Denman Brush Battle On Wavy Curly Hair! Do Rows Matter?

The Denman brush is a favorite amongst those with curly, coily, and even wavy hair. It promises consistent and defined curls throughout the whole head of hair. They have a range of brush options to meet the needs of all curl types, but how many rows do you need? Today I am testing out the 9-row brush against a 7-row (condensed to 4) to see what the differences are if any on my loose curls. Let's see how each brush can work on wavy curly hair!

Hi, I'm Jannelle. If you're new here we discuss all things curly and wavy hair. New videos every week!


Denman Brush 9 Row:

Denman Brush 7 Row:

Curlsmith Multi-Tasking Conditioner

Curlsmith Hold Me Softly Styling Balm:

Shape Up Aqua Gel

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-- Jannelle


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Derose matter today, we're gon na find out what up y'all welcome back and if it's your first time here my name is janelle. We do all things wavy, curly and then some - and if that sounds like something that you're into be sure to slam that subscribe button to stick around all right. Let'S jump in. If you are not familiar with denman brushes, they are a curly haired favorite. They really help with detangling, as well as juicy definition, and the amount of bristles will play a role in how the hair clumps more bristles means smaller, tighter clumps, as with less bristles means thicker, juicier clumps, and not quite as tight as curls. I have used the denman brush many times in the past, this brush, typically with seven bristles, and i generally prefer to use it with refreshing. One of the reasons being is, i do have a looser, wavy, curly, hair type, and this has in the past clumped my hair too much together on wash days so that by day two day, three, instead of having a bunch of big juicy curls they're, all hugging Together and it looks like, i only have five, i thought it would be fun to test a nine row versus a four row. Originally, a seven row taken a few out to see the difference plus make sure to stick around to the end, because i will show you day, two hair to see how it sits. So this hair is getting long and it is washed with leave-in in in the shower i squished in the curlsmith multitasking conditioner. If you saw my last video and now we are here about ready to brush through all this glory, i'm going to start with adding some curl cream, i'm going to use the curlsmith hold me softly style balm using this much and i'm going to take it in At the whole section before we jump into this, i want to show y'all a hack for getting your bristles out, but then also getting this back in because it's kind of hard. Oh, i personally do not slide it out. I just insert my fingers at the top and pull i'm a little dramatic. It'S not as bad as it looks, so you pull it out. It looks like this. You have these two little indentations that go into the brush and then hold it together. Here you can open it up. Apparently i need to wash mine and remove bristles. So this was originally a seven row and i condensed it down to four four rows. The trick is, is to get both of these a little bit wet and then there's an extra little hack. So first thing you can just take your spray bottle or run it under water also want to make sure to spray inside the grooves, so wet wet. And now, oh, it's just gliding, okay, mine's just gliding! Now, there's a reason why it's gliding oil! The first time i pulled this out, i was like this is a nightmare. How do people get these back in? It was about this far in, and so what i did is i did a drop of castor oil. It really helps with it being wet and the oil, and it just went right in after literally like 45 minutes of me, trying to get it all the way in it was ridiculous and i almost gave up so i'm going to go four rows on this side. I'M going to be using the brush and curving this way because as the natural direction that most of my curls go, and i really want to try and get them to be consistent, taking vertical sections going through once or twice, i'm coming in all the way. At the root applying pressure, and then i'm also inserting my finger here and sliding down this will really smooth the curl and help prevent frizz, and i'm just lifting the section and shaking four rows done nine rows on this side. I'M going to do the same thing. Take small vertical sections: i hope it's smooth and then there's like a slight twist for these slightly heavier sections, i'm just like whipping them around, literally almost like a jump rope just to help encourage them to curl. They can be slightly fickle at the root and the twisting or jumping rope really helps. Both sides are done. I'M gon na use the shape up aqua gel order. Size amount, it's kind of smoothing it down lengths, so i'm not really flipping over i'm bringing all of the hair in front of me, and this allows me to see any ends that might need a little extra gel, so i can smooth them down. I'M also going to just slightly scrunch these curls. This is the wet nine row side. Four row side. I don't know if i can tell the difference. You all know the drill and if you don't you're about to find out, i am going to air dry about 80 90 of the way and then i'm going to