Donna Bella U-Link Bond Hair Extensions

Donna Bella Milan offers bond based as well as non-bond based hair extensions. For more info about hair extension methods visit the Hair Extension Guide at:

When using Donna Bella hair extensions, the consultation process is quite simple: you'll first need to determine what kind of a look your client is hoping to achieve. There are a few different approaches. You can use first length, second volume or thickness and third highlights or color. It'S also common to mix and match these three approaches. In fact, when adding length, you'll also need to add volume to make the extensions look natural before you start to apply extensions to your clients, hair, it's important to find the right color to help with this matching process. Take your Donna, Bella color ring and hold it up against your clients, hair with such a wide range of tones to choose from finding the right. Color should not be difficult. Remember if your clients hair does not match exactly you're able to dye and bleach the Donna Bella human hair. Now it's time to section your clients hair to help with this process, you'll use the rat tail comb and large Clips provided in your Donna Bella kit. First, divide your clients, hair into two equal halves using the rat tail comb, create a straight and defined part line. This part line should run horizontally from one ear to the other, passing just below the occipital bone, using the large clips clip all other hair. On top of the head make sure the clipped hair is secure and also that the horizontal part is as straight as possible. So your client can wear her hair up or in a ponytail, do not apply extensions to the NAP area or lower back of the head to help conceal the extensions attachment. Do not apply extensions in or around the temples area also do not apply extensions in or around your clients, natural part line, and you do not want to apply extensions in or around the bangs area, to help, simplify and speed up the application process. Donna Bella has created a protector strip that can be cut into different lengths, take a protector strip and place it over the top of the horizontal part line. You just created measure the desired length and then cut the strip accordingly. Now that you've cut the protector strip to the desired length, use the small Clips provided in your kit to fasten the protector strip to your clients head. It may take four small clips to secure the strip to prevent it from moving while working the small holes on the strip should rest just beneath the horizontal part line. This is the needle hook tool simply slide the needle hook into the end of the handle and twist to tighten. Although the needle hook tool makes it very easy to consistently grab and pull apart the right amount of hair through the protector, it is possible to grab too much of your clients hair. If you cause an unnatural hair direction by grabbing too much of your clients, hair. Simply place the needle hook tool underneath the protector strip and pull the hair back through the hole. It'S also possible to grab too little of your clients hair if this occurs simply pull more hair through the hole or start again by first removing the hair from the hole place. The needle hook tool through the first hole on the protector strip using the hook, grab a small section of your clients, hair and pull it through the hole repeat this process for all other holes in the protector. If your client is wishing to only add volume to her natural hair, it is not necessary to use every hole on the protector strip. Instead, you can select to skip holes and only pull your clients hair through every other hole. Again, this depends on the volume your client wants to add to her own hair. If you're only adding highlights you may just use every third or fourth hole on the strip once you've completed, pulling your clients hair through the protector strip, be sure to check your work. Pulling too much hair through the hole can cause an unnatural look when the extension is applied, pulling two small amount of hair can create added, stress and breakage to your clients, hair to apply the Donna Bella. U link extension, take a small section of your clients, hair and lay it in the u-shaped bond with one hand, hold your clients, hair and bond in position, with your other hand, use the Melting connector to melt the bond to your clients hair. After just a few seconds, using your thumb and forefinger roll the bond into a cylindrical shape, the extension should be securely attached to your clients, hair. Let'S watch this: u link application process a few more times. If you find a you link bond that does not have a complete seal simply remelt and remould the bond, using your thumb and finger to take the protector strip off simply undo the small clips and pull the bonds will slide right through the holes on the strip. After you've completed the application process, evaluate your work, make sure each bond has a complete seal, also be sure each extension is falling in a natural downward direction. Here'S what a row of you link extensions should look like, because hair is sometimes thinner on the sides. You may not be able to pull the usual amount of your clients hair through the protector. To avoid adding stress to this small section of your clients hair. It is sometimes recommended to cut a bond in half also to better conceal the bonds on the side of the head. It is recommended to have the bond by cutting the top off. Do not apply extensions too close to the face. It'S important to keep your clients hair, looking natural without exposing the extensions to take the protector strip off simply undo the small clips and pull the bonds will slide right through the holes on the strip with a specially-designed extension brush provided in your kit brush through your Clients, hair explain to your client that an extension brush will not damage her extensions to remove the you link bond, simply dab some dissolvent or liquid remover onto the bond. Let it absorb for a few seconds, then using the bond remover tool, crush the bond and then pull to remove using one of the narrow tooth combs provided in the kit comb out any excess bond from the hair to prevent damage to your clients. Hair. Add more dissolvent, if necessary after six to eight weeks of growth, your client may wish to have her extensions, tightened or reapplied to protect your clients head from heat. You can reapply a Donna Bella protector strip prior to removing and rebonding the hair, using the method we just showed you completely remove the extension from your clients, hair next you'll cut the old bond material from the extension leaving a clean and even group of hairs ready To be rebonding, so the hairs do not fall apart either carefully, lay them down or ask your client to hold them. While you prepare your rebonds being careful not to get burned, take one rhe bond and place it in the groove of the Melting connector. Now take the newly cut extension you just removed and place the tips of the hair on the top of the rebonds in your connector by lightly closing the connector, you will bond the groups of loose hairs in the Noori bond forming a new. You shaped extension as before lay your clients hair. On top of the u-shaped bond, using the melting connector bond, the extension to your clients, hair. You, you

