Hair Extensions Update / 3 Months

My extensions were gifted to me by Great Lengths/Russell Eaton Salon in Leeds. I would highly recommend both the service and the hair itself and should I have mine refitted that's where I'll be going!

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Eyes: Lorac Pro Palette

Foundation: Estee Lauder Double Wear

Blush: Freedom Pro Highlight in Ambient

Lips: Essence Plum Cake Liner / Maybelline Mystic Mauve Lipstick

Nails: N/A

Top: Zoe Karssen


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This video is not sponsored

If you have any questions regarding my sponsorship policy you can watch this video.. (this is an update from the original due to the changes in the ASA rules)

Hi guys today's video is gon na be a hair update. I wanted to wait for the three month milestone with my hair extensions to wait to do the next update. I know some people have requested it in the meantime, but I wanted to wait for that period of time to be over. So I could really give you a good idea of how I'm getting on with the extensions and how long I feel, like they're gon na last, so know that this kind of extension, I've got the great lengths, keratin bonded extension. I feel that there's a special name for it, but I don't know I'll leave any information I can in the information bar below. But this is the keratin bonded extension. So it's actually bonded to my hair they're, not kind of tapes. Are they all bonded but they're easier to remove they're, not tapes they're, not like a weave? It'S not clippings. It is actually individually bonded extensions and they can last from three to five months. I don't think they can last really past five months, so many people to peeler because they start to kind of hang quite low, and so this is the period where some people would be having them removed or reapplied. I thought three months was a good time line. So I've been getting on with them, amazing they are so what comfortable? I can't believe I would total convert. If money was no object, I would be having them probably reapplied every two months just to make them look totally fresh and I would just have them for the rest of my life, I'm so so impressed with that now bear in mind I haven't experienced, having them Removed Jett and any damage that they may have caused I'm fairly confident that they haven't caused any damage, because any of the extensions that have fallen out so far don't seem to have had much if any of my hair attached to them. So I'm fairly confident that they're going to be fairly damage free, but we shall see cause my hair is already in such a bad condition feel like a car. I'Ve got much worse, it was by the time I got my hair extensions fitted. I was kind of like this is my last-ditch attempt to keep the hair that I have whilst it grows out and becomes a bit more even and I'll talk about that. A second for those of you that haven't watched my previous videos before I had like a full-on pixie crop. So for me the damaged element wasn't something they were going to put me off, because I thought what the damage is. My hair further, I'm just gon na, have to go for the crop anyway, because that's the statement hair was in and I feel like it hasn't really damaged. My hair at all and my hair has grown quite a lot, I'm not so mobile about the actual length, because the issue that I had was the short sections up here you can see and it is getting more and more obvious. I feel like I've been hit to go out, but you can see the actual top section here is really quite short compared to the length of the hair extensions it's. This is the one thing that's really bugged me throughout having them he's having to blend this. Really. Quite thick short layer in my hair, which is totally caused by breakage, it was something that happened during my very very blonde phase and I was having my hair colored block blonde and there was a chemical break and then eventually, more and more of my hair broke Because of the damage, so that's why that's there? It'S not like a hair could come wrong, although I'm kind of similar hair cook this in the past time hope keeps reminding me. I once had quite a blunt layer cut into my hair, which was about like this and my hair land. Wasn'T that much shorter than it is right now, so I had similar haircut once upon a time almost on purpose, but this layer was kind of more. I level before my extensions three months ago, so I'm quite impressed with the growth. I didn't really think it grown all that much to be quite honest, and I looked back at the video and I kind of took pictures of the side of my head and thought. No, it has and it's difficult to see when it's gradual and obviously it still feels like a really short layer. So to me, I'm like oh, never gon na grow out, but it has made quite a big difference in the time that I've had the hair extensions. They'Re really easy to look after I've been absolutely shocked. I thought that I would thought I'd hate them. I thought that this was gon na, be a means to an end and I'd find it really uncomfortable and really rotating. I wouldn't be able scratch my head. I just I thought I was going to really not get along with them, but I have them to just help even out my hair, whilst it was growing out, but it's been so so easy. I can't even believe the main things that I thought of pre having the extensions put in were washing it. What I'd have to use I've used normal, shampoo and conditioner at the great length, shampoo and conditioners, really nice, but you don't have to use that I've used all kinds of stuff, sulfate free, not sulfate, free loads of different shampoos and conditioners and with no problems whatsoever. I don't think that it's like cause any damage to the bonds at all. When I, when I wash my hair, I don't have to dry it completely. I had heard a lot about having to make sure that the bonds were 100 % dry before doing anything like going to bed or anything last night, and I left my hair totally as it would be as it would dry, naturally just so that those of you That are interests, not God's sakes. I thought I could totally style my hair and make it look better and make it you know hide everything and all that stuff, but it's not realistic. This is how I've been wearing my hair. A lot of the time like this, but also kind of determined, pinning the sections back here to hide that little section of short hair. But this is literally, I wet my hair. I scraped into a low ponytail and doubled it over nice lips on it, and this is how it dried it's so easy to look after and that's what's completely converts me to hair extensions, it's it's how low maintenance they are, and I've actually had to do less To my hair, since I've happen in than when I had my short uneven, all kinds of all over the place had I had to do something with because it would look terrible on its own, so everything that put me off the extensions initially has been everything. That'S like prove me wrong, and I just I love them so much now they are really expensive. I think that to have what I had done would total around seven hundred pounds, which is monstrously expensive. If they're not going to last you, so I'm gon na try and make these last as long as possible, I'm hoping to get to the five month mark, but between two months and three months I've lost a lot of the extensions. So I can understand why they say three to five