Session 1 Of 10 - World Of Aqua - By Aqua Hair Extensions

Having been recently awarded Beauty Launchpad's Readers Choice Award for our Keratin Fusion Extensions, we're excited to present the World of Aqua 2021 Education Series.


Monday, February 1, 2021 12pm EST

Review of all 5 AQUA Systems

• Benefits, Choosing a System, Client Hair Type/Density, Hybrid Application

Register for the next event here:

Oh, hmm, everyone, i'm so happy you're here. Welcome. Welcome! Welcome to the world of aqua series. I am so excited you're here for session one. My name is samantha and before we get started, let's go ahead and cheers to all of you spending your money with me and getting this series launched. This has been such a process and it has been a long time in the making and i'm so excited we're. Finally, here to launch this series to all of you asked and we answered so - we had tons of stylists submitting questions on what you wanted to see within the series. So we put together an entire series of an entire series, put together an entire world of aqua series catering directly to you so today session. One we're gon na dive right into all of the systems that we carry at aqua, expands and out of each system as well as how you can intermix those systems within the hair. Something like that. You hello, hello, hello. He said this over here, hey everyone! Welcome to the world of aqua session, one i'm so excited to be here. I'M most excited that you're here very excited that you're here so before we get started first, i want to welcome you to the world of aqua session one so just because we're hair stylists and it's monday, let's start off with a little bit of champagne, toast to You for being here joining me for the world of aqua series session one. So if you have your coffee, i'll toast you to your morning, coffee, if you're like me and porter mimosa before this event, cheers awesome awesome. So i'm so excited for this series. U.S stylists asked for so many um topics for us to discuss in this world of aqua series, so this is session one of ten okay, this session, we are going to be diving deep into each system. That aqua carries as well as the ins and outs of those systems. What client is best for each system, as well as what client does not work best for that system and then how to intermix various systems in the head. So i'm so excited we're going to introduce you fully to aqua if you're not familiar with us and if you are welcome, welcome back and welcome to team aqua. So again my name is samantha. I'M the artistic director with aqua, hair extensions and let's get started so first, i want to introduce you to aqua if you are new with us. So a little bit about aqua, hair extensions aqua is a professional, only hair extension company, okay, which i absolutely love. So what that means to you as a stylist is: we only saw the license hair stylist right. We do not sell directly to the public. You can only find our product through a professional beauty, distributor or through aqua directly, and you have to be a licensed hair. Stylist, so no worries your clients cannot purchase aqua if your clients are watching hello. I hope you gained some knowledge today from this from this session and you can go back to your stylist and ask them all the questions and feel so comfortable wearing aqua, hair extensions. So as well as aqua extensions being a professional only system, we are sold nationwide, okay and we do sell five professional hair extension systems that we're going to discuss today so we'll dive deep into each one of those systems. Okay, every system at aqua, hair extensions contains 100 human remy hair extensions. So does anybody know what remy means if you do add it in the comments? Okay, if you know what remy hair extensions are shout it out, let me know in the comments, so if you're unaware remy hair extensions means the cuticle is still fully intact in the hair. Okay and it's facing the same natural growth direction. Okay, remy hair is the cuticle is still intact and it's facing the same natural growth direction. So at aqua we carry only 100 human remy hair extensions, okay, and we guarantee that because we source hair in ponytails or bundles okay, just as if you were to donate hair right. The first thing you have to do is bind the hair up in a ponytail or a braid and then send the hair away that ensures that the cuticle is facing the same direction. Okay, so if you're unaware why companies made you do that, that is exactly why so we source all of our hair at aqua in ponytails or bundles, okay, and we process our hair significantly different. So we are very proud of our hair process and i definitely want to make you aware of that. So at aqua we process our hair for a very long time and very slow and gentle okay. So what this means to you as a stylist and your guests is the longevity of the hair will be much much longer and the integrity of the hair will be much higher so aqua at aqua. We have a two two step process: the very first step that we do. Um you'll see here it's a 12 hour nutrient rich solution. We let the hair soak in that nutrient-rich protein-based solution to absorb as much nutrients and protein as it can just to preserve the integrity of that cuticle. Okay, so think of a pre-deep conditioning treatment before it starts this lifting process. So after that first step, then we slowly and gently lift the hair for 21 days. Okay, very very slow and gentle industry