Dkw Styling - Can I Work Out With Hair Extensions?

Can I Work Out with Hair Extensions? Hosted by the creator of Natural Beaded Rows, Danielle K. White!

I, like your outfit, you should wear that since two months straight a month straight yeah, don't mind her. She likes to wear he's that skirt a lot. It'S like a staple of the slide. Hey everybody Danielle here from DK view styling. We are here in the gon na Beach. California, again again, we like live here, pretty much. No, we don't that's. Actually our business tip for this week is learning how to respect your time and have your clients respect your time. Okay. So if you're new to my channel, I'm gon na, tell you a little bit about me really quick. So I do hair, I own a salon. Laguna Beach, California and I created a method of hair extensions, called bachelor weed rose and I started doing Tuesdays tips or Tuesday's tutorials or whatever. You want to call it every Tuesday here in my salon and just to kind of give back and kind of give you guys an idea of who I am and what I do, and each video you're gon na see a fashion tip because I love fashion and I do a little bit of fashion blogging as well, as you know, have kids has been a man to salon a blog. You know just got nothing going on, but I was like hey. Why not fashion blog, that's cool, so I think I do have a fashion blog and so we're gon na do a fashion tip. Then we're gon na talk about a business tip, we're gon na talk about a hair tip and then we're just gon na give you like a special bonus of like a life tip, we're just being real, accused my fashion tip of the week. I don't know if you guys have heard of Zimmermann it's one of my favorite brands. This top is actually one of my favorites, like I did about a year ago, but I think she still has it so I will link it in my blog. If you love this shirt and you want to buy it, click on the link and you can you can go there, but she has tons of rompers. I love, I love lace in the spring. I love lace in general, I just like it's very like romantic boho style. So it's totally me but anyways. That is that's my style tip of the week is this top and I love it. I love the style and I'll also post and a couple other Zimmerman pieces linked on this post and you guys can look at to see kind of a style and see if it's anything you like so anyways, that's my fashion tip for the week is just kind Of this cute lacy boho look now we're moving on to our hair tip, so Valentine gents. We have natural, beautiful, hair extensions and we have lots of it in today, but I don't know what one of the things that my clients always asked me before. They want to come and get these done is. Can I pull my hair up, or can I swim or is it okay to work out yeah you're, like? Are you serious right now? You can do all that with the extension. You are. A real girl likes your hair so like what do you specifically tell your clients when they ask you what you do just tell me like treat it like hair that you tell them. I say I'm pretty active and outdoors, so we go to the pool a lot. We go in the ocean and I'm not one of those like I just lay out and don't go in the water I am working out and all that you're able to go in the ocean. The pool workout pull it back. The first week I will say it's harder to pull it back after that. It'S, oh! Well, all what I tell my clients is: I'm like listen with hair extensions. If you wash them more often, I feel like you're gon na go through the hair quicker uh-huh, but as far as pulling up, I do updos all the time I do a high ponytail. I can do a top knot. I can do like a mid ponytail. I can do like little braids, like I feel, like people think with hair extensions and some other types I'm like. Oh, I haven't been able to work around with them as much, but these are the easiest yeah yeah and I have really fine hair and I feel, like I tell people I'm like less enough. I can pull mine up and not show like you can you're fine, you're, good and I'll. Do yeah I'll. Do fine and I'll go to the gym and not even worry about it. Pull up, I'm actually gon na show you guys how I pull it up. Just so you're like whatever, let's see, let's see, pull back, I'm a see, so I actually am wearing all my extension here, but I also have a halo in so I'm gon na. Take my halo out. I'M gon na take my wig out my weave. So this is an extra piece if I want it really really full, sometimes I'll, wear my extensions and then sometimes I'll, throw on a halo and I actually carry these halos at my salon. They'Re at halo, couture I'll put a link on those. So if you guys want more information on those, but for my kind of my everyday hair, I just have two rows of extensions in, but you can pull these that you can see how easy those pull up and you can't see them and you need a high Messy pony, I can even do oh, don't mind me the topknot. You can kind of pull them all the way up. You just kind of want to make sure go around again, make sure the sides everything's you know covered, but a lot of people think with these extensions, because their rows that they're not going to high like are they hiding. I didn't even put a lot of okay like I was like you how many poking out, but I mean you just have to kind of go through and make sure nothing is showing, but yeah you can there's tons of things you can do. You can do braids. You can do what it's like wad. I call it a wide side and you're not messing up your hair, and I am this. Is the society yeah right? I don't have a mirror in from you whoa yeah, but you know, if you can you kind of pull pieces out and like pin it and just do kind of a little messy? I think it's cute with a hat like that to you like, if you're going to the beach, that's the other thing too. We were talking about so yeah. I I work