The Ultimate Guide For Creating Stylized Hair In Zbrush

In this beginner's guide, the wonderfully talented Dan Eder stops by Stylized Station to give a masterclass on a highly requested aspect of character creation: sculpting stylized hair.

In this tutorial, you're going to not only learn the ins and outs of stylized hair creation, but you're also going to learn just how easy it is to produce amazing results by following a few guidelines and strategies.

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If you want to learn everything about creating stylized hair, then this tutorial by the wonderful dan eater is for you. I also wanted to let you know that for a very limited time, the 3d coloring book is now only 49. You want to learn some stylized texturing techniques, click the link in the description. Now, let's get right into the tutorial hey there. My name is dan and i'm a character. Artist for video games. I'Ve modeled quite a few characters over the years, but i'm probably most known for creating gorgeous women with long flowing hair. Today i will be guiding you through the stylized hair creation for street fighters, trunnily or she's called in america. Now i know the tutorials can be a boring, tedious experience, so i will try to keep this one as short and concise as possible. If there's anything you'd like to know that isn't answered here feel free to leave me a comment on youtube or art station. Welcome to stylized hair creation in zbrush, i guess subscribe and stuff. So before we get into the actual zebra stuff, we want to make sure we have a solid understanding of how the air is actually going to be constructed when looking at this concept, art before anything else, your eyes go to one area and one area. Only the hair upon review you'll notice that it's actually made up of several different parts. This is an important step, because, even though you won't find thousands of tiny strands in stylus there like with something like xgen, you still want to break up the hairstyle into separate chunks, so you can have more control while allowing for better rigging in animation. This stage is commonly referred to as a block out, and what you need to remember is that the only purpose of this mesh is just to lay the groundwork for the real hair you're, eventually going to make three main points to keep in mind. During this stage. Number one work on a low subdivision level or dynamesh resolution, the more polygons you have the more difficult it is to manage. Number two: don't worry about making the block out look pretty at this stage. It just needs to serve a purpose. Number three check your silhouette make sure you've got nice clean curves and that the shapes really well from every angle. So now that we've got some decent looking block out here, we can move on to the big boy territory. Creating the actual hair strands join me in the next video on this playlist to learn some of my techniques for creating appealing style as hair. Now that we've got a rough block out here, we can start going over the process of creating the strands before we get started. If, like me, you also can't understand half of what i'm saying feel free to turn on the subtitles and pretend this is a foreign tutorial. So the way i do hair in zbrush is by using this brush was made by dill necron, who is a very professional artist and one of my favorite character. Modelers he's also got great initials if you're not already familiar with it. A curved brush doesn't function like a regular sculpting brush, but is more similar to maya's, nurbs or 3ds. Max'S splines is that you basically control a so-called wire holding your shape together. Let'S take a look at how the hair tubes brush works before we get into the actual hair creation to select the brush hit b d e start by dragging a line across the mesh. When you release you'll notice, the root and tip are inverted, simply: go to stroke, curve modifier and set the curve based on the shape you want. I normally start with something like this always check the curved step value before you start choosing a low value will make your curve have too many polygons that will make it harder to control, but a high value won't give you enough polygons to work with. I usually create strands from front to back. So, let's start with this section in the front: we'll do this one in real time and after that, i'll time lapse the rest of the hair until we get to the braids just so this tutorial doesn't end up taking 3 hours of your time, so uh um Um, oh um, uh, foreign um, so now that we're done with the front bangs and before we move on to the time lapse. Let'S recap: the process create the strand on top of the temporary hair mesh play around with the curve until