standard is roughly three to five days, so most companies do flash lift the hair, which we all know what happens when the hair is flash lifted right. The integrity of the cuticle is not intact, leaving the hair very dry and brittle in turn. Your guests will not get nearly as long of a wear on their hair extensions, so awkward. We do that over the course of 21 days, it's very, very slow and gentle. Okay, in turn you as a stylist that leaves the longevity of the hair much longer, so your guest isn't purchasing hair nearly as often okay, so we're very proud of that process. No matter what system you're working with at aqua, our hair is processed the exact same way, which i love. You never have to worry about, one system, the quality being different than the other or the colors. So at aqua we carry over 50 color options on our coloring, okay and no matter what system you're working with the color is exactly the same. So if you are ordering color number six and keratin fusion extensions and color number six and tape and extensions, the hair is exactly the same and the color is exactly the same which for me as a stylist, is huge right, pre aqua, which at this point is A very long time ago i had so many color rings. I had a coloring for carriage infusion or coloring for tape and extensions, and you don't have to worry about about that at aqua. Okay. So let's dive right into the systems. Okay and we'll talk about each system, the ins and attribute system and we'll we'll just get right to it. So the first system that i want to talk about is the tape and extensions. Okay, who does tape and extensions who loves, tape and extensions? Awesome awesome who has used aqua tape and extensions okay, so i'm going to grab a tape and extension here, so a few tips and tricks for our aqua tape and extensions. So our aqua tape and extensions come in three different lengths, 14, 18 and 22 inch length. Each extension is 1.5 inches wide and they come pre-taped, which is incredible. This is our color 62. So if you're not familiar with our ice blonde, it's so beautiful, so beautiful. It'S a very light, pale ash blonde. Okay, they come pre-taped and ready for your guest. Each pack contains 10 individual hair extensions, okay, which can make five complete panels of extensions. So if you're paneling, two pieces of tape in together, that'll make five complete panels of extensions or you can use our single sided tape to make 10 complete panels with single sided tape and if you're not familiar with single sided tape. I'M about to change your world. Okay, single sided tape is incredible for a guest that maybe is a little finer right or has a little bit more fragile hair. We'Re two complete extension panels at 2.5 grams on average per panel right, so each individual, i'm sorry, each individual piece is roughly 2.5 grams of hair, so paneling two together is roughly five grams of hair. We know that some guests that is a little bit heavy right. It'S a little heavy on their hair. You can now take single sided tape and panel that, together with your 1x tape and extension piece just for much less weight overall, as well as a little bit finer of a density. So your guests that maybe are finer around their hairline right finer on the sides. Finer in the nape area: that's a great option instead of paneling two extension pieces together. Okay, so you can absolutely do a full head of extensions with single-sided tape right or you can just choose areas and sections of the head where you may not need two panels and you can do just one. Okay, that's a great way to use the single-sided tape and then we also have our re-tape tabs. Okay, the re-tape tabs are in this white marble packaging. Three tape: tabs will re-tape our tape and extensions, and what is amazing about the tape and extensions is: there's no need to remove the old tape when you are re-taping okay, so you simply leave the previous tape intact. Okay, once we remove the extensions we'll talk about what we remove them with shortly, but once you remove the extensions you would take, a new piece of re-tape tap place it directly over top of the old okay. So, with our tape and extensions, they can be reused for up to three applications, so one original application that comes pre-taped and then up to three re-applications with our tape and extensions, we do offer two different removers, okay, so two different removers that you can use. We have an express remover, which is our alcohol-based remover. Now that is the remover that we want to remove the extensions from the hair with okay. It is an alcohol-based remover, so it will evaporate off of the extensions themselves. So there's no need to wash the extensions before you reapply. The alcohol based express remover will evaporate we'll let the extensions dry. We will not remove the old tape, we'll simply place a new piece of tape right over top and we're ready to go. We always do want to re-prep our guests, natural hair. We will go deep into prepping the hair in another series, um or another session, we'll talk about prepping, the guest's hair before every application making sure the hair is very, very clean. You always want to do that, but don't worry about washing the extensions themselves. Okay, so the second remover that we offer for tape and extensions is called glide remover now glide remover is an oil based, remover, okay, so this remover, if it touches the extensions themselves. Yes, it can be used