✧My Review On Tape In Hair Extensions✧

So I touched my hair too much and obviously suck at math, other than that this isn't too bad honestly though I loved having extensions and if I didn't have to pay so much I would always have them!!!! I'm thinking about investing in some temporary ones that I can take in and out soooooo if you have any experience with that or advice please lemme know

Sc: etherealparadis

Insta: foolish_is_coolish

Tw: @queenhannahk

Much love guys! Lemme know if you like this type of video ❤️❤️

I just film this video like five minutes ago, like I just filmed 15 minutes of footage and I go back and I check the the videos can't see me at all completely white completely oversaturated. So take two hey friends, so I'm gon na have kind of a different video today, something that, like is kind of different from my like, like the normal videos that I make. I'M gon na be reviewing hair extensions that I had. I don't know if I like straight-out, told you guys, because I don't often go back and like view my videos like where you watch them, but I'm sure you'll have noticed like my hair got like really thick and then it got really thin again. So that was because I had tape in hair extensions and fusion hair extensions, so yeah, let's get right into it. So my primary, like most of my extensions, were these they're called tape and extensions. There you'll see they've got this like piece of tape at the top, and basically you take a section of hair. That'S like about this wide. It starts out this way, but something the hair will slip out and you take it and it's real thin like that, and you just tape the hair on top of it, and you put another piece of tape like on top of this hair extension, and it just Will lay flat against your scalp and it makes your hair way thicker and yeah. I have those all over the back of my head and then a little bit on the side and then in the front I had these ones and they're called fusions and they're much like thinner and the top is like this. You see it, you see it. It'S like this, like plasticy, it's actually keratin, but it kind of feels like plasticy like hard um and what happened with this is. They would take a really thin little piece of hair like maybe maybe that much, maybe not even that much. They would just take a really thin piece of hair, they would take, they would like put the hair extension next to it. Then they would take melted keratin and they would wrap it around it and they would burn it so it would stay in place, but I didn't really damage my hair very much. It was just around the hair, you know so I had these all around here. Like probably about here here and a couple of the base of my neck in theory, they were supposed to help me be able to like pull my hair up, but in reality I couldn't really wear my hair up with the extensions I did. I did wear it up, but you would be able to see the exceptions, so I took to wearing lots of headbands yeah. That was really how it worked, and I had three packs of tapings, I believe, and one pack of fusions, let's jump right into the cost and everything so each I don't remember how much each pack like ended up being, but all of them together we're a little Over $ 500, so let me just give you the backstory real quick about why I decided to get these in the first place. So last July we went and we visited my grandparents because we like to go see them at least once every summer. So I got there and my grandma is a beautician. She owns a salon, she does hair for a living. So I was like this is the perfect opportunity for me to be able to change up my hair right before school starts. I wanted to do an ombre. Look because I've never been blonde before, and so I wanted to get some really prominent blonde highlights maybe get my ends to be blonde, so I go, and I tell her and everything - and I pick out this beautiful picture off Pinterest with this gorgeous tan model and Her hair is perfectly quaffed and curled, and the highlights are just it's a work of art guys. So I'd show this to her and my grandma is a certified beautician. She knows exactly what she's doing she does people's hair every single day, but she is almost 30 years old, and so her approach is a little old-fashioned compared to maybe some of the salons around where I live, and so she was really hesitant about bleaching, my hair, Because she didn't have the type of bleach where you can do it without a mass amount of damage. She just have normal bleach that you just throw on, and you hope for the best, and I have really thick kind of not thick sorry, really thin kind of damaged hair as it is it's because it's just then the longer it gets, the more it will break Off and the more brittle the ends will be so she puts it on and she's like. I think we should rinse it out now and I'm looking at the color and I'm thinking I really am NOT like. I want it to be light, so I'm editing this and I'm realizing how many times I touched my [ __ ] hair. Why are you touching your hair, so much channa leave it alone? Yes, so sorry about that to be like a white blonde, and so I'm like no, I want to keep it on and grandma was right, so we end up rinsing it out and it is just destroyed like it is so damaged and fried from this 15 minutes Of bleach that I put on it that there's almost just no coming back