Removing My Keratin Bond (Glue-In) Hair Extensions At Home

Keratin bond remover:

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Hey guys, how is everyone so today is Monday, and today is gon na, be a pretty interesting video, because I will be removing my keratin Bond hair extensions at home if you guys have been following along I've, had a keratin bond, gluon, hair extensions since January the Beginning of this year and I've had them replaced about two times if you watched, my video back in February talked about my opinions on them and stuff like that, but I just wanted to do a little update. I love them. I absolutely love them. My hair naturally is super thin and because I had really short hair, I usually always have short hair, especially like two years ago. I had a really short hair and a lot of it was really layered. Like pretty short, I wanted it to grow out because the ends of my hair would be so thin, and this was still catching up. So a lot of my volume was like up here and I wanted it to all even out in balance out, I'm still getting there, as you guys can see like this. Is my hair now versus like how short it was a few years ago. So on it's like slowly grow it together and keratin bond extensions. Just really add a lot of weight on that weight, a lot of volume to the bottom of my hair, so it just my hair is naturally thin. I didn't add a lot. She didn't add a lot to it, but just enough to give like a lot of a fullness and body, especially to the bottom of my hair, so these I've had in since I want to say like June. Maybe they are it's definitely time for them to go as you can see. Well, some of them, even more so than others I'll show you guys an example like from the back Here I am sitting in my daughter. So if you're wondering about that TP in the back and the window is open and it's raining, it's like a perfect full day, so you're hearing any noises or cars drive by that's what it'll be. So I have the bonds here and they have grown out. Quite a bit quite a bit, so it is definitely time to remove them. I will be replacing them and getting new ones tomorrow. I'M so excited for that that'll be a separate video, but today I'm just gon na take them out. So I got this Bond rover off of Amazon, the same one that Julie uses the girl that does my hair and it's made for carrot into a plastic tube and tape. My hair extensions, you could remove it at home. You could pay to get it removed at the salon, but when she does, I usually don't have like a lot of. I don't have damage or anything. So we will see how I will do it at home. I'M pretty nervous, I'm probably gon na feel like I lost a lot of my hair just because when you have extensions you're so used to having you know so much volume, so you're gon na be like oh, my gosh, but in reality maybe you got a little Bit thinner, you shouldn't if you take care of hair, it really shouldn't, but it is definitely gon na feel thinner just because of you being used to having all this extra hair, so we're just gon na get right into it and take them out, because it is Definitely time it says: directions apply gel to extension bond and let it saturate for keratin plastic tube extensions, open bond with flattening pliers I'll show you guys the back, so you guys can see how many I have I have no. I haven't mostly in the back okay. So I took out a few myself: it is a lot more complicated than I thought you can watch a few videos at home. I highly recommend getting him done by a professional just because they know what they're doing as opposed to you doing them yourself, but I figured I would do this at home and what you essentially do. Is you saturate your bond? That'S always it. You guys are hearing things you saturate the bond with this bond remover and let it sit on the bond for a few seconds, just basically just softened the bond. It doesn't solve it completely. It just softens it and if you're not careful, you can cause a lot of breakage if you pull on it when it's not ready and you end up pulling out your own hair or if you have residue left over and you try to pull the res ago Out you can end up pulling out your own hair, so that's where a lot of breakage can happen. They have special pliers, but they're pretty similar to this is just something I found from my husband and my husband's tool. Things and basically you just soften it with the pliers, just to kind of really help the bond to come out quicker or easily more easily, and it should just come right off. You should not have any damage. If you do this carefully and you're not pulling and tugging on your hair, as you guys can see here, this is mostly. This is all just the extension. My hair is darker, so if it is mixed in with this I'll, be able to see that my own hairs are mixed in with these, and this is where a lot of breakage can happen, especially if your latter, if you have some residue left over, just apply More of that bond remover to get it out and after I'm gon na wash my hair, but this is gon na be a long and lengthy process. So I just wanted to show you guys a few me doing a few of them and the rest I'm just gon na do off camera because, like I said it's just gon na take a hot minute I'll do another one just to show you guys so we're Gon na work with this one here, as you can tell the my hair, does run behind the extension right here. The extensions are very light. So if I do pull my hair out I'll be able to see it very easily, I'm just gon na Statue, eight, this guy with the bond remover mine, are cut in half, so my extensions, the bonds she did cut them to half the tips so that it Doesn'T pull on my hair, natural hair so much and it's not as much weight and it's just easier to let that sit for a few seconds and I'm just gon na use these pliers to soften it. I'M try and look in the mirror here, so I can see what I'm doing it's easier than looking at the camera even worn. This is where you have to be careful, because if you told I never pull and I'm like, I said you can just really damage your hair and pull it out with it. Ideally it's best to let a professional do it donate at home. It does cost money to get a professional to do it and it just literally just comes right out it literally just comes right out, so you guys can tell just gon na add some more remover to that area, just to get rid of any excess glue. Soft and at first before you pull on it, so this is gon na be a lengthy process. I'M gon na do the rest off-camera, but I just wanted to show you guys a few up close just so you guys get an idea and then I'll show you, as I'm finishing up, wish me luck. Okay, I am back. I took a break. I had to put at least asleep as far as I'm concerned, I just have one left: it took a while. I probably want to do this myself, just because I feel