to remove the extensions okay. I i don't want you to think it cannot. It will remove the adhesive. However, once glide remover touches the extensions, the extensions have to be pre-prepped washed and blown dry. Oil does not evaporate right, so it does have to be removed and washed away. So i'd recommend to only use your express remover to remove the extensions and glide remover would come into play. If there's any leftover residue in the hair, any adhesive left in the hair whatsoever. The glider remover can then be sprayed on the guest's natural hair and combed through okay. So just remember, glide remover touches the extensions. It has to be washed away. Awesome. The last uh tool that we carry with our tape and extensions are our tape and extension pliers. These are an amazing set of stainless steel ergonomic pliers that you can use to close your extension panels with so instead of using your fingers to seal each individual panel, our tape and pliers do that, for you, they fit perfectly over the tape and it will seal Your extensions very, very tight and allow for no air bubbles left within the tape and extensions awesome. Our next extension system that we're going to dive right into is our cylinder, hair extensions, so our cylinder system. Let me grab one piece here: our cylinder system comes in the same three lengths as our tape and extensions, so our cylinder system has 14 inch, 18 inch and 22 inch length. Now. The question i get often is: what is the weight on your cylinder extension? So cylinder extensions are commonly known as eye tips. Maybe your you call them eye tips or beaded extensions, so the weight of each individual piece is 0.75 grams, okay, so 0.75 grams per piece which you can see. This is a really good amount of hair. Okay, they're very dense, it's a very good amount of hair. So, on average, each pack of cylinder extensions is a little under 19 grams, so it's 18.75 grams for the entire pack, okay, on average, for a full head of cylinder extensions. The guest will wear roughly four to eight packs of hair, okay, four to eight packs of hair for a full head of cylinder extensions. Each pack, you get 25 pieces. So when you're applying cylinder extensions, we have two different, beads or attachments that you can use. So our first attachment this is why we call them cylinders. They are a copper cylinder. Okay, it's a very long slender, copper cylinder and our second attachment is our silicone. Lined aluminum beads they're a little bit wider and a little bit shorter. You choose which attachment you like: there's no right or wrong, and it's 100 preference, so each stylists will choose their favorite. It does not matter which one you choose. Both sets of beads and cylinders, however, do come in four colors, so blonde brown, dark brown and black. You choose the bead color that matches your guest's root, color. Okay, so when it comes to their cylinder extensions, we call our cylinders a dura tip, cylinder. Okay. So what that means is the tip on our cylinder extensions. It'S actually made of 100 keratin. Okay, it's 100 italian keratin and it's called a dura tip because it's very, very durable, but the awesome part what i love about our cylinder extensions and what my guests really love about them is. This tip is very, very flexible. So, let's just say i flatten my tip within a bead, so you'll see the tip is now very very flat, but i can also make it round again and flat again and round again and flat again, so i'm mimicking the application and the removal of the cylinder Extensions, this tip is so durable. It'S very durable enough to last your guest for up to four applications, total okay. So with the cylinder extensions, the guests will wear their hair for that first initial application and then up to three re-applications and what we love about our cylinder extensions and what my guests, love is, after that third and fourth application, the tip is still fully intact. Okay, it does not start to disintegrate, it doesn't start to tear apart it's so strong and durable, yet flexible enough to be reshaped in the bead each time. Okay, so with cylinder extensions. These are great for a guest who does not want the maybe adhesives or chemicals quote-unquote put in their hair. Maybe this is a guest who is more of a natural guest, a guest who does not want any, like, i said, adhesives or chemicals placed into their hair. This is placed using just beads okay, so this is more of a semi-permanent extension, they're, very easy to apply and remove and they can be applied and removed very quickly, just by using the beads they're, not more of a permanent system like the keratin fusion that we're Going to talk about next, okay, so this is definitely great for a guest who wants that movability with the single strand. Extensions okay, however, doesn't want them to be quite as permanent as a keratin fusion extension. Okay, this would be a great option for them, so the next system that we're going to talk about is our keratin fusion extensions. So with our keratin fusion keratin fusion extensions, i have a whole bundle here. I didn't want to take the to take them out. I want you to see what a full bundle or full pack looks like so with our carrots infusion extensions. You still get those same three length: options: 14, 18 and 22 inches. Okay, the weight on our keratin fusion extensions are the same as your cylinder extensions. So 0.75 grams per piece and roughly 18.75 grams