Microlink Extensions On Natural Hair | Q&A, Pros & Con'S, Honest Review

Hello Loves ♡

TODAY I am reviewing and sharing my experience of the micro link installation process, maintenance, and all you need to know about them. Micro Links are extremely versatile and can be installed with the ability to achieve many styles! My favorite thing is that they are completely braidless and glue-less! I hope you enjoyed it and I answered all your questions if not drop them down in the comments.

Oh, hey guys welcome back to my channel, i'm gina pina, i'm back with another video and today i'm going to be talking about my hair and what's going on and how it is slayed to the goal shout out to my amazing cousin for the install that she Did on my hair um she's done them, she's done one install of the micro links and then she did a read titan for me for my birthday, because a week before my birthday, i had my son and i needed to feel like a bandage, because that's what I am i'm a bad and i wasn't feeling like a bad. I was feeling like a sad, so she had to get me right when i loved michelin sheffield me yeah good day. That did you do she had to get me right? So i just want to say shout out to her um. Over the last few months, i've had micro links. I'Ve had my growings, since one of my friends was teaching her sister, how to do them and she did them on my hair um. So i'm just coming to tell you guys the honest opinion on how i feel about them and i'm gon na be like all the other youtubers who be like hey guys. So i'm looking down because i made all the notes - and i just want to make sure i touch on all the points, so i will have my handy dandy phone and i will be looking at it, so i can make sure i hit all the points. So i don't miss anything so um i know super. I know. Micro links are super popular right now um, but i just want to let y'all know that i am not new to this. I'M true to this. I graduated high school in 2015 when i was a sophomore um 2012 through 2013. My cousin was doing micro links on me, so i'm an og to this, like i'm not into this, but i was pretty hesitant about getting micro links just because i am natural um. I try to straighten my hair, maybe like twice a year, maybe once typically i'll straighten my hair for my birthday, because you know if i'm not wearing a wig but um. You know in the colder months, like the natural girls look at a little silky is so pressed, but i have seen that microwaves are super popular, so i was like. Let me have fun, let me have a man, let me have fun. Okay - and here i am with this video - dropping all the tea for you - honey without further ado, let's jump in so micro links are a type of hair extension that is secured on the natural hair, with a silicone bead i'll insert a clip showing you guys, the Bead, so here i will show you guys what the products look like that are going to be used on your hair. If you do end up going with the service, what i'll be covering next is how much the service cost? What kind of hair do you use? How many bundles are needed and advising you to plan for tightenings and removals when you're thinking about getting micro links so um the service tip? Okay, so from what i've seen, the service typically cost about 300 to a thousand dollars. It is on the pricey side. It'S a little a little expensive, so you know you think about getting make sure you got the money for it because it is expensive, but it also really depends on the stylist and where you are located. Newer stylists, who are new to this, are going to charge cheaper than a vet. You know a vet is going to charge you the vetted price, so be mindful of that. When people say micro links, sometimes they're, either talking about um, braidless, sew-ins or they're. Talking about eye tip extensions eye, tip extensions are still applied to the hair with a silicone bead, but instead of having a track. It is a single piece of hair um, that's not a single piece of hair, but it multiple strands of hair. That'S kind of it's like a tip and it's like squished together and then so into the silicone bead. They clamp it down. So it's causing it to be bonded to your hair through the silicone bead eye tips are more expensive. Pricing also depends on whether your micro links are the braidless with the track or if they are the eye tip with the strands of hair, what type of hair should you use? I recommend using good hair. Okay, i do because you can use synthetic hair. You can use virgin hair raw hair um. I do not recommend using synthetic hair. I have used synthetic hair when i was in high school. I wasn't as hip to this this virgin hair raw hair. As i am now um and you guys are high school with your little pockets. You know pockets don't be pocketing. I do not recommend synthetic hair for this, for the amount that you're going to pay for your install. It'S an investment hair is an investment and you do not want to invest so much money in an install for your synthetic hair to be synthetic ink, and we know what that means by syntheticking. But if you don't know what it means tangling matte up together, we don't want that. We want it to be to be silky to be to be jumping, jumping jumping jumping. So i don't recommend this synthetic hair. Um there's two bundles that have been put in my hair and some people when installing the micro links they like to put a row