diffuse until i'm 100 dry, mainly for the boost and volume, and we will see if we see A difference: okay, back with some dry hair before i've, even fluffed it out, i can definitely see some differences. I am going to clip my top layer out of the way i don't see as much of a difference there. It'S mainly on the lower levels. Look at the difference here versus here, just even at the side angles. I think you can see way more definition on this side and this side has a bit more volume. Then, when i grab some of these clumps, it has like a couple different curl families like almost curled together. So you get this like big juicy little clump, whereas you come to this side and it's a lot more like individuals, so slight clumping, but for the most part it's more individual curls, i wouldn't say frizz, but i would say more separation on this side and i Would say that's also what's contributing to it, having a more voluminous look, not as much consistent, curl and i'd also say some wonky curls, and some of that could be user error. I would say, considering how defined this side turned out, probably more likely the differences in the brushes. So all right now, let's fluff this out. Okay, so we are fluffed out and i feel like the things that i was seeing: pre fluff. I am now seeing post fluff on this side. You can easily see through my hair. I think it is a lot easier to point out individual curls on this side. Individual curls are not as obvious. It definitely has a fuller look. I'M not really super surprised at the differences. I definitely wasn't expecting as much individual curl definition with the four definitely expecting it with the nine, and i think that really came through. I am, however, kind of surprised with the volume and the fullness of this side. Typically, when i use denman's, i'm just mostly defined, and that's it now. What i want to see - and i'm going to check back in with you tomorrow, is how, after they've set for a little bit, i've slept on them, got to wear them around. I want to see how my curls are going to gravitate back together or, if they will. My guess is this side because of the consistency because of the definition is going to gravitate towards more clumping, which is surprising to me, because the four big juicy clumps, which i think it did give me bigger, fuller clumps but they're, not consistent, they're, less consistent. So four might be the answer, but we're gon na find out so i'll see you tomorrow good morning y'all. What i'm seeing is pretty consistent with what i saw yesterday just accentuated so mind you, i haven't fluffed. The other thing to keep in mind is especially the longer my hair gets the more i have to work to not have flat roots. I have noticed the denman brush kind of accentuates that, and i feel like this is just no exception and i do feel like that's due to my substantially looser curl pattern on the top and also the weight of my top layer. Like hello. There is a lot more obvious like and consistent definition on this side, but it is a lot less full like a lot less and on this side not the same like not consistent definition but much more full. I don't see the curls really grouping together, but i can see that they're all kind of wanting to move together in this one little place ew just going to fluff it out. I feel like this is all coming to a wrapping up conclusion for myself, and that is the denman is just not my favorite on wash day beautiful definition, but i'm team volume and fullness and cute bushy hot. If you are team definition, which i know so many of y'all are here's what i recommend, if you have a tighter curl pattern and or just want the most perfect, consistent, curls highly recommend going with the nine row, or at least the seven, if you have a Looser texture of hair and need some help with clumping or definition. I highly recommend getting the seven and playing with the amount of rows. I would start with playing with four rows all right y'all, that is it for denman, vs, denman, hope y'all enjoyed this video and if you did, please give it a big thumbs up again. If it was your first time here, my name is janelle. We do all things wavy, curly and then some and if you haven't already slam that subscribe button. Yet what are you waiting for? Go slam that subscribe button hit that bell, while you're at it to turn on post notifications? So you do not miss a thing. I will see you next time. Bye, you

Jannelle O'Shaughnessy: Do y’all prefer 9 rows, 4 rows, or no rows?!

Nataša Papež: Thanks so much for making this video, you have such a similar curl pattern to me (im very fine hair and lose volume as soon as i gain length) and made it super easy for me to decide i need the 9 row (team definition here! Woo)

Stefani McCumber: I have only used my Denman (7 row) a handful of times. I'm not thrilled with the results I have received. I was going to try to remove rows but I honestly didn't think I would ever get the brush reassembled after removing it so I quit before the entire thing was out . I'll be trying that now with your tip. My curly waves used to be so pretty but after moving a couple times and different water sources, it's thrown it out of whack and I don't know if they will ever come back like they used to be.

