9 Summer Hair Care Hacks For Curly Hair - Lana Summer

Curly hair care tips in the summertime heat! Protect your hair from the sun and keep it hydrated this summer!! Please subscribe and thumbs up the video! ♡

HAIR SUNSCREEN - https://bit.ly/2zXEffB or https://bit.ly/2tHg8fx

Hi guys it's Lana here and today I wanted to give you guys some summer haircare tips, because England has been like surprisingly sunny and hot lately. Honestly, I didn't think that there would be time to make a summer hair cell video, because usually English summer only lasts for about two weeks, but we have had like just non-stop Sun, non-stop fun and the weatherman says it's not gon na end. The weatherman says: if any people go in, there might even be a hosepipe ban and now that we're having a full summer, let's make a summer haircare video, it needs to happen. It needs to go ahead. So it comes up the video, if you like it. If you enjoy it, if you needed, it also make sure to subscribe, because I make haircare videos all the time as well as a whole bunch of other stuff and comment your summer hair get tips down below, because I would love to hear it. I'M sure everybody else would as well so help a sister out leave it in the comments and, let's jump into the video number one. The first tip I have for you is sunscreen. I know I know that you've heard this for your skin. Obviously, you need to wear sunscreen so that you don't burn, but did you know that the Sun can also damage your hair? Yes, it can my dear so you can protect your hair using a hair sunscreen. A few brands that I know of that do SPF in their hair products is Tresemme, weird, add tart. I believe I do believe tart of Scotland. I will link that the sun protection hair products down below, so you guys can check them out. But it's just something to think about, especially if you are somebody who likes to soak up the Sun and like to spend a long time in those UV rays. In the heat, another thing is your scalp. This is section 1 B. I learned an interesting facts about afro hair. The reason why afro hair is so queerly is so that it doesn't leave your scalp exposed, which means that the sculpt is not exposed to the Sun and the Sun does not burn the scalp. So your hair is there to protect you. So if you've got thick curly hair like me, then you will probably also find that you have never really burned on your scalp. Obviously my hair is like it's not the thickest. So if I wanted to be especially extra or if you do experience bending your scalp then remember to put sunscreen on your scalp so that your scalp doesn't burn, because if you have a burnt scalp and it start shedding, then I can imagine that you would start To lose hair and that kind of thing we don't want that to happen. It'S painful is itchy. So if you feel like you, scalp make sure you protect yourself with sunscreen number two. This is not necessarily about hair care, but it's definitely a fun little. On my hair hack, so I noticed that in the summer I'm washing my hair a whole bunch. More often, my hair is usually wet a lot of the time or I just don't have time to style it or I don't want to be looking down. My edges and that kind of thing because they can get sweaty, so I don't really know how to style my hair not know what to do with it. So I figured I just put a pair of sunglasses on and you know what it works like. I really like it as a style like I found myself just walking around and the sunglasses became their hair style. I'Ll show you one else, doesn't get these sunglasses, that's the look see what I mean just look, so my third tip for you is about the actual sunglasses right, so these sunglasses have become my go-to and that's because they don't have any of those annoying little grippy Things for your nose right here, because those grippy things will you put them in your hair, come out again get ones like this better get stuff right here. I love them they're, always in my purse they protect my eyes no get stuck in my hair. When I take them off so my next tip, for you is about space for hats, I wear baseball hats all the time in the summer, mainly because I'm trying to protect my face from UV rays - and I don't want be squinting so sometimes I'll double up and I'Ll have sunglasses and a baseball cap like I look like I'm undercover or something I think that makes a really cute hairstyle for curly girls, especially if you can get one with satin lining in it. So I actually do have a satin lined baseball cap from grace alight, comm I'll link it down below. So there doesn't ruffle up your hair, it doesn't break your hair, doesn't damage your hair or anything like that. It'S just like pure protection for your hair, whilst also delivering and cute summer style. You have to get the right kind of baseball hat for your hair, especially if you do have that curly hair that's prone to tangling. It can definitely make a difference when you get the wrong type of hat. So, for example, I like to get the baseball hats that you have the velcro back or they have to pop on back so that you could just pop it off or you can just you know, um peel it from your hair and it doesn't take your hair Away with it, whereas if you get the baseball hats, that I've got the sliding metal groups at the back, then they can really really mess with your hair and they can get tangled up with it. And you end up ripping your hair out with those it's kind of similar to the sunglasses as well. We girls, we have to be careful in the summertime when we try to protect our face and our eyes with the baseball caps trying to look cute trying to style it just make sure you get the right type of baseball cap. So my next tip, for you is a hair washing tip. So obviously in a summertime you go to bed and it's hot and you probably sweat at night. I mean we do in the UK anyway. I don't know about you guys in the rest of the world, but we don't have aircon over here. What else can you do? You might find that you need to wash your hair more often because you don't want to be walking around thinking that? Okay, what are you gon na? Do you're gon na change up your whole routine? Are you gon na start using sulfate, so you're gon na start stripping your hair away from all of its moisture and everything like that? No, instead, you can just wash more frequently use a co-wash or a cleansing cream or a product. That'S got no sulfates and it's something. That'S really really gentle on your hair to make sure that, even though you are cleaning your hair you're, not