months. I think, if I actually did make them last to the five month mark I'd, probably they probably get quite patchy. Although a few of the extensions, I did actually remove myself. If you see here, if I might put my hair down to the side, you can see kind of a whole section that doesn't have the extensions in here and that's because I said growing out and they're getting a bit longer. Oh further down my hair. Normally it's all, I can see um okay, there you go so once they're getting a little bit longer and that's slipping down my hair a little bit if you can see that they are kind of getting in the way, and so when I was putting my hair Behind my ear, I could feel that one there, but when they were really close to my this, the front section of my hair, they were just like there next to my ear, all the time they would pop forward and be really obvious. So all I did was put my straightener over the top of the buns and they just loosened and came out totem bottom and they came out no residue. Anything really really easy again. I can't believe how easy they think so now I have these kind of sections with no extensions in, but I prefer that to having the extensions fall forward, it'll just be enough to see them and feel them all the time. The only other thing that I would say is, if I did have them fitted again, which again it's a lot of money. I'M not saying that I wouldn't because if I could afford to at the time, I definitely would have them fitted again. There are two things that I will yeah. There are two things that I would do. One of the things would be. I want to leave my top layer to grow a little bit longer, so I'm not as aware and there and not feeling like. I have to hide it all the time and it doesn't feel like this is kind of. I know that this was a style for people, but I'm not into it. This is kind of variety bunchy for me, so I've got these when these bits go up there, and this is long I mean I don't know it reminds me of Linda from the wedding singer, but I would also have all of my hair completely dark, because the Main thing - that's annoyed me throughout these three months has been that the bonds are blonde. So in my route, you can see the mare in my roots, which are dark. This is kind of my natural color up here, and you can see them because the extensions that were fitted were blonde. They were like this color and Robert from Russell II and in Leeds actually hand-painted the tops of the extensions to blend them into this. Like ombre look, which is amazing, I really like the color that he created and I haven't had this anything done to it. I know that it's kind of probably needs refreshing, but again I'm quite impressed with the fact it hasn't had to have anything done to the color, so he's hand painted all that section with the same code that he'd put on my roots and that's great. It made it blend really well, but as they started to grow out - and you could see the extensions, the extensions are obviously a contrast to my hats. My natural hair color or the dark hair called the heap on top. So I would go all dark all over. Purely because then the bonds would be darker and everything would blend a little bit better. I feel like at this point where they start to go out. It would be easy to blend them and I wouldn't be as aware of them. So, what's gon na happen moving forward with my hair, because I knew this is you know it's an update, but I've mainly jobs by hair, extensions and really happy with the health. My hair. I'Ve had to leave it alone, which is great for someone like me who can't leave something alone for two minutes. I haven't been able to do anything different to my hair and I've barely put any heat on it, but that's quite normal for me. Is I'm probably going to go darker, I'm kind of it on the scent. It'S all gon na depend on what happens when these come out and where I'm at with the growth of these short sections here, but I think I'm probably gon na go darker all over I'm shorter. Obviously, because this is gon na come out. So it's gon na be shorter anyway, but the actual length of my hair at the bottom section here is to about there, when you consider the length of the hair extensions, there's probably only a couple of inches of length there, but a lot of volume, given that Most of the volume of my hair has been cut really really short. So if I feel that these sections have grown long enough to blend with kind of a bob cut or a shaggy bob, then what I'm gon na do is go darker all over and then shorter, probably back to something more like that. But I was used to and potentially leave it to grow out a little bit longer and have some hair extensions put in again in a few months later, whilst I wait for it to grow out, I'm kind of thinking, I might grow out my hair now, because I'Ve really enjoyed having the length which I didn't think I was gon na. I just thought this was gon na be a means to an end, and then I go back to the choppy Bob. I do really miss short hair. I miss being able to play with my part in and not worry about, bonds and stuff. So I do feel like I want a month or so at least of no extensions just to really enjoying kind of messing around with my hair again. But then, at the same time, when I mess with my cartoon, you get even shorter layers now, so I don't know I mean like 15 minds about what to do with it next, but I'm hoping to get these to last at least another month. I'M thinking it's gon na be quite difficult to get into the song, so I think I'm gon na wait until I really can't stand it anymore and then go to book and it's gon na push me to leave it even longer. But I will come back to you when that happens when I have them removed when I have whatever I have done next. That will be my next update and I'll. Give you kind of a full rundown of how I felt about the entire process of the hair. Extensions and then how to have them remove damage and all that stuff. This is just kind of an update so far. I completely love them completely. If it was within my means out happens the rest of my life, I'm just so comfortable with them, and you can totally just scratch your head. It'S everything that you think would be terrible about them isn't, and you can also get a special gray. I don't know if it's like a specific kind of brush and you can buy it from anywhere but great when it's do sell a brush, which I have that's like duo levels of bristles and I can go all the way through my hair, touching my scalp and Everything and it doesn't catch any of the bonds it's I just. I can't believe how easy they've been if I do half kind of desperately want to change my hair and have them removed and have it short dark right now, just because I'm like. Ah, it's been the same for so long just my personality, so this has been kind of it's been great, and sometimes I love it, and sometimes I'm like I just want to do something different take public before I have them taken out I'll put some crazy color In the bottom, just because I got to but other than that, that's it for this update. If you have any specific questions, if you want me to do kind of a Q & A about the extensions when they all come out, leave your questions below thanks for watching this long and rambling video. I hope it's been useful to some of you may be thinking about getting this kind of extension. I would highly highly recommend it yeah. I will see you guys in my next video. Ah