per pack - okay, so that does vary. You know, depending on the length option, but on average we're kind of looking at the middle grade. The 18 inch length is 0.75 grams and then it kind of varies there, depending on the shorter and the longer lengths so 25 pieces per pack, just like the cylinder extensions. But what i love about our keratin fusion extensions? Yes, they are made of italian-based keratin as well, so it is 100 italian keratin, just like our dura tip on our cylinder extensions, but the difference with our keratin fusion extensions is this. Italian keratin is very strong and hard, okay, very, very strong and hard. So with our keratin infusion extensions, they will last in the hair for up to four to six months: okay, four to six months where and then your guests will need to come back into the salon and get them removed and then reapplied. Okay, we with our keratin fusion extensions, a few tools that will be necessary will be your keratin fusion gun. Okay, our character infusion gun is my absolute favorite. I'Ve used a lot of carrots and fusion guns in my time: okay, character, infusion gun, hands down the best gun, i've ever used; okay, it's a teflon tip and which means it's very strong and sturdy. It doesn't flake how many of you have used a keratin fusion gun that the tip starts to fray, okay and the inside and outside of that teflon tip is all heats to the same temperature. So you don't have to worry about it getting hot and cold on you. It stays the same temperature throughout the entire use. Okay, you also need your. We have keratin fusion discs, you'll use for this application in order to to apply your character, infusion extensions and we do have bond breaking pliers, okay, so with our keratin fusion extensions, how many of you offer microfusions right? How many of us like to take our keratin fusions, make it even more hard on ourselves and cut them down to even smaller bonds and smaller intricate pieces to apply in the hair right? I know i do i just applied a full set on saturday. So what i love with our keratin fusion extensions, we have our bond breaking pliers, super quick and easy, and if you're not sure what i mean we're gon na dive deep into, i want to say session four or five one of our sessions we're going to dive Deep into the keratin fusion system and we'll demonstrate how to apply and break down the bonds, but when i say microbonds essentially, you can take your keratin fusion bonds, okay and make them smaller. So, instead of applying this full weight of hair, i can cut it in half very quick and easy. Now i just created two bonds. Why would i want to break a bond down and make it smaller right? What what guest would that be good for? Okay? How many of us have guests that are so extremely fine around the hairline right or right, your guests, that are kind of receding, a little on the sides and they have a good amount of density in their fringe area, but they're receding to where other systems that You apply, you cannot get close to the hairline right. If you did, they would never be able to pull their hair back or pull the hair up. This is where keratin fusions come into place, especially your micro bonds. So you can take that one bond and cut it in half or you could take that one bond and cut it into thirds. So i can fit these very, very small, intricate bonds around the hairline, where other systems would not be able to be applied, and these are so invisible in the hair that i can even create a small fringe right. We'Ll talk more about that in another system, but i've created fringe with microbonds, so beautiful, and you would never detect those microbonds around the hairline okay. So this is a great system for guests who do not want to come back to the salon, nearly as often okay. Maybe this is a guest who they want to come back. They want to come and see you and not come back for four to six months. Right, so the ideal client would be someone who does wear their hair up, often someone who wants less visits right. This is a guest who wants that movability of single strand extensions and they don't want um almost like a blanket of extensions like a hand-tied weft would be, or they don't want wide pieces like tape and extensions right. There'S someone who likes that movability likes that single single strand option and it's great that if they do pull their hair up they're very undetectable, okay, this is a system that is incredible for them, so this is also a system that i call a permanent, very permanent System that you are married to right, so, if we're talking in each extension system, okay, let's look at this extensions as extensions like relationships right. I always like to use this analogy so when we are talking about relationships right, your first kind of date, first, the first step is nowadays we get on tinder right, we're swiping. Maybe you guys both swipe right. I think i've never been on tinder, but you guys both swipe the same way right and you match so we're gon na go on a date, we're just going to test each other out that that first date is clipping extensions. Okay, that very first date clipping extensions. If it doesn't work out, no big deal take them out, take them out at night. You never have to see them again. Okay, no big deal, but maybe you do like him and you're like okay, let's go on another date, we'll give it a try. Maybe we're dating now like not seeing anybody else just kind of dating. I compare that