stripping it away of the oils and the goodness that's in your hair, so you want to clean away the sweaty smell. You want to clean away to sweat and the dirt, but you want to protect your hair at the same time, they're really popular at the moment. If you just go on to maybe Sephora or go to super job or boots search co-wash, you will find one. I, like a karekare co-wash. It is the honey shaker wash that one works. This if achill also has a shampoo that feels really gentle and moisturizing right. Number six is about humidity humidity in the air is the devil. It is a clearly girl's worst nightmare like you've gone and you've, put your hair perfectly defined, there's no frizz and you step outside into the humid air, and suddenly it's like Bigfoot just walks out the door. What are you gon na do about it? So really, I think we can't change the humidity Mia. We can't change the atmosphere, that's always gon na be there and it was always gon na be a challenge, but there are a few things that you can do to stop the humidity having such a big effect on your hair. So the thing is with humid. Air is that it's holding a lot of moisture. It means there is a lot of moisture in the air if your hair is lacking, moisture and if you have got high porosity hair. So if you here is letting moisture in and out very easily, then as soon as you step outside, it will suck in all of that moisture from the air, and it will puff your hair up, which means it you're going to need to change something in your Routine, so for the first thing you're going to want to do is make sure that your hair has got moisture in it already so to do that, you're going to want to do deep conditioning treatments, so you might want to try like a conditioning mask once a Week and just make sure that you are using a leave-in conditioner every time you wash your hair, you might also want to add an oil to your routine. So, for instance, I feel like coconut oil is too heavy for my hair, so I like her hobo oil. So I would apply that after money thing conditioner and what got oil does. Is it really seals because oil is like a moisture barrier, so water does not go through oils? So if you had a glass of water and you poured oil on it, the oil would just sit on top it wouldn't mix with the water. It wouldn't go through the water. So that's because oil and water don't mix so the oil is there to prevent the moisture from the humid air from getting into your hair and making it frizzy. I do just want to say, though, nothing is really gon na protect your hair completely against humid air. I mean this is literally the atmosphere that you're living in and we as humans are not stronger than the atmosphere of planet Earth. So we are just gon na have to deal with it and it might just be a good idea to kind of just embrace it. Embrace your natural texture, try and rock the frizz try and rock the volume that comes with it and just see how you like it. I guess so number seven is if you're going to go into the ocean or if you go into the pool with all the chlorine and all the chemicals, the ocean with all the salts and the dirt and the bees, then it's a good idea to braid your Hair up I, for one, will definitely not be jumping into the ocean with my hair out like this, because I know that my hair would get super tangled and the salt would get all up in it. And I would see smelling like salt for ages and also that salt is really hard to actually get out of your hair, and you will probably find that you are, you know getting rid of salt for like weeks to cart'. So another thing is that the combination of the salt, water and the Sun mixed it together, it's a damage potion, so the scene will took them really dry your hair out and make it very Russell. It'S also going to strip away any sort of protection that you had if you did use a UVA protection, your hair and then, if you want to go and sit and dry off in the Sun as well, that is really a recipe for disaster. Your hair, your hair, is gon na feel so dry after that, so brittle. So just braid. It up minimize any damage, minimize the risk of tangles minimize the amount of salt, that's in your hair and minimize drying it out as well. So number eight is to wear your hair up as much as possible, and the reason for that is just because, if you've put it down, then just why I mean it's so hot out. This makes me so hot like I cannot wait. Tie my hair up after this, so I just don't want you guys to be doing stuff, you don't need to be doing if it's too hot, for you then just put your hair up and also have your hair up, especially if it's in a bun is generally Just protective for your hair anyways, if you feel like you're suffering from acne, we've got chest acne or something, then that could really be a combination of like the increased sweat mixing with product residue and then it's just not having a chance to breathe because it's got Hair sitting, on top of it, I just feel like it's a good idea to have your hair up in the summertime. So definitely have a look out for some queued up styles. I think they look really cute. This last tip is about perfumes and sprays, so in the summertime you want to be looking your best. You want to be smelling sweet, so maybe you go ahead and you spray a whole bunch of perfume like everywhere, somewhere tip for you is to not spray perfume on your hair. Cuz perfume contains a lot of alcohol and we're just very drying on your hair. So if you want your hair to small eyes, either choose products with a very rich scent: oh, go ahead and use a scented, hair mist or some hair fragrance. So I really like my one by otx: it is B ginseng and cherry blossom scent. I love it. It'S divine so that is really gon na protect your hair. If you feel like you really want your hair to smell good, avoid putting your perfume on it, I wish we have 10 tips, so that was everything from me today. I really hope you guys enjoyed this video. I hope I wasn't talking too fast again, because that happens. Sometimes I'm sorry please thumbs up the video if you liked it also don't forget to subscribe for more videos from me and also comment. Your for my curly hair tips down below. Also, give me a comment down below and tell me your favorites on a story from this almost over far cuz. I really want to hear about it. Give me some summer inspires I'm summer life, I'm gon na put it on my summer bucket list. If you guys have done anything crazy like that, so let me read through those and I'll see you guys in the next video bye