you're, happy and then left click anywhere to finalize, either split up the strand into a different subtle or just keep it as a separate polygroup. Whatever works for you, use, move inflate pinch and snake hooks to further tweak the strands. Do not use smooth after you're done, placing all the necessary strands, merge them together and delete the temporary base. Mesh move the strands around until you're happy but make sure to keep everything round clean and sharp. Don'T worry if some of the strands look, duplicated or repetitive, we'll add some variation later, once you're ready for the next step. We can move on to part 3 of this playlist, creating the rest of the strands. Now that we're done with the front part, let's continue placing the strands you can choose to watch a 12-minute time-lapse of the entire process or, if you're short on time, you can skip to 12 35 and just watch the recap enjoy. I i can feel it. I can feel i can feel it. I can feel them i can feel like. I can see. I can see so um, oh so hello, so foreign, now that more sections have been added. Let'S go over some of the steps that i've taken when dealing with symmetrical hair - that's parted in the middle. It'S often a good idea to work without symmetry at first and then mirror the hair using subtle master. This will prevent errors and retain the polygroups, try to close any gaps between the strands that look unintentional. You want the hair to look full and clean, constantly switch up the materials you'd, be amazed by how many issues you'll discover, use zero measure to either add edge loops, where you feel you don't have enough or, conversely, remove edge loops that you feel are unnecessary or Excessive, this can be helpful in preventing redundancy try to keep obvious overlapping or clipping of strands to a minimum in the next video we'll create the braids and wrap up the rest of the hair. See you there welcome to part 4 of the hair tutorial in this video, we'll finally finish placing the strands i'll start with completing the main part in the bag. Before moving on to the braids, you can watch the time lapse or just skip to 12 to anywhere and start going over the process of creating the braids enjoy me. My me, oh yes, um me is um is is, is um uh? Oh me me. Oh me. If hey, hey, hey so hey yay, oh so you so now that all our strands are in place, let's create the base of the braids. This is actually one of the easiest parts of the hair for this process. I like to start off by using this awesome free brush from bat king i've provided a link in the description in case you want to use it yourself. First, create the braids using the same method as the strands, adjust the curve step and tweak the shape until you're happy after we've made our base. Let'S make it interesting, i'm going to show you a little trick to easily add detail and variation to your hair. First, to make things easier, i'll delete one side of the braids. Next, i'm going to split up the three polygroups into different subtools. Now comes the creative part using z modeler. I crease a few of the edge loops and then turn those creases into curves using stroke curve functions frame mesh while only have increased edges turned on next, we can use the very same hair tubes brush to place the strand along the curve of the braid. As always hit, b, d e and click on the curve, chances are you're not going to get a great result right of the bat so play around with the brush size and curve step. Finally, we want to try to make the strands merge with the current shape. So go to brush depth and lower the depth just a little bit. What you'll eventually get is a much nicer and more detailed result with polygroups that you can easily manipulate to create some fun variation now that we're done with the braids. Let'S move on to the final video in this tutorial series, see you there. Congratulations you've made it to the fifth and final part of this tutorial. Are you still motivated, or do you feel like pulling your hair out now that our hair has finally been completed after a few minor tweaks? Let'S recap: the entire process gather some reference plan out. Your hair sections create a rough blockout using basic spheres and dynamesh create the hair curves using de hair tubes on top of the hair trunks, adjust the shape, volume and curvature of the strands using move, pinch and inflate make sure it looks clean and natural from every Angle, profit, i hope you guys enjoyed the video massive thanks to dan for sharing this with the community and sharing all of that knowledge. If you want to check out more of his work, feel free to check him out on his art station. His instagram and check out his youtube channel as well we'll see you guys in the next video you

