Cold Fusion Hair Extensions Pros & Cons!

Thank you for watching my Cold Fusion Hair Extensions Pros & Cons video! I upload 3 times a week! I am a South West Vlogger and Blogger from Bath/Bristol.


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Eltoria x

Hi everyone welcome back to my channel today, I'm going to talk about the pros and cons of hair extensions. Now I've been wearing hair extensions for about a year now and I personally go for the cold fusion method. There are a few of the methods, but I'm going to talk about that later. I currently have about 75 grams of hair in my hair right now now my hair is actually the same length as my hair extensions, so I only have them for a bit of thickness. I just felt that my hair was feeling a little limp and a little fine. So that's why I personally went for them when making the decision to have hair extensions. I personally think that it's a very big decision. You need to be a hundred percent sure that you want to do it and that it's for you, I mean, I know some people jump into getting hair extensions, just like that. It took me years to decide so I want to go through the pros and cons with you and hopefully will help you in making a decision okay. Firstly, it is important to understand where the hair is coming from now. Some companies actually chemically treat the hair, which can end up being a little bit synthetic, but I just want to talk about this brand. It'S low fellows because they are amazing. Their hair is natural virgin hair, so it hasn't leaked chemically treated and also it is ethically source. Now just of how cute this box is it's so so cute now they do stop darker, so dark, bronze and black, and we're just look how cute this bag is. It'S so amazing and the hair just feels so natural. You can tell that it hasn't had any chemicals on it whatsoever. So before getting any hair extensions, just please ask where it's coming from and if it's been chemically treated I'll, leave a link down below to the website go and check out the curve there. Hair is so beautiful, okay. Firstly, I'm going to start with the positives now, like I said at the beginning, it gives you so much thicker, hair, now thick hair means more hair stylist, so I've been doing so much more braiding and I find myself just them following YouTube: videos and just trying Out new stars, I absolutely love doing that. So I guess you get more experimental, which is you know pretty good if you're like a hair fuse. Yes, like me, okay, the next positive is that it gives you so much more confidence. I don't know when I had finer limper hair. I just found that I was conscious that my hair was getting a little messy or my hair was falling out. So I just think that, having hair like this um, I just feel a bit more confident in my hair. In itself I mean I just know that my hair is gon na last evening and yeah I just I don't know it just gives you that extra smile and spring in your step, okay, your hair, naturally grows with your extensions. So it is amazing if you want to grow out your hair, so my bones start from about here and by the end of the five to six months. They end up up here. So it's been a quite a substantial grow. So if you have short hair that wan na get longer hair, then this is a really good method. I think that you know a lot of people end up just not having the extensions after so yeah. If you want to grow your hair, it is a good option. The cold fusion method that I personally go for is so so safe. Now this method uses keratin bombs, so your hair is predominately, make out keratin and what they do. They kind of pop it into your hair and then with like a rod. They then kind of like vibrate, on to the hair, I'm trying to show you in this clip. I got my hair done a few weeks ago and, as you can see, just can't pop it in my hand. Using this talk now the tall hardly uses any heat whatsoever. So it's really really safe. The keratin bonds themselves aren't made out blue, so they're, not gon na cause any damage. You have whatsoever when I first had cold fusion hair extensions put into my hair had about hundred grams and the day after. I certainly felt that I had an extra hundred grams into my hair, just felt a little heavy on my head, but when I had these 75 grams in I had no issues, I felt nothing. What so ever I absolutely love them so keratin and cold fusion. Hair extensions are really good for scouts or don't worry about that. There'S a lot of skeptical and you know stories. I'Ve heard that hair extensions can called alopecia and you know make all your hair fall out, but the thing is: if you get your hair done by a professional and with the correct method, then you're gon na have no issues whatsoever. You need to be careful on what you want to choose. First, that's like, I know, there's other variations. You'Ve got the micro bead and you've also got hot fusion, but personally cold fusion does no damage to her whatsoever. If anything, my natural hair is in a much better condition than what it was before. So I Kirsten love the coefficient method and just make sure that you choose the right one for you, another benefit of hair extensions that you can choose where you would like them. So some people just have them in on the size just to make their fronts. You know seem a bit further and they actually are having in the back my hair at the moment I actually have more at the front than the back, so I don't have too much in my hair, so you can choose exactly how you want it and a Lot of people ask me: can you still braid your hair? Can you put your hair in like two Dutch braids? Yes, I have no issues whatsoever when you do go and have your consultation, maybe just say that I like wearing my hair up and not I like, wearing my hair braids. Can you please pop them in the correct areas and they will know exactly where to put them a case of Kahn's hair extensions are very expensive. Now, personally, I rather pay for expense, because I want to know that my hair isn't going to be damaged. There are some people out there that you know aren't trained and they can cause damage to your hair because they may be attached the bunch too tightly to the hair, but just make sure that you choose someone. That is, you know, fairly priced and can do a good job of it, but I personally spend about oh gosh. If I get my hair dyed, cut and pepper in about 400 500 pounds and which is actually not bad in London, some stylist charge about 1500 pounds. So I can't complain too much if you ountry, tear extensions that they can get a little naughty and matters. So hair extensions are meant to last about five to six months, depending on how well you treat them now. The best way to do it is to use natural hair shampoo, so I personally use lush, so it has no sulfate in it and also using tangle teezer and gently brush than them at the root. Now, what I mean by Matty is that it's a good idea to separate the bones individually kind of almost everyday so that they don't kind of stick next to one other. It sounds really crazy, but people who do have hair extensions. You can hear me because you know what I'm on about so make sure that they care. You know you have for them make sure you do spend a bit of time on them, because you know some people actually end up getting dreadlocks in the hair, because they've mistreat them that much so do a short stylist on how to look after them. Another disadvantage is some time, as you can see at the bottom. So sometimes I have my hair up in life. Go to a messy bun. If someone be like. Ah, I can see a bond. This is gon na happen. I mean, if you you know, put your hair up in a bun or ponytail. Sometimes you can really hide them really really well, but you know you've got expect that the odd one or two may pop out so just be aware of that that sometimes your bonds will show sometimes and the bonds can fall out during the like five to six Months that you have your hair in now, the first that I had, I think about five bombs, dropped out. I'M not sure if it's, because I only applied a bit of conditioner to the root you're, not meant to apply any condition to the root of your hair. I'M not quite sure, but the seconds that I had nothing fell out and nothing's falling out of this set, as of yet so just be careful. Just make sure that you look after them well, but do expect some bonds to fall out. It kind of makes you hate your own hair. So when I have my hair taken out - and you know a fresh set put in, I kind of touched, my hair and I'm like where's all my hair gone, but I know for a fact looking at photos. My original hair looks so much more thicker and fuller and the same basically um. So it's just makes you hate your original hair. Will I ever as a you know, not have them. I think I'm kind of taking myself off them because the whole point for me having hair extensions, it's also to grow out my hair, but I just wanted my hair for a little thicker too. So I don't know I really like them. I love my hairstylist, so I don't know there we go guys. I really hope you enjoyed this video and let me know in the comments if you found it useful and if you are thinking about getting it hair extensions if you've got any questions to ask me, just drop them below I'll, be happy to answer your questions. Just the little shout out to my hair, stylist Courtney, Hamlin hair. She is incredible. She applies hair extensions so safely and she's. Just amazing. So I'll leave her business details down below. So you guys can go and check her out, but, as always guys, please make sure that you Nick like and subscribe and I'll see you next time for another video, goodbye, okay, the toothpaste. I hope it's pink, it's not good for the teeth. Is it doing this and I like gon na walk over there, we go a pair of tweezers right now dampen my toothbrush, because that's what everyone does right? Okay, oh my goodness!