Samantha713: Does anyone else struggle with the hair at the back of their head curling differently than the rest, like tighter and less spirally and more tough? Any tips and tricks to help this?

Hannah Marie: This Is perfect I wear my hair in a bun almost 24/7

MorganF_5 5: one section of Lana's hair is equivalent to the amount of hair I have

Bianca Colon: My curl pattern gets all wonky in the summer any tips? The bottom will curl loosely and it’ll look nice but the top near my roots will be flat and have no volume

DeSoAnna: Did you say you don’t have air conditioning?!?! I would just die. I live in Arizona. It’s 115 degrees today. Thanks for the tips.

idil ismail: This was sooo helpfull and perfect timming thanks

Megan Gardner: I’m loving this weather. I still can’t believe it’s lasting so long! ✨

Lauren Callaghan: Good advice! I really want that cap now. I’m also enjoying your new white brick wall it’s awesome!

Sophie Redstone: I personally don’t suffer of acne but in my upper back I always have some pimples and stuff so what you said was way too helpful , lauv yaaa

HOLLYOONGS: Actually i find ocean water very good for your hair it makes my hair soooo softtt and pretty but chloreine is the oppsite

Arielle: I can’t fit my hair under a baseball hat

RellsPositiveMusic: . You and your hair are beautiful! Cool tips. I use an essential oil like “lavender” or similar ,and mix it with olive oil and apply to my hair to make it smell good☺️.

Ganna Mohamed: I heard that (for curly gals) that sunscreen is not safe to put on your scalp... Idk I'm too scared to do it!

b maria: you deserve way more subs!

S: I just wear my hair up 24/7 during the summer cause it's hot and i'm lazy.

Valerie Alcantara: What foundation do you use? It looks divine! ✨

Gracie Bennett: You look so good in the thumbnail!

Dan oh: Beautiful

Angela Saputan: Woah! In indonesia, the temperature is like summer ALL the time, my city is ussually 38-39° celcius :) Thats why nearly every house have air con and no heater :)

Aditi Mukhopadhyay: It's freaking hot in India right now. Almost 40° at noon. And I'm getting a lot of summer frizz. The humidity is 80% on average. That means we are sweating like pigs. So whatever I'm doing its of no use. Can you suggest some tips to control summer frizz?

Dominique Johnson: What is your hair porosity?

Pink Dragon: Basically where I live in the Caribbean is Summer all year long

Hey it’s Bri: Lana summer I wish I have long beautiful hair like yours

Daughter of Zion: Good info

Mariana Villavicencio: Your so pretty , send you love from México.

Sincerely, Jii: I gotta say every time I hear the opening song I just i start dancing and singing along

Dee Luther: Nice video As alwayS That thumbNail Tho You LookinG Soo FreaKinG Beautiful Everything iS On FuckinG PoinT Hope you Enjoying your Lovely WeekenD As Well

S: What lashes are you wearing in the video?

priscila granados: What kind of porosity do you have?

Anna Luna: My ends keep breaking even though i deep moisturize with oils every week and braid my hair to bed. What am i doing wrong? i also trim it every 3-4 months...

Gina Key: Imma use this for the entire year because florida

HeyIt'sKate: I live in Texas, so... yeah. It's still may and 90 degrees outside.

Mariyah Nuckols: Your hair is so beautiful

Ash: Yessss the annoying sunglasses stuck in ur hair!! H8 it!

Shady._t: i live in Jamaica lol sun all around the year

nada reyene: lmao that weather is because of global warming it’ll become deathly heat waves in a few years

Monica Fabiola: Curly Queen

Bethany Simon: Did you say you don't have AIR CONDITIONING?? In the whole COUNTRY??? Girl I'm sorry

Jiovanna Lopera: What lipstick color is that?❤️❤️❤️❤️

mayra: Your really pretty

Jerusalem: You are Beautifulllll

Tammy Dowell: as I am is a awesome co wash.

Emelia: Hi new person here love d vid

Zayah Frazier: I love u sooooo much❤❤❤❤ u r beautiful and i wishhh i was u

Eleanor Fagerstrom: am i the only one annoyed that i cant read what her shirt says in all. all i can read is happy when.

ρhanice: Hallo

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