Raluca Simion: Hi Jannelle! Amazing comparison :D, love your videos and actually you’re the one that got me started on CG. I saw you mention something in the video and remembered it’s been on my mind. Never figured out the answer though: why do curls tend to clump together more and more as time goes by after washday? Thanks!

Tina LeCour: Great video, I use the 4 rows myself and find it better for volume but might try adding another row or 2 after seeing this for the definition. I just ordered the Denman D12 3 row comb and I'm interested to see what happens with that, would love if you could do a video on that, thank you:)

Carmen Pagnotta: I've always had trouble getting the denman to do anything different than my normal routine. I took out rows because i heard it might give me better clumps than the 7 and it didn't seem to do much. but the finger for tension i think may be a game changer. 4 rows there is almost no tension. Excite to try it again.

Jose Contreras: Love this. I tried the 3 row denman comb. And it absolutely love the volume

Charlotte Logan: Good comparison! I know you mentioned rolling the Denman with your curls, but have you tried it going the opposite way, to the back of your head instead? If so, what difference have you noticed? Thank you.

Chrystal Thornton: Still haven't been able to get Denman (no matter how many rows) to do anything but straighten almost like a flat iron. With scrunching and gel I'm approaching 3a hair with lots of volume so I'll think about trying again, but not sure.

Pamella Diaz: Girlllll, thank you. I was struggling to put my brush back in , until I stumbled on your video. Love you video

Charlene Turgeon: WOW I just ordered the 7 and so glad because I have fine thin hair and get the "all want to move together in the same place" so will take rows out! #teamvolumeandfullness

Bianca S.: I just got a denman and i love the 9 row look. I have the same hair like you. Love the defined curls!!!

Mamma Bear: I'm so happy I found you. I currently have 4 denamn brushes in my Amazon cart idk which brush to get so I approved this video. From a new subscriber

Kayla Michelle: This is the best denman brush video I’ve seen! Thank you!! I used my 7 row on my wavy hair and it just made it straight. Going to try to take the rows out tonight :)

Andrea Hunt: This was awesome! Thank you for this! Also what products do you recommend for wavy, thick hair? I've heard Curlsmith is good, I've also heard LUS brand is good, and I've also heard Eva NYC is good too. I'm having a hard time deciding! Lol

prplSunshinee: Thanks for doing this! I wonder if smoothing all the hair together with gel pushes all the clumps together? I prefer to scrunch with gel

Alison Yuill: I am still trying to master the denman brush. Thanks for another great video!

Keri Nocella: Extremely helpful! Thank you

Jenn Leah: I have a MASSIVE problem with my curl families getting intertwined. It's really bad throughout both sides (not really the back). I can't even separate many of them, cuz there will be 2 mixed together with a skinnier 3rd that winds through the other 2. It ends up looking like one giant clump, but when you look close or try to separate, that's when you see what's going on. It's bizarre. These families are into orgies lol

mia onufrak: sis your hair is curly 100% !! it's gorgeous. i can't get it to work for me though. it just straightens my hair :((

debasmita k: Thank you so much for the oil hack !! I had stopped using my denman brush because I couldn't get it inside the handle ...will get back to it again

JuLee Curtner: I need to experiment more with mine. I wanted to love it, but all it has done is separate my clumps and get my ends very dry. ‍♀️

Molly Fitz Brown: I try and not be all about definition but.... it always pulls me back in lol I'm gonna give the brush a try :) thanks for the tips!

Lexie S: If I use the denman brush it seems to just take out whatever little wave I have ☹️ BUT my hair does really well when I just let it do it’s own thing!! Have you ever used the flex jelly stuff from curl smith? I ordered it but I’m nervous because it was like $25

Fatin Elwir: My hair has become so thin lately that I can’t get any tension with the den man brush.

taylorandcarolina: Since you're scrunching and twisting anyway, what happens if you don't use the denman?