so pretty much, they leave out your perimeter, so you can put it up in a ponytail if you want to and then what They do so, they take out a layer, they make a layer with the silicone bead, so it'll be b, b b b bead and then they'll either put that um track or the eye tips and they sew it through and then what they do. They'Ll leave uh, um, they'll, leave, hair out and then put beads and then leave hair out. Some people do not leave hair in between. They will beat up your whole hair, which will allow your hair to be fuller and allow you to put more bundles in your hair. I believe how my cousin does it is. She leaves out the perimeter she puts some beads, she leaves some hair out. She puts more beads to leave some hair out like that and whatever floats your stylus is both, but i feel like these are good questions to ask, because you don't want to most of the time with this um hairstyle, your stylist will recommend doing a consultation to Just go over some of this basic stuff, so you know if your stylist does not go over. I wouldn't necessarily say that's a red flag but um. You know how sometimes the flags wave and we don't see the flags waving. So if your stylist doesn't bring it up, then i would most definitely ask questions, especially if you're looking at instagram different photos, and you see that their work is good. Let'S not just shoot them down, let's not shoot them shoot them down. Let'S you know try to engage in conversation. You know yeah. This install requires you to get it tightened up. If you plan on wearing it - and i have seen different people say different things about how long you should wait to come in for a free, titan um. Some people say you should come in within like two to three weeks, so i i feel like just checking with your stylist, to see what they recommend you do. That'S that's what i would say check in with your stylist. Checking with your stylist usually consists of a good shampoo and a silk press and the tight name so think about removal, cost and inquiring to see how much will it be to remove it? This is not a install that you are going to be cutting the wefts out your hair um, and if you do do that, you're still going to have silicone beads in your hair, and i do not recommend you pulling out the bead yourself because you are going To damage your hair - and, i repeat, you are going to damage your hair and we don't want to be walking around looking like cynthia. We do not want that. So make sure you're thinking about the removal when you are thinking about getting this install, because it's not for the week or the week and you're not going to take it out. You need your stylist, a professional to take it out for you to ensure that they're opening that bead back up and you're not just sliding the clamp to be down the hair strand. Um some beads do get loose and they do that on their own. But you do not want a clamped bead to just slide down your hair because more than likely it's going to pull out your hair i've been there. I'Ve done that. You know the more. You know the more you grow yeah. Ah, so i don't do that anymore. I don't do that, we don't we don't do that. We don't do that. So don't do that! Okay! Don'T do that? Don'T don't do that. How long does it last uh i'm going to give my cousin a ring, a ding and see we can actually call her right now if she'll answer, because she's a busy woman she is busy about. How often do you say that they alive okay, so between the six to eight weeks, would you say um between three to four weeks? That'S when you would need it re-tightened, okay, i said all right. Thank you. That'S all! I just wanted to make sure i was giving the people the right. Would information y'all heard the woman speak y'all heard my big cousin speak next question. The next question is: does the install hurt - and i will say no, it doesn't hurt when the beads are getting clamped on. It does feel uncomfortable, but not in the sense of it hurts as far as getting a full sew-in um or a partial sew-in. With your hair braided, i wasn't tenderheaded when i was younger, but i'm tenderheaded. Now i don't like people playing in my hair. I don't like sitting mad long to get a sew-in done. I don't like it, it hurts it's uncomfortable. I don't um. I don't like that. I don't like it, but i can tolerate this because it's just like. Sometimes it feels like a minor pinch and then it's done um. I will say that once your full head is done, you might have that new hair feeling, but it's not like where i would go and get my hair braided um down for a sewing and i feel like i need to pop a pill for some pain to Pop a pain pill, i don't feel like that, so it doesn't hurt when the beads do get clamped um. It does feel a little uncomfortable sometimes, but it to me is not really noticeable, but you know for the tender headed corals or jewels, it might okay. So my cousin said that, typically before getting a um before getting them taken out, you would need to get them re-tightened between two to three weeks. However long you typically wash your hair, that's what you'll do a lot of times i'll go like a month out before washing my hair, sometimes especially like i was pregnant um. Now i got a newborn, but she just come over and she does my hair um. So aftercare at home. Personally, i haven't washed my microwaves at home. I call it my big