Babe Extensions Mastery Tour | The Master Class For Professional Hair Extensions

Whether you’re a seasoned stylist or a brand new stylist, the Mastery Tour has something for you! Mastery Tour is a valuable class that will teach you how to professionally install, blend, maintain, and remove hair extensions. Top educators provide hands-on education to

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One of my favorite things about mastery tours is having all different levels of experience, so we had a couple that were students, um that had just graduated and then, ladies, that have been out for 15 plus years. I'Ve been a stylist for about seven years. I have been doing hair for 24 years, I'm in cosmetology school right now, I'm so in school. I have been a stylist for 26 years and I've never had any experience with extensions before when I went to beauty school extensions, weren't, a big thing. So over the years, I've kind of strayed away from them, but now it's something that I have to have in my tools with the beads: it's like I'm back in beauty, school learning how to weave all over again. It'S crazy! But it's amazing. I feel like it's a whole new world opening up to me that I didn't have before the micro bonding in the fusion. I didn't even know like existed, so that was really cool to learn. You could come in with little to no extension. Experience to you know you feel like you are fully proficient and you would still learn something in the mastery tour. This class is really solidified a lot and taught me new methods, just all over about just placements and cutting techniques and really covers all of its bases. I think the other times I've learned anything was so quick and minimal, and this goes more into depth and we're really like learning and hands-on, and the instructors they're right with us guiding us the whole way. I think when we get in this industry, you feel like you might know it all, but you never do, there's always something we can always learn something new. The thing that I love about being an educator is just being able to share the love of extensions. It really took my business to the next level, my personal hair business behind the chair and sharing that sharing that knowledge is really what makes it happen. My main goal for mastery tours and education is that dial is feeling prepared for them to just be able to be confident enough to use the skills they learned and take them out into the salon and start moving feeling like they got all the information they could. Possibly have gotten in those two days and feel confident enough to jump in and just start extension. I would absolutely recommend stylists coming and taking this class. It'S super detailed, you're gon na feel confident when your client sits in their chair and it really sends you a confidence outside the door. It is super easy once you get the proper training and technique and there's nothing really to be afraid of it's gon na open up a whole new market of clients for you, as well as being able to really give the clients you already have the optimal hair Style that they're looking for, I would just say that it's worth every penny and that it's a really great class and very educational, and I really really loved it.

Nancy Bradley: I registered for a class with PSC do I need to bring anything with me?

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