hair will work. I don’t have oily scalp. And I don’t have dandruff.!! Good luck!

SubZero 63: I used to get dandruff from warm showers. Just last year I started washing my hair with cold water and that solved the problem entirely.

GoyLand DeFree: 1. Wash hair with ketocozone shampoo once per week 2. Do not use alcohol products on scalp or minimize use 3. Periodically use essential oils/hyaluronic acid overnight and wash off 4. Brush hair often with soft rubber tip brush to remove dead skin instead of allowing buildup

Jlorious Art: All my life has been a lie when my mother told me that Dandruff is caused by not properly rinsing away the shampoo on your hair

Tiago Filipe Vaz TFV: Bald people be like: *"I'm four parallel universes ahead of you"*

Chilie Verde: I have extremely sensitive skin, I also happen to get dandruff often. Anyone else that has sensitive skin also have dandruff? I wonder if it’s more common in people like that. Just curious.

manamal769: This was really informative and educational

Tien TT: Thank you so much for the knowledge today. Now I feel better about my dandruff

Blueberry Chocolate: “What causes dandruff,” sure I want to know, “and how to get rid of it” YES PLEASE!

Wayne Smith: I suffered from something that made my head itch and flake until I was in my mid 30's. I used an ozone generator that could inject ozone into water to treated my head for 3 nights in a row and I have never had a problem again for over 20 years.

Leslley Scotte: For me it’s testosterone. Before I transitioned I had constant dandruff. Literally nothing helped. When I started to chemically block the production of testosterone all my dandruff went away. Oily skin, oily scalp and acne disappeared. My need to wash greasy hair doesn’t exist. Now I only wash my hair once a week or as needed and condition every other day. Hormones are more powerful than we think.

It's a cookie: I was born with really bad dandruff, 14 years later I still have really bad dandruff. My dad, grandpa (on my dads side), and a few others on my dads side have dandruff. I don't think dandruff itself is genetic, I think its how susceptible are head is to those purple things that is genetic. Because genetics are more about physical traits, it makes sense the our head skin (? I don't think that's proper wording) would also be genetic, especially cause my father had stronger genes compared to my mom.

L B: that last part is especially interesting. when i was younger, i had a small staph infection on my scalp and ive had dandruff since then.

GRAY: Dandruff : *exists* Bald people : we don’t do that here

Logan: I had terrible dandruff that was in part due to my leaky gut. I have terrible IBS and I found that going keto and illuminating gluten helps me specifically.

Adam Perry: I get heavy dandruff when I'm stressed or dehydrated, but my hair is long now so it's usually a lot less visible than it used to be

bananarama9: As someone with psoriasis, I'm not quite sure this was the explanation I was looking for lmao

David Michalovskij: I have alot of dandruff and this really helped me, thanks

Leaked2D: Every time I get a haircut, I literally have a on going fear, that people are just staring at my dandruff fall from my head and judge me in their head.

MusicMilkyWay: It’s candida(yeast), you need antifungal oils like coconut oil. You can also use clove oil but you’ll need a carrier oil like coconut or jojoba, yeast is a LOT more damaging and dangerous than just something that causes dandruff

Known Phoenix: I rarely get dandruff but when I do it's usually after wearing a hat for extended periods of times/sweating a ton and it seems to easily solve itself after I wash it with cold water and dry it well with a towel

Ayşenur Muti: For a couple of months, my hair created dandruff. My mom says i never had dandruff before, and i know i never had, but now i have. My mom is suffering from dandruff because of a fungal disease from her childhood but, now i am suffering from that, too. I'll use some natural stuffs like homemade apple vinegar with water and a little baking soda. I don't use shampoo because that caused a lot of hair loss, so i am using natural Laurel soap, and a spray made of cloves tea. I thought that caused dandruff but now i learned what can cause that. Thank you

TONEakaSHOW: I was always told dandruff means that your hair is going. And that it's a sign of good hair health.

Adrian Nalundasan: Me: “i got dandruff” Moms: “because you’re always on that damn phone!”

Monique: Just went to my derm for this along with prescriptions (one of them being an antifungal shampoo) she told me to avoid products with foods and oils in them. Check your ingredient labels. The food helps to produce more yeast.

Preetae xoxo: I'm a teenager and I already have too much of hairfall. Past 4 - 5 years a lot of hair has fallen off from my head and it looks a little scanty. I have a really oily scalp and in the past 2 years I have developed dandruff as well.

vc180191: What is it where you have tons of dandruff, but none of the swelling or itchiness? I've never really noticed any significant or minor head itching that this video talks about but still have literal snowfalls whenever I so much as shake my head. Hair is also not particularly oily either, so is it the same thing or am I just dead to the sensation?

Thomas Tacker: Here is what works for me! I wash my hair with regular shampoo, then I rinse it normally, Next I put Barbasol brand original shaving cream and rub it in to my scalp and leave it for a couple of minutes then i work it in a little bit more and rinse. I use a little conditioner after that. This is great to get your dandruff in check for about a week or two. I do this before any event where I will be wearing dark colors and it works great.