cousin and she washes it and she re-tightens it for me. You can wash them at home yourself. There are some tips in regards to washing them at home. Make sure that you are gentle gentle gentle gentle. Make sure that you are chin. Make sure that you are gentle very gentle um and not wearing your hair down with product, because weighing your hair down with product is going to make them slip out. Make sure that you're, using a shampoo that doesn't have sulfates, parabens oils or silicone um, do not use conditioner at the root, because conditioner has oil and oil is going to cause premature, slipping of the little silicone beads um? And we don't want that. We don't want anything premature. We want it silver on okay, um when it's time to blow dry, your hair, a tip, make sure you blow dry your roots first, because when your hair is wet it it okay. So when your hair is wet, it will make the beads more susceptible to slipping so go through and make sure that you dry your roots. First, that way it's dry don't have to worry about the slipping. Okay, when you're washing your hair, you might notice a bead or two slip out. Sometimes that happens. It'S normal! Don'T trip, don't freak, it's not good! It'S not good in the hood! So don't worry about that. We'Ll demonstrate how to comb and how to brush your hair. Typically, the process that i would recommend is a a wide tooth comb, a wide tooth comb. We always start from the ends and work ourselves up even with natural hair and to roots and we're not even going to supposed to go all the way to the roots. Me i go to the roots, but you don't go to the roots. You do, as i say, don't do as i do. That'S that's what we tell the kids, you have this the wig brush. Typically, they say: don't use the ones with the balls at the end, but i use the ones with the balls at the end and then same process. We go from ends to roots and they also say don't get too close up to the roots, because you don't want to cause the premature slipping by pulling it through and if you think about it, it's true because you're doing all what is you're doing. All of this, and then it could cause you, your um beads to start slipping. Then we gon na go in with this brush. This brush is to lay it. Okay, lay it in slate and i'm gon na shake my hair up a little bit, get a little wild for you. Okay, we're gon na do like that. Okay, you don't want to do like that. Get in here. Okay, we're gon na look a little crazy. Don'T look a little crazy, don't look a little crazy! Okay! Don'T go crazy, so i usually put it to the side like that i'll go through hold it go through hold it like that. Do like that, and then do the other side like this okay, going through going through like that, okay, i will take this brush. Go through hold it go through, i feel like holding. It, helps to not be pulling it then. I do like that. Yes, yes, go up like that, like that, then i come in the bag get the little the little kinky binky and then we go on to this side. We do like that. Do you like that do like that? I have not eaten today, y'all, i'm so hungry and i need to eat. I need to drink some water too. I ain't been living right, haven't been drinking, my water eat my food and i don't want to lose the little weight that i gained from my baby, because i want to be, i want all of it, then i go in with this one and you know make Sure that the track's not showing and make sure that you know i brush the little edges. Yes, yes, do like that brush the little edges make sure that i get a good. You know do a little shine shine. Let me show you guys how i wrap my hair. I rub my hair using the wig brush um using this brush. I use a hair, wrap, a scarf and a bonnet or if you don't want to use a scarf, you can use the hair wrap in the bonnet and i will show you guys what i do so i come wow now we're on the pros and the cons. I'M going to start with the cons because we always start with the worst and then we work ourselves up to the best. So the cons is it's expensive. I cover that. It'S expensive got ta. Have this money? You got ta pay to play, play okay! You got ta pay to play. Another con for me is that my hair has to get so pressed while doing this, and for me as a natural girl. That means no water, no sweating, it can frizz and it can puff up. So that's the con for me because you know i think this install for natural girls is better in the winter time, because you're not worried about the heat and sweating. If you work out, probably not the best option for you, but you can still have them. It'S not suitable for short hair um from what i have seen. It'S not suitable for short hair, and i will um get a reason why and insert it somewhere on this screen here: okay, um, it's not a protective style. All of your hair is left out. It'S not protective. Your hair is prone to heat damage um. If you're not getting them tightened, they can get matted at the beads. It'S not a protective style um. You can make sure that you're maintaining it. So you can keep up the healthy hair but they're. You know it's not a protective style, so there are some wrists okay. Another con for me is that the stylist has to remove it um, because when i want it out, i want it out right, meow, i'm on it all out, and i sometimes when i get in those moods i'd like to get to clip and get to cutting And start taking stuff out and