Bellami Silk Seam Hair Extensions Review

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Hair extensions:

Hey guys welcome back okay. Last time you guys saw me making a YouTube video. I was a senior in high school. No, that was like two and a half years ago, almost three years ago. I'M sorry if my dogs barking, my dogs, always sad to see something. Okay, well, I'm back now there is so much to catch up on. Hopefully I keep making like videos and just be consistent because last time I feel like last time. There'S like no excuse. I had everything to do it. I was just so freaking lazy, so yeah. Let'S get started okay, so this video was actually super requested. It was highly requested by my boyfriend. He got me these Bellamy silk, seeing hair extensions, okay. He got me these extensions because I needed new ones and he wanted me to try them out on Tamra's. Oh, hey guys, okay, so I love pink and gold that is like such a cute color together, the packaging is really really cute. Okay, these are the 26 inch in they they're at 360 grams and they're in the color dark brown. So I'm ready to go so right here, my son, it's like an extra, oh, my god. This feels like much lady head bra. I don't know if you guys can see it has like I'm gon na, be like those cliche where isn't there my mom? Okay, it's not focusing okay, you guys can't see, but it has like a little hair net. Okay, so I'm gon na take it says, warranty void if Britney and it's kind of scary, even though I know I'm not gon na return them. It'S just scary. Wait! They'Re! Killing me, I think this is pretty close to my color. Actually well, I'm gon na open the packaging because I already have a place to keep my hair extensions. It came with a little like thing to open - oh my god, they're so thick. I can already feel how soft and they are - oh, my god, okay, so I love hair extensions. I think that's a reason. My boyfriend thought it was a good idea to get me these um. I love they care, like I'm, always wearing hair extensions. I can't live without them. I love wearing the ponytails. I really like wearing the bun, so the ponytails are my favorite. I love having my hair. Put those it just gives me so much volume they just make my ponytail look so much better. I have really thin hair and you guys can probably tell there was like so boring. I never really have my ear length as I barely started like wearing it, like naturally hi baby, okay um. I actually. I was blonde for like three or four months and I hated it like okay, my hair girl. She was. She did such an amazing job. I'Ll, add a picture here somewhere. My hair girl did such a great job with everything the blending. She did not take that money either anyways. So here are my extensions laying on my lap gosh. These are so pretty okay. This is just too wet. Okay, here's one left, and it is so long. I had oh, my god that is so close to my hair. Color you guys my boyfriend chose this color Blake. That is so my hair color. I can okay wow. That is so pretty. The difference is with these extensions and the other ones that I have. Oh my gosh. I thought these were tapings. I got so scared. These are so thin. I feel like the extensions I had already were super bomb. The only thing is the clips were so thick and that you guys can tell these almost look like tapings. I really thought they were taping extensions when they saw them the first time. Oh, my gosh, they are so thin. I love that that's like I can put so many on and there won't be like mommy sites. Ok, I'm back after trying to like get them together. Do you guys ever talk so much that you get, but I edited or like it's all dry? This is like my second cup of coffee today back to these bombers, hair extensions. I cannot believe how perfect they're I've always wanted to have hair like this, like so here's this is so pretty. These are five wets all together in total, it's seven of them, counting these little extras that came, I'm not gon na take them out just because I already know what all of the hair looks like, so we'll just save that for later. I love how this looks. It is so like flowy, and just it's so great I actually want to try them on. I don't really do my hair straight ever, but these just looks so pretty and they're so thick. So I just feel like it's gon na be so easy to blend. I think I should try them on. Oh, my gosh, you guys these are so long. My hair is like a joke compared to that. I am so jealous okay, so I don't really watch me, but it doesn't even get oily anymore I'll, have a click and we're gon na lemon Vidya, like oh, my gosh, really cool we're gon na start off with this. You just hear this wet and I have a cute boyfriend so already know together. Okay, so when I put my hair extensions, are just tease them? Okay, really, I mean that's a lot of hair, okay, they're so easy to just clip on never gon na go back to a regular hair like okay, yeah, I'm gon na be bombed in summer. Okay, this is my real hair, and this is my hair extensions. Okay. Okay, I never have my hair straight because I just feel like it looks dumb, yeah. Okay, I am feeling myself, I think, they're a little long personally for me, I feel like they're a little too long, but I mean I can cut them like that's no problem. I'D be mad if they were too short, but they're too long. So that's good! I can like make my dad. Like I mean I can tell my dad's, like maybe trim them a little bit, but oh my gosh, you guys they look so good. I'M gon na show you guys how they look. Let me brush them out a little bit in the second, but oh my gosh. I can't even I can't even look at myself right now. Wait if that'd be okay. Okay, you guys have to see this. You can tell how freaking long they are, and I mean it looks bomb, but I just don't. Okay, sorry the box, but I just don't think they are my style like the the link. But I I mean I can go okay, I miscounted there's only six left, not seven, but I feel like that's totally enough, there's so much hair all over the place. Um my hair does not look uneven. I don't need anything else. They look. My hair looks super even there's no, like choppy areas. My hair looks really good. I love it. It'S so like you guys see how they just like they're so bouncy they just like flow around that they feel so thick. I'M not used to having my hair. This heavy anymore, but oh, my gosh wow, you guys it looks so pretty in there so shiny it just blends in so well with my hair color, my boyfriend did such a great job. Choosing them so see you guys next time. I hope you guys have a great weekend bro, it's barely Wednesday. What am i doing? Okay, I hope you guys have a great rest of the week today's Wednesday, so if it's uploaded by Thursday you're almost there finish up the week nice and strong okay, I love you guys so much. I you guys I'm cleaning up now and I showed my mom. My hair extensions and she said, get better something better oil though so I think I'm gon na trim them

