Hair Extensions For Thin Hair | My Experience, Plus Before And After

Today's video is all about my experience with hair extensions. I have naturally thin, fine hair and finally decided to try semi-permanent hair extensions.

I'm sharing the before and after, as well as some of the pros and cons of hair extensions.

If you have any questions about hair extensions, leave me a comment!

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Jackie Goldhar is the blogger behind Something About That: a Toronto fashion, beauty and lifestyle blog with a focus on personal style, fashion trends, beauty and more.

Hey guys, it's Jackie here from something about that and today I'm going to tell you all about my first experience with hair extensions. So I'm going to show you a bit of C before I'd be after and I'm going to also share some of my thoughts and kind of like first impressions about what I like about them and what I don't like about them so far. So here we go. Hey guys, so today is the day. I am super excited I'm going to the salon to get my extensions put in I'm excited, but I'm also nervous just because I've never had extensions before. So I'm not entirely sure what to expect with the application process as well as how it's really going to look. And if I'm going to feel them. Because my hairdresser did tell me that I will probably be aware of them for a little while. Just because you know there will be something else like in my head constantly um, but I just kind of wanted to show you what my hair looks like going in keep in mind. I actually got my color touched up two days ago now, so it's I haven't watched it. Oh, it's a little dirty, but I wanted to refrain from putting a ton of dry, shampoo and other products in it just so that she was working with like the real deal hair. I guess - and so I just have the roots they are dark. You know more like the ombre balayage or, however, you want to say it um and it's it's been it's just not not good I'll turn around and you could just see you know. I don't have a lot of hair. I mean it's, it's obvious, so um yeah. I mean, if you know I put it up small whole lot there. So that's basically, why I decided to do this so yeah I mean here goes nothing okay, so I'm in the car and parks and I'm ready to go in. I don't know where I'm looking at up the camera right there. So, let's do it hey guys just checking in I just got home from the hairdresser, and you can see that I know off a lot more hair than I did few hours ago, um so yeah. I mean I'm super excited, because this is crazy to me how much hair I have. I definitely think I need to wash and style it myself, just because you know when you get it at a hairdresser, they kind of like do it a little differently and also like my actual hair is dirty because it's been a few days since I've washed it. So I think what I'm going to do is kind of leave it this now and then I'll come check back and show you like. The real final result thing: it's been almost 24 hours since I got my extensions put in. I'Ve also had the chance to wash and dry my hair and style it myself. So I think I'm ready to kind of give you my feedback and kind of like the positive things and negative things so far about having extensions put into your hair. So I'll start off with the negatives, you know just kind of like a compliment sandwich. You know, I guess maybe no anyways so I mean I obviously really love all this hair, but there are a few things to keep in mind. First of all, it felt a little bit weird to sleep last night, so it was like you're kind of aware of it, and my hairdresser did warn me that the first night or two would be a little weird because you're not used to having like stuff in Your head so took me a little while fall asleep, and I was also just being like extra paranoid about the way that I kind of put my head and all of that stuff. I'M also kind of in that same line of thought is just I'm being extra. Careful with my hair, so you can't just like ravage through it with a comb or brush. You really do have to be careful, because otherwise you can just like rip them out. I think - and so you just kind of like, want to hold it and then like run the brush or the comb through it like that, so I think that will take getting used to as well. I just I'm not used to it. So it's just kind of like a little bit of a all right. I should probably do this um. The other thing is just like it's a little weird when you're washing your hair, because I'm used to like the full-on, like you know, lather it up, and I think you should be a little bit more careful. So I guess basically the overall negative is that you just have to take extra time and care when you're doing the basic care treatments to your hair and also because my hair is naturally so thin and fine. It usually takes all of like five minutes to blow-dry and file it five minutes, blow-dry, I'm in style um, but now there's all this extra hair. So I guess it's like a normal person, so it does take quite a bit longer to blow-dry as well as style, and this is just the way that it turned out the first time it's a little too curly for me, but obviously I'm not used to styling. So much hair and you know the first time you do anything even if it's like a new curling wand or something it's, it's never like a perfect process. So I think it'll get better because you know just practice makes perfect um and I guess, like the other negatives, which I'm not sure of yet is what is that going to do to my hair in the longer term. But my hairdresser did say that these are like pretty good she's been wearing them for a while, and it's not supposed to have like any really nasty effect. So I'm hoping she's right, because I can't really afford to lose like extra chunks of hair. But can anyone really but on to the positives? I do obviously really love having all his hair. I mean it's amazing um. It'S just I'm not used to it like it's crazy to me that this is on my head um. So it's going to be a lot more fun to style my hair, it's going to hopefully not need to be washed as much, maybe a little less on the dry shampoo, which would be nice, but I mean ultimately, the big positives, I think, will outweigh the negatives And obviously only time will tell, but I'm really excited about this anyways. That'S it for now. Thank you so much for watching and if you have any questions about hair extensions, if you are wondering anything else that I didn't cover, definitely leave me a comment and I will get back to you. Also, if you like what you see here, don't forget to subscribe and I will share more videos soon. So thanks so much for watching

Sarah Pope: Thank you for making this video. As someone with thin hair, it's hard to find someone online to compare my hair to. You are beautiful! I hope you post a hair update soon!!

Anything But Marzipan: Best of luck with the hair extensions!! What way are they attached?

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