How To Paint Hair Digitally For Beginners + Make A Custom Hair Brush In Photoshop

Digital painting hair in photoshop + how to make a custom hair brush. Basic easy video / tutorial for beginners.

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#Photoshopbrushes #paintinghair #howtopainthair

Hey guys welcome to my next video sorry, it's been a while I've had a lot on in this video we're just going to be looking at making a custom brush a very basic brush for beginners. If you will for digitally painting hair now, please bear in mind. There are a lot of different techniques, and this is just one, and this is probably the easiest, the most basic that you will find and you can just download others other people's brushes. If you would like, or I'm going to show you how to make one a really simple one, so first things first in Photoshop is going to open a new document and I'm going to make it 500 by 500 pixels. I'Ve got that saved as a preset. That'S just what I use for brushes, so go ahead and open that now with the basic round brush. I'M not sure if that's what you actually call it, but that's all that's the brush. We'Re going to be using opacity on 100 % should be on something like that. First thing to do I like to just make a new layer right now. Yours doesn't have to look exactly like this, but at least you know you can you can pause the screen if you do want it similar, so first things: first, I'm going to have one dot appear: 100 %, I'm going to turn it down to about eight F. Let'S go for about 70 % opacity and put in some smaller dots here sub one here and let's go for an even smaller one. On a lower opacity see there you go now. You can't get much more basic than that, but you know feel free feel free to try different things, but different dots, different opacities, different sizes, put loads, try less see what works and from here you're going to go edit define brush preset. So here it is I'll. Leave it at that for now sample brush 9, I'm going to bring this into this document here, which is a bigger page. This is what we've got at the moment and that's with the opacity on turn that back up 200 %. I always forget that, so this is what we're left with a moment call brush, maybe not quite hair like yet. So you need to look for this icon. This is your brush settings. You can get this along here. I think it's under window, but you should have it down the side already and first thing we go to brush tip settings and we're going to turn the spacing down, which you will be able to see here what that actually effect the biggest base in the bigger Dots go ahead and turn it anyway sort of bill of Forbes, and it should be fine and that's what we're left with now bit closer and see. I don't think we need to change anything else in here. You can change the size up here. If you would like to, but you can do that later on anyway, so first things first shape dynamics. Now yours might look a bit different depending on what you've had set previously mine's already set up buttons going to run through this size. Jitter we're going to have on zero upset and we're going to have it controlled by pen pressure with a minimum diameter. I'Ve got it set to 27 percent. You don't have to necessarily have that. Just you know something similar. This is just something to start with. Please do play around with these things and for me, that is all I had to change, but angle jitter is on 0 %. The control is off roundness, jitter, 0 % control off next thing is this transfer button here now this is Photoshop cs6. I think in the older versions it's called something else so be aware of that. I forget way is, I think, it's another dynamics, one, but I could be wrong right and with the transfer button selected, we are going to have a pasty jitter on 0 % controlled by pen pressure. Minimum 0 % flow g20 set control pen, a pen pressure, minimum 0 %, and you should have something like this: that's pressing down lightly the harder you press should get darker and potentially a little bit bigger as well, and this button here will save the brush. So maybe change the name now, let's call it hair brush the sides at the moment is 348. That'S actually pretty damn big. I could have actually made that smaller before so everything here, but it's not important. So that's what you're left with that is as simple as it needs to be again play around with the settings make your own. This is just starting just this just guideline should I say, but I'll give you a quick overview of how I would use it. There'S the brush yep, so this is just a starting point again. There are lots of different ways, especially advanced ways of doing hair, but I'm just going to show you a really basic way. Just gives you something to start with. If you are new to digital paint and I struggle with hair, so I'm going to start with a brush - that's going to be fairly soft around the edges. In fact, first things: first, I'm going to pick some colors just so they've got something to work with a palette. If you like, you could get this from well, you could use someone else's pen in or a photo and color pick from it just to get the to get some colors to get started with that's completely up to you or you can just do what I'm doing Here and just pick some randomly like this - probably better color picking from someone