alexa4681: I'm really enjoying your hair updates, I'm going through something similar so it's lovely to see your progress, I'd love to see a current hair routine or a run through of the products you are using x

Lynne Meldrum: I am so jealous that your extensions have worked well! I had prebonded hair extensions last year and had 2-4 fall out every week!

Just me Margret: Love your hair ... with and without extensions. I put in hundreds and hundreds of extensions and all my clients love the bond extensions. Hugs

Emily Jones: you're hair is complete goals atm, love the colour and length on you! suits you so well <3

Alexa Loy Dent: It's been 3 months!? Already!? No way! Looking lovely Khila! :)

xpinkyperkyx: 3 months?! seriously that's gone so qickly!! loving your face in this too xx

Karlie McLamb: Your hair and your color looks great!!

Natalie Amethyst Malbon: you looked younger when you had extentions. it looks really good on you.

mishido13: These extensions are completely different to anything I've experienced and they look amazing. Once they are removed, can they be cleaned up and reapplied? If so, what is the cost of this (approximately)

chelsea bedford: Off subject I know but your eyebrows and makeup looks amazing xx

Cheryl86: So glad that you had such a positive experience with your hair extensions because it really did seem like you were at the end of your tether with your hair troubles. They have suited you so much and I think they look so natural! Can see you with darker/shorter hair and I think that would look fab too! Also, loving your make up in this video xx

Emma Ellis: Love your makeup here!! ❤️

Amanda Carney: I love your hair, the extensions were a great success. Any chance of a update on your Chanel bag, I'm really thinking of investing and would love to hear your thought now you've had it a while xx

dzozefina1: I am totally pro bonded extensions, had my hair bleached for 5yrs every 15 days and it caused damage, I chopped my hair got keratin extensions, and i had long ones down to my rear end with a lot of layers to blend, it was gorgeous, wore them total of 2 years and when I took them out my hair was not damaged at all...Now, I had them put 3 times, one set lasted me for around 7-8months, and not a single piece fell out...And for those 3 sets I payed about 600£...I live in a smaller country and my hairdresser who happens to be one of the best here is my godfather so I only paid for the actual hair he didn't charge putting them in/taking them out and doing corrections so I lucked out on the price, if you lived closer I would hook you up, they are expensive but worth it I have thin fine hair so having big thick long hair was pure joy I do miss them:))

Gemma: Your hair looked really cute when you pulled it back to show the short layer! I think you'd really suit a shorter haircut xx

Clare Scott: Great video. Nice to have updates. Would you have longer extensions put in if you had them done again?