Stylized Station: I know COVID has been a strain on us all, so for a VERY limited time, The 3D Coloring Book will now be priced at $49.99 USD, down from $140 USD. ♥️

Djoresh - Illustrations: A great tutorial, clearly you put a lot of effort and tought into this. Well done

Memoria Project: Thanks a lot for featuring this tutorial! I hope this helps my fellow 3D artists.

Joel Sidan: The work and the result are really great, but unfortunely, there too much elements not explained....Dynamic subbdiv to smooth hairmeshes during modeling, the contZ activated for creating the hair mesh along blocks and the zmodeler (I don't know why). If you're a real beginner, maybe you'll be discouraged.

Lawrence Lawine: Nice to see a ZBrush tutorial that is aimed to get a game ready result in mind. Honestly, the block out already looks better than any hair I sculpted so far xD it would absolutely do the thing for me to just have that. Is it just me or are the braids actually upside down?

Ashraf Bouhadida: I really like how funny he is. Enjoying this type of tutorials where you learn stuff but not the serious way. <3

YoungDo Choi: Golden content right here! Are we also gonna see the tutorial for the character itself? Or at least the head sculpting and detailing, maybe?

Shreyas Pai: Dude I just noticed how you used the Move brush to shape/move the hair. I see that you're not directly placing the brush on the mesh but rather placing the falloff radius on it and then moving. After trying it out myself I realized how easy it is to shape the hair, especially if you want subtle movement and if you also don't wanna ruin the flow. On top of that, I didn't know you could manipulate hair with the snake hook brush like that. I finally feel like I have some control over the hair I am making. Man you're a genius! <3

Markus Heinel: Great tutorial! I found myself actually learning stuff whiles enjoying the fun humour :D

Nicholas Allen: Hey man, so i was following your tutorial and i noticed you pull on the end of the first hair strand and twisted/extended it without moving the rest of the strand. ive tried to do similar but i havent been able to figure out how you got the twist to happen or is that just a part of the brush... could you explain?

Mkhize: Awesome tutorial, thanks!!

Kevin Lin: Do you have the full tutorial for this stylized character? Thanks

케지와의 겜방 제작소: Amazing work!! really inspired~!

Ashley Winters: Dude this is amazing! Thanks for this

Mrproto: I speak spanish so for me is truly a foreign tutorial XD but you´re crazy funny and talented artist, thanks for sharing this knowledge, hair is always a difficult task

SVAFnemesis: this tutorial increases both my skill, and my hormone level.

Sunny Lam: Is this usable in a game engine? Thanks for the great tutorial!

Joel Walden: A great video resource, thank you!

Andrew Oblamskiy: Thanks for your pedantic work in this tutorial. Jokes and some couple of introductions have a good point :)

Isma: Any chance you could put up the chun-li 3d model for sale to be able to 3d print it? It is impressive and I would like to have such a sculpture on top of the computer. : D

Scribble Sketchs: For some reason the braid brush on the king website lets you get it but doesn’t download anything onto my computer - great video though really enjoyed and learned a lot!

Tinco EAni: It's a really cool tutorial process-wise but what those kind of tutorials are general lacking is an explanation of the "anatomy" of hair, the design behind all of it and how do you actually convert real hair into a stylized form. Even if it's a more advanced topic, some kind of source should be included as guidance before broaching this video.

Aaron Supertramp: I want to learn how to create that entire Chun-li character * _ *

Ryu Ryoshi: So, when you're finished with a hair strand, and you make another one, you can't go back to edit its base lake without cntrl Z and deleting the latest one you made?

shirley lam: I want this to be taught in blender

Israel Robles: I visit for knowledge and stay for the comedy! Thanks for share your techniques

SIMPLE_MAN J.M.: This is a video that I just want to see. Thank You!

Bruno de São Vicente: how can you extend a slice of hair, that still has curve line on, since i saw you done it multiple times throughout the video. if i click points seems to move the entire strand and deforms it... for me, once i place in one go the strand of hair, i cannot seem to extend it, unless i stretch it with move brush which is not at all what you are doing. Is there a key i hold or something in order to extend the lenght of a strand of hair that im placing as i am placing it? I find it that when i have to do a long curve along the model specially if the base is round and i need to change angle, i cannot hold the strand and change angle to continue extending it. i need to make it in one go which limits the curvature and shape of the strand im placing. :(

Ashish: very nice tutorial but a bummer for me is that u made every individual hair strand separate but didnt tell us abt it

RainbowSlinky5: wow great work!