else's work to get started with just so you get used to colors. As I said, this is just me doing a really quick demonstration. So it's not going to be looking fantastic anywhere. People spend hours and hours doing hair, but we're not going to do that because this could be a pretty boring video if we did right so first things. First, I would just block in roughly where you want your hair to be. I like to have this button. All on up here, which is to do with the opacity the softer you press, the software is alright. I apologize. If I don't talk too much of this, as I am not good at multitasking right so start off with you have blocked in roughly. Let'S say this is the side of someone's head, not a very detailed hair cell flower, but it'll do for what we need so first things. First, once you've got that blocked in you're going to switch the new brush, which should be at the end. The last one in here I'm going to pick this color. All I've done for colors is pick different tones different shades of brown. For now I leave this button turned on even when I'm using this hair brush, I'm going to make the hair brush a bit smaller, and it really is as simple as just pressing down gently and just there you go. I'Ve used a soft brush before to get the edges. It'S maybe not quite what you would want. Some people prefer it. Some people don't, but that's not really the important bit this video but I'll. Let you guys choose that yourself decide what to do with it. I stick to I've used this as my base color this one here to go over, and the next thing I would do is to pick a slightly darker one after just buckling your main bits, I'm going to turn this down even more cuz. It'S really dark and we're just going to think about light in here. I'M going to have light and coming down to this bit. Sorry that was rude, and so that's gon na be the lightest area there and these corner bits are going to be furthest away. So they're going to be darkest so pressing, really gently, I'm just going to do short. Strokes like this, you might want to play around to the size of your brush, it's better to go a little bit softer as opposed to just starting really hard. I mean that is actually I could have even gone softer than that, so you've got your darker areas in I'm, going to go to a slightly lighter one. Now now, I'm only putting a little bit of that on maybe a little bit more actually again, as I say, I'd like to stress, there are loads of where there's not one technique to do here. This is just this is just something really basic just to get. You know you guys started in case. You have no idea what to do with her, and this is going to be our highlight. I bright this color, so I should really be doing this a little bit neater. I apologize the lower the opacity, the the more it should sort of blend with the other colors. Once you get to a more advanced level, there's Lourdes, you could do with how you could one good thing is to actually switch to the smudge tool and sort of blend the colors into each other. More and a lot of people, including me once you've, got it to this sort of stage. I still sort of class that has blocked in and I'll pick one of the basic brushes that isn't like four strands like this. It'S just one at one circle make it really thin and go in and put individual hairs in, but you don't want to do that all over because it will take forever. So we're not worrying about that today, the smaller you go, the the more detailed the hair will look. You might want to zoom in like so I might've. Actually you can overdo it. I think, to be honest: I've I've done it a little bit here, I'm going to pick a white, although you don't usually go quite as why is that book, because I've got the opacity on quite high. To be honest, I didn't really need to be on just going to switch to a soft brush now and I'm just actually going to highlight the whole area a little bit and again another tool for doing that is the color dodge tool that can come in quite Handy for the dark areas using the burn tool, so yeah I'm going to leave it at that, because I don't want to get too in-depth and spend hours borrowing you guys doing that, but you can see that he's a really basic way to do hair. If you imagine that soft, you know three-quarter view of someone's head, that's the hair and it's really good this brush. I think it's quite good for doing straight, hair and shiny hit this technique for like shiny silky hair, let's say not gon na neaten it off a bit round the edges. That'S up to you. I won't spend too much time, although I should really be spend a little bit more time doing it just because coming out a little bit messy and but hopefully it's giving you guys enough of an idea to get started. There are a lot more techniques. I could go into, but I think I'll save them for another video and yeah. I think that's pretty much everything I wanted to cover. Please let me know if there's something I haven't explained properly or if you need more help or any you know if you've got ways you want to suggest to improve this. Please do write a comment and, as always, please do like and share the video and subscribe. I'M trying to get my my Facebook page started at the moment. I'Ve only got a few likes, but if you would drop me like on Facebook, I would appreciate that a lot thanks. A lot guys.