Maya Land: You should have saw in extensions done. They are a lot cheaper and amazing! Love your videos ❤️

Carla Fricker: Love your make up, especially the lipstick Xx

Helz Belz: I actually think the short layers make it look like "the rachel" haircut! Also if you went darker you'd be able to have dark bonds which would be better for you

Emma: Visually from what I can see from your updates your hair is looking very nice! Are you washing your hair in separate parts, I have heard that some people just wash their normal hair and leave the extensions? Also completely random, but I've heard u say a couple times that you have worked at urban decay? or am I just going crazy lol, have u ever done a video about your experience working there? Again, your hair is looking amazing! Lovely video xx

Chrati: I really liked your make up on this video!!! Can u do a tutorial?

Marleen G.: The length of your hair also has something to do with the ease of caring for it. Shorter than shoulder and you have to style it a lot, longer than that... it gets easier.

Lea B: my hair is exactly like yours without the extensions the short broke peices I'm trying to grow out. I have to keep having my short pieces clipped back like you to hide the massive difference in length. I'm now using Tony and guy nourishing mask and my hair has transformed into shiny healthy hair and I'm actually noticing growth in my breakage. I'm getting itchy feet now for more blonde highlights and I just have to keep fighting the urge because I don't want anymore breakage and end up looking like rod Stewart. feel so angry with myself looking back at photos and seeing my lovely longish blonde hair and ruining it. I need hair rehab lol xx

Amberley King: Im growing out my bleached hair, recently put up progress pics on my instagram, feels like its not growing till i looked back on pics. im quiet lucky as my natural hair is pretty light anyway

xoxo xoxo: 2:59 you would look so cute with your hair this length!

Kayleigh Brook: Make up looks beautiful in this Hun xxx

Joules lui: £700 for that?????? they are not worth it!!! I'm sorry to say but it's true.

Waiting2soar13: That short bit on sides would bug me beyond belief! Honestly i say go for the crop and dont bleach it anymore and grow it healthy and fresh!

Rebecca Widnall: so we have established you can pull off any colour and almost any haircut (only cause u said not the pixie lol). your hair is looking really good now so glad its fixing itself though

Lulu Locks: Your're make up looks amazing and the lipstick you are wearing is amazing - what is it? :0)

Stephanie McDaniel: Wow £700 is crazy expensive! What on earth makes it so expensive? I had micro rings and they cost £300 and I thought that was a lot haha!

Louise Coates: this isn't a hair question but you have been wearing maybelline mystic mauve lipstick a lot recently , is it still available as I can't seem to find it anywhere in store or online? x

helen dean: I think you should go for a long pixie,I know it defeats the purpose of the extensions that you've had but you obviously enjoy experimenting with your hair and it would be something completely new to try. I went for the chop 2 years ago and really enjoyed the experience,I'm back to a bob now but I'm ready to lop it off again.

Sarah Milner: im getting these soon, i have very thin hair so i cant wait. were you not ale to get the extensions onto the short front parts of your hair?

jhudson721: It must be something to do with the quality of the extensions because mine were dreadful. It felt like horse hair and they fell out every time I brushed my hair. Would definitely not do it again as there is no way I could afford great lengths.

Amberley King: 3 months have gone so quick

itsggsparkle: I think you would really suit black with the purle tinge to it I think it would make your eyes pop xx

Erin H: I'm still thinking going to a good wig shop and trying on hair would be a good idea. You can change your look daily and not have to damage your hair. Maybe have a girl's day and jusat try on all the hair and giggle uncontrollably.

Emma Bennett: How many did u lose in total? I had the nano rings and I was loosing up to two a day just slid out got fed up had to have them taken out

Hayley Shaw: I have had these extensions for about 4 years now, however mine are glamorous lengths ones, Mine are dark red and I have the rusha range. However, in my opinion £700 is quite alot, what kind of hair is he using? I was quoted only 900 at Tatiana hair where all of the towie and celebs people get there hair done. I get mine done at a local salon and i pay £320 and thats mainly the cost of the hair, for the normal range of europeian hair she charges £180 but I prefer the rushia range then get it cut at another salon (the extention fitter is very very good but i like it cut by my family hairdresser) I know you say he is painting your bonds etc, but £700 is a huge mark up on the amount of hair he has put in.

gemma lanee: The extensions kind of look really matted and greasy tho?:/

Laura Tonner: Oooooh a pixi cut would be lovely (not that the extensions aren't lovely).xxx

Sam Wainwright: I totalling think if the extensions had layers you wouldn't notice that top section at much.

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