Chelsea L: I JUST discovered the wet the brush trick in a moment of desperation a couple of days ago, and then saw it here too

Just Bex: I have fine curly hair and anytime I use more than one product it weighs my hair down. Any suggestions to get my curls looking better with just one product?

spfk elixir: A little late but this really helped!! Thank you so much!!

Duygu Öz: Hey I bought that denman brush after I saw a Video of you with it, im SUPER happy with the results. Thank you lovely ❤️

Hannah Rice: What would happen if you used a 7 row? Would it give you a middle of the row option? What if you did some clumps with a 9 and some with a four? Would you get volume and definition or would that just make a mess?

La Gatita: I have never done this method but showed my manager and she tried it but didnt use any product)). I wouldn't mind trying this but I just cannot stand my hair dripping wet I'd have to dry for like 8 minutes with a turbie.

Claudia Okyere-Fosu: Awesome I can’t wait to try the 9 row brush

16ShiningUmbreon: Your life is so cute and your hair is just like mine- wavy on the top and curly on the bottom. Insta-subscribed!

Sp0oKy3e: anything for type 2b hair? my hairs been pretty dull lately.. i also haven’t really done a good hair care routine recently

Briana Ankels: Are there any paraben free curly hair shampoos you recommend ?

J M: Does your denman brush slide out a lot when you’re brushing your hair?

berenice Zuppiger: wich brush do you recommend for more volume?

Melissa Rae: Do you have a video on how you refresh with a Denman brush? I’d love to see that.

Cathie Watson: Would you please do a video of a refresh with denman so we can compare to the wash day? Thanks n

Jenn Leah: Have you tried the behairful brush? I swear it's better than a Denman! AND it's more gentle than the denman yet makes tighter curls

Sunflower Baby: I have a question. Why do you style your hair with a brush before you apply styling products? It seems like the products would not be evenly distributed this way. Meaning they're not combed through. I've always applied all of my lotions and potions, combing each product through first, then I style and encourage the curls. I'm just really curious.

P. Suzanne Garrett: Can you please do or link a video on your Denman refresh?? I'm TEAM VOLUME but I'm also frustrated with day 3 frizz and hand styling makes it so much worse.

kgnz: First vid of yours I’ve watched, what do you use on wash day normally if it’s not the denman? tia

Maya C Hill: Gurl we got the same curls Oh the struggle for volume.

katt17c: interesting, thanks! great video

Alexa Malpica: I don’t know which one to geti have short- medium hair 3A-3B curls but I got it bleached and i need a brush that won’t break my hairalso my hair is kinda thick and I have a lot of hair

Mother of Cats: I'm on the fence with the deman brush...‍♀️ i get nice results with my wet brush‍♀️

Khadija Elabid: Your laugh is so contagious

Amy Estrada: So what brush do you like for wash day?

Amy-Marie Collins: I’m team volume ☺️☺️

Stevie Ray: A lighter colored shirt sure would’ve helped

Leah Freeman: I’ve Only used it once. I think it’s a 7 row. And it pulled out almost all my curl :/ I don’t think I used it right.

Teri Martinez: Does anyone have suggestions for waist length hair???? I’m just starting my curly hair journey!

vell: The curl routine i wanna try is -A leave in conditioner -Maybe a curl enhancer -And a gel But i don't know which products to use, do you have any recommendations??

ceren yılmaz: Im a stranger I was undiceded I have dyed and permed long hair do you think I should buy denman brush d3 or d4?

Maggie: If your hair is wavy curly.... mine is straight hahaha

Curly Loves Beauty and Books: Would love an update on function of beauty, are you still enjoying? I can't decide between FOB and Prose

Maggie: Why is the denman brush unique? Could you not do this with a comb?

Victoria Garcia: Have you tried the Juli Brush?

Diane Harrison: Youre so lovely x

Kita: Are you high porosity or low?

Olivia Petty: girl should have worn a white shirt so I can see what’s happening

Rupal Ramteke: Bad choice of tee color for that day maam

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