Ridam Sahota: Very nice tutorial......really can't get any simpler....great for beginners...keep up the good work..(Y)

Farhan: So I just followed this tutorial step by step since I haven't drawn hair digitally that much. I just wanted to say: THANK YOU! The hair turned out exactly the way I wanted to for a semi realistic drawing I was making. Subscribed your channel. ❤️✌️

Luke Ormsby: This worked so well for me, always hated doing hair, this is so helpful! Thanks for the video, look forward to what you have to come!

Elizabeth Jasmine Nino: This is actually really great! I'm going to try and color hair with details like this for the first time instead of just using a fill bucket and leaving it completely bland lol. I'll try this technique, thanks for the video!

Cinnabar: Thank you... I can't even express to you how difficult and how much I have paid, downloaded, studied and can't get it right and you nail it soooo fast with the perfect created brush. Your gallery is fantastic on DA too... Bravo!

Becca Mcg: I just wanted to sy how thankful I am for this video! I love it.. Very simple way to draw hair and I been looking for a video like this for months! thank you again :)

Oumaima Mokdad: Amazing tutorial for beginners like me :) I'll definitely try this method, thank you!

ji: thank you so much for this tutorial!! this is my first time using photoshop let along digitally painting. such a well-explained and thorough video, first experience was a blast!!

Ajung jathy: So far the best tutorial.. very neat and easy to understand...thank you making it easy and fun to learn as well

Paint with Boto: I've been looking for a way to paint hair and I found your technique looks pretty nice. Thank you for taking time out and helping others that are trying to achieve these results especially when they never drew hair in their life >.<

SatpreetSingh: Great tutorial. So easy to follow

Helen Carr: I, too, thank you for your efforts! I am a beginner, having started to learn PS this year in January. I watched this thinking it would be way over my head, and my efforts look ridiculous - but it looks so cool!! Believe me, if I can do this - with absolutely zero drawing ability whatsoever (hence learning photography!) -  then this should be achievable for anyone. Thanks again, I am so excited to have done this!

momech65: This was a terrific help! I'm about to redo the hair I've been working on using this... after weeks of trial & error using standard brushes. Cheers mate!

Noora Al-Mutairi: Thank you so much, your tutorial was really helpful

Rob Maggs: Thanks for this, before I was literally tearing my hair out trying to get hair right

Jo jo: That was honestly amazing, had my doubt in the first half but it turned out great.

Yuahri: I have a very important question: How do you get to have your CS6 have a stabilizer?

Rachel B: Wow! This was really helpful! Thank you :D

Leonor Ponce: I like your video because it's explicit and easy to understand. Thank you for your tutorial.

M&N Reacts: Hey, great tutorial so far, im stuck at the part you are just entering in the brush settings, and after doing everything you do for shape dynamics and transfer mine still looks the same. None of the settings seem to be changing me brush, not sure what I've done wrong D:

Krasen Hristov: Amazing! Thank you =)

Apocalipsis Torres: This was great and I love that you actually drew what was on the thumbnail so I’m subscribing

Rob the king: Thank you very much, it helped me a lot

Santiago Vivanco: Very nice technique! thank you!!!

USA High Central: Now this is a very easy method, I use Gimp but it still has the same tools and PS, anyway thanks for making this tutorial.

LittleLostChild: Nice tutor. You changed my way how to paint hair. now I can make better hair. You just got a new subscriber ^^ Thanks !!!

RS: Very helpful , thanks for sharing Good explanation

YSTRDY: Most helpful for me so far, thanks!

Eres Kallisti: Thank you so much!!! It was very helpful!

KrypteriaHG: Awesome! Thank you so much!

Endless love: Thank you. How do you get the preview window on the side?

Jaclyn Elizabeth: This was great, thanks! I couldn't see the size dither, max dither, etc options though. How do I see those?

Hygin Ndjoli: beautiful, thanks for sharing

Alhambra Ladjahiran: very helpful! thank you

Taktiks: This is great bro really good tutorial :) Im new to Digital painting and dont have one of those pads :( simply cost too much Do you have any recommendations for future references etc?

XODOHTRONU: Great tutorial thank you

Telerian3: Very helpful, it got you a subscriber. :)

Christian Jay Panopio: thank you for this tutorial! :D

Siddhu Aky Art: Thanks....this is very helpful for me....

Ahmad A: its really look real ! thanks for the video

sunny kashyap: thanks alot, its very helpful

hein dafel: This is the only video I could find that explain everything and dosent go overboard with the time limit

OneShot Al: very educational, informative and just what i was looking for.  comments for improvement? practice your script a couple of times before doing the video. otherwise, your video was great.

Hamed Sharifi: Very very good. Thanks.

Georgia Rudge: Can you do one for mouse users? I’m really struggling with hair because I cannot find a good solution to making realistic hair with a mouse

Abbygail Shaene Vergara: thank you oh my gosh this really a big help to me

WhoDaF?: Well done!

Vilson: another nice video mate! good job!


