Everyday Hair Tutorial | Beauty Works Clip In Extensions

Below are all the products I used :)

Instagram: sarahhashcroft

Hair Refresher Spray - http://www.allbeauty.com/gb/en/1194890...

Anti Humidity Spray - https://rstyle.me/~aJLRe

Hair Extensions LA Blonde - https://rstyle.me/n/ddf9i26e4n

Hair Curler - https://www.boots.com/pick-n-mix-curl-... (the barrel used is the extra long one)

Hey guys welcome back to my youtube channel, thank you for watching, so I have finally got around to filming my soft wave hair tutorial, which is my go-to, and I pretty much do it every single day, as you guys know, and a lot of you been asking Me exactly just how I do it and it's super super easy. So I thought it's about time. I got around and filmed it. So that's exactly what I've done. So if you would like to see how I created this hairstyle right here, then please keep watching just a disclaimer. Video is definitely not sponsored by Pepsi. Look like a walking Pepsi advert and by the way. If anyone wants to know this top is from H & M, so this is my hair. Without extensions, as you can see, it's pretty like irrelevant mean the extensions. Do absolute wonders: it really changes the complete look of my hair. My hair is quite thin naturally, but I still I'm still able to wear the super long extensions, so I feel that they blend really well with my hair. You can't really tell okay, so personally, I think with any hairstyle, you need to add some sort of like texture to your hair. It just helps with the style to hold and also gets rid of. You know like when your hair can be a bit frizzy or you've got like a few flyaways, and it just doesn't look right so for that I always use some sort of like dry, shampoo or texturizing spray. Something like that at the moment I've actually been using this unite seven seconds refresher, it's basically just to dry shampoo, that's literally what it is it's just the one I've been using, but you can pretty much just use any brand of dry shampoo, so spray that, in My hair and then one thing I do actually really like using, is a humidity shield. Now, obviously, in England, it's not only humid but there's nothing worse than frizzy hair. I just hate when my hair goes frizzy, it's my worst nightmare. So because of that, I use this, and I do you think it works, so this one is living proof, humidity, shield and oiling anythink I use below, for you guys so again, just spray that over hair the reason I do this over my apples. I pray that my life, the reason I did throw my natural hair is, I feel, like my hair extensions. Don'T like get affected the way natural hair. Would they never really go frizzy or you know any of kind of stuff? So I just sprayed this over my own hair once you have done that to your hair, I'm just gon na put the extensions in so I'm just going to section off my hair and clip clip those in so the extensions that I'm currently wearing are the beauty Works ones, I can't remember the exact color off the top of my head, but I'll link them below and write the color next to them, because I'll double-check my order, receipt to double-check, coloring off and they're amazing. The quality of these is so good. I literally just bought them myself, I've seen so many people wearing them on Instagram, and so when I got my actual extensions taken out, I thought I would try them and I'm really. I am really really pleased with them, so I couldn't recommend them enough. So yeah, I'm just gon na put them in I. These ones come in with four different. Actually, no, it comes with six different pieces, but they've come with two little single pieces that go down the side of your head, but I don't use those bits because my hair is quite thin. I don't really need the extra hair. I'M sorry use the two. Three click ones and the two four clip ones and start off, obviously with the three clip ones towards the bottom of my head. So once I've put the two bottom section: extensions in I'm gon na start with my curling. I do think, whenever you're doing any curling with your hair, it's better to start off with straight hair. I just think that you get a more and especially if you're doing like a soft wave, I feel like it just looks better. I feel like when I try and curl over like already cold hair. It just never ever looks good, so I think if you want it to look as best as it can just straighten your hair through first, that way is why you can see if you've missed any bits easier and what comes tough, so yeah. So I use at the moment I'm absolutely loving this Marc Hill one. So this is, I think that curl fix handle is what this one's called and, as you can see it's on a side. So actually it comes like this. This is actually what a handle looks like, but it's got a button that you press and it when you press a button, forget it right. You go like that and basically it will be on its side now. This makes hair curling so much easier by the way. Just disclaimer, this video isn't actually sponsored by mark Hill. I just love this. This handle just makes, like you know, all the kind of awkward holding of your hair and all that kinda stuff. This just gets rid of all of that. I don't actually do I don't spray, my hair with hair spray before I curl it. Nothing like that, because I like a loose wave. I don't want it to be too tight or too done. So I just go straight in with the curling barrel. The thing I think, as well when you're doing more of a soft wave, is to not do too many sections of curls. I feel like the more curls you've got the curlier it's gon na look if that makes sense. So I try and sort of divide, especially the bottom section, into two - maybe three sections just depending on how I feel so. I'M gon na try and do maybe three with this bottom section so starting towards the back. Why don't you know start towards the back yeah? You just hold your curling wand like so and, as you can see, I'm not having to do any like awkward things where I'm having to hold it like down by the side of my head, because the curling wand is already on an angle. It gets rid of all of that, which is amazing. This one, though, is so hot. So please be careful. I think it does come with gloves, but I know that she like never use the gloves and I've burnt my hands so many times. So just what just please watch out for that because, honestly, it really hurts and I have burned my hands numerous times so yeah, so I'm just gon na hold that on that. I normally count to about 20 seconds when I've got on yeah. I think in day it just does like a really nice soft curls, not too tight, no poodle curls here, not an axe, not not into that look and then yet just continue with the same thing on the other sections and then the other thing as well. With this bow roller, I've got it's actually the extra long barrel, because it's the picker mix, so you can buy different ones and clip them onto the one which is just ideal. I find that so handy, and this is the extra long one. So when you've got long extensions, I could have got in at the moment and my previous curlers I would get to like the end of the curler and I'd still have hair left. Do you like me so yeah this one's good, because you can get all your hair wrap around it, which is ideal, but one thing, though I do still think is important, even though this curling wand is on an angle, still is important to keep the wand pointing Downwards, I think that helps with how the curls fall so ever happens just make sure you're not going like up like this. I just think I don't know they don't fall as nicely just make sure that the wand is always pointing downwards. So as you can see that with their own hair in left out, so I'm just gon na push my hair extensions back and just do I keep leaning this way. It'S because I'm gon na king, in my mirror, by the way I'm not just like trying to get out of frame like so so that is a one side done. I'M gon na brush out just yet I'm just gon na do exactly the same thing to the other side. Okay, so now I've done at both sides of my hair, I'm just gon na do the other section and pop in the next set of my hair extensions. Okay, so now that I've got my next layer of expenses in I'm just gon na bring it all forward and then just pick out the section I've already curled push that backwards. So got that straight section and I'm just gon na