sn1p3r_ cookie: I LOVE your tutorial! Thank you!! I didn't know what color but i think this dark brown is perfect!!

Lizama 670: Looks great on u girl !!!!! I’m getting mine for my bday !

Lizbeth S: They look so good! Are they really heavy? Does it feel like they are pulling your real hair? I got the u-clip extensions by Insert Name Here and after a couple if hours i felt like someone was pulling my hair and it felt really uncomfortable. Do these extensions feel like that too?

Ashlee H.: I’m in love with your hair color do you color it at home? If so, what dye do you use?

Magali Marquez: You're just so pretty to look at! I've been wanting to try extensions

Cristina Orlando: you're so perfect!! what lashes are you wearing? I'm thinking of getting these seamless extensions but do they feel that much more comfortable than regular extensions??

shezadi hosny: Cuales crees que son mejores? Silk seam or Boo-gatti? ❤️

Heaven Kannegiesser: Are they thin at the end? Or do they stay thick throughout the whole weft?

Rosa Perez: Bomb I was thinking of getting now ima get them definitely

Melissa Freeman: Dang that looks so good!!

Yea yea Q.: Hey girl ! What color did you get them in?


shaikha Aljabri: They shade or tangled? Do you recommend it?

Lissette Guzman: Do you think they are suitable for thick hair? Please reply if you can ...I’m trying to order them for Black Friday

Rosy Fernandez: Do they slide off?? I've been buying bellami extensions for years now but I hate how they slide off

Athena Lynn: Where did you get your lashes ??? Their so beautiful on you!! And what style are they? Thank you

Holly Drawing: Hi! They are 70g or 120g?

Jesse Quinonez: Keep it up fam!!!

Sydney Nguyen: what color is this! They match your natural hair color so well

Brittany Smoke: Are they good to use with a ponytail? Alot of people say boogatis are better ? I wanna wear a ponytail and straight down.. please ansserr

Boss Ladyy: The background noise who else thought their stomach was growling cuz I did

Valerie Vega: Just found you ans im sad you only have 2 videos.. im still subscribing and I hope you keep loading content

Naomi Mendez: Lmao “que parecen de perro muerto” sounds like my mom always throwing shade at me

iamkayla: Is this only one pack of extensions??

Dalal. Alqallaf: what length are these

Rachael Swanson: What length?

Genesis D.: What color is it ???

Melissa Freeman: Lunch lady hair net

Diana: I love your shirt

Rosie Melena: ; You should have seen my face when I heard you say you look ugly ‍♀️


Rebeca Mancina:

Elizabeth Orozco:

Vanessa Ozil: Ok but my mom didn’t have to do you like that

Naomi Mendez: How tall are you?

Gabrielle Miyairi: Color?

Stephanie Romero: Lunch lady head LMFFAOOOO

Natalia Pixel: You try too much.....

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