Cristina Schulze: Excelente vídeo, muito detalhado e informativo. Obrigada pelas informações.

Brittney W.: I personally want to kindly ask those of you who disliked this video and who disagreed with it in any particular way, please give me some insight as to why? This is solely me, just a typical average member of the community reaching out to you. It is merely just for my benefit of learning something...anything...even if it’s to teach me what NOT to do when using this method because I’ve only had a couple years experience on my own hair and OF COURSE want all the Do’s and Don’ts in order to improve my knowledge and expertise. I want to know absolutely all that’s involved along with all the how to’s in creating a 100% perfect professionally installed hair extension, so even the smallest tip you could possibly shoot my way I will be forever grateful for your response alone, and even more so for the time you took out of your way to help me out. Thank you sincerely.

Aimster B: Great video. Very detailed.

savanna luna: this was posted in 2013 but looks like it was filmed in 1995

PRIVATE EYE: I would do this on a human lace wig before I stick this in my hair.

Lucia Correa: Gostaria de saber como faço para compra esse separador?

Extravagant Minimalist: Total nightmare. I was a model for my friends use of this technique many many years ago. It is very damaging to the hair.

MizzMarquita1: Too many people complaining. You do know that you don't have to do it right?

Melanie Santana-Sanchez: So is this permanent!? They’re melting the bonds?

Добрая Душа: Ужас. Не дай бог мне попасть к такому мастеру.

Gina: Those were not installed very good I think more practice is needed.

Ann Bernest: Have you ever heard about the quote “love is in the hair”? A beautiful hair will give you happiness and confidence in daily circumstances, which helps you to win the love of people around. *16 inch hair extensions* of *Beequeenhair* will make your desire come true.

badandy8888: This looks too time consuming and damaging

Валентина Трифонова: В каком веке до нашей эры это делали?


Zabeer Mujasim: cost in Indian rupees

YAGMUR ERDEM: Просто так...

Инна Кузьмич: Былиб ногти поменьше,рабоа была бы аккуратней

true ok: She already have beautiful hair..why need extension..hurmm

Людмила Мацкевич: Просто ужасно! Издевательство над волосами ! Не в коем случае не наращивайте ,потом будете лысые ходить !

NA RA: А ногти... лопаты... кошмар!

Miss Kira: Ужасные капсулы. Уверенна что они кололись и были не удобные, очень большие. Работа совершенно не качественная

Wanda Metcalf: The extraordinary lengths... Can we not just focus on growing our own hair? This does not even look healthy! I would personally not do this but you can if you want.

Jai Beacham: Them nails babbyyyy

Lovey Dean: The woman sitting in tje can it in the beginning isn't the same woman sitting once the stylist starts parting the clients hair...

Samra Samra: لي من الجزائر يخبط جاااام

Steven Joseph Magri: I use So cap, Sorry

cammey3: Worst type of extensions

Инна Кузьмич: Чет мне не очень

olga: Ужасно просто ужасно

Fabina Apolinário: Mega bem mal.feito, não gostei

Louiza Payne: Absolutely horrible. The bonds are not even, and not neat. Ugly

Happy Peacock: Sloppy af

Luan Augusto: Horrivel!

Dalbert De Aguiar Lima: Chol

Laura Esperanza: Horrible

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