to cylinder extensions right. You can apply them. However, if something isn't right, it's very quick and easy to remove. You can just break up like uh no big deal. It was good while it lasted this month, but i'm gon na get back on tinder right. Okay, maybe you're, like you know what it i do like you, let's become exclusive, so we're dating we're not living together yet, but we're maybe on month six and we're like. Let'S celebrate our six month anniversary: okay, we're we're committed to each other, but we're still not 100 ready to get married, but we're committed right tape in extensions. You apply tape and extensions. Yes, they are a permanent system to where there is a remover involved to remove them. However, it's pretty quick and easy to remove right. You take your express remover. They slide out and you're good to go so maybe you're six months in the breakup kind of stings a little bit. It'S not the end of the world, but it's not permanent right. It can be removed, but there's a little bit more commitment involved beyond that would be hand-tied weft extensions right, but in that same category, where you're not committed to them fully, they still can be some removed in a fairly quick manner. Okay and then comes marriage when you're, like you know what ready to marry you. That'S carrot: infusion extensions, okay, when you're ready to get married to extensions you're, ready to ready to get married to your significant other. It'S like carrots and fusion extensions right, they're, permanent they're. In there, yes, they can be removed, but when you're applying keratin fusion extensions, you absolutely have to know what you're doing when you're, applying them. Okay, once you've applied them. That extension is, is there it does not come out very easily instantly? Yes, once your guest is wearing them for four to six weeks, i'm sorry, four to six months, they can be removed, but this is something that is the most permanent system. Okay and this system can be so beautiful right. This is one of my favorite systems to apply and if you're do not apply, keratin fusion extensions i'd advise you to look into it. This is a system. That'S coming back around. We see character, infusion extension skyrocketing over the next few years. This is a beautiful system that can fill so many needs of your guests. Okay, but again, this is a permanent system, so this isn't a system that you play around with right. This is a system that, when you're applying your you're committed to it - and you absolutely have to know what you're doing when you're, applying okay so with the keratin fusion system, when it's time to remove, we do have bond breaking pliers that you remove your extensions with. Okay, you'd break up the bond prior to breaking up the bond you'd want to spray express remover, so the same remover that you use for your tape and extensions. That is what we remove our keratin fusion extensions with. So we did spray express, remover and we'd really just break up the bond, and the bond will slide right out. Okay, the keratin fusion extensions are not reasonable. Okay, that's our only system. That is not a reusable system. You do have to apply brand new hair. Every time, okay, our next system is hand-tied, weft extension. Oh, no! No! Sorry back up act like i didn't say that we're going to go to equipment extensions first, we'll end on uh, handheld, up extension, so our clip and extension system. This is our extension system again, that is the most temporary okay. This extension system is something that is more of a retail item right. I wouldn't necessarily call it a professional system and it's not a permanent system, but this is a great option for your guests, who do not want something permanent right. Maybe they have an event they want extensions, for maybe they are a weekend night out kind of girl and they like to pop some hair in for that, okay, maybe they are going to prom or cheerleader or something that they want long hair, for this is a Great option for them: okay, our clip and extensions. You get this full box of extensions; okay, they come in 20 inches and we are looking to add new colors to our clip and extension line which i'm so excited for. So our clip and extensions are 100 grams of hair, okay and you get a full box of clip in extension, so you can see this box is one of our balayage collections. It is so beautiful, but you can see this is a full ponytail hair right. So our clip-in extensions, they come with seven individual pieces. Okay, they come pre-clipped and ready to go so i'll pull this out. They come pre-clipped ready to go for you, okay, there's seven pieces and 20 clips total. So they come in various lengths. You have your smaller pieces for the sides of the head. You have your really wide pieces for the widest point on the hair and they taper down from there, so they will fit perfectly on a normal application right if you're applying a full head of of clipping extensions. However, we will dive deep into this system again in another session, but clip-in extensions are not always just for a guest wanting their hair longer and for them to wear their hair down. I love clipping extensions to wear to rock a ponytail right who doesn't love a good ariana grande ponytail. You absolutely can do that with our clip-in extensions, so we're going to do some clip and extension hacks in the next few weeks on another system um or on another session. I'M sorry and we will