Alexio Velasco: So is each strand/curve it's own subtool or what? Is that brush already in the game or do I have to download it?

Bluethumbbutton Eek: Mah man , helping us get our hair done

anzolo myer: Great stuff. What was the song used in the first part? like around the 6 to 7 minute mark? Good stuff.

Nick Holliday: what material is it you're using for the skin there? I still cant find one that i like

Andrew Byrnes: Humor wasn’t over the top like some videos I watched. 10/10

Logozty Design: How did you smoothed that hair? I can't divide it though

Huntag: just block it out: Proceeds to make something better than I can even do with just the basic blockout

JaySamurai79: Any chance of how he dis the UVs for the hair. I wana start texturing my hair but need to do the uvs first

Carol Minussi: Thank youuu!!! :D

Andrew Byrnes: Gorgeous character

Heri Lipe: can you do a tutorial about modeling a Stylized head in Zbrus like chunli PLZ !!???

sean rodrigues: Thank you, so much

Wanzet RedGreen: Its high poly mesh. How to retopoligy the hair then? To be able to do animations

Naughty Gamer: wait, where did you get the hair??

Manny James Lee: i’ll be honest, the editing is atrocious and obnoxious and but the actual info and workflow of this tutorial is pretty decent

Tygooh: "In this BEGINNER's guide" ... i wanna die

TheTruthIsGonnaHurt: Thank you for this tutorial on modeling thighs.

Geralt from Rivia: Is this way of creating hair good for game devs?

eToledoBox: Where can I find those brushes?

minh thành Lê: thank you! but how can i find this Hair Tube Curve brush?

Jamie Guillemette: hmm i dont seem to have this brush .. link to download?

Meow: hours and hours of editing

Jeong-hun Sin: Needs audio volume normalisation.

ZVNV: Is it normal to fall in love with a 3d character?

Iw Va: pls make tatsumaki from one punch man i like her character more than chun li love tatsumaki

Christina U: I need that brush

NinjaStreak456: 13:08 I have to be honest. I was vibing to the music I forget this was commentated. You scared the **** out of me .

Sychers: bro that skeleton image at the begining killed me, I've been struggling so hard to focus on tutorials

Emu Lemu: Gold stuff

AndromedaBeta: Chun-Li still pretty hot, even nowadays.❤

V_Zlfkr: bruh you really have a wild imagination in NNN

Bridge: I always wonder what making high sexual arousing female figures has on the masculine psychology? and on the relationships...

eckosama: i learned instead how to thicc

leandrojsj: Very nice

Yuguhtrrh: ULTIMATE

APOPHISCA: i love the humor... i think its the only thing making me focus... I WAS EAGER TO SEE THE NEXT FUNNY PHOTO U EDITED.. _IT WAS ENOUGH TO MAKE ME FOLLOW WITHOUT QUITING WITH YA LITTLE BORING VOICE XD_ *bruh did i just roasted a bro helping me* ahhhh shiieee sorry

NEVRA Entertainment: why dont you use Blender to sclupt?

정호준: Hey we need whole body tutorial not texture or hair

SoliC-: beautiful music choices. vibes

Alex Bryer: I's really great, but don't you already have zbrush hair tutorial? Would've been great to get one for blender.

Bitsy Tandem: I have been SAVED!!!


Kaf1r 12345: 41:30

mateo gutierrez: Could you pass us those hair brushes? u.u

Kalina Zawada: Gragas :3c Beautiful lady

SWAT .101: Oh lord have mercy

Black Frog Studios: what was that intro


Apricreed: nc

ᄋᄎᄑ에체페팡인: 6:11

Genshi Studio: For blender 2.9?

𝕆𝕂𝔸𝕄: Mon portefeuille que t es français

jeffer g.: disney

Ser William-Earl: The proportions on the model in the beginning are horrible. No one has a thighs that thick with muscle without having proportional muscle near their hips.

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