like it's just so much better to have a professional or do anything when it comes certain things like hair, and you know just if you don't the least amount of damage. Someone knows what they're doing and is just a professional. It can be easy to cause breakage if you are too rough with the pliers, if you squeeze too hard, if you yank on them, they're, just there's just so much possibility for damage. If you do do this yourself, but if you want to save money, you don't want to pay a professional to do it. It is an option I probably would just have Julie. Do it next time, just because she knows what she's doing and I don't have a lot of hair as it is, so I don't want to mess with my hair, but I felt like I don't film this at home. I thought there would be a lot easier. I thought the bonds would come off a lot easier. I guess the way she was doing it when she did it. She just makes it seem so easy and so simple and so quick, but a lot of times ahead of saturate down like twice just be careful. Just you got to really be careful. I don't have a lot of damage. There were some pieces that you could see my hair and the extension so we'll see when I'm gon na brush them. I'M gon na finish this one right here and then I'm gon na brush my hair out and we'll see what we're working with I do want to put on a mask after this, like a coconut oil, strictly coconut oil mask just just a good ol hair mask. Then, tomorrow is my appointment to put in some new ones, so hopefully that another video will be up at the end of the week. Got ta be careful not to like squeeze these too hard, because if you squeeze these too hard, you can easily cause damage by breaking off your own hair. Your hair is so fragile. Just have to be super super careful I'll show you guys all the extensions that are laying the ones that I took out. It looks like I a lot of hair and did add a to the bottom here, but you know this is just how my hair is so, thank goodness for things like extensions, okay and that one just split off there's some glue left over I'm gon na apply This is the last one there's none of my own hair in here, which is really nice and then just gently brush your hair out. Okay. So now that we got that out, I try to see if I have any like lumps like glue, it seems to be good. Let me just check to make sure I'm not missing any. I didn't miss any look at this beautiful hot mess. Express you rushed through. My hair one last time just to make sure I have everything. So this is my hair. I don't have a lot of hair plus it's fine, it's very fine, since the best of both worlds. So I like to use products um I like to use texture sprays. If you guys are interested in a video, let me know and I'll show you how I get some volume in my hair, but this is my hair with no extensions. What so ever it's kind of sad, but I mean it seems a lot better than I thought it would be. This is kind of how I remember my hair. I'Ve had him for over nine months now, maybe like eight months now so, but I am glad that a lot of it did grow. I did cut my natural hair. Let me show you guys in the back. I don't have a lot of hair to begin with. This is just my hair, as you can tell it's pretty fine, so it doesn't seem too bad. Um, like I said when you first take them out. It'S pretty sad because you're so used to having all of this hair, especially on the bottom here up here. It'S like the same because I don't have any expense here put just on the bottom, I'm used to having more hair. So it's like statics. I call my gosh my hair is so thin, but to be honest, it's just my hair. I don't recommend going to a professional if you do want to save money, I'll link this product down below, if you guys want to check it out for anybody. That would be interested, but here is all of the hair. All the extensions there's like one piece where you can tell you can see my own hair, but all the rest of it is just extension. So this is all that I had in my hair doesn't seem like a lot, but I just wanted some for the ends and once you lose it and once you take this out, that's why it feels like your hair. It'S just so much thinner when essentially you're. Just missing your extensions, I was gon na let my hair like take a breather, but you know it's not too much damage like I said, just take care of it. It really helps you here girl, especially if you do take care of your hair. I do like these extensions because I'm telling like, if you take care of anything it should it's obviously not your own natural hair, so expect, like the tiniest a bit of change like if you color. If you do your nails, if you get eyelash extensions, I mean you're applying glue to your natural hair. You got ta, go to someone that knows what they're doing the girl that does my hair. She cut them in half and applied him throughout just so they're, not weighing down so much on my hair strands and she applied. It'S like the smallest section, because I do have thinner finer hair, so go to someone who knows what they're doing if this is something that you guys want to try out. I love them because they feel like my own hair, like it just I could pull my hair up. I can braid it, I wash it. I can like really get in there and scrub it, and it just feels like my own hair, which is why I love these so much especially the way she puts them in my hair they're glued on to the smallest, smallest sections of hair, as you guys saw What I was taking them out, so it just literally feels, like my own, a head of hair, but anyway, this is this stay tuned for later this week, hopefully I'll upload, a video of the new hair that I'm super excited about my appointments tomorrow early in the Morning comes up this video if you did enjoy it. Let'S always remember to be nice, I'm not professional and, like I said, I'd probably go to a professional, but I did this at home. Okay, I'll bring it right now hold on. Okay, okay, just pretend she wants a different Barbie house. I swap our toys I'll put some in the basement, take out new ones, swap them out, so she wants the other Barbie house, it's in the basement, but anyway thumbs up this video. If you did enjoy it comment down below any thoughts, anything if you guys have any questions on the keratin bond hair extensions, like I said, I'm loving them so far. I am gon na go put in a hair mask just to like I always get a trim to keep my ends, nice and fresh and not dry, because I do have highlights throughout and it can really dry up the hair. So I've got to take care of that. My hair is a lot in a lot better condition now than when I was like 16 and didn't get any trends, so I'd highly recommend trims and going to a hair, stylist eye person. That knows what they're doing so thumbs up. If you do like this video - and I will see you guys in my next video