be doing some ponytails and just some fun little things that we can do with clip-in extensions, so definitely stay tuned for that, but with our clip-in extensions, this is what you get, so you get a full box of extensions, and this is A great retail item for your guests, okay and last, but definitely not least, my favorite extension system, the hand-tied weft system, okay, so the hand-tied weft system is definitely one of the newer systems on the market. Okay, um next session, then session number two, which is in a few short weeks, um session number two: is that we're diving deep into the hand-tied weft extension? Okay? So i'm just going to give you a little bit of an overview now on the hand, tied left system so aqua hand, tied, left extensions. Okay, do come in the same three lengths, 14 18 and 22 inches. Okay, the packs of hair are a little different, though so, with our hand, tied weft extensions when we talk bundles. So if you look at the packs of hair, the 14 and 18 inch extensions come with four bundles per pack and when i say bundle, that's a full left. Okay, we call them bundles because they come rolled up in a bundle like this okay, so the 14 and 18 inch packs you get four wefts or four bundles per pack. The 22 inch extensions come with three bundles per pack or three wefts per pack. Okay, i love our hand-tied weft extensions. They are 11 inches wide okay and they are roughly 55 to 62 grams of hair. So it really just depends on the length um. The 14 inch is 55 grams of hair, and then it goes up from there as you get a little bit longer length of hair and it does come in all of our collections. So i don't know if i, if i discuss the various collections that we have at aqua, we have balayage, which is actually what i'm holding now as well as that tape. In that i showed or the clip-in that i showed you, that is one of our balayage collections, but we also have duotone collections, which are highlighted in low-layered extensions. We have our rooted collection, which is more of a shadow root. At the top we have um an ombre collection which is more of a color melt, and then we have some crazy colors, which comes in a few of our other systems. So we have so many color options to choose from, and you can just see the a little bit of the balayage in the hand tied left that i'm holding now. Okay, so with our hand, tied weft system. What makes this a hand-tied weft is actually not because i hand tie this weft into the hair. Okay, that is a huge misconception. The hand-tied weft is something that a lot of stylists and clients call the application of applying wefts into the hair. Okay. They just call everything a hand-tied weft and it's actually not true, so this system, we call it a hand-tied weft, because this hair, this type of weft, is a hand-tied weft. So this left itself was handmade was physically tied by hand, so each individual hair was knotted onto this very small thread which makes up the weft okay. So the weft itself is actually only three pieces of thread and then each individual hair was tied to this weft. Okay, making this fully handmade, unlike a machine weft, so other types of wefts on the market would be a machine made weft a hybrid weft which in turn it's made with a machine and it's much thicker at the top. So the benefits of a hand-tied weft would be they're very fine and dainty, okay, the weft itself allowing for minimal weight on the hair. So the weight of this weft is essentially just the hair. There'S not much weight at all on the weft okay and they mimic natural hair growth. So you can see with this weft it's so fine and dainty at the top. Okay, there's not fabric at the top of this weft. Just think how flat and seamless your guests can wear and how this will lay in your guests. Hair. Okay, unlike a like, let's just say, clip in extensions, for example, they're much thicker at the top right. The weft itself is much thicker and if they don't lay completely flat to the head, there's always a little like bump right when you're, when you're wearing there's a little bump involved. That is a machine weft, a hand-tied, weft they're, very thin and natural, laying allowing for a huge range of guests to wear a hand-tied weft right. Think about some of your finer-haired guests. Okay, just just picture their hair picture, their hair density right. A hand-tied weft is much more versatile for guests with finer hair because it will mimic their hair density and it will allow for much less weight in their hair. Unlike a machine weft, a weft, that's much much thicker right, it's more of a one size fits all weft the hand, tied weft is very versatile and you can choose how much hair you're applying in the head right. So with the hand-tied weft, we will stack multiple wefts on top of each other and sew them into the hair and with the hand-tied weft you as a stylist and as the expert choose how much hair you're applying based upon your again, your guest's density, the width Of her head right, her overall look she's trying to achieve there's so many factors that go into play. However, it's completely customizable for your guest, okay, those are huge benefits of a hand-tied weft. However, a hand-tied weft cannot be cut. Okay, that is the quote-unquote downfall to a hand-tied weft. It is something that we never recommend so the weft itself. Okay, this weft, not the hair. The weft can never be cut. Okay. If this weft does get cut, all of the hair will just shed