the beads still being in your hair. That can be a little frustrating because you have to plan for that and sometimes when i want it out now, i want it out meow um, so that's the cons. The pros are very versatile. You can put your hair in a bun. You just have to make sure that there you have enough edges um to do that, because if your edges are thin, mine are thin um. You will see you'll see it. Okay you'll see the links, but i don't. I didn't want like too too much left out um. I don't really wear my hair up like that and when i do i'm usually in the house, but if you're wanting to get the most versatile look to be able to put your hair up in a bun. Make sure that you tell your stylist that you want. The hair um, you want to be able to put your hair up and they need to make sure to leave enough leave out, and sometimes they don't, even when you tell them. So you need to make sure that you are advocating for yourself and letting them know that you want you need it to be enough and if it doesn't look like enough to them to you, tell them to put more um. That'S if you kind of know, if you don't know, then you just don't go with the flow but see like over there. This side is a little fuller, i think um, but even then, like you can kind of try to. I don't know if i'll do this right on camera, because i can't see myself, i don't have that kind of camera um, but if sometimes you know, if you comb it the right way, i don't know if i'm coming in the right way right now, but if You kind of comment right then you know you can try to hide them. Um i haven't had my hair um straightened, for i got it tightened two weeks ago. Um. So you know, starting to kink up a little bit, especially the roots over here are starting to kink up and then in the back. But you know if you're not all up in my head, you wouldn't probably even notice too much the links if you're not all up in my hair um. I would just need to kind of press and put this up over here. I don't even know what it looks like in the back, but you know you can do a little ponytail um. I oftentimes like to wear my hair to the side. Um, that's another thing, just making sure if you want a side part make sure you're telling your stylist that you want a side part some stylists do not recommend you doing multiple parts like that, but have that discussion with your stylist? If that's what you want, that's what you want and then also they take into consideration the condition of your hair. So have that conversation with your stylist, like i usually wear my hair in the middle part um, but i do have some space that if i go through and part it, then i can wear my hair in a middle part. You know the girls will be girling and looking good honey. Okay, it's a quick install for me um, the longest portion of it is the washing the blow drying and the flat ironing um those take the longest in my opinion and then once they're, going through with the beads and putting the tracks in and you out the Ballpark um, so for me it's a quick install in my opinion. I would prefer to sit through this than sit through a regular sew-in. It'S a super natural look. Okay, yeah edge is out no lace no case. Another one of the pros is that the install is pretty flat. If you can see that flat flat flat flat flat super flat, it doesn't hurt, it doesn't give me headaches after i have it done, because those headaches are a super killer. They'D be killing the mood killing the lime, and i don't like that so yeah, um and then another thing is, you can um have variety of textures with it, especially if you are using virgin hair, you can have the natural textures and then you can also color It to try to like best match your hair um. I feel like in that, like my hair blends, it's not exactly the same color um i didn't use enough like violet or like this fuchsia kind of color inside of the extensions um. Now i can give you guys my honest opinion, so i love micro links. I really do i like how versatile it is um, where i can put my hair up. You know and when i'm in the house and walking around, i love how natural it looks. I love how natural looks um i don't have to um. I don't have to do anything when i wake up really just unwrap my hair. I don't have to put my cap on. I just go. I go okay, it's super convenient for me as a busy mom. Just being able to wake up with my hair done, and it makes me feel pretty like having my hair done not having to do anything when i wake up like it's amazing, my hair also does really well with so presses. I don't sweat um, i'm pretty lazy. Low movement. Don'T do too much. I also like that. I was able to color the hair extensions instead of like buying them like already colored, because i feel like it's easier to match your hair color when you can color it with the same hair dye. I, like that um, it's a fast and soft, my cousin does it pretty fast. So i love my micro links. I really do i just love how natural looks also um and i do feel like i'm that girl honey. I feel like i'm that girl so yeah guys. I love it. I love it. I love it. I just want to say thank you guys so much for watching this video. Let me know if you guys have any questions and i look forward to seeing you guys next video bye love. You

mxgickm: Ms. Gina out here teaching the kids Your hair looks gorgeous!!


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