Diana & Taras: Ohhhhh, I love when it’s time for fresh hair! And I totally can relate to the feeling of when your extensions come out and you feel like you have NO HAIR. Lol. Thanks for sharing your take-out process!

Nada Abdullah: I am constantly self conscious because of my fine hair, however just wanted to say you look so beautiful before and after. True beauty doesn't hide itself my mom used to say :). Your inner beauty shines through as well and adds even more beauty to the exterior

Regina Falkowski: Found it :) Thanks for following up on your keratin extension journey! Your videos definitely eased my mind about getting them for my wedding.

Mike and Mom: Omg my hair is just like yours! I can relate to fine thin hair woes!

Pink Cake: I just got a reinstall of my k-tips 2 days ago. I’ve only had them for less than 4 months, & she totally *RUINED* my hair I compared my hair to the “before” picture, & yeah, she pulled SO MUCH of my hair out !! She was rushing cuz she wanted to hurry & get done for the day. She didn’t even spray the stuff on every bond !! Half of them she just pulled out of my hair !! I am literally DEVASTATED !! I blame myself for not researching stylists first. I just found her on IG, saw pics of her work, & went to her ‍♀️‍♀️ I already had fine/thin hair, & now I barely have anything left !! ONLY reason I let her put them back in, is cuz I wasn’t walking out of that salon looking the way I did.. I was holding back tears.. I’m not letting her touch my hair again !! I have an appt in 2 months with a more experienced stylist.. This woman was replacing these ktips every 5 weeks pretty much !! I thought they were supposed to last average 4 months ?! Anyway, I’m really glad you didn’t lose any hair & had a positive experience.. I am hoping & praying my hair will grow back under these extensions done by the more experienced stylist That’s if she can even do them now that I’ve lost all this hair ‍♀️ She may decline to do them.. I had my consult with her prior to this incident.. Sorry for the essay of a comment, I’m just *SO DEVASTATED* & I’m not that person that complains about services..I’ve never had a bad experience getting my hair done before.. I’ve cried my face off about this the last 2 days since I’ve gotten this done.. Anyway, just found your channel & already love it Love from Detroit Xx

Jessica Cocks: Hi! I was just curious why there isn’t any of your own hair coming out with the extensions that’s naturally shed? I have some sticking out of mine out the top of the bond, or do you pull them out before? Thank you x

Angel wings: Thank you so so much.. This helped me a lot... I fixed the same glue gun Extensions.. And this is the first video that I found on to Remove glue gun Extensions Appreciate it my gorgeous Lady... A Big Thank you again... Blessings Love And Light ❤️...

Simply Stacie: I love doing as much as I can beauty wise at home and they did look great on you, couldn’t even tell that you had them in.

Madeleine: Your hair is exactly the same amount and texture as mine (except mine is dark brown).

Rhonda: Nice video! You should totally go longer! You only live once and since your already paying all that money to get them installed why not go for some length as well??

Lulu McClatchy: What is the name of the product you used to take them out?

Simply Stacie: Looking forward to the new hair reveal!

Alina Vitorsky: So satisfying to see them come out. Lol

Karen Finn: Hi is this D bond remover please ?

Kristen Yates: What do I do at home if I do NOT have a bond remover? What can i use?

Evely L: What type of extensions are those??

B Tab: Omg you look like Kirsten Dunst

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