BlueWolf: Gives a whole new meaning to "Living on your head rent free".

Snoopy: Is it me or everyone also, when I tend to use let’s say shampoo a for the first time, it reduces the dandruff, but when I continue to use it- it doesn’t work. When switching to another shampoo the first time it helps and then doesn’t work after the next try.

ChronoMune: Didn’t expect the answer to be antifungal, I thought it would have something to do with replacing the saturated fats through your scalp. Would that not work? I guess maybe it would just be giving them more to feed on. The antifungal is tempting but now I’m not sure if it’s worth it, am I better off with dandruff than leaving my head clear for those worse microbes? :/

Δημήτρης Μάρκου: dandruff is linked with anxiety/depression. unfortunately, good anti-dandruff shampoos (e.g. Dercos from Vichy) can only mitigate the problem, they cannot vanish it.

Voice Network: For me, dandruff only happens when I stop applying oils to my hair.

AmbitiouZ: "Scalp was the oiliest skin of our body" My face:

AMZAJ21 J: Well - a lot of possibilities. Almost 20 years as a barber, so I can tell you. Some possible reasons include dry scalp, irritated scalp such as from allergies to haircare ingredients or chlorinated water. Alcohol in dry shampoo and hairspray is a typical allergy that people can develop. Not drying your hair is a very common cause. Warm wet scalp grows yeast that causes itchy scalp. Chlorinated water helps create buildup on the scalp too by forming a film. You shouldn't use harsh shampoos. Use a baby shampoo that isn't a 2-in-1... just a simple baby shampoo. It won't cause irritation and it will leave hair squeaky clean and get rid of build up without over drying. Very gentle, very effective, and inexpensive. Try to filter water. Dry your hair as much and as often as possible. Avoid putting conditioner on your scalp. Just on the last 3rd or so of your hair (ends).

Taniks, The Abomination: I’ve always wondered why my head felt wet when I was never around liquids.

Boom clash mine: Really good informational video!

Toto Foto: Well I had dandruff all my life, when I stopped using shampoo and started using Olive oil soap, it all went away, now the scalp is clear and clean, recommend it for everyone even oiled skin peeps.

GiveMeCoffee: My 5cents for those with seborrheic dermatitis and frizzy hair: - Use warm or cold water, hot water can irritate the scalp and it opens your hair cuticles (it will dehydrate and look frizzy) - Leave the shampoo work for at least a couple minutes, meanwhile it is important to massage the scalp to stimulate blood flow (which is why it is ok to wash your scalp daily) - Avoid products containing silicone on your scalp!!! Many cases of dandruff are actually seborrheic dermatitis or folliculitis, and silicone will worsen them. The fewer products you apply when washing, the better. - Panthenol comes in many antifungal shampoos and it is enough to help condition your hair. - Your hair is frizzy and you can't stop using conditioner? Then use white vinegar mixed with 1/3 gallon (1L) of filtered water in a ratio of 1:7 to rinse your hair at the end and you will instantly feel how it relaxes (water with higher acidity will help close your hair cuticles and make it look smoother and less prone to breakage) - Damaged hair that needs treatment and dandruff? You can use 1-2 drops of argan oil (it is expensive but you only need that amount), massage the oil in your hand palms, then distribute it to your hair once it is dry without causing friction, and then use the tip of your fingers to massage the scalp. - And most important: let the sunshine on your scalp daily, not only you will enjoy an anti-inflammatory effect, but also has antifungal effects.

llbennyd: Effects of chemicals in most shampoos and soaps needs to be considered. Scalps get chemicals burns in some individuals due to " allergic" reactions

Otodus Obliquus: Here's a genuine question for you. Why is it that when I use dandruff preventing shampoo, it actually substantially WORSENS my dandruff? While normal shampoos don't seem to affect anything?

Holly Wojtysiak: One time I was in 4th grade and I had so much dandruff on the TOP of my head and I went the entire day like that

AFFAN Azam: I've found that washing my hair with cold water or luke warm water in winters helps me reduce dandruff.

Sajek Xtha: Just realized, I'm giving shelter and food to millions of microorganisms on my head

PRIMELASER: I always had a dandruff problem during summer which combined with my psoriasis (i got some spots on my head) always sucked and nothing helped expect not worrying too much. that helped lol

Mister Streamliner: I have dandruff pretty bad, and every time I try to treat it, my scalp breaks out SO badly. It drives me mad, so I just stopped fighting it, let it snow I guess.

Knoniez Zimlou: I've never felt more itchy in my life.

thomas aquinas: Dandruff is sloughed skin, caused by excess oil or sebum, clogged pores (poor hygiene) and/or auto-immune problems. There is no cure, as with most auto-immune problems. Keep hair trimmed, clean, and short. Use no shampoo unless you have to control itch or excess flakiness; use a menthol containing treatment. Most important by far: address nervous concerns...and dry hair by air and not blow dryer. Since you probably wash in the AM, this is a problem if you work, and esp. work up north. Try to towel dry only.

Ronin Unleashed: The video we never knew we wanted, but we all need.