right off because all they are just knotted onto that thread. So as soon as that thread gets cut instantly, the hair will just completely shed off okay. We never recommend any cutting of the weft. Instead, you'll see uh in our next session, we're going to start folding the weft to put it into place. Okay, what's awesome also with the hand-tied weft, is your guest can pull their hair up very easily without any detection of the weft, so that is a huge benefit to wearing the hand-tied weft system? Okay, now, when we're applying this system, when i talked about the two bead options that we have for the cylinder extensions for the handheld off extension, we're only using our silicone aluminum beads, okay, we do not use the copper cylinder, so the copper cylinders are only for The cylinder application we're going to choose the silicone aluminum beads, okay, they are the perfect size for this application when we're applying the hand-tied weft system. Okay, a few other things you'll need for this system is our thread, so we do have the same thread colors as bead colors. Okay, you'll need your loop tool. We have uh sets of needles, as well as our stainless steel deluxe pliers. So this is a different plier than what our tape and plier was. Okay, our stainless steel, deluxe plier, looks a little different, i'm going to compare it to the tape and plier that i had held up earlier, just to make sure you order the right one. When you are ordering pliers, so our tape in plier is very flat and square. Okay, our stainless steel, deluxe plier that we use to apply our cylinder extensions as well as our hand-tied weft is rounded okay and it has this small circle opening on it, which allows for you to easily open and remove or open and reattach the beads okay. So it looks a little different, but it still is very ergonomic and easy to use in your hand, so you'll need your stainless steel pliers to apply the hand-tied weft system, okay, with the hand-tied weft system. Okay again, the hair is reusable, so your guests will wear their hair for roughly four to eight weeks. She'Ll come back into the salon to see you you'll, remove everything fully. We don't do any quick bump ups, so you remove the entire head of hair re-prep. Her hair we'll talk about that in another session. Re-Prep your guests, natural hair. I don't wash my extensions themselves just re-prep my guests, natural hair and then i'm able to reapply okay and with the hand tied buff system. Just like our tape and extensions and cylinder extensions. They are reusable for up to three re-applications. Okay, so roughly four to six months use your guests will wear their hair for, on average, for the hand-tied left system. Your guests will need roughly two to three packs of hair, okay and the ideal guest to wear a hand-tied. Weft would really be most of your guests right. There'S, not many guests that can't wear the hand-tied weft system pretty much any density of hair is perfect. The only guest that i would stay away from is a thinning client, someone who is very see-through or experiencing any type of hair loss, okay, other than that most guests can wear this. Your guests, who work out often okay, your guest, that sweats often this is a great system for them, because if you think about tape and extensions, let's rewind slightly tape and extensions, there's adhesive involved right, there's adhesive involved with tape and extension. So if your guest is excessively sweating working out, maybe they are in a sauna, often how many of you like to go to the gym and hit up the sauna after right. Tape and extensions would not be ideal for that guest because sweat will get inside of the bonds and slowly break down that adhesive and remove the bonds right hand tied left. That does not happen. So your guest that comes to you and says i work out every day right, i pull my hair up every single day i get in the sauna every day. What extensions would you recommend to me? Okay, that guest? I would recommend the two systems, two permanent systems that we offer that would not be affected by water or sweat or heat right. That would be the hand-tied buff system, as well as the cylinder extensions right, because there's no adhesives bonds or chemicals that are used to apply those systems. So that is a great option for those guests right and then, like, like i said, with the hands out of system. There'S not many guests. I wouldn't recommend them to only guests that are experiencing hair loss or are just completely see-through to where you would not be able to hide any extensions in their hair. Okay. So when it comes to like mixing and matching and putting all types of systems in the hair right, it's a question i get the most often i have a guest who has nice thick, dense, hair in the back, but they're super fine on the sides. What should i do right, there's so many options for that, but i want to give you just my favorites to to apply and who and why i would choose those systems for okay, timeout, take a quick cheers: break okay, drinking your coffee or drinking champagne. Thank you for spending this hour with me. We have about 20 more minutes to go um. I just want to take a quick pause and say: if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to write your questions in the comments. If you are watching us on a platform that has a comment option, if you are watching us on a platform that you

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