out at least three or four days a week, and I do work out with my hair. In it's weird, I can't take you're not, but a trick that I tell a lot of my clients is sometimes you can just wash your bang area to kind of refreshing it up without washing the whole thing. So I don't know if you ever do that trick, but yeah, because if you're washing and styling your hair everyday with extensions, it's a little bit more work because you have a lot of hair in so but yes, these are you can swim? You can run. You can bike, you can high, you can do whatever it's real hair and - and you just have to kind of take care of it, but treat it like it's your own hair, so anyways, that's our hair tip for this week is yes with at least with natural Beaded rose, yeah can live an active lifestyle, so our business tip for the week is learning how to respect your time and letting other people respect your time as well - and I know we talked about this in some of our other videos, but it's so hard to Say no to clients, it's so hard to say no to the money it's so hard to just because we set hair stylists typically set their own schedule. So you'll have a client. That'S like! Oh! Can you fit me in a 7 o'clock or and you're just kinda like well, I'm there? So why not? But what happens when we're working 9:00 to 9:00 consecutively over a period of time as you hit what I call burnout phase, so I I don't know like Val. I know you talked to me a little bit about how you came. You wanted to work here because you want to work smarter, not harder and - and one thing that's been good for both of us is dealing with hair extensions. It'S allowed us to work less but make the same amount of money and so um. It'S it's a hard thing to say no, I feel like and I, but when you do, when you set clear boundaries with your clients, at least in my experience. They'Re like okay, like I even remember when I stopped working Saturdays for some reason, is the hair size. We feel like we have to work and I'm gon na wean you off that you don't have to Saturdays sacred well, when you're building you kind of have to yeah and then when you built, you can raise your price a little bit and then you can say: Hey, I'm not worrying Saturdays, and if you don't like it, I'm sorry and they quickly are like okay and most of them will make it work. I have yes, I have like clients who are teachers and like have a regular, nine-to-five job. It'S probably they're, like they tell me all the time, I'm like okay. Well, I work. I only work weekdays and I only work till like 4:00 and I like setting the boundaries like yeah. I didn't stain consistent with it. Like your clients know you work these days. They'Ll make it work and get in those times, cuz you're not going to waver you're, not gon na, come in on a Friday right that one extra person on a Saturday, but it's hard even still to this day, I'm it's hard, but it's worth it it's hard, But it's worth it yeah. Otherwise, you you hit burnout and then you feel like you're, not having that time with your husband or your kids or you're, just not living like balance thanks for me, so anything else. You want to share on earth to see what you want your schedule to look like whatever. That is for you and then figure out. Maybe what your hours are and communicate that to your clients and stick with it and be consistent and the good clients they'll adjust to it. It'S funny. I remember her forever ago my husband, it was when I was working Saturdays when I first moved here and I'm like. I don't want to work Saturdays anymore, but I booked out for the next six to eight weeks and he goes calm. Cancel I'm like. I can't go on CASL didn't he was like. Yes, you can't and it was funny because he gave me permission I was like I actually can and I called everybody who was booked out for the next eight weeks. I sent him a text. I said I'm no longer working Saturdays, you can come on Friday or these other days and they were like. Oh, I can't I'm like I'm sorry Adam next week. I'M sorry this is short notice. I am no longer working Saturdays because then the problem was, then you drag it out for another six weeks and then it just like keeps going. You just have to kind of decide your boundaries and I would say, stick with them. You know, and even in the beginning, if you need to work Saturdays or here and there, but just don't let yourself get to that burnout phase. So that's kind of our tip today is do not burn out. Okay guys. So that's that's our segment for today's Tuesday tip. I hope you liked our my random fashion, tip hair tip business tip and be sure to subscribe or share this video if you thought it was funny or relatable or you can go ahead and click on link below this video. That will take you to my blog, where you can find out more information about me about my salon about our hair and kind of go from there. Alright, guys we'll see you next week with the tip of the week.

Jacque Simonsen: so love watching your videos! they have been inspiring. any way a few questions I never heard the size of your curling iron do you wear your hair at night when sleeping?

SettFree: I will have to try to just wash my top of my hair once throughout the week to see if that helps. I have fine hair and it gets oily fast when I workout. Plus My hair is red so it washes out alil faster as well. so I'm hoping this technique works for me.

Pamela Wilkins: So do teachers, who are your clients, just take a day off teaching and leave their students with a substitute teacher to get their hair done? Wow, I am now even more grateful to my stylist.

Harlow C: does anyone know if you can work out with clip in hair extentions

Kristina McCann: what kind of watch is that? :)

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