from it like I washed it a bunch of times I put in conditioner for like an hour and I let it sit and everything, and I wash it again - no luck! It still is like straw, so I'm just heartbroken like I am literally in tears crying. I don't want to tell my grandma that I don't like it, because I don't want to hurt her feelings, but I just can't contain my tears. I'M just oh, it is it's heartbreaking to like [ __ ] up your hair, like it just you know you know already who anyway so my aunt's family is there my whole family is there. Everyone is basically like um. Look. You really should cut off your hair. You'Re gon na look great with short, hair long hair. It'S probably just not gon na work. For you, your hair is too thin. Yada yada yada just really trying to convince me to just chop it all off and just live with the consequences of putting bleach into your hair, and I'm just like I'm just like cooking here. So then we somebody, I don't know who glass? I don't know. If it was me, I don't know if it's my mom and I'm no. This is my aunt, but somebody says the word hair extension and I'm like yes, I think it was me actually because I feel, like I talked to somebody about this a while ago, like in this spring before this, but I just kind of it was too expensive. So I was like whatever, but so I start so we start researching. We start researching these different extensions, which one does the least damaged hair, because that's another concern is a stigma with extensions. Is she put it in this all nice and you take it out and your hair is just super thin and damaged and just worse than it was in the first place. So I start looking and looking, and I find these tape and hair extensions, and I find this brand - it's called babe or well yeah and so we're looking at all these different reviews like wow, like it, doesn't seem to really damage your hair um. It'S like we're, like figure out how to do it, and lo and behold, my mom knows this girl through her work. Who does them like that? She knows, and so she starts messaging. This girl on Facebook she's, like hey, like talk to me about it, and she sends us the link and we go look at this website. We look at the prices. We like research, like how it's done and blah blah blah, and so then we schedule a consultation with this lady fast forward. About a week, my grandma has chopped up chopped off all of the damage that I did to my Knock beautiful hair and it's like all inserted before picture. But it's like this. It'S like this short and I'm just like because, like no I've always just been really obsessed with long hair, and I just it like, even just getting it cut. A little bit like just makes my heart twinge a little bit anyway. So we go and we talk to this lady and she completely convinces us. We schedule an appointment. I go in, I get him put in the process of getting them put in by the way takes a really long time it takes about two hours. She does his whole conditioning thing then chills Ginsu blow-dry said then she sections it off and then she has to do the fusion ones like all around and then she styles it. So it's probably actually a little over two hours that it ends up taking. So that happens and we get it in when they look great. They look fantastic. I am in love with these extensions. My hair is thick like three times thicker than it's ever been. It is long. It is luxurious. It holds curl. I am on top of the world and that's pretty much how it was um the thing about. The extensions, though, is they're really expensive. That was the one drawback that I really found was how expensive they were. So let me just give you a summary of all the costs that went into it. It was a little over $ 500 to get them put in, but we're just gon na stay at the $ 500. I'M just as a nice easy thing which, by the way I paid for half of and the other half of my mom paid for, is more. Like birthday gift, I'm not super spoiled um, so yeah we've got $ 500 and then every time I an extension, falls out. It'S three dollars to go and put it back in so my first like three weeks like six or seven, will fall out so we'll call that 20 bucks. So then, that we have five hundred twenty dollars and then I did a color correcting thing to where we just dyed. It all dark, and so it would all be the same color, because there was a little bit of a difference of like my hair was a little bit lighter than the extension here, because it's my hair just just a fold color very well, so I go in And get do the color correcting and I get some more put in because they also did fall out because the first time that you get them put in, they will fall out more than the next couple of times you put that get them put in. So then that's seventy dollars so now we're at 590 yeah 519. Another thing about them is every two to three months, depending on how fast your hair grows, you have to go and get them put back in, because they'll grow out, they'll become more like visible, it'll, be harder to style. So yeah you should got ta, go, get them all, take it out and put back in and that I was under the impression that it costed about fifty dollars. It was like a weird miscommunication, maybe something I saw online. I don't know why I thought this, but it was only but I thought it was only $ 50 joke's on me, because it's not a hundred and forty dollars