GraydogyPlayz: I have dandruff and that help a lot. Thanks ❤

Lucas Dias: I've only had dandruff twice in my life. After using anti dandruff shampoo, I never had it again

khylomielaguilus: Thank you for teaching me and giving me anxiety

Kryptonite: i have manageable dandruff, but it gets exacerbated when i consume gluten (inflammatory) on a regular basis - let's say i buy a box of cookies that takes a few days to finish my scalp typically calms down a day or two after finishing or cutting out the gluten product

Claudiu Antal: “We might consider ourselves individuals, but we’re actually colonies” - now I deeply question my self awareness because of this.

GamingseriesX: Came looking for answers and left confused. I love it

Varun Paatni: I am struggling with it for the last few years now.

siv.: Idk if it’s related to stress but whenever I’m stressed my scalp becomes itchy and flaky

Sebastian: After trying tens of shampoos in my 20s, the only way to prevent dandruff is to wash twice a week with baking soda diluted in water, rinse well and then apple cider vinegar and water. I haven't had dandruff in many years with this method, but the moment I use regular (or anti-dandruff) shampoo I have snowy shoulders.

Arielace: Hey, just here to say I'm not judging because of your dandruff. I've been there. It comes and goes depending on how stressed I am. Wear light colored shirts if you want it to kinda hide away.

Soli Nickerson: I was never embarrassed by my dandruff as a child. I kinda thought it was cool.

Mark Smith: I'm no expert but for me I stopped using conditioner ten years ago and haven't had dandruff since, I'm 50+ and have full head of hair, well its almost grey but dandruff free, hope this helps.

Shiki: Love how the video ends. "...... it must be said that dandruff remains a head scratcher".

Adarsh Yadav: I guess that "How to get rid of dandruff" in the title was just to play with emotions of all the humans

Nikkolas Diehl: I get extreme dandruff. Especially in my eyebrows. And on my scalp, huge chunks peel off when I scratch. I'm talking, flakes the size of my fingernail.

Joseph Stalin: I have been trying to remove dandruff from my head for over a year now. It never works even with medicated shampoo. And I've been using right.

ᅠᅠ: "Dandruff remains a head scratcher." Genius.

facto3 exsito: im 35, been using L'oreal Elseve hairfall resist and anti-dandruff shampoo. works great for me. stronger shampoo ive use is Selsun Blue but if you tried all on shelf and the problem persist; get advice from the doctor, you'll get prescription dandruff shampoos

Ernesto Torres: Goes to the barber, noticed flakes falling while he’s cutting, then THIS VIDEO SHOWS UP?! FBI we need to talk...

Charlie Wiggins: I had it terrible growing up, I strongly recommend showering with olive oil and then washing it out with shampoo it certainly solved any issues. Honestly Olive Oil is a god send.

SypheRx: I have been having dandruff problems for the past 3 months and this popped up in my recommendations, thank you Youtube

MyL0rd♡ :]: once I scratched my scalp too hard and it started bleeding. I went to the doctors and got a cream that stopped it for a month before I scratched it again at school and skin from my head went onto my clothes. I blew it off anyways. I do have dandruff and it costs too much to get shampoo for it so yeah I still sorta have it.

Terese Daigle: TedTalk: This is how I was almost a serial killer and then discovered the meaning of life. TedEd: dandruff

CraZGuy Kwan: Fellow people who don't have greasy hair, but often get dry scalp: do NOT use Head and Shoulders. Its intention is to remove dandruff, but not for dry scalp dandruff. You'll have an even drier scalp which will cause much more shedding. Instead look for more natural products like Aussie or Hot Six Oil, or diluted Tea Tree oil.

Sergio Rodriguez: As someone with folliculitis, this made me really angry. Haha, great video tho.

Creamxsiro: One time the dandruff on my hair was so thick that to the point when my friend accidently threw a toothpick into my hair they got stuck in it, and by discovering that, my friends threw alot more into my hair creatin a cactus hair style without me knowin. so i revenged by a head-tackle :)

Sabrina S.: Rewatching this because I never had dandruff until last year. Wondering what caused the sudden dandruff; I don't think I invited the malassezia

Bob The Builder: Very informative.

sauciine: Dammit if you're gonna eat it, at least frickin' finish it.

Gaming Creator: In winter's I get a lot of dandruff, I take raw aloe Vera and scrub on my head for few minutes, I do this 1-2 time in a weak and no dandruff for rest of the winter.

KyuCat: Anti dandruff shampoo (H&H) actually caused my head to stink rly bad. I still don't know why that happens, even my normal shampoo didn't help anymore, it's like it triggered sth, even if I don't use it anymore :(

Koji Yao: Everytime I grow out my hair, dandruff appears but everytime I get a buzzcut, it almost disappears completely

Carlo Rojas: Apple cider vinegar applied at the roots and left in for a few minutes before rinsing/washing out in the shower will help balance your skin and reduce flakes for about 2 weeks or more.

jojo Akki: "Dandruff was never my friend" —L'Oreal.

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