quickly brush it through. Like so, and then, I'm just gon na do exactly the same thing that we did with the bottom section. So again, no more than like three sections I'd say so, starting from the back, I tell you what they like recently. I have become so obsessed with lip glosses, I'm just looking at my lip gloss in my viewfinder and I'm like I just love it. The way lip glosses look now, which I never thought I'd say I was such a matte lip person, but now I'm just obsessed with the gloss lip anyone else like feeling like they're really coming back. I really feel like that this, by the way, if anyone's wondering is NYX Cosmetics, cream in Cairo and their lip gloss in fortune cookie over the top make such a nice little like peachy, pink color, it's so nice, okay, so that side is now all cold. You see these bits here that are my own hair kind of like round the front. I'M just gon na leave these uncurled at the moment. I'Ll explain why, when we get to the top section, because I do something a little bit different to all the kind of front bits so now, I'm just gon na do the same thing to the other side of my hair. Just move a camera a little bit further back, so you can actually see the bottom of my hair. These extensions are so long and right, so I've done both sections of my hair extensions. So it's all done apart from this top bit now. This will apply differently to people. Who'Ve got different lengths of hair and my top layers. As you might know, if you've been following me for a while and have followed my hair journey and they are quite short, although they have grown, I am proud to say so. I do something a little bit different with them now, if your hair is all the same length, if it's all long than this all, if it's all long, then listen, probably wouldn't really apply to you and you could probably just go in with the curler and just Curl the bottom sections of your top layers as well, but anyone that's got shorter layers or sure hair in there wearing clip-ins and they've got obviously the long hair extensions. This is what I do to keep that kind of soft wakes. I think with a soft wave. The whole idea is that the kind of curl is in the bottom half of your hair. So you don't want to go in with the curler and start like curling up right up to the top of your short layer and especially because the layers are sure. If I curl that it's gon na curl quite tightly and I'm going to be left with a tighter curl kind of at the top of my hair, which is not what I want, I kind of want at the top of my head mostly be straight and then Go into the curl, so I use straightness. So these are the ght ones that were slightly like a thinner and once they're, not the fat ones. I grab each bit of my own hair and just lightly curl them inwards, like so just so. They'Ve got like a little bit of a bend in them to see that so I'm not trying to like curl it all the way around. I'M just curling it just so. It matches the rest of my hair and I'll grab all the little bits, and just do the same thing. So my wrist action is literally just grabbing it and then, like bending it round slightly. So there's not like a full-on curl, I'm not curling it like the whole way around the other thing I say as well when you do this with with straighteners, it's just make sure that you hold the straightener as you're, doing it like quite close to your head. So don't pull it too far out, keep it really close to the rest of your hair and just pull it through and like twist as you're doing it, and you get that really kind of like soft kind of flick away that basically allows when you brush all Your hair, through, as you can see, you're then left with a like nice sort of like soft wave away from your face and then down into the rest of the curls. So I'm not left with like a really tight curl going on up here and then I go back in and just curl. Anything, I think, might be next to a comic this bit here is still quite straight, so I'm just gon na go back with my Kerner's and just give that an extra curl like so that way. Now it's a bit more coat, it all blends in a little bit better together and then, if you're wondering what I'm gon na do with sort of the back bits of my short legs, I actually just leave them straight. I don't kind of do anything if anything. I just kind of bend them inwards with the straighteners just so they blend it in with my hair and they're, not like sticking out so just going like that, because the curls, as they say, are all focused towards the bottom of them of the hair. That'S how you get that like really nice soft way so having straight like short layers at the top it all blends in so don't more. It doesn't look like weird here end up with letting like odd straight bits, like sticking out it just kind of all blends in really nicely, but I they say if you've got longer hair, then it it won't matter so much. You just doesn't say, continue and just focus the curls towards the bottom of the hair, like you were doing with all the other sections. So then I just always tuck this bit behind my ear. It'S just something I do. I love having this ear out. Just a personal preference that and then I'm just gon na show you so it's the same kind of concept on the other side, but I have my fringe on this side. So yeah. As you see, I've got my friend, so I've got a bit of a thicker section with this side, so I actually do use the curler on this section and just focus it, as I say, towards the bottom of the hair and hold that for about 20 seconds And then I just brush that out just to make sure that, oh god, such a lipgloss, all that talk about that gloss and I'm hair sticking to it yeah and then I just brush it out, make sure that it's all fitting in as you can see it, She'S got a really nice way through all of the hair and then with these a front bits, I'm just gon na do the same thing, but with the strainers. So, as you can see, you're not really looking for a curl, it's more just like a bit of a bend in the hair just so it matches the rest of the curl. So you just do that with all the left. All the leftover sections until you're happy with how it looks basically and mix that first like it, does take a few practices to get the kind of like curl right with the straightness, because I know it's not the easiest thing to do. But after a few practices you get pretty like good at it and then it just comes super super easy to do just play around with it and just get the wrist action right one and then yeah once you got the wrist action right. It'S super easy and you can atomic really quickly so, as you can see, I'm just giving that side of my hair like a bit of a bend that way so it matches in with the curls and then lastly, just to finish it off. I'M just gon na brush everything through just so I can make sure there's nothing that I want to just go over and add a bit of an extra curl to so I would say I am pretty happy with that. Not much else. I want to add: the only thing like do is then just make sure that everything is set nicely with hair. I'M using this got to be happy hour, 24 hour, hairspray spray it over just just set everything. So that's a super smooth and sleek kind of soft waves there. If you want to just add a bit more volume, you can get a comb. This is the ones I've got like a thicker side and a thinner side using the thicker side. You can just kind of back brush slightly up through your hair. That kind of just gives it a bit more of an if you know what I mean like, so that just makes it look a little bit bigger gives it an extra bit of Juche, which I do love. Yes, that is basically the hair to draw. As you can see, it's really easy. It doesn't take that long at all protects me about 20 minutes and, as I say once you get that little wrist action right with the ghd's. I feel like it just finishes off a soft wave. Look really really nicely. I really hope you have enjoyed watching this tutorial and that you guys are finally easy to follow. I really really hope so because it's you, the easy and henna to do. Give the video a thumbs up if you enjoyed it and let me know below if you want to see any more kind of different hairstyles or something else that I've done that you might like. And I will try and film a few guys. But thank you for watching and I will see you all in my next video bye, guys.