Joshua: I do easilocks hair extensions in my salon and I think they're by far the least damaging extension method!

niamh walsh: Hey eltoria you were one of my inspirations on starting a YouTube channel and I'm so glad that you started a YouTube channel so thank you I watched you when you had 100 subs

*•.¸♡ Diana Winchester ♡¸.•*: Thank you for making this video. Cause my hair is very tangley (made that word up) and I really want to have long hair without the tangles.

Hello! It's vicky: This was really helpful! Thanks

Kayleigh Murphy: can you still put it in buns and ponytails?

Krystal Palafox: you deserve more subscribers

Laura Dove: Hey Eltoria! Where did get your top from? :)

Natalie Garrett: Hey! What is the lush shampoo which you use please? ☺️

Chloe Marie Stuart-Monteith: An fun video

Krystal Palafox: love the video

giana: I love this

ChloeJean: I love your channel

Sasha Bengisu: This isn’t cold fusion . This is keratin extension. The keratin is a glue and also pulled all my hair out

Eve22 Clark22: If you don't mind me asking where is your top from ?? Xox

Pink Truffles: How many bonds did you have in?

Rhia x: how long is your natural hair

TNToncourt: Sounds really common.

Lorraine Moore: do you live in the uk.

giana: Are you British??

Krystal Palafox: im so early btw

Krystal Palafox: it is 2:24 am here

maya sims: first

sarah miranda: 14th

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