Sir Meow-A-lot: Ah! Thank you so much for this!!

OFFTOROAD VLOG: That's great very thank you.

photoshop manipulation: Well done!

yolla Kasawat: A question next to control appears as a triangle with an exclamation point inside and the brush does not change. It remains the same. What should I do?

FuseRed: it looks so realistic :DD

Christine Sanger: 4:08 when a brush looks better than your hair

Ashley: For some reason, whenever I try to make a new brush preset, the option is faded out, and I can't use it. Any troubleshooting tips?

Grandad Drawing: you are a true gent ;) thank you so much ;) got my sub

Basheer Mohamed: shape dynamics and tranfer option not can i solve this?

Mike Tenrec: Thank You So mush :)

GlitterSniffer Galvan: thank you!

Nimsara Liyanagamage: Thank u very much

Eternal 87: I like the "making your own brush method" because you dont have to worry about wearing a brace when you paint xD

Amber Daulton: So after you make the hair, how do you put it on a model's head?

Photohack Lovers: Can you make one for curly hair there are no tutorials for that.

Delwar Hossain: Great, I like it....

Talha kun: THANKS!!!!!!!!!!!

Nolan Barnes: Does this require practice. I tried it and it doesn't look too much like what the one in the video. Mine looks very stringy and blotchy. Also I'm using Photoshop Elements which is different when using brush settings so I tried to find substitutes.

Dayler del castillo: Thanks, thanks much, amigo.

CJ DayLight: very nice very good

aa 4rt: wow its awsome

kim vathana: nice mate Thanks

illiria2000: Hey can some one help me? I created the brush like the video instructed but when i go to erase what I have created with the brush on the layer I'm on it won't let me erase. The layers isn't lucked and the visibility is on but it won't let me do it. Im using a tablet but event when I use the eraser button it still won't let me do it. Please some one help. 

Lillen Art 2: I really hate to say this but as an artist I find this tutorial a little misleading. Too often I see beginners make the mistake of drawing every strand of hair. While making a custom brush like you said is a great idea your end result is not really something beginners should aim for. You get a much better result if you focus on large pieces of hair and adding a lot of variation. With that said, i'd love to see you update this tutorial sometime. I'm sure you've picked up a lot more tricks.

meuestilo vivi: Hi What PS are you using version? please thanks

Daniella Gleason: U da bomb, sir. Lol. And I freaking love your accent (I'm sure you get that on here a lot lol). Thanks so much!

musicalspygirlLU: Hi their I settled the brush to the same setting as yours with the shape dynamics, transfer ect but my pen pressure comes up with (!) next to them and I think it might be the course for the settings not working and instead it comes out like black blobs im using a tablet and cs6 is their anything you can advice?

p40tomahawk25: what happens if you don't have a pen?

Trudie Opperman: Like it thanks for shairing

Mina Mina: thank uuu <3

Tracey King: what is the name of the photo shop u r using

Shrek Lopez: What about textured hair? Most people just teach how to draw straight hair☹️

Maria Petersen: what is the name of the program?

Artwork by Christopher Cayco: Oh no, a hair tutorial. Admittedly, I both dislike and suck at hair. I'll give this a try.

Igor Lima: Sorry for asking but can you tell me what is the pen that you use?. SORRY for bothering you

Katie Kraft Friends: It looks like a CATERPILLAR! That is a good thing!

Monique Menezes: best hair tutorial (;

Kiana Adalys Mullins: your voice is to die for❤

Taniisha Saravanakumar: what is the name of the 344 brush bro... please help me

Denia S: help me please!! turning shape dynamics and transfer on doesn't do anything for me!!

Fierro SL: my brush does not change with those options, what can it be?

haris ahmed: bro can you make a tutorial for mouse users???i dont have if you make a mouse tutorial it would help me alot!

Caglar Can: Download Brushes please ?

Rayo SG: Can i draw this with mouse ? I think that's will be hard .. right ??

Ajero, Mark John C.: i lost my patience why i cant customized my brushes please help!

Abdallah Khaled: ty prooo <3

deekon: What brush is this?

murat özyurt: Thanks

Lorena Loza: Great tutorial but first things first :)

Hien nguyen anh: I saw some TVC about shampoo. They have nice hair in motion. I don't know how they can do that. Is it your way?

Toxic boy: Mine does not have the define brush preset option avalible

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