LisaLisaD1: Very Pretty, love the way you added the flat iron curls to blend the top! ❤️ Lisa

Goldntima: Looks great! Super natural looking

Amy Jane: You always style your hair so nice!!

Alkemyskitchen: Fantastic tutorial thank you very much xx

Clair Hill: Hair looks great!! ❤️❤️❤️

K: I really hope you see this as a compliment (which it is!!!) but at the start of the video when you have no extensions, you look exactly like Billie Faires! She's insane so this is no way a bad thing. You actually kinda rock the shorter hair!

Alexa Style Book: You're looking gorgeous as always

Will Hawkins: You seem such a kind genuine down to earth person, ily♥️

Emma Sheehy: Lovvve this! So helpful

Laura Elise Blanchette-Wright: Thank you for your lovely tips

Hayley Vella: Love this so in depth you’re an angel xxxx happy new year xxxxx

Vicky Johnson: Stunning! Always

Jasmine Day: Would you recommend the flip ins over the weave? Ps love you!!! X

Chic Dujour La Mode: Loving your makeup here! Any way you can share products used? Especially the lips, loving that pinkie lip color. Or can you do a tutorial on this look? Hoping you can respond

Becca: Now i need that curler, lipgloss and top ‍♀️

Hollie Farmer: Still watching this even though it won’t be relevant to me due to having short hair haha have to support one of my faves though!

Romy: how many inch is the curling wand ❤️ love this look! i was hoping u would film it soon

Olivia Sheldon: Do you think your hair curls better freshly cleaned or a couple of days dirty? Xx

Hollie Ceh: How many inches are the extensions?

Ellie Clemson: What are the ghds you used called and are they really good? X

Sattler: Your face looks gorgeous! & pepsi its my favorite soda! I loved your top! =P

b1ackwidow1991 s: Can the extensions cause breakage? They are beautiful and so are you.

tara carr: How many inches are these extensions

MARCY P: Can you sleep in clip in extensions? If I get them I'm intending to insert them the night before to save time getting ready in the morning!

_xjc Xxx: You are so pretty

Abi Gray: Anyone know what barrel this is??

in in: Where I can buy extensions like this?

Lerato Morapela: Watching this from South Africa❤

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