to get it all. Take it out and put back in so now we're at seven hundred and thirty dollars with that. This was right before Halloween. So then Thanksgiving rolls around they're, all great, maybe like one or two have fallen out, but no big deal. You can't really tell so then I go to my grandparents house again for Thanksgiving great time sees my family, I'm there for about four or five days, so you shower twice. Not thinking is a big deal and all of my hair falls out and I'm like what the [ __ ] like what so I've got me. I'Ve just got the fusions left in just these like weird, like long pieces of hair. All of the tape and extensions have fallen out. I'Ve got all these sticky patches in my hair and I have no idea what's going on. Well, it turns out you can't shower in cold water with the extensions, because there's a chemical, I think it's salt, maybe there's something in soft water that deteriorates the glue and they all fall out. So I'm like doing family stuff and like pieces of hair or just falling out, left and right and I'm like so then I go back in and I get all those put back in then that was probably about $ 36. Maybe so no 36, I'm gon na, say 40, I'm gon na say $ 40 to go and get them all put back in. So what we're at 6:30 Snover at 6:17 and then I go and then the last thing that I do is that get them all taken out right before New Year's. I got them all taken out just because I didn't have enough money to cap the upkeep, and I was just ready to have my like normal hair. Again, I was ready to style up juice again and just feel my natural hair, so to get them taken out, it was about 50, more bucks, and so I think $ 700 is what we're up to it was about $ 700 and I feel like I'm forgetting Something because um the last time I calculated this. It was a little over eight hundred dollars and it calculated it like 15 minutes ago. So I don't know which one was wrong, but I'm just gon na tell you it's about 700 to 800 dollars. That'S how much I put into this hair over the over the course of four months, so it was more money than I had originally expected or planned on putting into it. But everything happens for a reason. I'M not complaining. My hair was beautiful and I really liked these extensions they're just a bit pricey so yeah. I would definitely recommend them if you have the money for it. If you have thin hair, you want thicker hair. These tape and extensions are definitely for you. Another cool thing that you can do with them is the company that I bought all mine from was. I think it was like babe extensions or something, but they have this really colorful. They have all these really colorful hair choices, so you can buy like maybe one pack, which is probably like a little over a hundred dollars and get them put in, and then you can have like colorful hair without like damaging your normal hair, and I think that's Really cool - I was thinking about doing that and then I spent $ 700 and I was like definitely not gon na buy more extensions. I guess um. I would definitely recommend me I'm trying to wrap up, but I'm ending up rambling um yeah. So, let's see we covered costs recover at how we put them in oh. I do also want to reassure you. It is real hair. I think it's from India, maybe I'm not sure at all, but I feel like it might be from India cuz. It'S really nice and thick and pretty - and I hear they donate a lot of hair, but don't quote me on that because I am Not sure at all, but yeah real hair really pretty for the most part they stayed in really well. You could like just wash your hair and style. It normally there's nothing like really. Actually this you have to do. You just have to buy a special brush and you just have to braid your hair when you sleep, like it's really not really hard to keep up except going to the salon and literally like putting it back up so yeah um. I hope this helped you and if you aren't interested in these kind of videos at all, I guess let me know, but I thought it was cool and fun and I hope you did too um so yeah. I will talk to you guys later. Bye love, you

solshineASMR: Omg girl!! What horrible extensions did this salon put in your hair?!?! I installed some Zala hair extensions (about $180) myself and they didn't budge at all for 6 weeks and when I had to take them out it took forever because they were super secure. I didn't do kind of special upkeep either! You should try them or another extensions brand/salon because your experience is definitely not the norm

Eleanor Ball: I'm just wondering why you didn't buy your own tape and get a friend to tape them in its very easy and very easy to remove too you just buy a remover i use beautyworks.com tape and remover but walker have a good brand it saves ALLOT of money x thank you for the video :)

Eleanor Ball: the right tape should have come out so easy i would not use that salon again if i was you they should not fall out and for the salon to say its normal for a few to fall? no they should stay for at least 6 weeks. hair should be clarified a few times and not conditioned before applying or it sounds like the tape used was not good tape either way the salon did not do their job properly for you. i apply my own $20 tape $20 glue and apply myself and last as long as my hair growth.

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